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PAGE EIGHT LISTER GIVEN • BIG OVATION With brass band, red fire and lots of cheering, an automobile parade landed Saturday evening In front of the home of Ernest Lister, governor-elect of Wash ington. With gorgeous bursts of fed fire, the next governor, his Wife and son, were met an they emerged from their home, and the parade then started over the city, winding up at the totem pole, where Lister was called up on for a speech. Mr. Lister was happy and en thusiastic over the way his frloiids had gone down the line for him In the campaign. Hut he also called attention to the fact that Seattle h«d thrown the old Idea of tho "Seattle spirit" into the bay and had loomed up with ©ver 7,000 plurality for him, and he thought this augured a new •ra when Seattle anil Tuconia ■ball cease to quarrel and both Set In and work to make this the great state her natural ad vantages proclaim possible. VIOLATED NO LAW Because Dr. Nena Jolidon Croake stood in the polling place and listened to the counting of the votes in her precinct and Will Reed took the place of a tally man who w«nt home sick so the count might go on, critics Inti mated that the seats of both would be contested. The candi dates Insist they violated no law, and there will be no contest prob able, as no court would ever throw the candidates out on any such charges. HAYS HAIR, HEALTH 3 Restores color to grey or faded hair; Cleanses, cools i end invigorates the Scalp. 3 Removes Dandruff-there by giving the hair a chance to grow in a healthy natural < way and stopping its falling out. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Is not a dye. | .00 and 50c it Drag Stores or direct tipoo. receipt of price and dealer's name. Bead 10c far trial bottle. — Philo Har 1 Specialties Co.. Newark, N J., U. S. A. KEEPS YOU LOOKING YOUNG! I nit MALM AMI l(i.< o m. »i.- ID in VlltliKH 1111 11. i <(. Merchant's Delivery Moving and Storage Main 108. Piano Advice of the Right Kind You Cannot Afford Not to Consult Us About Your Piano Purchase—We Know a Lot About Pianos. Tacoma's home-owned piano store has forged ahead rapidly wtm9m?fw**z**f*p**'*~ mT^***—*~——**-f*a because of its unwavering and ti> I lm(<'ils'"K efforts to reduce the ■ -*;.j. ■2i^^^2Sf^jsi ("'st "' Hl'lli "*r' which in turn l^^^iifl 9rra :il:l> time maintain the hlgh '-I jiiiHKiiiio fjuiiiit >-. HRSb^S §§J2|liia§sii! '' know pianos. [lave made |jjl » the business a study, not alone '" >silßs23r^pißc^^« '■'•»*? t f""" "'" standpoint of com- B finHivwr^'l*'"^''J merclal value of the different M V^aaa^S3bftt\L >' f ! makes, but as to the artistic ■ fl-Scx tl^jH. xk*' I*"" f* • excellence of the piano—lts )-?f * iHHrft |55* ft^ llS£^ ? ■ tone, touch and durability. rji B3«^SAv^HS^«J|2JL^ra | Aside from our being iiblo to !f3ESBrS*fdBMT^2«X^ ! ! Kave >"" a considerable sum on '*VjMßh lil_jaSj^>tf^Fa 1 "'" urlce °' ft Klven grade of B IJr^ESlTlßliHl^lllS' -Si inatrutu*nt> we can give you £5 ffif**49 ""' l>t>Bt POBBlt>le advice as to what make of pljino will be F~ aMnC^I '1 '"'st' a<':|l'te<l to your needs. i g^HHhlpWpß l^Sflfiijjy Thf> proprietor of this store is g^g^^g^SßttaiiSßßiiltffcf^ffiH •' Tacoma resident. Our lnter- Parawl BtN^T^ <sts ar'' '"'"'■ '""' we ''"'' l)er" /j^l H(>lla"y interested In ever) cus- "*■ and Records P|>.: Sound proof Victor parlorß, % adjacent to entrance on C .''.t. P^^**" mp^_ , *»*JJb Vl'-trnlas— all styles, ranging h^^fft^j—— - -•■ " ■*" from $15 to $250. Kecords iBMBMy^feiiBa^Sy^PMWWBBMJBfcJ 60c up. XXI) SKAL Records iTßa3H&&ii£&?'!L2*%*'i!.£&('**#?a>**~.i f>t at $1 up. Your patronage bo ;- • - licited for our VICTOR depart , __, - _. ' , ' merit * All stock strictly new ; Where Dependable and up-to-date. \l PIANOS ■ Are Sold at : I Easy Terms of Pay- 1 Reasonable Prices ment When Desired. v 1115; il-fa—-» atA'^A ** .f Between _C— aflpg^Pt^S^^ -rthe- \ Street *J'B*it*- %ako ibr n»Mon^' . Cables Turn to the BJUB Want Ads { YOU'LL FIND IT HERE '.•••'•'= *•■ ■♦■ <y *.•■■•,< *•• ■•■ *$' ■'/ '•> •&■ <*> <$> <?> •$> All cases of street lights •':■■ ■$> going out should be report- # • ed to Main 117, where the <$► ■•> matter will be taken up and # ■»• fixed by the light men if It • ♦' is « local trouble. <$> $> <?> <?<3><s><£^.s><S><g.<g>i?><s><3><j>.s..S><3> Justice Frank H. Graham, who Is to be replaced by a progres sive party man, has suggested a night justice court for Taconia. LOS AXGKLKS, Nov. II. —On their way to San Francisco to se lect a site for the Hrazilian build ing at the l'anama-I'acifie exposi tion in 11* 15, a party of Hrazilian notables are here today. SAN FK A.NCI SCO, Nov. 11.— Ah a result of a street car colli sion, ten iversons are suffering from injuries here today. Two are in a serious condition. Suspected of being the men who robbed W. B. Gates of $41.60 in Taroma Friday night, two ne groes have been arrested in Se attle, according to a message re ceived by ('apt. of Detectives Fitz gerald. Charged with Impersonating an officer and carrying concealed woaponß, S. Stilanos was arrest ed last night by Patrolman Angus Me was released from jail on $2f> bail. Assaulted and robbod, Harry Lot, aged about 30, was picked up from the curbing in front of 1610 South I St. Tuesday uncon scious and was unable to tell what was the trouble until yes terday. Stating that his wife had de manded $2.) a month spending money, John M. Webster, proprie tor of a local rooming-house, filed a cross-complaint Saturday and asked that suit for divorce be denied. More dividend increases by cop per mines are due for the year 1912 than any time since the metal sold above 25 cents. Since Jan. 1 fifteen companies have in creased their rates, while two new ones have started. Father Knoipp'H Malt Coffee. Duenwald'H, ai:t 11 lit. Mat C. "Advertisement." The Tacoma theater will be re paired and remodeled by Con tractor O. F. Larson. Mrs. Ilattie H. Manning has had plans made for a fine residence to bo built at 814 East 66th at. There Is $2,052,546 In the state cisti box. M. O. Kphler, Kittitan county, Is raising double- jointed peanuts on his ranch. Judge Main of Seattle defeated Judge Black of Everett for the supreme court vacancy by over 11,000. * W. J. Murphy, Taconia con tractor, wins his suit in supreme court against the city of Cemra lia which must pay him $53,020 for stre«4 paving. King county attorneys will banquet Ucorge W. Sampson, who, by a clever sticker cam paign, got himself elected judge "for two months, but the judges all refuse to give him a seat and he will go to court to get It. J. T. Chilherg, who headed the Alaska-Yukon exposition at Se attle, says Wasington should put up at. least $500,000 for the Frisco show. Five hundred cooks In a kettle 18 feet across will cook 50 bush els of apples at a time and bake 2250 pies an hour on an end loss belt running through an oven to give to every visitor at me Spokane apple show which open ed today. Airtight heaters, $1.50 and up. Kwing Hardware Co., 1111 C Bt. Main 7750. ''Advertisement." When an officer went to the room of Allen P. Eldred, book keeper for Dexter Horton bank at Seattle to arrest him for a shortage of $400 in his accounts, Kldrftd coolly took a dose of poison and was dead in a few minutes. All defeated candidates at Spokane will hold a banquet. Senator Poindexter has given notice to republicans they need not count on his vote in the U. S. senate for any caucus scheme. Argonaut Hotel, 1007 Inc. ay. ('life and grill in connection, •' A il ienmnnr " J. A. Johnson, head logger, was killed by a falling tree In Grays Harber logging camp. Mrs. Sadie Templeton, Tacoma, involved In a shooting affray last summer, married Frank J. McDonald of the American Thea ter Stock company at Spokane. F. E. McFiidden of Richmond, Va., supreme regent of the Royal Arcanum, with his wife, is in the city, and will lie given a recep tion this evening when many members from surrounding cities will be hero. Ladies' Guild of Bethany Pres byterian church will hold an all day meeting in the church p«r lors Wednesday. "If you want pure pork sausage, ask for Diamond T. C. Brand. All first-cUiss markets handle them. Made by the Carstens Packing Company." "Advertisement." Judge Card denied a new trial to the Howell-Hill Lumher com pany in the suit recently decided against it Id favor of the Tacoma Eastern railway. Supreme court reversed the Pierce county superior court In the case of L, G. Raynor and wife against the T. R. & P. company and has taxe.d the costs on the plaintiffs. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 11.—It is reported here that J. A. Wy land, owner of the Appeal to Reason, the socialist paper with over 1,000,0n0 circulation, snot and killed himself at his home at Girard, Kans. Key. H. H. MrOinnls, who re sided in .lajinn 11 years, told the youn^ men at the Y. M. C. a. yesterday afternoon of the inter esting customs or the Japanese in a half hour talk. The kind of license required for peddling fiah would depend on where you sell them, In the city, county, or throughout the state. Inquire at the license bu reau, city hall, or at the court house for county license. PAPE'S! BREAKS A GOLD AT ONCE Wrist How of Pup,-'* Cold com pound ends all grippe misery You can surely end Grippe and break up the most severe cold either in head, cheat, back, stom ach or limbs, by taking a dose of Pape's Cold Compound every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken. It promptly relieves the most miserable . headache, - dullness, head and nose stuffed up, fever ishness, sneezing, - ■ Bore throat, mucous catarrbal discharge*, run ning of the | none, soreness, stiff ness and rheumatic twinges. Take this wonderful Compound as ' directed, without Interference with your usual duties and with the knowledge that there is noth ing else in the world, which will cure your cold or end Grippe mis ery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad i after-ef fects ias i a ■; 2 5-cent '*, package * or Pape's Cold \ Compound,", which any : druggist , can supply—accept no t substiute—; no **; quin ine—-belongs £t» la U «rery S homo. Tastes uic* THE TACOMA TIMES. The Florence Nightingale Of the Big Balkan War Mine. IMKii IVrrii N. Tamlioriiski, a rich SiTviiui lady who has given her imlatial home and all her money to the Ked Cross, on her way to the front at I'ogerizvotz, where she took charge of the hos pituls. m\ SWIFTEST GENERAL SINCE NAPOLEON «.'-n. Michel Siivoff, roniiiiniiili-r-in-rliii-f of the Bulgarian army, who, in less than two weeks after Bulgaria had declared war on Turkey, had twice defeated the nearest Turkish army in pitched hat lles, nn<l had utterly routed a MCOad uriny of 150,0(M> men which was i><K'kinu up the first. CROWN PRINCE ON THE JOB CROWN PRINOE CONSTANTINE OF GREECE REVIEWING HIST TROOPS AS THEY MARCH OFF TO WAR. <$> The constant rains with the warm winds yesterday <& I brought an extra supply of water down the mountains, and <4 <3> the Puyallup got on a rampage yeaterday. It went up six «• ♦ feet higher than usual, and th c tldeflata in this city were <?■ ♦ flooded. No damage la reported yet. 4> ♦ • ♦ ———"TACOMA'S BARGAIN CENTER" ——— McCormack Bros. > *■-■ -/- *'■. ~ ■ .... V . jf& JSSP Sale of Men's RAINCOATS Tomorrow we will place on sale about 200 Men's English Slip-ons in olive and tan colors, all sizes, guaranteed to be waterproof: $12.50 and $15.00 <t»O £f| *tPL Coats for .... V^O.%J\J TsMfflj^ $15.00 and $17.50 <J>l O CnYf^Wfcl' Coats for .... * 1 M W.K Men's (ti C OA,^^H^ Overcoats for . . «P A w«vv fflOTTjffHi The materials are all new, come in ftf M iHJ| brown and gray diagonals with jj .: I || |l\ belted back <£ ICAH II ■ !i ill Special at . . . .$ 1 O.KJK) [Mj|[|P Headquarters for Workingmen's Pants r A Few Specials From Our $1.00 Women's Petticoats 79c Women's Suit Dept. A regular clean up. In this lot you will find Wnmon'i! Qamnla Suit* at <tIQOR dull finish sateen, cotton taffeta and percatins ak » m w bam %™ i Ult a S ,at *m Tnr made with 11-lnch flounce, trimmed with 12 About 90 Women Sample Suits most of pm stUche9 extra underlaid with dust them .plain tailored style, the 32 In. Jacket, ruffle. A good i "f n Princess skirt. .Come in blue, black and dark $1.00 value for . IjC brown storm serge, a few fancy suits in " * grays and browns, many Norfolks included. Wnnww'a Paraonl Pnato tI4RR Every garment hand . CM Q QO Women S UaraCUl CoatS $14.65 tailored. Special $ I vi 3o A new shipment just received, cut full length Choice of any Mackinaw Coat In CC DO $20.00 value <M/I CC the house *OiJO now $1 4.03 House Dresses BBJHBL. For the Working Man Made of fine percales, all sizes, JbBHBB 8C Heavy Blue Riveted Over" neatly made, all colors QQ r U MM Stylo '' 75 and designs. Special.. UOC giBWM«g ** ••'^' Ftani' •• • "iS ifl^Hßt^B^Hf $1.00 Dlue Flannel 7C . MB HS Shirts lOC Wash Dresses H^^H^^H 75c Heavy Leather AEn ■■■I B Work Gloves *t*H* Girls' Heavy Wash Dresses, f^KB |H| ■ $3.50 AM Wo°l Khaki CO Kfl made of fine quality gingham, EhH Shirts, tomorrow.... tpZiOU come in plain colors and neat |P^| Mh B^ 25c Sateen ICn plaid effects: sizes 8 to QQ I E Oversleeves IOC 14 years. Special JOb m V r 50c Pipes, all styles' and AC_ __^■> fi sizes .... tub Sweater Coats Music on the . 6pkgg^7 «*~" ■ Women's All Wool Norfolk Balcony Durham Z3G Sweater Coats. Comes In car- You're missing a lot 1 large can /LRf* dinal; made with the high roll of fun by not buying Union Leader ......... tUl* collar; A $7.00 . OC QC a "Vlctrola" on our 6 pkgs. Union • - 9R* value. Special «pUi3U easy payment plan. En- Leader .... CO It _^^___^^_____^^_^^_ Joy It while you pay for $2.00 heavy and medium —^^—— It. A fine list of the weight Flannel Shirts, »4 Crt - Millinery Sale choicest music to select all colors yl iwU from. Come In and 15c Canvass Gloves, ORf* A manufacturer's clean up sale enjoy yourself on the 3 for .......... .' £«Ju of Women's Trimmed Hats, all balcony. v Vlctrolas 25c Leather Palm . 1 Q|« styles and colors ;regular val- from — • Canvas Glovea .....".. 1 3l» ues up to $8.50. CO QQ $15 <<• $200 $300 Corduroy ?O1 AC Special m Shirts I •tO Specials In Grocery Department * - This Is the Busy Department—Shop Early - V Corn —Silver Drop Peacock Flour, makes the 11 pounds Sweet ' 0K«» Corn meal, 10 Ofl*» good white bread. •< IE Potatoes ........... tub pounds for ......... ZUu - Special, sack «J» I• I J 1 Ib. Ginger Snaps, 1 fl* Flour — 10-lb sacks Graham Pride of Erin Coffee, a Ta- right from the oven.. lOb Flour. Per - 9R« coma household ORn 2 pounds Brazile OE« sack i' J v word. Pound for .....£ OO Nuts .... .... ..... L%i\t Ten-pound sack Whole S 1-2 pounds fancy OC#« / 8 quarts Peanuts ' 1O« Wheat Flour. OK#» Head Rice 4.U0 : for .............. lUb Sack £Ub 18 pounds Sugar •< flfl 2 pounds Imperial Creamery Ten-pound sack Rye nC. for •••• ... 9IIIIU —Nothing RK|» Flour ...' tmult ■ 1 pound Cream Crackers; better ■.. ....".; QUO Fancy small White OC« nothing like . , 19 1 Full Cream Cheese, 9f|#» Beam, 4 1-2 lbs. .... Lull 'em ........ .:... I tab pound ........... r.tUU IMk PACIFIC AVENUE AND COMMERCE AT 15™ ST. to eat