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PAGE FOUR. nnn or TUB scripps NORTHWEST LJCAUUU OK NRWSrAPKns. Telea-raakl* Nrwl Irrrlc* of tk* I ullrd Prr H AMcliUn k/ direct I tMll Wire. !H»««ri« at tar ■ pmtof fl«v Tironi, Wn.h., ■• ■■«■■< cUm niillrr. 1-uhlUbrd hj la* I'iiniiM Ttaaca Pub. to. Httrr Kvtallg Ki»pt »mm4*r. Gossip is a sort of smoke that comes from the dirty tobacco pipes of those who diffuse it; it proves nothing but the bad taste of the smoker.— George Eliot THE MUNICIPAL DOCK Then is good argument for the advocates of municipal ownership in the annual report of DocKmatter Hall in which he shows a profit to the city of Taeoma on her municipally operated wharves of over $1,000 a month, or to be exact, $12,289.70 in the year of 1<)12. Enemies of municipal ownership, when the dock fight was being waged by this piper, scouted the idea that a municipal wharf could pa}'. Municipal water plants might do it, was stated, but a municipal dock never! And now comes Hall with his annual report and shows that the city is coining money at the rate of over $33 a day in h n? very limited wharves. Had the city commissioners at the time oi securing the dock property been as optimistic as they should have been they would have taken all the property north of the bridge to the turn in the channel, and had this been done the municipal dock would have made a showing that "would have been an eye opener. Because of the lack of facilities at this point the city has lost thousands of dollars it should, and would, have had, had it owned this addi tional waterfront. ! Mayoi* Seymour, and in fact all the commission, are favorable to tlie city securing this yet. If it has this additional land it would then he in a po sition to handle all the mosquito fleet on the sound and sonic occau business in the bargain. And the Northern Pacific has signified a willingness to sell to the city if it desires the additional space. But while the figures on the municipal docks are encouraging they do not begin to tell the advantage the now arrangement has been to the city. Be sides putting extra boats on from Tacoma and building up a great business it has helped the citizen get in an occasional blow on the food trust and reduce the cost of living. Last summer was the first summer that the strawberries from the island country came to Tacoma. Result—Taconia got strawberries several cents a box lower than for years. When the city gets its municipal cold storage plant in connection with the municipal dock it will add much to the revenues, it is believed, and will also have a tendency to give another blow to the high cost of living. The success of the city with the municipal dock will probably encourage the people to do more things for themselves. WHY NOT MEMORIAL HALL? Mayor Seymour, in the council yesterday, protested against the city try ing to get a pioneer arch as desired by Ezra Meeker. Commissioner A. U. Mills last ni^ht at the pure food show, said the thing Tacoma needs is a big auditorium. , Why not combine the objection of the mayor, the desire of Meeker and the need suggested by Mills into one scheme and build a great memorial hall in Taeoma to the pioneers who blazed the way to this new and glorious state ? A memorial arch, according to the mayor, cannot be secured for less than a couple of hundred thousand dollars—that is, one suitable for a city of the. beauty of Tacoma. This city certainly does not want any little one-horse arch looking like the entrance to a county fair ground. A memorial hall would be a lasting monument to the pioneers. It could be fitted up on the inside with relief work showing the various incidents of early history and. with tablets to commemorate the names and deeds of the heroes who fought the fight necessary to establish civilization here. And it could Ik* made a feature of architectural beauty as well as of practical utility. A pioneer hall open to the people on such low terms that they could all use it for the various assemblies in Tacoma would perpetpuate the deeds of the pi oneers in a better way than could be done with a monument on every corner. It might cost a little more than a monument, but it would be worth it. AN EDITOR SET FREE An unusual confession has boon made by an editor in Altoona, Pa. —not an owning editor, but a hired man, trained to obey orders. He admits that for 15 years lie was required to GRIND AN ORGAN for the Quay and Penrose gang, often NAUSEATING HIS SOUL; but, thanks to a friend who has bought the paper, he is now set free. This confession is unusual because SHACKLED EDITORS rarely have the candor to confess. Our congratulations to the Altoona brother; first be cause he has been candid and secondly because he has got a better boss — though you can't be sure how long even a good boss will stay good in Penn sylvania. There are plenty of proofs that a newspaper can be both FREE, COUR AGEOUS AND SUCCESSFUL. When Pennsylvania gets a few vivid exam ples of that kind of public service journalism, we'll begin to believe that its conversion is genuine. WHAT IS A PROGRESSIVE? Just now the word "progressive" is so much in fashion and is being claimed as a political trade mark by so many and various groups of people that perhaps we ought to pause long enough to find out what it means. First let us tell what a progressive isn't. He isn't a has-been from any of the old parties who is looking for a new lift toward the crib. He isn't one whose progressiveness is limited to (beds of mouth. A progressive, we submit, is a citizen who is not only willing that others should have as fair a chance as he has. but is anxious to do his part toward making that kind of a deal possible. Think that over. You will find it a useful spirit level by which to meas ure political pretentions. What is needed in this section is an unblockablc railway, and the fellow Who invents one will be IT. How that Mayor Seymour has gotten Tacoma churches almost convinced they should go into politics, here comes Banker W. J. Patterson at Aberdeen and tells the Methodists there that re ligion and politics will not mix. Don't be afraid to let the members of the legislature know what you Want done while they are down at Olympia. Editorial Page of Cfte Cacoma €imes ["Hiljllip Now for a rip-snorting time over in Olympia. The professional politician L still in the saddle at Olympia. It was all right to put a woman's name at the head of the progressive electoral ticket to catch the woman's vote, but after election and the vote is caught then the ambition of mere man must be satisfied when there is a nice trip to Washington on. Legislators, do your bill-introducing early. THE TAbOdtfA TIMES. Mte </^<Sm&£*£& THAfSAU. /flls^V*y miller or poor m/*gie o« -m a ■ «t *n. M?dale O who Wood-row fflrv&sUa*^£L who said *v" the WILSON | w 9 m^*^^ rACK HE 51T5 AT MI3 31DZ &EAVTY COLUMN >JStVi jtT Jy r^Utw^M Dc PUNK . cururr IVCD < tefy SaM ALU QUC3TIONS /NNSWERITD -IX/. ■ <? HAIP>.! _j^af^p^^^ TO HELP PAY postage XXcUTTINa Sp X?- 3 ;£,££ HOW rw 1 <XT A pERTEa FRtORI €E§5T VCVC^ SINCE. 1 COULD %v. WE OWLY ANSWER*. TC/tfl ONE OfF jfT5 * =- FLO/VT ON -■ HAVE TMIS TMC CALENDAR "7—3 uKe thjs :^v_ boat Hired ..mTp-^t h Alb 4Jt*M^*mjL. *m answer pur tr /\vw in <Ct€S^fC^u TME DRAWER AT NICm S#s3t^«ll## OS> *"k^»»*»* ANSWER:THEY ABE 3AI& TO g/l^ftl^A^} \ IAM rRECKLEp AN? CROSS- fefS^S^^^T \A/ir »«/it 1 Ki/-w*r <«ki/« eyed: WOULD YOU : /t »HE RAIn yVA> 3* THAT E^MTrirUL LITTLE ANSWER: I miojit-eTJt th« smi? went SoojYY^ - BALLAD SEGJNNIW- who IK TMUNPtR DOWN in TH« •iTnouatrr w wire w\s a #+1 would believe me; amcjv &€£* - '"V^ THE M£>sT PCRITrCT Or www \je9rf 'tic FAL<E But THC COBBLE^*/ BUT YOU XT% CAN TTLL . nG>\ /i«< tta*r« £27.5™<.K T-» THC^-^ mt. Tfpu stt ihm w awiwrwf] li IW^T'S ff^^E^p^^O^ last ! *^ By the Junior Office Boy n. y., Jan. 11.—all their frends is having a good laff at sam blake and !(ill willard, Zsitzens or yonkers Sam and hill have lived in yon kerg all their lives, and they are pardners in a Btoar cuppel of mornings ago bill was selling a yonkera lady a slab of oilcloth % to put under her kitchen stove when a feller walk ed in and said hello, mr. wiJlunl hello, shis mr. willard, and he went on sellln binieby when he was through the guy says well, mr. willard, I gesa you dont know me Mr, will ii,i looked at him very careful, and then he says, you are a good gesser, my trend the man he smiled, and he said, well, well, aint that strange he was a nice looking, big chap, with a brown suit and a soft hat and he had a can of goi luf sticks on his arm nuthin so durn strange, says bill willard, there's a pile of drummers comes into this stoar, my trend, how do you think 1 can remember you all ha, ha, «ays the man, this Is indeed a good goak glad you are injoying It so mutch, says bill, but if you're here on bisness, git busy, wnere is your samples this is all i carry, sps the fel ler, holding up his golluf sticks limit keep golluf supplys, says bill good mornin but the man dldent go he says, i carry anuther line of samples, and lye showed them to you a good many times In the last 6 months, and you OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE seemed to like them pretty well. gosh all fish hooks, man, hol ers bill, what are you talktn about, i alnt never saw you In my life befoar go call your pardner, mr. Hake, says the man, raaby be might know me, he has seen me at least onct a week for a good many months so bUll went 9fi<\ t^old sar^ there ims a crazy feller out there that said he knew them, and for him to come take a look at him saui he come out of the offls, and he shook his head, and he said my Trend, 1 don't know you from a bail of hay then the guy he laffed and lotted, and he says, ime the rev? James stevens, pastor of the church you gentlemen is both members of ive seen you aettin in your pews evry sundy, and being on my way to play a game of gol luf, 1 thot i would stop in for a little chat by golly, says bill, wot do you know about that well, says sam, when you take off your sundy face and put on your golluf clothes, you sure do look different, parson, but, say, dont tell nobody about this, will you of course the parson dident Johny Comparing. Greene—T^his European (Con cert Is not a musical organiza tion, is it? Gates—Well, It Is busy pre paring notes for the turkey trot. —New York Press. New Name for It. A woman living in Dorcheßter recently left her new Irish maid in charge of the house while she went shopping. Among her pur chases was an umbrella stand for the vestibule, says the Bos ton Transcript. After her shop ping tour she paid a visit to a friend and did not arrive home until late. "Well, Mary," she said, "did any packages come?" "Yes, mum," was the reply. "The wagon cum wid th' cuspi dor for th" umbrillies." FICTION AND FACT Not Her Fault. Aunt (severely)— Why do you flirt, Anna? Can't you re member that you are a married woman? Anna—Oh, sure. But the men can't. —Puck. , Obscure. Brtggs—ls Calker a demo crat? Griggs—l think not . I haven't heard his name men tioned for the cabinet. —Life. It Was Defective. "How about that girl who married the duke?" "She has entered suit." "For divorce so soon." "No; against the company that guaranteed his title." — Pittsburg Post. Naturally. Nibble —It is said that impet uous people have black eyes. Dribble —Yes, and if they don't have them they are apt to get them. Yon Bet. A man always puts the big gest bank bill on the outside of his roll except when bo's going straight home.—New York Press. Examining His Bait. Daniel and Harvey, two old, le^pert fishermen, /were "still? fishing for trout in deep water, sitting with their backs together, when Daniel ' accidentally fell out of the boat and went down, says Judge. Harvey looked back and missed hts companion, who at that moment appeared on the surface, pipe still in his mouth, shaking his whiskers profusely. Harvey—Gosh, Dan' I eat missed ye! Where ye been? Dan —Oh, I Jes' went down fur ter see if me bait wus all right. Young Wife of Millionaire Aids N. Y. Women In Big Strike (lly United Press Ix*ase<l Wire.) NEW YORK, Jan. 14/— Twenty thousand women gar ment workers who are on strike here were addressed at an open air meeting near •Cooper Union last night by Rose Pastor Stokes, the beautiful young Jewess, now the wife of a millionaire and once a garment worker herselr. Mrs. Stokes urged the strik ers to stick to their fight for just The Memphis News Scimitar evidently thinks pretty well of the new book sent out by the Com mercial club here to boost the town. Under the editorial cap tion: "City Book That Talks" the paper says: "From the- mass of development literature put out through their Commercial clubs and Boards of trade by cities East and West, especially West, has finally ap peared a book about "Our Town" meriting a place in any library. The book is called "Tacoma, the City With a Snow-Capped Moun tain in Its Door Yard," ami comes WHY NOT A FERRY FOR CROWDED STREETS A Canadian who was caught quite recently in a bad Jam on a Detroit Btreet and severely injured has suggested to the traffic of ficials a way to avoid Injury to pedestrians. His scheme Involve* nothing more or less than a system of ferries for people, which are run across the street on regular tracks. Ho would have people taken up by broad, e-loctiically operated cars an-d carried over the dangerous crossings. While the scheme seems cumbersome and would doubtless bo expensive, It is, nevertheless, being seriously considered by officials in large cities where traffic congestion takes It toll of human lives every day in the year. ■ - - -1 If "business" cannot thrive unless 7*" \Fj«Ssfc|fc.^^k It works a child to weariness, , IS<a^%S^^B^^ If "business" to bo "good" demands icHHS^LHI The toil of little baby hands, k"raCM» .ffSfflßS?™ And takes the tiny child away wStZftXKGpSBSSBk From sun and fields and merry play; \ \||RJ^|S%'^K%3M| If •im. mess" makes the young its spoil . *Wv^J§f%H^^vll| And drags the mother forth to toil 1 ii;S!.^P^sW|a At tasks that rob her eyes of light : >]| 'I |l\^BfMlH From bitter morn to gloomy night; t* Vi\ |! §MJjEg2k^f». If "business" can't afford to give 'Si yj3Xk/i&pf[MlMk A wage on which a girl can live, &*•**&'rJUmSk But drives her out upon the street T&&b&Q&EIvQM To gain her clothes —and food to eat; I&V>Jta?E«RjG7 1 If "business" only thus can feed W^^^^SBSjDril By heartless shame and ruthless greed, 233xywilfi*2l?SBf3^H Then "business" is a foul disgrace, ?«?*MBsiPf>^'r A menace to the human race iJuJvtQISnUJ^IIIW mil/! Which should be fought with will Intense 1 ' iV Like some vast, spreading pestilence. •*s3p^"nlllm u\nr But business can bo cleansed and purged, w£f **wn > Its evils fought, its scoundrels scourged; K| jS The Plunderbund may rage and rant, \^H. J&J * Swearing, "It can't be done, It can't!" \SHfc^_ *j4RSr Proclaiming Ruin and Despair . If we should make the game for Square; —^nmjaa^- But, spite of Scribe and Pharisee We strive for Right that is to be! • I Parcels Post I Advertisements The Time* will print free of charge the names of all farmers ho wish to trade with Taroma people through the parcel post, this paper believing that by so doing it will render a last ing service to the people by cutting the cost of living. Try the par cel post, write or telephone to any one of these fanners when you want and farm products t ;-\> \--. F. K. Coffins, box 4, Simmer; eating and cooking apples. Mrs. .1. K. tit-arson, box 12, It. F. 1). 1, Lakeview: eggs* and poultry. ' B. T. Birch, Parkland; chickens and eggs. Olin liojrt, Milton; dressed squabs. P. Nyholm, Edgewood, Wn., phone Main. 7800, It. 4; poultry, butter eggs. Acme Poultry Farm, box SKI, R. F. D. 1, Luke view; eggs, butter and cliickens. . ■ John Him hie, R. F. D., box 5, Lake Bay; dressed meats, ' poultry. i Turn to the i|§li ao' Want Ads Tuesday, Jan. 14, 1913.. wages to the bitter end an<T promised that she would head a movement for the collection of fundß to keep the strikers from starvation and eviction from their miserable tenements. Anson Phelps Stokes, aristo crat and worth millions, mar ried Hose Pastor six years ago. They met in a social settlement house in this city where Stokes was pursuing sociologi cal studies. from the city of Indian name, up ki the far northwest corner of continental United States, under the shadow of the mighty moun tain which the Indians named Ta ooma, but whioh is officially call ed Rainier. Done in four colors, on heavy India tint stock, with a text that Is classic, the Tacoma book will be a valued addition to any library, and especially any library making pretent.ions to « comprehensive collection of books on travel and contemporary his tory. The Tacoma Commercial Club and Chamber of Commerce are responsible for the brochure."