IP the legislature doesn't appropri ate that $100,000 publicity fund it will not be the fault of Taco ma citizens. Let everybody get to gether and pull for it INTERURBAN MONOPOL V TO BOOST FARES Another fight is brewing with the Stone-Webster traction monopoly. Yesterday the Puget Sound Electric filed suit in federal court to annul the present rates fixed by the public service commission of travel between Tacoma, Seattle and interme diate towns. It says it must boost rates or go broke. That the profits last year were only $56,000, which is but $1,382 per cent on the $4,000,000 proposition. It wants at least 7 per cent on this $4,000,000 of actual investment, water and other elements that make up the basis for "fixed" charges. After the Stone-Webster outfit had stifled all competition in this district and gotten thousands of citizens to move into the country and build homes in the little towns between TACOMA WOMAN MURDERED FUNDS BADLY MIXED City Controller MeadH sent a letter to tlie council this morning Mating there Him no money In fund to pay $3,(M)0 ordered for the bondsmen who are complet ing the John Huntington contract for extending Jefferson avenue, and stating he had not drawn the warrant. And thereby the rtty controller opened up the question of his method* of bookkeeping. Commissioner Woods could not understand why there was no money. "I have $63,000 In my depart ment I did not spend at all last year," said Woods. Commissioner Freeland smiled. "You ought to have," said Freeland. "You did not spend It but it is gone and you will never be able to spend it." The commissioners could not understand. Freeland explained to them that they had so much put In the budget for each Oepar: ment, then they lost sight of tiie budget. No report ever came from the controller that showed them what they had spent and how much they had left and so they kept on voting money away heedlessly trusting to luck to come out right at the end of the year. The commissioners said they ■wanted no more of It. They or dered Meads to bring Jn reports showing what the budget had called for in 1911 and 1912 and where the money went. In the meantime Freeland and State Inspector Liehes are getting up a new system the controller will he asked to follow in the future. WATERFRONT PROBE MAY GOON {By United Press Leased Wire.) OI,VMI'J.V, Jan. 30.—Tills aft ernoon Is the "date set for the reading of the report of the house committee appointed to investi- Bate the charges of Representative Houser that a waterfront monop oly existed in several cities in the Northwest and that exorbitant charges were being made. The final decision of the committee is closely guarded. However, it is believed that it will recommend .that the attorney general investi gate all the charges. The Age of Speed TheTacoma Times UNIVERSITY GIRLS LEAD <$><$> 4> <&<^<§> ' §> <$> ■§> •§> ♦ $><§> <$>$>& OUR CO-EDS ARE SHAPELY MISS LOVIWA WILLSON. Girls in the University of Washington are healthier and better proportioned than those m any other college in the country. Never mind who says so. Fig ures prove It. Of course, Miss Jessie Merrier, the women's physical director at the V. of \\\. thinks so, and sin cerely hoii.es so. But modesty pre vents her giving voice to the fact. "The most perfect feminine fig ure," said Miss Merrick, "defends on the person who does the judg ing. I know many girls whom I consider beautifully proportioned, but that is just my idea. "Figures, statistics and aver ages count for nothing," continu ed the supervisor of co-ed health. "If a day model should be made according to the average meas urements of all university girls, it would be the funniest looking contortion act off the stage. "Men are most Interested In the height and weight of girls. Women are concerned with girth measurements. Neither have any bearing on the physical condition of the individual. That which counts is the lung capacity and the size of the muscles." The average Washington girl weighs 120 pounds and Is five feet two inches tall. This compared very favorably with Anette Kellerman, the noted "mermaid," who weighs 126 pounds and poses at a height or five feet four. And Annette Is called "the perfect woman." One of the beat developed glrla In the U. of W. Is Miss Lovlna Spread on the records of the clerk's book in the feder al court today is the inter esting application of Dr. F. W. Rinkent>erger to be ad judged a bankrupt. Rinkenberger is sppposed to be one of the most suc cessful and prosperous sur geons in Tacoma. He has elaborately fitted offices in the Fidelity build ing and a fine residence in the fashionable quarter of the city. bis practice Is of the kind usually regarded as the ruosT desirable, the kind that pays best; he is the family physl- VOL. X. NO. 35. 30c A MONTH. Willson. She registers 130 rounds and is five feet seven inches. Her home Is in Olympia, where, as in Tacoma, the willowy, wasp-like girls are great favorites. Miss Willson, her friends claim, has Annette looking like Dr. Mary Walker when it comes to a ques tion of physical perfection. "It's not my fault," Miss Wiil son will tell you demurely. "Per haps my interest in athletics has done It." Miss Lovlna Willson has played on four 'varsity teams, baseball, basket-ball, hockey and tennis. She is entitled to wear the cher ished "\V." This la really an hon or, too, because only ten out of the 800 or more girls at the uni versity have this privilege. ROYAL MAIL COMES HERE The Royal Mail packet steam ers will call at Northwest ports each month beginning with June, according to an announcment made today by Frank Watertiouse of the .company bearing his name. This In addition to the new service by the Hamburg-American line will be the most important addition to the ocean traffic In years. The Royal Mall is the largest steamship corporation in the world and the present move is taken as a preparation for trade via Panama canal. cian for many a wealthy family in Tacoma. In spite of 'all this the en gaging doctor desires the federal court to say that he need not pay these debts: To Mrs. Irene Rinken berger 93,800 To Art-hie Mondeau . . -•""•(» - To a servant girl .... 128 The $3,800 debt is what is due to the doctor's first wif«, and he doesn't want to pay it. The $250 due to Archie Mondo.au is for "services" which Mondeau, an erstwhile private detective, rendered the doctor. Mondeau Is now THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA TACOMA, WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1913. SURGEON-GENERAL IN THE ARMY, FAILED IN STATE EXAMINATION STATE BOARD ISSUED t'rciirMais of Surgeon Gen eral Hi »'» it : Buffulu ii ii l\ «r>i i > grmluate In INNS. I'm. (Hi. in Buffalo 1888 to I MIS. Appointed In Hun of Vnlted .state* M It'll I nirps, Iluvnna, < iilmi, I Sits. Orminlif.nl Inuliu denitrtwent of l*lill!|»|tl in- iMlnniln. IlH'il out bulHinlp jt hi Kite In curMlon, Miiullh, I*. 1. Took iMiHt-KriHliuKe work In nnlveraltlen In Ilrrllu, Vienna, llrri.c. I'lins mill London. Im now Hiirii icenernl of (ho United States Army TrniiMport wrvli'f, Ntnlioni-il at Belittle. Surgeon General Ira C. Brown of the United States army failed to pass the medical examination given in .January, 1912, by the Washington state board of medi cal examiner*, and has today filed an action with Pierce county courts in which he asks that he be permitted to practice surgery and medicine in this state regard less of their decision to the con trary. The above credentials of Gen eral Brown are given by him In his complaint against the state board as grounds for the grant ing of a license l>y the court. He considers them sufficient evidence of his fitness. While General Brown was fil ing his action this morning, an other disappointed applicant, who was examined and turned down in June, 1912, Dr. Roy L. Pinker ton, was opening a similar cas« in Judge Eustprday's court. Dr. Pinkerton alleges that the examination was unduly difficult and over-technical, and charges that two other applicants were admitted over him through mis conduct on the part of one or two members of the medical board whose names he does not divulge. He asserts he was barred through, passion and prejudice on th« part of some of the board. General Brown's assertions are practically the same as .those-of Dr. Pinkerton. The state board of medical ex aminers are: E. Welden Young, Seattle; A. Mcßae Smith, Hel lingham: H. R. Keylor, Walla Walla; Charles E. Keeler, North Yakima; K. J. Taggart, Bremer ton; W. T. Thomas, Tacoma; G. H. Dow, Chehalis, and E. P. Wit ter and L. L. Carrlgues, Spokane. RAP AT TRUST (Ity United Press leased Wire.) SEATTLE, Jan. 30. —Carrying out the order of the government to dissolve the Harrlman railroad combination, officials of the Southern Pacific and O. W. R. & N. railroads will have separate offices here and in Tacoma and Vancouver, B. C. THE DOCTOR WOULD BE A BANKRUPT a city police officer. The $125 debt due a ser vant girl is for wages. Mrs. Irene Rinkenberger secured a divorce from tne doctor some time ago. She secured the divorce on un pleasant charges and the court awarded her alimony and her community rights in the property then held by the doctor. But it has been a hard job to collect the alimony and Mrs. Rlckenberger No. 1 has had a rather unpleasant time about it. Doctor Rinkenberger re married very soon after the here and Seattle by low fares, it proceeded to boost rates to more than double their former status in many cases. The public service commission finally got to it and blocked the scheme in part, but allowed a compromise schedule considered eminently fair to the com pany. But from the viewpoint of monopoly it is intolerable to be held down to the old rates when there is no competition and the people must ride or lose their homes. Hence the appeal to the federal court. If the court grants the relief asked it means another fight of the people against Stone- Webster that will make the Fern Hill fight look like a prayer meeting. The people are getting tired of this traction bunko game. ARE GIRLS ENSLAVED BY HIS HYPNOTIC EYE? PETISR HA RBAHAZ. Peter Barbaraz, charged .by pretty 18-year-old Emma Tamley of Taeoma with sending her out In a hypnotic state into rich homes to steal for him, surlily , denies, in his cell, at the Seattle .police station, that he possesses any such mystic power as the girl ,says. "All bunk," he declared to a "Times' correspondent today, "thU hypnotism business. Just be cause I happened to have a few books on the subject In my room, and was studying them, it doesn't necessarily follow, does it, that I had the girl under my power." Barbaraz, the girl told the de tectives and the prosecutor, has been living well off what she stole for him. She says she gave him $200 in money and diamond rings worth . $300 in . the past two months. "I don't know anything about hypnotism," says Barbaraz, "and the girl is a liar." \ ■ Government agents " have visited Iliirliiirits. .In jail to ' ilui'M inn him re;'«riliii|; Ills ,' relations with (lie young WO i num. It was said Tuesday a \; federal warrant might be in noun's decree had given the first Mrs. Rinkenberger her freedom. Now comes the doctor with the plea that he Is hope lessly broke —that Is, he tells the court that he has about $4,000 In old book ac counts. Rinkenberger, in short, de sires to be well and legally rid of the claims or his Qrst wife before he flits to the balmy atmosphere or Los Angeles where he Intends to locate. "There is no chance In Ta ionui for a man of ivy abil ity," tlie doctor has told his HOME EDITION sui-ii i'liarKinK white .slavery. The |>iii declares lie took her from Seattle to Vancouver for iiiimorul purposes, then rlmiiKi-d his mind hecausr, us she says, "I didn't have nerve enough," und put her to stealing. Detective Majewski, who has been Investigating the case, Has located a half dozen girls In va rious cities of the Northwest who, he says, were placed In their pres ent positions an domestics by Bar baraz, to contribute to hi.s sup port with their stealing. CLUB TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT The Bungalow Park Improve ment club will meet Monday night at Sixth and Stevens to con sider the referendum on the sal ary boost at the city hall and Im provements in the street ear ser vice. The Green river microbe will also be discussed or cussed somewhat. acquaintances lately. ' "I'm going to I "- Angeles where I will specialize and make the money." '' ■ ■ -.- '- : But 'ere he flits south ward, the doctor desires to be fixed up as a bankrupt. He doesn't wish 'to be annoyed by the first wife. ' ■ And to make' things' as < sure as his ingenuity dic tates, . - the ' engaging doctor ; baa had the first wire arrest ed because she opened a let ter addressed to "Mrs. P. W. Rinkenberger.' and ; which was * delivered ;to her. ' , Stj> Mrs. Rinkenberger : No. ; l; is now at liberty "on her rper- ' sonal recognizance" with this THE flf *%-«ftJ&se clever verses by Berton Braley, with a smash ing good drawing by Gory, is printed on the editorial page of the Times today. It is worth while. MOTHER OF LOCAL DOCTOR'S WIFE IS > KILLED IN ALASKA Mrs. Jessie Murry, wife of Dr. Fred I■'. Slurry, Tucoiiih dentist, son South mil street, in a tele gram today from die Alaskan mounted police was informed of the minder of her mother, Mrs. William I . Smith, in a triple tra gedy at the Muck Mills road house. located on the loiu'y White Hiii.se-Diiwsoii trail. With the body of Mrs. Smith were found those of her huslmnd and Michael Kelly, a stableman, of whom Smith is said to have been .jealous. Apparently Smith hud killed his wife and Kelly and t-omniitted suicide. The jealous husband ended his own life by tying a string 10 the trigger of his rifle, "placing the gun between his knees and blow ing off the top of his. head. Ernest Durwash, a stage driver, brought the news of the tragedy MEXICAN REBELS READY FOR LONG BITTER FIGHT (Ily I'niled Press leased Wire.) EL PASO, Jan. 30.—Dawn to day revealed that 1,500 rebel troops, commanded by Generals Salazar mid Hojas, surrounded Juarez on three sides with other rebel commands approaching. Col. Castro, Commanding tne gov ernment troops, has distributed his troops in trenches and barri caded the outskirts. Residents of Juarez flocked here today, fearjiif.' the rebels BIG STEEL STRIKE IS PLANNED (R.V V lilted Press Leased Wire.) PITTSBURO, .lan. 10.—Back ad by the American Federation of Labor, workmen in :t 1 bis? steel mills today stand ready to walk out in a great labor move ment against non-unionism. This was the derliiration here today of Thomas Klynn, an or ganizer for the labor federation, who asserted the strikes at Han kin and Hraddoek. near here, would be followed by one of the greatest struggles In the history of unionism. MURRAY IMPROVES Attorney J. Matthew Murray Is today recovering from a severe attack of tonsilitis that almost leached the diphtheria stage, ai the home of his wife's parents, 11th and J streets. Murray ntands accused of suborning perjury in a recent attempted murder trial. charge standing against her on the federal court's books. That.Rlnkenberger Rained Ills education for , medical practice • in . Chicago while ■ his wife number one tolled behind the counters of a de partment 'store that. 1 they might have food and shelter : is'tlie statement made by her ;■; friend*. .;'■.■•', ■:•■/: ,■■-;..■,■.■.',; , : Uut the * doctor desires 'to . flit Houtliward . ' where "i his .:. genius with , the ; lancet .will V' bring him more ; gold, i more ■ fame and more happiness. " v And no, he begs the courts {'■ to Buy that he need not ,pay ij. his ) debt -to 'this', same wife ; number one. .^. . to Dawaon. The bodies were dis covered by "Coffee" Jam, a mm er, frozen stiff, at the road nouiie. Kelly's body lay across the Hay in the utable. Mrs. Smith had been shot in her own bedroom and Smith killed himself over the body of his wife. A large amount of money lay scattered over the floor of tn« house. Mrs. Smith until 1909 wag a resident of Tacoma. At that tlm© she and her daughter went to Ahiska, where Miss Jessie Smith, now Mrs. Murry, Boon became the leading theatrical favorite of the territory. Sniity at that tim« was proprietor of a laundry In Uuwsou and was considered a very wealthy man. The mounted police riave pone to the scene of the crime and are investigating. would attack the town befora night. At midnight federal cou riers reported that still another force of rebels Is marching from Quadelupe to join General Salai ar'l troops. It was also reported thut Col. Antonio Robago, at the head of 1,000 cavalrymen, is rushing from the federal garrison at Chihuahua, 20 miles away, to relieve Juarez. The rebels are expected to try to intercept Col. Robago. WALLACE SEES BRYAN (l»y I'nited Press l.i-.i-., ,| Wire.) MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 30.—Hugh C. Wallace of Tacoma, E. M. House of Texas and H. W. Alex amli>r of Trenton, N. J., promi nent democratic leaders in trieir respective stales, started for Trenton today following a con terencp with William J. Hryan here. This caused tne report that Hryan l s sending by them a per sonal message to Presldent-eiect Wilson accepting the portfolio of secretary of state. IT'S OFFICIAL MARRIED FOLK CANNOT AGREE Judge Mitchell J Gllliam % of King county superior court lias decided it, and It's offi cial .. A man and his wife cannot agree. V * The point wn« ; raised .in court yesterday when Mrs. J. I>. Dean of Kent was chal lenged (from i Kitting on > the same Jury with her liUNlmnd. 5 Mrs. I lean wax - asked >v If the presence of her husband on the Jury would tend to influ ence her verdict,-". hliouM he happen to disagree with her. "It would not," answered Mm. Dean with great firmness. "No argument of, your;ji hus band In the Jury room .-■ would sway you from a just determi nation r of; the ; facts?" ;>; In quired counsel for the defense. "No, sir. ; I think I can de cide fairly. and "'lmpartially, whether Mr. Dean in present or not.' .-■", ■ ; : :}; ■« ! .;V:;^;ir,S^ . > The lawyers were' 'extremely solicitous to know if Mrs. Dean . influenced Dean.' 'H He• was just • as ] positive as I was ] his I spouse that be % was.-. Independent J3 of • thought' and i would be in . this rase of txtUHL^^ZZ^X^g** f* ; "I .' would i rather site -'i would 5 not lie there, though," he add ■*ed. v Mrs. Dean was excused.