Newspaper Page Text
Friday, Feb. 7, 1913. FIND BODY OF "PERFUMEO" BURGLAR (By United Press Leased Wire.) SAN RAFAEL, Cal., Feb. 7.— Battered almost beyond recogni tion by the breakers, the body of Herbert Repsold, the young "per fumed burglar," was found by fishermen In the bay two miles west of San Quentln prison, from which he escaped Jan. 10, and is In the morgue here today. Identity was established by tatoo marks. Warden Hoyle of San Quentln believes Repsold fell from a high cliff near where the body was found while trying !to find his way to a boat. His footsteps had previously been traced to the top of the cliff. The weather was extremely cold when Repsold escaped, and It is believed this brought death quickly before he could leave the water. The body was but par tially clothed. Repsold's funeral will be held tomorrow. • LYNCH NEGRO (By United Press Leased Wire.) GREENVILLE, Miss., Feb. 7.— Carl Mott, a negro, accused or murdering Mrs. John Williams, was lynched by a mob here today. Mott pleaded piteously for bis life. THE PRODUCTS OF Ol'K BAKKRY ARE UNEQUALED IN THE CITY. WE USE NOTHING BU* THE VEKY BEST M II ill \l s. AND OUR HEAD BAKER, mk. c. black, is ACKNOWLEDGED TnE lIEST BAKEK IN THE STATE. SEATTLE HAS TRIED ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS TO GET HIM, BUT WE WON'T LET HIM <JO BECAUSE WE BELIEVE OUR TAOOMA PATRONS ARE ENTITLED TO THE BEST. YOU AUK BURK OK SATISFACTION WHEN YOU Bl'Y YOUR ItAKKKY GOOM AT ONE OF OUR 5 STORES. Specials for Saturday 50c Lady Baltimore Cake, 30c. 50c Mocha Cake, 30c. Devil's Food Cake, 20c. Rich Pound Cake, per lb., 22c. 3 dozen Cookies, 25c. Wreath Coffee Cake, 12c each. Cream Taffy, 15c lb. Peanut Bar or Brittle, 15c lb. Cocoanut Brittle, 15c lb. Chocolate Chips, % lb. 15c. Two 6c packages gum, sc. There's lots of frosted Oranges on the market. Look out. Every Orange we offer was packed before the frost and are guaranteed sweet and juicy. Excellent Navals tomorrow, 2 doz. for 25c. Another lot of extra fancy King David Apples, 75c a box. They are from the Oka nogan country, famous for its high-flavored fruit. If you want a really fine eating apple this Is your opportunity. Fancy Tomatoes, 15c a lb. ' Artichokes, 15c each. Cucumbers, Bell Peppers, etc. t" Money Savers Fine Leader Asparagus, 3 cans 50c. Better than fresh. Canned Trout, 3 cans 50c. ' Something new and cx i ceptionally . fine. Condensed Milk after 7 p. ' m., 4 cans for 25c. 10-lb. pails Karo Corn Syrup, 48c. Your choice. Red or Blue. 3 pkgs. Gelatine, 25c. . 3 pkgs. Jello, 25c -. 4 cans Asparagus Soup, 25c. 4 cans. Tomato Soup, 25c. 3 cans Fine Imported Sar dines, 25c. 7 cans Domestic Sardines, 25c , Excellent Butter, 35c a lb. Washington Cheese, 20c a lb. Premost, 2Oc a brick. . .Finnan Haddie, 20c a lb. Kippered Herring, 15c a lb. , 10c Mackerel, 7He each. Start those bright ] mornings right with a pound of one , freshly roasted ' and ! puri fied Coffee, 25c and up. - Excellent Ceylon Tea, 3 lbs. %y; for ; .00. -■■■ -•;- ~ ■ .-:■ ■■■-■■ 75c. quality ,Tetley Tea, 55c "■'.O"a II). /;,•■■-■ ■' "■• . ',: : '■-. .-.,, Maclean Brothers "QUALITY GROCERS" : 032 O Street. >"/: Main 1 U00. ,*« ' •..-.', ;„•'v>--i;V: , -: .. 8519 North Proctor. v ; : ,: . . 'Proctoi. 579 ' S<> Tacoma " Store, ", , ; „;" 5405 So. Union. M;ullson 19S ■■.■•• : . 11th and K,;.-;.-^^ -, Tel. Main 90 , .'; O£?., ;.'•■ 802' Division "• Lane :•*% ' , Ji;v;f , ■.' . Main ■, 8700 i'Xi »'::*? ''. "WE SELL THE BB.ST riKOR CASH i FOR j LESS" > "MERRY SUNSHINE" OF THE CALIFOR NIA "MOVIE" RANCH <s> : — ■—. __— ' ' • : ' t Louise Glaum, the creater of the feminine leading part in "Of ficer 666," ho made her stage debut with Nat Goodwin as an ingenue, is the star or the Nes tor Moving Picture company in the west. She's so slight the wind might easily blow her away, you'd think. And so few summers have passed over her head that it doesn't seem possible she could have done so many things already. "She's the "merry sunshine" of the big ranch owned by the Universal Film company near Los RENO WOMEN MAKE HUGE PROTEST CARSON CITY, Nev., Feb. 7. —Three hundred Reno mothers, in a special train of five cars, ar rived here today to make a fight before the legislature for aboli tion of the Reno, divorce colony. Former Divorce Judge John S. Orr of Reno is leading the fight to make the Nevada city a refuge for the mismated no more. SAN DIKGO, Feb. 7. —Leaving his polo sticks and guns, and a lot of puzzled friends wondering at his troubles with his first wife, Capt. J. Campbell Besley has disappeared. Efforts of friends today to find him were fruitless. It Is thought he has gone to Mexico, where he has been in the habit of making fre : quent business trips'. iLBR¥IfT CASTOR OIL, UGH! DEIiICIOUS "SYRUP OF FIGS* BEST FOR I lllllC LITTLE stomachs, liver and waste-cixk;gjbi> BOWELS Look back at your childhood days. Remember the physic that mother insisted on—castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against them. With our children It's different.' The day of the harsh physic is over. We don't force the liver and 30 feet of bowels now; we coax them. We have no dreaded after effects. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realize what they do. The children's revolt is well-founded. Their little stomachs and tender bowels are injured by them. If your child is fretful, peev ish, half sick, stomach sour, breath feverish and its little sys tem full of cold; has diarrhoea, ■sore throat, stomach-ache; does n't eat or rest well—remember— iook at the tongue, if coated, give a teaspoonful of Syrup of Figs, then don't worry, because you surely will have a well, smiling child in a few hours. Syrup of Figs being composed entirely of luscious figs, senna and aromatics simply cannot be harmful. It sweetens the stom ach, makes th» liver active and thoroughly cleanses the little one's waste-clogged bowels. In a few hours all sour bile, undigest ed fermenting food and consti pated waste matter gently moves on and out of the system without griping or nausea. Directions for children of all ages, also for grown-ups, plainly printed on th« package. By all means get th« genuine. Ask your druggist for the full name "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna" prepared by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. Accept nothing else. Angeles.. Work is her chief aim in life. She doesn't mind how many hours she spends at It if the results are satisfactory. She writes and she rides and she dances and she sings. Her home is in Los Ange'.es. Her heart is in the pictures Folks who see the Nestor brand of moving pictures will probably tnlnk of her as sue looked in "Cupid's Assistance," "When the Heart Calls" and "Cowgirl Cinderella." This picture gives you a good idea of the way she looks tn real life off the screen. - ■^ 3: ten <?> «> <^ The Tacoma Times prints <»> ■$> daily the news of. the moving <8> $> picture world. Programs in <$> €> all the picture houses change <S> *> on Tuesdays, : Fridays and <$> ♦ Sundays. Keep in touch <S> <$> with the people you know in <$> <$> the "movies" by watching <s> ♦ special feature stories in the <S> <$> "movies" column. <S> <$•<§><•> ■$•■s><s><§><§>'§ <& <J> <§> <$> <$ <i> <♦ THE SCENIC—"The Ways of Destiny," two reels, special fea tures showing realistic Hunting storm. This is no stage setting, but the real thing. "Song of the Shell," beautiful Vitagraph; "Fooling Their Wives," very .good comedy; "Quarantined," comedy father-in-law kind. THE DREAM — "A Rival or Coruia;" "The Better Man," Vita graph with Mr. Robert Thorney; "The First Settler's Story;" "Once Was Enough." THE BIJOU—"The Animated Weekly," issue 47; "The Finger Prince," Solax; "The Marriage Lottery," Imp ■ comedy; "Sunny Smith," Victor comedy. THE SHELIi — "The Girl and the Gambler," Lubin; "The Pride of the Angry Bear," Kalem In dian classic; "How a Horseshoe Upset a Happy Family," Edison comedy; "Home, Sweet Home,' Lubln sea drama; "The Three Black Bags," Vitagraph, with John Bunny and Flora Finch; also another comedy. THE CIRCUIT— Midnight Express," three reel railroad pic ture; "His Uncle's Wives;" "A Child Qt Nature," Comet. THE PAI*ACE—"The Favorite Son,", a multiple reel war story, and the moat sensational subject ever released under ' the Kay-Bee trademark; 'The Silk Worm" and "The I Iron Industry," Gau month split reel devoted to a com prehensive exposition of the two industries ■- v ■ . / . THE tYRIC—"The Battle of Who Run," Keystone $10,000 one re<Jl comedy; - "His ■ Sacrifice," American Western drama; "Mem ories," Annex ' drama; "Faithless Nurse," Comet drama. .< -1-; :'-; -.;'.' Dr. King's New Discovery ■■. I ■ Soothes irritated - throat., and lungs,. stops : chronic and * hacking cough, relieves -," tickling V throat, tastes nice. Take no other; onoe used, always t used. '<?. Buy »: it *- at Ily'ner Malstrom Drug Co., 9JI Pacific ar. THE TACOMA TIMES. *><*<e>« «►> '♦ ♦♦♦'♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ■ ;' "":'.<THEATRICAIi If 1-*-":*>*♦ «> .-.-•■;■■■—; ■ - - .; • '',. $ ♦„." ■; Tacoma —"Cleopatra" mo- ■?> •^> tion'pictures—afternoons, 2<S> <?> and 3:30; * evenings, 7:30 <8> <$> and 9. —■•* - .' *• «> •»-; _ '. ' « <8> , Princess—All week, with 4> ■?> matinees Wednesday , and <§> <$> Saturday, the Princess play- <3> <8> ers in "Pierre of the Plains." <£ * /. "— ♦ "$> Kmpress — Vaudeville all Q> <?> week, afternoon and even- <P ■«> Ing, featuring "The Subur- <S> <8> ban winner." ■ - <• .... ♦ 4> <8> <?> Pantages—Vaudeville, af- * <§>ternoon and evening, head- 3> lining Miss Nellie Schmidt <$> <s> and Miss Vivian Marshall in «> <? a swimming and diving act. -3> <f- <£<S><S>«> *<8)«-<J><^<J><4.<«.«><$.<i> 1 AT THE TACOMA f •— _ .—i , • Genee In An 18tli Century Setting Adeline Genee,' who appears here February 13, took London by storm last, summer when she presented her new ballets, the first "La Camargo" with the scene laid in 1730, in the time of Louis the Fifteenth; the other, "Robert le Diable" with the bril liant Meyerbeer music. Camargo is the favorite dancer at the Royal Palace at Versailles. • The new ballet I designed by Wilhelm is set with every detail perfectly carried out and Mile. Genee wears some lovely gowns. Besides "La Camargo" and "Robert le Diable," Mile Genee will present Delibes' "Coppella" during her American tour. She has her own company of dancers and a symphony orchestra en gaged especially for her. No Need to Stop Work When the doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't, you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is Electric Bitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will bene fit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaran teed to satisfy. Only 50c at Ryner Malstrom Drug Co., 938 Pacific ay. TODAY AND SATURDAY ; . MATINKE The Remarkable Motion Picture Production "CLEOPATRA" With Helen Gardner in Title Role All Seats 23c; Children 10c OXK NIGHT ONLY SATURDAY, FKIiRUARY 8 Tho Comedy Success of Last Season HENRY W. SAVAGE OFFERS "EXCUSE ME" With Willis P. Sweatnam as the Porter and Same Notable Cast Seen Here Last Season. Prices —FiOc to $1.50. SEATS NOW SELLING TWO NIGHTS AND MATINEE TUESDAY, FEU. 10 AND 11 Curtain will rise, evenings, pre cisely at 8 o'clock; matinees at 2 o'clock. Klaw & Erlanger's Stupendous International "BEN HUR" 300 People—l 2 Chariot Horses PRICES —Lower floor, $2.00; Balcony, 3 rows, $1.50; balance, $1.00; Gallery; 50c. Tuesday matinee, lower floor, $1.50; bal cony, $1; Gallery, 50c. ~ SEATS NOW SELLING THURSDAY, "FEBKI'AItY 13 ADELINE GENEE The World Famed Dancer and Her Corps de Ballet PRICES—S2.. r>O, $2.00, $1.50 MAIL ORDERS FILLED Advance sale > Monday * and Tuesday at Sherman, Clay & Co.'s; Wednesday-it' theater box office. <* """'..: PRINCESS THEATER MAIN 7760 '- THIS WEEK "Pierre of the Plains" Dargaiu Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, 10c and 25c. . Evening Prices, 20c, 30c and 50c. =I=EMiPRES^ ::::::z ' - -■ The ".' ' ■'-[ '- Suburban Winner; 6Other Big S. & C. Acts— TODAY. AND ALL . WEEK -* NELLIE SCHMIDT and VIVIAN MARSHALL Five Other Acta,.. , .i_ :_^_^^_ _-. -- y - > THE LYRIC " .2 1320 Pacific Avenue. :•" The permanent home of cork ing comedies and 'thrilling West ern first-run ; pictures, the latest output :of t the < leading: producers. ■'; THE PALACE ; '--" 17.''' V ■ ; IS 1128 Pacific Avenue." - 1 1 Snappy comedies and high-class dramas. .■ : Four to ■ the • hour, and always something. worth * while. r FREE -«,;.. ■,v.-;V-«FREBi»^V Silver »Teaspoons - to i the 1 L»dles YOUR SUIT FOR $15.00 /gjjfpijfrl Here they are, just a little better than ever. before —Good styles," fab —-., „,. r^i4;ii^-^'Sg> "7 lies and colorings—enough to suit the most exacting. y/"s • *9\ s^ n( as or 'l ua '^^' .you w '" S° il lQllg way to find the equal of this line '/' \%Z?*y^J> sJ' —we wouldn't be behind it if it hadn't ''made good" all last season. ' y \\ jß^^J T* wasn't just price alone that made the line so popular, nor was it % \yy -h^^Bfc-fd mjLL™ just "looks"—SERVICE is what counts, and 4tl 1 t* i\f\ rf—\ o^fflP^KCT™'' you get full moaßure here for 10 •\J \J I Shirts at Half the Usual Price t^fIB^H^BBWHK Best makes, too—the STAR and the SIMPLEX-^-two of the /V/KsKs^ IB*!* If^ll n"'st wi(l('lv known brands on the market. The reason? Here dkW&l ft^^S^^Piil I '* is ~iust a fow ninwbi-rs thai we are discontinuing, certain pat- Ol§P SiP^MSIBLJ- I(1I'" til;it we will not duplicate, because every factory changes '^^PP^f^M^^^^^L^ its numbers each season, and these # \ve will close out odd lines '^^WMm^^^^m%^ U' raakc room for 1l"' spring lines— coat styles with at iCMll^MWW^ tached cuffs-the SIMPLES is a short stiff bosom shirt, both '. JK*?f^W^B!y lnakes are 5150 values, w* A , New Underwear for £JIl s^^Mß Menfolks %O^-^ W 1 I i^^iSp^*^——•■•' Four big eases arrived Thursday bringing a splendid an- j^l'l 7"*\ p j^jrCTaiffilPff- ' ' "*-*r*^ sortment of heavy, medium anil light weight underwear, /\ 1. 1 \ I Ww^&mKliiM °Bl of it came '""" the American Knitting Mills. Wt> (\ \\ V \ \ J^rW^^r^l • ''" attentlon to "'" QUALITIES and the very moderate I \ \\ V \ rM?WsW§sll prices. For Instance, fine worsted Bhirts and •< (\f\ jj \ " IV \ ffljf&mf iWpS'yl drawers. in natural gray, priced at, |>er garment y I lUU / V I\. \ iwjPSr mMswl Men's natural cashmere shirts and drawers, patent t*-*^y? / / \ iPillir /IPia seam, shirts with long or half sleeves, drawers in short lfii^-^9 111 JtwsW feiiiigf stouts or regular sizes, light weight O4 QC / / I f r~^/ i^vlSsV rafewi garments that soil at «p I i£u / / HTOj*?^^ \L / W^f HliltoL»». M<n's wool underwear, heavy weight, natural gray col- Ll HP' —■— — \/j I»«a * '""' with mercerized facings, O1 Cft [P\ iKf S> *^- y^. f\ Same garment as above without the special 91 QC ri "4 ' ' '(—iN .. facings, at, per garment <{>liZj I II) *-*\ -w-^ /\/^irii\ ff-i €^\ <fSsfc* "Extragood" Clothes for Boys ■ -_. E^ m Bf m-i BJP I m-i K^JT We are ready to offer these good garments to m. M ||l #m. il Jll B I Jl I JR[ Zf Tar,,,,,,-, folka now the clothes with a (JI'AH- ■m-^- '^_-4-«—«K-^ -*<wiWik ANTKE- Mllll<' »l> "> all tho very latest fancy • _^___^ lIA 1 VXvf7<{B nilxtures and stripes, warm browns, graj dlag- MORNING GROCERY SALES MI'MmSL , «!»«•'■»'*>»*«»*« o tlie coats—collar and rill II o'clock So I'hone Orders. Delivered Only IVith kIMM iIM !T'' S i >a t d<d; ,' '.' 111!'" 10 button facing. Pen- Otlier Groceries. ' ir^Sn iW n,!.|'!, ' f*C' nS< ilrt" "nd r°°my f°r < i)i;\ MBAI I'll' SACK On K^jjalL Hw 6r°wlnf hoys. . Fresh pround' white or^ellow No.' 9 sacks. ' Limit 2 '.'. lUO MiX^r pTT !' <'"tur" "' , T>'--..sers—Wut.l, pocket. IIKKAKFAHT MACKKRKI, .. . . C« olffT*¥ MnL "« fBCe. d ' r'ull lined with CXtl"a BtrOn,^ r -New No. 4 Norway fish. Limit 5 OC »l 1' ll llnln Seams taped and edges oVerCaßt< WHI /lie^lowa'mtke.'N^^pi^ltagU IOC fwtirTH 5'7;"" 111 fr. oln f toisj o*■ 5495 Proctor & Gambles Star Naptha Powder. Limit 3 .... lUC ijiM "nd Allior ... '— Trousers 5495 i. flf ■■ There ia a good assortment of suits in this lot fIH There is a «oo(l assortment of suits in this lot ALL DAY GROCERY SALES W ■ ln lhe gO0(1 R IJlill»' fabrics, plain grays and >r- — V ■■ fancy mixtures of all sorts — double-breasted 1-Lb Brick Hvpimprw -Oil c^T^^HS*'* W "ats and the Norfolk styles—extra pair or 1-XiO. JSIK.K V»iedmery v/^^fc"—^^ftfiff lEßil*^M trousers with each suit for which there is no Butter «J L+ *)C- \T~~~—-^^^^T l|«^^^ xtr» charge; aK? B -1 to 17 years. 54.95 jjiiuuv,i «^^b^^# i xtpiopLESStore. / Special w4iww 1-Lb. Brick (Veamery Tluttei^— I" — 'T^'T^i \ DfIVCI KPW GT3"DTXrn . n A TlCf ' Primrose brand, pure eastern fc^l___SJj>B * ,• • xSU 3C b JNJUW bJfKIJMU tAFb creamery butter, freshly cut and ltße^iv| Bßl \v _ A shipment of 50 dozen boys' new spring and summer oaps, just wrapped, in 1-lb. bricks which are 4 1 h|iTT*^l;/ «>'"Vvil, all the popular shades and patterns; you will like Cfly* invariably full weight. This is the OOi JnT.rJ.L^^/ the prico as well nM the caps. Special vJUU modern way to buy butter. Per </*/• te-^l^a "SKIDOO" HATS FOR LITTLE CHAPS I>rick v4<2v i &* Here is a practical hat for the little fellows, "bowl" shape bo BEPS? So"or' b- 10 1 3cFine BUBar cured Calitornl i AS yle S'SSJSL?iSS > uri pci3 lU'y f. lts: : ith. baud 50c half strips °." 16aC UNA-JAMAS FOR BOYS Shoulder Cut Hams, Lb. 12c—The finest sugar cured, cut from ThP "Una-Jama" is a little different from the ordinary pajamas young eastern hogs, nicely trimmed. lOn in that it ha.s Btra on the inside of the pajama coat which but- Pound ItC ton to the trousers making sort of v night "union" suit, made in l'ustry Flour, a SHck Ssc—Magnet hrand, the ideal cake OE#» plnlt and I>lu<> BtrlP<*il outing for boys 4to 16 QD n i and pastry flour, in No. 9 sacks Z3C years of age. Price oOC / WM*%m^Sm sis^Tus children's 0% IWImM/i int-£Z£^^i*u™^ibW- creamery, pure, freshly IJI Jl^l Jll U fl^D '!§S<sfo^B? r'° esskss rnATSi at ffiMS >' fiif '^E5 SJO. R3J bricks, which are invari- V^V>/\l3 ±\. 1 X^flfes 'MllWm THe PgoPfe^w^^^ ably full weight. 70. ' '> /Hfe Mm!IMJ^J' —" '■i fes iob TTI" "Ifffi • '/tmVi Cottage Hums. Lb. 171-2<— Challen Coffee, Ll». 25c — ll*\ I|" B^¥*l €^ {* #OWl«llij1 1 Kino suger cured, boneless Our popular 28c blend of -M. .M.%.M.M.M..M. M. JL^-/^L-/ KlllmWoh ' pieces weighing about t t0,4 Kda fy! Srant coffee, marked . 08 Coats Xow 5.,,| .t ? ,.»O- MMm \ pound 17'iC pound y." 25C »l»-98 coats now wllliig at $9.99. end WOTMiifl ' Sueei Xavel o.ansies, 1),,/, 15c naby Olives', ' Quart' 15c—Just ", on ilii V""'^ 1' the stock Wlth all the <OJ/ lUl^m —Free from frost, thin Bkin- enough for one day's sell ng Prl^s in between-these are winter *W WWRM ned, sweet, juicy, California at this price in coats that ,we are closing out. made up J^CVJt-Jffl navel oranges, 1 r a 2 5c value . IDC n Fl<Mldi(l woolen coatings, plain Xi JM&^CW dozen loC Bfkt rZ Item 22«al_ browns, navy blues, cardinal and gray. W/MRM^ft I Fresh Sausages, 1.1,. Isc_ Carefully Reeled and closely also a fe, w corduroys-double-breasted MM||B\ Home made delicious pork, candled eastern eggs that efve ■tylw. vclv \or corduroy Ilara- for r-^TBSJJT^t ' welnerwurst or 1C satisfaction ftrti "ls Gto 14 years ' Prices start :" If f^O% I Frankfurters, lb IOC dozen' 22* C »3.9S ajid end at »19.98. Any coat C^flf (W^- Solid Pack Tomatoes. Can 10c Florida Ornpe Fruit " sr—Real Saturday at Just 1 ■L\ ■///, < —Del Monte bra.nd, solid, red genuine thin skinned Florida ■«■» mT ¥1 nnvrin V^T7lJ*'vl/ ■ I rpe, meaty tomatoes, in -JO., grape fruit, small but r, H AfifV HRff Xl *&£l No. 2 1-2 cans IUU full of juice DC M.M.J7JL.MJM. I Ill\jlj =^^ii vf^^^'*"':)^*:''^?^-.^^ 2 '"v'r <"kcs -•"»<• ami < Hii.nitßVS A;-... _ ■■ ■ *.. ' • •j» «••!• 'n't• S "V . 1 I ■ .^^Bl^^^^^^^flUßßQK^w^B 1 i( 1 /ik^T7^23Bfc^-'-''^iffi -^ choice of several m£M lligh s l)licr^ heela ;iml doubl* , jf\v,' ■•' --^■JM^BKg'gl Bk»Vii»yv?v: ]j^ 'i I ° ' V FlflU BOleß> wlde elastic garter top, J '»»HHr^^bS9|^<^v«^7'"*/j i<in6S- 3 1:' :%<l' 35c ■ 9"^ v tan and Dlack- 3Rr £„ .—^^^_" (ffr~-.~,^-. layers tvlU BI'K KIBIIKH COITON ,Miik Urcad. laj..: » ,-.. peciallj baked for us, large Ql,, '■ ?ttl^^ S,° ° "r which are fleeced. To ,■ .square, brown crusted loaves 0«C lH^wPj^SußH clan "P the lino we offer ; « Loaves Purity Bread for 23c—^Our popular 6c bread. «C« VBii(*'^^9l^ regular IDe values Qp, Choice of all varieties, G for /DC V E'^S^M^a r ' b Fancy Chocolate Creams, Lb. li»<—Our Magnet grade, rich I WO>li:.N'S ANI> CHILIUtB.N'H chocolate coated creams, several varieties, 4 Q VOIjSI CNDKKWKAR ; .equal to regular 40c grades, pound IOU WMlßsffiMtMßM Women's heavy weight silk ft- Orders for afternoon deliveries must reach us by noon. .^BftH&HsSG I atl(1 llale veßts> pants and tights, _______________________________________________________ lan <ixtra good garment for «>arly ? EVENING GROCERY SALES • mBmM •"•• ""' """""jMq . I c Start ing at O o'clock. No Phono Orders. Delivered With WO.SfKTaS liAmN sliis «piiU«J I Other Groceries. WOMKN'S PLBBCBD COTTON UNION >l 1 is ! 4 CANS MILK FOR .... ........... .............. nr. Small sUes. .>;; OQ. Large sizes, , - ■■-:-.r: AQr> I A popular Washington brand. Limit one lot ....... ZOC 65c value .......... UUU 76c value ..'......;.'. •♦UO 8 8 BARS I.AITJVPRY SOAP .........."!.. Irt ' CHILDRKN'S HEAVY NATURAL WOOL sillltTS, PANTS tm M Bob White, regular 6c bars. Limit one lot ...'.'.".'.".*.'. UC . . ANI> . UR.WVKHS ■^''■;-}'''ii^yC*f'?^M P NKW SEEDED RAISINS, PACKAGE ................. Ck $1.00 sizes 7^ 75c sizes • ? t ?,-&*p,E7fi\ I New fresh seeded fruit, No. 1 cartons. Limit 6 ....... OC '0r...... ; . I «lb i for ....... . : -. .... ...?*II,U| g 25 OUNCSK CAN BAKING POWDER *y^ I 95c sizes <.v-• 70. 66c sizes MQ i K. C. brand that gives satisfaction. Limit 3 II C for ""•"•'^ '" for •; ''' •••;":p5-| I • 85c sizes t*Att Boc B'ze» QO* ~ • 1 for D*»C for MUC THE PEOPLES STORE EDWARD E. HORGAN, Presidentg|g^g|g^ ,: .;,-/,;:' ■■^bb^a^■■■■■■■■aa^B^— PAGE THREE.