Newspaper Page Text
Friday, Feb. 7,1913. GUNBOAT SENT JO MEXICAN WATERS (Hy United Press Leased Wire.) SAN DIEGO, Feb. —The gunboat Annapolis, under orders from Washington, sailed today for Guaymas, Mex., presumably to protect American interests from rebels. The warship had been held in readiness for sev eral days. Upon the receipt of the orders late last night they were read from the stages of all the theaters and the sailors rounded up. EXPECTS A CALL Rev. Murdock McLeod, pastor of the First Presbyterian cnurch, arrived In Harrlsburg, Pa., today ftnd will occupy the pulpit of the big church there Sunday and the Sunday following. It is expected he will receive a call to the pas ► torate. Trainmen Battle With Six Hoboes SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., Feb. 7. —Six tramps are In the town jail today at Daggett, while of ficers are attempting to round up another dozen of a squad that re fused to leave a Salt Lake over land train and forced a ride to Daggett after a desperate battle with the trainmen. Joe Ettor refuses to say wheth er or not he will go back to Bos ton and lead a strike of work men there in the near future as reported. REAL ESTATE liv.- acres, all fenced, fruit trees, liouse, barn, good well water, all for $«f>o. Make me an offer for cash. Main 3935, leave your address. ~ FOR SAl.i: Choice wlieat lands and farms, $12 to $25 per acre, Milwaukee line. Will be In town few days. See me lit 309 Bernlce Bldj?. or address X K. Christie. Low Clap, Wash. ►s<' 1 [OOL SECTION 36 l-'or sale, fine building site, 6 lots, seeded In clover, facing proposed car line. For quick -sain $1200. ~ Address owner, 1222 No. Wash ington ay. 40 a.-ri's choice Irrigated land in central Oregon, perfect water right. Price $1800. Will trade for Taco ma property and pay cash differ ence. Main Wl9. B-room bungalow, furnished, $1. --2f»D. small payment, balance like rent. Will trado for acreage or •waterfront lots. tiUO:! So. C. Two lots. So. 44th and Hosmer, $100 net; no Inounibrance. Ad dress P. O. Hox 1017, City. SOME CLASS TO PARCEL POST WAGON Iteiiin's First Isleitrie Parcel Post Delivery Wagon. The Door Is In Front, Bosltle the Chauffeur's Heat. Last Call for Free Pianolas Quickest Action Necessary Now in Order to Secure One of the Remaining Rare Values at Eilers— Will Positively End Tomorrow. The Itcniaiiiing Pianolas Go Free to First Callers. Six Fine, High est-Grade Sample Pianos Now Marked Half Price. Select an 11i^i imiiin-lit Now and Pay Next Month, if You Choose. This is positively the last call. And we say to you in all sincerity that even though you may not be quite ready to buy—even though you may feel that you cannot spare the money Just now, it will pay 'you handsomely to come in at the earliest moment. If you want a fine upright pi ano you can get one now-—superb sample pianos at exactly half price. If you have a piano and want a fine pianola we will give you one abso)utely free, the only requirement being, that you agree to purchase four music rolls each month for a year. Since the first announcement many homes have taken alvantage of this extraor dinary offer of free pianolas. This to your last opportunity—posi tively. IIII:SK ARE HALF PRICE 71 We will include today a half dozen highest grade strictly brand Qrnnp ; THE CUB / *j\*Kj\jjr REPORTER , TURK RULER PROCLAIMS HO LV WAR (By I'uifffl Press Leased Wire.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 7. — After a meeting of the committee of national defense here this aft ornoon it was stated that Sheik- Ul-lslam had proclaimed a holy war throughout the Moslem world. If this is true, it will aid the Turks in their Balkan strug gle and will make every Moham medan a possible soldier in the struggle of the crescent against the cross. BRIDES WIN OUT Sixteen little Japanese brldes to-bp who canie over to taire hus bands hero were overjoyed at word from Washington yesterday that they need not be deported but may take treatment and be cared of hookworm here and tben be allowed to marry their lovers. REPORT HEAVY SEAS ON STRAIT (Hy United lVess Leased Wire.) TAIOUSH ISLAND, via Wire less to Seattle. —Heavy seas are running at the mouth of the Straits today, as the result of a sixty-mile gale, which hast been blowing from the east since 8 o'clock Thursday. The thermom eter is down to 86. new and very latest upright pi anos—sample instruments. These will go at exactly half price,up on terms of payment of $8 month ly, for the plainer styles and only $10 monthly for the largest and fanciest orchestral upright grands. PAY NEXT MONTH If you are not prepared to make the customary payment to day, come in and arrangements will be made to begin payments next month if you desire. In our anxiety to close out all the odds and ends we will make any terms that are at all within reason. If you want to get the piano buy ing proposition of a life time as regards downright catting, yes, slaughtering of price, if you please, and extremely easy terms of payment besides, we urge you to be on hand early. Eilers Music House, Temple of Music, 943-5 South C street, | SAY, SCOOP, TAKE THE LADY FOR A STREET CAR RIDE I HIGHER UP IN DANGER (By United I' lioased Wire.) NEW YORK, Feb. 7. —Arrest of a New York police Inspector Is expected today as the result of the confession of Police Captain Thomas Walsh that he divided be tween $25,000 and J50.000 graft money with this official. Walsh is near death as the result of the effect of the graft disclosures on his weakened heart. | DEFENDER OF LABOR ON TRIAL AGAIN FOR BRIBERY I After having been acquitted on one charge, the bribery of Geo. N. Lockwood, a puror in the MeN aiiiaiV trial, the first bribery cuse presumably being the stronger, Clarence Harrow, labor attorney, is again on trial in Los Angeles, Cal., fur the MUM alleged offense, only Hii- time he is charged with trying to buy Uobert I . Bain, another juror in the same trial. The accompanying picture is that of Hie jury selected to decide whether Harrow Is Innocent or guilty. Front row, left to right—X. H. Hughes, H. I, Robinson, David Dunn, Frank M. Sanderson, Sylvester Grunt and Fred S. T'ettingiil. Hack row, left to right—Silas Setchell, Walter F. Arms, Geo. C. Hempel, J. T. Huffran, Win. H. Kiirnest, Kyron K. Street and It. A. Burner. DISCUSS NEW LEGISLATION Proposed dental legislation, particularly a reciprocity agree ment which would allow dentists who had passed the state examin ation here to practice in other states without being examined there and vice versa, was discuss ed at the monthly meeting and banquet of the Pierce County Dental association at the Tacoma hotel last night. Seven new mem bers were admitted, as follows: Dr. A. G. Hicks, Dr. C. O. Terry, Dr. E. Brewitt, Dr. C. E. Wilbur, Dr. P. Halleck of Tacoma; Dr. Sam Turner of Wilkeson, and Dr. Ralph Fleehart of Buckley. TAFT AND FISHER FAVOR PARK Congressman Warburton wires that both President Taft and Sec retary Fisher will recommend an appropriation of $175,000 for tn e completion of the Mt. Tacoma road and laying out new roads in the national park surrounding n. URGES PENSION Loula J. Muschek urged the mothers' pension, the eight hour day for women and a minimum wage of $1.25 a day for females before the Parent-Teacher asso ciation of Edison school yesterday afternoon*. He also urged compulsory In surance for married men to pro tect the homes. Fine For p afar Z" Catarrh remedies come Tf^Sr^lfmWh anc go. but Booth's WmJmr^l HYOMEI breathed as di jP^ffi/S^A rected continues to quickly fWjYi) i i_i I _tjTEI relieve and permanently |A|^OU cure the most chronic and obst). c«MJn^Tf~isWo»' nate cases as it has done for years- Allc-w* A fJ Keep an outt wlth you at all 1 / times. It Is nature's own remedy ; V^tPpfpSfff^^ "^ffi rom the Eucalyptus forests of CTrvjBHWr^JT f Australia. Just breathe it, no ■ ?/ ° fcpHjV» (a tomach dosing. ; V if'* ITb« A V* I**1 ** ' * Complete outflt $1.00. Extra botttas, - S?*f M?. , 6 . ''■ • ; v later nwded. 50 cent*. Af »ll drug. " s!«^«y f r-5,(« < |sl»- M»II crd.r. filled, charge* pre- VJ~^i^|Ui!il&^ paid, by Booth 1* Hyomel Company. '*'-.:i^?^!T^^i;ll.' '" ? ' ' "'' ; Buffalo. N. Y. "•','";,'','■''■'' ,"v' ''.."''-■'■-'■ V'-''-'*'' €>'»«'*<s><s><B><S><t><S><S><s><»'»<»<» «>«<<s>#>«••s«>#♦.s«>s>.»<»#♦ <S> ■ . - « <$> PREACHKK DIDN'T LIKE THE DISPLAY. <t> * • <S> (Jly i tiiti.l it.-sss Leased Wire.) <»\ >$> -NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. 7.—Aroused by a display * <s> of corsets mounted on voluptuous female forms carved out <» <?> of wood, Itev. W. H. Selleck, pastor of the First Methodist ■$> <» church of thiß city, complained to Mayor Splawn. <5> $> His honor after examining the display, called on the doc- <?• 4 tor and said he saw no cause for complaint. -s> *> "I am surprised at you," expostulated the city executive. <*> *> "You ought not to let a mere wooden form excite you so." <S> * <» <$■ <$> <8> (I»y United Press Leased Wire.) <» » POUGHKEEPSIE, N. V., Feb. 7.— Plunging in after five <» ♦ Vassar college girls whose sled had broken through the ice on <S> *> New lake here, Miss Phoebe Briggs of Sacramento, Cal., man- <$> ■•• aged to sustain the heads of two of the girls above water until <S> •j> rescued. Miss Elizabeth Mylod of Poughkeopsie, another <$> \ ■•■• member of the party, was drowned. <j> ' * <3> ! *n /£k .^i d "*\ *£\ J^. *Ji\ ,^\ i^fc /2^ rfOk >Afc j^ jfik -^v >^\ .^v .-'S >4k A. JK Jlk « *X A A — ' WOULD GIVE GOVERNOR POWER TO REMOVE JUDGE: OLYMPIA, Feb. 7.—The bench, which escaped the possibility of recall by the defeat of the judicial recall in the house, is not to be entirely free from public attack, if Representative Charles L. cm.i mli. i-liiin can help it and he has introduced a bill in place of the recall to empower tne gover nor tQ remove any Judge in the (state. By the terms of the bill if any judge is unsatisfactory complaint may he made to the governor. A SEEK FEDERAL AID The city council yesterday adopted a resolution asking Uncle Sam to help keep the watershed on Green river clean. The gov ernment was memorialized to stop issuing permits for any grazing of sheep or cattle on the watershed in the forest reserve. JOHnITmUST^ NEED THE COIN LIMA, 0., Feb. 7.—Ohio, In diana and Illinois oils rose three cents a barrel today to the highest price recorded since the opening of the oil fields in this territory. THIT^ACOMA TIMES public hearing will be had, both sides will be given a rnance to be fully heard and the governor will then decide and his decision will be final. Other new bills In Mie house yesterday was for the use of vot ing machines and oue maUlng It a misdeuieanar to assume a name other than the right one of the possessor. FIRST PICTURE OF NEW PRESIDENT i OFFICIAL riiOTOtiltAril OF RAYMOND POINCA.KE. - By "HOP" Examine Roekey On an Island (Ity Inilcil I'rews ItMMfl Wire.) BKUNSWICK, Ga., Feb. 7.— Examination of William Rocke feller, Standard Oil magnate, at Jekyl ißland, 12 miles out in the Atlantic ocean from here, by Chairman Pujo of the houue money committee and Samuel I'n termyer, attorney for the com mittee, waa scheduled to begin at noon today. BANKER STARTS HIS SENTENCE (By Vniteil I'ress Leased Wire.) BELLI NUH AM, Feb. 7.— W. E. Bchricictr, convicted LaConner banker, was taken from thi> Wluif coni county jail here ana confined in the Sl;agit county at Mount Vernon Thursday night. He will be taken to Walla Walla to begin serving his sentence of rrom one to five years when a guard from the penitentiary arrives eltiier to day or Saturday. Mrs. Sciulcker remained in Bellinghani, unere slip is under subpoena in the Se nttle bank cons])iracy case, PLAN BIG TOWER SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 7. — Overtopping the famous Eiffel tower in Paris by nearly 100 feet a like structure, to be the tallest ever raised by man, la being planned by the Panama Pacific exposition today. SALLOW, BILIOUS, HEADACHY, TONGUE COATED? CASCARETS m __ m Furred Tongu«, Bad Taste, Indigestion, Sallow Skin and Mis-; craDle Headaches come from a torpid liver and clogged, constipated bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undigested', rood^ which sourß and ferments like garbage In a swill barrel. That s the first step to untold misery—foul gases, bad breath, yel- »• low skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Casearet tonight will straighen you out by morning—a 10-cent box from your drxiist will keep your Liver tctlre, BoweU cleaa and regular; Stomach sweet. Head clear, and make you feel bully for months. Don't forget the children. ' _^^^^^Jffm/ || BS^^iWs^^^^i^^jEji^^^S^^^sSl^^^Bß^ IV (jClltSo Ne»er rrlp* or slcfcsah fCASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP. 1 GRAND JURY INDICTS FIVE The federal grand jury yester day indicted EmerEon C. Delding, Seattle politician, for suborning a witness in the recent trial of Sarah Levy and others for false returns in a bankruptcy case, and also returned another indictment against Henry Suwoll, Sam Levy and Sam Kaufman, partners In the bankrupt Aberdeen concern, for conspiracy to defraud in the bankruptcy. Joseph Landsberry, known liere as Hergin deLangvin, was Indict ed for attempting to get an army pension under the name of his father. His brother Ed was re leaspd as no bill was found against him. I.orila Ireno Uimtenlierger, first wife of Dr. F. \V. llinkenberger, was not Indicted for opening mall addiCHSed to Mrs. P. W. RlnUen berger, which was intended for wife No. 2. No true bills were returned against Frank Kambie or J. Roy Lucas, who were Investi gated. Real Estate Transfers CIS Ilorut'n Ktiapp to JoMphtM Knapp I. ( to r. ii I I< S to 6 li ii 1, i II 10 Purdy s2 ac sw & sw se 13-22-le 1 624 Lola B Moss to Mary A Doyle iiml Vb I, 1 B I! Arilnir ton Pk b2 iiw nw; si' vi! nw nw; n2 n2 »w nw; h2 s2 sw nw; n2 nw bw; W % of n'-i nw s «cc 28; & cS ne tie »uu 20 tp 22-le 627 Wash Beo Co to Jno C Cur ran tract in s nw 11-19-2 & Ij 1 boc 10-10-2 1750 C2S Msirtln Magnusen & \vf to Ole Walhooil 12 a in uecs 22 & 27 tp 21-le 1 029qc P A G G * I-: .1 Br«M inuiin Gertrude Yuiiiik — Uer tha Htoever to ('. I' (' Breaa mann Ii 11-12 B 10 Baker*. 1 nd LIIH 10 CatliiiH ad .... 10 633qc .Iks McKaught & wf to Mary H fSrcßory L 32 i-fine tnry at Roy 10 637qc F .1 Bchroeder to Paulina Schrocder L .',-i v i Egsera 1 ad HOO 639 J N Aloi-K'nn to Mary Al Monagle <•',;. l M I. If A tv l-S i. 56 Mi'lluK'li tract in 4 l»-6 750 Hll'hc Walerla i to Vac lav Volentonovlcli I. 1 i: 5 Wllkcsoii 1 646 Tac Cemerery to Jno V & Win J IlolniPS w2 L, 18 blk X sec G Tac cem 90 653 Jno Krlckson to Andrew Llnderund 1/ i 82 c 2 ne nw 21 --20-4 1 654 tame to same und V-t of c «'!'.-:■ ft L, 1 to 3 II 43 Smith & F ad 1 655 Andrew Under to Inlanil l<i>R'(tln(l Co s2 c 2 »2 ne nw 34-20-4 .: 1 656 Kami- tn same s H6% ft I. 1 to 3 B li Smith & V ail 1 SSTqc 010 Halvcmon & wf to Andrew Halverson s2 nw se 17-20-le 1 G59 Nels AnilorHon & Wt to T M Snilth Ij sli 87 Uaki-.s ad .. . . 10 C66qc H A Koffiiiiin to Eva Hoffman I. 5-6 11 3 Uertelsons Hiihdlv lilk 26 Ski l-uiul 1 ail.. 1 667 IJ Hunker * wf to O O Thompson s 45 ft I. 4 It .'i So Tac Grdns SOO C 69 (i s Tcrryinan to S A Per kins i. n; to 21 i: 8 Sixth ay Uuni? Pk 10 671 Kplirtam Kunqulat to II M Taylor L I B 3 So Tac (frdn« 10 672 West Coast Grocery Co to Frank F Martin isr.vioo ft In s2 sw nw sw 31-21-3 10 C 73 Central Land Co to Dm Molnes Inv Co L 21 & n2 L 22 B 44 Smith A F ad 10 675 F J Boedefeld & wf to W S Basslndale 1, 3 to C Millers Homestead Reserve ad Puy .. 10 CLAIMED HE HAD DROPSY Somo time ago I had an attack of grippe wlik-h finally nettled In my kidneys and bladder. I doctored with the doctors and they claimed I had dropsy. I tried other reme dies and Rot ne relief from any of them. My condition was Hiieli that 1 was unable to work for about two months and the annoying symp toms caused me a great deal of trouble and patn. I was hardly able to turn over In bed. Seeing: one of your Almanacs, I decided to Klve Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot a trial and after taking several bottles was able to reaume my work again, I cannot say too much in praise of your SwMinp- as the results in my cane were truly wonderful. Yours very truly, ■ IIOBERT BALL.ARD. . Manafield, Pa. Sworn and ■übacrlbed before me, this 7th day of May, im. RAY C. LOKGBOTHUM, Notary Public. ' 1 ftlfr . <o '' -/.ML I SJSi£f Dr. Kilmer * €.'•.-" I Biiiuiifiiiiiiiii. >r. v.; | ;":-■ Prove ' Wkut H «hm).Rmi will Do v :,/;r.i ; You. ; -:, "Send .to :'. Dr. Kilmer ;* ft ' Co. Ulnghamton, N. V., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will alao receive a booklet of valuable r. Information, x^. telling ' all about' the • kidneys v. and bladder. When)' wrltlna; be sure » and men tion -ti c: Department >•» M.Xji Regular fifty-cent and > one-dollar f sice bot tles (or, aale 'at • all ■ drug, stores. SfjC ' PAGE SEVEN. MANITO CLUB TO OPPOSE GRANT The Manito Park Improvement club opposes any franchise grant to the Bell telephone monopoly. At the meeting of the tint) this; week a unanimous vote was given against granting any franchise at all to the crfhipany. When their franchise runs out the metuherg wanted it to Just operate along without a franchise until the gov ernment or the <*ity or state got ready to take the matter up. "If they have no franchise we can compel them to fjtvp the ser vice or quit but if they have a franchise for a specified lime they can laugh- at us," said one man and that was the general opin ion. PRETTIEST GIRL 20 YEARS AGO (lly I'nilcd Ptcw Leased Wire.) NBW YORK, Felt. 7. —After she had lie<-n found burned to (loath, the ashes of Lillian Lor raine Hollis, the "prettiest woman in California," 2(1 years ago, are placed today in a local crematovy. The cheeks sunken and yellow, the hair a dull sickly ochre and the arms emaciated, her body was found in a little room an 49th street, "chorus girls' row." .Many stage friends of her golden days witnessed the simple fu neral ceremony. I Heard MyMessage? It's a prepaid "wireless." It's the fit O. S. of style and its flashes say— "Heard's Clothes at $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 are the Aery best values in Tacoma." Heed the mes sage. Profit by it. Accept it as an in vitation to come in and look over the new spring stock. Then you can see for yourself where yon get the best for your money. Heard at 11th and Com. Sts.