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THOUSANDS visit the movies in Tacoma. The Times is the only paper in Tacoma that car ries a complete program of the mov ing picture houses in this city. And have you read the feature stories of your favorite "movie" artists? MILLIONAIRE'S SON SLAYS THREE MEN FRIEDMANN ON HIS WAY TO AMERICA BAIJM SECRETLY TO AVOID DKTKNTION BY KKIIMAN GOV ~~t KKNMKNT, ACCOKDINO TO CABLEGRAM BEOEIVED HY MILMONAIKK lIANKKII WHO <>1 I I 1.1 i> HIM A MILLION j lioLLMIs TO COME TO THIS COUNTHY TO TEST HIS CURK. ♦ ♦♦«>♦♦«•<»<&«><&«•♦<s>♦ ♦«><S>«><B><S>«><S><S>«>'?>«><J>#<B«<»<B> «► . , -<«> <?> Ilundrrds of Taconians will he interested In the news <§> €> today that Dr. Friedmann is at last on his way to this country t> to demonstrate his cure for luliorcnlosis. Siiuo the Times <*> t> first announced tlie great discovery of the - young German <5> 6> many Tacomans who are suffering with this malady or have <5> £> friends or relatives afflicted hay« watched eagerly for the time <S> * when the cure should be brought to this country. <s> *> -With Kriedmann in America it means that the remedy <$> & will at once be available for the people of the United States. <!> 6> Some Tacomans even may be selected for treatment by the <!> £> great doctor himself. <$> f> - ♦ »«>«>«>****<J>*(|><»«>#<»»*'*«>«>*^«>***<S><*>*«><»« (By United Press Leased Wire.) KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. B.— Secret departure for the United States by Dr. Frederick Franz Friedmann, discoverer of an al leged tuberculosis cure, was made from Berlin c* midnight last ni«ht, according to a cablegram received here today by Charles A. Finlay, president of the Aetna TACOMA SHOWS INCREASE IN VALURE OF BUILDINGS Construction News shows there were 2,555 buildings erected In Tacoma in 1911, worth $1,707, --644 and only 1,741 in 1912, but they were worth $1,876,478. The showing would have been still better In 1912 but the ordinance was changed and all little wood ■heds and shacks were eliminated FIREMEN CASE RESTS WITH JUDGE It is up to Judge Card to say whether the case of the firemen to compel the city to put them on an eight hour day shall be tried or not. Judge Stiles for the city filed a demurrer against the whole com i plaint and it was argued to the | court this morning. Stiles lnslsi jed the firemen are not laborers and therefore do not come under the eight hour law. He Insists they are really officers. Judge Gordon, associated with Bone & Wright In the case, ar gued for the firemen and Judge Card took the matter under ad ■visement. ; If he decides against the fire men the case will then be appeal ed to the supreme court. If he overrules the city's demurrer, the case will then come to trial on ' the facts before the court here. ■ *v . ______—_-______ ANOTHER STEAL IS EXPOSED (By United Press Leased Wire.) OLYMPIA, Feb. B.—With the echoes of • Houser's resolution charging the theft of $100,000, --000 worth of Seattle's water front still ringing through the house, another gigantic state land manipulation stands exposed to day by Representative Robo, of Snohomish, and Brown of Kittl tas, both progressives. ' ■ In a bill introduced by them, they eeek to repeal the Bush act which * permitted the sale of tidelands at $1.25 . per acre for oyster culture. "They charge that less than two per cent of this property has - been used for oys ter propagation, the remaining land being held for speculative and other purposes. '•' •.■'>-■ .-.■-"» PREFER SHOOTING ! | RENO, Nev., Feb. B B.'— Death by shooting rather than hang- Ing was selected '< today 'by J. Frank Trammer, convicted . mur derer, ■ after " being t given ft his choice by the court. •.-: He «v was . thereupon \ sentenced ( to >j be !: exe cuted by a firing i squad .at ' the Carson City j penitentiary. .' J : ■*v::■■;-.,:. ■■::,..:-:::/: .;',: ■■..;'■:,;• «> HURRAH! ; , «■ l**j£S:zJ&i '■ ■-. ." '■:-■:■ c -■ -:: "-: <9 .«> (United Press lieased Wire.) 5 <$■ ls-Jg£ NEW YORK, Feb. —The 3> <S> stock market opened fairly <$> -<*•' strong; today. "'■'• • •*.'>.'<s> « -:'-:.-,■■■ ■.■-:.<-■'.;> ♦ ♦ .♦ ♦♦,♦..♦♦ ♦ ♦ TheTacoma Times National bank of New York city. Friedman, the cablegram stated, sailed for America on board the Kronprinzen Cecile. Finlay says the reason for the secret departure of Dr. Frledmann is that the German government has forbidden him to leave Ger many. Finlay added that Dr. Friedmann probably would per manently reside in America. from the record. Seattle had 10,959 huildings, worth $7,491,15G, in 1911, and 10,119, worth $8,415,320 in 1912. Spokane had 1,741, worth $3. --313,940, in 1911, and 1,131, worth $2,271,397, in 1912. Portland had 7,703, worth $18, --489,220, in 1911, and 9,047, worth $15,303,333, in 1912. €"<s>^><s>^>^><s><j>^><f><s>4><j>^><j><j, •> • <$> 3> IKK WAI/TOXS: LISTEN! <$• * (United IM-i'ss Leased Wire.) <s> <f> OLYMPIA, Feb. B.—A <?> ♦ limit of 12 bass and 50 crop- <$> <i> j)ies is fixed by a senate bill ♦ f now up to the house for •$> ■-* 1 the catch in one day in the ♦ •- Columbia river by any one <s> ♦ fisherman. . Pishing with ♦ ♦ nets, seine or trap is pro- <$> <?> hibited in lakes, rivers and • ♦In the sloughs of the Co- <»> <$> lumbia. . <S> <S>e><S><S><s><S><S>.s><B..S><S.<B><3>.s><S><^ POLICE TAKE $1,000,000 FROM N. Y. GAMBLERS NEW YORK, Feb. B.rollce Commissioner lthinelander Wal do is co-operating with l>i-.tri< I Attorney Charles S. Whitman to day for the tirst time since tlie police graft scandal was unearth ed and it is expected the trail will now be traced to the ' highest "higher ups" on New York's po lice force. Using the testimony offered In Ihe aldermanic committee's in vestigation of the graft scandal by Gambler James Purcell, one time partner of Herman Rosen thai, as a basis, it was estimated here today that the tribute exact ed - by New York police from gamblers exceeds $1,000,000 a year. Purcell's story was even more sensational than that of Jack Rose, collector for Police Lieut. Charles F. Becier, .under sentence of death for Rosen'thal's murder. ■'. . . Former Sheriff Harvey of QihV.Vb county, Police Inspector McEaughlin, half a dozen police captains, including a brother-in law of Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tammany Hall, and scores of ward heelers and policemen are among the men to whom Purcell declared he paid .. protection money. On one occasion, he said, he paid Becker $350. - Another time,", he declared, I orders, came "indirectly" from ■ Boss . Murphy himself to close his establishment and Purcell swore he obeyed the command the same day. ■ ; District Attorney,. Whitman' ex pects indictments to be returned against; the suspected men next Tuesday. ;-. v . , ■'-...''.. S3J ARREST MEMBER I OF ALLEN GANG ! v SEATTLE, Feb. B.— ; Pardon Keyes, alias John G. Allen, a cous in of Sidna Allen, . the Virginia bandit, held in jail here 'on . the charge ■ of, attempting .to ■ blow up the home of Attorney Kitt Gould, his - father-in-law, faces ,1 another charge j today, that of. bigamy. . -■, VOL. X. NO. 43. 30c A MONTH. CASHIER IN CANDY STORE $><$>* <?•<?><?> 3><§>t, ~ $> $> &<s,<*> ■$•<s>• -BEAUTY CONTEST WINNER <S><s><s> <?><?><?> &<s><s> <8> <S> <3> ♦<$><$> <$>•$> NOW GRAND OPERA SINGER Three months ago she was only cashier in a candy store —Today she is known as most beau tiful girl in San Francisco and will be trained | for career in grand opera by famous star. SAN FKANt'ISCO, Feb. B.—A little over three mouths ago Miss Mue Josephine llennett wns just a shop girl, cashier in a candy and soda water store. She was little different from thousands of other Ifirls in this cijy and every other city in the country, except, per haps, for the fact that she was a little more beautiful. Then from a newspaper office stepped forth the little god of luck and pointed his finger at the can dy girl. The editor decided to run a beauty contest to decide who was the most beautiful work ing g(rl in San Francisco. Thou sands of photographs were offer ed, but only one, Miss Bennett's, was selected by the jury of estab lished artists. The prize was a trip to Honolulu with all expenses paid. The paper footed the bill and her employers furnished the HART AND NEWSPAPER MAN HAVE QUARREL (By United Press Leased Wire.) OLYMPIA, Feb. 8. —Did or did not Lieutenant Gov. Louis P. Hart refuse to sign a voucher for his salary? This is the pulsating question which is likely at any time to break out into burning debate in the upper house, and has already caused that short and ugly word <8> ♦*♦♦*«. <B><fc ♦4> * * ♦<» <»0 #♦ S> 4> * ♦ <t> ♦♦<$«><&♦♦ «> " <s> <S> . THEY CAN SPEAK PIiAINER NOW. ■:. : .. <$> ". <8> -.;■.'.-■■.-.. _ —; . .■. .. .■•.■.*-.■:'.♦: <$■ There are forty-flve Tacoma children, as well as a num- <S> . <§> ber of business men who can speak plainer today than Ihey -.«> <3> could two weeks ago, thanks to the labors of O. H. Knnls, the •■ "stammer" expert, who has returned to L<os Angeles, after his <9 <s> fortnight's work in Tacoma bile schools in teachinK sta'm- <* <?> mering children to speak.without that - "stutter." -." He also ♦; <.> took a number of business men and others as private pupils ♦ > <^ while in the city. . 3, OLD MR. CRAP EH ANGER G ETS WHAT'S COMING TO HIM THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA TACOMA, WASHINGTON, KATUKDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1913. THIS IS THE PHOTOGUAPH OP MISS MAX BENNETT THAT WON THE BEAUTY MB, ,_.._,.„. 3> outfit. Then came the biggest surprise of all. It was discovered that aside from having a beautiful face and figure that Mias Dennett had a magnificent, though untrained, voice as well. After much diffi culty—for already great artists are not trying out every unknown —this 21-year-old candy girl sang before Madame Pasquali, the fa mous star of grand opera, and a small assembly of the severest musical critics in the city, and they pronounced her voice excel lent. Anil no Miss Ilennctt i- now Madame I'asquali's portegt*. Thore will be several years of hard wort —you who read will, perhaps, for get—then the •imi'-iinn- randy girl will take her place among the world's opera stars to please huge audiences. to pass between the lieutenant governor and E. E. Perry, a Spo kane newspaperman. Hart has not received any part of his salary yet. Perry's article that he refused to sign a voucher, as demanded by law, was reßented by Hart, and Perry took some senators unfriendly to Hart to the auditor's office to prove he was right. NEGROES VICTIMS 1 OF GUN (United Tress leased Wire.) EVAXBVILI,E, Ina., Feb. — B.—Three negroes who were employed In his millionaire father's woodworking estab lishment were .shot and In stantly killed by Allen yon llehren, aged ill!. Tiien the young man drove to tin; po lice station in Ills automo bile and surrendered. "I had to kill them," yon Beln-en told the police. "They swore to get me." The deud men are: •, Walter Washington. .John Ciordon. | Henry Gordon. All factories in the vicinity of the shooting were closed alter the triple murder. The negro population, thoroughly aroused, are congregating in saloons ana a race riot is feared. Ten years ago 16 negroes were slain in a race riot here. •. ■ Young yon Behren Is superin tendent of his father's establlsn ment. He had announced his in tention of arming himself and to day carried two revolvers. The police assert the youth de liberately picked out nis three victims. A ipanlc followed in the work shops, the negroes Jumping throiigh windows and hiding be hind lumber piles. Van Behren went into hfs of fice, 'changed his clothing and drov£ to the police station. The police refused to release the young man on bail. He is believed to ,be insane, as Be suddenly claimed that the negroes were trying to run the factory. B -F l. yon Behren, tne young man-A father, is one of the most prominent citizens of Evansville. BAIERf CASE GOES TO JURY (MTLIjKTIX.) (t'nlted Press Leased Wire.) .-■-. HKM IMiH.AM, Feb. B.— V|> to noon today the Jury In the case of the sdite against Jacob l'uitli, K. \V. Andrews, 1 I.. V. Ankeny and Daniel Gal leher, ofl'icials of the Seattle i Xational bank charged with conspiring the reception or deposits by the defunct Tia Conner bank, knowing it to be insolvent, had not ronie in, and it is believed that they will hang, necessitating a retrial. BELLINGHAM. Feb. B.— case, of the state against Jacob Furth, millionaire Seattle bank er, and three other officials of the Seattle National bank, charged with conspiring in the reception of deposits by the de funct LaConner bank, knowing it to be insolvent, went into the hands of the Jury at 9:45 o'clock, Friday night, following the most strenuous day of the entire trial. From 9:30 In the morning un til 9:45 at night, counsel for both sides presented to the Jury argument, pregnant with invec tive and strong language, with but two hours of recesH. Interest in the case is Intense. During the day every seat in the courtroom was occupied, and when the jury filed out at the close of the day's session half as . many people were ranged along the walls standing. / HONOLULU, Feb. B.—Follow ing tUe discovery of $6,000 worth of .opium in his apartments,' S. O. Housman, 70, of -Seattle, is under arrest here today. He threatened to commit . suicide when arrested. . ■ ' ■ ■' ' HOME EDITION MAY SETTLE PLAN OF MUNICIPAL CAR LINE ON MONDAY Proposed Municipal Car£ia Whether Taconm shall ro Into municipal ownership of the tloe i l.n street railway line or granr a franchise to the Stoue-\\ monopoly may be settled at tlio ronferenco at the city hall Mon day. It will be worth while for cltl« y.ens who have opinions on tiie -niijei i to he on liaml. Tiie nieer ing is open mill nil citizens will have an opportunity of express:n>; their views. City Engineer Raleigh has es timated the line if DUIIt ny tne municipality will cost |IS,OOO. But that depends. "You can build It for $$",000 or you can build it for a great deal less," says Commissioner Nick Lawson, who at one tlmo was superintendent or tne local MURRAY OUT OF BED; IN COURT Weak on account or an Illness which caused his temporary re moval from a cell in the county jail to his home, ,1. Matthew Mur ray, charged with suborning per jury, appeared in court today to look after the interests of three clients who have engaged the law ypr to try their cases. Murray is under $2."0 bonds. His ball was reduced several hun di'en when it was learned that lie was too sick a man to occupy a jail cell. Murray has been given permis sion to try his cases some time next week. The calendar has been arranged so that his trial will not conflict with that of his clients. SHE CONFESSES PLOT TO'KILL (By United Fress Leased Wire.) WEBB CITY, Mo., Feb. S. — Confession to having lured her husband into a dark alley to al low her accomplice, James Lynn, to shoot and kill him there, nas been made today by Mrs. Lige GUlmore. Mrs. Glllmore and Lynn have been charged with first degree murder. The woman declares that her husband's extreme cruelty toward her prompted the murder. • ——■ ; • ■For Tacoma and vi cinity: Fair tonight and Sunday. , For Washington: Fair tonight and Sunday. • - —• MARY BOYLE O'REILLY is down among the garment workers in New York. She tells a true story of conditions as she found them. You'll find it today on the Woman's Page. Diagram shows proposed mi: iin ipnl street railway which UM city of Tacoina might huild in UM near future. .Mayor Seymour gpsls Hint the line be built to tin* city limits only, mid is in favor of a longer i'oi«l in the near fu ture, but not at present. ( um inissioncr Lawson favors n line M Dash I'oint, almost lo miles from the- cily limits. system and also was at the head of the Seattle system for a time. "You see you can liny n street car for I|HMM» or for 1|IO,<»OO, just as you .see fit and it Is tnc same wny with Hie whole thing. The line over the flats coutd be Tmilt Oh! Mr. Meads How Could You Do It "Gross discourtesy" | s what Stale Bureau of Inspection Rep resentative George A. Llebes says City Controller Meads has shown him in treatment in his office. Liebes has been working on the pity hooks and had been nsslen ed a desk in the office of Meads to keep his records. While he was away a day or two Meads moved his office. He took the papal* of Liebes from the desK in which they were placed, re moved the desk and the papers were left scattered over the floor. When Liebes returned he found them there all mixed up and sep arated. He wrote the city council about it this morning suggesting that he supposed the desk belonged to the city and not to Meafls person ally and he insisted that the con troller should treat him "gentle manly" and as the representative of the state accord the proper civility. The commission was consider ably put out at the action and the mayor was asked to conrer with Meads about it. PUT BONDS ON THE MARKET AGAIN The city will readverttse the $160,000 bonds it has for sale and will not award them to the National Bank of Commerce. The state has offered to take the bonds at 4 1-2 per cent and the hank demands 5 per cent Interest. Bond buyers say the city will get a better bid in a month from now, as the city Is sure of selling the 4 1-2 bonds and it will be up to bidders to offer better than the state. DEBATE PLANNED One of the real star attractions locally this month will be a de bate at the Temple of Music Friday night, February 21, wnen T. F. Burns, secretary of the Cen tral Labor Council, and recent socialist candidate for sheriff, will meet C. E. Muckler, president of the Tacoma Philosophical so ciety, In a public debate on so cialism. for a lot U-kh than $8.1,000 if the* city wanted to." Raleigh, however, has estimat ed everything the highest grade, with iloulile track all the way and finest of cars. It is probable the system could be put in satisfactorily for as low as $.".0,000. At this rate it is believed It would pay Its way from the start and prove a good profit maker in the years to come when the flats are more largely occupied. It is likely lli<> Stone-AVeUsrer representatives will make a poor mouth .mil iiklii .'ID- a ill-ini'lillil tion to tnko a fuinchlsn Monday when liny come tip to discourage the t'ity. Hut it is known they . ure miKlity uneusy lest the Ify put Hiiit line in. . They don't want nny more ol>» ject Immbj in Hiirressful inunlcl p.-il ownership in Tacoma. ,_ ■ Tiinen readers ulio have any thing to say on the matter should lie on lutiifl at 1O o'clock when the council meets. • ; If MILLER LOSES MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL Judge Clifford today denied the motion of Peter Miller, al leged burglar, for a new trial on a charge of burglary, following an extended argument by coun sel for the defense and the state. Attorney Glasgow of Seattle appeared for Miller. He argued that the entrance of Miller into the courtroom last week with his hands shackled prejudiced i the jury against him. He asked, that a new trial be granted. The defense also took exception to the testimony of Wlllus Taylor, ' which, It is alleged, was given under duress. The charge of being an habit uul criminal against Miller will be heard next Thursday. WANTS EXPERT Mayor Seymour can't get away from the idea that the city should - employ an expert to investigate Green river water. He lias elicit- *' ed more letters from Dr. Eugene Kelly of Seattle and Engineer Clausen of ! the state board !of ' health on the matter and submit ted them to the council today. ; Clausen thought the city should '"... view the situation with alarm. ,'*f" I Kelly said the thing to do is to clean up the watershed, then in stall a plant for a few hundred dollars as suggested by Engineer I Manley to treat the water - with ft> hypoclorldes in case It Is found j necessary. He admitted it might not be necessary and should not he done unless infection appeared in the water. :'. '" *VJ---- The council took no action and 1 is not lik.liy to. ;• ; • ■ ./? v'j - HAS ■17 ■ NAMKS : ■ -^'Pif.^ VIENNA, Feb. <8. -The infant son of Archduke Charles Francis. > Joseph has been given' 17 names.*.''/ commencing with Charles •■ Fran- '.* els Joseph Otto. - His father f, is f next heir to the * throne ■" after Franz Ferdinand.. ;; -■■ ,'■'*-?■•■ riv.vt'>4 ♦■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦• <•> " CRACKEI> SIX SAI-KS sSsrf«i« .<s,- v,.; r ;< ;,-, r *_■■;■ .-.^W-g, %01+ M ♦ (t'nited Prc«i 1..i.m ( 1 Wire.) ♦;*•■! BBATTLB, J v -^Feb.ti {$.— rl<»s '•< Charged with cracking i^ six &$. ■§> safes here during ■ the ■.:.■"past \®]'"•'. •■ month, three t men g-; are xj In <P -••' separate I cells f here r^ today.i^"* <j> They | have ; their J namesS'as^J-; <$ , Curtis i,<£ Sowers, ij&\ George i4>& ■•■ Reeves and C. O. Heokman. <*> ', Their I last Job, according Jto i^S <?> a statement hy Heckman, ■$> •*> wasiat- the Troy laundry. ♦»♦■»♦♦♦♦♦ <S» ♦ ,J? »;■•%,-V.--'.*.' «-•■-•>-•- ■ : ','-,-^:^^'4Ui