Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, Feb. 8,1913. tfrmyPouL tktAnnuai READ THESE AT LAST Baby Chix 7'c*jeze7 NOTICE I fCS Suceßß Is For Choice Sweet Peas A perfect hopper feeder F ™ s w Hat ehimr # J we have ononed our .tore {W^&M YoUrS rOF VIIOICC WCCt 168 S« i»Yir^^cc.;Kl o +^ ■.„<,+,> Breeder »t at 1131 c Bt- wlth a fomplete . V Tf you lot the Gold nnst ITou <lo _ ft . -impossible to waste white Plymouth Rocks .__-.-„." ime of seeds, fertilizer and lI^jSSHL H 1 u e tf Te r g kMor O nl , Savea^o?o^ m o lr Pi/\IA7Af S/O^H * the feed. Send for P ho- s c wh -* orng a NCON AS ™TZ IT* Ti7tZT^ mSSfi^- 1 itZX rlr t ti.?? Ti'.'.Vn. rioweroeea, S C White Leghorn*; A I ill I fill A \I«SSM»J3^ •""> 2 "•"■«" p>->™-«- 7 tograph and deserip- Day Old Chicks XTll\*\/lirllJ the highest quality that can be W2Ea§#O^ .a^J!sJrssSf<&** mS Fertilizer, Lawn Mowers, Implements, etc., for XJ&y UIU V/Ull/HS (Rose and <sincie Comh<O Part b°ught. Ask us about chemi- EGGS from tines limited. +11 ~ l l ll A i 11 i- 11 *• tive letter. . SPANAWAY - SSS s™s! Ham- c«i fertnizer-Hydrated Lime. s. c. Duff an, d white Orpins- dr jve ..n fl .tock j a»d {.av.^hun- the lawn and garden, call on the old reliable firm BATTTmtiw tTadm burgs, Fawn Indian Runner Potash Phosphate, Nitrate of „ __„ ton£ an(l „. Bn( , from; also baby chlcki hatched howe poultry POULTRY Jf RM Ducks Soda. etc. We can give you 9c> WhlME and Buff suai&SsP' P"™ Mj POOI F'S Rr SPECIALTY CO JH. O. JLinaSly Day Old Chicks. the correct information. Our Leghorns are Prize Win- J & „ Erlanffer'S Buff V-fV-rJ-11-i %J k^'*_-il_.l_X VX. .5436 Umon Aye.' •&S Si ■ "■ T^ '" Morisse Seed Nursery (|!kbs. E l,,,^™ ds 81 . implement co. ." SO. TaflOma. ' Now located on our new rarm p^|||| - Co. ' ?l Order Now. |M U» Cm* Brt UHori 1 tUVT Pacific ay. Tiro^i^T, 'Ifi7 Military Road, east of Spana- Phone Madison 142-L, vru* ' Visitors ttcloomo. * lOU< lacillC JIV. Madison way >"»«• mi c st. Mam 4042. 3530 fSSSI GlMad. 351. ' Mautaon m-L. Tacoma Washington IT^watl IIT" 11 •1 J 4^\\ "'l""d' NASHAWENA JllL iugk •'hl-tho"' f\ /^\l 1 /S& rowiette wicks j\ j& poultry farm iX^tz/fy Usty vJIcl |f Pruilfi»v • Pniilft-v ■r^'^^if wh[t ce dRo Ock k s s hGL r<^^W r* LJ I V rouiiry rouitry ■Lls^3K w^ Orpingtons, 'IHEk mltm A TZis>m L n1 A j^Mmm IVlcirKCl F allll *"^gLs&&^ g ' EggS, $2.50- $5.00 ■■^^^^KMi^^S fnTu/lilain^oih Elwtrta #^T^^^^gß^* v 1140 so. i) R. F. D. No. 3, Box 73, DURR'S White Indian l|P|Br''- "^ieW^^ watpwt'mp Vrrcj W Ml 11..,,1. 1 k Alike ua TACOMA wash. Itnoae island KedS -..SS- ' H 111 I' W W Hatching Eggs from pure bred ww In Any Quantity. We buy and .ell for table ' '^ "' n.mtv^comblnrd^nH^i 1' vw ' y I $S J" 1»V White Leghorns (t.wU keep, TTr ™<£ a ■ •is'; 1. 1:'.".""'.'...,, .'.ir''",;,,., 1 u%Wi "utieeyVeeese^duX pigeons' Orders for Ito 10,000 order! co»'1"^ Be^ - yOni tl'S. iffVioE' A* l^H^ " «* «~). EKBS $3 per 100. WHITE LEGHORNS i£S *, k jl r£&; «-< --raS r« eny£' 'm The baby chicks can be filled the sr. fl"' mv ro^ c^ c' Ul3 SSSf ChiCkS "* dUCH" l'" CkS hßlcliea l° °rder' Z2£ T*l«T K&™ilSi' <%S.!&iv. '^ poultry line we will buy It. nrnmntlv frOTll the host L»? only real cure on the mar- Sl _ « „_„„,„ ITV' T T VT'CiTFPft APTI THE EATON tain.. K« nnd day old ohlcka If you want a nice fat promptly II OmUIC UCSt ket. S. D. C. SMITH f M ±J. ii. VJ!ibIJ!.KI*ARD p __-_ etc.. from tU varieties. chicken for your Sunday din- grades of poultry.- ■ H. A. DURR Proctor 799 1<)1D " /I J^ ... Located at Jovita. rm ir,tnn EdgVwood. ner, we have It. 3814 Pacific ay Tacoma Wn -L^ o(t'V T '--' IJL) m4hMJf\k I Mail Address Route 1. Box 230, So. Bth and Union n. F. D. No. J Box 62. Puyallup. Phone Main 475. Send for Mating List. No. Washington. " j^l^.^fL.^ Puyallup. Wn. 6th aY " Car- Tn-on.a t«l.phon'."M.ln 7864 n-1 Coillfl £111(1 COt VOlll* Iliclt * m*. Wht* RocK I f|fj^JpM^^fy^^^^p^M^^pjp^J3BjlSiS^ssssll of cockerels berore FREE! free! Diamond TBffiBEOT^ neS'iHo^i^n; PUREBRED y^&s-q B^i r!r\v°h n.r ame d T« "Srw* .#1 _ come to L s t t r llg h s "nr wce r tS .ay DAY OLD <i\^Cw fmi sicuian Drown, hite and Huff giirat missoiiiii ill I? better than any chicken M^fi A V-fJL-*i^ B \'. <O^.^ - ir,' Lml) /i H,if4'««.o llnn Ji;i:ir M ,l rrsr Oil For MORISSE 33H^:>r...'s CHICKS l^«E g^ c 5 ro cris ras. Eggs for hatching, '—£tS.— 1.-.-K-fA,. Seed and a hundred. Day-old -hicks, a« VI 11V1VU J^HL. . ay: '/2Lk Buff Orrnnfrrnn ::.:::.KH".:::: incubators seedand Lf-» — «-- °' h fr Dr = r,n?:,;^. DacK cnicKS. inimntim Fart, m drawn ITI I 11 112) I fIVC |JCCU "lllt dred. White, Brown and Huff hoc- K£z?~Jfa&3^^^ J^ggS lOr 10 You Need Grit. tile'tiiap ni'sts IMVUMWIVIO l\l.n-»-»«w r*«, White Leghorns, the kind horns. Whito and Barred Rocks, er^ mr Day Old Chicks A b£" paniphiSt ™orth ' lNlirSerV V-.0. that lay in winter, eggs $1 for R. 1. Reds, White Wyandottes Have Us Book Your Order for J Make It yourself by John- money to you. A postal . xi/\t> trr\rm *15 » •6-00 a hundred. Day- an ,i Anconas. We guarantee Day Old » 1 _ „.„ L . , will bring it; also our JJOKxUUR old chicks, $12.00 a hnndred. safe arrival and full count and WHITE liKUHORX CHICKS ln/*ll Ko T AVC " sons Grit Machine. Price cwrk/F«m°fir H^"h","L POULTRY We breed for quality, not true to name. Our prices are now. Then come and get them UCllUl I $4 00 AKent for Oueen I rnon-s Hiun-WFi." Fa QTTT>T3T TPO ' quantity, so order early if you from 9c to 14c each. Write for and nvold gettin them chilled •; "; 14.00. Agent for Queen pSlTtry "iiV>i, iiept. 4. PorSKTAn SUPPLIES want eggs or chicks. our booklet "Feeding and in shipping. No shipments McClanalian Hot Water incubators. We have them _ , PuyllllliR>, Vn", h- 101 ttHUll T| ol j +a oil _. nTl i._ «f ■PT'DIXT'nnTI "PnTTT V Brooding Baby Chicks and made. 15c Karh, $12. I't-r 100 r> ofl( ] » c u,,lf i*Ra<mlntin£ — nreedera of wintrr-Layinn, O UellVer tO all parts OI ±IK W UUIJ fit Ulil ±t X Ducklings." Free to all cus- White nock eggs from best pens -KCCtt S toCII KCRUiating, •n stock. iio?« and Anvoaan aifo /\»i p the city free. FARM tomers. $r,.00 per setting, other pens, Electric Incubators and FRED A. JOHNSON & SON B- '• HeUfc Ull 10. 1131 C St. W.D.Buchanan Fresh Air Hatcl.o.y Co. • 2: 00 I>er r8^ 1,"^,.^ 18169 fOr Brooders •:■ Phone Ma,n 355530-n. ■— Main 4042. R- DMain OVBoB Tz™ . _J^»-vme : oregon^_ 1^ So . o^T"' Main 8002. Telephone Proctor 202 m^. * Day Old Chicks PHHB^i d a r'ltrir sssssss „ M faJ'yL And Eggs for hatching from K.fn| P'^W ■— — ■■ lALir iV/ **. «*t.u«K««i I Jiia lirv A&Tuir '^m selected trapnested prize win- t^ J*-^sHpßr\, ' ] '■« . ' "»*■—• «» -*^- J3IV V/I \^^ \JL %JL M. M. %. J '•^ jkj 1 7~\ < «^B nln stock. • . Wtdt *'*'^ :**''^ V*4W T ne B e9t Incul)ator Manufoc- "W^\ Jz&'//y)l C.j-^P oW nay old chlcks> R--Redß- E^^ijii^. 1 You Will Do Us a Favor '""■"■ I LSmtm D^k^r rklv f/mk -°1 ' Black Mlnorcas, IH,-. %^H^» It Jl Wln hatch as many chlcks l^*]£s*^*''3so DdDV V^lllX l "'ll^li^ , Eggs for hatching, R. T. If Wll lllCWOnnf{ as any incubator, and better, J f~LX '>•*§* J -W*»*^». "***"* -f^ilSSSl^ Reds, $2 to $r, per setting of ■Ci? "*" * 1 " UCU 2*lia Y¥ t3llllg stronger chicks. Any size, 60 (jA '-^^^i|l» •=**&ZBfj- 13. , .-■.-■ ** -: * W*dH rpi 'AJ "V II to 400 capacity. Write for our \V(^^ f^TJB White Lehorns. $12 per 100 BABY CHICKS Black Minorcas, $1.50 to $:» JlJ^Bfe'^%>A§Bl 1 lieSe Alls I Oil Men- pamphlet on Incubation. ' S. C. R. I. Reds, $20 per 100 We are booking orders for per setting of 13. '* V-*^^^^^ j.- ,m m. •£ '■•' t72jLjt£o^ High quality parent stock standard bred S. C. White Leg- We have for sale a few ggM||fH£i_ 1 tlOllthe I lllieS. PAl^IFir 1 W**^^ layers and winners. Small or horn chicks at $10 per 100. S. Brown Leghorn hens and one j^^^^^^^L-^™^...- -J .. .V; ..,• •■ . JT /-\\-/ir IV-/ nAnv __._._ ders filled on short notice. C. Ancona at $15 per 100. Brown Leghorn . cock, cheap. »^S3raffl2B?sSSfS jPf^ " ' . _ ' " ■ ' I L . T 200 .WhUe^gK'pullets for r write for more information. End Poultry Farm n™^n TT ear.y % '-. ■ •-.,->- - ""^ lllCUbatOrLO. stock and E^for Hatcnine RAU'S QUALITY .^ STANOARn POULTRY FARM No 9th and Wo * DBtOB K8a d n 1 t th k eenpr tth1 hx ae twlnk S-" ¥ ,-' 7 —- OP. SCOTT St°Ck "- f°' HatChlDg- HATCHERY J. R. Go & Sons phone Proctor 1204 W»> t,S™- rn.. Pri Y-rd- IL — Scott'B Studio. FldeMty BldK ,j MILLER BROS. Phone Main 7880 J-l Q - Roy, Wash. ' 350 MarKueritte ay. V **" ' . Tacoma. - Phone Main 68T0. Madison 113 R-5. Fern Hill Route 3, Box 70, Tacom*. Wn. • * ' *| " ■ ' J Portland.-Oregon. •■ '.. ' ■ '—^^-■'*■'"■'" • -•* "--'r'X 1 ~ i ..-.■-- .^3 THE STAR BERRY and 11 nteSiiill EGGS Avilion Poultr Farm --; -- "f - Dj\ I\l\ J_J \J J j/fi |l'»^"^^HL'l DAY UlilJ UHlOb, s c Whlte no rns our Bpeclalty. Kggs for hatching and '■'■ T>^*\¥ T¥ r| <ll'>*\7' T 1"1; A' F"^ li li '-- r "- ':'.. • W^. >"V:;i **m ■■W^i'4't »•«*»"«•*"»• ""."""i.^J;.^ I,s.'S!rL ct!: s- c- wklt. i-«-«i.orn^.EgK S , day old chicks, pen No. 1, headed by first prlzo cockerel, Taco irSl^ll^J I"' I■- rC» V r 1 /\ IX IVI ": -■ ■ l/l 11 IL C ruM" O L Urrr.^.t^-l^.-C.^; »00 per 15: 'hlc"- » 12 per 10 °- ma, 1912-i:i, against afield of 31 cockerels, mated with 12 hene." 'ML \y VJU lIV JL JL X^JLVITA fXlll. IV »J M'b"l"h" '^tltC""' s - (• Whlt Or P l«a-t«.«— Kbm. Bcore d by Judge Collier, with an average of 92V4 pU. each. EgRS - . — " •tH.i.-.i-.ubrt.rC*. T^..w»w ni »2.00 per 16; Chics. »2o per 100. from thlß pen> $5 per 15. Eg6 s from trapneated utility, stock, ._ Has pullets, laying hens, cocks and cockerels of the ' get the ribbons again Jn the Q ♦y c from b.i.o-— ErK h. $3.00 |2 per 1B $10 per 100. Day old chlckß $12 per 100 , iv i o u :^} best White Leghorn strain for sale, at reasonable >: winn.Ssnrd^ '^S fineSi producing strain " per 15; SS 10°- :- or lesa than 100 isc each. . i prices. . v . Ist and 4th cock, 3rd and stb/ 100 day old White Leghorn readied ri,«uou«i. nock., »4.00 . : ' ■ ■ ■"" -^^P Place your orders for incubator eggs. -.: let"'4th' a 2^ Iti? an^m ;P vi-- chlcks $1200 per 15- A # - # 1\ I. Mp.iJS »: We have Cycle incubators for sale. . . ,-« SK^^W.^rSi^ "^Yu^r. 1! 8. nSto™. -««-- Vv-^. AVlllOll POUltrY FaFlllj No. 13th and Alder Phone Proctor 1622 '^ST^ «;" / looch a,r. WhU-. wy rders Bked Now - - , -- • f tSTfc. 1 - JACK tui{m:h TanawaX PheasantrV . Dockton, p.;0.,";.;.v-i ,-/iS#^ 4209 No. Mason Aye. ■■■■■ - ■.:■■- ...-■■w:...--.--. -'^Mi^-r^--:, -, -■:. ,;;.■:-. : -__ -■■. - Box 1062.' Boise, Idaho. St. Helens Incubator Co. XH a i lO yrf M«n«Ker *:- Maury Island, Wash. - Phone Proctor 2817-R fggam^mMm^mmmmmmmmmtmmmamßWK^m^mmmKßmmmmmmKmmmmammmßmßgmasaai . Cockerel or i>uiirt siatings. : : Toledo, Wash. <.- Kapowain. Washington. - . - ,-^•-,?■,". - 'gm A L,awrenceviHe, Pa., chicken farmer has learned how to train his hens to lay big eggs. Big eggs, you know, go far ther Rround the family circle at meal times than Bmall eggs, and they bring better prices, too. This man starts in early, when the pullet is in a receptive state of mind and can be more easily impressed. Instead of the ordi nary imitation hen's egg used to THE TACOMA TIMES. Oh, You "Chicken Bugs," Listen! coax layers into laying, this man uses a big goose egg. The pullet 6ees the big egg when she goes on the nest, and tries to do as well. By compar ing the hens that have the big nest eggs with hens that have the small ones this Pennsyl vania man has found out that the hens urged to greater deeds by a goose egg lay larger and heavier eggs. No rliarge is made for this lesson. A Staten Island farmer ties crayon pencils to his hen's legs. He makes the hens' keep their own score card that way. The outlet from the nestß is co fixed that each hen must crawl through, touching with the cray on a piece of white paper tacked to the side. As the hen leaves the nest she unconsciously draws a line on the score card. Differ ent colored pencils are used, so each hen's work is kept track of No amount of cackling will keep a hen from the pot unless her score is up to what a hard working hen's should be. Thus does he eliminate drones from his flock. No charge is made for this tip cither. READ THESE PAGE THRL