OCR Interpretation

The Tacoma times. [volume] (Tacoma, Wash.) 1903-1949, February 08, 1913, Image 7

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085187/1913-02-08/ed-1/seq-7/

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Saturday, Feb. 8,1913.
Jj&lJS£!«slli ■■x. fc V --*- us^ think how much nicer and more
y^KkSSyii^lilßlJft'lAwSuW^ '0 }"llomelike" it is to own a "Home
•'^l!!/^^^^^^^-^ Sw('('1 "°iii(i" nt y°ur °wn! You can
PJry^^^S^^^^^^g*^^^ >iy one now with your rent money.
|ga||BFj|§j||'j||gjl sgife-^ So take advantage of the opportunities
wlSScSli^'ZLl • these real estate firms are offering you
—._ they represent the best buys in Tacoma
Better Knarry
and see those half-price bargains in—
L Closing-out sale of balance at very low prices.
Three Years to Pay
See O. A. Kalland, 4301 Sixth are. Two-story
grocery west of Sixth aye. car line. Open all day.
f Wheat Oats
Corn Beans
Hay Potatoes
I Cattle ~ Sheep
Hay Potatoes
Cattle Sheep
: , Hogs Poultry
Dairy Products
Staples that may be raised
at a profit on good cheap
2,560 acres, 1,000 cultivated, 180
acres hay meadow, balance
pasture, good barns and
fences, old house, good loca
tion, near railroad, fine cli
mate. Price $13 per acre.
•20 acres, 300 cultivated, balance
s timber and pasture, good
bouse and barn fine loca
tion, on railroad near city.
Price $70 per acre.
820 acres, 240 cultivated, bal
ance good pasture, fenced,
four-room house, stable, 10
-, cated four miles from rail
road, In North Dakota. Price
$7,000; will trade for Taco
ma property.
I 160 acres, 90 cultivated, balance
hilly pasture; 60 acres fall
ii i, grain, five room house, barn,
* six bead of horses, farm
X,"-•'•'■ tools; two miles from rail
{.*>-> <:■,; road; price $:!,.")00.
SV< 80 acres, all cultivated; first
fifi ■• I class soil, good fence.. Lo
cated one mile from station
jis- In Willamette valley. Price
$200 per acre, easy terms, or
j will take some Tacoma prop
■■- • erty.
2 acres, nearly all cultivated,
",,.,■-located two blocks from car
;.' ■' *'line, outside city limits of
Tacoma, six blocks from 5
cent car fare. Price $1,000.
Will take good vacant lots
as part pay.
Kee us about these. Bring this
Advertisement with you. .
314 Bankers Trust Building.
Two Tine view lots one block
from Pt. Defiance car line; will
ftake piano as part payment, bal
ance very easy monthly payments.
Call up owner, Proctor 120, even-
Ings after 6.
five $6GO will you take It at
800. Corner on No. Bth and Proc
tor, 60x100 feet, 4 ft. above grade,
gas and water In; Proctor street
graded and sidewalks. $240 cash,
balance $15 a month.
206 Bankers Trust Bldgr.
15 acres waterfront on McNeils
Island, all fenced In, some acres
cleared and in cultivation; all
kinds of berries, 126 young fruit
trees, some bearing; a good 6-room
house, upstairs not finished; near
ly new barn, chicken house, wood
ahed with storehouse, A well with
good water supply. Splendid lo
cation. Price $3,500. For more In
formation Bee or write the owner,
Claes Johnson, Bee P. O. (McNeils
Island), Wn,
A 6-room bungalow, 2 miles south
of Midland on Collins Crossing;
aummer kitchen, woodshed, barn,
ohlcken house: 3% acres of land,
t acres cleared; 1 fresh cow, 1
'horse, 40 chickens; price $2,000; for
aale by owner, I. Lee, It. P. D. 4,
Box 49, Tacoma.
FOll SALK — By owner, 5-room bun
galow, all modern, on easy pay
ments and cheap If taken soon.
6227 South J st.
BARGAIN—2 lots 4-room house,
woodshed, shop, near car line, In
dian addition. Terras to suit. Box
T-1002, Times.
Do You W^nt This?
For ten days only, I will accept
any reasonable offer on an im
"proved 46-acre farm, IS acres
cleared, IB acres slashed and seed
ed, for cash, terms or trads for
city propeity or will divide to suit
and rent you the balance. Living
water, fair buildings, best upland
noil, Vt '"'''' to station on main
line of N. P., 75 miles from Tacoma.
204 Bankers Trust Bldg.
3-room house and 2 lots; price
$625. $100 down and $7 per month.
1008 Natl. Realty Bldg., Tacoma,
Wash. ■
- llmlruble Acreage '
S, 10 or 20 acres good soil, near
car line, on easy terms and low
prices. ■ • i
Jn«l«f tt Hill. 813 Ba»kem Trn.t
•Stock and Tools, $4,500
6-room house, barn, sheds, large
■prings. small pond. 20 acres culti
vated, 20 acres more • nearly clear
ed, all fine land, some timber, 13
head of cattle, good team, wagon,
harness, '. buggy, farm. tools, . ducks,
chickens, hay, small toola. Good
location 1 '/& miles from I station, j 6
miles | from good town, lon ■ cream
route. > Price $4500. Easy terms.
. 314 Bankers Trust Bldg.
RAISR chickkws, I havb IT. •■■
, "4-room ■ house, . plastered, J best s of
plumbing, 2 : lots, v large j. chicken
beus*, planty , range - for : runs;:, two
Inoubator ' for > a one -.;. week - only.
•Terms. . Call 4520 East '; F at. '. I
10 acres near Tacoma Improved';
a bargain; investigate. Address
Box F-1004, Times.
Five acres, all fenced, fruit trees,
house, barn, prood well water, all
for $Gno. ■- Make me an offer for
cash. Main 3'J35, leave your address.
Choice wheat lands and farms,
$12 to $25 per acre, Milwaukee line.
Will be in town few days. See me
at 309 Bernice Bids' or address E.
K. Christie. Low Hap, Wash.
For sale, fine building site, 6 lots.
seeded in clover, facing proposed
car line. For quick sale $1200.
Address owner, 1222 No. Wash
ington ay.
40 acres choice irrigated land in
central Oregon, perfect water right.
Price $1«00. Will trade for Tnco
ma property and pay cash differ
ence. Main SSIII.
Two lots. Ho. 44th and Hosmer,
$100 net; no lncumbrance. Ad
dress P. O. Box 1017, City.
Your Opportunity
To Ret a very choice small' fruit
rancli In Yaklma valley Is JI'ST
NOW. Irrigated applo and pear or
chard just ready to bear. Will sell
It low to Quick buyer or might con
sider little trade. Get particulars
from owner. Proctor 1235.
For sole by owner, pretty, modern
5-room bungalow with 4 lots, closo
to car line in North Knd. Price
$2100. Phone Proctor 1465.
For sale, 6 acres partly cleared,
good 4-room house, new barn, 94
acre chicken fences, rest slashed and
burned; $1700, part «ash, terms on
balance to suit. Inquire at Edge
wood store for A. ('. Anderson, Lake
Geneva, or address to Auburn, Wn.
If you have any property to rent,
trade or sell, nee us. E. P. Camp
bell Co.. 427 California Bldg.
Reading bulletins how to save the
rent. 200 California Bldg.
GO with me Sunday and see my s
acre tract cheap, easy terms; S
miles from Tacoma north. 220
Bankers Trust. Phone Main 9884.
Cheap—2 corner lots and 7-room
house; grading done; must sell at
once. Call 3636 East Q.
House, 5-r., bath, toilet, lights,
food cooler, wood shed, sewer,
walks, etc.; 2 lots, orchard, berries,
shrubbery, lawn. Beautiful place.
South, 15 minutes' ride. Cost $2500;
price cut to $2260; $500 down, $15
monthly. Look 1422 So. S4th, near
Lennox Investment Company
1103 Commerce St.
3-room, well built cottage, 2
dandy lots, have been in garden,
I>4 blocks from car, 5c car fare. $8
per month. Price $750.
Main 878. 604 Natl. Realty Bldg.
MAKi; me an offer on lots 20 and'
21, block 2, Buddinick's addition.
Yv >U accept any reasonable offer,
or will trade. Address T-101, cr
Times. g-
Close to Kent, creek' runs
through the farm. Will exchange
for Tacoma property.
428 Perkins Bldg.
Those wishing true Information
regarding this wonderful fertile
tract will learn something to their
interest by calling or addressing
J. O. Johnson, 6628 Sea View. Take
Point Defiance car to North 48th
and Pearl sts. Priest Rapids Or
chard Co., 435 Henry bldg., Seattle,
New bungalow, $250 cash. 5-r.
1424 So. 64th, near N St. $2250 with
2 lots and orchard.
Lennox Investment Company
1103 Commerce st.
good clay soil, close in, 17 acres
Improved; 20 miles from town; for
house and lots. A beautiful home
at Regents Park for small ranch
Eastern Washington. 40 acres all
Improved, depot on it. future town
site in Cal.; this is a big money
maker; to trade for Tacoma prop
erty. Also a good clean stock of
groceries, rooming houses, launches,
etc., to trade. Come In, we'll show
you the goods. ■
205 Bankers Trust Bldg. -
B-room house on 60 ft, corner in
North End, overlooking the bay
Fruit trees, etc. Can sell on' easy
terms. Price $3000. This is your
Geo. Walter Russell :
■ 312 Equitable Bldg.
For sale by owner, S blocks w,est
of Fern Hill school. 4-room house,
H acre in fruit, $1150, and 6-room
house, V 4 acre In fruit, $1250. Terms
to suit. Call 1036 88th st. Madison
113 R-4. ' ■'. :.' ' . ■- - *v > -v ;
Bargain, $450 equity, small house,
chicken houses, fruit, etc. , Owner
leaving; city. Address Box O-1007,
Timeß. ■■• * y! •'■..'...- ■_■ „_ ,_'-':.r~ _
■ For sale or rent, : 6-room • honse
and bath, all new, on car line,
walking distance; $25 > down and
$15 a month. Address Box O-1168,
Times.- ■'--•?"/::*,■.,■■;■.*'..'- ;■. ;■;:..>.
ICO-acre farm 15 miles from Ta
coma for sale ; or rent. Address
Box G-11G7, Times.
Bertelson &
I3OOU Pacific nv.
A good 7-room house and 3
lots on corner of Portland, av\,
12 bearing fruit trees: both
streets graded, water and .sew
er in; cost of street Improve
ments, sewer and water over
»COO. This will be a fine bus
iness corner—plenty of room
to build two stores.
8- Room Hoose
BERRIEB. flowers,
WALKING distance
A pleasant home with everything
to make you contented. Large,
comfortable house, fine old beur
ing trees, flowert*. plenty or room,
fine neighborhood with well kept
mounds; only y, block from car
line. Price $3000. very easy terms.
.1. M. CIKTIS & CO.
"14 Hankers Trust Bldg.
A $3000 Rtellacoom property for
»al« or will trade for improved Ta
coma property. Hore is a proposi
tion that will appeal to anyone who
Is tired of the city uTid wishes a
placo outside, where he can practi
cally make a living. The property
comprises fin« land equal to a full
city block, improved by a 6-room
dwelling, outbuildings, and a fine
orchard. Located on top of the hill
6 minutes' walk from car, and has a
commanding view of the Sound and
mountains. Full particulars at of
Edward M. Sherwood
602-3-4 Perkins Bids. Main 277
5 acres. 2 blocks from car line,
close in acreage In West Knd. Will
exchange for improved farm or
logrged-off land.
206 Bankers Trust Bldg.
30 acres near Puyallup for sale
cheap. Call owner, Main 7554-J-4.
20 ACIIK chicken ranch for Bale
cheap. Katiy payments. See own
er at room 8. 104:.' So. 1) st.
Noo 116 th amid
7-room, 2-story house on XVt lots,
In very fine location.
Cost of house $2000
Cost of lots 900
Price now $2100
For price and terms call at office.
Albert Male
<& Co.
1001-2 Realty Bldg. Main 690"
Pine water-fed 10-acre tract of
pure bottom land. 7 miles from Ta
coma, $60 per acre, easy terms.
612 Bankers Trust Bldg.
I have hotel. Pacific ay.. 41 rooms,
nicely furnished; a good transient
business. Trade for city property.
4-room house, barn, 2 lots, corner,
2 blocks car; fruit In bearing.
Price $800.
See me, 304 Bernlce Bldg.
For sale on 36th and East I, s
room house, full plumbing, 1% lots,
all street Improvements In and paid.
Price $1450, terms can be had.
- If you are looking for a snap. Bee
owner, 3714 East I.
Must have money. Will sell 6
room plastered house., bath, porce
lain, plumbing, electric lights and
fireplace, for $750 If taken before
Feb. 15. Phone Main 9073-Y.
Going 1 South
Will sell my 7-room house with
full basement, 2 fine lots in berries,
best location in city, walking dis
tance on paved street, all furnished,
$1000 under value. See owner, 3805
So. Q st. ■ ■ iv
5-room bungalow, strictly mod
ern and new, on ground 50x120 ft.,
short distance from Point car line.
It has clinker brick veranda and
fireplace, beamed ceiling 1, expensive
light fixtures, waxed floors, paneled
dining room with handsome built-in
buffet and French widows; bed
rooms have wardrobes, built-in ltn
•n closets and medicine cabinet, best
porcelain plumbing, cabinet kitchen,
gas water heater, cabinet gas range,
full attic floored over, full base
ment, cement floor, laundry trays,
hot air furnace and many other
conveniences. This ii a most excep
tionally good buy for $3200. Terms
If desired with deferred payments
at 6 per cent interest. Call by phone
Proctor 1611 tonight to make ap
pointment. ' s ■
About Vj acre all set to fruit, I
room house, pantry and closets,
chicken house, wood shed and . ce
ment walk. - 916 - Main ay. - S. • JB.,
Puyallup. Wash. Take Short Line,
get off at Hplnnlng st. • • "■-■■• ■--■->■
■Farm for sale. 7 acres near the
sltjr limits, on good road,' welt Im
proved. This will be a Kood place
Cor small * farming; - and • chicken
ranch. The price Is $1500. "Address
Box O-1010. Times. ■ ■ *...-;«. ..'t x.
Some money to loan on approved
arm «nd city property at T per cent
r 112 Bankers Trust Bldg. ;■> Vi f■;:
(ny United Press Leased Wire.)
OLYMPIA, Feb. - —One mill
was added by the house to the
road tax levy, making it IV4
mills altogether now. The 1.2
mill netted $500,000 in. the past
two. years, and with the extra
money that will now be available
road construction can be begun,
it is claimed, without Issuing
to Start
$25 DOWN, $10 MONTH
We have some dandy little
homes that we can sell on the
above terms. Wliy don't you
quit paying rent? Let us show
you one of these places. We
will make the price right.
They are In a fine location near
car lino and Bchool. 2-G
We also have some choice lots
at bargain prices that we will
sell on terms of $10 down and
17 month. (Ask for salesman
No. 2.)
Surety Bonds. Fire Insurance
S. R. Webb. E. F. dregory.
Second Floor National Realty Bldg.
1117 Pacific Aye.
20-Acre Orchard and
Alfalfa Trade
Less than 2 miles south of Clrand
iew we have control of a 20-acre
combination ranch property which
we can deliver without cash being
There are 6 acres of 0-year-old
Spitz and Wlnesap apples. 8 acres
of 3-year-old Spitz and Winesap, 4
acres alfalfa 2 acres plow land for
potatoes, melons and garden truck.
The 6-year-old trees began to bear
last year and are prime for a bis
yield this season. This place eoul!
well be divided into two 10-acre
pieces, as there Is a 4-room house
on each tract, one a well built bun
galow with water in house.
■ There is a good 140-foot well,
pump, engine and tank. Go.od barn,
root house, milk house, chicken
houses, etc. Also all kinds of tools
for orchard and farm use. Good
stock of hay for winter use, hay
derrick, rake, mower, wagon, har
ness, etc.
Full water right goes with the
place (one small payment on bal
ance not yet due.)
The location is on main county
road. IVi miles to live railroad
town of Grand View; ranches on
every side and one of the most de
sirable fruit and residence districts
in Yaklma valley. The whole 20
acres is fine soli, well drained and
free from alkali.
We can deliver the above 20 acres
for, 112,500 and take $7,500 worth
of clear Tncoma property 'in ex
change. Would consider tldelands,
building lots, acreage or residence
property unlncumbered.
This Is the making of a $20,000
place; everything goes. It's - big
enough ( for combination stock
dairy and orchard ranch. All ready
for occupation and revenue from
422 California Bldg.
Well then, we have Just what you
are looking lor; movo right In.
quit that obnoxious rent habit, plant
i a garden and be independent. It's
a brand new 2-room bungalow, 2
nice level lots, best of soil, fjne lo
cation, city water. 5c fare. 20 min
utes ride from business center, near
car line, store and school. Only $25
cash, balance small monthly pay
ments. v "
Johnson Bros.
601 Natl. Realty Bldg,
To Exchange
A, ,very . flne Property in
Michigan In a live city, 10
--room brick dwelling:, nicely
Improved grounds, house Is
all modern, furnace heated
fireplaces, all complete through
out. Come in and we will tell
you all about It and see the
picture of. it.
306 Nat'l Bank of Com.
; Bldg.. :
J&CO. vr'
J 6 acre*, nearly all cleared; a nice
house and barn, 3 fine cows, calf 1
heifer, chicken*, pigs, H acre straw
berries, 40 apple and pear trees, and
one of the best improved ■ places
near Tacoma. Come and - let me
show you this place. ■
0. N. JOHNS; '
-. " 203 California Bldg. '.:'
I Tills will t neat paying rent. We
will furnish the lots and > build the
house to ' suit you, while you - pay
us the rent and we will apply it on
the. home. >■-. itji■rip'ima >rt^itmm
■ You » will i soon • own it. ■" Talk • It
over with us. .--..-
'.'■•. 11l . South 10th at. „ ■ < • v •
-.• Safety Deposit , Boxen • for rent
The progressive party will cele
brate Lincoln's birthday anniver
sary with a banqet at the Y. W.
C. A. next Wednesday evening at
C o'clock. -
Arrangements have been made
for some oratory that will t>e
worth while and a big representa
tion is expected.
(By United Preas Leased Wire.)
OLYMPIA, Feb. 8. — Another
progressive measure is scheduled
for burial today, following the re
port of the state public service
commission to Chairman Halsey
of the house railroads committee,
that Representative Corkery's bill
to compel physical connection
and joint rates between telephone
and telegraph companies should
not be pased at thlß time. / The
letter to Halsey is signed by all
three members of the commission.
Suniner cries aloud for good
roads. And she is -willing to
help pay for them. The Sumner
Commercial club petitioned the
county commissioners yesterday
to call for an issue of $500,000
in road bonds to build hard sur
faced roads. They were willing
to leave it to the commiibioners
to say where the roads should
be built.
The commissioners will wait
and see what the state does,
(By United Press Leased Wire.)
NEW YORK, Feb. — Claim-
Ing she received but $30 for her
support since their honeymoon in
November, 1912, Mrs. Ethel Lor
raine Belmont has filed divorce
papers against Raymond Belmont,
heir of August Belmont, here to
day. ' Mrs. Belmont Is a former
chorus girl. Young Belmont is
supposed to be on a hunting trip
in South Carolina,
For the third time this weelj
the cable broke last night at the
evening rush of business at 5
o'clock. The cable is almost new
but the new motor which yanks
the cars up the hill rapidly Is
too strong for it. The company
will probably have to put its ma
chinery.up on top of the hill yet
before it gets a system that will
Citing the supreme court's de
cision in the habeas corpus case
of Marjorle Rieman some months
ago, Prosecutor Lorenzo Dow filed
a motion in superior court Friday
asking that the cost bill for wit
ness feea and other expenses In
the habeas corpus proceedings in
stituted to release Mrs. Emma
Jones from the asylum be not al
lowed by the court. He declares
that the county is not liable.
Manager Herald says the re
port that the Tacoma theater Is
sold out for the production of
"Ben Hur" is not correct. There
are still some seats for each per
formance in both balcony and
* <$
♦ ♦
•$> (United Press Leased Wire.) <8>
<S> i PARIS, Feb. B.—After 40 <s>
% years' service, without miss- <«>
<§> mr a day, Mme. LaForest, <S>
& the oldest woman employe <S>
f>jOx' the French postoffice <8>
has been relieved from duty. <9>
*■__- - - <$>
«*♦*s> <$><S><S><S><*>-s><2><S>s><»>.3><£<s>
■ aIDJ. ~ " ~
I ,Y!i» OPEX SOON 1. ■,
(OK I, United Press Leased Wire.)
.*«OS ANGEL.ES, Feb. B.—The
Angeles municipal aqueduct,
which will bring water to this city
over a distance of 240 miles at a
BtjfltQt $20,000,000, will be form-
Itjjr opened during the wee* be-
Jinning May 12.
T.Vu«i : — :
ro the ri hi.ic—. - i-S-K. „'•■■•
I have been suffering " nervous
** -. ■ nrnutrntlnn tnf a
iiiwiißiiuu iur h
good many year* and
could not find any
relief with all other
medicine* until ■ I
took the Tee Wo's
roots and herbs rem
edy. lam now fully
restored In my
health . and desire to
recommend ,Yee Wo'i
remedy to : any • suf
ferers. --, -..• :..,-■■_•
-->• (Signed) v . '.
z —: —*. J. P. CAB 3, City. ' ii*
■ Tee !Wo ! Chinese so Medicine Co. I
have successfully treated many ob-ll
itlnate cases, both men and women. I
»• | OfUw lIIOV4 Cat C ■«.-*wm.l|!
*■■»■■> Wsw*. |«
According to the Twillgh club
of New York a recent canvas of
3,000 representative citizens re«
sulted in the naming of the fol
lowing 12 notables as the most
useful American citizens:
Jane AddaniH.
Theodore Iloosevelt.
Thomas A. Kdison.
Judge lien Lindtuiy.
.Dr. Harvey \V. Wiley.
J. P. Morgan.
Dr. Simon Flexner.
Hooker T. Washington.
Helen fluiiM.
Kugene V. Debs.
Mrs. Russell Sage.
The Itev. Anna (Shaw.
A signiflcant fact is the naming
of Jane Addams as the head of
the list, quite an honor for a wom
an. The names of William J.
Bryan, Woodrow Wilson, Presi
dent Taft were mentioned but
their v>>tes fell short of placing
them on the coveted list.
(By United Preßs Leased Wire.)
SOFIA, Feb. 8. — Fifteen thou
sand Turks have been killed and
10,000 captured by the Balkan
forces in the fighting on Galll-
I>oli peninsula, according to an
official statement issued today at
(he war office here. The Tur
kish army is reported to be re
treating in the wildest confusion
with the Bulgarian (cavalry 'In
The mid-winter concert of the
Orpheus club at First Christian
church last night reached high
water mark in the history of the
organization for artistic aud pop
ular success.
The program was the best ever
given and the chorus work show
ed improvement even over the
good work of past seasons.
Stanislaus Bern, cellist of Seat
tle, and Miss Itma Muehlenbruch,
I'.ianist of Tacorua, were both giv
en remarkable receptions. Bern's
playing was a revelation.
E. W. Runyon, newly appoint
ed representative of Uncle Sam,
who has opened offices in the
Savage-Scofleld building for the
purpose of doing business with
Tacoma supply houses, was ban
queted by the business men at
the Commercial club yesterday.
Mothers Cnn Safely IJuy
Dr. King's New Discovery and
give it to the little ones when ail
ing and suffering with calds,
coughs, throat or lung troubles,
tastes nice, harmless, once used,
always used. Mrs. Bruce Craw
ford, Niagara, Mo., writes: "Dr.
King's New Discovery changed
our boy from a pale weak sick
boy to the picture of health." Al
ways helps. Buy it at Ryner
Malstrom Drug Co., 938 Pacific
Thousands of Homes
Are Happy Today Because the Curse of Disease
Has Been Removed by My Treatment—Best
Treatment for Least Money.
' If my ir.nin.inr were not the brut, and If olmilnr treatment
conld be lviii moat anywhere, It would not pay to advertise It. It la
only becauae of my phenomenal auccrak that I con afford to make
It known to all.
Osteopathlo .afll BaW
Specialist anil *BI BnV
Hlocnlless Xifr- awl MUM ttws.
geon, wltli ex- nfl Wt* -H nnW
perl<»nced -H £l»*****^«»ll bbM
medical and ABJ nßS^ig^a^^Sli'gßß ■»
clalista spe- _H |PJP^^jlii»^lj>g^g^3 M
clalists assist- ■■ BJ* mSBBBBBBBI
ing. W.. make •> HPilS^StSlSli&Sft&f^ ''^B nm
a »p»H-iall of VS . nVI
the ye, ear, I HFkI 'i?^»^T«« B
STOMACH, nnnC« nnm
skin. blooj, H^ "mn
kldneyH and I KVnH^^vi I
blartdfr, also ■ Hkb.
MMMMT "■ BP* <vnnnnnnS
anaemic -H HHHL X '- j
urinary dis- VI Wjj^kH^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^
urinary dis- HfiHlan^*-' x
tatio' pros- B^^^^^^^6||,i|§&f^B*l|SA|^^^^^^<'
tatlo ailmentn, S _—^
and all weak- 'KaHnHnaSHaliatth^Ui' 1 °% * > * '•' * < jt^^
nesses, chronic wfl jSann»«. -A. Wf^^
and nervous ■H^H^^PiPP^*^"*W»)Bfc.'**i >*v>-''- '.'^jy
disorders. wB BanAi • Jr
In order to BJ y
thoroilKhly In- vj ■j'
trod'!.,- mv
**»' VJ ■•* j n^nV^vnw*Lvf9^?3uG"C?lfiK3RuVl ranr V *
druKless treat- aßnffiiaK£*SS*Siflii'''^ ' "
mint I Will Jf
K\\r one week
of iiHtcopathic BP'^^
treatment •,.• : , ■ ,
(only) to any V; •-- . ' , . ; ,-. .
who have never tried my treatment, absolutely free of all charge.
.-• ■■■'-•': "; ; '-'1-- ■'*...■■■■' or Ivri:ni;sr TO ME!* ' • "- '-'■-
desiring treatment for vnrlooccle, hydrocele, blood and skin dUeasea,
painful awelllngo. burnlnA*, * Itching and inflammation. lo»s of
■ strength, contracted dlseasex and all disorders of men, will find that'
the service we render cannot be equaled elsewhere. 606-914 given
' for 125.00. •«••"*■-, ■ * '■•,'• ■;»"•■« i.;-..- '.■-■.> i, -■\ .- ••-:- »-.*.■•.- ■--.■--»-■..-■■. ;.., ■ „»•
'-"«-. Bear in mind, when I offer you treatment that I am not a hired
• Bubstltute i doctor of medical . company and' do not < use •a i fictitious .
name and : photosraph In my ■ announcements.- . When you pay' your -
' money to me you set' the best treatment In medical, surgical and -
osteopathlc science. ,_-:<■'■ ..■:.,:,■*,'.';■,'■. -..•-«.; r -_.,-iy, r - . -„.. <•> >'tf.\ -.■:.-'
' OUR '■ I'llll i:s AII ALWAYS ■ TIIR ■ I.DHKW ■ AND ' TUB ■ NKRVIIi; !
HICNnKIIKn CANNOT III. BQIfALBD IN TACOMA. »'•:■-- .V . v -.'*-^^ ji
HIM —O a. m. to h p. m. M»nda>» from 111 ta IX Coaaaltatlon Frf».
;;■. • 12I»ii I"«clflc A»e., Next Door «o Nntlonal Bank >of (vuinnrr. ; ■■
„.,..,.....,■:'■-. ,-•■-.■ ■■-:,: •■-,..;-•.■■ ... • • ,-.-'•■■.■- ..••.--.-».'>■'■—■ --.•'■•'■">■•;■.■>."■ .r;
(By United Press Leased Wire.)
NEW YORK, Feb. B.—"Unless
something is done to check the
London suffragettes, It Is only a
question of time until they will
resort to arms."
This Is the opinion of Miss
Dorothy Curry, daughter of a
wealthy British merchant who is
here to study the placid means
by which the women In this
country are securing the ballot
so rapidly. She is an anti-suffra
gist, but is open to conviction.
The Pierce County Bar asso
ciation will banquet at the Taco
ma hotel Wednesday night In hon
or of Lincoln day. The members
of the bar here say everything
will be serene this year and no at
tempt will be made to slip in dis
credited stand-pat orators at tlie
last moment to embarrass the
progressive barristers with reac
tionary eloquence.
Tacoma's Chinese are ardent
adherents of the new republic and
they even refuse to celebrate their
old time Sun Nln or new year,
which heretofore has called for
festivities beginning February 5.
There was no demonstration this
year in Tacoma.
The'steamer Alameda whicb
will run an excursion from Puget
Sound to Panama canal next
month announces she wtl! ship
from Tacoma providing enough
passengers are booked from this
city. She will leave here March
The Standard Oil steamer
Drake was the first boat going up
the city waterway ,to cause the
new lift to raise. The Drake
could not quite get through with
the lift down so she signaled for
it to go up. It took but a few
seconds to raise and lower the
bridge into place.
(By United Press Leased Wire.)
LONDON, Feb. B.—Causing
$100,000 damage, suffragettes de
stroyed many rare plants in the j
King Edward palace gardens and I
broke several windows In the j
orchid house of the gardens be
fore dawn today.
Fletcher Heights half price.
Closing out. See ad., page 7.
"Advertisement." '
(By UnlrM r<-ss lieaacd, Wire.)
LOS ANGELES, Feb. «.— The);
ÜBual Saturday court recess of
fered opportunity today . for a
complete rest for Earl Rogers,
chief counsel for Clarence ■■ Dar- r
row, who has refused to ' retire „•'
from the case in spite of physi
cians' warnings that his continu-" r
ance may cost his life. • J
Rogers was examined again
today by nerve specialists who
have been called in consultation
by his doctors. According to
report, however, the attorney
has declared that he will con
tinue with the Darrow case in
any event.
Paranoia — with a question
mark—is the way the doctors de
fined the case of Elmer Harwood, ''■'..[
alleged pyronianlac, who was
committed to the Fort Stellacoom
insane asylum Friday. Save for
hig incendiary tastes, Harwood
appeared quite rational.
Its Dlagnotls, Treatment and Curi
New Treatise on Tuberculosis
By Freeman Hall, M. D.
Thl« Tiilimlih) mpdiral bonk Mil in plain,
aliiiplii laiißiiiiKn how Tnbrn-uliiKtn can 1..- rurrit
In your own honi«. If you knnw of miy ous
suifiTlntr fmru iilHirul.wlit. tMnrrh. limn.
eUltln, Anthma or nny throat or lum: troublft,
or an- yiniiwlf aillli'ti■■!. tlilo bonk will heli> you.
I.v.mi If you are In the Qiivanct-d m.ikh of th«
illntuM* iui'l fi *.| th.-ii- in no bope. It will Innlriirk
you bow olliern, with its nlil. currd th.'riiM-lvas
after nil iciiii-illi>i triel hud l.til.il, aud Uwl
behoved tti- tr OBM bOfjalßSmi „
Wrltt nl oner to HM VoiikrrniHn
<'«.. S7IH Wnlrr St., Knlnmnui^
MIHi., «■■ will klihllv xrn<l you «lir
llook In KoklUli, (■rriunn or ->..-.11-.h
by r< inrn ■■•■all I iii:i; nuil ■■!»<■ a
KrniTOUH -»•• ■•■>• or tli.- <!•'» 'rmil
niflll iilikoliili'lv Krrr. for we wnnt
you to liavo thiH wonderful remedy
before It Is too late. Don't wait—■
write toilay. It muy mean the «av
lng of your llfo.
By the use of medic
inal herbs and roots
known for their re
markable cures in
China, we are able
to absolutely cure
■uch aliments as
Catarrh, Deafness,
Asthma, Skin Dis
eases, Rheumatism,
Appendicitis, Heart
Trouble, Kidney
Complaint, etc.
The remedial we use ars obao
lutely non-poisonous and positively
do not contain mercury.
If unable to call personally, send
2c stamp for dlnfmoßts blank.
tl. VOW < him.si. mi mini- i „.
II »<!'.» I'nrlflc ay. Phoar
I n:iVi Commerce, «< Malu S2Ba
Stomach Ailments
Of All Kind* Cum »■■■ < urril
1 pay for tills Hpace to Invite
the sick to Investißate my work
becauM T know I can make (food
my claims.
(I in:* SIADI3 WIIKRK nun
July 1. 1912.
T>r. Macy. My Dear Sir: For
several 'years I had severe pain
In what I supposed wan my heart.
One night I applied for treat
ment from you and before I left
the couch the pain left me and
I have had beautiful relief ever
since. Previous to that treat
ment I was suffering for many
years, hut am as slick as a whis
tle now.
Tours for relief.
Seattle, Wash.
1421 41st aye. No.
I had suffered with severe
stomach and bowel trouble for
some eight years which always
kept me In a dlMri'seod and
weakened condition. Your treat
ment, which I took In June,
1908, cured me so that I do
whatsoever work I wlmli to do
around home. The bloating
which caused me so much dis
tress has not returned.
Sta. P, Tacoma.
r>r. M. C. Macy:>l note the
festimonlals of Rood results;
from j-our work appearing in th«
dally- papers. Permit me to add
one more to the number. I. am
very grateful for the help re
ceived from your treatment, Kor
several years 1 suffered from
gastritis, - during which ■ time
many prominent physicians were
consulted without obtaining re
■ lief. When I was In Nevada la*t,
year my condition became- un
bearable, being unable to retain,
any nourishment whatever. My
strength began to leave me rap
ldly and I was compelled to re
turn to Tacoma. ' I soon learned;
of your work. The two months'*
treatment I took of you gave me
' Immediate • relief, -?-. and • I :?■» am >
thankful I can now say, my cure
Is permanent. - .; • ',•■;-»
Very truly yours, •■- V, . '
'• -.-. ■ '-'. MRS. K. T. BULIVANT. — m
•'- - . •■ :•: nee LKIWSHAW. V
■ - -•: „, 330S North 29th st.
Dr. M. C. Macy, Clty.'Dear Blr:|
it had been ■ bothered with stom
ach and . bowel > trouble . for • two!
.years previous to taking a course
*of • your ti t»inient >In : July. , 1907.
r I have .' been entirely • free i from'
this trouble since coming to you.
' I heartily t commend * your - treat- r
: ment. % Yours ' respectfully,*»»»««
11. b OOLKMAN.
■ ■■ ■ ■ '. i --'-i>'47ll IB«.'Wull.-'W*
n..-/<~v-■-■■■■< !-•.■;■■ -: "■■-'.: •-■■■>•>■ :.-*..':

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