Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX ITHE PEOPLES' WANTS PJ RATES FOR CLASSIFIED "WANT" r ADVERTISEMENTS One cent a word. 6c per line each Insertion for all lines of business. Four insertions for the price of three for cash In advance. No advertisement taken for less than 16 cents each Insertion. All mall orders must be accompanied with the cash. , TIIM TIM US IS I'AI'OMA'S _<^:71^?*n. \\ I; 111 :ci:i »I ; \us IIV (im i\i)i:i'hmji;\t ab{ii£s:A[iwa> I'lio.Mi oi it M >nii>< WMWWI'APKH. IS M\|V '■' AnSTRACTS OF TITLE ESTABLISHED 1883 COMMONWEALTH TITLE TRUST . Co., The Competent. TeL Main 101. 109 So. 10th St. TACOMA TITLE CO.. The Competi tor, cor. Fidelity Bldg. Main iiH»4 : ABSTRACTS EXAMINED r. W. GREENMAN. LAWYER—IIIS Fidelity Bldg. Tel. Muln 1884. AMBULANCES 104 A st. Stables 6th & St Helens. T. CAB. Trans. Co. Main 43. PAC. TRANSFER CO.. Main 64. ASSAYERS wnjyvui j lhjui-i ju ."j'j'j inf'WM--"- \swis w■'■-1- Allen McCullough, A., mining en gineer, chemist; smelter shipments superintended. 1142 *J Main 3007. ATTORNEYS I. A. Latcham. attorney-at-law. 403-6 Berlin Bids;. Main 2240. BOOTBLACK STANDS OOLD GROUND—Ludlcs and gents. Best shine In city. 1113',i Pac. ay. TACOiIA HIIOE SHINING PARLORS —We cater to ladles and children. 12 chairs. 907 Pacific ay. BLUE PRINTING Nicholson, sun and electric printing. _ 603-7 Fidelity Bldg. Main 474. BUILDING CONTRACTORS r--i-.^nrirm(mAriru -f- _n^n_nrii-x.nj^j^.t-Ln.r.i HOUSES built and part of money lent 20C Equitable. BLACKSMITH AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES f *.-.-w-.i-n-ii-u-i_ii_ _ii.-.-.-i_-.-_ .-■rq-j-.ri.r.n.r.n.i-i.rij-i^ij BLACKSMITHS' and plumbers' sup pliea, machinery. Coast 2d Hand Hdw. Co.. 1634 Com, st. Main 33ti7. BAKERY \^ THADENS Bakery & Coffee House, "The Millionaire's Club." 91! Commerco st. BOWLING ALLEY ■»-.-.-.-.-.-,^r\rjfLAJxy^u'uru-iJ*u-u-Ln_rj-j%n-r.-j-.ra OLD TOWN BOWLINO ALLEY. 2414 No. 30th. Come once, come again. CARPET CLEANERS «V*w>iiy>in ■..■!.-■-i.ri.-.-.-_ru-iri.rLr-Lj>jxn.r»j-in_n_ru-in-^j-u YAK KLEAN Vacuum cleaner; will rent you machine; or furnish com petir.t operator. Main 2754. U. L. HOUCK—Carpet beating, re fitting nnd laying; feather reno vating and upholstering. 2812 <th ay. Main 825. CIVIL ENGINEERING Nicholson, lot surveys, plattlna! _ gen, engineering. 503-7 Fid. Bid! CLEANING AND DYE WORKS U;CKHYS DTB WORKS, 738 " St Helens. Gents' suit, skirt or Jacket cleaned and pressed 6oc up Quick I calls and delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Main 711. ""acllon J. A. DONALDSON. 311 9th st, 10 years' experience. T<:l. Main 7480. DRESSMAKING «".-.-.-.-.-.-«- M ->^W^.».»..^». w _ w _r,,- XJ - U |_,|_,,_-_ ru __, WK guaranteed. 714 Fidelity Bldg.. 11th and C. Main 6499. DRAYAGE. COMMERCIAL-FIDELITY TRUCK „CO. —Largest moving equipment In N. W. Furniture vans, trucks and auto delivery, 3 storage warehouses. Equipped to handle anything. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Offico Coi 19th and Par. Main 706. ErUCTRICAL REPAIRS COLEMAN & HAHN ELECTRIC CO Motors and generators repaired armature winding, gr 'neral repair- Ing. 1123 A st. Phone Main 5327. FORWARDING COMPANY "* NORTHWEST FORWARDING COM PANY, Household goods, ma chinery, pianos and automobiles as sembled and forv/arded to all points Bee us. 1722 Pacific ay. Main 397. _ HOTELS THE WILTWYCK " f^9?»Mdi;" 1316 So. D st. Every Tom a bright outside room, With hot and cold water, hot water heat, large roomy closet; 2 blocks "rom business center; free buths and phone. Rates $2.60 per week up. Transient 60c and $1.00. • Kingston Hotel I Steam heat, hot water, $2.50 to $5 00 ■ $er week, 50c, 75c. $1.00 . per dar ISVt 80. 11th. cor D st '" I A few more steam heated rooms at ; ' Alaskan Hotel. 14th and Pacific :" BOBTWICK HOTEL. 768 C st Newly furnlihed. '■ ■ B U j* HOTEL OOUDON — Good clean .v^Vl^" 11 UP 1306V4 PaC HOTEL GRAYS HARBOR, under I _ new management. 1609 Commerce C.. Frederlckson. Manager. BAKER HOTEL, 732 Comnierce st. '-"- Board and room. Mrs. Merrltt, j. Prop. ■■-.■-■--■ ' itAS.SASOIT HOTEL. 17th and C I ;■ sta.. two blocks from depot. Rms. I6c, 35c and 60c night; $1.25, $1.60 and $2.00 week. .-■•■ > •■>- - ---■ ■ .- , COLONIAL, "opp. city hall. Dandy g-ta* beds. ■,■"--■■■-■ ■».,■■ •-.-.: ■.-..■-. -■-■• .-... WHITE'S HOTEL—Newly furnished ?r.""« transients and weekly, 26c and BOc. »110V4Ko. 14th. near Paclfle. CLEANING ASID ■ PRESSING Q BOSTON CLEANERS— clfan^ *»« ed and pressed, ■ 600 up. , (20 So. 11th. pg^ MOVING AND STORAGE^ I\ |»AC. TRANBFKR CO.. Main 64. ■- PAINTING & PAPERHANOINQ t PRANK |& I HANSSDN, 738 St. ilel fm* ena * ay. Phone ■ Main ■ Sl4l.n*-^-' ■■ PI'UUO I STENOGRAPHER '• 1 .' — ••[■•fase.-Bcofleld {Bldg.; M, ■ lit. - HARNISSSMAKER MANUFACTURER of leather goods, suit cases, eta A. F. Hoaka. 1307 Paclflo ay. MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount. Fetttg & Busselle, Berlin Bids;. WANTED TO LOAN—SI2OO on good Tacuma property, ilox U-100, Times. LOANS In any amount. Cotton & Moser, 417 Bankers Trust Bldg. 1 HAVE money for Improved city leal estate or farms loans. UEO. WALTER RUSSELL 312 Equitable Bid*. LOANS In any amount. Cotton & Moaer. 417 Bankers Trust Uldg. OUR OWN MONEY for city and farm loans; low rates; Immeillata answer to all applica tions. W. N. DOUB & CO., INC. 710 Fidelity uldg. Main 7505. MONEY on real ealate. Daniel Me- Qiegor, 310 Berlin Bldg. u.\H hundred und up to loan. Len nox Investment Co.. 208 Equitable. MONEY TO LOAN, plenty of It, low est rates, no delay, Uunstou- Heath Co. 1 HAVE lust received several thouaaud dollars to loan a 1 and » per •■■lit liiiiuim J. L. Snapp, lilll Fidelity Bldg. PRIVATE money to loan, from $50 to $1000, payments to suit, no commission, money always on hand. Cull 6318 So. Fife at.. Felix Dubols. 5, 6 and 7 PER CENT On Improved real estate or for building. Money advanced as build ing progresses. L. R. Manning * Co., Equitable Bid. MORTGAGE LOANS In amounts from $300 up; low rates; no delay. NORTON * CO.. 210-11 Berlin Bids;. LOANS for home building or to pay off old mortgage. Lowest ratea, special privileges to borrow ers—3 to 8 years. Money always on hand —no delay. H, J. SCHWINN & CO., Inc. 216-219 Taeoma Bldg. ON imp, real estate. L. N. Hansen & Co.. Taoomn nitlg.. 11th & A st. SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANS STATE SECURITY CO. BROKERS SALARY LOAN 3 LOWEST RATES IN TACOMA If you are In need of from $5 to $100 call and Investigate our method of loaning money to honest worklngmen steadily employed. NO MORTGAGE. ..NO INDORSER NO PUBLICITY STATE BEURITY COMPANY 1107 California Bldg. BOB'S LOAN OFFICE" We loan money on watches, cloth- Ing, all goods of value. 1307 Cum. CHATTEL LOANS. SALARY LOANS I propose to make loans at a lower rate than you can get anywhere until the newspapers and philanthropists provldo a cheaper place. Then I'll quit or compete. My business Is conducted along courteous, busi ness-like and hiimantarlun princi ples. You can get $5 to $100 today, and If our contract Is not satisfac tory I'll cheerfully accept my money back In 24 hours without cost. D. D. Drake. 210 Bankers Trußt. SHORT TERM CHATTEL LOANS. 411 CALIFORNIA BLDG. PHYSICIANS DR. WAR BROWN. General office practice and skin and venereal diseases. 206 Equitable Dlt. ROBH, »ol Provident. Main 5778. Chronlo diseases, general medicine. . - ELECTRIC bake oven bath, ludy at tendant; all chronic diseases treat ed. . Dr. J. Weyer, mechuno thera pist, 1021 So. 11th st. Phone Main 7008. DR. fore:man. surgeon. Bankers Trust'Bldg/. DR. PAUL. PHY3. * SURG. X-RAY. 1111-12-18 Fidelity Bldg. ORIENTAL— K. Ito, disease of genlto-urlnary. 1612^ C. Main »757 Dr. Yocum moved Natl. Realty Bldg. Day, Main 600; night. Main 7500. DR. JAS. A. LA Diseases of women and surgery. Genlto-urln ary dlseaaes, 3d floor Natl. Realty Bldg. Houn 1-4 and 7-8. On. J. W. CLINE, »52» McKlnle? ay. Surgery and general practice Phones: Office Main 264; Res. Main DR. C. R. CASE, surgeon, gynecolo gist. Office 1114 tt 80. Kst Res- I?/. nc# I 01? So. ntn at. Phones: Office, Main 6887| res.. Main 691. " DR. THYNQ. SURGEON Bursary and consultation only. 1201-I*os Fidelity Bldg. Main 400. OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS DR. STOTENBUR, Office 422 Bank ».'. rs Tll"' Bld*- Maln 980»- Rea. Main 9610. - MACHINE SHOP. AUTOMOBILE, marine and all ma chinery repairs. Hicks-Bull Ma chine Co. phone Main 1874. No. 6 So. 12th St. ■ PRINTING COMMERCi AL BINDERY * PTO _ CO.. Inc.. 76«-75l . Commerce st Phone Main 417. Prlntere, Binders. Loose leaf devices. >_ RAZORS SHARPENED WE sharpen safety razor •„ blades. co AI],T4 otefra ir J- vtr *e' uru * -;_'_- ; ;^'_y;. STORAGB. COMMERCIAL-FIDELITY TRUCK CO.—3 largo warehouses: flro ploo{:, k?**'!!*- ■»<>'»■;• concern In the N. w. Rooms under lock for H. H. goods.- Expert furniture g|f^ cr Maln >t|o <,' COr-. l>th.*n^ P- Ctr^ DURABLE PLUMBING •: */ DO you appreciate the Importance <'. of having • your plumbing dons right? i Our i guarantee and ■ work manship Inaure > plumbing m perfeo> tion. • Win. :B. Coffee PlmV Co«i^a« LODGE NOTICES FAIRWEATHER LODGE, No. 82, fi_ I". &A. M.. will hold a Urn. stated communication /W\^ Thursday, Feb. 13,7:30 IT J&tL-J&( Hojourners Invited. /^V* RANDALL S. WILLIAMS. W. M. . WM. E. BURKHART. B'iC. STATE LODGE. No. 68, F. & A. M. C!j Special communication of . /Ra State Lodge. No. 68, will *W* be held Wed. evening, the «GY> 12th. 1 7:30; work In the 7vw6^ first degree. ' >5^ LEE P. HILL, W. M. JONATHAN SMITH. Sec • LEBANON LODGE. No. 104. ¥. & flft A. M. Special communlca ift_ tion at Masonic Temple, lU* Monday, Feb. 17. 191.1, at </Uh 7:30 o'clock. Work In NS/v»V first degree. Sojournera ' *• cordially invited. EDGAR M. BURNS, W. M. JACOB E. NOEL, Bee. DESTINY LODGE. U. D. F. and A. (j_ M. Special communlca /Mk tton, Masonic Temple. IyJ\ Monday, February 10, 7:30 p. m. Work In F. C. de rsS^Cn gree. Sojourners cordi • » ally Invited. E. A. RICHARDSON, W. M. C. W. BACKUS. Sec. TACOMA LODGE, No. 22, F. & A. Utt M. Stated communlca- BJk tlon Friday. Feb. 7, 1913, />£J\ at 7:30 o'clock. Work wflxJO In third degree. All Mas 7w_iG^ ter Masona cordially In t^jr* vited. FRANK D. OAKLEY, W. M. O. DOWE McQUESTEN, Sec. STEAM heated front rooms, bath; etc.. 25c day. Lennox. 1638 So. I). ROOMS AND BOARD ROOM and board for two young men. $4.50 per week; close In. Call Main 3341. 1019 So. J nt. lien Hur Ins. Hlberly. 1107 Fidelity. NICELY furnished rooms with or without board. Hotel Kismet, 928 So. E St. Rates reasonable. WANTED—2 or 3 children to board, close to school, nice yard. 3321 6th ay. XOOMS with or without board. Mrs. Crow. 415 So. E. Main 6191. FOR RENT—FLATS " FURNISHED FLATS—3 rooms, $10; 4 rooms, $12; 4 rooms, $15. All walking distance. You will havo to hurry. Main 6573. RENT MISCELLANEOUS GOUMAN PLACE at So. 52d on Traction car line: good house, 3\ acres under cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced; a-1 chicken ranch, to leas* for one or two years to right r'arty. NlftlONK COKSET9 WOVEN TRIPLE WIRE STAY $2.50 UP. MME. W. WYNN. 714 FI DELITY BLDG. MAIN 5499. HOUSE MOVING. WORK guaranteed. The oldest house mover In town. J. P. Becker, 1419 So. Alnsworth. cor. 15th. BAKBEK COLLEGE FOR men and women, wages while learning. Moler Barber College, 1201H Pacific ay. PATENT ATTORNEYS Elliott, 610 Bkr». Trust. Patents, Trade Mnrks. 1 irnwiny. Main 6779. VVALC rAI'KK LARGE new stock of wall paper, very latest designs and patterns. Acme quality paints, adapted to the western climate. A. 8. Johnson & Co.. 1142 O st. SCAVENGERS. OLIVER HENRY. Taeoma Garbage Co. Main 640 C. Contracts marla for cleaning yards, vnults and cess pools. Garbage removed by month. AMKRICAN GARBAGE CO. — Re movlng garbage and refuse of all kinds. 21ii Puy. ay. M. 742, res. 7539. WOOD AND COAL PETERSON BROS., hay, grain, " poul try supplies and coal and wood. 10th and K. Phone Main 331. DINNER PARTIES and room and board at Mrs. 11. Jor gensen's dining room, above Gill Drug '.'o . So. Taeoma. UNDERTAKERS C. O. LYNN CO.—Funeral Directors. 910-12 Taeoma ay. Main 7745. SO. TACOMA FUNERAL PARLORS. 5433 Union ay. j Main 1082. Qeo. W. Piper, ' SHOE REPAIRING BOOTS and shoes repaired, prices reasonable. Sheridan ay. Shoe Shop, cor. 23d and Sheridan ay. Werner A Moe. Goodyear Quick Shoe Repair Co.. 938 Commerce. TAILORS ANDREW RINGSETH the tailor for men and women. 1016 So. 11th. Phone Main 4877. MEDICATED VAPOR BATHS MEDICATED VAPOR BATHS Curta rheumatism and kidney die »a«es. 7i» 80. C st- Mala 8284. ■v_-. CAMPING SHORE front camping privileges free to private, parties, lodges and sniletlcn, |u>x V-1002 Times, POSTAL PHOTOS *- - ■■* I'lrii'.f.n/xn.rir,,^- m i n m „ iu,rmnntr - - p I BEST place for up-to-date photo novelties. Owl Studio. 1128 c\ st. _ WINES AND LIQUORS LANOERT LIQUOR CO. 1325 C st. wholesale and family trade solicited. KYee delivery. Main *Ott. HACKS FOR FUNERALS Tacoma cemetery. »4; Catholic cem etery. $6. Pac. Trans. Co. Main 54 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ) i—M**n*M~vw*ii<*^-^-^>_r^iii_i "■■■*^»y^\ji*'-i-u'Ti_riii-w'wiM-s*] iT-m-m SOUTH TACOMA \ funeral directors. _ Call night or day. M. 112 J. BII2S. Merrow * StorJle. 6034 Union ay. ■. THE TACOMA TIMES. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 'Auction Sale, Auction Tuesday, Feb. 11, 10:30 a. in., 102 So. 12th St. AT FITZ-HENRY'S on above date we will offer a special consign ment of goods removed to our salesrooms for convenience of sale, consisting In part as follows: . Full dining room set. extension table, buffet and six chairs; ma hogany settee, ladles' writing desk, velour couch, center tables, chairs and rockers, oak and fir dressers, iron bed, spring andimattress, fine baby bed, heater. Jewel range, rugs, hall and stair carpet, and other goods too numerous to mention. WM. FITZ-HKNRY AUC'T ION E X BIG Jersey cow, 3 weeks fresh, large milker, good family cow, cheap. 2929 So. M St. FOR —Second hand marriape license, furniture of 4 rooms and other furniture; flat for rent; one new $45 range $25. and new heat ing stove. Call "Disappointed," Main 6573. FOR SALE—Light Jersey cow. 3630 East B Bt. * FOR SALE!—Team of young draft horses, cheap; sound and well broke. 2816 So. M »t Main 7685. FOR SALE CHEAP—Charter Oak, 6-hole range, 2 burner gas plate and Cole's hot blast heater, all ex cellent condition. Call 1113 No. M St. FOR SALE—Young milch cow. Call So. 32d and Adams St., Trac tion car. FOI4 SALE—Suit cabinets with glass doors, mission tables and stoola. Chrlstoffersen's. 925 c Bt. CHRISTOPHER NURSERY. Trees and bulbs. Special prices. 706 So. O. Main 3139. 1.. FOR SALE—A g"ood saddle {pony and top buggy cheap. Aptly at 4067. 1 block east of Pacific ay. -. 7-PASSENGER automobile, 'cheap for cash. Phone Proctor 314. ■» Ben Hur Ins. Hlberly, 1107 Fidelity. AM HING CO.. fine Chinese and Japanese Tea, Silks, Dry Goods. 1354 D st. >..-.• - - FOR SALE OR EXCIIANGE->- Launch, 27 ft., 8 h. p. Lathrop engine, with all equipment, icheap or trade for 2 good cows. Bo c F-l, Times. . :.r J UNDERWOOD typewriter in/ gooi condition, quick sale $35. M-lull, Times. _^ -:■..; LATE model drop head New' Home sewing machine, good as nsw, for sale cheap. CaJl 7,12 So. I «£. FOR SALE—Light delivery mare, harness and wagon, price $75. Inquire 7UI So. E st.'ln grocery. FOR SALE — Washing- machine complete with wringers, cheap. Call 2414,6 No. 30th. Old Town car. FIR lumber and shingles. Young & Johnston Lumber Co., Kapow sln. Ben Hur Ina. Illberly. 1107 Fidelity. TWO mares, set double harness, lumber wagon, buggy, horse and harness. 2824 So. I st. WE have a few second-hand mo torcycles for sale. 1012 So. 11th st. ■ A No. 1 young Jersey. Just fresh, a good milker; also big Jersey and Durham. 2929 So. M. FOR SALE cheap, row boats, launches, fixtures, etc., at the Point Deflnnce Pavilion Co. Phone Proctor 1999. OLIVER Visible Typewriter, good condition; quick salo $22.50, X -1014. Times. GOOD work team for sale cheap, weight 2700, guaranteed. Phone Main 2647. Call 322 So. 28th. Griffin Nursery, fi7th & Thompson. Trees, shrubs, roses, etc. Mad. 265. FIRE and burglar-proof boxes; lc the day. March- McCandless Co., 117 So. 11th St. WANTED—LadIes buying the best, at Behllngs Butter Store. 1109 So. K. Tea, coffee and spices. BELL MARKET—Best service and quality. 2604 6th ay. Main 409. Ben Hur Ins. Hlhcrly, 1107 Fidelity. FOR 2d hand goods see SHUETtT 1343 Commerce st ASK your dealer for STERLING brooms, warranted. Taeoma Broom Factory, 2310 So. 10th. FRESH green ground bone daily. Tacoma Meat Co.. 1508 Pac. ay. MITCHELL NURSERY, Larchmont. Fruit trees, roses, etc. Main 7871 R5 SECOND-HAND machinist and car penter tools wanted. Bibkb. 1339 Commerce st. IF YOU have a fat or fresh cow to sell, call Boston Market, 2323 Pacific ay. Main 449. - ALT HEIDELBERG BEER Columbia Brewing Co. Order a case. Main 229. ___^^ WANTED to buy household goods. Wm. FIU-Henry Co., 102 So. 12th. Tel. Main 8736. ■ ■■ . SPECIAL, NOTICE|. : PHONE Main 2845 and we will call. Pantorlum. 935 Commerce st. HOUSEK'P'G ROOMS ~ -..„,...■, .^.^^Jr FURNISHED housekeeping reoms for men, $1.25 per week up. 11733 So. E st. Main 1219. TWO nice large front rooms for light housekeeping, gas range and wood heater, walking distance. 1523 So. E. NICELY furnished front rooms for housekeeping, modern ' conven iences, walking distance. 806 • So. K. Main 3819. ■ FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for men, $1.25 per week up. 1733 So. E st. Main 1219. ' THREE fur. hskpg. apis., steam heat and bath. $5 and $6 per wk. PIERCE HOTEL, 919H 80. C St. Phone Main 8213. :. -.-., T JOHNSON FLATS, 1. 2 and 3-room apts.. $2.60 up. , 935 So. E at TWO-ROOM . housekeeping . suites, also single rooms.' Stanton House, l«10H - So.. Tacoma ay. -■ Main 2162. I GOOD rooms on ground floor on So. Q st. South End. Storage & Transfer Co. Phone Madison. 691. FURNISHED hskpt;. ■ rooms cheap, also singly rooms. 2712^ So. Yak _l_______l__*_______ THE ■ ANTLERS—Furnished hskpg. rms.; modern; central. .1116 C. .. .' ,*'"/* ' - ■'•;*■ '-j"w'' ' ,-*■■'" ; ■'"■'i.' 1. ."■"'-■".".- ■ ' ,'._-" ' ' ANNOUNCEMENTS THE only reliable photo postal studio In the city. Everybody's. HAIRDRESSING. manicuring, shampooing, scalp treatments, 25a 1108 6th ay. TACOMA FURNITURE & GENER AL REPAIR CO. have moved to 723 So. 9th. Main 3850. T. T. RICHMOND, piano tuner and repairer, has moved to 3022 So. 12th. Main 2424. BUSY MEN AND WOMEN find It convenient to telephone their For Sale and Want Ads to The Times, Main 12. Only one cent a word. ROOMS papered and paper fur nished $3.60 and up. Right up to the minute on all kinds of paper decorations. Estimates given on ■11 kinds of paper hanging. paint- Ing, graining and decorating. X M. Wesley. Phone Main 8777. Wanted — Miscellaneous WANTED by elderly couple, one large or two smaller furnished rooms for light housekeeping, be tween So. 12th and Bth und J und O. Box G-1005. Times. WANTED—Boarding place for 6 year-old boy, close In. State full particulars. Box D-1004, Times. MORTGAGES bought and renewed. Lennox Investment Co., 1103 Commerce Bt. POULTRY AND EGGS SETTING hens, $1.00 each. Call 3624 No. 14th and Washington St., Tuesday. Proctor 1351. AMMOTH Bronze turkeys; Chin ese. Golden and Silver pheasants; Pekin ducks; Black Mlnorcas; R. 1. Reds; White Leghorns, Buff Co chin and Black Tailed White Jap anese Bantams. Eggs and day old chicks, etc.. from these varieties. C. W. Smith, Edgcwood, It. F. I). No. 1, Box 62, Puyallup. Taeoma tele phone. Main 7854 R-l. FOII SALE—I 2 White Leghorn lay lng pullets, 75c each; also An cona. White Leghorn pullets and cockerels. Scott's Studio, Fidelity Bldg. WANTED 6 second hand. 2-story Phllo coops, must be cheap. A. Hauk, 5225 McKlnley ay. Madison ■A>.)3. THOROUGHBRED. Rhode Island Red, W. Minorca and Ancona eggs for hatching; also a few cockerels of same strains for sale. Phone Proctor 1911. ■ FOR SALE—R. I. Red and W. Rock "laying hens and pullets at mar ket price; also thoroughbred S. C. White Leghorn cocks. Phone Proc tor 1145. ' BROWNiLEGHORN prks from thor oughlired stock, $1.00 per setting. 724 East 61st. ' Fire Ins. Hlberly. 1107 Fidelity. BARRED ROCK egg* and day old chicks for sale. Mrs. Thomas Gray, R. F. D. 4, Box 159, Tacoma. Woodland station, old Puyallup car. INDIAN RUNNERS. tile money makers; pairs, trios, pens; white and fawn and white. Come see them. 1910 No. Washington ay., Nashawena Poultry Farm, Proctor 723. ■ , THOROUGHBRED Camplne and Buff Hock eggs for hatching, very reasonable. Montamara Poul try Farm, SOl6 So. Park ay. Madi son 143-J. FOR SALE—Reliable Barred Hock • and W. Wyando'tte eggs, $1.50 per setting-. 6230 So. Lawrence st. Main N 9 i 2 - It, FOR SALE—Buff Orpington, White Leghorn and Barred Rock hens, pullets and roosters, good stock; 1 Petaluma 378-egg Incubator, used once. J. E. Sayre. 902 Pacific ay. FOR SALE—I 7 hens at barga 1225 So. Ferry. Ben Hur Ina. Hlberly. 1107 Flilc llty. FOR SALE CHEAP— Rock, R. I. Red and White Leghorn cockerels. Main 3957. 2509 So. Wllkeson st. FOR SALE—BuII Orpington eggs for hatching. 4049 So. Tacoma ay. Phone Madison 525. DARRBn Rock and White Leg horn eggs for hatching, 50c net tlner. Take Spanaway car to Lln coln ay. E. A. Powder. FOR SALE—White Orpington cock erels from same mating as Ist prize cockerels at Taeoma show. Eggs for hatching from Ist prize pen,- $5 per setting. Phone Proc tor 1817. 3419 No. Ferdinand. PRIZE winning chickens for sale, 3 dozen Black Minorcas, thor oughbred,; 2 dozen White • Rocks, reasonable by pound or head. Call 1021 No. Prospect. Main 1542. - WHITE ORPINGTON rgga, $Tio and $2.60, 15; W. Leghorn. $100, 15. 712 So. 69th. Main 4136. RID your chickens of lice and mites now. To do It easy, use Electric Insect Powder. Crown Drug Co. and grocers. EGGS for hatching, S. C. White Leghorn, Buff Orpington, R. I. Reds, $5 per 100, $1 per setting. Heavy laying strain. No better in the state. John Lewtas & Son, Regents Park, Tacoma. Phone Proctor 1551. . . DAY old chicks of White Leghorn and Silver Wyandottes. 16 each; eggs for hatching, $1.00 per setting of 15, all thoroughbred stock. N. Thelm, 1004 No. Alder st. EXCELLENT White Rock cockerels for breeding; purposes, $2.50. Main 9027-L. FURNISHED ROOMS - — ii—■ - i i -IT - -»■■ -ij i ri.i-i ■■ , LARGE front room with bay win dow and alcove, also small room. Phone Main 6964. 714 So. L. TWO bright rooms, electric light, bath, $8.50 and $5.00. easy walk- Ing distance. 1010 So. Yaklma ay. SYLVAN, 701 St. Helens, furnished rooms, $1.60 up; hskpg. suites, steam heat. , ■ ■ ■ .- FOR a man 'to work, call up the Henry George, Main 8748. " IF you have a room—a room which Is not bringing you In any money, then you are doing at least two people an Injustice—yourself and a prospective roomer. You can rent your room through Times Want Ads Main -1t..-. --- ■ --;■ ..--•-.,■. ■. -^- ■■: -. HOTEL MODERN— furnished corner rooms; single, $1.26 up; hskpg. $2.00 up. 1904 D st. and 1945 So. B. Private baths. Free Indy i:,.:a?'^;, lt-8.-"-:':--:': —About 4 inches of hand made fringe.<-■ Reward. .- MJee a., Art Dept.. - Peoples Store. ■",, ■ . RENT—HOUSES THREE five-room houses In West End for rent cheap; 3 five-room houses on South Side, rent cheap; 5-room house, 12 lots In fruit, on North '22nd and Madison, $10; 3 houses. See me, 304 Bernlce Bldg. HOUSES FOR Rl Good 7-room house on cornpr But 3f>th and E sts., 3 lots, 15 bearing fruit trees, $10 per month. 5-room house on corner So. 25th and Tacoma ay., $8 per monlii. 3-room furnished flat on E St., close to 13th, $15 per month. Five store rooms on Yaklma and 27th sts. $12 per month. BERTELSON & CO., 1306% Pacific Ay. Kire Ins. Hlberly, 1107 Fidelity. MODi-'KN 6-room house, best of neighbors. Water paid. See Dean, 1135 So. C. MODERN house In good North End location. Six room*, gas. Will rent furnished If desired. 3924 North 32nd. FOR RENT—6-room cottage, win dow shades, gas range, linoleum on kitchen. Phone Main 7647. FOR RENT—S-r. house, bath, near Jefferson car. 3012 Chandler St., $9, Including water. Fire Ins. Hlbctly. 1107 Fidelity. RENT a house and we will furnish It for you for cash or easy pay mentß. Tac Furniture Co.. 911-13 C. HELP—FEMALE WANTED—GirI to""" do chamber work and help wait on the tables. Hyland Hotel, 1D54 So. D st. WANTED—Elderly lady housekeep er on farm, 2 children, Kood home. Otto Schuffenhauer, Hoy, Wn. ■ WANTED AT ONCE— girl, $7 per week, cigar, candy and fruit store. Call 1331 So. C at. WANTED—GirI to help in board- Ing house. Apply Johnson's Boarding House, 5115 Hyland ay., Kuston. WANTED — Experienced girl to make berry boxes. Call ut old . city dock. Hague Box & Lumber Co. WANTED AT ONCE—Housekeeper for widower with 2 children, be tween the age of 25 and 35. Ad dress H. Carpenter, Carbonado, Wn. A-1 HAND LAUNDRY Gives special attention to the fancy work and lace curtains. 743 Taeo ma ay. Main 2506. WANTED—GIrIa to learn Uairdress- Ing, manicuring, etc. Paid while learning. 110S 6th ay. TRY our 50c FAMILY WASHING. Famous Washing Co. Main 64t> I TAILORS' «nd dressmakers' sup plleg. Albert E. Baur Co., 317 11th. CANCERS cured without knife or plaster; consultation free; Stephen Johnson, school house crossing, Fern Hill. Wclnstone.ladles'sults $10 up.4of> 9th Situations — RKBPBCTABLH woman 45. and girl 9, wishes position as housekeeper for widower in town near Tacoma. AddreßS Box (3-1011. Times. NEAT, competent seamstress wish es eitfroKements, $1.50 per day. Box G-1010, Times. PLAIN sewing, called for and dc llvered. 913 So. G. Main 2119. MIDDLE-AGED woman with girl 11 years old. wishes position as housekeeper. Proctor 177. WANTED—Position by experienced housekeeper, good references. Call evenings n.t 11I19V& Taeoma ay. W. L. Hartman. Family Washing 50c Metropolitan Wet Wash. Main 2672. HELP—MALE BOY wanted. Apply 2524 So. E. SPIRITUALISMComing, Prof. Hel ler, materializing medium, Sun. eve., Feb. 16th. Moose Hall, 13th and E St. WANTED —A Rood carriage painter to tako half Interest In auto painting; have shop and can get the work. Call at 612 So. 12th st. WANTED — reliable boy for delivery, with bicycle. Call 723 ] Rt. Helens ay. _ WANTED TO BUY . WANT to buy about 7-room house, on paved street; must have large living rooms, basement, furnace, etc.; North End preferred, not too far out; mußt not be old. Price must be right. Address Box X-1013, Times. SELL YOUR FURNITURE to Sllcox 943 Taeoma ay. Main 3612. WANTED — Second-hand furniture and stoves. J. O. Purkey, 1315 C st. Main 5839. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR —Grocery and confec- ■ tionery store, price $225 if taken at once; rent $15 per month. In cluding living rooms. 1317 So. Ta coma ay. - . Fire Inß. Hlberly. 1107 Fidelity. SMALL private rooming house, well furnished, low rent; nets $40 per month. " 1137 So. E. Main 7768. FOR SALE OR TRADE—A -room hotel, down town location, for good real estate and part cash. Box G-1008, Times. FOR SALEBoarding house doing - good business, good location, al ways full. Call 6115 . Hyland ay. Ruston. . FOR SALE— Invoice price, a grocery and feed store doing a good business In a growing suburb of Tacoma; a splendid opportunity for a man with moderate capital to Invest. Address W. B. Rußsell, Box 999, Taeoma. . SAW mill, planer and shingle mill for Hale, on waterfront near Ta coma. Will take Taeoma realty as part payment. Address Box F-1003 Times. -■■ , . ■-.--■:>■ -. , FOR BALE!—Furniture store, 1 doing good business. .Must sell Immedi ately. Good reason for selling. Main 8717 or address Box C-1005, „ Times office. ■ ■ ■■■-■ ---.. ..-■-. : .■■■■„. ,-.; A SMALL restaurant doing good business, fine location. Sickness only - cauae : for ' Belling;. . ■ Phone Mafn 8803.. -* - . ■ -, . ...--■>■■■ *-* GOOD meat market anap; one of the - best paying markets: 'In "'■ town. Will Bell cheap If you have nothing to trade. Box B-1001. Times, ukj^- REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE *** *>—» ■ »«■■•""■— ~~~* Contractors are . Looklog' r AT THE REST OF THE FEW LOTS lH Fletcher Heights s Near end. No reserve without deposit. Call at 4301 6th ay., Store, cor. Mason ay. Open, all day. O. A. Kalland, Grocer. •-_] ADVT. IN "TIMES'" ONLY. 4 SOLD YESTERDAY. WANTED TO BORROW WANTKD TO BORROW—S2SO for 1 year at 8 per cent on real estate worth three times the loan. Ad dress Box C-.1003, Times. EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE—Equity In 6-room new bungalow for rooming house. Call Main 66B8; MR. N. E. SEGER: I have a buggy and would like to see you about trading it for your cow. Phone Mr. Paulson, Main 5895. WHAT have you to trade? We have houses, acreage and lots. Lennox Investment Company 1103 Commerce^st 80 acres timber land, 6 miles east of Hoy, with personal property. Will trade for suburban Tacoma property. Address Box K-1004, Times. HOMES on $20 payments. Lennox Investment Company, 1103 Com merce St. I'OR Puyallup Valley lands, see Harry V. '.Smith. 204 Provident Bldg. REAL ESTATE BEST BARGAIN A 6-room bungalow. 2 miles south of Midland on Collins Crossing; summer kitchen, woodshed, barn, chicken house; 3^4 acres of land, 3 acres cleared; 1 fresh cow, 1 horse, 40 chickens; price $2,000; for sale by owner, I. Lee, R. W, D. 4, Box if, Tacoma. FOX SALE—By owner, 5-room bun galow, all modern, on easy pay ments nnd cheap if taken soon. i.227 South J st. BARGAIN —2 lots 4-room house, woodshed, shop, near car line, In dian addition. Terms to suit. Box V-1002, Times. 3-room house and 2 lots; price $025, $100 down and $7 per month. 1008 Natl. Realty Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. FOR BALK Choice wheat lands and farms, $12 to $-5 per acre, Milwaukee line. Will be in town few days. See me at 309 Bernice Bldg. or address K. K. Christie, Low Gap, Wash. SCHOOL SECTION 36 For sale, fine building site, 6 lots, seeded in clover, facing proposed car line. For quick sale $1200. Address owner, 1222 No. Wash ington ay. 40 acres choice Irrigated land in central Oregon, perfect water right. Price $ltioo. Will trade for Taco ma property and pay cash differ ence. Main SSIU. Two lots. So. 44th and Hosmer, $100 net; no incumbrance. Ad dress P. O. Box 1017, City. 80 ACRES Close to Kent, creek runs through the farm. Will exchange for Tacoma property. H. W. MYERS 428 Perkins Blclg. New bungalow, $250 cash. 6-r. 1424 So. E4th. neur N st. $2250 with S lots and orchard. Lennox Investment Company 1103 Commerce st. Bargain, $450 equity, small house. chicken houses, fruit, etc. Owner leaving city. Address Box G-1007, Times. For sale or rent, 5-room house and bath, all new, on car line, walking distance; $25 down and $15 a month. Address Box G-1168, Times. 160-acre farm 15 miles from Ta coma for sale or rent. Address Box G-1167, Times. B=Room IHotuise APPLES, CHERRIES. PLUMS, BERRIES. FLOWERS. WALKING DISTANCE. A pleasant home with everything to make you contented. Large, comfortable house, fine old bear- Ing trees, flowers, plenty or room, fine neighborhood with well kept grounds; only >-4 block from car line. Price $3000. very easy terms. J. M. CURTIS & CO. 314 Bankers Trust Bldg. FOR TRADE~ 5 acres, 2 blocks from car line, closest acreage in' West End. Will exchange for improved farm or logged-off land. POWERS 206 Bankers Trust Bldg. 30 acres near Puyallup for sale cheap. Call owner, Main 7854-J-4. For sale on 36th and East I, s room house, full plumbing, 1 % lots all street Improvements in and paid. Price $1450, terms can be had. If you are looking for a snap, see owner, 3714 East I. Must have money. Will sell 6 room plastered house, bath, porce lain plumbing, electric lights and fireplace, for $750 If taken before Feb. 15. Phone Main Uo7;t-Y. FOH SALE OR EXCHANGE About H acre all set to fruit 4 room house, pantry and closets eliiekuii house, wood shed and ce ment walk. 916 Main ay. S F Puyallup. Wash. Take Short Line' get off at Spinning st. KI'HMNHKD HOUSES One block from car. on So Bst 4 room house, 2 goods lots. Will "sell furnished or unfurnished cheaD easy terms. v' Jiidltm A Hill. 318 Baofcen, Trust Bargains Today Got 5 acres will sell this at a bargain; 3 or 4 cows; well improved O. N. JOHNS 203 California Bids. Monday, Feb. 10,1913. SURE TICKLES PORFIRIO * I DIAZ (By Vnltert Press Leased Wire.) ' PARIS, Feb. 10.—Delight over his nephew's overthrow of Fran ctsco Madero, president. or Mexi co, was expressed in a telegram received hfre today from Por firio Diaz, former president of that republic, from Cairo, Egypt. Before leaving Paris, Diaz pre dicted Madero's downfall because the latter made promises to the people which he had no intention of fulfilling. MANYDESERTIONS TO DIAZ % (By United Press Leased Wire.)' ■L PASO, Feb. 10. — Most oil the federal Mexican troops ln! Chihuahua state are ; declaring* for Felix Diaz today, following their receiving the -news of hla activities In Mexico City They were kept in ignorance of th« conditions in the capital yeater- • day. It is expected that DJ&a"* stanUdard will be raised every where throughout the state before' night. .. :-,-. , i -.r.:^y,i.^"!.'j l FUSS IN JAPAN (By UiPteO Press Leased Wire.* TOKIO, Feb. 10.—Premier r Katsura and his cabinet resigned' today because the diet refused to rescind its lack of confidence vote, although requested to do bo by the mikado. Katsura was stoned on the street after his resignation was made public. (By United Press Leased Wire.)' WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.— paBS on seven appropriation bills, involving $1,100,000,000, - tho house of representatives con vened at 10 o'clock today. REAL ESTATE i For sale, 6 acres partly cleared,^ 1 Kood 4-room house, new barn, % acre chicken fences, rest slashed and bttrngd; $1700, part cash, term* on balance to suit. Inquire at Edge wood store for A. C. Anderson, Lake Geneva, or address to Auburn, Wn. If you have any property to rent, trade or sell, see us. E. P. Caaip bell Co.. 427 California Bldg. EVKUYBODY'S DOING IT —. Reading bulletins how to save the rent. 200 California Bldg. GO with me Sunday and see my s acre tract cheap, easy terms; 8 miles from Tacoma north. 220 Bankers Trust. Phone Alain 9884. Cheap— 2 corner lots and ,7-room house; grading done; must sell at once. Call 3636 Kast Q. Z~ House, 5-r., bath, toilet, lights,, food cooler, wood shed, sewer walks, etc.; 2 lots, orchard, berries shrubbery, lawn. Beautiful place! South, 15 minutes' ride. Cost J2500 --price cut to »2260; SSOO down! $1!» - monthly. Look 1422 So. 64th, near, M. Lennox Investment Company 1103 Commerce st. ~ A SNAP * 3-room, well built cottage 2 dandy lots, have been In garden, H4 blocks from car, 5c car fare. tS per month. Price 1750. T. W. ASPINALL Main 873. 604 Natl. Itealty Bldg*. Tltts will Beat paying rent. We will furnish the lots and build tho house to suit you, while you pay „ us the rent and we will apply it on, the home. You will soon own it. Talk It over with us. ■»•»■». THE NEW JERSEY MORTGAGE; LOAN CO. 111 South 10th St. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. ■ GOING TO SELL. THIS WEEK -T P NeW bungalow In North End, on Point line, full cement basejnent,- -rße v!'.!" . room with fireplace? good bath with best plumbing; ev erything good and modern, 'low price and easy terms. Get busy and see owner. Proctor 1235. . h Widow must sell to pay bills, new, house of 3 living rooms, closet, ?niT ro°«° mi oath room attic; 2 full ! lota. 362S So. Alnsworth. -■■• ■■•+ Nice 5-room modern cottage, nice lawn, good location, all improve ments '. n,j?nd paid. Prlce $1450. $200 down, $10 per month. T. D. Greg ory, office Morton and McKlnley ay. Eire Ins. Hlberly, 1107 Fidelity. U , For sale, 5-room house, 4 lot* improved, fruit trees, berries, barn. chicken houses, large ' garden; - i marck ar- <".^ 60th «t., BU" $1650— 4-room modern . cottage, > S $1650—4-ro'om modern • bunjalow, %'. $1650—J^room modern bungalow. %■ ! 1 ??? —6-room cottage, 3 lots. '31 i. ' 380—2-room cottage, lot.;--' H! J These are all close In and can b* had on very easy terms. See ownal ) H. B. IiAKE f# : *03 Perkins Bldg. /',