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PAGE EIGHT. FIRST VIOLATION OF NEW ORDINANCE Following a plea of guilty on , the farts as related in the com plaint, Justice Magill in police court Saturday afternoon assess ed a fine of $25 and costs on Oscar Swanson, conductor of the street railway company for over loading his car. This Is the first prosecution under the new ordinance pro hibiting loading a street car more than 50 per cent In excess <>t its seating capacity. The case brought a comment from Judge Mauiil to the effect that he deem ed it advisable that citizens leave the filing of complaints under the law to the city's street car inspector, else there might result CALEDONIAN The Liquor House Where All Ladies Trade. No Bar. Old Bourbon, $1.00 qt. Co. 11th and D. Main 1702 4^9 i^ ** wtljf-jt^^t _a4EfwJ_E^fi3uK2B9l^ri_F ' i_____db4flHflfll (bMm _^H^^^F__fiß^HDEE Ei_ __fifl_Bt* /Vffaflfltt^VtjfMfi2j hH^_P_(i b »i9tili^HHb&f ■■Bfl^L^_EflC^Tsn!^flM^nfl_^_BflK_Ei flHi^tfTH_Mff_h i_Mut^_l_B3»^iß_THi —me j&f _F >' F?r'___B vHj^HflD^LitEl- _B^Rrfli^Lu^^^^uf[ii l^^^^^^^kd_EßMtflflM^___cKtf^__^r * * '^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^^K^^^^^^^^^^^^^JSHb^' us Thrifty Women Always Ask for "S. & H." Green Stamps I :— ! . y HEY REALIZE THAT TRUE I,P Ut COUPON The Hand of Thrift «™ ri^SJ^TustfoeT %2 Would You Leave Your 40 **C Green Stamps ™torio«aia*a»« Will Never Waste! ' Ku^S ttTtC "C jSSSf Change on the Counter? FREE!. FREE! OUND ECONOMY is a respecter of sys- famOUS "S. & H." Green Stamps Should MO? THEN DEMAND your "S. & H." No Purchase Required! Stamps O tern. Consistent saving of "S. & H." make SUCh a StPOllg appeal tO tihe COnSCi- *^ green stamps!' Always ask for them We will place 40 "S. & II." green stamps in addition to the regular stamps with a pur- green Btam»B will brin untold rewards. Make entiOUS hOUS6wife? They add a Zest to with every Purchase y°u make in this Btore in all books started before March I. 1913. chase of 25c or over in any department. Void up your mind now— to get your share , rAIIT . hiiirincr flimr rKctriVmrp +Vioif hnnn and you>n be 'l>rised at how Quickly your No purchase required. Start a few new ones after February IT., 1913. of the thousands of dollars given away free ywwiuuyiiig l«jr "ISMIUUbe lueii uuuii- book will fill up Get Uie habit— it's a profit- tomorrow! McCORMACK HROS. each year at this store. Slart tomorrow! ty With Wanton to the mOSt humDle a ble one. Sturt tomorrow! McCORMACK BROS. 1 — home. START A BOOK TOMORROW! I . I » Tacoma Women Look to McCormack Bros, for Things New and Sanely Stylish Already This "Popular Store" Is Taking On the Garb of Spring—Merchandise New and Beautiful Is on Display SPRING FASHIONS—How refreshing! What memories they stir up! Green fields, \7ISIT THIS STORE TOMORROW for the first glimpse of things new. Expect to see twittering birds, downy pussy willows, budding —imagination runs riot! For V nothing exclusive or freakish, but good, sensible wearable styles in Suits, Coats, Skirts Spring means new thoughts, new ideas, new clothes —NEW LIFE! DO YOU WONDER Dresses, Waists and Millinery. Come prepared to see things priced WITHIN YOUR THAT WE'RE GLAD? '___" REACH! COME TOMORROW! Introductory Sale of Women's Spring Suits /^tX XiA___r__\ (®) fc\ r^l A Special Purchase of New Spring Millinery 134 New Models Are Specially Priced! >q*^ Y*£?yJ/ /y\ r\ About Fifteen Dozen Beauties Are Included! 11)E PLANNED THIS LITTLE SALE and know you won't be disa) Inted, because /^L(L>- HV^^^ " *Jl~*i&Y*\^~ mm ill S' R ARE MODELS THAT CAME TO US below the regular price. No two are alike, ** the values are truly wonderful. This event will launch the spring season inform- 'JjM\' JPI . tJrl \\ / \ l^.lr\ because they represent ideas of what's to come. It certainly is a rare chance for ally at "Tacoma's Greatest Popular Priced Women's Ready-to-Wear Store." The line / 1\ /\ 1 ■ $V 1)/ I /Ov/ \ the dlstlnctive dreßßer who •'dares to be the first" to usher in the new season. The I , I Scrgea, cheviots and tweeds, in colors of gray, IH I I\l L. 11l Sp^\ I „ O " Smart Turbans whose crowns .-re a masa of flow- SuitS Cial bU brown, tan or black Short jackets, lonsT^ /|»65 11/ I |\ 9r /It-- «T /^VI I Hats Special era, stunning tarn ('rf"v" '" striking colors—a bevyfl* MQQ Cl>l CC hkirts an.l plain or fancy styles. Choice, special I™T \l/ - W^Tf* I //'r^-1 vfxi i I CA QQ of beauties Choice, spocial tll"^* *^ " Oi't-DJ Mt • \lf I \\Wrr f J iLJxXJ XK^ / «J>*ti»JO ~~~~^r __ - _______^____ Alterations Are Free Heret , \J* *+j4f ' QVf^fi^ *^F*n ' J I I - Hat Trimmings Priced I^ower Here! " HERE'S A GROCERY STORE THAT p-^^#v"«ri ¥ ¥ rr»l ft ii» n • Men's Spring Weight Underwear gg^ SPECIALIZES ON EXTRA VALUES! 5000' Yds. La ces—Less Than Half Price Wool Now Specially Priced! msl^ <==. M.X II) iIMMM-ll— Xx JUUU 1 ilC* JUdLCO""""l-lCoO Ildll 1 I ICC AFTER INVENTORY odds and ffiffilllM ||^B|Hryjar^^S^gp^^?jV tra fine famous "Century" ___^_____^___^_^_^__^_^___^.^_^_—_^__^_^.^___ ** ends have cropped up In the JR'«sr"Sß^B_ jLIfTS.ILjfIJ-Ljl brand, per lE<n ~~™~"~^^————»»_——_—^-^.^^—^-^——^__^_________.^—— big men's store.' Bargains for you Li^^T^ll^^. pWPvßßt|*]Ei^n^ wsiDKii's "catsup, 25c NHTFm.-C nr ; n(r 9n( l Qiimmpr 1Q1? Will ■«. Ria I ar«» Spa«nn« that wiiT^uy and it's a wise man JpfflPllil//iS mKW*J JMI \l I E Iim w HI SNIDKU'H catsup, 25c NOXF »,>Snr ma and Snmmpr IQl^ Will Rp Ria larp S<*a«;nn<; thal win buy now. read. _Hli iH \"\ ilJHil Jfyß-TJ bottl< -'"' tomorrow, on e INW l n.--opring ana ouinmer ivio tthi De Dig Lace oeasons $2 . 00 suit <;KO . KO ckwood's || | j|f|H f^ 1 /^/r4_i^_l^Hß^___t^y "Pnil>K* OF ' i;UIN" <■(>!-'- nmmui^Tarvid^v^u--^ TII I S TIAfFT-V and tl'lllv SCllSatlOlial Sale is dlie TWWVm 11/ fc'A_rl \ or Drawers! The garment r. S . ODC 3B™|fflf>ilfil IB b^jff7f^!9fSp«Wvl FKl'>—We're proud of its flflflSS^ll^r^K^l 1 Uul.Y SCllSdllOliai Sale IS UUe W?&S$ «2.50 "WRIGHT'S GAUZE WEIGHT - FaPLj^^^l^^a^JWr/ i ill rc(%ord. i""0"1! of the Ulllnl isi&fflwT to the fact that our buyers reached the mar- » wool suits, shirts or $100 mlliSlMSlli'flßP EM^^^^^^^^BJP^Jll always .'... ZDC linP Mm 3s«s^} bird," etc. We got the "worm" and here you iwjPilJ ' in gray wool; an sizes, "in aon qc WK*l iBiS'IIWW Our K"po"uTar '"'Tmperla" I^SI WmS) hilVZa'mS- St°Ck UP fOt SPrin g and SUm" Wlm light W™ NEAVSPIiING* 'llSiSffi! I H^fcay / ":sr^3|f^'l\| bricks', for'' 0"" 3oC SJlj^li fjjffixili 5c VAIi. IjACKfT AND INSEKTIONS, in big assortment of -I _ l^^gff- - _^^L? "MACBUOB," that sterling value .in Cftjl llwlllllilP ■■-■•'• "iT * I I riiivni »rri-m cv.n I lS»_i Ifl^^^^l B-l-3c FKKNCH VAIi. IjACKH.Jfrom V 4 to'i'% Inches wide; beau- raHK ilwlfil choosing, in stripes and new Bpring Cuuyn^] llM™l|_fU KTOT JUST LOW PRICES, Vo lbs £n« W&M tiful insertions included. .Choke, «tra special. 3C " V3&M IhBI wV^u'them' 1 " * lU° "iV fin YnWWBr IN but fu.l measure, honest for ... 50C WE M J^YAlib" siIAI.OW T^fWs'tad Insertions; " ToVckons. " Melba «B IHH ■ toT '•• ''" *I>DO H.A: O, ■fwi^S,, weight and accurate count. (Delivered with other fSSEI WMJJ& ' Laces, and Oriental Net To*! Laces for trimming. C-, \^BBra, i^Sil! - "" : With all the good features of goous.j , fflSjWl ffl r jsißgi Choice, extra Bpecial .'■ ... wl» -. fflggapar HWS^HII EXTRA SPECTAIi— SOO silk knitted and Chen.y «ilk Cra the "Lil" country grocery" still ' ¥l_Ra ftiMiffl r.o. V\ltl>, IH-INCH AIXOVKIt LACKS, favored by Dame Fash- (affsßS illlflllw vats—about 30 dozen— ln beauurul patterns or #JC ' i« ,o«,,o tho -wnirp FarnerH' "PEACOCK" VM)I It—Not KKSOT MRK^W 'on for yokes, waists, boudoir caps, trimmings, etc. 011» ' ' «*P_BBr JfS^kfli plain colors. Choice dDC in vogue, the W age nera an , rlment; a tried and l$&& i»ig&3B Scores of patterns. Choice . -. I C L^jglffll TOMB I J_ J" uu Market" makes a strong appeal true flour. w are go , e Ta ■: I re-fig .la"-" ~—'r • ~ : —Main Floor. ' -^ Me _.. stor«-_M»i m .■•. ""^ to the thrifty. Tomorrow'- coma agents. $195 -^^^ M^^,|n_-WMH ,^,-- Ma ,,,,^^ WMWMM s MffMln | l^^ M -•;-'; ■•■•■•---:-' > Men a Store—Main Floor. Hpecl«I»: Per sack 01 •-.J ~*M~*MIM'~~"ll~'lla"lalllllllMI ~ae!~~*B''~^~^~^~'~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~*~*~"~"~"'~"^ _ZZ_ZZZIZ-__-_-_!_Zl_^ZZl__ZZ___rrr' ' --■--'-■■■' ■■■•■--■-•■ _ C:RYHTAIi WHITE SOAP— --___-_-——— -'j-r— 1 " , , , "" , , ——>M^i- mil -r T *. '■ \ - -■ --■- ■■■■■■ ■-■-... I r 1 7 bars OC»« Your Down- v -Sink The Latest - valentines MORNING, 9TO 11 OXI.Y for OC +„,_.„ T ««l, II /7^T_/#/# ' S^%"THE STORE THAT/^/^"^: VPfH Ol,««*- 1Lr,,04«l Send your "heart's desire" a token of your esteem. Every -3 Cans Sardines. If). .... ... HOT CAKE tOWII Lunch (l)wWw f<V3fWE3VOUMONEV"i/Qs)W 5^ Sheet MUSIC! thing that's appropriate Is here for your choosing and 1 Lf.^:e-lo le#- t h e:^°3 -"-«""= ""c'ai" ymoa "*ulyaptro" c 2 Boxes First Class 1 rt- Large package 1C to pleaße busy men # # I/Z%ASJ 1 • ffi^f|////# CTC/i) - way. Musical in- | Corn Starch ..:.... 'UC MISROUm BORGHCM-In SS^r.^.-o^ # # _M--Ml 1 l-Iti #^ _^ -In™ 1" including - YOUR EYES " — ........... ... palls; fine for hot /|C O and cieaff CPVvlce"" U___T--«—*^^_^^^^ wm**^T. ■ "" Victrolas. Attend to them now and count your blessings later. Dr. Bailey PURE SALAD On-- Irt*» cakes; aßc -° d •*»3C *__tuncli Room •' ■»*«& 'O/ir./Fir'AWFNUP AND COMMERCE AT ISI2ST^ — Mu»lc»I Dept., : is an expert registered Optometrist and has practiced 12 years Large > bottle, tomorrow. IUl» —Second floor. Balcony " Bpjir •_^ « ♦ !___/ Balcony. in Tacoma, Opt. l»p,it., Unlcony. a multiplicity of actions In court, which he deemed inadvisable and not anticipated by the ordinance. He did not pass on the ques tion as to whether the city or public service commission has jurisdiction in the matter of con trolling street railway service. PEDERSON MUST PAY BACK The city will compel Hans Pe derson to pay back $520 which Engineer Norwood Taylor of the light department says represents work undone by the contractor on the high tension transmission line to LaUrande. Taylor found much slipshod work, poor paint ing of the poles and utter disre gard of the specifications in many instance ». Tlie council voted to compel Pederson to pay over the $520 and then the inspector will be called on to explain his action. .' | YOU'LL FIND IT HERE 1 Seated In the Tabernacle at Stevens Brothers' revival, where he was converted two weeks ago, James L. Puckett, Union Iron works watchman, dropped dead at Spokane. Edward B. Hudson, sentenced at Everett to one to 15 years for burglary, turns out to be 11. Murphy, who deserted Uncle Sam's army at Salt Lake a month ago. L. \V. Fancher, school superin tendent of Pacific county, who In a fit of mental abstraction disappeared some years ago and was supposed to be dead,, recov ered his mental balance in an in firmery at Alameda, Cal., and will rejoin his family. Yeggmen cracked the Northern Pacific depot safe at South Bend and got over $1,000 loot. Sam Hill of Washington Good Roads association has been elect ed president of the American Good Roads builders. Jury disagreed in the trial of Tacob Furth, K. W, Andrews, B. THE TAGOMA TIMES. V. Ankcny and Daniel KeVober. Seattle bankers who were tried at Bellingham for violating ' the hanking law in the failure of the bank at LaConner. M. C. McAuley kicked over a kerosine lamp while papering his house at DeKoven Saturday even- Ing and it burned to the ground despite heroic efforts of DeKoven hall students and the passengers on a street car to save It. Loss $5,000. Now Is the time to plant Rose Bushes. Don't wait until they are blooming—plant them now. We have an extra large stock of rose hushes this year, come and see them. Hinz, Florist, So. 7th and X st. "Advertisement." Washington Masons will lay the cornerstone of their new Masonic home at Puyallup Wed nesday. About furs. 8e« Mueller, 921 South C. "Advertisement." Tacoma Day nursery took care of an average of 29 children every day during January, with total expenditures of $87.45 for the month. $5.00, *0.00, $7.00 Umbrellas, choice 93.50. Waff, 1147 C st. "Advertisement." Attorney A. A. Knight, veteran of the Civil war, delivered a Lincoln eulogy at Long Branch Congregational church yesterday. Rev. George N. Annes of Fern Hill, who for more than 50 years has been an officiating clergy man, resigned bis pastorate at Pacific City Baptist church last month. New shipment Milwaukee San ■age now in. Duenwold's, 313 lltb "Advertisement." SAN FRANCISCO —Leaving an order "to be called in the morn ing," Emlle Direns piled several pillows in his closet, turned on the gas, and then sought the pil lows. He divl. Artistic floral decorations at Watson's. "Advertisement." SAN FRANCISCO—An aged man appeared playing a bagpipe near Stow Lake, Golden Gale! park. Two ducks left a feast of crumbs and hopped around in time to the music. The "duck dip" Is the latest "rag" in the city today. Ruberold and Universal Roofing $1.40 sq. up. Get samples. Ew- Ing'B Hardware, 1111 So C. "Advertisement" IX>3 ANGELES—Wielding a kitchen broom, Miss A. E. How ard, young, pretty and athletic, pounded a burglar to the floor and the swept him through an open door. IMPROVEMENT WORK Boosters who want improve ments on Roosevelt Heights and East Fortieth street left the city hall happy this morning, for the city council ordered both grad ing jobs done. The controversy over these Jobs has been on for several weeks. EAT AT RYDERS 108 So. 12th St. Open from 7 to 7. TACOMA'PEOPLE HAD CLbSE CALL Twenty Tacoma passengers are today thankful that the steamer Frank H. Leggett is equipped with wireless, for it was instru mental in bringing them relief after they had run out of provi sions, as the climax of a voyage marred by a series of accidents. The steamer left this port last Tuesday for San Diego, but got no farther than Pori iteyes, from whence the vessel was towe<\ Into San Francisco. SLINGLOAD KILLS SAILOR While working on the deck of the steamer Wasp Sunday morn ing, Jorgen Jorgensen, a Norwe gian sailor, was struck by a blliik load of lumber and Instantly killed. The accident occurred at the Puget Sound mill, where the Wasp was loading lumber. The body was removed to C. C. Mell inger's. Funeral arrangements will be made by the Tacoma local longshoremen's union. Monday, Feb. 10, 1913. FRIDAY IS REAL KICK DAY Friday morning at 10 o'clock will be kick day for the street railway company at the city hall. A lot of citizens tame in this morning to protest against street car service. Mayor Seymour suggested th» company should be brought in for a showdown, and it wan set for Friday. Anybody having a kick then should report. In the meantime Inspector Smith says he has arranged with the company to put on another car and give a 20-minute service on the Bismarck line this week. - LOS ANGELES— Engaged la mortal comliat on the roof of an adjoining building, two cats felt through the skylight of the Mil lard Arms hotel into a cigar show case. BUY YOUR GOOD Wines and Liquors AT DRUMM&\ 1306 C st. Main 1773. ~"> __——— ——————i