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PAGE FOUR. ■ ■ - •>j4wr«gra:<*^^--jff?Mn«t****«B**-i-^^ •• nnom or thi icrifpi northwest UaattUß OS* raWSFAriOBS. Tf-)«-Kra»hle News Iwrin of tha lulled Preaa Aaaociatlon toy direct Leased Wire. •■«•.;.. >---*•.-,-,,.•■--.'-•:_.;.■ .«?-**«.<-.--..,■;--.«.•,«< ■ Katered a* th* peatofflec, *-*■»■_-»■, Wink., aa ! aasand-claaa mailer. I'ublUkrd by I th* - Tacama I Til— 1 Pah. ; Cm. - Every I ___vr_-l__>s Kammt Sunday. fc3S*_S_W**tWl£*--.«a_i«*iß;f-t-frf >iß<g.!a'. -i.-»».-M-.,y».-_-,. »g -»■■■ a.-,,„ f Not So Poor m "Lo, the poor Indian!" ;,. _ ; *'; If the poet were 'Writing today of , the modern red akin on Puget Sound he would not say it for the In fsfliah'is; not poor. : :. :-.''?> ''-'■'.'. '"•■* »pAt^ the E commencement exercises: at Cushman | school this week there were plenty of Indians in at- I tendance who require six figures to signify their wealth. But the Cushman school, the? only trade school for Indians in the world, is doing something more than forming a place for reunion of the red skins. It is* today turning out Indians who are cap > able of facing the modern business ? and ?; industrial world on practically equal terms With the white man. V The commencement termination last night was a revelation to many visitors who have not been aware of the progress being made by the govern ment in /teaching, the native American. It is an ad ditional evidence that the best work being done for the people today is the work being done by the peo ple t themselves in their collective capacity of govern ment. . -.' y....i XyXiXXyyxy King, Emperor and Prince We suppose that Emperor William is entitled to his new title of "prince of peace,'V bestowed by Uncle Andy Carnegie and other rich Americans who went around to kow-tow to him on his anniversary. -Anyhow, William has kept Germany out of war for 25 years, a record that will hold its own with the records of most German rulers. • But, while William hasn't.let any blood, he has been about the most costly prince * of peace this world ever knew. His plan of preserving peace by getting in good shape to lick somebody has had a high monetary effect upon pretty much all the rest of .the world, especially his near and dear neighbors, France and England, who have had no faith in -William's working for a peace record and who have poured billions into being in best possible shape to fight William. To France and England, William's peace-preserving has been more costly than a good old-fashioned, eleaning-up war. But we're going to stand with Andy Carnegie and not mind the cost in money and so William may enjoy his new title. We'd a good deal rather whoop it up for him as the prince of peace than the prince of * composers, as some of his subjects have to do, anyhow. A lot of young men now wish they had joined the naval militia, as they meditate on the cruise to Alaska Just started by the government cruiser Galveston. - County officials who are being swamped by appli cations from Washington mothers, know that the 'mothers'pension is popular. ••:•; , xa : . If the city commission wants to stimulate domes tic use of electric current, let it stock up with electric | appliances and sell them at cost to the people. •••"■•■ "The fellow who loses mustn't squeal," said Teddy to the public school athletes. Wouldn't that make Bill Taft come up and "blow" like a hippo potamus? . Xx:.y -X.:-. l Wasn't it nice of Woodrow to recognize Emperor .William as "prince of peace?" William is the fel- Jow.who gets peace by being every ready and willing to lick his neighbors, all right. X vxX>. I •'-'""-"■" BAPTIST 'Bethesda, cor. So. 45th and X sts., H. F. . Cheney, pastor. 9:45 a. m., Bible school, 8. G. Bishop, supt., i., .6201 So. J st.; morning service, 11; i 8:80 p. m., Junlon B. Y. P. U.; 6:45. p. m., the Senior B. Y. P. U., leader, H. F. Cheney. 7:45 p. m., preaching; Tuesday. 8 p. m., cnolr practice; Thursday, 7:45 p. m., prayer meet ing, followed by & S. teacher train ing class. —■-.•,.;• . - Finnish, So. Sheridan and ISd, A J. St mans, pastor. a 8.. 9:45; services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; IT. P. V., 6:30 p. m.; Thursday, pray «■ meeting 8 p. m. ff;' First Baptist, 9th and D sts., J. A. Sutton, pastor. 10:30 a. m. and • 7141ip. m.; a S. at 13 o'clock; B. T. P. U., 6.45. ■ ..+ X. Central. No. L and Steele, Rev. m. H. Brooke, pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m; and 7:30 p. m.: Y. P. U., 8:30 p. m.; prayer, Thursday 8 p. m. "Sixth Avenue, Rev. Frederick Wlghtman, pastor. . Morning wor ship 10:30; Bible school at noon; Young ePople's meeting at 6:45; •srvlce at 7:45 p. m.;. midweek ; prayer meeting Thursday, 7:46 p.m. German i Baptist church. South s »oth and J sis.. Rev. R. A. Blandau. I worship, 11 a. m.; evening worship. ;l:30;p.« m.; ■ Wednesday evening / do not take Substitutes or Imitations GetthcWcll-Known IJ_rtOl If^l/'C : .^ndPwk.fe IIUK L.IWl\ -9 g|§ll|} MALTED MILK (^J W^K Made in the largest, best UkiiUASUJ^ equipped and sanitary Malted] EHSia3EIIs Milk plant in the world f^/^^\S We <*° not make milk products'— A, \M Wy a Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc. (•A^eSfe--I^*) mimathm Original-Genuine W^JSogy HORLICK'S MALTED MILK *'suSSflP*^S*» Made from pure, full-cream milk IL^SS'ESKSfr' *'•*'.*** the «xt«lc* °* »elect -malted grain, 11 ***!?■■ AH* "SS §1 reduced * to? powder j form, soluble jin kN-SfiggTl*/^ water. The Food-drink for All A«eo. gSi^^S!?-* FOR "NORUCK'S" ——^ Used all over the Globe The moat economical and nourishing light lunch. ____BE_r^^______?____6 Hiw^**''»^__________-I^________^3_________lll______________________^ \ r-^P'rx--y:iy^. :■.., ,>*-•' v.";" :"■""-"".'-. --■-' -'• -- -■- -.*-'-■• -: -■■■"• - .-■'■•■m'ir-i-.Ti.'t-.* l--**'*.z**-"-''-y -.".--.t ■•■-, zx. '•-, :.•:-'.-A-: -y ■:. -.--.'., '■■ -•■"*- - - ""'■'-->■ editorial P**e WCU Cacoma Ctoies prayer meeting, s o'clock. Norwegian Danish Baptist church corner So. 10th and X sis. Rev O. Enget, pastor. S. 8., 10 a. m. ser mon. 11 a. m.; Young People's meeting, 7 p. m.; Bible study Mon dayi? at Bp. m.; weekly prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p. m. ' CHRISTIAN Central Christian church. No. L and Steele' sts.. Rev. J. 8. Raum. pastor. Bible school 10 a. m.; com munion service and preaching. 11 a. m.; Young People's rally, 6:30 p. m.; song service, 7:45 p. m. South Tacoma Christian, 8619 So. lunette. Bible school, 9:48 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. in.; Junior C. E., 3 p. m.; Senior C. li, 6:30 p. m.; evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. First, eth ay and K. W. A. Moor* pastor. Prayer service. 9:45 a. m.; morning service, 11 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30; evening ' service, 7:30. :"■_.-,- - -.*-..••* • Roosevelt Heights. Bast 29th and V. Bible school at 10:30 a. m.; com munion at 11:3* a. m.: C. E. at 6:30 p. m.; preaching at 7:30 p. m. McKinley Park. East SBth and Spokane. Bible school at 10 a. m.; communion at 11 a. m.; C. EL, 6:39 p. m.; preaching. 7:30 p. m. Lincoln Park Christian church. SIDELIGHTS ON TACOiTA HOME LIFE __._* ___• TT«at Awruu MOMENT WHEN- Your wire arrives Home FKOM THE COUNTRY UN-. "EXPCCTCOI-V, — SUNDAY SERVICES AT ALL THE TACOMA CHURCHES 39th and G sts., Raiph C. Sargent, minister. Bible school at 10 a. m. communinn and preaching services st 11; Christian Endeavor prayer meet at 6:30 p. m.; special service it 7:30. CONGREGATIONAL r First Congregational church. Di vision ay. and J sts., Rev. E. T. Ford, pastor. Services, 10:30 a. m. Bible school. 12:10 p. m. East 38th and B sts.. Rev. A. D. Shaw, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning worship and sermon, 11; evening worship and sermon, 7:30; Thursday, 8 p. m., bible study and prayer. Pilgrim, No. 24 th and Warner, Rev. Edgar C. Wheeler, pastor. Morning, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 11:40 a. m.; evening. 7:46 p. m. EPISCOPAL St. Lake's Memorial church. So. C and «th ay.. Rev. F. W. Keator, bishop.. Rev. F. T. Webb, vicar. Holy communion, 10:30 a. m.; serv ices, 7:30 and 11 a. m. St. Andrews church. No. Bth and Oakes sts.. Rev. Frederick Webb, rector; S. 8.. 9:45 a. m.. Mr. A. B. Robley, supt.; evening service. 8:00 p. in. - The Church of Holy Communion. -or. So. 14th and I St., Rev. Rcbt H. McGlnnls, rector. .Early service, 7:30 a. m.; 8. S. and Bible service, 9:45 a. m.; morning prayer, 11 a. m.; evening prayer. 7:80 p. m. Trinity, No. 2d and X its., Rev. Charles T. Grimes. Earty celebra tion. 7:30 A m.; S. 8.. 9:45 a. m; Bible class. 10:00 a. m.; Matins. 11 «. m. ._.'.".■ /■• **/..« Bt John's. So. 68th and Puget Sound. Rev. Robert H. McGlnnls, rector; W. I*- Cullen, minister In charge. S. S.. 10 a. m.; services, 11 a. m.; evening services, 7:30. EVANGELICAL First ' Evangelical church. So. 13th and X sts., T. R Hornschuch, pastor. 8. fl., 10 a. m sermon, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. A., 8:30 p.: m.; prayer meeting and Bible study. Thurs 7 to 9. ... Evangelical Lutheran (German), list and O sts., Km 11 I_<limann, pas tor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m.; 8. S.. 9:18-10:15 a. m.; Y. P. 8., 6 7 P. m.,.-. -■'-,- '--..:-.-,' ■,'._ .'; Adams St Ev. church. No. Adams and 22d <- st, »>- N. • Shupp. pastor. Preaching service at 11 a. m.; evan gelistic services at 6:46: 3. 8., 10 « in.; Young People's meeting at «:45. -.--■■ f" - • -.-, -.. '. - .- Sunday will ■ be - Children's Day. An Interesting program has-- been prepared to be rendered by the chil dren snd young people of the school at 8 p. m. ■•<•_•,,, :■■.. y »■• ..... - The > Swedish church. ,' 1212 j- So. 14th, . Frank Abrahamson. pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; ser vices. ■ lt;a.-'.m.:'*V--.'-f?' -.--■■■ v«S^*a* Evening services at 7:30 p. m.: Young People's meeting, 8:46 p. m.; Thursday -evening prayer * meeting at 8 p. m. ■*-.y~y.ry--.'Zj.,-A-yiy.,-r--,..'y, a Ellin Free. So. Ains. -. and • 17th. Rev." C.' B. Bjuge, pastor. Norwe gian services, 10:46 a. :■ in., 7:30 p. m.: Sermon by pastor at -f< p. m_;»fei* ♦'»«ri'f^WUß_B » faseroamav '^mmm. First FreMJetfeedlat church. 1111 rStesK^*.««ss*«^!*_^SW^i«M_i! TACOMA TIMES Y/fil^ BAPTHAS COUC. The Wiles of the Girls I know Just the way that the game should be played; I'd studied the manner of wooing a maid, I knew all the tricks of the love-making trade I And the wiles of the girls—l could spot 'em; I'd be wise as a serpent—though soft as a dove. And each turn of the game I was cognizant of. Yes, I knew Just the ways to behave in love, But when I met Her-—I forgot 'em. Forgot every rule and forgot every wile, Forgot every stunt I had learned to beguile. And fell at her feet In the untutored style Of a boy who was eighteen or twenty. So don't be too sure of your skill when you woo, For when you're in love.yott don't know what you'll do, And you'll certainly get what is coming to you, ' And, take it from me, that ls plenty! V A TRADITION CANCEL "That Illustrator is much behind the times!" - "In what way?" "Regardless of the discussion that has taken place concerning beverages, he insists on representing Miss Democracy with corkscrew curls." SEASONABLE "Give me the thimble, Mary; I've finished my bathing »ult." "Then, dear, why do you want a thimble?" "Silly! Don't you know I've got to have something to keep It In?" to. I St., C. M. DeFoe, pastor. 8. S. at 10 a. m., preaching, 11, fol lowed by class meeting; Young Christian conference National Christian Asso.. Tuesday at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. People's meeting 7 p. m., followed by preaching at 7:30 p. m; prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. McKinley Park Free M. E.. 36th •nd Howe sts., C. M. DeFoe, pastor. 8. 8., 8 rk m., followed by preach ing. Prayer meeting Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Norwegian Lutheran Free church. So. 15th and X sts.. Rev. D. Toilet son, pastor. Services 11:00 a. m.; Y. P. meeting, 5 p. m. services, 8 p. m. , . LUTHERAN . St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church. So. 27 th and Tacoma ay.. Rev. R. Aye Lallemant, pastor, S. a, 9:30 a. m.; services, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. St. Paul's Danish Lutheran church, 1310 So. L st. Services at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Rev. C. J. Skorgaard, pastor. Our Savior's. 80. J and 17th. Rev. N. A Larseu, pastor. 8. 8. at 9:10 a. m.; services in Eng. at 11 a. m. the first and third Sundays, and at 8 p. m. the second and fourth Sun days of each month. In Norwegian language the first and third Bun days at 8 p. m.. and at 11 a. m. the second and fourth Sundays of each month. On the fifth Sunday morn ing service in Norwegian and spe cial song service In the evening. 1 ■ ■•"i.i't. . ' St. John's, 80. 6th and I. Rev. C. /■*. Stoever, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a. m.; services at 11 a. m/ and 7 p. m. -.._• SilTi-f. ■••"■; ' ■■: r-■- »i'.f'f.* - United Norwegian, 80. llth and t. & S. 9:30 a. m.; services. 10:30 a. m., 7:46 p. m. i. O. Haugen, pastor. 1 - ■_-_.; • German. So. list- Services in Ger. at 10:80 a. m. and 7 p. m.; & 8.. 9:16 a. m.; T. P. 8. C E., 6 p. m. . Ger. Lutheran, 80. ' Tacoma, (Swedish Lutheran church, . corner 68th and Birmingham ay.) every al ternate Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Pas tor, Aug. F. Graebner. .ftlct j: I - . r ' A . ■ ■■ ' . m.hll - First Swedish Lutheran.* corner So. I and Bth St.. Rev. Herman Lind, pastor., 8. 8. at 9:20 a. m.; services at 11 a. m. and at Bp.m. - ■ , ?'_ Trinity. 1207 So. I, Rev. L? M. Fee gar, pastor, a &, 9:10 a. m.; Gar. service. • 10:10 a. . m.; . Bug. service, t.30 p. m. ,y .■■'•' yy ■ - ■'..' --! Danish Lutheran St. ■ Paul. Ill* So. L. L C. J. Skovgaard. pastor. 8. 8., 10 a. m service 11 a. m.; Lit erary and Young People's. .Wednes day, • 1 p. m. . No . evening services this Sunday.*>,»-■»-"..■-."..«.... .■>■ *.' " First Noiweglan. - 62d'■•'■. and So. Warner, A. «J. BJerke. S. 8.. 10 a. m.; second : and, fourth . Sundays In month,"services at 11 a. m.; first and third . Sundays, services Iat;1 >p. t> .-.rj**. . MMTHODIST ■■*'' >:*'a'' < 'J Fowler Methodist church, F. X Moore, paster. . 8. 8.. i 10:08 ■' my, m.; services, 11:00 a. m. and 8 p. m, 1 t First Methodist. So. Bth wand 4?41 sts.. Thomas W. Sitae, paster. QUO* meeting. 9:30 a. m.; services, 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. S. 8., 12:00 m.. E. B. King, superintendent; Junior League, 4 p. m.; worth League, 6:30 p. m. McKinley Park church. East Mor ton at G St., F. L. Moore, pastor. Bible school, 9:45 a. m.; Epworth league, 7 p. m.*, evening worship, 8:00. St. Paul's. So. 43d and L sts. Waldo B. Marsh, pastor, a a, 9:45 a. m.; worth League, 6:30 p. m.; prayer meeting, Thurs.. 8 p. m.; preaching, 11 a. at. and 7:18 p. m. Swedish Methodist church, cor. J and So. llth sts.. Rev. A G. Beck, pastor. S. 8. at 9:45 a. m. morning service, 10:45 a. m.; Epworth league, 7 p. m.; evening service, 7:45 p. m. Central, So. 21st and I sts., T. A. Graham, pastor. 8. 8., 10 a. m.; Lull lie worship, 11 a. m ; Epworth eague, 6:30; public .worship, 7:30. Mason, 28th and No. Madison sts.. Rev. E. L. Benedict, pastor. Bible school, 9:30 a. m.; sermon, 11 a. m.; preaching, 7:20 p. m.; Epworth League, 6:15. Epworth. cor. 80. 7th and Ander son, W. T. Randolph, pastor. Bible school at 9:20; sermon at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor; Epworth leagne, 6:45 p. m. -•-. ■; Bethany, So. 69tn and Thompson. 0. 8., 10 a. m.; preaching. 11 .-. m.; Junior League, 3 p. m.: Epworth League, 6:30; preaching, 7:80 p. m.; prayer service, Thurs.. 7:45 p. m. Rev. Francis A. Koker, pastor. Spanaway M. E., Frederick G. Thompson, pastor. 8. 8., 10 a. m. morning worship, 11. Park M. E.. W. H." W. Rees, pas tor. as.. 10 a. m.; Epworth league. 6:45 p. m.; preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:20 p. m. • Thursday afternoon meeting, 2 p. m. ..■-■• ' ' 1.1 "....... -y Allen M. B. 1411 So. Yakima, Rev. H. M. Collins, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; class meeting. 11:10. p. m.; S. 8.. 1:10 p. m.; A. C. K. league, 7 p. m.: prayer meeting, Wednesday evening. • Norwegian and Danish Metho dist church, corner of llth and J sts., H. P. Nelson, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.. Rev. Joseph Olsen will preach; S. 8., 10 a. m. ' Germon Zlon Evanarellcal Luther an, Missouri synod. So. 16th and L sts.. Rev. J, Huchthausen, pastor. S. 8., 9:10 a. m.; service at 10:30 a. m. . » .• f;■ ';- _;. X""X:*-X missions '■ Christian and - ■ Missionary Alli ance. . 901 80. O • st. Rev. O. J. Stone, pastor. Services: S. 8. at 2:00; preaching st 3 p. m.; evening service at City Rescue Mission, 10a 80. 14th St.; Young Peoples meeting at 8:46. ■-.■_; . :-'; n ■;'..•' Swedish Mission Tabernacle, cor So. 10th and I sts. . J. W. Carlson, pastor. S. H., 8:46 a. m.; morning service. 11; evening service. 7:46; '.*,Young " People's s society, 6.30 fi B,™* V -.■::■•:■ ■"■■'.„•'":-■■■■■. ".East Side, 3«th and G sts., S. R. 10 a*-'ta.'X-^m^^:^.^mm.mll^_.-:/ ._..«, .',■.-. City Rescue Mission. 101 So. 14th li_Wli_Ti__. iwn n ii f i 1,.«_. .1. * THEATERS * ♦ ♦ «> ♦ 4> ♦ «> ♦ ♦♦**♦ ♦*<* 3> '•--..-• <3> ♦ THEATRICAL. * ♦ «• * ■ Tacoma—Frances Starr, <$> <» In "The Case of Becky," to- <» ♦ night. . ' ■ <* ♦ Raymond Hitchcock, In <?> • "The Red' Widow," tomor- 4> # row and Monday.' - -- ♦ *-; . ♦ * Princess — Miss Warda <$> <$> Howard and * company in <* <$> "The Country Boy," begin- «> <S> ning Sunday matinee.-* <$> <8> '■ 1 ♦ •3> Pantages—New vaudeville. * » <» <$> Melbourne—Latest mo- <?> <3> tion pictures. <$> * j «* <$> <J> <^ £ I AT THE TACOMA • ,— Frances Starr Triumph*. Almost Improbable, but de lightfully interesting. Such is a concise review of "The Case of Becky," one of the newest of Be lasco "unrealities, in Which Fran ces Starr scored a triumph at the Tacoma theater last night. It's a feminine counterpart of the famous story of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. The story tells of a young girl who is treated In a sanitarium.for a puzzling form of dual personality. A lovely girl Is at frequent Intervals transformed into an impish, fantastic creature known as "Becky," and the freak ish acts that she oommltta be cause of th.l unfortunate trick of the mind form the plot. Miss Starr carries her part wonder fully and interprets the dual per sonalities with startling vividness "The Case of Becky" will be re peated at the Tacoma tonight. •'The Red Widow." Raymond Hitchcock has fur nished many laughs for Tacoma theatergoers, but his present vehi cle, "The Red Widow," is report ed to have ben a greater hit than any of his previous offerings. With Flora Zabelle as the leading woman, Hitchcock has a play that offers numberless opportunities for wit. Hitchcock has the part of a retired army officer who falls In love with a Russian beauty. His dilemma comes when he {earns that his beauty, "The Red Wid ow," is the leader of a bitter Rus sian i.N'hilist group. The play will come to Tacoma Sunday and Mon day nights. Pictures Come Again. The title of "Travel Festival" will be more than Justified at the Tacoma theater, four days, start ing Wednesday, when Lyman H. Howe will take stay-at-home trav elers to the Imperial abode of the , former sovereigns of France— Versailles—with Its world-famous fountains, shaded avenues, groves and lawns peopled with a multi tude of statues. V PANTAGES ~f • c No prettier bit of staging and no more delightful music has found Its way into th« Pantages theater this season than will come St. Services at 7 "30 every evening, sermon. 8 p. in Penlel Gospel. Services every evening at 8 o'clock; Sunday at 1 p. m. 108 80. 12th. Chaplain Stubbs will speak and administer the Lord's Supper at 3 p. m. Church of God Mission, 2501 Ta coma. Sunday school, 2 p. m.; preaching, 3 and 7:30 p. m.; prayer. Wed. and Fri. eve. Wm. Strong, pastor. All Saints, Larchmont. Services, 10:30 a. m.; morning prayer and holy communion. Rev. W. J. Getty. PRESBYTERIAN Calvary Presbyterian church. Di vision Lane and D st., Rev. C. K. Standt, pastor, 8. a, 10 a. m.; services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Junior Endeavor, 3 p. m.; C. E. 6:45 p. m.; prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. n- - . — • Tmmanuel Presbyterian church, No. J and 9th sts., Robert H. Mllll gan, pastor. Morning service, 10:30, evening service. 8 p. m.; Bible school at 9:30; men's class, led by pastor, at 12 o'clock; Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. First Presbyterian church, corner So. 10th and Q sts.. Rev. Murdoch McLesd, pastor. Rev. H. T. Mltclu.l more, assistant. Morning service, 10:30 o'clock; evening, 8 p. m.; 8. 8. Immediately after morning service; Y. P. 8. C. E., 7:00 p. m. Sprague Memorial 58th and War ner, So. Tacoma. 8. 8., 9:46 a. m.; service, 11 a. m.; Junior C. E„ 8 p. m.; Adults Bible class, 7 p. m., service 8 p. m. Rev. Dr. Dodds pastor. Bethany, No. 41st and Verde at, Rev. O. T. Mather, pastor. 8. S at 8:45 a. in.: Y. P. S. C. E.. at 6:46; •ervlcea, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Oakland. So. 84th and Proctor sta. 8. 8., 10 a. m.; Intermediate En deavor at 7 p. m. Services at 8 p. m., Rev. W. Chalmers Gunn, speak er. .;.-;; ' . ,-" ; .r.'; Westminster, So. 60th and I> sts Services at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E_, 7 p. m.; Bible school, 11:45 a. m.; prayer meeting., Thurs., 8 p. m. J. Wesley McCalluin, pastor. Manltou Park. 8. 8., 10:15 a. m.; sermon at 11 a. m. by W. Chalmers Gunn...••-■ FRIENDS - Friends, No. Bth and State. MIMe school, 10 a. m.; divine wornhlp, 11a. m.; prayer . meeting Thursday evening at 7:45. Monthly meeting Thursday even ing at 8 p. in. ; , v Friends' - East Bide meeting, 4>th and McKinley ay.. Bible school, 8:45 a. - m.; divine worship. 11 a. m.; Y. P. 8. C. X.. 6:45; evening service, 7:46; prayer meeting Fri day evening at 8 o'clock. —. ' ROMAN CATHOLIC Holy Rosary, So. loth and Taco ma, Rev. Oswald Baran. O. S 8., rector. Low rasas. 7:10; children's mass. 8:46; high moss. 10:30; ves pers and benediction, 7:50. . Church of Visitation. 4 So. BJth 3<xar Warner, Rev. Charles Cannon. First', tfiass. • 1; , high : ir.iss, .-.- < *>**_•*%'*¥■"• ft Business Office Mala 19. PHI llMr Circulation DcpC Main 14 * AA\JlgimiU Editorial Dept. Main 704. OFFICE 77O-778 COMMERCE ST. Minerva Coverdale, the dancer in "The lied Widow." j with Alls&y'g Hawaiians who are featured on the new bill at the Pantages, beginning Monday aft ernoon. There are eight Ha waiian artists in "A Night in Ha waii." One member of the com pany in a bfjfctttttal Hawaiian girl whose dancing Is said to lie the personification of grace. Offering a dramatic playlet of more than ordinary cleverness Sydney Scott and his company will appear in "The Police In spector." This sketoh concerns the discomfiture of a reformer at the ahnds of a policeman. All to the merry Is clever Belle Oliver, a graceful young woman who is known to vaudeville in the (jairettot l-feim<Ji^ AS TOLD BY A UNT GERTIE CHAPTER VI. "I am so sorry, Mother of the Winds," said the young Prince. "H'm," said the old woman. "I expected you would do Just as you have done. The very first evening you did as you were told not to do. You deserve to go back into the sack." "He shall go," said a grim looking old man with a long scythe over his shoulder. "Who is that?" cried the Prince, in great fear. "Don't let him put me in the sack." "That ls Death," said the old woman. "He shall die," said Death, scowling at the young Prince. "He has done wrong! "But I will give him a chance to have forgiveness for his wrongdoing. If his heart is not all bad, he shall live a while yet. If he grows better, I think he can still be a good man. If so, I will take .him to the Star of Heaven when his life on earth is over. baptism, 3; vespers, 7:30; dally mass, 8 a. m. St. John the Baptist, Indian res ervation. Rev. Chas. De Decker. * St Leo's. 80. Yakima and 13th, Rev. Father Cunningham, rector. - B*.. Patrick's. No. 13th and J. Rev. Joseph McGrath, rector. St. Stanislaus, So. 4') th and K. Rev. Michael Fafara, pastor MISCELLANEOUS Church of the Brethren. So. 50th and O sts., J. U. Stlversson, pastor. S. 8., 10 a. m. preaching, 11 a. m and 8 p. m.; Christian workers meeting, 6:30 p. m. Salvation Army, 1201 Pacific ay. Services: Preaching, 3 p. m.; Young People's meeting. 6 p. m.; salva tion meeting, 8 p. m. Volunteers of America. 13th and pacific. Meetings every evening at » p. m. Sunday at 3 p. m. and 8 p m. w : International Bible Students' as sociation. Temple of Music 945 C st. Discourse at 3 p. m Bible study, 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. Spiritualists Progressive Psychic society, cor. So. 3d and Tacoma ay. Lyceum, 2:30: circle. 0 p. m.; meet- In at 8 p. m. Thursday meeting 2 p. m. Park Universal Ist church, Dlvl slon ay. and J st., Henry Victor Morgan, minister. Services. 11 a. m.; 8. 8., 10 a. m. • Unity Healing Circle Tuesday at .p '_. l?-' *"c Ie"«ons Friday evening at 8 by minister; no Sunday even ing services. . Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). Sunday ser. vices at 1117H So. Tacoma ay. Fra ternity Bldg. 10 a. m. and 7 p. m Tacoma Seamen's Institute, cor ner St. Helens and sth ayes., Rev F. T. Webb, honorary chaplain; H. F.'rneyhough, Supt. Early cclebra v Effective June 22, 1913, all ' "MILWAUKEE" trains between I TAOOMA, ABERDEEN AND HOQUIAM ' will operate via Montesano on following schedule ,:. Leave Tacoma ..........i.i..x,.tiiS a. m. and 6:3^ p. m. Arrive Montesano ...........'..: 12:02 p. m. and 9:02 p. m. Arrive Aberdeen ................12; p. m. and 9: 35 p. m. Arrive Hoquiam .......V. .......12:55 p. m. and 9:50 p. m. For particulars regarding fares and train service, call on or v address F. A. VALENTINE , City Passenger Agent. 1001 Pacific Aye. :.;*;:?? TiW-oma. x Saturday, June 21, 1913. Frances Starr, in "The Case of Reeky," at the Tacoma again to night. east as the "Tetrazlni of Rag Time. Fun comes with the entrance of Coogan and Cox, two others who are well known In vaudeville. The latter, "The Narrow Feller" in his eccentric dancing is a scream The Florenz Trio are European equilibrists *oo>.ed through the Pantages' foreign office. They are expected to provide the thrills for the new bill. * MELBOURNE ~T • ■ a A sensational drama called "The King Can Do No Wrong" is featured at the Melbourne the ater for today. A monarch does grlevious wrong to one of Ills statesmen and the subject swal lows his injured feelings and pride believing the king can do no wrong. "But if he grows worse, he shall fall lower than the Garden of Paradise! "I hope he will decide to be good. I hope that the next time he is told of something he should . not do, he will be more careful, 1 hope he will change his ways. "I would much rather take him up to the beautiful star when he leaves this earth. "You see, that star Is just as lovely a place as the Garden of Paradise. In fact, I believe ho will find the Garden there if he goes." The young Prince was very humble and very much obliged to Death for another chance. He thanked him three times and then turned away toward home. Ho knows, now, where the ; beautiful Garden of Paradise is. He also knows that the GOOD are the only ones who may stay there! (The End.) tlon, 7:30; morning service, 11 * o'clock In St. Luke's church. Dr. Webb officiating; evening service, 8 o'clock. • The Italian families of Tacoma will have their gospel services and Bible study under the direction of Attorney W. M. Perrln and John Curto. The regular Sabbath meet ings are held under the auspices of the United Presbyterian church. Tacoma Theosophlcal society meets every Thursday evening at 8 p. m. in room 202 Chamber of Commerce hlilg.; Karma and Rein carnation Legion (for Inquiries) meets every Sunday at 8 o'clock; reading room open every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 2 to * p. in. The Ethical society, So. 3d and Tacom ay. Services at 11 a. M.i lecture by Dr. Wm. Savery. The Tacoma Soclaloglcal society, room 232 Provident Bldg., Monday, 8 p. m. , (Spiritualists), Fraternity Bldg., 1117 Tacoma ay. Messages at 8 8 P. m.; men's meeting, 3 p. m. ELECTRIC RANGES Motors Switchboards Repairs and Wiring f . EVANS-DICKSON CO. Main 0500. . - 725 Com. St. _._!__.__. LESSONS . . I In Art Needlework, Ma- fl frame. Modern Equipped I N.r.11.- graft Rooms. . All Fj Supplies. .' :"'-H Fibre Silk Hosiery. M MRS. WILLWARD WY"*N, , I LADIES' SHOP x) I 023 So. CI St. Main'MOD. B Home of the Nil none Corset. fl