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PAGE FOUR. tatMBKH E' or Ttm SCBIPPS •*■■ kohthwest EiiAGi'K ok mrwsiPAPmis. TeWmpfct* *»■— inrlM »f tk* Vattad riiH A«.ocl«llon bj direct .i,»n«»d Wire.«'• SiTif i,-^'••v>*^M«j<rnrs.=i4t;,7»-i..,»-':i,Jpa9e. : Ba(er«d ■■ at , the - MaMtdoa.* Tium,' W«Ab. • •• ' Meand-claa* i tamtimt. > Pakliakad :kr <h* -. ItNM . TJatea ; Pab. ; Co. ; mrerj ■▼•■!■* I Kxe*pt ' Snadar. ' [-.-Tin, .-.-J, . .. J L_ _. fi_._- ... _. , ~ L ~ A~- r-. .._,_.—, On the Care vof the Feet. On a Christmas morning, when you were a boy, pop-eyed with delight over your first store-bought wed, did grandpa ever take you out for rides on the dazzling fresh snow, he acting as horsie And did IlieTg6;it barefooted, as unmindful of the crystals of frost that crackled beneath his tread as if they had been rose petals? / ■-. -■: fj. ••.. --.y;-.-/- ■••• ■ We know a grown*upwhose old grandad did that in the years ago. a And other queer things, too. For i instance, we've seen him,;at the age of 80, with the thermometer below zero, chop a hole through the ice on the mill pond, strip and plunge to the morning bath, andipuffingly'emerge, ready for a brisk rub down and ajday's work that would stagger a horse. , There were husky folks in those days. But they lived simply, ate plain food,-worked much in the open and didn't try to turn night into day. We began, however, to say something about feet. i Grandpa's feet, \vhich didn't mind the crackling snow or the icy water, rarely found themselves ram- j mcd into hot, heavy shoes. Mostly he • went bare-i | footed. But when he did wear a shoe it was care-i fully fitted and removed the minute he entered the house. x Grandpa also practiced footwashing as re ligiously as did the folks the Bible tells about. !We don't suppose he did these things because he had any theories to test or fads to exploit. Any schoolboy today could tell him that the pores of the feet arc among the busiest of the body's poison out lets; and that, therefore, it's a good thing to go bare foot now and then, to wade in the dew or to do any of the outdoor novelties which aid nature in its hard I task of excrementation. Grandpa didn't know that, for he had never had the chance to study physiology. He ; only knew that he had a pair of hoofs beneath him that a man could be proud of, and that they per formed without failing the functions for which they were intended. Spl ". So it's important to care for one's feet. Watch • the arch of the foot, that it doesn't f weaken or drop. At the first sign of trouble, go to a foot ;'i_ii doctor. Use shoes as light, comfortable and .low heeled as you can get. If you have the nerve, go Ü barefoot part of the time. If you haven't, if you're hopelessly fettered by the conventions of |i society, at least change the hose at short inter vals (never longer than once a day) and don't ,», spare soap and water! Above all, don't be ashamed if your foot is long and wide and substantial or try to jam it for appear ance sake into a shoe that will cramp it. Let it be as the good Lord designed it. He knew best. Better Babies Washington certainly'is going in for the "better babies" idea. Th^-state fair management has just announced j>ver $500 in prizes for the champion boy and girl babies in the state at the annual North Yakima ex hibition of the products of the state. This is as it should be. The country too long has given its best to prize hogs and sheep and Holstein bulls and taken no heed of the babies. The average fair association offers $25 for the prize stallion and souvenir spoon for the best bab.v. As a result breeding of livestock has reached the acme of per fection in America and the states have to build new Istate1 state institutions every year to take care of the de fective children that have been increasing alarm singlyy^' ;■;■.-] Of course the mere offering of prizes worth while for good babies is not going to transfof-ni society, but it is a straw which shows that society is beginning to recognize the real big question in our civilization. The big prizes will cause the people to further con sider the matter of better babies and when they get to looking into it they will find a very disagreeable state of facts with reference to the babies of the land. A big proportion of them are born defective and it is up to the state and nation to see what is the matter and remove the cause. f t remove the like the father of the mothers' pen vestigators like the father of the mothers' pen jsionjidea who have been making exhaustive study ijMTO already discovered the principal source of the defective babies in the country, and science is begin ning a campaign to eradicate the trainity of parental influences that are responsible for, the vast majority of poor babes— vice, tobacco and alcohol. " Little Regard for Fathers It's "very^discouraging to fathers. Just as they were looking pleasant; over being exempted $500 worth ; per| child in the Income tax arrangement along comes a mean old senate committee, or a sub and proposes that the exemption be limited to two children. -;-.*-• ' ■ § JL S,u^"an exemption as originally proposed was in tended to help out fathers of dependent children of course, but the fathers who most need help are those who have large flocks of children. ' 2 h,7 ef> w. eVe heard 'old maids and bachelors as sert that it is as easy to raise five children as two that one can buy things cheaper at wholesale, and all that. But it isn't so, and if that old senate thinks it is going to promote fatherhood with a two kid lim it, it is going to get a bump. The Bank of California RATIONAL ASSOCIATION BtfaltUaba* I*o4. Ca^ltaJ and Surplus $16,300,000.00 •*n Jrancinoo , J*ortland Tacoma - • 8e«Ul» TAOOMA bRANCH t%* Basic o/ ClifurnU lluiidlnc T«conuk P^ s===rrr=: |pni to the KiH|B Want Ads Gditorial Page of €ftc Cacoma Citncs SWAT THE FLY :::::: oJ: I : (If it is a Fly) THEORY AND PRACTICE "Don't swear," pa told bia little son. "Just hearken unto me. There's no excuse — remember that— For coarse profanity." But pa stepped on a carpet tack When getting into bed. The business end was standing up, And this Is what he said: " — • f 11 »» I That Awful Moment \ (Several hundred girls disappear every year in the big cities. JU * \B«Huffi9KlalHwdS God knows where! |>Wy^vllSL9^BßJs,(«'^ Rosa, being young, was fond of pleasure, , / ifmWnkV^i|Cw'' mX*&^SOW Life to her woe Bomcthing blithe and awent, 'HHn^[P^| iß&t' Trusting to the friends that led, her on, . P^^ lO^SSfeY^A^4^^&^ Unaware the road that she was going. Roea's gone! H^HKBJBP^^^^^ How shall all our mourning now restore Ik J^*'- J a> Rosa's jgose! ™^^BB^^is^^ * THE TAOOICA TIMES ixgexufty Doctor —Why, you said in your note that you had tlie croup and I come here to Jtind you have the rheumatism. Patient—Well, Doc, ther^ wasn't a soul in the house wnjl could sj>ell rheumatism. OUR PKECIBK ARTIST. Bill Jpongo.d for *fe» Lord Ballyrot in Slangland Although having no social as pirations, old top, I was one day invited to a select social func tion—the annual ball and cotil lion of the Pretzf 1 I?enders' Union. On inquiring whether full-evening dress would be au fait, I received this information: "Sure, kid, put on your soup and-fish, your sun-down rags, your O-Gussle harness. Every guy what gets into the blow-out has to doll up in a hard-boiled chest-protector, sheet-Iron shoes and a two-winged shroud. Thiß is a swell affair and any gink what tries to yegg in the drum in his tliue-olock tatters will get the rude rouse. Truss up in your Tesaie-killers, get me?" BOSTON, July 10. —When Har vard reopens in the fall, the uni versity will have among its fac ulty a member of the English nobility in the brother and heir presumptive to Earl Russell, the Hon. Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Trinity college, Cam bridge university, who la coming to Harvard to teach philosophy. Mine. Cavallazzi Says Yankee Girls Are Models of Sy lphlike Sinuousness SO THE .MKTIIOPOIJTAN OPERA HOLHK WILL HAVfi AN ALA-AMERICAN BAHjET. NEW YORK, July 10.—When I the Metropolitan opera house opens its season, next fall, iU ballet, for the first time in his tory, will consist almost entirely of American girls. So says Mint. Malvlna Cavalai zl, director of the Metropolitan ballet school. She U quite proud of this fact, in spite of the fact that she, Mme. Cavallazzl, Is ob viously not American. It was at the graduating exer cises of the ballet school, In the (opera house. Mme. Cavallazzl'a pupils had shown moat conclu sively that they could dance, and dance wonderfully, whatever might be their nationalities. They were marvels of sylphlike grace and sinuousness, every one of thpm, from Eva Swain, IC, who is to be premiere danseuse asaohia to the ballet next season down to Ruth Weinstein, 10 who (take It from everybody present) i 3 goin X to be a sort of combination of Genee, Pavlowa and Sarah Bernhardt. when she grows up. "The American girl makes a fine dancer because she is intelli gent." said Mme. Cavallazzl. W hen I teach dancing it Is to the mind, not to the legs, that I give my attention. If the mind Is quick to catch a suggestion, the feet will follow fast enough The greatest drawback to the American girl's success as a daurer is her lack of persever ance. The moment she has learned to dance a little, she be gins to look about for an en gagement. Twenty-four of my Bills are now ruining their chances of artistic success to make a little money. They have deserted the school to take posi tions on the stage. "A girl is not badly off In the ballet here at the opera house The first year she gets $15 a week, the second $18, and the third $20 a week, and her In struction costs her nothing. To become a finished dancer a ,girl should stay in the school for four years, at least." ' < » THEATRICAL. <t Tacoma—Dark. <. > Princess — Mlsa Warda < > Howard and company in <• ' The Easiest Way," all <• ' week. <5 > Pantages— Olga Samaroff <• > concert trio and good vaude- <« ■ ville this week. <3 > Melbourne —Latest popu- <• > lar motion picture*. < I AT THE PKINCESS f > » . ' ' t Miss Warda Howard and com any are playing to packed houses his week in the sensational so lologlcal play, "The Easiest Vay." The drama is one of the trongest and most powerful noral lessons over presented by he popular stock company, and very member of the cast Is ac [uitting himself mostjcreditably. * il PANTAGES f Fred Ardath's chorus show in 'Hiram" and the Olga Samaroff rio of stellar musicians are con estanta for first prize in the opularity contest at Pantages heater this week. Either act ould easily headline an ordinary! audevilie bill. l T MELBOURNE |" B —• .— The future of the girls em ployed in public dance halia will c graphically told In a sensa onal picture drama at the Mel ourne theater tomorrow and aturday, entitled "The Olrl and .le Dance Hall." The film has •ecelved the endorsement of any women's organizations who w it produced (before it was aced on the market. — markets" * Mcata «m«1 l-nultr; Beef—Steers. Vie; cow*. 14o; veal, draasad. 12»l»c, Mutton—Wethers. llHo; spring lambs, 15c; ewes, lie. Pork — t/reuueai Ho; trimmed. 100 Chickens—Spring, dressed, 800 Ib.; live, 25c »b.; hens, live, 14015 c lb.; dressed, 18c. ''"r. Clrnfn ■»«> Vced—Selllns Cloyer hay, $17©i8 a ton; timo thy, J24@26 a ton; mixed timothy IH? n 24i v. alt*T*- l»©17; bran $26.50; shorts, $25.50 ton; oats, $32 --rolled oats, $33; corn, $33 a ton wheav, 433(nm<; barley, $2»®30 -_ Jubbioa- nnomilona Thj following Jobbing quotation* «re furnished The Times daily by leading firms engaged In the vari ous line* or fruit, produce, meat*. trovlalona eta _, *■"■•• Tssetablea ■-,' bo Walla Walla Asparag-us-11.10 Cabbage—2Ho lb. ' ~* Cucumbers— soc, 76c and $1.00. 2 Head Letturt—California, $2 home grown. 35c doa. —$I.*S sack. Potatoes—California, neW white and red, $2.0002.25. - Kplnach—sc lb. Parsnips—»:.l« a sack. Parscly—New, 200 dozen. —California 20 lha $1.60; Hot House, 150 lb. Waxln Green Beans—Be. —Home crown, So. ■ Homegrown HadlshesSOo dos. Onions—California, red, new. tl '26 sack; yellow, $1.35. \ Z ' * Prrah «-V^IU Watermelons— 2l4o lb antaloue ~*'ol size crate $1.75; standard «l«e crates, $2 26 Cherries—Koyal Anns, 7c lb $1 00 box of 10 lbs.: Bhig cherries ioc lb Apricot.— $1.50 bnx. '"• Mums— Sl.2s»M,7s box. Yellow Freestone Peaches— $1 25 Apples—|i.» to $1.75. . * Bananas—So lb. Orangesss.ooQ6.2s. Ilhubarb— 2c If.. Lemons— fS.COcif 9.00 r Pineapples—Hawaiian. 10a Ib Strawberries—Homegrown. 75c® WoshlnKtton ranch, ttc ©Joe."* IWashington1 Washington creamary," it Clie**e—Limburger, ' »0c- Tilla fl^?i "ci brlck 80c; block Bwui.' 21024 c; Toun* America, He; Wash' ■ ■ . -^«l» -■—-'-' •'-"'_ _■• rHI 111 r.CS Olrcnintion I)ept. Main 12. ■ **V*T.*f -! KdltorUl Dept. Mala 784. OFFICE— 776-778 OOMMEBCR ST. Graduating Class, Metropolitan Opera House Ballet School. EASTERN STAGE GOSSIP NEW YORK, July 10.Deslys ■went to lunch at the Hippodrome. Right out on the stage. At a regular matinee. The luncheon was given by four performing ele phants. Gaby took lea with them. Later she aided in putting the smallest pachyderm to bed. Also she got into bed with him. With one of her swellest gowns on. The audience liked It much. Gaby said it was "ravissant" and "charmant." It is suspected that Gaby's press agent, and the press agent of the Hippodrome, had something to do with the party. NEW YORK, July 10.—We have with us again "Damaged Goods," which has been put on lor 16 regular performances at the Ful ton theater. As Mayor Gaynor has given his written approval of this dramatized warning against vice and its worst conse quent disease, there is no fear of Its being stopped until its spon sors have given it as many pro ductions as they choose. Richard Bennett has given up his" very good part in "Stop Thief." the i PEINCESS THEATER Main 7760 THJB WEEK "The Easiest Way" By Eugene Walter. Bargain Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, 10c and 83c. Evening —20c, 30c and 50c PANTAGES BIG FEATUIIE VAUDEVILLE Olga Samaroff Trio Fred Ardath's Dainty Molds In "HIHAM" Five Other Big Acts. MANY PERSONS Keep their money In the bank, that they may have it within reach when needed for daily use; some keep it here awaiting opportunities for in vestment; others, to avoid the risk and annoyance of loaning, keep their money here as a permanent In vestment. All classes are . thus .accommo dated. » BANKERS TRUST COMPANY Tacoina. The Great Summer Drink Is beer. Good, wholesome beer. Every - where you go you will will find good, wholesome people enjoying it. The reason is not hard to find, for good beer the thirst more MicoesifuUy than any other manufactured beverage. That is the first requisite of a hot" wont her drink. And besides, there is something "substantial" about it that does not obtain in other drinks. That is because it has "body"—a good food foundation. BEST, EAST OR WEST Main 352 Thursday, July W, 1913. season's most successful farce, to play the principal role iv Hrieux's drama. The opening performances have been marked by a rush lor tickets on the part of a larse number of Young Persons, most ly Female, who approach the box office in a nervous manner, think ing they are going to let them selves in for something Dread ful. They are, but not the kind of Dreadfulness they desire. The kind they will get will do them good. SECURITY FOR your funds—and convenience in banking, open an account with this bank, established in 1906. Our Officers aro old in ex perience, and progressive in banking ideas—giving patrons every privilege consistent with safety. No account so large or bo small that it does not receive equal courtesy. . New accounts solicited. SCANDINAVIAN \MI s;lc AN BANK. MR. EMPLOYER: You know to what ex tent your business deal ings are facilitated by a checking account — for safety, convenience and accuracy there Is no other way to do business. Add the pleasure of banking wliere courtesy is invari able and you have the rea sons why your checking account should be kept at National Bank. OF COMMERCE Twenty-five years of bank- ; ing integrity. !