Newspaper Page Text
Here They Are! The Eight Most Novel News Stunts Staged Today by Father Time's Vaudeville Acrobats V. JOHN'S: A WISE ' 'UN. ! *■ t. Tt t ,' i. -X X BUTLER, Pa., i Oct. 1 4.When Julia Loptka of Sharon, Pa., re fused to "love, honor and 'obey," 7 John Novkow exchanged his mar riage license and wed Mary.Rake, , who had no scruples about mak llngllng rash 'promises.■:■:'*■■' '-.- ■ '-;'.. • _mAmmmvmwmmmmmmmWmwmmm^mmmmmm\ ..■•-Jy£?mXz »%-:..*.•■ - .aa^X^Xx'a'^x "■•''*■■-■ ."-'r.-'>v- ■ .-'- ~ a&g&A-sr- . .yx. \| I ||@fe^ SURE a penny's worth of newspaper doesn't I % sound' big to 1 you but if you get j the Times every day, It won't take you very long to realize that you are getting the I most interesting and entertaining newspa per in Tacoma. . * ..','.■.,-■'■--u - ■A'rXXXyyX-XXyXXXxy „ THIS DAY IN TACOMA . 25 <■ » YEARS AGO: , ,1 >^ . - " '-.'"'" Abe Tuttle's health has been v somewhat run down of late. He fell asleep; on Pacific avenue g and j the horse ", car : ran over »'■,.'. him.**.'-•' '__X v Ayiy A'-.:•:■:. -<>■'• The mayor's actions yester day have aroused much disap probation. With all kinds of work, to look after, he J threw f up everything and took "a trip to Seattle. ' And the city Is badly In need of scrubbing. The amateur "Uncle Tom , mere" are still fussing. The yi nearest thing they! can get to ' ' the bloodhounds are Hank Eb bers' near-visible dachshuunds, „ which never because Hank * doesn't feed them anything. V Tom Boodle went out and ■ got' drunk last ? night. •/• He -Is -. still drunk. Developments later. A COURT DECREE has It that woman's beauty ■Is -worth' 1 $7, --000. Yes, at times It costs as much as that, If not more. L AMONG OTHER THINGS ,we -r ■' don't believe : is the statement . that Teddy Roosevelt said fare '^XyreaXyx /.„'-- /'^ ■"/,//// ' THE INTOXICATED GENT who ~ told the Jailer yesterday that he ! was King Edward pulled a bad \ . one. * He should, have claimed -a . to he Woodrow Wilson.-* This " ■-'..- country Is a republic, you know. THIS DAY IN HISTORY: — r "'•: ,' A. ■*_ "':*'. 63—JulluB -; Caesar " : picked I the . Gladiators to win over; the : Centurions ln the big series. "X X-~"'x-,AA '-'■■':'-'■■, :■ X 290Caius " Langford, - the "A.'X Nubian; and Aurellus Flynn, the - Gaul, battled ten rounds to - a draw in the Coliseum last night. '."' Neither; party I was '. much ;' bat - •'. tered, as - they- us«v* light five pound Iron gloves. - ' .'-. V-T,7 - 14 00—Venetian galley slaves ':yy were executed by the hundreds * - •'■ because • they "-. messed -- up the 'XX type. :'-~:x' ■.-' '■'. -~^■■-■■ '-.'vy---'X-. ..-.-.v'tv A^x—-?;'xx7y-y y.A'X 1564 The eggs we had for " :■' breakfast were laid. X. '•■XXX 1890 —A man '> was i- hanged > :in Tacoma for saying "budget." h TAOOMA DOCTORS A have, i: been X -: busy- the last ;* few J * cold : days treating a new ailment Induced .»jby—" transparent;;, : ; skirts .-.- and : '; slashed ditto. 'Xyy-'x: ■ y-XXX' I 'X ilt Is - neuralgia of r the knee. ' '. ' .".'.-.- '..":."■ *' .:'• ___ '..•'":*-'' • "'.:X'-. AFTER READING what Commis • --.-. ;■ sioner ,' Mills says - about * kids - '"; we are Inclined to think he has .-• been kidding. x -= ;""•'•'• .•^r-'-.. •■k xx. xxx-yv — X-LL'Xxx:xA'' X V; THAT f_ DECLARATION y of j - the : CV ; commissioner's 2 that dogs were *' ''A just i like - children f- is *i sure t to "XX* make him solid with the moth !--"'■;*-->,ers..x;'^,-*-; xzA7x7xA:A-Xyy : *.-, X HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES: .; " X* "•;' >. To i remove '; ink; stains: from •XAx the fingers write with a pencil. ,',■' '.XX.A cheap dinner can be easily ; X'..X. secured by investing In a meal ), ■ ... at; a I swell • place' with a ; high .-*»;.-,_- t : brow name. xx Ay-.xy .'■■>>' :?%*:X"X Never cure ham. If It Is sick, yt■)(_ throw -it i away. . XX - \X~--y '-.", X^'jz i;^:'iX-*Db"not remove the pita from iy. , the; cherries ;In making cherry •>«.;; pie. If you i do": people > are '■ apt *#a' think ' you are slipping : plum i^HPtuitrr! over onUhem.'^'',W,f-f?i^ ■1- ■ '■ i IxXXyA MAKES DREAMS L COME TRUE ' A.: A Nearly, every • boy or girl at 7- XXX. some: time s lias thought* of *7 A -, } college or training school or r f| »»! start _la I business, but \ the -::: chances y\ aw s slim X without ■ money. In the common schools -> of |*|I this If country .'are \ 16,000,009 «| i77s& children—-a Young American %■ ' Nation—the great mass of whom t will ; never ; enter * high m $&£% school, and ! less \ than one ■■ per M . /Ay;, cent ? ever reach * the t univer- A __M*tr.T* The earlier In life ; you * f f«W »tart * a | bank *£ account $_ the H |**f earlier you will he able to 8,11 realise a life ambition. -.'. 'egg*: Air account in the y. ■ Puget Sound State Bank is Erotection. TRY; "SQUIRREL SUNDAY." ' NEW; YORK. Oct. 4. —When a tame squirrel skipped into'Hoppe & Carr's ice cream parlor Sunday night a crowd of girls mistook it for a rat and became hysterical. Tacoma Butcher Commits Suicide by Drinking Carbolic Acid in Bed 7--y_ yyx'y:x. -' XX-7 . y :yXx^....y^X-X- . :-■ -V" XX--:-' v .:';-: '■ 'Vy Xl'yyyxXiXXX -f-£_ '_ "' -'■ "'. -. '4 ' . - «*» y-, v. V_iL^l_ t'' 'XXj^^X '■" - .^XXA-A" *> "XXX.. y... ■, -yXy^mSmAXXXX^i^M^S!^ FAILING TO AWAKEN HUSBAND, WIFE FINDS HE IS DEAD World's series stars haven't anything on the bunch that they had back in the 90's, says Billy Sunday famous evangelist, who was fastest player baseball ever knew. Predicting Giants to land champion ship, compares 1913 line-up with old timers and adds some | flashing comments . in a pithy story. Now the World's Most Successful Evangelist, But in the '80's a Star - of Anson's Famous White Stockings and the Fleetest Ball Player That Ever Wore Spiked Shoes. BY BILLY. SUNDAY, . - (Copyright, 1018, by the Newspaper Enterprise Association.) - - :. .BILLY. SUNDAY. ' Brouthers, Thompson, Roger Connor, ,: Richardson,. Kelley, Ewlng, Comlskey, Anson, Ryan, Dalrymple, . O'Neill, Stovey, Welch • and Browning? ;■',;•..-■ .>":-',.:. XX. -'-y yy-y- -v^;---: "'-'■'•. ■„.-.-- '-X ■. •■ :%& , You read about the speed of Collins, Snodgrass, Merkle, Mclnnes and Herzog. Could they outsprlnt Latham, i Pfeffer, Stovey, Hamil ton, and, may I add, Billy Sunday? .v.. - ';.-" yXii'XS* , ."- %. I have read much of the scoring from second on an infield out by speed-merchants like Ty Copp and Joe Jackson'and of the hit and-run play as proving baseball is faster today. -" x-y_A •" & WE DID these things, too, but we had no names for them. ', I scored twice from second on Infield outs in one series. The first time King Kelley signaled that he'd hit the next ball and I started with the pitcher's motion, sliding around the -catcher (as the ball was re layed from first, where "Kel" had been retired. ;..- '-.'- X.x Xy--y;;■;:_ ; Jake Daubert, Chase and Konetchv are the best first basemen ' today,' but I never saw the man who had a thing on Captain Anson! I have seen him take throws from Ed Williamson, bare-handed— and, ' man, how .Williamson could hop that ball across from the short field! 1 As for fielding, how much better are these chaps than Charlie Comis-' keyTA'S-'...?,.',,"•*'.:-"'- -"Xa..a X X:Ay:XX_ .;''■■ '.;,■--■'.-.-;.':.': f $*§£$%&&?$ ■■■'%Xi What pitcher today is better than John \ Clarkson, the only ■ man who ever threw an, overhand raise ball; than McCormack, than Jim Keefe,* with his marvelous change of pace;! than Mickey Welch, than Had bourne, or Amos Rusle, the greatest of them all? When Amos ' was right his fhst ball looked like a streak of .dust. '-iiAXXSS!^M'XX^ 1 f> Compare Chief Meyers, Lapp, Wilson knd Scbang to the greatest ' backstop that ever "Silver" Flint or to "Buck" Ewlng jjg or Charlie Bennett, and TELL ME THE ANSWER! ■ -." Eddie Collins is a great. second ;baseman, but when I: think of Fred Pfeffer, who forced, the rulemakers to write Section 8! of Rule 61, which declares the • batter out if he bat an infield fly, with . first and second I occupied, because of his deadly trapping, „I f enjoy;, a chuckle. xy :X■•>■>:■,:?ry--'~■''.'■■'■■ 7:-"~: ■A--7ZA'-li-^-xx.y;x:xxiAAX'!ti3£i >. There have been Baker, Bradley, Collins, Herzog — all great ' third, basemen —but not one ,of . them > compared . with Billy Nash or . Denny.■."■"-*; - ■- « —. - - '-• ..„ X J "- - XAyy^^'A^l^. ■ ;Ed Williamson, despite his size and weight, was X the p fastest ' shortstop I ever saw. V His fielding and ability to throw with : terrific speed from' any. position was simply marvelousand -he played with ' bare hands/REMEMBER!'.-;. -;::vax X-X''AXf_".~ 'XXy.x~XXiX tAri^ X; ';. And are Barry and Fletcher better than Jack Glasscock or Her-* man Long? XX"A7xi-yAt-'-'"-" -X.XXX X'-X-xL:y.X?~'~Vy?xxx:'yA. A -\ The great batters —Cobb, Jackson, Wagner,'^- Daubert, Lajole McDonald, Speaker— 'have they on Ed Delehanty, Sam Thomp | son, Ed Williamson, Tip ft O'Neill, X. Mike^Tlernan,':; Captain Anson, Browning, Ewlng, Brouthers, Richardson or, the greatest of them all, Mike Kelley, whose ability to foul off the ball forced the foul strike . rule?-v y^y'AXXxXXiAAXxXX<:X'xXxAxyx'xyt.XXii-■ 'X.x?x.:x^A.aX-x The only advance I see Is the Improvement In team work. ,,:^ .z ' There are MORE; stars today, but NOT GREATER ones than In I the day of the series between the National league and American asso ; clatlonXiXyxX'Xy.X i .X.XX^i-i^X\-:s^%l^x^iX.-\z"X£X[^^XyXsX READY TO PAY i INCOME TAX , f 7 Get ' ready ;to ■ pay your ; income tax:xX:-_ST~&?A'XxJiiS,.< '- <:< Internal ~Xi Revenue J,< Collector Millart T. Hartson . today Issued his - first p announcement m to j the ' public under ; the) new . tariff ', bill , which Includes the i income tax - feature, citing the features 'of the i law which will become applicable ; November l^^tSjflejfe^gS?^ ! r-x After „ that ! date T all '.. persons ;in '. Tacoma who t have j others lln 1 their | employ who draw over $3,000 a ' year salary or compensation,'will ■ be required to keep out of : the salary the income 1 tax ;to be turn i ed over to the government. This tax will Ibe one . per l cent lon sal ' aries ror Inoomes of . $2,000 and unless the i employer does retain the amount from his employes he will be personally liable for It to the government. X x^ 1 ■■ m^AAA":: ,77 iwm ! vr-'ln order that deposit lens might be ; secured %. from 1 parties I in ■;■■ the East,; the conflict tor possession of the " John W. Roberta estate,' to which * Mrs. Margaret Snyder- as serts she Is direct hair,'was'post poned this morning , PENNANT COUPON NO. 56 Amy tkraa aampamm aUm^taim.nalrimataamaaaattaaiy >.--! havak. *kM armammlm* st K« Time* mtttaa. Tfec «<W«et A«» Caraer, HUttta mm* Caaumaraa, wttk IB aamlm, mill « H «|«|« yam ta a toaatltal I W-srat tniHt Hatamttar - »•■■■■«■ ikr watt i will - coat; Bo i aSSHlaaal ■ «• amvma ipmmta*mje.ym*tmM •ma ; -all j «c■ l%*• VTei alviaamm, I Nlavk ; ami l 1 Cmmmaama. * ———M—^»^— I FALL HARVEST IS ON. V X'7-A: ', CHICAGO, Oct. ;■ 4.A news stand was wrecked, several heads shattered and two . names - added to the police blcXer when Martin Zellnski and Andrew Naperk de bated the relative merits of the Giants and Athletics. -; The Tacoma Times 30c A MONTH VOL. X. NO. 246. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. v SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1913 The world's series will be a great exhibition of baseball, but it won't be any more interesting or exciting than. the series .of the '80's between the National league and American j association. win ners! -■■ -.-■:'" " -■ * XXX' 'X- : They say the game is faster than when I played, but you'll have to show me. They say It Is more scientific. Maybe, but It wasn't quite so rough-and-ready as some fans think. :Y. ;. ": '-.-; X In . the series this year will be Baker, Collins, Oldrlng, Mc lnnes, Murphy, Herzog, Burns, McCormlck, Merkle, Meyers— all great batters, -- but how about, NEWCOMB TAKES LAUNCH RIDE j._-y- -'x-<x. fx - '■-...-.---v'-ft ;.->;-^ >.-t-;k~- •-?•'«■>'■' .^f Charles fi Newcomb, convicted murderer, ; was' given . a chance to breathe the free air and look upon a world not encompassed by stone walls yesterday , when g Sheriff Jamleson I took : him along £on * a launch trip to j McNeil's island and let J him i Joy the f outdoors 1 all day. t*| "Newcomb has ,1 worked hard during the years he has been con fined In Jail here," Sheriff Jamie son said today, "and i I think It no more | than i right to 1 give I a little pleasure once in awhile.'L^laspi S^^'SiW-Viff'ft^.ftT^^.^iS^^lwaSft^S SPOKANE ON WAY TO SEATTLE SAFE ; SEATTLE, Oct. 4.—Following Is a dispatch i receive^ today from the J captain .of the , steamer i Spo kane, which went j ashore on Van couver island ; last night; "Trans ferred | passengers g back 1£ to the Spokane.>' • Everybodyi and every thing 0.9 X. Spokane proceeding to : Seattle ' under, own steam." ," " i 'i; ' i ," ' i» i.ii .._ .. ii JAKE'S SO HAsmnyxy-,-. -i- X. NORTHFIELD, N. ■ J.. Oct. 4.—•" After . turning • a deer loose that' had trapped rtself 'In > his ; barn, Jacob Hlldebrandt ■ vfras offered $100 by a wealthy neighbor who wanted It for his game reserve. A For Tacoma and Vicinity: Fair tonight and Sunday; light frost tonight. INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA THE ONLY MINE GIVES UP AT LAST ITS PRISONER THOMAS TOSHEBKY ENTOMB^ ED FOR MORE THAN A WEEK .- IN CONTINENTAL , MINE, IS SAVED FROM A LIVING DEATH BY HEROIC -WORK OF , HIS FELLOW WORKMEN. CENTRALIA, Pa., Oct. 4. — Thomas Toshesky, the miner im prisoned for more than a week in the Continental mine, was. re leased at 7:25 this morning, ' Res cuers dug through Hit feet of solid rock and coal to reach htm, | the miner digging » from the , Inside. He had. dug : through three ; and one-half feet of.coal towards his I rescuers.. As the rescuers broke through, Toshesky gave a shout, staggered and fell. 11 Doctors ap piled restoratives . and , he recov ered quickly. He was' soon in the arms of his wife and.reached the,' surface ■ a ■ few minutes later unassisted.- - XXXX'-rXXy- -, :"-'Bine; glasses proved a - shield for the eyes against the glare of the sun. ; It is ■ believed ■he will soon '.regain -. bis - health .-. com pletely. s]< y_,■ * ;;;- v'li . .';V'.". V-- ■;"-.' a-.' -- LONG DEBAUCH ENDS IN DEATH TA Following a drunken debauch, which ' had extended - since l Sep tember 25, when Ihe was paid I off from I the barkentine 'M. Turner, in ■: Aberdeen, a | sailor ! was found dead jj in Z the * Sailors' I Home,: Old Town, this morning. He had died In - bed r during * the * night. '? * The sailor / was known .' to his com panions only as "George," and no one has been found. who knew bis last name. During . his . spree. he had lost his discharge papers and all other, papers that might have proclaimed * his . Identity. ..; ""V<".r ..The; remains were removed \to the I'C.*4 C* Melllnger^ company's residence and police • officials are making efforts :to identify ; them. THAW'S BABY IS COMING TO U. S. W LIVERPOOL, Oct. 4.—Russell Thaw, Evelyn f. Nesbltt' Thaw's: baby, and nurse \ are ' among | the/ Lusitanla I passengers I en j route [ to . liewlYori.Xsf^xAyyAX-XxX-xXy ;„ :....,.7^y-:jx^zx^- is|f Do You Know 1 This Player Here Is a cartoon of a famous athlete on the Giant staff, whom McGraw - expects . to become -r a world's champion player. iTo the first fifteen persons mailing the correct name of this player to the World's Series Ed*. tor, Tacoma Times office be : fore Monday noon, will he given each an i orchestra seat i for I the opening •game of j. the big so - ries, as performed at the Tacoma theater on the Star BaU § Player, which-shows each play as It is made daring ;the'game."p§-.':?;"?4iKft.c Theater I tickets f are I mailed * to winners \ each evening. MM p| The v player .whose; cartoon . was published Thursday was/ Jack Coombs, famons Athletic pitcher. A* TICKLISH MATTER. V "/A CINCINNATI, Oct. ; 4.—A male passenger on ' a,- street * car nar- Nwly escaped a'mobbing by fal low ' passengers because he cut a feather off a woman's hat when it tickled him. ' SIDELIGHTS ON TACOHA HOME LIFE * «_» " ———— " ' ' ' ——^ —^—m GREAT LEPINE "HIMSELF iym O. Shepherd European Correspondent TO RELATE THE FAMOUS'" *• ScjJpp s, North west papers has just con- PARIS MYSTERIES TO YOU eluded a week's personal cr^^v^^^^:j^r-*;:^;...'.?.:,;.i ; -r conference in Prance with the great Louis Lepine, , who for over :20 years has been the famous chief of the Paris police. Of all the crimes that have happened in that time, Lepine has related to Shepherd, especially.for our readers, those he considers the most momentous, mystifying! $ These astonishing stories set down for the first time from the viewpoint of this flesh and blood Sherlock Holmes who ferreted them out, are far more thrilling than any fiction, for they tell of the tragedies of real human beings caught in the maelstrom of Paris, the city of weird crimes and mysteries. There are five great, baffling cases selected by Chief Lepine. Watch for the first one in The Times Monday. n^^—^y———l mm 1 ii 11 ii -a~am.. \ ■#-**s*^ l .-«, ■?-s^<^*.-ier&>m>&kr,4mmmaoi% W*. V - tv* BOAT SERVIGE TO BREMERTON . TO BE DAILY .-■% "^acoma * is ,to : have . a A regular Bremerton boat ;. that . will ; bring the.Bremerton business j here. .>■■ •" ;tj Commencing . Monday . the,' Ariel will .make the West! Passage \ and Bremerton ' dally leaving | Bremer tons at • 6:80 : in \ the 1 morning , and touching '.West 1 Pass i| points I and reaching 'Tacoma S at \ 10 J o'clock. The return , trip \ will * start 1 from Municipal dock at 2 o'clock. ■^hls * will S permit % Bremerton people Jto J come here, do \ their trading, and go J lack. ' A ; round trip fare of 75 cents will be main l Slops will be made at Sllverton, Trfßyton and Chico whenever nere Is business to warrant. • Down in Your Basement Or up In your attic, there is something that you don't need, some -thing: that someone else does need. TO» bet that <S ten i thousand ?Tlm?s readers have some articles or sot her which they 3 don't need that another ten thousand Times readers do need."o Get together | by using a want ad. Bring them, phone them; or mall them « j fThe Want Ad Comer" BABE BORN IN, BARROOM.'?>-71 CHICAGO* Oct. 4.—With Bar- ] tender' Kllroy" and Police Sergt. McMahon. acting as nurses, Mrs. Lena Poutaky gave ' birth to a child ln a : hotel barroom,* after fainting Just outside the door. •■■'■ HOME 1 EDITION GUNMAN SLAYS LITTLE BABE B NEW YORK, Oct. 4.—An un identified I golden , haired baby | lies dead, ln j the 1 morgue 1 today with ' a large bruise on > the side jof j Its head. A The police _ assert that .It was ; killed Iby Joseph 3 Depuma, a notorious gunman and white slav er. X- It '' is 1 believed that the] baby had probably : been ; kidnaped < and held; for ransom. Ralph Pasqua, an undertaker,, held .on •' a I charge of I removing the * body ,; from I one county J, to : another without !a \ per mit, says, that Depuma called ' him to a flat In. the Bronx and com pelled him to take charge of the body ;at . the point :of - a revolver. Depuma, Pasqna alleges^' told him that :■ the baby ; bothered him Jat night and that he beat It to death; Depuma, a woman, and the child, have occupied the flat for weeks. « When W. O, C&ffe, .Wrt«th-Bt.; Cleveland, , a 'telegraph ; dpi rator out touring SiAtdax <l Into his I boyhood churrhi ttear^Twlna burg, the congregation gave him a Chautauqua salute. He ; finally convinced' them he was not' their new pastor. •;. ArK- iXX, 'x / /B^E URK you can't miss reading O. . Henry's wonderful short story on page 3 today. "A j SURE you can't miss reading O. Henry's wonderful short story on page S today. "A Service of Love" Is one of the beat little stories lie has ever written. If yon are ■^B looking for good fiction read it. / -, 1 '/gjf infill ill \im*°mamma&m<md]m - n -^-n-. -i ■|i,m.„i Jt NARROW ESCAPE FOR FIREMAN AND FAMILY M Lieutenant Adolpb M. Wenner lund Jof the i Tacoma , fire \ depart ment, i his i. wife, Henrietta, 3 and son, Albert, age i 7, * miraculously escaped «3 death . this ';< morning at the s 23rd c and % Hood * street I rail road | crossing, when: their motor cycle, on g which sj all S three S wei riding, was run down by a switch engine/*.Wennerlund' was driving up the 23rd street hill at a high rate of speed. ■ When '_ the \ switch engine i burst J upon them at« the street £ intersection, ', Wennerfnnd exerted all of his : power and man aged ,to hurl \ his' family and him self off ; the machine. Si The motor cycle ; crashed l into the engine/ to its utter demolition, and the. fa- j ther, ; mother, end child lay daaed and % partially conscious i within i a foot of the driving .wheels of the toocjwayew^^fe^sW^W -The family was, rushed j to. the Tacoma I Private g|Sanitarium' Inl the police auto patrol, where it j was i found that all- bad sustained tm*kfr\bnlnM.W&&£&_sot^3& MWeanerland told the police that kf ffagtann^ attiha _ crossing ti had s stood? In j the I middle of the strost 8 but fatlsd; to give, warning; ot the • 5 approaching «gtn«.lJ l Ss§s£JSg&a. Mmmsss^mmmm^:,- ■■'- ■: % - ■ s? I A SCRAMBLED '; EGG NOW. v-«rf • \ .■-- :- »""- •'-< ■■■'- ..'-I.''- ■'-•*=,.»' -,- \-V.'««B!Br*K»«a , CHICAGO, Oct. 4.— ■ scramble test enough," grinned' i Henn ■ Man Egg, Chinese laundry ' man,': when < policemen * lifted * him '•; • from I under -an " automobile | and; j took him to a hosp!tal.''g,'f'--""?ft'a^j REASON FOR DEED STILL A MYSTERY RETURNED FROM PARTY LAST ,"-.. NIGHT IN | HIGH SPIRITS — SWALLOWED _ ACID >$ WHILE WIFE l'- SLEPT— WAS WELL ■ KNOWN IN TAOOMA AND FRIENDS CAN GIVE NO REA SON FOR HIS SELF-CAUSED V :• DEATH../,';"/:.'"- .-//v/i/m • 7 - r. ;■ . -\ - '-'•-- --" * .■ /.. _~..: v^n^fv.r'* X' X. 77_ ■»..'■ -'y ,--^i *^-, „-■'■">';■*■ / Returning from *a" social gatl» ering In the South End last night/ which: be I had | attended with . his | wife and had apparently enjoyed I enormously, Conrad Zeiss, age 6S, a ' prosperous I butcher, retired la I high aptrUaXXXx.-^X'X-^.^m& n in the middle of the night Mrs. Zeiss was. disturbed jby : her bus. band ! moving: about, but ' did I not { rouse; sufficiently, from I heri sleep I to learn what he was afthMJ^BM f" At " 6:30 o'clock j this morning t Mrs. Zeiss ; awoke . and 'A: put * her \ hand on ' her husband's shoulder, shaking him and telling him ' that it was time to get . up. Zeiss did not awaken. His \ shoulder $ felt \ cold and chilled -' under the' wife's I touch. -, , y'a&Sfr&R ■ Then ■'. Mrs. Zeiss ': spied a tiny phial, * with $a 5 sinister .. red i label, standing. Wonm a j dressing j table. Screaming _in ' anguish,"? she" Jump- Z ed from her. bed. The ominous label read, "Carbolic Acid." The terrified wife hurried to her hus band's - side i;again : and saw that his lips were j burned ■' and [flecked f with j; foam. 4 He" had % swallowed the contents lof the bottle while; he ' lay.-- beside ,'„ her during <&-_ the 1 algbt.^X-:&i3X"-.xXx£XX'.''' *■*."*- *-o&£r!im %_ l.ftft- — , ' ■- •*■ I?'--. :A-.'AAA-,A±. '■?. V.!- ; vv Mrs. - Zeiss; could | give sno rea sons today for her husband's self-? caused. death. ■ She ! said - that ibe • was X prospering g In i* bis I butcher business, and that he had no rea son, so i far as j she | knew,'-. to: end: his i life. The ? unfortunate I wom an was hysterical during the -en-? tire morning over the tragedy; in her/home.*, and ■ could j hardly talk s coherently to Interviewers. "Pfl^SS* m Zeiss was : well known In Taco ma, having lived ; here .18 years. He ; belonged to the W. O. W. end the Royal * Arcanum. The S 0n1y,5 child of the couple died ten years • ago. 'The } remains of the ! suicide * were ! removed :to j the IC. O. Mall* Inger f company's J today jto await funeral J arrangements. WiSfjM"~~"' "i r J'^§mMm BACK TO THE OLD COUNTRY la NEW YORK, Oct. 4.—Bernard Dillon, the f Jockey, and S Marie ! Lloyd, actress 1 who f arrived - re cently traveling and wife" and -; detained ;by Immigration T oft ficlals on the 1 ground ! that t their' relations ) made * t*em»undesirable, Immigrants, \ sailed - back ito j Bag- > land t on 1 the > liner i Olympla.l^s^ jm DIAMOND fl ES INVESTMENTS ZM mm ANDREWS' Mt. MONDB are not a ;'-'• luxury. Thar &*&$&&(.'; %} "i. vestment. Oar ..; Diamond* I ' have c advanced in, value 11 f^ 1 per cent ; each*: year for the i 1; ■ last, ten ! years/. They do not 1 wear out or cost anything I .to : maintain, bat coastantly-., Increase in value. They I > ?j heighten > yoar •< chance X of (r- J S" social ? and ; material J success. I -.A' diamond .la the on! r In/ J | vestment you can mate and I $ keep yonr ;. Investment »l£| f « your r possession | and , age HS I while jlt I enhance*. ta i tatoe.?, ; &^;«^!^«bopAcifK;ywJfe:| lfeS»i,'^S«.l!s®Sl'i^^*«ffi^liS^Mg