Newspaper Page Text
Saturday. Oct. 4L 1913. MOTHER OF THE MOST PERFECT BABY IN UNITED STATES TELLS HOW SHE RAISED LITTLE CHILD Mrs. Hazel B. IW>gg», of Seat " tie, is the mother of John Kin seila Boggs, the most perfect baby § in the United States, according to 0 the expert standard scoring' sys -1 tern that baa been devised by lead -5 ing physicians in the country. His ** score was 100 in the recent Seat tie "Better Babies" contest. Mrs. Boggs is 90 years old, and married bat three years. Her suc cess with Baby John has not been " mere accident—demonstrated. by the fact that her older baby, a girl, scored over 00 in the same contest, In which 100 babies were entered. In the following article, written by Mrs. Boggs for this newspaper, she tells of her system of raising the champion baby of the country. Editor. ', BY MRS. HAZEL B. BOGGS, Mother of the Most Perfect Baby ln the United States. 'It has always been my hope and ambition to be the mother of healthy,, perfect babies. When the Judges gave my second born, John Kinseila Boggs, 8 months old, a score of 100 per cent, It was the realization of a dream I have had ever since I was old enough to contemplate matri mony. '<•' I mention this because I believe that the mother's temperamental and'mental attitude on the sub ject of babies exercise a large in fluence upon their well-being. The girls in the telephone ex change where I was employed be fore marriage often discussed matrimonial topics, . and - there were some who positively . hated the very {thought of babies. These hardly possessed the tempera mental qualities necessary for mothers of perfect babies. It was different ; with me. I have always been Interested In babies.' I loved them; I liked to care for them, and play with them. \I -live their lives with them every minute of the day. t Baby Jo-lin isn't old enough to talk, but I understand every gur gle and sound he makes. I can distinguish between his crying— and a healthy baby doesn't cry much—and mere yelling to exer cise his little lungs. I feed bin* regularly—every three hours now. 'Until he was three months old, I " fed him every two • hours. \ I eat regularly myself and don't drink y[ either tea or coffee. Milk with a flavor of cocoa in' it is my bever age. v \ -■ ; Regular • feeding 1 and sanitary dressing and sleeping conditions - •these 1 observed faithfully. And -. Baby John has not been sick a day , in his life. ' ' - <, -• By sanitary ; • dressing, I mean '' particular attention to the temper ature and - condition of each day, rather than to trust to the general requiremens of the season. There have been days when I hare made ■ 10* to 12 changes ln baby's dress, as the temperature varied. If the ' morning was cool, , I would wrap f him in flannels. As the day grew '' warmer, I would .- gradually shed his clothes. Towards evening, as It grew cooler, 1 would ] re-dress y hIrnXxXAXX-yXyXy.y,: V .:_.,-, \y .-". Little John has '-' always .. slept ' with : the j windows ■ open '■ in '> his ''".. room at night. During the day, he takes his nap In his little car riage on the porch. He breathes RYDER'S LUNCH "a A-X-XA-iIOS So. 12th Sfc";*;J^r - ' '■'. •■ r;': Opposite ' Poatofflce * ' -.' 'AXAX-.-X'BAVE YOU SEEN IBB" :'.'.; .' t ,_ BTENOTYPE? AX-XXX jgP&The fastest ting j machine . la -X. She world. Telephone for, private & demonstration,'^ No ; charge, ffi-^i SpH Stenographers wishing to In ..•'crease their efficiency .should see fe« •*" '$&%*'*• : - BEUTEL BUSINESS COLLEGf te- . Main 80S. . - : • / \". <:x\ '.' v :. good, wholesome air. In the morning, soon after he wakes, I take him from the crib to tils daily, bath.» I bathe him be fore feeding, always using medi cated soap. ■ ;-■ - . - Whatever success 1 have had In raising my babies, I owe a large debt to Dr. L. Emmett Holt's book on the care jf babies. I keep SUNDAY SERVICES AT ALL THE TACOMA CHURCHES BAPTIST Bethesda. cor. So. 46th and X ata., H. F. Cheney, pastor. 9:45 a. m., Bible school, S. G. Bishop, aupt., r., 6201 So. J St.; morning servicer 11; 4:30 p. m., Junion B. Y. P. IT.; 6:43. p. m., the Senior B. ■Y. P. U., leader. 11. F. Cheney. 7:45 p. m.. preaching; Tuesday, 8 p. m., cnolr practice; Thursday, 7:45 p. in., prayer meet ing, followed by S. S. teacher train ing class. "•';.-, Finnish. So. Sheridan and 23d, A J. Stormans, pastor. S. 8., 9:45; services 11. a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. 1., 6:30 p. m. Thursday, pray er meeting 8 p. m. -.-._.; First Baptist, 9th and D sts., a downtown church., J. A. Sutton, pastor. 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; 8. S. at 12 o'clock; B. Y. P. U., 6:45. Special Bong service. ■.«-."--' Central. No. L and' Steele, Rev. N. H. Brooks, pastor. Blbla school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m.; and 7:30 p. m.: Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m.; prayer, Thursday 8 p. m. -- n -~- - ——— - • • Sixth Avenue, Rev. Frederick Wlghtman, pastor. Morning wor ship ' 10:30; Bible - school at noon; Young ePople's meeting at 6:45; service at 7:45 p. m.; midweek prayer meeting Thursday, 7:45 p. m. - German Baptist church. '. South 10th and 3 sts.. Rev. R. A Blandau, nor.ship, 11 a. m.; evening worship, 8 p. m. •..- ■ .->,--,-)t:'":' /- Norwegian Danish Baptist church corner So. 10th and X sts., Ray. O. Enget, pastor. 8. 8., 10 a. m.; ser mon, 11 a. m.; ■ Young People's meeting, 7 p. m.; Bible study Mon days at 8 p. . m.; - weekly prayer meeting Thursday. 8 p. in. ... - ..- <, "' -■■' - CHRISTIAN -' ":'; '-vr*'" I Central Christian church. No. L and Steele • sts.. Rev. J. :S. ■ Raum, pastor. Bible school 10 a, m. com munion service ana preaching, 11 a. m.; song service and sermon, 8 p. "»./•>, :. ■:-:,:.'•: '■■'.-•> '--«;•; ';'... ' South Tacoma Christian, 8618 So. lunette. .Bible school. - 9:45 -a. - m.; preaching, 11 am.; Junior C E. .1 p. m.; Senior -. C 10., 8:30 -' p. - m.; evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. ■ First, 6th ay and K. VI. A, Moore , pastor. Prayer service, 9:46 a. m.; morning service, ii am.; Christian Endeavor, 6:80; ,i evening . '_ service, 1:10. :>:. AxX'T -■'«■>■- '.-xxyXXy-y X Roosevelt Heights, East 89th and V, : Bible school at 10:80 a m.; com munion at 11:30 am.: C.B. at 6:80 p. m.; preaching at 7:80 p. m.»'.. vv McKinley ' Park. East / SSth and Spokane. Bible school at 10 a. m.; communion at 11 a. m.; C. E., 6:30 p. m.; preaching. 7:30 p. m. , . -, ' Lincoln Park - Cnrlatlan " ■ church. 39th ' and O sts., Ralph C. • Sargent, minister. ■. Bible school at 10 a. m.; commun Inn and pr caching - services at 11; Christian » Endeavor ■ prayer meet at 6:30 p. m.; special service itTtl}o.^,isSxX^-Xi^X;X*XX:yT_ 'v-CONGKBSUATIONAf,:''"'-': I ■ First ■■ Congregational church. I Di vision - ay. , and •J t sts.. Rev. - Frank Dyer, pastor. ■ Services, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, M m. > - Family gath ering, 1 8:30 , p. , m. i',r*:i^-w-, 'iji-xXxif-'J p t ,..*,*tfAi%A?r?mAf.*gj* m i L*"■«.:■''-;■*^ ■-' :f -' '»• -''■'- ■ ■ Bast ; 88th > and IB' ata. -Rev.' A. D. Shaw, pastor. ■ Sunday school. 10 .a. m.; l morning «worship I and . sermon, II ; * evening • worship and - sermon. 7:10; Thursday, 8 p. in., blbla study and prayer. »^ofe^Ml«^»fe»©7^i*«J, .-^ft-m^y-M-.-*^*-™^ i ■ ,-t W- -a*? '~'Flj^**Q -; Pilgrim. * No. 84th * and m Warner, Rev. 'Edgar »* C y Wheeler, pastor. Horning, 10:30 a m.; Sunday school. 11:40 •a. m. ; Mr. . 3. mA m Ellsworth will *paak.-mmmismgmmm_f___ti. EPISCOPAL f% Bt - Luke's « Memorial % church. So. C i and j 6th » ay.. Key. \F. W. Keator, bishop. ; Rev. vF.'• T. Webb, vicar. Services, 1} 7:30 and ,11 a. ! m.;; S. •_ 8.; 10 la. m. fe^WSe^SSffelSßtetW ■ - Bt: Andrews ; church. No. Bth and i.^i^7A r y77:^^mm spare with all the reading matter available on the subject, and while 1 discard a great deal of the advice, I still am learning day by day. Above all, I have looked upon the raising of my babies as cheer ful work. Cheerfulness and regu larity—these I recommend to every mother. . • , . -.. : ■— ■ i i,i n , m Oakes sts.. Rev. Frederick Webb, rector. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; evening service, 8. Tha Church of Holy Communion, ;or. So. 14th and I at.. Rev. Rcbt H. McGlnnls, rector. .Early service, 7:30 a. m.-, 8. S. and Bible bit vice, 1:45 a. m. morning prayer, 11 a, in.; evening prayer, 7:30 p. m. Trinity, No. 3d and X ata.. Rev. Charles T. Grimes. Early celebra tion, 7:30 a. m.; & 8.. 9:45 am.; Bible class. 10:00 a. m.; Matins. 11 ». m. St. John's, So. 68th : and Puget Sound. Rev. Robert H. McGlnnls. rector. S. S., 10 a. m. services, 11 S., 7 p. m. .- ... ■ BT ANGELICAL XX': First Evangelical -\ ureh, So. 13th and X sis., T. R Hornschuch, pastor. S. 8., 10 a. m.; sermon, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. A, 8:30 p. in.; prayer meeting and Bible study, Tbura 7 to 9. . - Evangelical Lutheran (German), 21st and O sts., Emll Lehmanu, pas tor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7 §. m.; S. S.. 9:16-10:15 a. m.; Y. P. „ v 7 p. m. .._- ■x ■. ■.' :.. . Adams St. Ev. church, No. Adams and 22d at., N. - Shupp. pastor. Preaching service at 11 a. m.; evan gelistic services at 8 p. in.; 3. S., 10 a. m. Young Peoples meeting at 7 p. m. .--.- ,; Tha Swedish church. 1211 So. 14th, Frank Abrahamson, - pastor. Sunday ■ school. 10 -a. -, m., ser vices, 11 a. m.; •.«.■-' Evening services at 7:80 p. m.; Young People's meeting, 6:45 p. m.; Thursday evening prayer meeting at 8 p.m. _______-' T-'X ■ Ellm Free. So. Aim. and 17 th. Rev. C. B. : BJuge, pastor. ■-„ Norwe gian services, 10:45 a m., 7:30 ,p. m. Sermon by pastor at 6 p. m. :, FREE METHODIST "!»*>-'*'•*' - First Free Methodist church,' 1811 So. 1 St., C. M DeFoe, pastor. ».>—• * 8. S. at 10 a. m., preaching, 11, fol lowed by class meeting; Tuesday eve.; prayer. meeting held at 40th and . Ea. -M ' St.. McKinley Park; prayer meeting Thursday ■• at First church. •*-—-.•• .- ,A.-jy...y-,.^~'4^Jmmrst ■a McKlnloy Park Free M. E., -. 36th and How* sts., C M. DeFoe, pastor. E. 8., 8 • p. ' m., (followed by preach ing, a Prayer meeting Tuesday, 7:30 P. m. v *% -- . . -,' . - i iSWg&'.SftN?*' ' ■■^%#§f|pil2' ,:~ ■■--;: *.. ."■. LUTHERAN -TAiyX^vph Norwegian Lutheran Free church. So. 16th and X sts., Rev. li. Toilet son, pastor. Services 11:00 a. m.; V.. P. meeting, 6 p. . m.; services, 1 8 p. m.^yyxx-y-x.X:y'irx)X!X' T:' : X-**X -X Our Savior's Evangelical [ Luther an | church, corner 'of J and a 17th sts., I Rev. iO. J. ' Ordal, ' pastor. Resi dence 912 So. 17th st* Divine serv ices in. the Norwegian I language 111 a. in , and ln the English language B"P.\m.^J.-'* l^< -;-;;.r,-*i'-,--v,^- ; j .'-....;>..* R-. ■J-'^'^mT'.i .'.'-"■ •;■- .., J..;'?.»»'.'''/.<-■*'*ft**^ V- St '■■ Paul's - Evangelical 3 Lutheran church, So. b 27th * and v Tacoma ay. Rev,> R.. Aye i Lallemant, • pastor, S. 8., 9:30 a. m.; services, 10:80 la.l m. and 1 7:30 ip. s m.; j concessional, 10' a. in.; I Holy communion, 11:30 a. m. jty* »'^*-^"%' iii. 4-if»£* Or.i GlffglßSmA. ft St ,-j Paula "*> Danish <■*. Lutheran church, - 1310 $ So. L tn_ntTJh<s Sunday school, .101 a. in.;' services ; at: 11 a. school, 10 a.m.; services at 11 a. m.; evening service, 81 p. m. Rev. C J. Skorgaard, paMtor:&s^'Miß®£&ijm!&. QtP^&ti&vMr —-— 'Xx .*SK3&B 3-1 St. *< John's » English AS Lutheran church, South Fifth and I sts. Rev. C. ?F. W. i Stoever, i pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning services, 11 o'clock. i*,.;•:-.;?•?*!! k ~--•--.-.——,,----- »-: ** German. So. Hat Servlcea ~£ la •Jar-. 1 at 10:30 \ a i in. and s7 I p.: m.; s & 9:18 Im. m. : IT. *.-} 8. tC. "c. >«' p. m. H Oar. i Lutheran, * So. - Tacoma, Jf^*°l,h Lutheran fi church, corner 18th and Birmingham ay.) every al- J ternate Sunday at 1:88 iM sa,'« Pas .THKuTACaOM^ TIMEB •- jl Society JJ i In honor of Us 7tst birthday, W. H. George, 3008 South 12th street, was given a surprise party by a group of ■ friends . Monday evening. Cards were played, fol lowed by a light supper. Among those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. W. George, Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur, Mrs. Kate Dlers, Miss Millie Ball, Mrs. Jynne s Quever .'. and'„' the Messrs. N. Smith, E. Smith and Green. _ - AA *■ ■,*—,♦, :-:- £i ■' Mrs. Lura 'Leach of Detroit is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jynne B. Quever, 2324 North 27th st. set ■" -x-,x;x. The Daughters of Veterans will hold their regular meeting Tues day at the state armory. : -. • ■ • ■•. • * * ■ - ■ - l ■ Mists Marjorie Johnson, Taco ma's pure food Inspector, and Miss Nelda Jaeger, a well known woman attorney, are ln Portland . attending the second annual 'con ference of the League of North west Municipalities, representing the Tacoma Business Women's club. After 'the conference Miss Johnson will return to Tacoma and Miss Jaeger will make an ex tended trip through the East, on business matters. She intends to , stop for a few' days in Bis marck, N. 1).. visiting Mrs. Phil J. Meyer, who was Miss Etta Hos kins of Tacoma. *rj. .•■ • - « Max Wardall of Seattle, who recently returned from the Theo sophlcal convention In Chicago, Is - addressing - the Tacoma Theoso pblcal society today and tomor row. He will talk tomorrow evening on "Socialism and Theoe ophy In Ancient Peru." -•■,•.■• The Franklin school Parent- Teachers' association will hold Its next regular meeting Thursday afternoon. , There will be a gen eral discussion by members on "Absence and tardiness," "Leav ing of the room during school hours." "Thorough examination of the child's monthly report card by the parents." -.•■•• ; : — Paul Heaven, baritone, will be soloist at the services of the First Baptist church tomorrow. l;j — - • -* '.*.- The Defiance L Solo dab will meet Tuesday at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs, J. T. Hay, 1314 South X street. Luncheon will precede cards. -..,. -... -. - « . * - • . - i \ i , ■. - .- ■ The marriage of Miss Irene I tor, Aug. F. Graebner, United Norwegian, So. 18th and I. B. a. 9:30 a m.; services. 10:30 a in.. 7:46 p. m. J. O. Haugen. paator. First Swedish Lutheran, corner So. I and Bth St. S. 8. at 9:80 a. m.; services at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Trinity, 1307 So. I, Rev. L M. Fee gar, pastor. 8. S., 8:80 a in.; Ger. service. 10:30 a m.; Eng. service. 1:80 p. m. Danish Lutheran St Paul, 1810 So. L, L. C. J. Skovgaard, pastor, 8. a, 10 a. m.; service 11 a. m.; Lit erary and Young People's, Wednes day, 8 p. m. , I First; Noiweglan. 62d and So. Warner. A. i). BJerke. S. 8.. la a m.; second and fourth. Sundays in month, services at 11 a m. first and third Sundays, services at 8 p. m.'--. . - -'•>; German Zlon Evangelical Luther an, Missouri synod. So. 16tb and L sta. Rev.. J. Huchthauson, pastor, a 8, 9:80 a. m.; service at 10:30 a. m. ■-.;- •. /. .....; '"'r-'.'J.-;-'-;,-''-';"-* METHODIST -; XA.x.'Xa,. ■ First Methodist Episcopal church. So. Bth and G sts.. Thomas ■W. Lane, pastor, Class meeting 9:30 a m.; morning worship. 10:30; S. 3., — n ■ - -.--- ... - , ■ -- - , .-'■.-■> -Fowler Methodist church, F. L. Moore, pastor. 8. a. 10:00 a. m.; morning service, 11; X 'McKinley Park church, East Mor ton at G st, F. L. ■ Moore, | pastor. S. S. school, 9:45 a. m.; combined service, 7:80 p.inw"-:h - St Paul's. So 43d . and SL sis- Waldo a B. - Marsh, ". pastor. i-i 8. '• 8, 9:46 in.; Epworth League, 6:80 p. m.; prayer meeting,. Thura, 8 p. m. preaching, 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. - Swedish' Methodist' church, cor. 'J and So. 11th sts. Rev. AG. Beck, pastor. S. S. at 9:45 a. m.; morning service, 10:45 a. m.; Epworth league; 7 p. in.; evening service, 7:46 p. m. aw..'"!'-'?.: —r—,'" xx-y.-yx ■ Central, So. 21st and I sts.. T. A. Graham, pastor. 8. 8.. 10 aJ/> m. public ' worship, 11 a m.; •■ Epworth League, 6:30; public worship, 7:30. Mason, 28th and No. Madison sts.. Rev. 'E. 1 1* I Benedict I pastor. - B lble school, 9:30 a. m.; sermon, 11 a. m. preaching, • 7:10 <■;p. - - m.; ;' Epworth League, 6 15. . i,,i;/jv*< --.-,;■ ■" J Epworth. . cor. 80. 7th ■ and Ander . son, iW.- T. - Randolph, s pastor. Bible school at 9:80; sermon <at> 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor;, Epworth league,. 6:46 p. m.; prayer meeting, 8 p. m. -.-'«- . .;r7.:«,»,--.' -',"*~» **V?fs '.'. ■• Bethany, So. 69tn and Thompson. . S. a. 10 a m.; preaching. Ilia.: m.; ' unlor s League, *1 1 p. * m.; aKp worth League, 6:80; preaching, 7:30 1 p.' m.; grayer * service, > Thura., ■ 7:46 1- p. m. Rev. Francis iA* Ecker. pastor. •■• c ■■■ '"Spanaway < M. M B. '*■ Frederics; ■ C Thompson, « pastor. » 8. 8, , 10 a. j m.; morning -worship, > IL f^sr?wfAji?wf »i IK Park !M. 8., ■W. H." W. Reea, pas tor.m a j 8.. 10 M m,-mmmar£m Epworth league, 6:45 p. m.; preaching, 11. a m. and 7:30 p. m. ammaammtmm^mmmm Thursday f afternoon ■ meeting, 11 p:\tkzXy ■'xA.TXxXX':.A,X...x-x^X f y ;:y--x-. : -y .-J , -X." ;-. .-, y. m Allan M. B. • 1411 So. Yakima, Rev. H. M Collins, pastor, w Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; class meeting, 13:10 p. i m.;' a AT, i 1:10 Ip. m.; A. G. E. league, 7 p. M.i i prayer mas tins; r , Wednesday j evening. ; i wSE ■sm wmrm-^iAx:. ~x • ■ w&S&s&m P Norwegian • ana A Danish * Metho dist . church, ' corner . ot '- ltth < and i J sts, IH. > P .;/ Nelson, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; S. a, 10 a. m. Epworth League, ( 7.; p. -m. l_s£3gMfSl2 MISSIONS V Christian - and Missionary Alli ance. 908» So. QJ* at m Her. mO.ju J. Stone, . pastor.' Servlcea: - ft'l 8. v;» at 2:00: preaching at (p. m.; availing , tar vice iat | City Rescue Mission. 1 10a • ■■ : .. • --- ■- ■ ___+. -* r«as««K The Faddiest Veil Fashions Are Right Here With Us Now " . ■ mi. ■■ ■ Ai ] "I . OWE EYE THE MASK TENT | '" Don't by any possibility, it you wish to be In the very faddlest mode, wear your veil straight over your face this fall. .' ".* .You can wear it as they do In the harems, leaving your eyes to show, or it can be brought up tent fashion, covering your ears and giving a piquant sort of look To" the moat demure face. It can be even brought down something In the style of a bandage - over Just one eye. Use your individual : .tz —.-,:-. —~—'—"—; — Jessie Laldlow, to William George Olson, solemnized in Vancouver, it. ('., Thursday, is announced by Mrs. Duncan I.Mellow. Honoring Mrs. , ■ Arthur O. Priohard,' who leaves soon for the East, Mrs. William V. Burrill en tertained with a luncheon for the younger married women. Among ths guests were Mrs. Prlchard, Mrs. T. B. Curran, Mrs. L. H. Oean, Mrs. Edward Simpson, Mrs. ,tJewellyn'i...'J.Ones." Mrs. Robert ft Z V ; ■ " : — So. 14th St.: Young Peoples meeting at 6:46, Rev. P. O. Lund will preach. Swedish Mission Tabornacle, cor So. 10th and 1 ata J. W. Carlson pastor. 8. 8, 9:46 a. m.; morning service, 11: evening'service. 7:46; Young People's society, J:'.io p. m. ■- Bast Side, 36 th and G sts., S. 3, 10 a. m. •-...;. y t . City Rescue Mission. 108 So. 14 th st Services at 7 '30 every evening, sermon. I p. m ■ . ',„.:_ Penlel Gospel. .Services every evening at 8 o'clock; Sunday at 3 p. m. 108 So. 12th. Church of God Mission. 2601 Ta coma Sunday school, 2 p. m.; preaching, 3 and 7:80 p. m.; prayer. Wed. and l-'ri. Eva Wm. Strong, pastor. ..- -... ' All Saints, Larchmont. Services, 10:30 a. m. morning prayer and "holy communion. Rev. W. J. Getty. .■ ■ ' ':'.'-" - ■'; PRESBYTERIAN ''--.'','. Calvary ■ Presbyterian church. Di vision Lane and D St., Rev., C. K. Standt, pastor. S. S. 10 a m.; services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 'p. '- m.j Junior Endeavor, 3 p. m.; C. E. 6:46 p. m.; prayer - meeting . Thursday, 7:80 p. ii.. - --y: .-- .. _.- --_,-; ~ ■ ,:...-. Sprague Memorial 68 th and War ner. So. Tacoma. a S., 9:46 a m.; service, 11 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m.; evening service, 8. p. in. Immanuel > Presbyterian church. No. J and 9th sts., Robert 11. Mill! --gan, pastor. Morning service, 10:30, evening service. 8 - p. -, ■■■ m.; i Bible school after morning service; men's class led by pastor, at 12 o'clock; Y. P. S. C. K. at 7 p. m. > ' '. '■- First Presbyterian church, corner So. 10th and G. sts.. '• Rev. » Murdoch McLcad, pastor, Rev. H. T. Mltchel more. ,i assistant ■ Morning a service. 10:30 o'clock; evening, 8 p. m.; 8. 8. immediately after morning service; Y. P. S. C. 7:00 p. m.. : ;, . ........ ! "t Bethany, ' No. 41st and 'Verde it. Rev.. O. T. -Mather, pastor, a &at 9:45 a m.: Y. P. S. C. 8... at 6:46; lervlces, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. i;^-. • Oakland. So. 34th and Proctor sta B. S., 10 a m.; -. Intermediate i En fieavor at 7J p. m.l^ Services' at it p. pi:. Rev. -W. Chalmers Gunn,; speak v ' Westminster, 80. 60th and - L sta. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.; *. P. a C. E, 7 p. m.; Bible school, 11:46 a m. prayer meeting., Thurs, ijp. m. J. Wesley McCallum, pastor. *...A-*-,--.A.A-i^A.t—.-X*J} ii i _.!A f i JO*>^*v W Manltou Park. - 8. a. 10:15 a m.; sermon at 11 a. in. by W. ; Chalmara Gunn. --,... >* W- FRIENDS X-XX" ..--■'..'».-;. 1 ;i First Friends, No. Bth and State. . Bible school, 10 a. m.;-divine wor ship, 11 a ; nt; a monthly « meeting Thursday 4 evening at 7:46, '£. •• \ ' "j "• XXX- -k'T^: Z£UxXfi-jt-itSi '" Friends' East Side meeting, 4Slh I fend I McKinley '»?.' m Bible sv school,' 8:46 Ma 1* m.; m divine M worship, -11 i .a. m.; Y. P. 8. C. X., 6.80; I evening 'Service, 7:46; J prayer meeting Fri day < evening lat 8 o'clock; , business meeting ; Fourth ; day,* 81 p. m.-_B_Mgs_ n^<mimt»m —-— vy^sgmlsm, $&. JJ-$5 ROMAS i CATHOLIC • l*i*T £. Holy • Rosary, So. 30th i and , Taco-: ma. Rev. ■; Oswald « Baran, vO. a - 8., rector. ■ Low - mass, • 7:30; • children's mass, 8:46; - high i mass, . 10:80; 1 ves- . pers and benediction, 7:80. m Church of Visitation. So. 68th near . Warner.; Ray. Charles Cannon. First mass, slji high mass, \ 10:80; baptism, -3; i vespers, 1:80; v-, dally mass, 8 am, St John tha Baptist, Indian res ervation. Rev. Chaa i Da« Decker. fea^f^toßf-^~--r.S3stoß^'!»^. -= « St ' Leo's. So. i Yakima . and -18 tk i Rrv. Father i Cunningham, rector. (; ■ mm* mmt'mtm-m*m Htm. t'a#fcT2^.ji *a^mmm.. T**. wmxvtmvm ■. ram. . uta ana j. itav, - taste and be sure that the more "individual' 'it is tho more "styl ish" will you be called. In Paris they are wearing white chiffon veils on which are painted, in miniature, whole landscapes. These .veils, of course, hang straight down from the hat. However, the woman of good taste, when she wears a veil, will still wear it 'pinned over her hat and brought around under the chin in the good old way and she will look pretty, if not stylish. Hyde, Mrs. '-. Cadwalader Jones, Mrs. William Ripley and Mrs. Jack Browne. - • ■xx • • BLUEBERRIES FOR PIES Twelve quarts of berries. Two quarts of sugar. ■ One pint of water. . Put sugar and water ln kettle and dissolve. Allow to come to boiling point.: Add berries and boll twelve minutes. Tut Into cans and seal while hot. ■ ••■■--: Joseph McGrath, rector, St. Stanislaus, 80. 49th and K. Rev. Michael Fafara. pastor. ■-,''-- T"T""" -. ' *.©S|? MISCELLANEOUS -,....... . __. , ......._..: A..y.A-y^i Church of the Brethren, So. 60th and G sts.. J. U. Stlverason, pastor. S. 8., 10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a in. and 8 p. m.; Christian .. workers meeting. 0:30 p. m. . •■;•, *• Salvation Army. 1201 Paclflo ay. Services: Preaching, 3 p. m.; Young People's meeting, ( p. m.;., salva tion meeting, 8 p. m. --. ,-,,..-*;.?■.( | ... ■ ■ --* _^y . -~— -a- . -. - , '.J....... • Volunteers of America,. 18th and Pacific. Meetings every • evening except Mondays and i Fridays, at 8 p. m. Sunday at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. x yyx. ■-...-.- ..y- • ■;--/' *'- -.; - - ■ '■' International 1 Blbla Students' ' as sociation. Temple of Muslo 946 C st. Discourse at 8 p. m.; Blbla study, 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. -.--.-' ■-;•,-,? ' Spiritualists Progressiva ' Psychle society, cor so, 3d and Tacoma ay. Lyceum.'2:3o: circle. 6 p. m.; meet in at '8 p. m. Thursday meeting 2 P. in.;-,. ■ ...--:... j ;..-. . :.X •■'.-! '■;■■,, '- - Park Universal Ist • church. A- Divi sion - ay. and J - st, Henry - Victor Morgan, minister. • - Services'. 111 a in.; S. BT, 10 a m.; evening service, 8. p. ; m. %;),-*•-,.,,,.,. ■_■:«.; _. y:..y-:yXXy -y --.. ".-- :---. . ... _. ./.-.--, -■- _ X.. .- Xxix X Whole .World Healing Circle Fri day, 8 p. in.; life lessons Friday eve. at 8 by minister; no Sunday even ing services. pzn,r*%o&£!Otol__i£a&l§ X. Tacoma fteamen'e ' Institute, - cor ner St Helens and 6th ayes., Rev. F. T. Webb, j honorary chaplain; <H. Ferneyhough, Supt. Early .celebra tion, i« 7:80; *» morning n service, 11 o'clock In St .Luke's '■'--church, > Dr. Webb officiating; evening service, 8 o'clock. ..■_;'....,• •'-• Church 'of Jesus ' Christ of i Latter Day Saints (Mormons). Sunday ser vices at 1117 V* So. Tacoma ay.. Fra ternity ; Bldg. xlO l a m. ] and 7 p. m **- The 5 Ethical^ society, ■• So. 8d * and Tacom | ay. «* Services «atlll 'j a. m.; lecture by. Dr. Wm. Savery. -.V-vv* :e-?s««s**sfi^*i — '—— 'sw^/3.^ -':' .-■ The ■ Tacoma Soclaloglcal society, room 232 Provident Bldg, Monday, - 8 L P. ' m.'/i;->-..., T>^.^1 >\'j«'to,^3S^.g-a&ElS.3ft:-*ftjl Miss Russell's Bread Souffle] >!^xsy^s^^^iii^X:.T"^X:'^-i^^mmMm^>X-XA-y.. ■^■■-.ti&amSbaatoa&Ziummv&l 1 I -.......;........a,... ft,...'v,,i»-k*j*fe-**»^K«-iai^*tSffl«.atesao»a« I ANNIK RUSSELL. 1 m-w.- ,7~^>-—~ i;.:. ,jy rf,;> -«-:,,:..,-?.;Ai,..^\ .', ;£.**■,:«»*J»**s*.*.«>ii*s;«i'.*K»t m® m^mmmmwmmmmmmaammamamm^ammmimmmmmmaaamaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmtt A ii | /-fyNTHIA GREY'S""! I f ""* it LETTERS tHl!; ' -.--■■r'-^ftMS-Nsl*- I**-'1 **-' J-!^:^'^sal^^ ilfc i tfi,'^iKa?WS^* v Dear Miss : Grey: a; I . am ; a ■y: I constant reader of your dear'" ; advice to worried ; ones. 'IX • have been married and sep- }.. '- arated for about three years. I cams out west to try to , build again. I met a mar ried woman about my age. Her husband Is very cruel to her, anil is always drunk. She admits she loves him no | more, and says she loves me dearly, and 1 know she does. I love her better than : life; but she doesn't like to quit him on account, of her . soci- '. ety standing.- I can't make up my. mind to give her up. -What shall we do? i-x.. r" x^Xy WORRIED WILLIE. ; A.——At . the risk' of losing my reputation for giving j "dear" > ad vice, I am! going to state facts. You, as a representative of man hood, have absolutely no right to allow a married - woman: to ' tell you she loves you, or to tell her the same. * A woman who < will stay with a drunkard for fear of losing social standing has ■s no social standing to lose. As long as she remain* with her husband, keep your distance. As for giving her up, you never have had her. Her duty is to her husband X as long as she . remains his « wife. When I she ceases to be such, jit will be time enough for you •-'. to plan a future with her. y People always get worried when they do things they know they should not. Now that I have told you what Is right, do it. Dear Miss Grey: I have been ln love with a girl about four months, and we love each. other, . and Intend to marry. g But I think she X is too young. She Is 16, and lam 22. Her folks want us to get married right away, but I told them I want to wait awhile. She may make a good wife, and she may be too young. Please, Miss Grey, give me nice advice. I make from :' $60 to $70 a month, and think I can support a wife on ' that. What shall I do? --. . -■/-' •• XX yXyXy..Q.,ZyAA Hv.Y A.—Unless there is some vital reason for an early marriage, I would say to wait awhile. You are sensible not to be la a hurry about so important a matter, for the girl is very young for the re. sponsibilities she will . meet ln marriage.'"'-;': : A-.-yy-xxyy. ' v But, ■■ one word: to you 'as a fu ture husband, don't be too' care ful as to what kind jof wife she will make; but concern yourself with' what kind |of husband you are training yourself fur. ; , Dear : Miss Grey: y I am a : V bashful young man. of j; 25. - There Is a lady friend of mine -J , who told soma i. friends I that m she thought I would make at' {'■ 1 good x husband Ar for Xx some -7 X_. woman."? Being as I am bash- - :,' ful, I would like your advice, ■ for the way she acts around H ' me I ; think she Is Sln il love _', V with me." What shall I do? • V\: X' -X -yXXXX:- .y-E.'M.X. -\ . I A.—What you would best g do depends on the state of your own mind on | the subject, which - you omitted to tell me. if you do not care to be annoyed by her re mark to someone who will repeat to her, that you are not a marry ing man. i If yon love her you will find a way no matter how bashful you may be.;'];".- -X xx. .-. -y Ay''.T Dear Miss Grey: <&_ As I am -il •;*.a dally reader of'your valu-:?' - .'* able J vice, I ; want 'i to « ask *-i you a question. My husband ; and I purchased a house and'/.! ;-»lot ; on ? the J installment '; plan. '-; I; was I asked \to J sign; "l then, XT when j I : : went ;to - the .^ office '** ■ nothing;], was j said * about. my Sk signature. Am I not right that *> I would ;be left out 1 entirely o '. ?• If a' settlement 1 were g made p ■X through ; the {; courts T4I Could fi 1 '- not " the ft property %be sold fs rV'-, without my, signature? ; •-'. ',/-• Pi yA^7-AKHAXia ANXIOUS. i||g "'A.—ln case of court settlement yon will be entitled to,the, wife's portion. ; Community property _is all I property, acquired after 1 mar riage, except such 'as Is .obtained by; gift, or, inheritance. In I each case 1 the ! individual Is |S the'iS sole owner. :K'.T^<A /^\M".YMl^!ii^&9i ■■©.Up fin the Maine I wobda Annie Russell 1 has ! her M summer X home. Miss Russell and her husband, Os wald i Yorke, are 5 among the t seri ous "upliftera" of p. the g drama. Next summer ] she f will \ star J again under the ' managerial p. wing;« of Charles Frohman.*^; Those ;of Miss Russell's friends i who have ■ been privileged Ito 1 visit % her ft ia| I her mountain home j often ! have eaten, on 'a' summer; morning,] her bread souffle ] made ) Mils i#*ay rllfplgpl'' '0 Soak ,2* cupful* Cof I stale bread crumb* In" hot < milk. Ad d* I ; cap ful of grated % cheese > and ££ beat thoroughly with an egg beater." ' Beat' 3 eggs until - light and add half: a - teaspoon of salt fe and / a quarter teaspoon of, paprika. - Put a ■ tablespoon !of butter j in . ai* pan and cook half jof i tha! mixture (at a time; as this makes two omelets. Cook; more slowly than for plain' omelet When tt is set, it will be as light as souffle. Fold overl the edges: and j serve Immediately. *M»FXVK -y.y- xy.-z -. ,;v,.- -■.vi.t.w .:«.-«-;—., J---*-)-*^!!***"?® I. The property cannot $bo I salt If without | yonr .-; signature : if:-- yen ii know It. However, I think it bos*'* for both parties to sign all can tracts. f * \,ff3sa maaamama Dear Miss Grey: X\ am ¥ a iff 4; young widow. lam thinking ■ of getting x married % again. . Will you kindly " advise -: me - : . ': • what to. wear .; as ,H a*4 bridal "£m ' x costume? .-' Can. j I :". wear a Egg •: veil? r... 7-XX. xX-*-* 1 ATHm»3W: ' A.—You ■ can .. wear ■ a veil, but it is not customary for a widow t; to do so. As gray is one of theV': most; fashionable colors' this i fall, \> don't you think a pretty shade of _l gray In some soft material will bo H nice? With it yon can combine a 1 soft white silk, as a berth* effect, and have soft lacs at the hands. Wear a medium picture hat, of the X sameishade.'and with drooping brim. Add white or gray shoes. and gloves, and you have a beau-;. ttfußy simple costume. s*^'<"^ X)-y -yX. ;■-'-->- —— mXXX . y' -, . - yyiX Dear Miss Grey: HI am 18, j and my mother has been dead % ■'-,.' a month. Do you think It is ' right for me to have a nice .; fellow? I know they are bard to find, but I know one who -■ does not smoke, chew, swear, ~ or drink, or have any:bad. 'X habits, and Is as young •as i I fe& •-' am. ■? -a. I I*■ keep i< myself A very Jfef straight. •-■■.:.' yyyxfimr-z-M My mother never said any .■ thing like that 'to.' - me, b*\lssm cause she knew I did not ears $tp| for the flllows; but now is. I £ * . care for this one. Please en-V-i swer aoon.'XXyXXfPlCKh'BiX^^M A.There is I no harm jin t find-' * Ing a friend in a manly boy if yon' look upon him as |a | chum Js an* 8 companion, and do not allow fatal to become familiar, y Bat there are I certain places. and times when a X young girl should be at home; not X running around with a young boy, even if he is a good onmX.rrg:^timS X. You will J have a' better time lif | you have an older friend with you » when you attend > any entertain, ment In the evening, or go to the parks. :; Don't do '' anything 3£ that 1 you I would ■ not like < your mother J to know, and you will have noth ing to regret. If I can help yon farther," write me again.sff.^«Bgffi --.."■,-- ■. xxAi^Ax. Dear Miss Grey: Ars small or large hats going to be styl- X,: ish this year? X Thanking ymfs ■ jl" very much. ,:X BLUE EYES. ..-,': A.Small .X hats % predominate f this fail; ' but a picture hat never goes I out lof j style. | It gives j such i a wide range for beauty and grass that it is always. a favorite.: Wat*% row ;. rims '.-' and £ round » i towns | : abound in the small hats.lwS&i^|j| Bone Dry SLABS xyy GRIFFIN TRANSFER CO. v-v.-,;f4"Blg'Yardß^S Main 589 *•*•*"* wvx-<x--&xm - a .. , -;: " ,-A'A A..r....Ay_. -.-,"-. ->.~ ■ -J-"- iy_ , w . Ay.^...^^, .Aim ■'■ ■■■— ■— ■ ■■ .-!■ II ■■■■I.^ $5.00 GOLD GLASSES xy:7yNOW,slJoo^m I ;: Expert ' Examination Free of fi $ ; «u. - '■'■g^^*_t?2* 1 Chicago Eye Specialists I 832-83 Provident Bldg. jji,. j »a«ll»ir*is^*M^.TOJ i ("^*^^ j TO': THE I MOUNTAIN l\A«i>fl 1 RETURN,! 37.00 EAOBlfal I TO THE MOUNTAIN AND 1 RETURN, $7.00 EACH ■ Outing Trips Solicited. I '?, Call Main 1006. I -. y Stand Stratford Hotai. I X . Thomas Auto Llveiy,<W^ ■§ Puget Sound I Electric Ry. I FOP. SEATTLE — Limited I ta--«B*- aar r-m*-r 9 n**mMmm-*m*rf *"rftv.—^ •..^a.. Xy '*#*ai ■^i. Trains 1 every.- hour." Tims I 'of Limited , Trains seventy' I minutes. I *f|-jM-aaa —^e^"e"'^™ V -"*'■"■(» « rt " *■ - '' j+"t J" ,! ftV-'" —": '•" "-'^ ,_• XyXiiTKi w*^*'^"*°iCr-srjl^* ,S^'jjtft*t Trains Leave Bttx and A Streets, Tacoma LIMITED TRAINS — »^ I § * 8:38: 3:38, 10:88, MjSat«! Sjfa.* m. 18-** -1(05, 8:88, J 8:88, 4:88 and 8:83 p. ami AD Limited Trains - SUtfS at Ankara and Kenfe : LOCAL niAINS leav ** .«| 2-;; a. m., T,a.' m., 3a. a;tt|< m., 11 a. in., 1 p. as., i ■'■■i hourly untillß p. tJkAH m."i 10:08 p. m. and 12i#S M^is^^** j (last train). ~!K|j P ' Tislns aril InsMi TaiiiiiiS ■ '