Newspaper Page Text
x. m^^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^m^^^mmAm^^mi^mmm^n^^^^^AnmnmimmmmmmAmmimmmmimmi^mmmi^mmtm^mmmmmm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _*ffg^jg>«^»^gy^v-»- am ,*—**?*__*~x.+.~~&m±.^mA.~-,. *.-**.%. -n^^i.-r^m»^m^3Jta^_c^A^K.m^m t^WibmU l l'bbaffu'iFWßrTrrnEatffti^ &&iLm^mm^m .<-~K^ft.*fy&t.amt&^^m |ft| '^'^^^H '.' -^^^^^^i £■ E 111 li/l aJkwVillPl-imV ■?!■ '"«:■'ld V'jtß ■■■■ 5J s 1 I'ilLm J li'Vl.lll ■"V i■■ ■■! 11 - 11^11:11,1 ,K:^f^fl; ---*i-' B • H^^V i -*; :' ' A^^rm . m- M ■ 'Aw \ m^^^^^^^m - W^_^_^A AAJi- " " ' ■ x ■ • . I ■ I- m * aais^B ßß*fl * & - ' - » _^_^_^_W A s & ' * 881 BBT a - * 881 ■ B BT BBBM * ' B ■ m^kMA & • _A • ™ * .^^ "t *'*l!i«-'* ' ■ A^^^M ■ 'mim^pxxxy "x XfXXXTZX. xx:xxx xr:^^xx.xxxrxxy:.yxyx iPmkm*' ?''*^'*.*^SfiK'w'ri--'''-''«--^js^'';-.; a--'..i ' -. «r». &-■'•■-, - Times ■ Want Ad Pates WgEJli^iHl^W^'ft*.^^^^ Ip& One , cent ! a word 1 for each ad : for all lines ,of business. We ; will | print ' your ad ; four .; times j for the , price | of I teres If . paid X In ' , advance jat the i counter or by; mail. , All' mail j orders:; must sbe . accompanied with ; cash' at the rate of one cent per word. •;.>{/ ,\ I SUGGESTIONS FOR ADVERTISERS ,%;;*" j.^'w*.»i|''<-»./•'---•* ■"*■-.; '^■■■"■■\*'-'.'>x-;y--.-.i;"Ay?*^iwMAlMk X t.m. When your ; "want" I arises ! phone Main 12 and' one of our experi enced lAd ' Phone • Operators will assist you In wording: your > adver-: 'tisement. Call ■• us . for any . further , assistance or i Information. We 1 will '- send '. bill !to your , address , after ad la published. ;-'.'?-*-a..■; 'T~. ;"' j«*a^-'^£a'ftfe-'^a:ft*AW''--^ _«.X 5 >i-- •.'.-•-. *..-' ,; < #jS|.The .Times Is the _ recognized Want Ad I medium jin Tacoma. Slt prints more I live want ads each ! day than; both the other after- , I noon papers. Tacoma people naturally look 'to this : paper; for all | kinds !of want ads. ;;. That's why Times want ads ; always deliver , At&Mlgoo&aT*xTXxy.yXx X-XXXXyXXxXXx'yX.) AXX< r-'XX. ' .. xX.-'TX'X-y feg|lgßring,*. Telephone, or Mall your wants to— 'xx... -'.- ' ! lll^^ Want Ad Corner' 9 : v ■• mW&t&k&X... ■y.yx.XiX.iXxxyx^.y-x . - ■ -:.-:, :'"' 7-''v-7 1 THE TIMES IS TACOMA»gjtejf*-;f-2>«a^^fci_ WK RECEIVE! ADI BY 'A- ONLY INDEPENDENT - ' ' C»mt:«J^S> PHONID. OVn NUMBER Smwimpkb-:!,:■ .v-;- -:v?i.^»*^ ■.'■ .• is MAIN IS &^X«T ABSTRACTS -: OP .TITLE •;;-'.' J^^" ■ *■*■ *w*sw ESTABLISHED 188$ mtmamm COMMONWEALTH TITLB ' TRUST y -.* Co., The Competent Tel. Main 101. 109 80. 10th st--■«*->■;■■ ■->*-*T»>*tr.. w v« a » &«ACOMA^ TITLE CO.. The Competl- Ha tor, cor. Fidelity Blqf. Main 3184. ATTORNEYS *7W77X ' .'1 P.' W. OREENMAN. LAWYER— '■■■ Fidelity Bldg. Tel. Main 1884. AMBULANCES Ax^xxyX Al~ — -■— *■—■—■— m mmmm. m. Pacific Transfer/Main 64. ■04 A at. Stables (th * St Helen* T. p^g<o,i4» B Trans. Co. Main 43. -r--~ msi^S^kSmAxmrnxv-X-Ax .i WWWM»WWWW»^W^M<ft^l^^^^^^^^^^*< M Allen McCullough. R A., mining en i ;;•» gineer, chemist; smelter shipments superintended. 1141 P. Main 3007. PUK BARBER * COLLEGE MIM • .".«■ FOR men' and women, • wages while '.%■■"■■ learning, m Moler - Barber College. 1887 Pacific ay. -vL ij@j^ BOOTBLACK 1 STANDS -'■--' < (SOLD GROUND— and gent* MEM Best shine In city, 1111 Pa* ay. P^ BUILDING CONTRACTORS g£ HOUSES' built : and " part 'of money mja lent w 80$ - Equitable. -«■■-• M^- ■■*- ■ I BLACKSMITH? AND I PLUMBING mmsmMiSi: SUPPLIES x:y.-iX.^ i> pyMMW^^VM^WM^i^VMft^^^^W^ft^^-^^^^^H BLACKSMITHS' . and plumbers' sup i-:'-Z. plies, machinery. Coast 3d I Hand . Miw. C*. 1524 Com si. Main 83(7 |SaBBBSEKBiunBH«^*^-?^> s; 4 THADENB Bakery A Coffee Houa* "The «* Millionaire's m Club," a $18 Commerce afc,vj.*.^Ki?ft;-'t>».„'. ;«'■ - -. fg«". i COLLECTIONS j'".: %. : X7'.. MMWMM^^W^^MW^WWM^VMM^Mftft^AAAA* fe FRANKLIN ADJUSTMENT CO. Col- Kft^ lections ** everywhere; «.? property 3* Searchers; ■ old judgments ■, realised on. (09-11 Nat. Rty, Bldg. Main 2067. I'NATIONAL COLLECTION AGENCY X (01 Fidelity Bldg. Phone Main 1091. ftgi;Law; and . Collections Everywhere. I 1 Phone M 893. Western Mar. Agency, ;jg*"» 181 Fid. Bldg.. for quick result* t HA-M. ANDERSON * COMPANY; !#(,s»*_isi Specialists In Collections. ai TS g♦Bl-4. Tacoma Bldg. Main 8080. j 'WSMM. CHIROPODISTS. ,';*>^l-::: MMM^AAM^M^^WWWMMWftfttfWVWWW DR. MI RENT A treats feet aliments, . 114 Warburton. 11th A C. Main 1083. ■ ©£55 EDW. vi H. «.« OLFENBUTTEL chiropodist, < 418-19 j Bkrs. Trustg ;.f, DR. i. McCAIN, - chiropodist Provi gpf | Aent i Bldg. a-, Main ;: 8745. .*is-?r .-urn-ii y JONES, foot spec., moved over I virges drug store. Langlow hotel. CARPET CLEANERS f&X. *l* * Ji*»*r*.»~it-M**W*W*^V~M*^'^»\rt>»>»_'^. & .▼AX KLEAN Vacuum cleaner; will ,«»* rant you machine or furnish com ; i ytent operator. Main 2734. SstlL; HOUCK—Carpet beating, re ,. .fitting and laying; feather reno .; vating and « upholstering. - 2812 (th -'. SV. -Main 338. ' V"); CLEANING AND DYE WORKS yS mmftmAm m m r m^m^m v m t m^^^^m w>ruvxrxn , LUCKEY 8 I DYE WORKS. r 788 $ St hr.v' Helens. Gents' suit skirt or jacket ■■'- cleaned • and «pressed 60c üb. Quick 9 Calls * and delivery. Satisfaction ,j guaranteed. Main 71(1. - t-? -?„•• -y, 4*. TA-; DONALDSON. 811 j 9th st. >• ftfsr years' experience. Tel. Main 7430. DRAYAGB f^;g-^% | COMMERCIAL-FIDELITY 5 TRUCK JX>^T L ''t moving equipment In gH.» W. * Furniture " vans, trucks I and g auto- delivery, 8 storage warehouse* Equipped to handle anything. Bat .,< isfaction - guaranteed. - - Office ' Cor. .- 19th and Pa* Mala 706. Piti DURABLE J PLUMBING XX"7 W____\___l_____ —i* *i"*i*i"i^i-^i~v*v~s**w-u^-unj-i_n^T.r^- l yx/x^j<_ii_ H JUST i arrived,'. new line "' of B bath fe<»PS'»'*S-W««>- '•; R s Coffee Plumb . r f»g C* ■■"*''■•--'■■—•'.—■ -•-— ■ -—. -. FORWARDING COMPANY Mt i REDUCED X freight '.-■' rates «to all Porwardlng , C*., 1731 . -J??f- t. hwe,t forwarding »., 1783 Pacific ay. Phone Main HOUSE MOVING " . WORK ff guaranteed. ', The SB oldest ?£".?* ™?ver In town. J. P. Becker J419 So. Alnsworth" cor. » 1 6th.^*" HACKS FOR FUNBRAta if T'** ■*■ *■■ - —,^ — ■»~r~i Ja^rvvxi*tri.rvv%yT^^aa. Tacoma cemetery, 34: Catholic cem jfy etery. $5. Pa* Trans. Co Main 84. E^K3l HARNEBBMAKER S^^fl &>*>^t*i*im**i**m^***^****i*v^ar*^*j-n |"Uti~^^xraj\jtjM ||MANUFACTURER of leather goods. *£$&??• •** *• F. Ho.k* 1307 •S33SBK^e^ HOTELS , ..Vrf^.'ftftTft-^AAft. **^-*-'*** 5; . ..... '*^Kffeadfe « ■»..« w ■ ,i, i , .,., m^mmm mm PRANBIENT rooms, «0c c up. t Ros- hotel. 911 ; C st. nfe^^^aaat *08sw,CK. 78814 5 C f st Kewly furnished. m v ** *tS**S?i't, HOTEL. and C . eta 2 two locks from. depot lima / p isvycttß aT »*•»• »*■" QUICK SHOE REPAIRING. Werner A Mo* -. Goodyear a Quick , Shsa Repair Ce^g»<CaaefsrS WALL PAPER |^)W>tf»y<MWft|<VMVftK>«WO<WWW^ftMWMWMW^ MHqP saw stock of •: wall - paper, ran latest designs and patterns, is* Quality paint* adapted to the BistCrs el I mat* A. k Jm^^mmm m ■ Cm. tl*t C at t**s:^. «A«yx•*-.x -f * T'AA"^ ',' ; TX ;-^s . MONEY ; TO: LOAN -,--.-,-•; 4ftVMM^VMW^MW^^^W^*^A^AA^AA^^A^A4 -«-r» -a.> a, OUR OWN MONEY <*'■ ■*.'■ --; ' FOR CITY AND FAKM LOANS. g mS*% W. N. s DOUB * CO.. ■: INC. ■•■ ■ " 801-8 California Bldg Main 8188 V 57 6 ; and j 7: PER 1 CENT g On - Improved l real * estate **" or if for building. Money advanced as build ing progresses. ■■*-««i*i.^s-te*.--«- -, ; .v - r: L. R. Manning * Co., Equitable Bid. MONEY TO LOAN On - Improved . 1 city M property *'< and farm . land* r-, $600-110,000 .•' waiting bow.^w;-- *'--—'.-=.,«-.»,....-'-;•. ,-. vw . .. •*-;-"-*->> WILKESON CO. 606-8 Provident Bldg. Tel. M. 1113 LOANS on real estate $300 up; also short term chattel loans. £418 California .bldg.' - : ya - v -v - MORTGAGE LOAN*. Amounts from $800 ■ up; city 'or - farm; ■ lowest rates. NORTON A CO.. 310 Berlin. MONEY ON HAND TO .LOAN > DM. Morgan Co.. 206 Equitable Bid SEE '- Geo. i-f Walter - Russell. 818 ;■ Equitable Bldg. --■-....■.. r . .- MONEY TO LOAN on real estata '_ Installment loans a specialty. - R. E. Mahaffay * Co.. 301 Fidelity Bid. LOANS In any amount - Cotton. * ■ Moser. (IT Bankers Trust Bldg 1% -MONEY, simple Interest , Call -, evenings. 1310 So. 40th. Main 4962. MONEY on real estate. Daniel Me- Qregor. 810 Berlin Bldg. jP'"'->vtr..',-, MONEY TO LOAN, plenty of It, low est rata* -, no m delay. . Gunston- Heath C0.....^>. • ~X-*,-.....:5--...-.i-.*^..-„■. I * HAVE vi lust Ai received - - several « thousand dollars,to loan at 7 and 8 per cent. Inquire J. L Snapp, 1218 Fidelity Bldg. LOANS ' for' home . building ■ or :>: to *» fay,'- off * old • mortgag* Lowest i rates, ■ special privileges to borrow •re—* to • year* Money always on hand—no delay. -• '•■*-*.*., ijc -... -.. :-M J. SCHWINN * CO.. In* >■-.)..,' $18-219 .Tacoma 'Bldg.>^.^.^'| SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANS '_•'■ WHEN MONEY IS NEEDED You can get it promptly from us In sums of from $5 to $100 on furnit ure, pianos, etc., or ?> on ™, salaries without endorsement Sor H security •^west rates and rebates • given If paid before due. ».-, -. " " - COAST FINANCE COMPANY • »:■- 210 Bankers Trust Bldg. X $$$$$ ■■>■",. SALARY LOANS - - $$$$$ :_-■- ; v $10 TO * $100 -'- '-' ! ! .t,r°, an" on your personal note at the lowest rates In Tacoma. Week ly -or monthly payments. Each tS."f£.U°,V. T .-.Bld ct, > ! confidential. ..STATE SECURITY COMPANY SSSSS 307 ■ California Bldg. $$$$$ -BOB; LOAN OFFICE We loan money on ; watchea cloth ing, i all goods of valua , 1807 Com. HIGHEST prices paid for gents'" !S c?. ndh»nd elothlng. Main 5700 n22 '■ Comra,rc« st Bob's Loan Of tllWi >. ,>^,.i„",. 1 -..'"«V' ; -., ; *';. .»»£',,*... -,■■■-^ ,x OSTEOPATH i PHYSICIANS -: , DR. STOT^NBUR." Office 804 Ber lln Bldg. Mala -a" ; "- *"' 9610* '-*.* X*t i--:TX ■■'■\'l -"* '.v";r'*vi:'.. *': .-* -j __^_^___ .._ '_. ■ X --*.-■-- i' *. .J ■ i .... v'.yyxy PHYSICIANS AxxAAXyxy mmmmmmat ■ ■ » ■ * mm. *.*.-. "-i-g-yinnru-u-ut^yxMAJ DR. C. E. CASE, Re* 1010 So. 12th M°. fnoJ..ii.s* Bo.' X "st^phone Main (887. Phone Rea Main (98. : i '•;•?■* DR. 5 WARREN BROWN mm 1 Limited office practice.?*. Genito urinary diseases and diseases of the skin. v„rr- *'■"--'-.■.;<---.-.--. ■.■■*.■ -..—.a. '<•> «•' 107-Equitable Bldg. ■>.', D?i.? OBS. 802 '" Provident. Main ,- 2778. .-. Chronic disease* . general medlcln* , ■ .'VyijWBM.-''.!.-. :t -.. -■•? ELECTRIC bake oven bath, lady at < - tendant; all .' chronlo -'- diseases treated. « Dr. -J. 'ri Weyer. '— mechano therapist, 1021 -8* , 11th at >, Phone Mais -.008. yiy.X.v-x.A-ixt^.yt^^y'-,!.-' *-yy X DR. ' FOREMAN., SURGEON, >*: »-ft* ... Bankers Trust Bldg 1. ,c-.*.C" t DR.' PAUU PHTA' * SURG. X-RAY. 1111-11-18 Fidelity Bldg. - ■> Dr. Yocum moved Natl. Realty Bldg m Day, 1 Main 800; night Main i 7500. DR. JA&: A. LA Diseases of M women ' and surgery. ! to -urin ary disease* 12d floor ■_ Natl. Realty Bldg. s>. Hours i 8-4. 7-B. i. yixXs^-yyJX, t^mm. DR. ■, THYNO. SURGEON. **.-» Surgery - and ■--. consultation --»■■ only. m 1201-110$ Fid. Bids; s Main 400. LACNDKIES. yXfXj, -i~^. *JtAJ> Jm m. mjmjam -mx ir-iin ■ ix-i.r "1 i.qr j~-r-i_ns Phone Main 7188. Prompt Delivery. A. B. HAND LAUNDRY - * i-isftls Cleaning - and, Pressing. .X XX W&iR 944 i So. ■ D st. Tacoma .te>,A:i SK WOOD »AND ] OXUkXSStWt f(*l^ "***** m^m. m. m. m, m. «fy*,* l^l « l| V| ( - I( Yyy^n)^| PETERSON BROS., hay, grain, poul try ; supplies and coal and, wood. 10th and K. Phone Main t »3L\»«Mat PAINTING |*| PAPERHANGING FRANK A' IIANSSON. ' 738 'St Hal ens ay. Phone Main 8142.-,-t^S "»>sl WINES AND LIQUORS LANOERT LIQUOR CO.. 1828 Cat, s* wholesale :-,.-• and "-;■-■' family trade solicited. . Free; delivery. 1 Main ■ (OSS. Bi FOR RENT—ROOMS MMWWXWWMWWftM^HIWWVWVW^ 3 fur. rms. $10 per mo.; $ unfur.'rm* $8 ; per , mo. 2104-$ So. 9.lSHK«eSfiSf^iS iSS£^cuJßToA3naifo»ai» CANE t seated '> chairs reseated. J. •xa & ■'. Sanderfer; h- work --" dona on premises /. it >: desired. 4.- 102$ m South Yakima. Main 1 174.^^»*-A-«-^j>^ rmrnxa ****** mm *** —— -— —-- Vfy r>*^fMM>ymh COMMERCIAL BINDERY. A m. i CO.. JaSL, U(-7«S Commerce at i Phone Main 417. Printer* Binder* |; Loos* Lea* ■ Devise* BUSINESS CHANCES m^^m^^u*. (* 40-r. hotel, , modern, fliw oar I loca tion, cheap ! rent, I $8500, on terms. 88-r. hotel. Pacific aye., $1000, $(0$ cash. ■ 10-r. E * St., r full of I roomers, I an rash. bal. monthly, if Groceries, confectionery, hardware stores at Invoice; all kinds of business chances to ,- sell ;or trad* Hi Money to loan, i%. Oldest business chance dim In Tacom*'..i*s*i.'ft4-t'i«i sit-i.: ftS."-..»:^;j xx A. HAVARD & CO. '1.-A.L. 205 i Bankers Tru+t : Bldg. - ■■' PARTNER WANTED—Young man .-•over it years old to take Interest well-paying, business, not so much matter -of , money. as I right ' party; only $26 cash necessary, balance ln payments. References required. lust be clean cut and hustler. This is .a ■ chance of a lifetime - for » the right person.' CAN LEARN A PRO FESSION. ■ • Address A-1006 Times. WIDOW wishes to sell her late hus ■-ft- band's Interest iin good raanufac-' turlng. plant s Box A-1002 Times. I■. --~ ' i TOD WILL INCREASE " ;t,,: the profits of. your • business If you let the Times ' tell Its readers what you have to offer. -. Phone In '« your ads right now for tomorrow's paper. i -■ ■.:■-!. :a- ,-" -..-. MAIN 11. V-.■--, " XXA. A DANDY, lunch room for sale; do ing about $50 a day. Price $550. . Terms can be arranged. Call 820 National 'Realty bldg. .■■■'.- ■.-•X,.-. •. A 17-ROOM rooming Souse for sale, $600. -. Corner ■ 14th. and Pacific ■ aye. IP you have a few Hundred dollars and desire to locate In a new town with all kinds of business op portunities, ■ Inquire; at. 814 Tacoma Bldg. I Real Estate Exchanges \ I : HAVE several paresis of British M Columbia - land and also a num ber, of town lots In prosperous Can adian cities which-11 wish 1 ex change for some Tacoma property. Will - assume • payment i and :% mort fage If necessary. What have you o offer?' Apply 814 Tacoma Bldg. | SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN; making small -J" towns. whole time ■or ■ sideline, should carry our fast selling pocket side line. Special sales plan allowing re turn of unsold goods. Makes quick easy sales. $4 commission ' on . each order. • Something entirely new. Write • for outfit ■ today. Canfleld Mfg. C0.;'209 Slgel St., Chicago, 111. PERSONAL "i m CUT this out for luck. Send birth - date and 10c for wonderful horo scope of your entire . life. -; Prof. Raphael,, 499 g "Lexington -.> avenue. New York, jj Vs- &&. , ■ ;*. ..-■'. .-..-> t ,. - . GET Married—Hundreds wealthy; .-' tired living alone; seeking early marriage: descriptions free. Grace Hyde 8-806. San Francisco, Cal. MARRY , RlCH—Many i„ wealthy _ members seeking early marriage. Big list 10c. Mission Unity, San Francisco. -, .--S- -■;»,■., ,■£■■■■,: _rs;iT.':r~~, .. MARRYMany rich, congenial and | anxious for companions. Interest ing- .Particulars i and I photos free. The Messenger, Jacksonville, Fl* ■■-- GET married, best matrimonial paper published. -- Mailed free. The Correspondent. Toledo, . Ohio. LADY, 40, of Independent means, L would marry. « T-Box 85, Toledo League, Toledo, * Ohio, g» ; -.-*-. „.,>,,. . GET MARRIED— Best matrimonial paper published. Mailed FREE The Correspondent. Tolodo. Ohio. - ■. ' LOST LOST—White and black " English setter bitch. Name Hall on col lar plate. ; Please notify H. T. Den nan. Reward. Phone Proctor 1468. LOST — Launch -. Dalco, Thursday night. . Finder address Miss Fern Marks, care Stone-Fisher Co. •xxx.XAxXacwuKmnaXy-' ■ ■ m ■ ■ ■ »*■ ■i » — ...... - |IV „ft MM , SCREENS' made to ' order. 3718. Modern Mfg. Co.. 80. '-1% nr . lb BAPH DEPOSIT VAULTS - mmmmmmmmmmmt*mm* ■■■■.. v^.,.,^,^. FIDELITY TRUST CO.'B SAFE DE POSIT VAULTa Ground floor. - Xy '--AA MACHINE - SHOP. ,'A". ******* m.m . . .■■■■■■ -.. . f lt - tri ,- )r ,, -, ALL machinery repairs and Oxy _ Acetylene _k welding. .; Hicks-Bull Machine Co,- 8 So. ifth at'^T? °"_ ■{ "'X- ~XA."X*> PLUMBING ??'Xi ****^^^*** *****--- — - — ROY E. THOMPSON, high -, grade '-plumbing. 766 So. D. Main 1841. X'T^X'XXi AUTOMOBILES. X »^^w^„^ft.ftftM.ft.ft.ft...., . -i nri.-i.-i.,.. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Work guar'. a anteed, 1912 Jefferson. Phone 4708. 'x7xTXx PAINTING. i;7X: PETER I BREVICK » gives i I special ii rate* am tinting and kalsomlning. Main 1J176.*~ - - ■ . ?£AA RAZORS i SHARPENED X.y rw*n*«*i ~ii~s^i~K*v"t jv"v^» jvv*^<*^<^rv>r^(^osxAj^'Mv<joaa WE ' sharpen safety rasor blades. a AH work guaranteed. Virges Drug Co.. 1124 Pacific ay. *■.-. * JSCSS UNDERTAKERS fXAXXiiif.. r — *•*■*■—■ — ■**■*- —m.m.ffm.m. ——- — — l _~ y r\n.rtr\j\Tu\i, HOSKA-BUCKLEY-KING CO.Pro < fessional ' Funeral -. Directors. 730 --82 • St. Helens. . Phone Main» 412. ■--:-* C. O. LYNN —Funeral Dlreotora 919-11 Tacoma ay. Main 7748. - SO. TACOMA FUNERAL PARLORS. 1488 Union av.~ Main 1088. Geo. W. Piper. h.-»----i...y*>w-t-.-^....,v.-,,...,., lyXtXgX^ SCAVENGERS -MrA'AXx OLIVER ' HENRY, Tacoma Garbage I C* - Mala 1 (408. %*t Contracts • made for cleaning yards, vaults and cess pools. -Garbage removed by month. AMERICAN GARBAGE CO. — Re m moving garbage and refuse of all kinds. 318 Puy. ay. M 748. res. 7631 t££'ir;?V"4 studios M^^SM jM>-OJxru^<*ipa*sr*ifV*ir* lii~i"*kri'*'i "^i **i "ivri" l •^■"■**ifs Ji< TAKE i your 1 kodak * developing - and * I finishing I to I Everybody's j Studio. 1118 C ' st. i *>;-.-< ff-i^mraextA.^^ Mi^M STORAGE Ss£->v^iSr ji_iSf^V*-W-a~a-a-t m- "■*i^i***** *"" ,*i jj J"*"*'*iJ^ BONDED STORAGE .WAREHOUSE. THE ONLY ONE IN THE CITY. CENTRALLY *> LOCATED,-^ BRICK BUILDING. LOW * RATES IOF .-■ IN SURANCE,i EXPERIENCED PACK ERS «*> FURNISHED.** WM S» FITZ HENRY. - TEL, M MAIN v 8788. ;/' 101 SOUTH ; ltTH' STREET. j>;.#.w^-r.>vv, COMMERCIAL-FIDELITY M TRUCK if CO.B ( large f warehouses m fire proof. ■, Largest " storage' concern -- la the N. , W. f? Rooms under lock for H. (■« H. X good* *.v fixpsrt m furniture packers. Office j Cor. 19th and Pa cific m Main ! 708. ammmmmmmgmiMA CITY TRANSFER * STORAGE CO. -aa Mala> 4(1. ; * Ml < Tac.; ay. i Storage. packing and moving. ■ - ■:-S2 PATENT ATTORNEYS 'XXA. jto-u~^w*w^-M^s->fVV*i<**»*ir*'i-~'«*i*i*t*' * *i^ri*i*iiwvyM Elliott" 81* Bkra * Trust. Patents. A Trade Marks, wlrg* Mala (778 ii mi '" Milr ' ■■> "*J™?BrrQ £$^-FOR'i SALE £&;-£i; MISCELLANEOUS SSSS^^**' ■■*■■-■ -—i-ij-i —l-nT-nnnn.n-iAnf TACOMA ' AUTO ' EXCHANGE fi£ NORTH ' 2ND * AND G"> BTB. • A '.-*,«; ;**f*i. ft. n» Main; 1840. •> V < 1 1910 7"- Thomas ....-..if 1860 1 1911 Chalmers n........... $1000 } 1911 Chalmers &;-...;.;..... $ $00 J 1910 Frank1in,'.............11800 };19118.M-F.*;...i.....v... 450 1911 Cadillac '.-.............1*900 1 1911 Stoddard j Dayton y.. ... 81000 1 1911 Stoddard Dayton $ 750 2 Croxton-Keton - Taxi ; Caba.. $ '. 780 1 1910 Kissel. Kar ...........8 760 1 Rambler «......'.......,.... $985 1 Under Maxwell $ 200 1 Olds-Mobile .;.;.........., $400 WE DEMONSTRATE TO YOUR ■''■"■-: --> SATISFACTION.^- "T- .-..! .>.:"£.>■ -.;-">-; >■•■-.■•.-■-t-- t v~j.,. ! , 1 .-, _• Extra Special in---^ --'..,;-' •*-''■' .v;^£-v.^.r^-te-.; Furniture : Good grade, everything complete. Call. Purkey Bros, at one* Main 6345."-- Also '. 6-room house with bath and barn, $12; close In. .. HUNTERS -;, ATTENTION—Just * the ,r. thing -for-; duck hunting, 16-ft. gasoline launch,-6-ft-beam, 1H ' h. p. • engine; boat seats 8 to 10 per sons. - Will. sell ' cheap 'or trade for small auto or real estate. For par ticulars ,-. call -- at , Spanaway . Park boat house. :■ 'Xx--:.... ,;..-r ys- :,--.,-.■;''-?t-'- -. FOR —Registered Airedale ." terrier pups; ■ ready; for* delivery Oct. 20. I Best of breeding, j These pups are real "Airedales."-'-' Place order early. ' > Also older Airedales for sal* ■ v Firacre i Kennels. P. O. Box i 276. Tacoma ■■"■:--..«■: ■-.-." - -'?*V * .-■>■ FRUIT, . shade _ and -- ornamental trees, roses, etc. - As line as you ever saw. .-; Prices right.'".The Ever green Nursery, South 12th and Ste vens. -^Proctor 3881-Y. tm .-..-■-■ T-.y-'. $176 CASH buys runabout ln good running condition;!' good -tires; will - demonstrate on any street ' in Tacom* - O. -D. x. Grant •'■•' Bankers Trust Bldg. -, - :■■.,--■- >.-! <jy,;^ WE have the best line of cheaper i medium priced heating . stoves In the city; liberal prices on exchange. G. B. Cornish, 1812, C St., the Home of.Big Heaters. ».'■ •''v^.f ,-:■ i ..,--;.'-. 4 ->t; FOR SALEYoung English' setter, about 10 months old; can be got ten very reasonable. Inquire 1418 South L st Also some fancy car rier pigeons. -'■.■■-> -i-..|.-..-...-'aj, FLYING Merkel, good - order, com - plete, equipped Presto light and tank, $150, Jones-Scott-Walker Coi 309 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MOTION picture machines for feat 1 by the day or week at reasonable terms. Agency Powers' Motlgraph Simplex 999 Commerce. . ■ '■i FOR BALETwo- cows coming . fresh; also one 7-months-old Jer sey bull; one delivery horse, weight 1200 lbs. 1840 East 80th. -n BUSY MEN AND WOMEN find- it convenient to telephone their For Sale and Want Ads to The Time* Main 13. Only one cent a word; 1 11 1 FOR —Some household .good* ■at a bargain; leaving town. am J. E. Rose, 2901 ft Paolflo ay* Room 21. .. X" --- - ■:■>■--;.: .-.*■■*:y-s-yxy ABOUT time to buy that heater; a full, line at low prices at I Over land's - Co., 1131-88 Tacoma aye. Main 8727. -'-.-* -;*-..--»---.^.->■ 900-LB. horse and rancher spring . wagon for sale, Cheap. Chamber's Blacksmith | Shop, 23rd - and Jeffer son. Main 684. «—,.'t,t;.,s»i«-i.; FOR SALESingle cylinder Reo, in . good shape, oomplete '•■ with top and lamps: two new tires; $126. Call Main $344 after 6 o'clock. \. MILCH cowsl have several heavy - milker* some fresh, 'others fresh soon. Two miles east of Spanaway. O. C. Towns. ..---. v -. ..'"■;--: ■■-■r - WANTED buy household goods - and merchandise of all <" kinds. Wm. Fits-Henry. 1&2 So. 12th at Tel. j Main Wig. :----X.:y ;•*:■■<.?■ 'A;-*, FRESH Jersey oow with calf for ' sale. Chas. J. Anderson, Take In ter urban to Milton. - Edge wood; Box 109. •---■-;.-.■.-."-. ■-.. 'X^-'-a.x -,-.,^-. CHOICE - young cows . and I young pigs at reasonable prices, (!. E. McKlllop, Midland station, old Puy allup ■ line. 9gw y~..\:ur-~ --y. tjcggtgjg; HERE Is your chance: A 1912 model, 30 h. p. Studebaker, , 5 --. passe* ger touring car. In good condition. Box I D-l. Times. T- x-» *> > '*,■-:>-.-. m FLORAL 1 designs. ' Roman Floral ' company, 2527 South M st. Main 140$. ?.■:>(*.; : -,■>,-■■%■■..'.'.- .A.-y t&afcgjz t- . FOR SALE— cow, will be fresh .. soon. , Inquire John ' Olson, ■ hem ons 1 Beach. '■■"■* ».», j ■..% - , \ —.. -a t-_._ HOUSEHOLD goods of a 5-room flat - for sale at 2505 ft 6th aye. Call mornings. .'*. ->.; 1 '•-■_..'*-— a ■■■&** HEATING stove, first-clans, shape, - very cheap, 14-Inch Are pot. 3814 North 81st st -"" --.-'..a -'.?;-.. .1 -N"- '. FOR a —Young pig's, *>. light ' stock hog* - Tacoma y Meat j Co. Main 81$. -, - : ;'.' .-,;.,■ .7- J r.\.u'y:x.*;;. THOROUGHBRED male Alrdale, 20 months old., Summit View, - old Puyallup car. >- W. ■S. i Sanborn. >.y? -; FOR SALE or rent, .Aye head lof • ■ horses. - 1615 South. E at • Phone Main "6020.', --'■■■-,; y.i .- X^-yyj i,.ft,^i^sv«« SMALL auto, new -' tires, -j can -'■ be «: changed j to > delivery -•- car, /;, $182. Mam;4(B(..--..--.■-■,--,•. ■:'-•■- -vVvc-i-A. >Z"ii BLACK Minorca pullets, now lay ■ Ing,'. $1.60 - each. -.;! Smith. -. Proctor 722.,..--.-t--^f-.r-.. . -.sX-*■■■', ,\r;v.-!.:. ;^\ti a- BICYCLESBest. Una ■£ of ■* second J hand wheels to the olty. a Blake! 1189 Commero* v gggtfg^^Miig^B S3 ALT HEIDELBERG BEER. ' I Columbia •■' Brewing j - Co. -; Order 1 a - case. Main 229. --*:-«>-<■■•;? ■—.<*>st*svi, \ j GET > a < can i of Naptar soap j today! » all • dealer* m Mnfd v; by v- Powers! Mfg. ; Co., ■ Tacom* --*ytVc> ■^JwU-it^jEa*'.]; T. T. > RICHMOND, piano tuner i an* repairer, has moved to 3032 Sol Uth. Main 2424. :T.->k^.j^^,tsiiflr-Jil FIRE and burglar-proof boxes; la l« the day. March-McCandless „ Co., 117 So. 11th st j A MILKING cow for sal* - Call $431 v South; Park t ay* fay^jgt^yt j 6-YEAR-OLD cow, . giving' 4 E quart J of milk, $60. r 4804 Thompson av«J FOR I SALE—2 -. young : brood ° sows, m already 1. bred. Call Main 7809-Jl. GOOD! horse I for• sale, weight > 100$, M $80. 620 South » 11th isHsW^amfr GOOD : English r bird 1 dog 1 fori sale W cheap. 2514 : South ii 12th I (ttefe ONE cow •- and* 2■• heifers for sale. st Phone * Main i ls(s.>j-y-«iwi.-4»y^iaatMi. THREE Jersey cows ! or j sale. [ 1819 m East ; 29th atTU^TS^lfHif •'^MS-^SrSgS' HORSE, buggy and harness for sale .cheap. .- Main » ttlt.triy^xx^n*^a«v> HORSE < for sal* Central I stables. se 1226 D at "m Phone '■ Main 7400. atf-w (5 EYE glasses for $1. Also repair ing cheaply. Stlne, 1841 % Pac. ay. SECOND-HAND k TT.etm 5 motorcycle JM Car . sal* , Isl2. So. 11th : aL-imgm 9EaEßaiEsa^Sma_^_\^m ,% IF YOU • •-v '•:—.'• -::.--, ■ - -' -.. .':r-v.4 HEMES' -*-' ■'" li ::- ' " a Want to : :yy -Axx- X.XXXyAXAX Xx talk TO ". • a -..-.■ ■-■ .m - ALL TACOMA A„X X:yx::y-.y.- .:-:;;;:,;;;■ USE TIMES :- '■ XXX - XX '- ■■-.;.;. --.: WANT ADS FOR SALE xxx- a MISCELLANEOUS §!oaom*i4aokok*>ot4*o*amotoaoaj*AamaommAoio)*o*o*^*oajajm FOR 2d hand I goods sea ' BHUETT, . 1343 Commerce st. : g■>g* -■ -.^-t, FRESH green ground < bone dally. ■ Tacoma Meat Co., 1608 Pac ay. SHOW CASES, mirrors resllvered. , . Huddelston. 1708 So. Q. .'. —; NEW and second hand stoves and ranges. .1843-Contmeroe. . BELL MKT.. Main 408. always has :. what you want when you want It 'H FEMALE $^MWwwMftft»^WWWWW>*' mmmmmmmamaAammmmiam^k^^^ *m LADIESTo make shields at home. $20 per 100; ordinary plain sew ing; can make four an hour; mate rial furnished; work sent prepaid. S#nd stamped ■ addressed envelope for particulars. .Paragon . Supply Co., M. 834 Myrtle Ay., Kansas City, Mo. - - - ,:.".--'- A- 'y. ■ CANCERS cured without knife or plaster; consultation free; Stephen Johnson, school - house . crossing Fern Hill. - » ■■>.'- ■.■.. tmjgri -^.-L-r-.-- ■ •> -BPIRELLA CORSET SHOP - Trained corsetlers to call at your home as advertised In leading jour nal. 808 South 9th. Main 5886.1 WANTED—At once, .-middle-aged, I | competent housekeeper, to keep house and care for Invalid lady. 3601 East X st. . GIRL for light •: housework; no washing. Phone' Main 536, "or call 6638. South L at. -• I x.,....• tt WANTED —Experienced girl for • shooting gallery. Apply 1688 Pa olfloav* • ■. ■.; - ..jyyiAAA. -..,^.--.-.v.- J .-.;j- WANTED — - girl to work in . fruit and cigar stand: 39 or $10 a week to right party. ( 1347 C St. 1-" WANTED—GirIs to learn halrdress- I lng, manicuring, etc. Paid while learning. 1108 (th a-r.x- -.-. -,-£■*, -.. NEW fall styles, ladles and - men's. ! Peterson's, 401;-; Bankers 4 Trust Main (85(.. ,■■■-■-.■-■ -.■-.,.-■ v-ii-.^-.. ,--.- A-l Hand Laundry Laos curtains a specialty. Main 2506. - ..-A. Situations mmmmmma^mmmmmmmmmmmmmm t^ CHILDREN kept by hour, day.. or week; prices reasonable. Apply 1509 South 26th. . ;--v.'-V,...- ALL kind of millinery work neatly ' done; - remodelling a- ■ specialty. Main 2566. - r-i ■■-■-'-..-;, - . '..-..-^ -^, LACE curtains well laundered by hand. Call Main 2930. C~'--* -» ■ - DRESSMAKING, 1149H ! | Com. St Main 1399. Mrs. C. 3. Mostead.•' "Family Washing 50c ' Metropolitan Wet Wash. Mala 887$. HELP—MALE } IF YOU. want to earn good Income during spare time, send 10 Cents to cover cost -of . printing I and j ad vertising and we will send full par ticulars by. return mall. - DROSTE CO., 474 Trumbull aye. Room 124, Detroit, Mlch.»--.t-.-w-v-.:.: - - r =-.". GENTLEMAN with Ford car to sell - Boss -. Shock - Absorber. " Raab Bros., ■ 2551;? Jefferson j aye, J6K**S* 1 i WANTED TO BUY «AMMAAM^#IMAAAMMMAAAAAM^«AA^^^M^ WANTED TO I BUY— * loads of ! i dirt. X Phone Proctor 2052 after 8 p. ttL'X y." XA.yx * Tx.--...iAA..t WANTED—Used . furniture, -: house 'i ■• hold I goods, ■- any < quantity. •: 1128 Commerce. Main 2(44. -j ■ -.-■»..? ■'-...y. '.. WANTED — Second-hand furniture i and ' stoves. •■ J. O. Purkey, ■■; 131$ C at [ Main i sß3».A,>'.-ft-ftry^t- J^t i^ ; '* . BfcCOND-HAND books I and - furnlt j ure. Sllcox. 943 Tacoma. Main 8(13 } ROOMS AND BOARD oi^*S^*am*^m&%*^ii*aS*^*a*i**r+*'^*a*+*-^s***mm^v^m m^sl o ROOMS - with " or: without - board. i Mrs. C. E. Mahon, 416 80. E Main (194. •xa.utn**r : m,y.. ■,*..:-y;y?,.j l -j&-y* FURNISHED m room I with ■ board, I; homes cooking. 1302 . South J st. NICE * furnished j room - with I board, | ,home cooking. 929 So. Bjstss*.-*» FURNISHED ROOMS > . m •nw ) i^,iw^^i. .^^fci^MW m.^A^.^m^v.^ m**.^A^m ' IF you have a room—a room which ■-Is not bringing you in any mqney, then you are i doing at $ least I two people an Injusticeyourself and a prospective roomer.*- You - can « rent your room through Times Want Ads Main 18. ki-,:&?',Aft'vj^-*-*p..*,-J*tii337\i**t.* SYLVAN. 701 St Helens, ■ furnished »>• room* <.; 1.60 up; hskpg M suite* steam »heat s~*«> _____ MASSAOB. facial K> and E muscular; 913 Vi Commerce. FOUND i»^M^A^A»^«MM^M^M^^I»WII FOUNDWhite hunting, dog I with m brown' spots; I has I Tacoma license. Finder ; can . have >' same , by " paying for this ' ad- SSig!*iS(rafi^|ftW^*Ba??» i^WSS^&^a^Smm^m^^^^srA -.-:-'-v.J :~—■■•■ r--'-l -. .iTT'T w * ■ :: * -■ u.±_._ fytt-"™ -.* £.■■.':■-.-■*** EXCHANGE EXCHANGES - I have f 2ft acres !in grapes and peaches, 8-rooin house, in North Yakima, to trade. This plaoe' Cen tral Park addition, and one of the best - you ' can trade ' for. ' Prloe right for quick trade. -. ■ O.N.JOHNS 200 Natl. Bk. Tacoma Bid FOR TRADE— house, barn and outbuildings, 4 miles from Kapowsin, for city property worth about 82000; also 2 lots ln Regents Park, for S-passenger auto; also berry ranch at Sumner. John Ping, Sumner, Wash. .--.-.- -.- TO TRADE— $446 equity In Re gents Park, lots for stock; driv ing horse preferred. Box V-1000, Time*--....- ■ . ..v. .- -.- "..,. i-, .. WANTED—To trade, an • Edison graphaphone and 12 records - for household goods. Main 0976. HOUSEK'P'O BOOMS m&oafmotAkAamaAaamm&kaajmokmmomAtmmm&A^mkaAm j~ m^& FOR RENT—2 or 3 housekeeping rooms with ■ phone, .. bath," sink, pantry, large closets; also single rooms furnished. Call 161$' South M sty Phone Main 2612. : .■;--■ -. " y~- TRY THE EXPRESS AUTO DELIVERY . . - Tel. Main 7776. 4 1124 South Yakima Aye. ,: 6-FURNISHED rooms. Just vacated, on first floor; steam heated. St. George apts. .-- ■--.•■ - ■ ..--,. .... FOR —2-room i housekeeping suites, $2.50 : per week and - up. Superior hotel, 17th and D st--■ ■ ONE furnished housekeeping apart ment $6.00 - per week. .. Pierce Hotel. 919 H So. CiW* »g -■-v TWO pleasant housekeeping rooms, light and bath. 8009 "aye. Mrs. Miller. - .-;■ -'r:-..r y.x-...-.., ... ,■ .. HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms. 728jj So. Bst I■■ THE ANTLERS—Furnished hskpg. rms.; modern: central. 1118 MC. Wanted — Miscellaneous mjmmmmmmmm^mammmmm MALE hog, old enough for breed ing purposes, either Poland China or Chester White; also want White Leghorn pullets. Pullets need not be - full - blood, - but * price must be reasonable. ■B. Freeman, R. F. D. No. 4, Box 148. Tacoma . -.j,- m - ■>.- WILL lend $400 on realty; may be - paid . back - $10 -- monthly . If , de slred. Box 637, City. -it.- - FURNISHED HOUSES :^:v:7 FOR RENT >': ;'^ A 6-room furnished house at 21st and South I at.; 'newly. painted and papered. . Rent $15 per month. By .:,.----- R. D. DUFF A CO., 306 National Bank of Tacoma ■".'■• ' Phone 6348 Evenings. ■-,-■.-,..-->' 3-ROOM furnished -house ' for rent --. or for sale cheap;> light, water, gas. Main 8180. ~::*.- -■'■•—■ -•■■ -r.--■- »• a ... \ POULTRY AND eggs -.: ..;«-(YOU WILL INCREASE ";•>'. the profits of your business If too Ist the Times tell Its readers what you ■ have ■ to . offer. > Phone -la - your ads right now for tomorrow's paper. ---. .; .*. '■-.-;. i;,-{ MAIN 12. y l^. '-'-a. .--.A, .-• ELECTRIC • INSECT i POWDER and Robinson's Mite Spray. % Sold' and guaranteed by Crown Drug Co. and all dealers, 1 or phone Main 281. ■ WANTED TO BORROW mmmmmmmmmmammmmmjmmmmmmm^tmmmmmimtmif $1000 at 7% for 3 years on improved i- property ■on .Prospeot "St. Will you please; let 'me ■ know .by notice. 110 South Prospect August Han son. ' | ■'-■■■.-- ■■.—.'--a. -r..■ y'.A. ■'-...' -«. . ■:, ... .. RENT—HOUSES Amkokomamtotoammmm^awtmmomm^aommotomkoaA^toat^t^kA N. W. "■ cor. 18th I and : South ■ Junett *iit» rooms, -2 ; lots, flowers o ana shcubbery; $11.76. **.»-» '•■'-*. '■;*■•-*•■'-.■: "■ Lennox * Investment Company vi. ;■':■'y.',.-1108 Commerce ' St. "».»- l-'i 1 NEW 6-room4bungalow,.»■ $8 v, per ... month; ' close ■ to i school ■■ and l car line; also new; 4-roomthouse, $7 per month. -- New 1 2-room • bungalow < $6 per month, w Main 1 2028. v>»-«i i*..y> 1661 So. E, 6-r., mod. flat 316 2611 So. 18th, 8-r. mod. P house... SIC 4-r. i cottage. Willow t\ Jot ...... $ 8 6-r. mod. cottage,; (th aye.... .$lB H. B. RITZ A C 0. .; 823 .Calif.t Bldg. FOR RENT—Cottage, m 6-r. m and * bath. 4(09 North Ferdinand. Dr. Thomas* 814 Fidelity -bldg.-»»>-»'«.»■. INVESTMENTS. MORTGAGE " MONEy WANTED-^- We have - for sale I th* best * mort gages i obtainable; $ they are , backed by - realty . worth .- double; property fully Insured; the title guaranty at tached < to ' each -. loan. ', Free i collec tions; you'll not have -to bother; your ii check t. will s arrive >,yt promptly every t six • months j for the : Interest. Net i7*l and 1 8%. Lonnox Invest ment Company,; 206. Equitable Bldw, '•'ttA.^, .y-A,.AA ,J ,;"' , .■ .A- . , ft-'' ....A- .A) A... ..■ . ...... ■ ... "Jxx REAL ESTATE m. -~ x 7 REAL' ESTATE Wxi i ARE : YOU: SUPPORTING A . FAMILY AND PAYING I RENT? v.,; '«•■■ If you > can PA RENT, < you can pay for a ' home A: ' DON'T WASTE any more 5 money—resolve to make 'a* '. ...start toward ownership, and DO *IT TODAY. ... --. ~" ..---■ .■ ''-:-• '?.• --,'. •".- a. ;-■-,--; ■ :x-. ...';*-.■■*--« <-.-. ■:■' --•x"~\yy X ■-.:'■' Hundreds of people who have Always paid RENT and . ■ didn't believe they EVER COULD BUY/A.HOME of their 1--, own are now living in pretty cottages ALL THEIR OWN. ir-'Lot us show YOU the way. - , l ;^';^ s'i,!i^ - --: X -..a- X'^y ' ■■-Xy.:-y^ryy..A-y: ; ■ : - '^ . O^Mfc; ■ But you can sever expect to own a home as long as you continue to draw each . month on the - money that RIGHTFULLY .'belongs, to your home-building fund, and pay, it to l the LANDLORD. ;_■ ; JUST FIGURE IT OUT - ; ,ten: YEARS RENT AT . $25 PEIR» month— s3,ooo " Krvr ™T *•*• YOU got to SHOW for it? Absolutely NOTHING—that money was WASTED, and it is to be re gretted, for YOU COULD HAVE SAVED IT. ™* , y ■• .■""* ''".„■ " "<:;...'.'.' -„. - -, , rz?'»J. ■ ■'"■■■ a '"* **- -■■ ~a:"x - - If you had been paying that $25 a month on the - purchase price of a home, YOU,WOULD OWN IT TODAY - ■y-y Get that?- YOU would OWN it TODAY : "-. ". -'--... ■ ■Xx- '-.•.'■."-, ■ ■-. - ..y. ■ *-. ; V " - ■*- -.. •; 'y-.X-'- ' '-• "'"'' - "'- ■ ". "., But cease moralizing— aboard a Traction car and * ride out to MANITOU ACRES at once—a 5c car fare and ' a twenty-minute ride will turn the trick, or come to our ; ;-office and let us take you out In an auto—we'll be glad to ~ r xa° »t—take a peep at the beautiful FULL ACRE tracts we ~' " : are selling at the price of an ordinary city lot, $500 and up - A-X ats4oo aCtß that contaln a bit less than an acre are going V . . -' -, : '; '' .&■" ■' X :-x ■'■ ■ y._. "x. x :.. -.-• We'll give you as long a time as you desire to pay for - &%%» TBRLS mTOSUIT My. "^ ""' " fact ' - we will MAKE TERMS TO SUIT YOU f\ [ Pacific Realty Corporation j7a 201 Berlin Building. XXX Office on the' Grounds. I I Worklmig Man's, Home - Fine neighborhood; 6-room house, at 1209 North 11th. j Go see It your self. S Price" only $900, on terms to suit. ; -. Jesse O. Thomas, Jr. „ 320 Tacoma Bid. Phone Main 7818. : Good live : mortgage] $1000, for sale, , at 6%. net. .P. O, Box . 149, City. i -.:•' ■sXf,Tx:,-rx:;._, k ..X: vSmt-, $135 xx 77 LOTS s; m $135 : EASY PAYMENTS ~ Now Is the time to > secure fine building lots near 64th and Pacific aye., 3 blocks from car line. Small payment down, balance - monthly. Come right In and secure a pair of these lots. ■_Title perfect. ■ r >.-'i,-- --; Geo. Walter Russell, - " 312 Equitable Bldg. .'•*■■ Back to the Farm : : $8000—Here you ; are 24 ' acres -in ■xx- ; the ' beautiful " and ~ fertile i.; Puyallup Valley; 20 acres ln cultivation; $ acres of hops, ,"„; : berries and fruit, good house ..'.'^ . and ■ outbuildings, - 1 -.• mile ;." : from school and-postofflee, '- --;. about 3 miles - from either ■. Puyallup "or Sumner, good _ . hard roads. Easy terms. See ■: -. .- us at once. -.'..-■- -;. --$5250F0r T^4 • acres, on oar line, « only 1 3 miles from 11th and .-;■-»'--■. Pacific aye., Spanaway or " ~ '.',"", "'■ - Puyallup car line; y_ cash, has good 6-room house and Xy all -cleared; some. fruit. SJSS C. H. EVERETT A'". CO. - * v-' -.>.-■ .?--•-/.. 614 Berlin Bldg. ■-:■■ X - .y SIX-ROOM HOUSE, Nearly new, concrete foundation, lights and bath, 2 lots, good soil, ln bearing - fruit; ... large poultry house lots 142 ft. deep; cost $1700. Will sell for $1350, terms. Make us an offer as this Is a have-to case. Proctor 394. jg - - i -i- a •';. "> . y-y 50-ACRE DAIRY;-* .All Puyallup Valley soil; two houses, barn and good hop kilns, 1$ acres - \ cleared, ■■■■ balance -- partly cleared. Price $180 per acre. If you know of a better buy, tell us about It. i Party will consider part- trade. We have-anything desired In Puy allup Valley ■ land. See Burk for Valley • Land, 204 • Bankers xf. Trust bldg. ■■.-;, . ;.-:-■ ■ -w,> - ; --„.,., '- .-.-.ts: xx7^xxy.-itANcmyxxxyx ■■ 1 20 acres, about y_ Improved, with good bearing orchard; spring water piped- to house. The soil Is shot clay and alder bottom. Fair build ings, fine view of the Sound, close to TACOMA. Will take part or all In \ trade - for J city property. . - Price cut to . $4500. ,': •.' ,*, «.,,. t „ J. W. HOOPS & SON 'v 224 National Realty i Bldg.rjß^?? ; s>: McKINLEY PARK A; It 'A v ACRE - TRACTS.I ; ,».. II m/R. ■'.-. GOOD - SOIL. ;.* t .<-:*- >* v "SI- a.". *■■-■ EASY TERMS.-:i- ii' ''■ O. B. ROEDER, 305 California Bldg. • Have equity of $1100 In furnished 6-room, bungalow. * What hava sou got ,to - trade? M Address -P. O. Box 149. -i Clty.yaift^.-itf-'-R'»^>.*i,*.e^>w-;c $100 TO L..AN on real estate secur ity. The Interest will be 8 ; per cent per annum; I there i must be an abstract to date; the other expenses will «be $12.50. Call Proctor 448. .-. ; ; mmfEOR l SALE iyyyr X Eight-room '- bungalow and '2 1 lots on » corner; * all modern. ■*« In W easy walking l distance, <8 :- blocks ■ to' two car lines, 1 block to pavement. Wlli •ell I on l part <i terms. m Call < and 7 In spect 3 place. k} 1402 1 South t Grant« St. Main 3690. ■'»■■; — ««■'--—■!...rr.-wj.--> ANNOUNCEMENTS ■ ■■■- ——— ~i ■"■! —i r"i m.-i - —i_r"-i .i —i ~ji n .>_.. 1 •'.. SOCIAL I dances ' gives t every Wed nesday and ■- Saturday « nights «by Wesley , * •■< Johnson. Moose v. hall. General ;■ admission,'' 10c. Good music by five-piece . orchestra jk^i PETERSON, the « tailor, moved •* to ..-.- 401-8 Bankers Trust Bldg. M. MM ""OR ■ quick '- delivery call ■ Robsnn's «-* Auto ,Expresa- Main ttU^?*-'?v3l> .-'■'*•:**"' ':y.-XXXxXy-AXX'':xA'.Xy \-«J" flttoriur, Oct 4,191 i». 3-ROOM house, 4 lots, Manitou Parte ' .NelUon, 6651 South 66th. $1000, $100 down, balance as rent. NOTICE v - ' --15 minutes' walk from, the N. P. depot; until Oct. 15, I am -offer* i?s'„i f Interested, address Times B-2000; a brand new bungalow (3 rooms, stating what terms you can. with bath), for $1750,, being made. You deal direct with the owner] $250 less than actual cost. My lose : will be your gain. This. includes two full lots with cement sidewalk and Is located. Box. B-2000, Times, FREE FREE ;3:?FREl||;^ • For two days, Oct.' 4th and sth, I will give away a - $25 suit of clothes to' every purchaser of lots 5 in Dewey's First Addition. * Sales man on the ground Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1:30 to 6 p. m. - Terms, $10 down and balance monthly. Select your.' suit -" front any tailor in the city. The price on these lots Is below market and this offer is made ln order to move sev- i era! at once. If you would prefer to apply the $26 on the lots you may do so. The values In this ad- - dition are '. bound to - advance •'■ and;"' this offer will not be duplicated If we can sell a few .: Saturday and ' Sunday, Oct. 4th and $th. Take Fern Hill car and get off at 72nd, One block west. :-'■->■ . --.. ' S For I sale at a decided bargain - price. : An exceptionally fine new house, I the Interior i finish Is out, of the - ordinary - as * the ' lumber f was - * selected from several ; different ' states t and i the work done by - an / expert;*- house has furnace and la well arranged in every detail, with it go .five good lots which' ara fenced and gln m garden; - near car, <- line ;-- and S school. :; Price — $3000. which is $1200 1 less . than .it cost: terms given. Cotton A Moser. -41* Bankers Trust Bldg. ' ->>-—.„ . t___t X 1 - For sale by owner, • new > - five- -" room „ -bungalow, ' paneled , dining £ room, built-in buffet, large pantry, bath, porcelain plumbing; large at tic; will make two rooms; concrete-' basement, laundry - trays; wood- X shed and . hen house; on two lots. S near « car line: assessments paid. - Price $1500, ■ $500 >°»». balance"* - Tlmea m?*£3 leav,n * ; clty- ' Z-100$, § Two or more lots,-$l6O each. Ta- '•' ooms.iK'S;,'" bet' 48th and «th. Own-" er. 8722 South L st. Main 6185. --: LAND yx^Xxyx^ •5 acres good shot clay land near Tacoma, $260; $25 cash, $10 a month,';; ;'■-' -' -'-/_" »*"-•' "i Salesman No. 8., •«;„ yE. P. GREGORY CO. ' 2nd Floor National . Realty Bid* r V : s3oo Buys Furnished ':x*:xXx.y..y..;'Home%y*7jyp§?£: J Consisting '.- of * seven ; rooms bSS* On • McKinley j Hill, one • block. from § car line; bal. same as rent. Price - $2200. Valuation as • follows: ,T,> House T-T...... ...... .sl7ooJvj?;'i. ".•'.. Lots • ................ •-$ 800 »»%W ..' Furniture ~.......;.,.;» 400 sSt£,*| t"ti -A-y.. ;--...- .- ".,:-.-,^-.,. ■ ,XXa' \ A -'•*-* Total *.. IT.:; .;..*; $2900 .**.% --m This v la - close-in - property - and i A';' sacrifice. "**--»'«-'*--» -->- -»♦.— V-.-.-v-xop MP-W.5 N. DOUB * CO., lno.-TS-~.i --201 California Bldg. J - Main 2188. - AN ACRE OF '■ GROUND XX'X:i within the ,6c car fare limit, with ' city water, gas ; and • electric s lights I at . your. very door; price I $600. '--. See I the Owner, 201 Berlin building. Jlf 4-room 1 cottage I with! 2 l nice lots, good soil and nice location; lots 152 feet .long. _ This Is a • bargain and beats rent. Only > blocks trmm i my f office; $ price 1900; small t_m__i__ ment down and $10 per montli. \ - D. Gregory, office Morton and Mr *• Klnley ■ ave.««-:-"-s:'n*Ri><y,-i^.tf.ji-^ji ßf^.^.'a v m DISCOVERED—SS.OO 1 down.., bal-1 ance $195.00 iat t $6.00 5. per *■ month, ; buy t one * acre « cleared, 1 black __ loam.t • near city " limits * and « Pacific - aye. « paving, -car,-, school, tno Interest . no I taxes. Mutual: Realty Co.. 200 Call-1 fornia*bidg.¥*«':aT,-,«..-^.-^:^^.a.4-vjv«-s^ Jw 10-acre 1 tract i near r Clover i Creek, 8 20 * minutes' . ride ft from 1 city: tt pari m upland ; and part > bottom | land; *best < of' soil; bottom < land cleared; = plane I £*?- be Irrigated ,rom Clover creek: | price $1306, small payment down; and i balance terms. D. ; Gregory, £ office Morton ; and i Mckinley , majmU. • For sale, nothing * down, v or . fee' rent cheap: f furnished moa i unfur- | nished 6-room• house .arid* 3 * lota, ' or m will -trade $ tor* vacant i lots nari stock. Property located iimV»UW% South 49th. rv Call Main 7809-J. OWn esi will be at property all day Bun-i ' day. sSs?2E*f!fe^6i*!E?!Kfei--»M't«'«sijto^arf'