Newspaper Page Text
wiwiSiwiiii S^^^ii^Biy :-Newt'f«6W^ S Werfc i try , MlMfer ; Meat* By Macdonali< mmmmmams&s Stadiumites Swamp §mm I- Olympia's Solons BY JAMES W. EGAN. Pfe^We sbraved { chilly winds and cold concrete seats Saturday to see a football game. After ?we saw Olympla swamped by the score of 80 to 6 we didn't know whether we had or not. . : \' ' .T:'f.;But there is one conclusion we arrived at regard- Ji ing the hattle between the Olympia and Stadium elevens. It is: the seats in the Stadium should be steamheated. • ' -- ":,.,:/' The game must have been more interesting to the local high school players 5 than anybody else, for it gave them a chance to pile up scores and glory. Of course, several players were injured. This lis one of the best little things about football. A game without some one getting -• hurt 'is s almost as de trop , as a oity council without a budget. "-'x-J ffili* . ■ '«■" ■ ■ ■ 0 ; I Pacific Coast League m Wm> '• — —■ —4» m&§ms%^BWi?- Wot. Lost Pet Portland fr^f'i 101 73 .580 Venice \ffT7n7Z\9S n% 94 .519 X. Sacramento ... 92 %yx 87 " .514 '<& Los Angeles ... 89 XX* 97 -,T. 478 j X 7 San': Francisco .<9l ;/ 101 1.4 7 4 aOaWnndfT^vtr" 80 108 J: .426 Portland 4.';. Oakland \ O^zSgSg KB Sacramento ' 10-4, . San ". Francis- Co 5-s. ,•':■'■■' y '-—■ y....:X' ■'- rSBMt'IJBm Angeles 4-6, Venice 1-5. * mm^^AtA-'- . A-_.. . .... . -A.y..^ : ..y i _ -m ■ "■ • 'xy National League && { gPflaiilSSK^X'-'.-■-' Won. Lost. > Pet New York If I'VilOlS*^ 6.1 .664 v Philadelphia .. 88 J- !63 .588 ,HChicago st X'.'T'.'T. 88 '-"''- 65 .675 »F*tWwgirriinl7B^*: 1 71 .513 W_mmom'%TX?^XT%kkx:':-k% .457 paweldynfer;r.l6s?J^^B4p,a.4B6 Cincinnati .... 64 iv:'B9 .418 g^Lo^rf7^';rsl3;--:99 4 ;; .340 Chicago 5, Pittsburg 1. - St Louis 4, Cincinnati 1. •— ■ • I American Lngm 1 m. • &«tss^^6*a^S]f^a Won. Lost" Pet Philadelphia .»« 57 .617 "Wtafrlimllia ....90 *&.kkis%Mk mam&astATTTTTr. 8«;£^ 66 .666 wa«gtaftt'."tr«';r;7» 71 .587 u^aucaan-liv^r^rv; 78 -* 74 .513 Pib*fcwiti,m^r;.r. 66 #87 .431 jilfcir7.Tcrtr.";vr.s7.'a-; 94 .177 ■t Louie U;~r. *1 96 j;,f .373 -:■ Detroit 9, Chicago 8. • - MB 8t J'Lonls; 9-3,' Cleveland 4-4. ; *7\f7 -- " -.- . • DOG MUZZLES S Just received a new shipment w of Wire Dog Muzzles. JPridhs t «€^^<Hs.tiAvWKv«>Wft-,v;.'i I We also have a nice line of Dog gf fmJt%e kVI IVI aaxA; \. ' ■"* w«—• - . ■ V^J as at '"' "yf,<?-a ._— ' -,"'* gb I ■■■Ma—» Plsmwag. v Heating I Main 4M. HIS Tacoma ay. gg». a—>ye?qi>w6t a» n« aMitffr^;^^^**!^!^^*!^^^^'!! » J rtt- j-***'-- *•■*; HATE YOU SEEN ID OTENOTYFE? ';".■ ■'- i ''■';,''.^;-'"7',~'^^^ - /_2* '*' )■'*''.'* »* ■,'"'>-'" '/■■*"fc-^r" r ':■■■■ IH^^^^^K^^fl l^k. - ."'.-;,;,;'.•*",■.-'', E aa^A RB^^^n^l -xy The fastest writing maahtne to 1 _m» world. Telephone for private "Aaaeeestration. No charge. , W—pi ailiars wishing to ta- Mnmaa thatr •tflcfcmey should see ££ There g was 'tt nothing XX to .- the game } except \ the < Stadium' outfit. While the ; Olympla barks played a fair game, their line waa bo bet ter than that of a drummer for a cheap * soap ' firm." ft The I Stadium itea tore' through > them," ■>;' around them and over them. :'. •■*%.* XV The only score, of. the visitors came in :V< the if. second . •' quarter when > Morford :, grabbed -• the | ball and scooted on a mid field fumble toward the Tacoma goad. Unfor tunately, Mr. Morford looked hack to ! see |If ' anyone was yn following him i and I some ■■ ruffian knocked him off his Trilbies. ; ' '4 Fish back j was ,' now given '■*• the ball and he beat It around Ta coma ; right end - and \ continued to go until he had crossed the goal; line. The husky son of 1 the Insurance * commissioner had *?.' a habit of tearing ;, through " for '. 3 0 yards or so when jhe was! given the ball, but he was seldom hand ed ! it. ■ Lemon 'i lived right up ;to his name and failed to kick goal. gp Charlie Fullerton, who does not pitch i for Seattle,. hut I who I does play quarterback, wee '• continual ly getting | Injured, and j went out of the game | once, i Coming back in again, he was knocked out for the second : ttma.TXXX:X "XXXi-'-X x The Stadiumttes showed a marked Improvement '/ over ■' the Hoquiam Jgame, and ?their j trick plays were especially good.'Prac tically; all the substitutes •,, were given a chance as the game pro greased, and Gilbert, who relieved Espeland on half, did very good work. XXTXXX-:Xri~" ■ -.-■'.- -'.xx "X, V "*" '"' ""- y": "■''' x' X/'X i ' ■ 1 Short Sport t\ The regular baseball season in the major,. leagues , closed - yester day. V:;~.i7;.'p.J' o .•';•*;;.* ■-XX Everything is * ready X tor .the big series and both teams ;;-. are , waiting to&orrow .}'-. with * }X eagernes. It is very 7 prob 8$ able that : Snodgrass will be < g kept out of Oi the opening U' game. If: not ; all H of & them. 7' ■ Sliaf, will go to f, the". out . field I aad Herzog will cover I UthtrOTXT-X-y XxX-xXux X '". Xy.A, . .•;„. . ,Tbe All-Stare handed It to the Beavers, all j right. The Tacoma players made a t great ' showing. •rA't^y.vX-AA'ty-A.-X ■--'■ ' ' ■■-^■iftT-lrfflPftlLTTillfrii • ' a. -' 1.. .-■ ■:_-• .yy:. |$a?J Charlie Swain £ made two ■'', > home runs la a game at San m Francisco I yesterday. That I X makes |86 this . year. The % -Moose will certainly make a r record for fourbaggen, all right. yXy ., _: x. ' "i' v&ftTbe Olympic club defeated 'f 'xX the ?* Keystones m yesterday •M morning at Athletic I park, sfl to S, in a game for the city f championship. Dahl was tat V great form and oatpitched X Pox. Batteries—Keystones, Fox and Plaaey; Olympic, ss^s^^aWsam £? Jake Dan bert > in; the National and X. Walter. \ Johnson "x in ■ tbe American % were j voted \ the ■ two most valuable \ players Ito '$. their teams [in their respective • leagues and have been awarded the auto mobiles offered . yearly for ?i the duo who prove of the moat value ■to their teams. ffrtl^Bl£&?Am^xX:,;.yXyX:X-Ay, FOOTBALL OUTFITS Washington ) TOOL * HARDWARE 'ooi;$ I . '7&??l3 1 WILL GIANT INFIELD stand ACID TEST? — . ' .-'.'mm'JP?- the infield falls the burden of a hall club's defense. When it stands up to its work, the problem of keeping runners off the bases is half solved. The Giants infield cracked tat 101 1 against the steady whanging of the Athletics' heavy artillery and many experts figure it will crack again when asked to handle the constant drives of Mack's string of .300 hitters. From left to ' -. right «■ the picture are Merkle, lb; Fletcher, ss.; Hayle, ah.; Hersog, Bb., and "TlUle" Shafer, utility inflelder. • I ■■ '■" ■ —■■■'.■—■■ ■ .ii —i -,■■—.,,- — „ i .. . DUCK DIAMOND SOCCER TEAM sIS FASTER , : Brilliant playing by the Black Diamond ; soccer .-s champions en abled ! them ', to defeat Tacoma ln the | opening game ]of the | season by a 9 to 0 score. A large crowd witnessed | the | game and) cheered the j players -J whenever • a J clever piece of work was executed. ', V .> The line-up: X&Xx'TX - .-:•■?': X~._ Tacoma—Stewart, t goal; Cline, I. b.; ; Edmonds, r. b.; Cray, 1. h.; Bertram, c h.; i McGregor, <r. h.; Jamieeoa, o. 1.; I Gibson, 11. 1.; I Mc- Lachlan, c. I.; Cleland, 1. r.; Jack man, o. r.-* st ' ..x . T X': M Black f Diamond—Clark, goal; Hughes I (capt.) : 1. b.; McLean, r. b.; t Buchman, 1. h.; Upton, c. h.; Cairns, r. b.; . Biggs," o. 1.; . South er land, 1. 1.; Ashman, c. f.; Craig, 1. r.; i Hay ton, o. rTXfi A>-A f*yX? Referee Alec Rose of Seattle; linesmen. Short |of x Black XX Dia mond I and : McDonald ; of Tacoma. X NOT 'A* PLAT MISSED X'; A :xA.ix m-jx* . xx aaxx SiXtx ;- •% The > Star Ball i Player, the new mechanical ball j player, la now be ing installed at the Tacoma thea ter for the coming world's series. It Is almost as interesting to watchl this machine, it Is said, as to S actually be on the i field •of play, showingis it does the move ments of the ball and players and all the I plays \ and ' combinations' of i plays , lust; as ; they , are executed i on the real ball field.; A direct ' Western Union wire will I control the movements of the machine. I »——i—»..ii— i ■ in i mipa^seii Hi ihi i i mi I Moving and Storage I : Merchants' Delivery Mate 1M V ' ' ' " '•» DR. MACY m*mar3frmmmammm*imM&--^jr.-**'ii^^s>wa:'* Bloodless surgery and all advanced I methods. Nervosa, chronic and.all I vecls 1 disorders of man and women, If out of; town, write. Hour* <» a. ! m. to » p. m. 1 i 11 , Pac. Aye. ■ Next . door to National Bank of Tacoma. xm wmtmzmmk^m&^77 BSCT^^^gfSy^Ei"*^iP^SsßJ'fy* JF* 'AikJ, *- ■■'yfy^*___ "ME FOR THOSE GIANTS" ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ HH> * ♦,♦•*-♦♦ ♦ H.;.\:* « kyy.k ♦ '..£?£' STATES OR VIE OVERALL J PORTLAND, Ore^ Oct. 6.Or vie-Overall, the trig pitcher of the San' Francisco club, who la per haps as well qualified to tell -as any player on the coast, picks the New York Giants to; win K;- the world"a aeries. 7y-'A7'X'AA\7'7 "The Giants are the hardest club in base he'll ';. to > beat," ' says Overall. X "No mattjr how badly they are routed one day, they will come back | harder the next. The Red Sox-Giants aeries - last *,year shows that. It Is well known in the east that the Giants have more fighting blood ; than | the Athletics. The : Mackmen ! are easily : beaten when " things < are f not breaking their way. :;. I consider Mathewson the =S greatest ~ pitcher X on *> either staff. Marquard, x Tesrean f y and Demaree: are \ more , to be relied upon j than I Bender, Plank, Yaw : key and Houck. A team ; that showed ! the ; Boston ; club how -to bit 'ought not to | fear a' staff like i the Athletics. . They are ; not I heavy LOCAL SENTIMEMT DIVIDED ON OUTCOME OF THE BIG SERIES '.•, Local opinion '; on j the ' outcome" of the world's series is divided.'A good many Tacoma fans fancy the Giant*—aad ?/«n'y equal fiwaiblw think the Mackmen are the aggre gation to be seen. A good M of. money is being bet by supporters' of both teams. ■v: The i Olympic; club jls a a 'greet place for fans |to I congregate <land it seems the concensus of opinion that the Giants are due to take an awful beating. The bugs can't see the pitching staff of the Goth am It at all, muck as it has been played .«p/%£aMpmXM>lg. "Why, there jis * nobody 'In the National leaguei that can hit like Joe Jackson and Ty.J Cobb X and those 3 fellows," said one '. Athletic supporter, this ; morning. "I expect Marquard and Mathewson to v be pounded all over the field." -.-;; Prosecuting Attorney Ren; Dew favors th White ! Elephants, "; and I his deputies seem to think that ORVIE OVERALL. hitters,. but L they ;'.' hit in : the pinches." ■■;.. , a.X.'X'XTXAX X:Xy the *| American leaguers are X a pretty, safe proposition. to ? wager on.^^o'MßJ^'-A^W' {"AX'X-'r. X '&* Wit >la J the j hatting., strength s of the Mackmen that make them fa vorites. . They are not as fast on the i bases, and I very,' little • strong er ; In] the I field, but they are I ter rific fl hitters. For this reason their local supporters are predict- 1 ing (hat they will win la SS But Giant "| adherents alaugh these; prophesies Ito }' scorn. They declare j the j New j Yorkers | can I hat a little; themselves, « and . that" the pitchers lon I Connie , Mack's * start will prove dnck soup, while M the Manhattan \ burlera will ' paralyze the ; Athletic sluggers, Khey say. '■;.; i -.Th*' fans won't be satisfied .un til I the series iis over S and - on* rof th* | teams ! returned ,t a «g winner, Even ; then, some: of them j will | be able to produce alibis to show why the Athletics didn't walk all over them or the \ Giants failed ■to hold their opponents. all-stars HOLD BEAVERS DOWN --... BEATTLE, Oct. 6.—The : All- Stars .won| one ggame' from • the Vancouver Beavers yesterday and tied the other. , In the first game Ingersoll was hit hard, Clyde Keller starring with th* stick. Out of ! four tries he se cured two doubles and ■ two -. sin gles. Klllilay ; secured a double and . homer, the second game. - ■ First | Game— ' R. H. E. All-Stars ';'.'. ; ......... * -13 *. 4 Vancouver '."..'.. .'."..3 -:■" -7-*' "1 BatteriesKelly and Meek; Ingersoll and Grindle. Second Game— ,-, R. H. E. All-Stars ..'.".". ;'.\ .'".*..2y « 1 Vancouver XT". ";v; 2 5 ' 0 *3t BatteriesClark and ', Grindle; Dell ' and > Hannah. VJ XJjL •; '-'.■'•■"■■: - ■:x£^%m?g'^ Puget ' Sound Electric Ry. FOR SEATTLE , — limited v : Trains every ' hoar. Time XX of ' Limited .Trains seventy •■is* minutes.' '■■' 7XA A7'. ' 7A. ; %&.'.■■"■-■ • -- ij'.-if' '•'-. hi>XT.Xx& ykfiifi x -;. . ;:'-',-:■: ;■ - Trains Leave Bth and f#A' Streets, Tacoma f! LIMITED TRAINS — 7:85, gg 8:35: 0:85, 10:85, 11:85, Ka.nkn.jJ 12:85, 1:85, 2:85, 8:85, 4:85 and 5:35 p. as. .M'All^ Limited Trains Stop at a Anburn and •' Kent. dX&%A&'tX* .**C^ft^-ft,* J'j'ift^ft^%^,*,'^!"; -X'A'CxX LOCAL TRAINS • leave jat \ 0 a. m., 7 a m., 8 a. m., 0 a. -; in., 11 a. m., 1 p. in., and ,; hourly until 8 p. m. Then ■ "10:05 p. m. and 11:35 p. «n. (las* train). ... - "•'« .« PUYALLUP SHORT & LINE —-Trains I will leave 1 Tacoma' at *k:iO, 7:10. •8:10, 0:10 aad 11:10 a. m.j 1:10, 8:10, ♦»:10, 5:10, 6:10, 7:10, 0:1O sad 11:80 p. m. •Daily tjxeept Sunday. V.M P.*»'«Kj-'»'..if*ri,'iia;i!ft ■■■■■ •-i:-;i..v..', Wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm DS" JAMES W. EGAN. 1 It looks like Tacoma newsboys are trying to uncover a real white hope. ;*lj. -.:.......... .c .'..-...^ » v ... . .a. ..; «—.-..- « . . . .__,.. For awhile the Meekmen looked like real meek men. (Stab him to the heart, Lancelot^ and let's be-away.i ■'.;-.;' t• :x ,y-'x.»y''■'■-. * -.-.. ■ •-- • ■ • THINGS WE KNOW ABOUT THE WORLD'S SERIES: New York Is going to win. / _ The Athletics will take the. series. The Giants have the strongest outfield. ■ ■ ' — The Athletics' outfield la the strongest. - . Bender and Plank are no good. - — .X Bender and Plank will Jrt) very effective. Mathewson will win .three'games. - " ,',;'- XX Matty will be knocked out of the box. .-■■■" X::Xy. I And so on, ad infinitum. iA . -V Xx'-' XX.X XX? xty ■"--..'.■ *•••• It never costs the big colleges anything to mow the grass off their gridirons. They must induce some little bush league uni versity to play against them and the Job is soon done. - > ■x-x ■- '■■•■■■. • - .*:.- -.-.• .* ■•■ - - •-■- ■.•■■' 7a ;. ■ Now that the income tax is taking effect, Skin Harris had better cut for the tali grass. - -.'A X' • x -■■■:■ •-■yy.^a' "X 'aXxy-m x-y :V -'-. X7--.X A.y.X-- -~. :: x WE SHOULD^ WORRY. • . The sporting editors , are all on pins and needles over this in come tax, too. To rob us thus of our wealth! ''.;; '•■•■ ■■- ■-■•;. *•••» :"- Down south they have a football player named Slaughter. Oh, muh goodness! Repress yourself, Steve, repress yourself. ;-•'•'"; :-' ■ •'.'-. K\<X* ■: '".: . .a a " J L .' HE'S A DINGER, ALL BIGHT. . _ And up In Michigan a big glp/»t named AUmendlneer. That's an awful lot to write all on one typewriter. xXX '-yy. *x:' -■■'- X■. •'.•" = •>*■ .-• • •,.■.. • ■■■x-'X.m ■ We are only surprised that the coach who roasted the foot ball player who cruelly neglected the gridiron for his studies did not have him drawn and -quartered. -_.-•■■ . ) ' iT'iyr.av.xyX:* X:-yyx -a y.- . y-ay.- ; 'a-"';'.,- a-i-.x'-.-- XX Onr idea of nothing N at all: The ' way some of the best little players in the league have to toll in the winter. .^ --•-. -yx-X •■ yy ;.y a- xy-xyAay y yi, •„.:.--'-•;;, Willie Ritchie is thinking of managing his shadow and getting it a few fights. That 's about all you can fight around Willie. CHAMPIONSHIP SOCCER TO FEATURE PORTOLA ;' V (Special Dispatch.) * SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 6.— , Picked International soccer stars , are going to meet for the Portola championahip~durlng the athletic I meet of the Portola Festival, in San Francisco, October 22-25. The work of selection is now going on in California and in British Co . lumbla. <„; . ...xy X-. XX'yyX ■ The All-California ! team ';- and ' the All-British Colombia team : will meet ln the Stadium in Golden . Gate park October 23, and again i on the St. Ignatius grounds Octo ■ ber 26. \ • •'; ~: ■.. : ~y XX'-.'-y The AU-Callfornians will be se lected at a big tryout game to be played at Freeman's park, Oak land, October 12. The men from north of the' Canadian line j I are now being selected from the ten teams In I the Vancouver Senior Amateur Soccer Football' associa tion, and the Pacific Soccer asso ciation," according ;to . word -•", '■ re ceived here today. The 1913 All- British Columbia - team will '■ - be chosen -at- a , final meet 1 at Van couver October S. The northern- I era will leave for San Francisco October 17, by sea. The \B. C. team will be managed by D. Lelth of Vancouver. vyyTX'X S ;V''"-yJ&* Xi The California '.. clubs -. are ; now playing off the preliminaries, un der i the direction '■ of the , Califor nia Soccer Football "association, The Portola ' games j are I being; ar ranged jby the International : com mittee of this asociaaUop, com prising - George .'James, Samuel Goodman, Charles I Mlnto J and IC. Williamson. ;^u;; 7^'j; ■.--';..;: Wi. The series now j under i way* will lead to the selection of 24 picked men jto play ln the game ' at! Oak land October 12. There, one-half will . be I eliminated, if the % others forming , the X! All-Californlaa V for KENTUCKYLIQUORCo. WaWSjMXA-'T'-Xx:'- " X-X'x t.'" -x~-y.y:yy- -..y^^y <,"•.•,--,)■, ..r—.' -.'! ■-.} ._____ >v.lncorporated ' ; .:; v r WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AND! ymMMyxyx^T^iAquoßayy ■ 'yjx-x^t Sole Agents James E. Pepper & Co. and Louis * Hunter Rye Family Orders Solicited and Promptly Attended to. 102-4-6-8-10 So. St. Telephone Main 11& HfiS^ No Ber in Connection. Monday, Oct. 6, 1918. ■ ■-■ t ...,■ - -*.-■ __-_."■ 4 ■ - ■ " .*,-.,'•"-.,; * ' .. ■ . ■ the international matches. • In the Portola championships, the winning team will get. an in laid cup and each member lof It will be presented with a watch fob in the form of a soccer foot bkO.X.XXXxXyXXc^A-TxX'- x-:'y - il Jm • ■ m ■ am Jm rill II Ij kaaMSM^^^^^^U Tacoma & i Indianapolis .i ' Tka . fast cat * aaS '• fiscal . Say ' steamers am ths ««af. s»**sefcj| ICIGHT HOUND IMPS uaili Leaves - Tacoma - (rota - Mu nicipal Dock st 1:00, 0:00, 11:00. a m. 1:00. 1:08. *:0«. 7:o* »:0» p. m. -' -3a-i ■»*--.•,. '" '■■ Lear* ■ Beattla I trots Oataeae' - Dock. • 7:00, 0:00, 11:01 in. 1 00. 1:00, 1:00, 7:00. 1.00 p. m. fry**. .nirfaMt rAitkuiyC* BOUND sup w« Btesmer a vary two hours, sad S. & . Iroquois I for i Beattla - and Victoria at . 8 p. m. ■ daily: except Monday.7^'^r------»---.--::^-, ;e .-rr,i--,„r,,,, ii . "yxjr" a. a. *o»«s.»aaeat. Km. _Otnc^Munl«lpal Dock. M. 3415 EmW^mmE By Ota ms at medio. Inal herbs and roots known < for » their re- 1 i markable «i curaa t* Is I Cnlna. are tblo to ■J absolutely -t' curs ! such mm allaioata ' -.. aa I Catarrh, a >* Dsatnaaa. 1 Asthma. ■' Skin it Dls- I aeases. ■ umatlsm. Appendicitis, Haas* ! Trouble. .*.,;■ Kidney, ; Comolalnt. etc. **»■*.■»,»■? r , ■ 1 ft*....--*----,.™...., ..M W^-.^,;,^^ W Tba I remedies I wa i use ■■ era - ebea lately' son-poisonous and positively 1 SO net ■ contain » mercury. .^■■Xi^vi ß g If unable to | call personally, send 9 fta stamp ■ for ■ diagnosis ■ blank. ■—•-.' m. vow oHiNßsa l Maoiciwa i co. l»*»H i PaoMo i ST. frS-t^j* Ph. M *•>**-* liaiH l Oman* efclSM Wala Sign -• ■ ———■- ii 11.1 ammmmmmmammmmmam^mmmm "