Newspaper Page Text
. Jt'iiXa'S l< ,llll^JP^gSjfSi^Jl'l^!L!, ——— , i ' i ' 11 ' ' - ITHIS • x IS •• a HOW 11 s# ■'jH: H H mmm ' I k^^m *'-'•- fl B Amm '^m ifW'Xyy X Vi y':; 'Y :/... ■■■■- til#vi%i/^9%^ I IT WORKED 'f I ■?'"-*■■''■;•, • •■« J V-^ 5 fljsfl i«S^-W. W *s?^L ■,m ■ aai fl^ fdttsr *lm«s. Sp£ Dear Mrs— am writing yon to thank yen for the generous space WlgMf fafmAlttßglr} donated • to c my Y'previous letter,'offering free ber- ISfcmitoY Urn:: people,^ for having * heen ; connected . with .- tbe . paper j-flHlSiium in a small way I realize (so willingly donated to my Ms letter, offering free ber to the people, for having connected with the paper MM in a small way I realise the space you devoted to this I matter '#res r as g valuable f as | the terries we gave, and are still glv- I X I will not encroach on your 1 valuable time \to give you a de tailed account of the matter,,but I will | give i yon \ one $or / two J in -1 stances, / and: let, them speak ■ for 81 mtm"''a^mT^».&fzsTf^ "x ."»- - -;?;w*t '& :>>■ One man said: "I have been in | Tacoma, foe two ', years. :I: am a ; marble cutter. I have worked gvery ' hard l to support .my family § and am ■ now working aY. night 1 shift.';';': I 1 amj giving \up my sleep Btoday [to J take ('advantage lof this § offer, that with Umy :,; family I V might enjoy ■an outing- in this § beautiful % valley. ■t My wife has X never J been «' out this _ far before, and I assure you we appreciate" it $ most ; heartily." '••*. y. iXXX" *?. j ' They got lan apple box and a 'A large basket full of berries, and lit t would i have I filled your heart I with gladness to see j the grateful 1 look !on their faces ma j they j car- S*lMJthsm'away.*r^iSi^i S;3?i--'i til Another '■ family '*, brought, their | tench, V arriving k about s the noon hoar. They said, "We. are going & to . eat \ our i lunch and J tHen'. pick .berries,- bat when they saw the harvest 5 that | awaited \ them," they 3 fell ;to picking jso eagerly x tfiat I. they : forgot all . about their lunch until a late honx^Ttfxyy&yS-yx '■ .; ;.jSr»-t One lady came and brought her ';aged i mother : and it was a I pleas i) ant 1 sight 'to see the old - lady's . eyes open wide in wonder st the PI I'" I " ■ ' ■ XAAMAA£UiH£IAA--l.AA.>~AA'.*.t<.-y.-.. A.'.■... . >,'-., :.-ftrf. .■, fr .— - WHY THEY ASK HIGHER LEVY ,v» ?"'-'i»j-. ; '-"-*^'»-''^--t:7- ■'?v....;-i'ft*J-«f:'S?'; ; f ;. fe^,9Phe school board has reconsid- 5 ered ; its' former plans - and will ( spend $8,000 a year Insuring local j %b*WwT^^XSxXTyA) ; *:*;~ ■ < If this is a sample of the busi- 1 rf, Mas Judgment of the school man- < agement It is no wonder it is ask- ! •Wing* for an increased school' tax I levy. 1 m^sklai s3,oo91 merely: carries »:'• a 1 small portion of the fire risk on the school ,' buildings, and if the 1 schools burned :the : -taxpayers I ?,would . have : to , go. don in their « •pockets to;, make up the : differ- 1 MM: anyway. But •at » $3,000 Xa. 1 H»B^g X_- - -. ■."'-' _ ' ?■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ v '■ ■ v . v la?- -' ' 111 %\' . M A"y? SjkTX-rpi-BtT-aiscarn' a et>. - S»|s^*S>i"C I" O T H t *."'"%.'' -r^ 11 av^.-. ::;:■;. z:~7 :/■>"•:.■> I .:— —— ———' ' I, ■ I ,' p||l^We have put in the excellent tailoring, the worthy materials, the fine points of style that are required to rmake our suits satisfactory, smart and serviceable, while maintaining the I PRICE at a figure .that will ;: appeal?;- to rv seven men out of ten— iLf^^lmmmm _^__.-*_^^*^^^7-lyt %4s&&&mx A price,-by the way. that is several dollars below x what these 'same suits •iwould' command if ! sold at other ;• stores' ordi nary rate of profit. Raincoats -at; $15.00, $30.00 and , $25.00. ' ft' • AtA?% $&&&&. AP *» * ' ' a ■•- - . x -Klopfenstein & Conrad . - * Clothiers to Men Who mwmM a ACauC MmtmEa We keep your elcjtbes else" of the berries, and to see how ■ the agile : movement* : of youth 1 came again as abe "fell for, 'em." !. They; both seeped r,so' thankful, and,when they were leaving the younger gratefully:.: remarked, "Surely, sir, i your berry bushes will .yield you a 1 double * portion next ; year." • •a-,*-^ ■■£_??' *U-.<i'> i'V*^- 7 Again I say I am truly grateful to you in behalf of those we have been able to reach, and ' person ally, I am glad to say, the results have | been . gratifying ■ in $ the - ex treme,' and yet I am not satisfied," • for two j reasons, via. t?pKcg9lX'-&iZ~'- (1) ! I still have berries on the "free list" and there is yet plenty, and i to f spare. f'^XyX^zTXiCXX- X:X }$ (2) i" I expected many growers would respond and; thus not only a great number of , families would be. supplied, but I j hoped to see a kind of precedence established,' so that I every| fall ; the late I berries, which t amount i to 5 several 'A. tons, would »be | utilized, and j that jit might be a kind of "get together" season! for city and ; country.,■■',,: '", X ».r Brother Ranchers! %, Why not? It's not too late yet,*' for even after Saturday's f frost I the S Evergreen berries - are still nice and X sweet, and I after . the "-. wind 2 of _ Friday nightJ many orchards ' are I giving up i bushels 'of nice j wind-fall * ap ples that are not being cared for. . Some people seem| to be ' afraid to offer free I berries S for,' fear -. of "queering" i the-' land ■ buyers I and giving the berry business a Mack eye: fc Why, bless you NO, NOT A BIT |OF J IT. "itWe; have harvested a bountiful crop already; then can we not with perfect impunity cry out free I fruit [to \ those who grow not?i»"Anyhow, let us follow I our, better inclination at whatever expense. '":,.■■'•'-- "'.-.-• 'Xffi&j?®*- Yours for the best we can do, v- ;X. DR. KJLLGORE. x. year the 'board will spend $30, --000 of the people's money In 10 : years. 'X On the average, a I $30,- ' 000 school building .will not burn down |in ;,Tacoma every JlO j years, which means the people are pay ing', the insurance g companies | • a tremendous profit for carrying a risk the people are better able to carry themselves. -, .; - - ~ • The insuring of pulblc | build ings is a relic of the era of pub- ' lie -and private graft, and the ' school j board j ought to get: away from I it. |; As a buslnes or §S eco- ' nomlc proposition in a city like ' racoma it is indefensible. ;',''.- 'XX, ' "■■: School i taxes are ' high enough ' without throwing money away for ' useless expenditures. •".; • ■ ■■;;,.: ' ■-.- ' ' A . ■' -' I IT GOT ABE'S GOAT S SHREVEPORT, i La., ■ Oct. 6.— '■ Abraham Walchansky, a religious ! 'anatic, was arrested by the police for wrecking Oakland cemetery. : :; He ', visited the remet«lß . and ; laid himself on one of the graves, expecting, he afterwards explain- j ed, to die peacefully and have the Savior promptly, resurrect him. '.' - Death ■ did ] not arrive as <■; per expectations and in ' a fit! of' rage Walchansky; rose: and began -'i his work ,of destruction. XTXAJ'XX "- TO THE MOUNTAIN - AND I XX RETURN, $7.00 EACH _?X 1 Outing Trips - Solicited. .' - ■ X£Xx* Call ' Main 1006. >>::'::„ H X: Stand Stratford HoteL D Art Thomas Auto Lively Co. I ::..'.'--' ?■ -...':. XX '7A \mmm^_^¥iw_mfimmii.amm'^m '7m^^A77^mr':-7 W4S*i^E^W§ BUY i Hi-' S» Am'&m 6%%5?£ H IfM* * -r.^mxA^^m. ■ my-.- stm\ -.. Potatoes -^^^^::A^m./_______rTx^__\___ -ft^^g-^^^a h^m^~ :*. ■ ■ m\ -A t ' :' A X NOW » ■ &^Hl' wjt M a^m m T. w m -£Am\ \^^^_M^^A^m^' While j prices are ,- down.^ Looks very ; much : as - If p the 2 advance .would f come ' soon. M Fancy fA-l White River Spuds, . . .AA. per 100 ibs.-f:;T..-*.-;v. v OUC Cabbage-—Just-Tithedkind for your sauerkraut; special, 7R«a \w^mxM.^rr^r^xiT.TTll 3C ; Beats and Carrots— BE* ! per sack * >~cvi*r<«' ,L*a6aa|ffi,!»iij OwC White Turnlpe— AA. per ssck «H)C R»t«l»«a— q|J per siick vvu up from rrrir.'Ztiri't^ti 3C up from I Uw SHW»J pay good M prices for gunny sacks. Special , prices ,on Flour. Sugar and! all kinds, of .Poultry", Food. KfflaK"-/*^'";.--.*' tT^rfa:st^r_t r&Mi__t WASHINGTON FRUIT Ii ::? %. PRODUCE • OO.TO Cell Mala 1096. Cor. isth aad It Sta. V T_. . -, ... • : _ .« -...--, - mmammmmm^^mammmmmaamaaamaa^ aHMaMMS».«nn»^n*«s««ua»eesnmap«»e^m«s«m»MS»»mms-u"W»emMillWM— i Hats Off to Woman Who Won Baseball Pennant ' . MRS. AGNES HAVENOR. ' 'i^M$?T , ' For the first time in history, a woman has won a baseball cham pionship. Xy-Xxx I The woman is Mrs. Agnes Hav enor, one of the two women club owners-."-in baseball, has x been singularly fortunate . from the baseball angle of vision. "yyx-x.' "TA Her team has won a pennant in the fastest f minor - league :in - the country: after : a nervous A finish withS those ancients, the |Millers, headed '■ by J Joe. Can til lon, chasing You'll Find It Here ,'. ' *^*"" II1« ." ymmmmm^^—m^m^mmmm ,f ♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•*♦* ♦ -■ - ->.'- .A-:y.^X^Xy:y?y^Tm ky SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ♦ 2 *-*-" y:'-'..*xx^.y^y-A^T..yi:^x-x>-y^Tfm ♦ 1 cent a copy. X;XAk k Sc on : wstands | and ■ trains, ♦ ♦ 30 cents a month by carrier 4 ♦ By mtM—yy:.xTiX,A;sXiX7yk kjfy^ One ; month, ;SB cents, >•* ♦ ♦ la. Three months, $I.oo'. /. ■: ♦ ♦ Six months, tl.*o:XXyyAk*7<yy.:k iC.v^..>.->:..,-.:.-^,y'-y Mortality statistics for Tacoma are received dally from the fol • lowing funeral directors: .■ * Hoska-Buokley-Kln* Co.. 730 { ,' Helena.■—»-*»•■'v-■■.:.'.*-- ■ i«-.-.. - . C. C.,Mellln»er Co.. «10 Ta • eoma-ar.*>r;i>.--iw;'»'"-'-'-^", '-<i'-''jc : * C. O. Lynn Co.. 010-lS Taco- ' ; ma ar.ii>^.^--<-«i«*^-i-'"'«-«-'v'*,^.'.'i :, 'J. Geo. W. I Piper, 6433 Union I ay. , j South Tacoma Directors, 5024 < ? Union av.--'■,ft^l^F-'(<'^^-"a?**i ■i^-*Mi.'^?.-- : * 1.. M. Oaffney. 1010 Tacoma ay.' - te, Cassedy * Allen. 1110 ltth at I . k^ : '_ y :"•.■'.„. .' , « S^-ift^Tv^yDeaths. ;,-_, ". ;,~ ; »< icj Sheard—George W. ;^; Sheard, age, 54,; died i Saturday. evening. Leaves I widow, three I sons, Wil liam, Harry ?£ and --: George, and daughter, Mrs. H. P. Hopping, : and brother, W. F. Sheard. Mcm i ber of I Lyon * lodge, I. O. O. FT, and W. tO. W. of Clinton, la. Fu neral -.Wednesday, 1 3 p. m., Hoska- Buckley-Klng H company chapel. Interment, Tacoma > cemetery. - -. 3C Berg Henry f. Berg, f i age 71, died '■• Saturday," night home. 8241 South Park | avenue. Was member of » Custer post, O. AX R. Leaves : widow, X Emma Berg. Re mains at residence. X. Hoeka-Buck ley-Klnfe _ company."* :¥**yXAy'•>•* - BK DeCan—D.S H. DeCan,"? age < 5, died I Sunday Western Washing ton % Hospital | for J Insane, where he | had been j patient 123 ■ days. Re mains - shipped to his '0 hoi%e at Bellingbam <■ today for ; lnterihent. Hoska-Buckley-King If company.^ 9G Flaharity—Mrs. Nellie -. Flahar- Ity, age g 36, residence.^ St. Paul avenue,'' died Sunday.' at local < hos pital. Funeral f tomorrow, 10 $a. m„ C. C. Melllnger company's residence. Internment, Calvary cemetery. Decedent aurvlved Ibf husband and two f children. JH Plnto^-Arour'J Pinto, age 14, daughter ': of i Mr. - and' Mrs. _ John Pinto, 2338 j South Sheridan, died Sunday.'? Funeral :1 1 a; m.. todays C. C. Melllnger company. Wright—Mrs. Amanda Wright, age r 72, 6902 South Takima ave nue, , died : Saturday t night. vi Fu neral 12 \ p.ig m. today.' 4Sf Hoska- Buckley-King company's >s chapel. Funerals. IS Watson Funeral t£of Bessie Watson tomorrow afternoon, 1:30 o'clock. ;:-■?( Hoska S Buckley- King company's teehapeL'SKS Interment; Oakwood.,f^iai2S;^^S^» Brers —Funeral of Francis Cor nelius Evers < tomorrow,' afternoon, 2 p. m., German Lutheran church. ■ *. Poison used to spray. fruit , • M trees when the ) fruit was on p is killing children at Be* I Ing ham. Ji«a the- state experiment sta ,":««» and Pad fie. Coast Con densed fe Milk g company}? are £> ' conducting ," co-operative ri ex ■^'£r^-A^l^£2@^!^§i!i^.i»' i%^(,^:%:.#M^^^ 7s~ <7- '-'.'• Is •- *r-;-. \y. :*■- '- -", -:, y' '%£f&?-*¥w**±AA.?x.X'*s ~-..a-a '.- ■ -- '* THE TAOOM& - TIMES —a- Mrteß^SJ^^W^pßgWWgpwyil^^^f^-^ft^g m^^^^^^ fmS I , them across the line. xy . X Mrs. Havenor has done other : things to add to ; Che treasury, re serve ' since • she 5 was ~ widowed. Last year she sold Ray Schatk, 1 who Is now, the first-string White Sox v catcher, for - something like 1 $15,000 "Nemo" Lelbold, midget phenom, 'was sold to IMi c Cleveland club for a fancy price, while this year the White Sox paid $18,000 in cash and players for Larry: Chappelle mto this woman , pennant * winner. *"; - -•:""> :'Xyy. , ; — i g perimehts to see what far the ,'j: best feed for cows to dtodnce .:-' rich milk. v.-2&%i^i'sa^X"f"-- W^.^i^f^^^if^t'X^xi i CTi The Milwaukee ■ road will .*$ ex tend from Maytown - t to Centralia at once. Tyx.y:.,X-:-:xy*X''A"xX..X ';'. New shipment Milwaukee San sage. i) Duenwald's, 818 11th ; st. &iW: r' 'Advertisement." I ■ '■; -' The Crow Columbia paper ; company of Camas Is putting - ... ont 24 tons of X paper ," made f: - | into 40,000,000 paper bags a I ';;. day. X^yxXXxyyAy-XX-Xxy.,TX'X: '• XXXi^Xy X:; -' ■"' "■■ 'Xx-'vXX'T^y A if': Henry; Harlan's j book store at Aberdeen went up' In smoke with $5,000 f loss, ; Sunday.?.:,; l.XXX7X i i^-^'.^y'x' 'A**'* «^»— ■-■ i—"■";' '.'n>VJ; *t v(: . Ferns sold retail at wholesale prices. Hinz, Florist, .7th A X sts. X's7"'"x>xA. "Advertisement" *;■;- T^Xy-XTX ■•''-• " .. . 'A'Ti'-C 'X~T.iXTX'X '•;' -A team hauling 20 children to Ford's centralized school in Lewis county - ran away, ' throwing & the children out, but injuring none. [■'.CCA The state j health "depart* , ment will stop North Yakima from polluting Yakima riv er with sewage. t|S->i :: *j- f £-X"'A' y A Washington -announcement says. 24,000 . acres of • Big . Bottom land 'in Lewis comity y will ]f be thrown open for settlement On the lottery plan. y TxyyyXXX.i'& .-;•/.- Ztt'-Jt'ta? -V--,*—, ... «=■.»«;, x>,i,y.yiA--_ '■(-. Vj-?--"vi~-., aa. 77*T=i y.i-,-x' i -Xi&mfi*'. v Agates, moonstones, cut, mount ed. Pfaff, Jeweler, 1147 So. C st. XXa ~y yxyy^ ' 'Advertisement." •_y-yyX^&&~.-^*±VJmj^isy?ih XTXi Raymond ■ has had W, $520, --'-", 000 of building construction i 7 in the last year. 1.-.? '..y^i^S^J* %-.m%^-y^_'L-^."X^^^M. The school board is finally fix ing « the school s levy r? at $ Central school this afternoon. #&»"****< 4* Rev. Frank Dyer was s given ; a rousing welcome by Congregation - allsts *» as | pastor I of ', First £ ohiUch. Sunday. xag_?>:> XTXXX "TV **F*.~ -■• _ gaigf State , Charities and ¥ <*&<■&• rection conference will be •-.,." held at ' Centralia June, 1014. A< Vrr ■'. William Mallet 70, fit- » g neer gardener of Tacoma, w*s p ! ■"' ■''' i ' i i. 1 . .' -il-ai ■ il i ■ tt^-^aprw*?,,.'!-.- J r.T»- is..-*.'--,i:"",«**!rl r '. fe«^|«Dr.mSirsS^ffi''S*| Whiskey far Quality !• --■ - i 'i/;,ft^::'-:.'-'-^DRIJMM*S^. i@i f* . VMk So. O. C Matt . IT. A,' M*Ml*Kifa'r*"J+-* l L '. * t-V*X >-*iMjssifopit- #»• : • • mi'^J^^"*^; l"'" ' ■""—'»"■"'■- " ■ «»■!'**—*f*—*» PITZENS SELLS YOU A t f ; , DRUMMER'S SAMPLE: r ; ? STCIT 4SR OVERCOAT I From Up to $10.00 .'| :. i^Kßeal: Value> j.-^;^ . ' . 1382 Pacific Avenue. S;; 1 . Ssi.^^S^2«^^^ftfi,»»*^r~^*-^-.ft-i:y':^-!-«^El^l v: - ■ WW^MWW^——^ t\&^_~T^^vv's^Srm?^T^"^T x,'!^TT^ !i*^li.i ■'•• picked up on Dock street ap- ;• 7 parently • dying ". and i taken | to" (^ : -"■ the county hospital Sunday. >X'W '" 'AXxxxyy^XxX '»'--'::State;;;'Historical society • f 81 will unveil Im "■ bronze -:• monu '-,; ment on (lover creek Wed , I j nesday at 11 . o'clock jj at the Jfl spot where the, first settlers ' '■" - - "'"'' ■■>-'^X^,ji-rm'x..*?.,-x.x^-i..? : i_jfr caaf iß^gf i^iai {^khi i^^i i^^i i^^i i|gg^i f^ai i^^i it^^i iMMMMMMMmj I^^^KHM^KJ WRHHU MM HHJ VHNNHOHJ VMIOHHKJ fIHMS99u l^^^S^^^^S-* g Rousing Values All Over the Store Tomorrow! ||] ■ $25.00 WOMEN'S NEW FALL SUITsI HUG PRICES BADLY CUT! : SjS[ y-^ »*ia Ft. Brussels Rug— „____ ___,_,_, irrfTTT gr^yf E!| •m^J^^t^r A GREAT PURCHASE AH^wwl ■ J^TZSIWiW Fill A/1 \'>( \ 1 «^> abI^_JUSTREAD!^ ark" Iv ■•ii ■i i Velvet Rugs 'rW^E^Bft^^VniflS^^^^^E^^^F jRS "IP I ~~l - llnrl *ll ' AT>OOATS $14 65 easy to operate, no stoop- M B^^^^jj^^^M - e~" SHJ ll*/ / If NEW DRESSES IN PRO- $7,150 and $10 Women's Raincoats, special »X flfl Ke¥sl. nm ___, ____Wmf FUSION AT POPULAR 375 of themwaterproof silk poplin coats filiiiv Stmrmm E%W^^^^ PRICES HERE. v. with convertible collar and plaid lining. A sensa- ißjAj >;<V' PrW " —Second' Floor. tional value! r; ~ | mj£_E BLeft Over Laces in a Great Sale! A Low Price Demonstration in [Was_\\ 31 isrzgm-^, V*' -"ani'h.. v m In™'. NEW FALL DRESS OPS 1 mm\ Si j .Wi*Wiin ■ very neat patterns for Duckling Fleece—Or Klmona Cloth, In new designs - \_\\Wm Xzi dresses etc.; very sheer and beautiful. OI- and colorings. Our price, '" lAo WES*) _M_ Sale price, yard °»*» per yard .!.:.......... .A ....'. . I4C /' lir~nl [fflgj SOc *? 18-Inch Allover Laces—Suitable for waists, DRESS GINGHAMS— big variety of handsome KSgl AM '?, a variety of patterns; also some 91 - dark patterns, checks or stripes. 4{k- ' XWSM WA filet mesh. Sale price, yard ....... Lilt Our price, per yard . ..."lUC- EffiH BBS -'""-■ - . . , —Main Floor. ..—., —, . —— - BBS'S "ZZt I - ••••- '•■"-■■ , | | DRY GOODS DEi'AitTMKNT—MAIN'FLIHJR . H*"l m 1 165 WOMEN'S TRIMMED HATS GET I I Wonderful! Boys' 2 Trouser Suits 'jfcn 00 I 111 Si At MARPTTTKa ORTIPRq |^^^ % H S,IK IS THE GREATEST VALUE A* 311.03 MM ■:xd MARCHINGvO^DERS !3 ; -—, a tl WE'VE EVER offered the f&\ Tu,uu B™L 3M] fc f\ UICK-STEP , MARCHING, TOO, " be- boys of Tacoma! Durable tweeds *s,l*^7-"' Ayyfy xi __K&A H r te \ Yd cause the price has been set for ac- '-r arid casslmeres In neat patterns of ; Wy^' ' WfiE aH y. '"Wk" - tion. Broken lines have been rounded up . Bray, brown or Oxford shad«B' Hand- /flfr>s^ WWE __m " WK — and. will be ready for quick disposal on *°'"« stripes, or diagonals Yes, )S7W/ l\ ]§£§] ™V^ IV to bargain table tomorrow— , ™ pairs of Knickers with every AL'S _X I PBfl «|> ' IP?®. *^k TRIMMED FELTS, MOSTLY, ult', ™ "' ■ „, *. ■",.' ' IMP- KJV '"' ' " tSH «^/T-sl^;««>"^ PLUSHES, SMART »°>, Blouses,- in Bluebell o^^«| JX!\', KSS ill S^^\\l^s* FEATHER TRIMMINGS, IN- > chambray, gingham, American g^Cmgts. \f\ '-. XMM* MM ■- Xy^%^7^7yjATc OLUDING JAUNTY POM, . tw'll9' sateen, etc etc., wlth^q^K: Vl] «3»| _m AND WINGS, SILK military^ collar; all colors and . ■ ;,M_^ x\\A WzM arm 7A i , ;?AN^>iWiai/BOWS rt OR BANDS. HATS 1)laIn white' °ur fi yy 9Kf» MlMfl "V CSSHJ ml J(&*^ J WORTH MORI-: THAN £"**>, '"• • ',' "''l' ' ' _7_m &ill//lk _W&R\ njjfl "Tl^V C^ DOUBLE THE PRICE ASKED. ™?J* ' nnrf Night _: Rflf* W4!i^ *' • Wfflv. HI J . WStSS CHOICE (while they last)— 2" rtoi;'' IX ',:,' XXX ' In' ? bla-Vc :XQ-A_W iPI KM agl J Vv - ' - BOc ..Youths'.^ Shirts—ln black, -iff Ea "^a SHJ." . ■ "■~>S^''' f\-V'i ; ;- i^'>^" :v!#^';'W' 'y ," sateentidark' i chambray.7of|fancy^fJ',^iKl> s .'^! KSjl nXI A^xAa- :: I-VTO •■■^-.iP'J'flO''."-'..' '; striped madras, ; 'hv- ' QQ_ XTUTx't '\i_\yX'"Xx -'-.'5~~~~: ' :. Jh/ Hri -V Tomorrow .:T.7r..'::h^To3Cj7 : IIV fiß^l '--:•' /,'. ..-;: r/:'v;:-'v :-V'"T*-,. t,.y---!.i ■ X Hoys' Flannel '-yXuy- 91 nnV4 7 E 'r-ffi^ SEE WINDOW— AVENUE. **J*? *B •' " ••_ '■"•• "'" * ' ,U** v Mi " 'WH .;■-■;>■ .'■-,. . r.-.-->fc^.-'•:,,-•--*'>•'--'■■ *""•.-"-'■-•': ." Boys' - Sweater Coats, -r' ■':-'■< OQ i»'**-- M Emkl '. ' V " . —Second Floor. special '^ ._..:. . .:^O3CX-; _V" ' HSI || I •ROCERY SPECIALS! ; 5,000 PIECES OP ; ROYAL GRAY E|| S Picnic Hams—^A fresh shipment Just ' 1 C-; GRANITEWARE, A GREAT SALE! c7.f______. etM\ recelved;-per pound, 5pecia1.........:..:.; 10&, 5 »*A"J"Lf' w^Altli, A WKiiAl HAlii,!, gl^^d ffffl ■ Waxen Apples—These well known BE- /^ KNUI- B doable coated guaranteed royal gray S^K^ Wn I? apples, per box tomorrow at...;.... :.;.:,03Ci i v*; granite ware at rare : reductions < all day to- Suilui]^ Km sP»acr^i,»»»»p«rw^??S*»;-^t^tl!ilK« ai'' morrow. Stock up! "SffiaPU WS&J |lK Aapecialst?':.-.\^ ifnr^*f-.^^^^ e)lilU |C DISH PANS—I 7 qt. size, AA- SSfll IS Japan Tea—The 40c lb. grade goes on -^ ; Oft*: '' value, for;.-, /r: l^^^^^r^jWCl l^^S. :.C • sale tomorrow all day at ........'...... OUC g , WASH 5 BASINS—I2-inch = sise, vffi'S^:t*'*S;»^" «i^ -'•''-fiwflf H tQuaker Oatsßegular 10c packages tomor- At. a°oi?*tae,'lfori'^lT?rr^.'^'Sf'h^^^ DC JRfVI 1» row, any, hour, three fori^.'Vr.''; rtirrwTT*.^f{AUU] ft Rice Hollers- 6 qt.^BlzeT rdouble]cblri-"%>4^^7Ci"' tptiiNl i Pure C^^ toe«,l^l^S?^ilj^^^^«.inrl i partment, $1.25 value, for 13C |f^ ■t^ |Pei: iQaart.%morrowp^-.^^T^; 3.^^'f.7^lUCi i? Rice Hollers—3 qt. size, r rr't:^^K* i an PH nMTj ffi i Cotoauet—'Clean and wholesome;. -'"-'9l:^. -,- 75c value, for 40C *ZA.XT~Z I g '3 = lb.^pailSj>peclal/.-;TVTr.''r.'r^^r^'.^|oDC| Tea Pots—'',sUe;isoe^^^.^"%OD^ Sfe|^f ■■■■ ; Smuiy Monday Soap— r ;-i^rfaCj; | yaltte.'iforl^r:v;r^T^>^^^#^?||23C| Mfhla NiA| m .! Seven ?. bars «for^;r*'^-.^ r.-*.^-;n'Jn*rt'^ (Ul & Coffee —4 pt. size, xy r -y >---,-.:.'- 4^no -s RHH Om fe "WAGE EARNERS MARKET" tl JDc value, fbr/.^-^.^--.fttfl^f^^fl^/3Ci igla —Second Floor. —Second Floor. jPM» $7.50 PAIR ggßgeggßgag!ig^BeagSagae:::gßßß ■!:=^ailk. kHI y~X KYEGLABSEB, ffi /TT_\_/_A/% _S~%"THe STO/H! THA7/*S~\ EM COUPON WSSL Ei| yHF FAMOUS ((jf_fl fySAVESYOUMONCVJ.'Qs)) Jfm^ "'"^^ 81^*"' TORsO AjtmMtM \ mm m Mmk/_E_\T__W\yW^_\_ /)w? /E m\s**E4^\ Ja. /-i^:tSmio^to7\he7 [ BfiLul -'th^ve^br'^'BawS aaaMjAm Ma/a/a ma'ffmrniH 0- t«r«»wJ»r stamps inuiS HBj , Bk^c^f^^^-caw^SßSK^ ' HftifOßiy lS^u3?fl Jrr":':'^'.^:^^^-''^.. -— .. ■■••,".-' 1-..-.V... .'!..'.' , J.....' '.. '■'in - f"- : ';-_.-!'i.ft' ■ .-■-■'" J -">|BHJ BIBIBIHBIHHHBHBn: made their first camp. .■■■ . ._^P*<7k*t ii: Artistic ' decorations. Watson's. :| . :- :-. -y. "Advertisement." ;^ - '■-;; ;'Sry-f>'' u^-^^g^ts^a^^s .v..-- Clarence Anderson,;: 11, '.'didn't know it . was ' loaded" and !- *1 play fully i shot X his x friend, Edward "rA/i..'-^- 3. . ■..'•' Al^.A.l-ZA...£. +.r*'X*A- X t • Wagner, 14, of Seattle, through the lungs, \ with ; a 22-rifle. ;; £.-'-, 'XXX 1-'"—L-''''. -■'-"--- A.:*xy. hyS*. Mrs. Glen Moore' has - filed -;/ R formal 'application p. for H the B ;^ widow's pension J8 of 7 94,000 g wto be awarded "by -. the statejC , industrial commission for the .: Xx death. of her . husband ■'-; who', - Monday, Oct 6, 1913. was killed j unloading!! poles #2y A tor the Z light department at rigg W Loveland-iast we**."; ':,. v yT* A"AX. I^B^i^^-^.3r-^-^;''«i''?-4^S-i^ »i Chasing' three ; speeding , motor- v ? cyclists, County Patrolman »E. A.".-»| Royal < went > over ' an j embankment «J and j was. badly cut ' and y bruised Sunday. '-_; v ;.i;C'-': i''Cr."!*;'-. v ■'■'''^ _ a; --l-'-' — - _ __ __ — ______________________________________________________{^ ~.