Newspaper Page Text
KILLING OF STAG CANON MINERS WAS NOTHING BUT MURDER $ :00£W0*y00 BY WILLIAM *G. SHEPHERD:*^ /"r 07:.-':' 7 ;' *•' DAWS.) X, Oct. 27.—This killing of 250 men in the Stag Canon Mine owned by the Phelps Dodge company.was murder. ; ' *■> I got the truth from Lois Likas, Greek,' who, despite efforts of .mine officials to keep all outsiders from the scene, entered Stag Onion and bid in the home of a dead Greek miner while mine guards were hunting him in the vicinity. T, -yy * 7 '■• yy - Likas talked to eight Greek miners and several miners of other nationalities.- -.. -. :-.-••■ yyx>>-.- ■■_■_. i -.-. .... 00 THE BEST FEATURES, THE BEST PICTURES^ THAT'S THE TIMES. "I'D RATHER BE IN A LITTLE, DINGY ROOM—AS WE ARE NOW—THAN A GOVERNOR'S WIFE, TRUCKLING TO BOSS MURPHY AND TAMMANY HALL," DECLARES MRS. SULZER jgMIMES WE ARE NOT surprised to see - that there were few votes cast -' ** In Mexico. VOTING IN MEXICO Is a tame and uneventful thing— a .. man * that - doesn't care what happens to him. REPORTS SAY that few who - went to the polls took the trou " ble to vote for senators. IT WOULD DO a lot of our prom . ; inent congressmen good to live In Mexico awhile. MORNING PAPER tells us that : "Brewery Team Joins Navy." Lucky navy! SPEAKING OF MEXICO, there la one awful drawback to election :'-". day there. • They have no bull y fight. y - ':•.'- -**:' THE CENTRA LI A Jail record was - .broken, Friday night. -A. lonß as lt wasn't the Jail It Is all y right. y.:y' : '.".* \ ..-.-,'io. GENERAL DIAZ refused to vote at the Mexican election. This was: foolish *of him. He is a candidate ?'• himself, and . every vote counts. ;.y -.-.: y-.-y- ■: ANYWWAY, HE might as well have one vote cast for him. :y A FRIEND TOLD Jack Ledwldge ' the other day that he was go \j ing to Mexico. 00 - • - "HUERTA?" asked Jack, inno -0 " ' cently;.-yV":*y ■'-. 7~-' •'.'". * NOW JACK HASN'T a friend any ■ more, y :.*<■:-—,■-_■_ ,„. r. IT WAS A CLEVER remark for. :■'.' an - old man, _ but ' you have to ■ y. understand Mexican dialect to * get it v. yyy :■.:. :_■. _ .0. , NEW YORK: SAILORS may have ■'.-, been cheered -by v the *W. . C. T. ;y U., but we know other things that cheer sailors a lot more. EVER NOTICE how the girls get stuck on the sailor.ladsT.Per ' 7 haps . you know why that la 0 IT IS BECAUSE the sailors know y; how to luff. 7 - . MAN OVERBOARD f ** 0 -0y '0 70 ::'.":"?~~0*-':y""-"~. "yyy'7*: '": ■'**. I - - DAVE EVANS, the telegraph kid, 'm^gs: nearly t \. was ft mobbed r* several ",?■.: summers ago y when.-'.- he was, .'.pounding a key,: outside of a !^^_j newspaper J office. .He } sent a 'message from a young '...'his girl. y The young man ask - .'"* ' • ed the girl to wear her panama SPP* as they were <£ going ft to 3 the . beach. -XJVf 7-0" "'■ -■■ '■- o m§mu-oyojz- yy _ .-• -,-: vj, ;.. Tv *- MESSAGE , got - mixed and 0 : 0 ••'■} he i girl . thought ■; it '. meant I to oy.. bring "pa and ma." ■ She j did, too. y. Also a maiden aunt, '; and [Ifggj&i her two y little brothers. 7-y. OH, THE y LIFE of a telegraph " * yifoperator isn't all romance! HEADLINE IN AN Eastern paper states: "Mrs. Pankhurst Will i yy Stand ! on". Her [Own • Feet.; oo: &g'^ WELL, WELL, now that's queer, |JMa la. it not? 0- 0000 ry : X".-; SYMPATHY GREY'S LETTERS: iS^S Dear £ Sympathy: *•_ I ?;. am ?| a Ml lovely 1 young j girl i of,, eighteen ?§£ and [rather< popular with young other,day;l saw'a * nice looking young man'and he Eg seemed '■• to be" winking at * me.* Do, you think I girl of eighteen her popular with young The other day I saw a king young mai and he to be winking at me. think he was?— Bright '""Orbs ■'syy.'y: y-yy v*??-*** ■■r-xwaum ■$$&!_ Ahß.: Certainly not. Prob yy ably, ha had "■ a cinder in his eye -; "and was trying to get lt out. y. DELAY MATCH »Ws. _- >—. . -ym., -wry*,. ,«, rwfw+m/r-'f.t -_--srjf_ w IB NEW "YORK, Oct. 17, U. A ; strained muscle sustained, jby Leach Cross Saturday.resulted to day ,in | his ! match with | Ritchie, • scheduled % for Wednesday .*• night, being postponed s until November ■**^i^M?i^Mmmw£m< MOTION PICTURE MEN WANT NO MORE HOUSES HERE The Association of Motion Pic ture Exhibitors In Tacoma wants less competition.. / The associa tion sent a letter to the council Monday morning asking that the number: of picture shows be re stricted to a certain number for a given population, and also asking that provision be made rby ordi nance laying down strict provis ions >*. that must |be followed - in building new theaters or remodel- CAN'T PUT CABLE OVER HIGH STRFET BRIDGE YET :'. Attorney Charlea Peterson and Manager Schlarb of the Bell Tele phone company appeared before the council Monday morning beg ging, for a permit -l to % put their cable over . the * top of the - llth street High bridge. 0 Mills refus ed to consider it - unless the com : pany ordered the A.- D, T. wires NO STATE LICENSE; MEN PLEAD GUILTY IN COURT y Dan . Ostrund j and .H. «. McGee were brought before Judge. Ma gill on a state . charge this ■ morn ing of operating motorcycles with out a state license. Both* plead ed ; guilty j and .will f receive ' sen THOUGHT HER HUSBAND WAS A REAL GHOST Ji ; NEW YORK, Oct. 27.—Touch ing reunions took place yesterday when 46 survivors ;of 3 the .« Vol ■—.- 0 -. -*■ ,- -'I.' .. -^a - .-f) turno, brought here by the steam er Carmanla, after having . been taken : to. Liverpool;! again ; rejoin MUST HAVE LICENSE TAGS ON MACHINES iig) Mounted .Patrolman■ Roy Nel son 'started i a crusade . today 1; on Tacoma automobile > drivers Iwho have failed yto "place correct li cense tags yon I their <■: machines, with i the : result * that he f arrested five jlnj less \ than Jan £ hour. All .ware If arraigned *| in S£ police fcourt 1 ate '■ today. Those ; arrested 'were: Paul ft Comp, Incorrect auto 11 PENNANT COUPON NO. 71 :_.. . 7 Any ; **tee', eoupoas dipped Iran, The Tine* csaarratl»*ly . num hered, wk«i preaeated at The Tim a. .Mr,, The "Waat Ad" Osraar, i Nlath aad Commerce, with; IS Mala, will . entitle I yam ta a • acaattfrf SS-eeat peasant Hereafter aaaaaa la hy mall will taat Be addttlitaul IM \ rnatm t aaalac*. Urlaa ■aw mail Jls .The Tarawa Tim**. I Math I em* i • Cayayaaeee. >^>-^>--.**?g>*-^^.-*Hbf^tf«a>sau»™«.?ii ._ .att.._^ ammmmmmmmmmam^mmmmaaammmammmmma^maaaammmmmmwmaammamaaaammmaaaammmmm, . . ..--„■ -:...-..-, ■. >,- :sys.yyyf, ~^y^y''oooty '.^^Z^'^&WBBx* _»-•. * Three farts • prove murder: .-0 ";Vf~.''.r.; -0 -;*,*j^r,2*.t?piiSS§fa§S«Bß .-*'..' FifNt, at six in lie morning on the day of the explosloa, a mine < guard who had been In the mine as a watchman all night reported to William Mi l»ii tt, superintendent, that dust gas was filling the : mine. Half an hour after j the explosion this mine guard, dashing up to the pit of. the mine,' said: ->>■:;;'..,->■ -7*;~.^^y i ,-.-f£-*^&tpi*Zrsi$ l i. > - "My shoulders are dear. I told the officials this morning that > the mine was not safe to work in." *-V •• ■oi^o:'yi.yyi-'*JZf-Ui»fry ■ Second fact is that McDermott himself was" killed In*the mine. For Tacoma and vicinity: Fair tonight and Tuesday. f For Washington: Fair tonight and Tuesday. The Tacoma Times THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA VOL. X. NO. 265 TACOMA, WASHINGTON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1913. 30c A ; MONTH PROGRESS? Ing buildings for them. «y . The earnestness of the present motion. picture houses la probably due to the fact that five new pic ture shows are now getting ready to build and open In the city.' The letter to the • council de clares that j the picture .shows on Pacific avenue and C street now pay the city $1,000 a month for light and pay $5,000 a month ln salaries, ■ -'.■-.-..' ... y- .". ■■'.. \ -■.'.-,"-'* ; | and;. "Western Union wires ' out 'of their conduits. The mayor,, want ed to get something for the city. Freeland suggested the company cancel | Its bills against the ■. city. The council will .take the matter up Tuesday and decide just what they ■ will demand from the com pany. ■•.:.y yy,. w*s ,yyyy. tence • Tuesday.'; "7y"77'077-7 0^ -'.V.The state inspector ": has been here and stirred things ."up and every _ motorcycle .--• or I automobile operated without a state license Is to; be ; made > the cause *, for arrest of . the i owner. y 70:.-y v_y-y*.y-; ed. relatives : from ■ whom they had been separated during the -. burn ing .of the vessel. A bride, sep arated from her husband, had be lieved him dead, and 7 screamed "It's a ghpst," when I she was led to ii him. ssf VAX'-»"^_"v - - *-•:.- .'-**-.': * ".f-TTs: -cense; Victor Malstrom. Incorrect motorcycle: license; A. B.:«Cooley, no "j license; "$f J. Lyle £ and "j. G. A. Mitchell, Incorrect license tags. ". "' '**■''- —'"" --.-■——- — -.■„ — .-OA. I ■'0"' TODAY'S CLEARINGS. ■Clearings $641,475.45 Balances ,T,".-rr?r.*T^B6,BßlU6 » Transactions 758,758.35 HUNTING PARTY STILL MISSING The . city . health department la wondering whether Dr. Fred Cal kins, meat and milk Inspector, with Dr. Button, veterinarian, Dr. Seeley and Dr. Drake of Seattle have all been eaten by bears in the Cascades. y They left nearly three weeks " ago to hunt and ex pected to be back in 10 days but no . word y has been 7 heard from them. '■' 7iyy-0':0:--0yy,: \> :: The * fact [ that | there. were : four of them Is. reassuring as it is hardly . probable '" all . could i have had misfortune and it is expected they will be heard from this week. If- not - an. Investigation may be started. ,> - - y- .._,." 7:-oyi FIND BODY OF. W M'DONOUGH -.-' After all hope had . been aban doned by searchers, the body Jof McCord McDonough, the DeKoven hall | student drowned ,"- a month ago in American lake, came to the surface yesterday and was i found floating at the north shore of the lake. .007; 7:700 : ' 7[,:y.y-;>y0: mi I, i I, ii i j. .ii ii 'na A.f -f.* ■* a OH YOU PAUL! 0. CHICAGO. J Oct. 27.—Consider* able of a sensation.has develop^-) since the address of Paul Polret, the ' Paris i*. costumer, before an audience jof Women '_i Saturday, when r 'he declared 0 emphatically that t the "trouser skirt." was the next evolution -of * fashion,' and argued ' for it . from .an 1, hygienic and moral j standpoint. fi^i^tSXo -„r |J:sa-:-«f ■ ■■•- — ; ■- ■■ j__. »...>■.,..,■■ s CONVICTS TAKEN m AUBURN,; Cal., Oct. 27.—After three : days' liberty, the three con victs who escaped • from B| Folsom prison I Friday, after :', overpower ing a guard I and taking | his t gun and ammunition, were recaptured last, night in a house near Rattle snake \ bridge, - Eldorado : county."■>. r •_ VACATE STREET Chehalis•;* will vacate Railroad avenue for the':'MilwaukeeMine, thus giving the -competinga road entrance to the oity oik equal terms with the N.,P.' __^_9,.^^r.m*J*U__Sm^^k. SHE MUST PAY TOO Ji NEW YORK, Oct. 27.— In come tax will catch Mrs. 3. A. Garfield,'wife of the ex-president, who gets a": pension *of 5.000 *a i year from Uncle Sam. 0 ■--, '^.y.^?:-?*^^^'^?* Raving undoubtedly gone In to Investigate the mine guard's report at dust and gas.... McDermott, * under: the company's spurring,' didn't i waiitto risk the loan of one day's output of coal, so he risked the loss of bis own life and the lives of nearly 300 men. - "*:■■> > *•-'$ Third fact,; straight, from; miners .themselves, is that the Stag Canon mine, on uccount of the coal strike in Colorado, had put in -right or ten additional mining machines, picks which are worked by i air. • In order to get a bigger output of coal, these machines made additional dust, which should have been removed by additional fans, , \yoo-' V*-', '**. f MRS. SULZER TODAY. V ' 7-"77 ■-, '."i*t':^ •-'."-' -7: BY W. H. ALBURN. ' ■{Copyrighted, 1013, by,the Newspaper Enterprise Association.)' i */KEW.ronK, Oct. r 27.—It's a long lap from the luxurious iligMty of the executive mansion at Albany to the cramped humility of a room in the Broadway Central hotel in New York; J '**■* - : .£»if; talked there with Mrs. William Sulzer, wife of the governor «lioiu "Chief" Murphy drove from office. •It was the day after their iirrival. And lasked Mrs. Sulzer a bitter question: . '•*.; *%. -. "Where would you rather be—here or In tlie governor's man almr^i^o-''' '••.■'•,-'<-.- ::-■'-'■■: -7.•-•■■ '*■■ —y -, *.- y---"y-yy .0 The frail little woman stopped unpacking lingerie from a trunk and stood erect, a sudden - picture of dignity and strength. *?JS|3rS>--"'*l< would rattier," she asld, "Infinitely rather, be here with «my husband, under \ the * present humiliating circum- VTS stances, than be mistress of the executive mansion, at the*'^* price at i truckling to Tammany :,"_ -...-.*. -y> - >-•■,:« y —-..ys.-,..* ; •■*"- Wg%B&°* here," she continued, "we are free. Our souls are "" £ ■-* our own.' We i have i our self-respect and'we can ' fight our '"■ :0 T way up again." ..;..-• 0, -y, ... ■:.-,'. Jt yi-Then she sank I back into a rocking chair, rather wearily. •* She glanced • rather , helplessly around l the disordered* room, littered < with stall unsorted', personal | belongings *>. hastily : tossed: into **trunks and suitcases .in- her hurried departure from the capital. «■• SJ $<- * v .fV There was fno J grandeur S now. * She "• was just « a _:.. tired ■'■■> little woman, In ? a palm .whiteJ shirt - waist and dark ' skirt, sitting amid the . ruins |of i her household goods, without a home, not knowing e^en where her next home would be. Her mild blue eyes were dull. There were little: lines of care in her face. Even her graying hair suggested weariness.*"/"' •"■■:.:..■:■'.•'■ ":'i .7-y *;■:,:,.+.■_?.-*- y.y :#■■s. --, ..,.-.,..,y •r* paper THERE WAS moral grandeur. } y+ ■ 'x\ sl: "Your . husband i has ' started a death grapple with Tammany," I said. "Are you going to fight Murphy,' too?" _ r -; Instantly all J the weariness slipped away, v*" - , '.. ' ■ JC. -.:-;.\ •:■ "Where my husband goes I will T go," she answered. " - .; "His enemies are my enemies. U.. yy y--,._ ;..y> yy. 0 7- ~0:-:>' "They ,| say I that in * all * the . hundred ; years i that- Tar- '- ." 00 many has . corrupted | and £ tyrannized ♦ over * New - York, no" *Vj-f woman . has {ever, fought > against I it. Very j well! te. I <rr_ will •£*s fight Tammany. And Will and I shall win.*; For we stand «-•>*-* >i It'i lwetlieT.'Vi^.o2£&sooSo-7;_ ■- y. .^ -..yyy ojy y-^'y ■ S f "And will you go on the stump to help Mr. Sulzer in his cam paign for election to the legislature?" --.*;. i - ;..->'- •;■»- f,*^ ifti * .'.'No;. Ij am no I public . speaker. I ; wish I i were. But at ." every iwcting ;I i will •be on the I lpatform with .my ■ husband. : We i will act together and plan together,- Just as we have always done; since our nnjarrlage: six years !ag0."..-^»>-'TVriiy;*<Ty:**^,".*T>T. '*-. *:*> ~.,yoooy^x -f v :" Mr. Sulzer has t said 4 more \ than once that '■. he f'always. takes your ' advioe," I•. reminded .; her. Ho7 . yy"":. *■ >>■■ yy <i .-y■■.- ..'•-.>■,-.?>». >Ci ;/* "If he does,*; I (feel ; proud. , 1 For 11! am" proud to :be the wife of Mr .Sulzer. Better than ; anyone : else can,'l ; know his integrity and blgh*purpose.'i.^;i._.#;^_;;-!^--y^^;y- v .>>y.^,-;y>^v Hi* "We would * still *be in Albany, j only my husband f refused *to Otey > the orders _et7 Boss j Murphy y*7yyoo . ""> r-",-:r*^.^'^r 3l*rir»vfe*. gj'S-i'.'My". husband refused to do wrong.' as governor, so Murphy and ' his hirelings. ordered removed." 4-Sj'«^t't*&i.y,'ui* *<!«'• 4 iwfc| fear, however, that I have | not ; always advised him wisely. We ■ have both careless >In money matters. We were Iso I en grossed !° steering a perfectly straight course politically, you see And I, who had been a practical woman, as superintendent of nurses ln a big hospital, would lame myself a little for such care lessness, if Will would Mi j me. I should have t managed * some . de tails more wisely. ?p& I believe that the : most] powerful' influence in s the world 'la that 1 wVch a good woman exerts i over the j man i who I loves her. And I would far rather help my husband Ito rise than to create a career ' tor | myself." « -r;:-<:.*>*: *■■«-■■ -. r'*'--_;^#^-£-U''*9q_s^ TEST 8 HOUR LAW ;1 SALEM, Ore., Oct. 27.Oregon will bring suit to test her eight hour . la., for ■ employes >o( il state |__»UtuU-ona.^;."p:^"s^S,«*K»S ?00- i^^Lme^s^m Hits Pig; Man Dies ,-,-..-*-m- m*^m^ -.--, i >^m y .-tm^^mmmm *- mmwgamma FrHSflH' AURORA, 111., Oct. 27.—Be tween Sycamore and Genoa yan auto hit a pig and one man was . killed and j three i talu«d.*S£SS3^ '-^'..^;:>vn>:<^^ hut the mine's eqnlptnent of fans could not handle the increased deadly:dus.^.*^-f_WA"_'_y.^vS'^ >..- > -. r-^yy-f^aagtm Murder caused by greed is the verdict in the Stag Venom slaagh ter. < All the bodies have been buried, women and children will ba liermit ted to live for a | little I time In the j cottages, then they mast move <iut—wkss* ry. One hundred i and . fifty 1 women j and ! three . hun dred and forty children leave the cottage* to lend hopeless Uvea. How mant souls of dead miners' little girla will be murdered, through pcftgriy y< _H» His outcome of the murder of their fathers? HOME EDITION HUERTA IS I llULliln lv m ' :- '-■ 7 " ,___■' 7:' ■' . .*.-;, y^yyyy<iy, . - ;.;;-■;; -.. __^_B^ ________ ____S ______ ______ ______ _______________ _______________ ______________ _____________ STILL BOSS X I II I' '"?IW!I?M\S ■ ■ I II I iiii.i-i* '■ 1 7 1 _______ _____■ - * ::' _^m Mm MM Mm - '-- "■ .7-y7O-,.y-0..-02^7iA MEXICO CITY, Oct. 27.The I result of the 'election yesterday | was as expected. It Is clear to . day that not enough votes were cast to elect a president. Congres sional . candidates who received majorities are expected to declare themselves elected, Huerta ap proving. Then they will declare the presidential as distinguished from the congressional election as valid and ask Huerta to remain at the head of the government, until another election is held, which will be whenever I Huerta wants one. There are about 3, --000,000" voters in Mexico. The constitution requires V one-third vote to make the election valid. Nothing like this number voted. The exact figures will not be available for some days owing to I disorganized means of communi ■ cation.' Reports Indicate the elec tion i was quiet all over. • | -:>'.'■'■".' • 7*,lti' one district, for ;. example, there were 80.000 voters, but less than 5,000 ballots were cast. There were places where voting was even lighter. 'In the north ern states not even a pretense was made of opening the polling places, I where there:. were federal garrisons: ■* ,\ The " leaders of the MILLER GETS YEAR _.. ' - - --: '■ ■ - - .- • i ; * ' ■ Jack Miller, arrested several days , ago on serious * statutory charges in .*> connection | with ■ his elopement with a; young girl, pleaded guilty, to the charge when arraigned before. Judge Clifford VOLTURNO FOUND SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., Oct. 27 I —The sinking of the I Volturno's I charred . hulk October {17 * was * an nounced - by .wireless "., today • from the ..*■' steamship •>' y Charlols. ';. The Volturno was sighted, . and I boats NO MORE CONQUESTS DECLARES PRESIDENT - MOBILE, * Ala., : Oct. 27.—Flat declaration that the United States would ' never seek another foot 'of territory |by conquest was voiced by President Wilson ? today at the opening of the Southern Commer cial congress. ' J *: *yy*o TEACHER PUTS 0. K. ON TANGO 0 NEW HAVEN, Oct. 27.—Will lam iMe Andrews^ principal . of the Washington Irving High school of New York, told teachers at the state convention that dancing the tango, ; bunny hug. or any modern dance was $ advisable , because .*. it promoted cheerfulness. '__ > IPJs OPEN AVENUE -K-n,"" I**',-'t,»"'::)'"'^"a^'<'^'a*.v'»<1**',-'t,»"'::)'"'^"a^'<'^'a*.v'»<' j >!s! George Lawler j was before the council Monday morning asking that along with other things the Union. Pacific; should * be asked jto give the city I for the], vacation fof East 22nd street is to buy the land and open Puyallup avenue from the present terminus in front of , the ; Peterman mill to the river. ■77y'; "'■■- - -' -".07. ! HAZERS GUILTY iSt__ MM*t±l_9^f_ ■TiaW tßW! **&___ *^*lmmßk»imaa9sa_ PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 87.— Six youths who pleaded guilty : be fore : Judge Gates in ■ the Juvenile court 1 Saturday to J having * tarred and '_ feathered _ Clarence. Sutor, a fellow student, . during a 'basing at the Hill Military academy; and who | were dismissed J with t»| lec ture, relumed to school today. eN> THE WORLD'S NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM, THAT'S THE TIMES. Dias and Oamboa . parties ~i[kk¥s asked their followers not to votsj and very few of them dld.'Vss«i *f * ' '■ -—— '* v-"-*>(i'|s^« y vera cruz; Oct; 27.-*Frlen(la of Diaz are : saying : plainly that 1 they think he is tempting Provi dence by remaining in Mexico. Huerta would B much prefer to If have him leave the country, it la agreed, but if he cannot drive him , Into exile, he ! wants. him at the capital where he can watch him and have him entirely within his y power. Diaz, however. Is spend- fj ing part of | his j time here at : the ' German hotel 7- and .part at i tha United States consulate. y»*|»||| - WASHINGTON, D. C.? Oct. 2T. Pleased -, as the administration ' was over the absence of lan ? ex plosion ;at the _ Mexican \ election,^] lt is candidly said that there is no improvement ' >. In % the 1 slauatton. . Some " officials; thought 'that. mat ters were now, worse,. for Huortai .•*• will now control the Mexican con- ' f gress. No doubt Is felt that con. l gress will uphold the dictator in 7 any act. of aggression that he raayt ; decide upon and In nullifying 7 American attempts '. to Improve 1 conditions. oi"o. oyomt^^ ■ ' ' '. ..* - ■' ■■•:: -- -/( >.VaJi;i.-a^i; In the superior court today an« was sentenced to spend one year, in the county Jail or to pay a fin* of $1,000. The youthful prison er had no money, and was taken? below to Jail '% to . begin at : one* serving his sentence. -ft ~: eo^W^si I containing the . Charlols' crew I were sent aboard. The ; Ore wag out and bodies of those who had « perished . were still « lying \on the deck, in \ the. forecastle t and I the I engine r room;ttSn^^^>*s^lifil "And the United States must see ■_ to llt i that •*. no J other nation gains any territory on this hemic. : phere," he continued. The presi dent hailed the completion of the Panama ' canal! as | "the emanelpky tion of i the Lfctln-Amartean states 1 from foreign ■control.'.'i^P'Sggg^s SCARES PRESIDENT. ATLANTA, Ga., Oct XT. —• While! shaking hands !at ' the rear of . bis special train President Wil- I son was startled .by a tremendous explosion S near I him ? otfa'f photog-i rapher's I flashlight J which & for I a, 3! moment, unnerved I the ] preaident ! —*_... sas b_ __-a____arg_aattM 200 Pairs C** ;■*'.. il * > *^»* of Blue Serge ;._,-._. ■ i f«i **^h w%^**i *j^'i*?&*]o**i 70 '00ii. FMXkZMjk -■'■■' *%U %.<# • ** jflsff^fe'- ";.-'* *:.*l-"v-•••"•''•'-v*-."";* Menzies & Stevens Co T. J. FLKBTWOO*. J** mill raama «k. ■ ■ ""- I