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. mm. — * '.' * After ' t^_maawt*mama*t^*rP_*o_ f",o7yyt, Paying -_o'. ■:- .. s^m ~m\p mmmq^ pi 'wxmie^eet. ?kz% the Tariff AH This taya'al m^&ss£f%, •?MolfrX%pjt Impatient. * MMc Hy MacdonaM "&mffw-007::_y -/ i YOUNG MEN'S r CLOTHES lU±mA\JyJL XXXJkJ "i Vo:yy :0::7000007y0y0y,-'- ■ .0-i -yy. '0 ■:..:>,. *. I -^ The kind that young fellows I want to grace V* A slwlr L \ 7a their appearance $» /I *jf s^lk A I and look ; their .w^ftray *'A v^\« : The cost is a IJ| ' T^l $. small considera- jj 11/ V. Jm tion when you n^TTI buy our special | 1 WL\ I value suits and 1 1 111 I ■.' jgri.vaiue t suits ana 1 v 111' loxercoatsI oxercoats ', built 1 |[ 1 \\. especially for w&-0 *** 111 Hi y of all the ; * new jj .J. \l'* Syy' fashionable mate- I I ll rials in the sea- fJI \nl son's prevailing *J^*P !_U .l""'..':-''-' ■" -'- . ""—- -- -' " mm. ■ - '. • * o*7 - ' dggU 6Lmm^mmM&_\ v 7 f"»*-A.A»I IM NtW VOBK OT^iy ; slstslß JAMES H. DEGE CO. & . 1110-12-14-16 Pacific Ay. iSSSS«» THE ! GOOD CLOTHES! STORE ;. |* .' .: ■ FOB MEN AND BOYS. %mo7ii7oo77o'7o::iyoyy- .07) '.7 : 'yyy '0000 ■ iii ———— « j * -"' • - - a*^_Wk M—W mmma* WimM W^^^r^r I Lend Us Your Ear! ■ — tte have something to tell you that you ought to know; —if yon want I Kraut Cutters, II Airtight Stoves, 'I I "''' Aluminum Ware, 1 'ittti Aluminum Ware, I ora Lantern _H I y^m7i:\^mmm^ mmt^WAWmMmmmmmmm MM^A\i:^o I Mohr Has It .|p.a$|tgj I I Sivf^-yir'' *'0' 1141-43 C flfjPAf-HHpffiffiw*^''* LOTS OF BOXING IN STORE FOR TAGOMANS Tacoma , now , iboasts : of; three clubs who Intend to give boxing bouts this winter. if present plans materialize. The Eagles and the Red Men iiave already entered the field, and the Loyal Order of Moose * plan to ; hold a smoker either November 10 or 11. The Red Men, card has been previous ly announced and the Moose have not yet prepared theirs. '.... HIGH SCHOOL IS PURSUED BY ILL LUCK I Stadium < High's 111 luck seems to ,be still right on the Job. It now looks as If both Deegan and Larson will be out of the game with Aberdeen as well as Pringle. Harvey Hall bas been taken sick and Coach - Perkins Is . trying to , make Al Crane Into a punter. Al lls '■ taking to .it , like a duck to water, so there Is still hope. At that, Tacoma will probably have to face the Grays Harbor huskies with a shattered lineup. y./.y: .- REST IN PEACE , ■. Our old friend, Jack Les ter of Cle Blum, proved no match for Sam Langford last night, according v. to - dis patches from California. The Tar;J ßaby., banged 7*. Jack around . promiscuously t and floored him a dozen times or mora. Lester was unable to \ continue after ,7 the . fourth > round* | '.Lester Is I evidently : about through. T--'.-. Y. M. C. A. BALL TEAM SEEKING REVENGE y Pretty nearly everything in the i line of sport lb quiet at the Y. M. C. A. just now, although all the gymnasium */, classes 7 are iy, busy. Owing to the fact that the asso ciation is primarily designed for young men and ' boys , who work for m living, football -is rarely played, there being no time - for the right kind of practice. , Games that do not have to be played *In - the ■ open air are ' the most popular at the Y. M, C. A. The handball court is nearly al ways I a scene of activity, and | In door baseball is played every day. The . business;;,. men's :, team, which was I defeated |by a bunch from | Seattle last week, is j seek ing revenge and Is out practising every day. Some time in the near ' futurethe :: date \ has not j been definitely set —they are * going - to book up with the , Queen City bunch again, and will make a de cided '; effort - to j mop ' the - mazza ntne with. them. yfiyyy*y_>", y. is. Indoor i baseball differs ' quite a bit from the regulation game. The ball is soft, resembling a young toy balloon, and does not go fag when hit. The bases are only 27 feet £ apart,-; and \ a runner I can't steal until ;- the. ball I has : passed over the home * plate. :y ";• :''-■'7 The « pitcher t Is *T£ compelled "i to bowl the ball instead of throw it, and can take but one step in de livering It. The game can be played i with either seven | men sor the full i nine. In other respects | bYDER'S Ltjtf(& 1 Wk&oi* 108 So. . 12th ; St. • •*- •v: -Ja&.-j Opposite i Vemumtlm 7:07 \ fm^&*'m?M:.By me em * mmitla maam^ last herb* end toot. m ____k *_. ka.wn tat i their ■**• ____ ■ mm.ra.bla < euros. a I ■ U0 Chlj-a. > we * era a able __■ I* absolutely sura iW m aw* alls-oats m :-im WWWW,.: Catarrh, -. Dmmtnamm. V aim ******* it**l* - Dli . 1 mum RlituDill,. ____■ _____l Ama.*eltla l ww.Baa7i U Trouble. Klli,f Complaint.. eta. y Tho -. t»s_o4TltT i wo , am I sra ' mmm . lately mam-mmuamon. and positively so-suet - ooatela ■• saorawry. '-''»,■!.,.-■ - It enable to sail personally, ama lee axamg tot ataeaoat. blank *. 8. vow airau autoicura cc. MSSM. SSSmT m*gmfj' tnaeme ■-■> Ullli na-Hfw M,,' • " Mala SSS& tmmrMaJmmmemeouWm^^muHaamaßmai^ ,am -__■________■ i.ft -__L-_____L^_#^__R______________s -Am Jmamammmema i >-^. amawmmme wm^^^^^m j-g^ ~ GOSH, FELLOWS, IT'S NEW ONE 7***o77 ♦♦♦ «-<*•» 7 : wamoy7y.***o:j>.7*'**'yo***iy *** '■' *** ' J. CLABBY TRAINS ON TENNIS JIMMY CLABBY, BEST MIDDLEWEIGHT IN T HE WORLD. BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 28. — Battling Nelson ' played rococo, Stanley Ketchel indulged ln tar get practice, jj MM j McCoy rode it is much like the outdoor game According to : Physical Director Cook, Tacoma business men are very fond of it. . -;y -'.:■:•. ... 7:-y::yr?-7-y * J * .. ■7*7.: *:%TT- 11 Forced to the Wall '■* m o_\ %^M'^a Si _W _■'•■' B 7mt, m.'ff{ _a 'fe'-*' ____ ■'__■ 'V*. ",;^^k '"' !____ ■ I ''*;^k OVERSTOCKED •^a^*.*fas,zj.:m&i;^tmmmmme_m wm^mß** - tmm -^mW -^ai^r mak aaag waaawAAmamm^ '_'■■ 7 :..: . . .- -7i-000. yy-:00 7. yy', -7. 0 * ■;-.. - * i-000.0 0.:..'00 '0 aaaaataaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawmtammtaaaaa j';>!',', ', y. --"■'- '; •■'•,';-■''■ -^ i'^-'-^-'i's V*'y *,/■*.*. '-". -y \ ,-'.-.>' ;''..'' .<?fto'o>y ''■'- ' *'' ~'"*''V. "'' ■. '*■".. y ? '■ 0 ''0 [. ■ '-'■ ■'; !■■ ',''"" i.O ' * o*. * 0 fli and Must Unload at Once /■• €\ f^ My Dear ■'■m\Wi£s&^m!i.^m&iim'^a^'mi..'-7'*mts •- JsHiy uear Juadies. %M^y, t :■....;%MrS?MO: 1111 l ' -you know *f * |\ w 1111 l dvt >rto he,p hubt>y #11 _r _■ M) m__\ WWW \W save the mon°y fey MMi % \i¥ %_¥ \eW taking advantage of __j _j^ such rare opportuni _-_=-^------~------~s^^sss£i =a=: tics. Give dearie a 7mJ:OO o_. '■ oil.. . - - nice pipe and tobacco? Worth of staple and high grade Cigars, Tobac- and oh! how he will cos, French Briar, Calabash and Meerschaum 7 ■loxey6no-i0:0^^& ; Pipes; Gold, Silver and Amber mounted. I' '■ ____! y:iy,-:' y-yyy:.-..- ■• 77: ".yry"*:- yy..*, •;.■■■-<".-,'* ,7,. -.'■ •:, ryyyy: y -■--■y.- ■■■ -■.■.., -- ■ -...■.... ■■:<-v.-.; wmg®: *• - »• ■ ,'. ■ ■ .0-y; yy-y-' ■.:■■■••■■-■ y--:■;■ .-■ .--.■» *;■ y: ■ From 1-4 to 1-2 the Real Value __^_____________!^j —____-_____». basy."^^:)"': *,: ; yr^rfy- 0-7-?■■.-■..■ix-'™**,-.'^^^*'**,**-*--• '*■,-■-,-v.-*-- *:,•..-?.-*•,-«...-„*.,..:-,.,-,. ......... iP»I^O_S^*I*ISIISCF: ■ 1126 Pacific fW • i Mm** IT /^■^■^■p^'v--v--. ; f Cut Out the Number i&flgl^ 1892. Opposite Street horseback, Jim Jeffries growled, fished and drank strange things from teacups, Luther McCarthy threw the lasso. Jack Johnson shot "craps," Jake Kllraln felled trees, but lt remained for Jimmy Clabby, best middleweight In the world, having. defeated Sailor Petroskey anud Eddie McGoorty, to spring the very last thing In training for a boxing contest. TENNIS! And Clabby Insists there's nothing better. "Some laughed at me," said Clabby recently, "believing that It is too soft and dandified a form of exercise for a fighter, but, be lieve me, If they think It 'soft' and 'Blsslfied,' let them try it! "In playing tennis a boxer gets everything. It keys up his mind as well as his body. j It makes the brain, eye, hand and foot true and brings heart and lungs Into full play. Every muscle In the body Is exercised but not harden ed. They become free and elas. tic with plenty of power. The back and shoulder muscles • are giv en greater driving power, the eye ' Is 'trued far better than by bag punching, the legs are given a spring and stride that make for good footwork, and the wind Is well developed. It aids the punch. Before I took up tennis I was considered a light hitter. Making strokes has strengthened my wrist and forearm and added materially to my punching power. In by recent fight with Petroskey, I nearly knocked the ex-sailor out. -'iy.,-* "That should be sufficient recommendation for tennis as a means of training for a fight." BILL I____RD TO GOyr Bill Leard, former Seattle sec ond baseman, Is to be sold -or traded by Manager Arthur j Dev lin of Oakland. *- SCHEDULEOF INDOOR SPORTS IS MAPPED OUT FOR ARMORY Dr. James Carroll, physical di rector at the Armory, has map ped out the program for the in | tercompany athletic meetings this fall, which will terminate In the selection of championship teams in basketball and indoor baseball. ! The contests will begin Friday ' this week, Hallowe'en, when the naval militia under Yeoman Jones and Boastswain's . Mate Armstrong will tackle the men from Troop B In five Innings of indoor baseball and two 16-min ute halves of basketball. Ser geant Cronander and Sergeant Smith will lead the cohorts of the troopers. A week from that date, Novem ber 7, the first company of the C. A. R. C, under the leadership of Sergeants . Brautlgan fend Sulli van, will hook up with the Fourth company of the same organiza tion ln basketball and Indoor baseball. . . •- The schedule from then on Is: . Friday, Nov. 14, 8 p. m., Naval Militia vs. First Co. C. A. R. C. Friday, Nov. 21, 8 p. m., Troop B vs. Fourth Co. C. A. R. C. . a _f mmm """*^^^^ *-' - m^'m^t'^^___^ m mrZSM "'• /^a' ""y___TwP_W m£Btfrps m^mtm BY JAMES W. EGAN. Before the game Saturday, Coach Doble said the university was going to lose. -. . -c. -- y • ,c *■-,»■ r* - . .-] And the Oregon coach said the Aggies could not win* • ••••• Which only goes te prove that Doble still retains his old habits. - -..* * • *-.--* . .' ■ a 0: . a '. JOAK 707 , <7[70.[;7- y,■[ 0 People have quit knocking tbe Anvil for Pop Goers. • .; ... .y,^.... . ..y * . . c ,-■■■ --I , Muggsy McGraw says Eddie Collins is the beet ballplayer in the business. Joe McGinnlty picks Matty; Del Howard names Ty Cobb, Germany Scahefer has modestly picked Germany Bchaefer *' • _ -.. *••*•' . LEBK MAJESTE - We might say Stadium High gave Queen Anne a royal beating. (To the tower with him!) , ■>*__y ....-.,■---. .•.-.._.;..... c.- ' . :.yyy. »;. 7; .'.y;»'.v-y '.*'"■-. . Jimmy Clabby baa come out with the statement that he trains on tennis. .These fighters are always surrounding themselves with alibis.. - ; ■■■.--'*■- ->■-.-_'■./»-.Tia.v.,....;., . * '■* ' y":'y *"'■ :' ' ■' *■ -.■'-;. . ''■ * '77.00*. 0000., a y y'-.,a~ -7.After what we have seen of some fights, we would not,be sur prised to learn that the fighters trained on tennis. The mills looked like love Bets.' * ■: ■■, .-:-■:-. ■- -,-. '-. • -- '.'•.: y-w. a . - : . «:,„■-, , • :■:.-. * ":■ .' — . ; DOME'S REQUIEM „,, ~' . ' yyl have an ' awful bunoh of scrubs, yO-'i.o:7': 7 .0 The way they play is a shame. l'y.o '. *Zr ■_■.* In fact, all this gang of dubs .-'s-^ - .00-. ■ Can do is win their game. - '>• y •. . . m . ... , •.Z-,0.i,.m-:0:.y, osgj£<g*' •t Our idea of nothing at all—Sorrow at the close of the Pacific Coast league. ■ :.7 - . y : _..,,— **.. -y^.-yy,*. ■w t .;.-.y-,.. JOHNSON DOESN'T FAZE GIANTS JOPLIN, Mo., Oct. 28.—Al though Walter <* Johnson pitched part of the game for . the > White Sox yesterday, - the : Giants! won, 13 to 12.*y:.yyyy ; ; y*: - NEARLY LOST LIVES '■*■■ r1 -'0 *' m^mmmmmmm J?* "' '-'"■"" 't f-ftt-f"- ""■' ,' Dr. -. R. M. Button and Dr. D. J. Drake, * veterinarians, and Dr. F. C. Calkins, milk * and meat in spector, almost lost their lives in a : recent _ hunting trip [ in" the range , surrounding . / Mount . St. Helens, In j Oregon, % They became lost ln, a snowstorm one day, and only; the [ possession of : compasses saved them. < y.. • y CENTRAL WINS,; j y- The : Central school teamide feated - the, allows I outfit I at soccer 'yesterday, . score _ 4 «to 10. The game was played at the Cen tral '■* school grounds..*-- 000, '- A WB AHK TRUSS .', b >w y'4l<'V^ J ■ SPECIALISTS 700-7. - '^^AO-' o*^' o^o, , 77JF ' It Co™fort'*t reality when _ ■7'7^^o^o--'7y;^kJ^^'''':--^iy% Mmntmt. ■ ma/a^T:" SHAW SUPPLY CO., INC. v :var Mw__ : . Surgical Napplles. 1 TURN TO THE WANT ADS ON PAGE 6 T '"■■■■ ———— ■ — ■ ' * ■"""■ ■■-**■■"•■*"■■ •-"■--:-*;■ Smt**, __b-e__f_Pi____(___wwi|n.i:- ! *>^-.-*:-ir*-f.,-.. ■ *■• Tuesday, Oct. 28,1913. Friday, Nov. 28, 8 p. m„ First Co. C. A. R. C, vs. Troop B. Friday, Dec. 5, 8 p. m.; Fourth Co. C. A. R. C. vs. Naval Militia. On Friday, December 16, the schedule will come to an end with the winne.-s in basket ball playing each other and the victorious teams in indoor baseball crossing bats, for the two championships. There will be wrestling and box ing matches this evening, too, ln all probability. According to Director Carroll, things are progressing finely at the Armory and he looks forward to a banner year in athletics. ■Effort is being made to whip men into shape for entry In the Pacific'- coast boxing champion ships to be held at Portland No vember 13 and 14. Director Jim my Carroll has four men whom he Is thinking of entering, pro vided they can get into shape. The following quartet of Ar mory athletes are working out for the tourney I Albin Saxe, 128 pounds; Harold nan tier, 178 pounds, and Bud Milium and Ted Daily, 115 pounds each.' .... ... -fm y, , t »ta.. •*,. a— !._"■ ■ ---■=. -" ■■_•■.v. a-?,-* . ..'p. y * I _L_____A___J_J__^L___._^_______nM_p____w_iP_l»_\" iMJ I MH Hi FOOTBALL T . . 0 . OUTFITS ky7.Oy 7 Washington 0 YOUI. a HA IIU WAUB * CO. i v To the Public— ■ Oar < successful * oares for- human ailments •re due to the merit* of our compounding of the. powertt I roots herbs y>- and --y* berk, which .- are -. poseeiaed of curative , qualities ana .*!** I Permanent relief _ for the v. sick, where v her ..• rome diea have failed. ,v If you i are « ailing f and cannot .H.stired. why m«MtMmp£_«mn not call and | see.-,ua 1 Private diseases a specialty. «m&-£1 Ylfi-0 WO CHINKS IS MBTDICINB CO. . WiK"Sr*.J »»• hk' South > 0 St -s»\^>-. _£. oAo^fym.Tmoate. Waah.,-. :- y>o -*.- -■