Newspaper Page Text
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 1*13. Closing Out the Balance oof the SMITH-HENRICKSEN STOCK 70y The" Smlth-Henricksen sale has been" In progress' over two* ,months. * Originally *, $26,000, we bought in addition other lines which they'had bought for fall. We have: been closing out steadily, to make room for the new business, .There has been no let-up, and there shall be none till the last pair is closed out. There are still many lines of Men's, Women's and Children's Good Shoes to choose from. Remember, every pair goes without RE SERVE OR LIMIT. At the final closing prices they should all be gone within the next few days. WOMEN'S SHOES yCI flfl Men' Tan Vici Kid Button FOR . .v: ..... 0. -.-' ** iUU Shoes, dark brown color, welt Odd lot, Women's' - Shoes, not soles, - bench made, a good $4 every size in each line, but shoe. The Arrow •*! nn your size In the lot; leathers price is ........... yUiUU - are patent, gunmetal and w^_._ _. _..., _ .__ French kid. button and blu- Jf en B Glove-Fitting Rubbers cher. - i. Smlth-Henricksen price "rßt sual«*f.5 ual«*f. sold the world $4 and $5. - over toT Hi all sizes and ;'" . 7 x, , mm. widths. Arrow QZm Ladies' Fancy Party 0-1 AA prlce ............y... fl»)C Slippers, French kid, -)liUU v • "V',•"•• •'.•.. ww«*. suede, gunmetal and satin, Men's Rolled Edge Storm Rub turned soles, medium toes, bers a all sizes and widths, sold covered heels, slippers and regularly at $1. . 7R_» oxfords, sold by Smith-Hen- Arrow price is ........ IJo ricksen up to $6. ". Do you wear B i ze $, 6% or 7? The Edwin 0. Burt en AC All the remaining Smith-Hen • Winter Tan Boots, «pOi*tJ ricksen shoes worth $3.50, $4 16-button, all sizes and widths, and $5, to be closed out Jat Lotls leather. Sold by Smith- the one price, C") A C Henricksen at $6. per pair ......... 0' *P*. i***3 Ladles'^ Tan _ Water- en AC Men's Work Shoes, Nappa proof Street Boots, in fC+J tanned, full double soles, wa button and blucher, wide toes, terproof top and bottom, all low, \ flat heels, welt Boles. BlzeS| rom 6to 12, shoes sold Sold by Smlth-Henricksen at $4 and wor th $4, on QC and $5. . V ..v tt ''— - Arrow price ..••-..•• *ti«JD 300 pairs Smith-Hen- CC- g»=« "* °«™* __, . ricksen Baby Shoes, DDC If 0?**?-, * °'Men s I cl worth and sold by Smith-Hen- «* hand tur°ed Houß° oS kid French'kid $1.75; patent °™'and a ta J lo™, 6? 8 kid, French kid Ind velvets, *"d „E, vere"B- SmitH-Henricl^ colored tops, hand turned sole. 8! n ****$}' All go $1 2 5 Ladies' colored Spate Jr. at' per Palr ' ' * '**' and Overgalters, in all 43 C The strongest line of men's $4 sizes. Smlth-Henricksen price shoes in Tacoma; leathers are 75c to $1. calf, gunmetal, patents, tan and Black and Tan Shoe Laces for brown, all oak tanned soles, men and women, F. oak counters and inner soles. 6 pairs for J C Everything in these shoes to Men's Puritan Calf, double sole make them good. OS net Fellowcraft Shoes, sizes 6 % Arrow price will be. . .«P*ti UU to 12, widths A to EE, regular Compare them with any $5 $4 value. The Arrow - price shoe in Tacoma. will be mn fin 2in 1 Shoe C_ always ....... .0... $OiUU Polish 3C & 936 PACIFIC %^AVBs MOTHER AND BABE ARE DROWNED LOS ANGELES, Oct. 28.— Jumping Into the bay to save her 7-year-old child, who > had fallen from the dock, Mrs. A. C. Frost of. Hollywood waa drowned yes : terday - afternoon. at Balboa bay end the '. child, . swept from her arms by a huge wave, also lost its life. -*--,;. For Dandruff Use ZEMO! A REMARKABLE REMEDY MOPS ITCHING S INSTANTLY PREVENTS BALDNESS ' Oet a SSe Bottle Today and Prove -...-. 0-. 1 ,.- , ■ I*. -■...,. r ... • ZEMO ' makes dandruff disappear In a wonderful way. It's clean, acts fast, contains no oil. Every ■peck of dandruff Is a warning that thin,' lifeless, gray hair and early baldness are already started. It's on the way! It's really scalp ecsema! That Is why ZEMO stops It, as well as all scalp - itching, crusting; or . soreness, .so promptly. i^m_r hI^WM ____ A__-__. A^Uv ' I_x*f__n_ _mm_^L_\ JSSmra ____-^_ _____ ___r-_***~ Am ___nT* ' ___F^v "Confound That Dandruff! 11l Vac | --, ZEMO and | Stop It Quick." y ZEMO Is the absolute master •of - eczema ' and. . all ' - skin ■**■ troubles whether' on I the scalp or elsewhere. r lt'a easy to prove it -. ■-'->-; -■■--•**.■•*r"~' ■;■■ Dandruff . means .'• that the hair roots ' and . scalp a are , "crrny," \-i Let ' ZEMO" put an end to : this " scaly plague that causes >, so - much I era- I barrassment, sick hair and bald ness in both men and women. It -Will; do —and • quickly as It ' ends pimples, blotches, . blackheads, I skin t spots, 1 ring I worm, ; tetter • and -all akin troubles. A 25c bottle ab solutely * proves lt." VM_.!o*»h- t* First-class druggists I everywhere , sell ZEMO, 25c a sealed bottle," or ■ sent -direct*' on receipt of price, by 1 E., W. Rose Medicine Co., : St. Louis, Mo. if- -•:::.--,f. ty * -•—*_, -r' '*--'V.:w v. :-y Sold i and ■■-, guaranteed - In . Tacoma Iby Crown Drug Co., 1132 Pacific ay. z'o. HAVE'YOU ; SEEN i THE - } V 0 o^^oj.BrEmrpLT^i^:.-j0: - 'ji4__________l______lii_s^^^ :.*-: ii ____m Bm^m^Aa •'■, - ■ l^j K*^L^;"' — ■ ' fl M* _B________\V':: *- e______H __________________________________ r -o:;eim_B mmamtm m ■*» - _______________________________■ -_^-*-* :'7 -iTMuMM WL . ■ «_._______-* '"': '.':O*&MMk B__\ ■7'm* -7*-o*^^ V»sa^'-^wr*a!SsSs<«s ' The fastest machine for record- I ing i, human speech lin I the ?, world. Telephone , for J private demonstra tion. No iokaxg*,%*r&W^S^i fi f Stenographers . wishing .- to :'. in -■ crease .their . efficiency . or | those IWho wish Sj. to M become Iv stenog | raphers : should see ,«t^^SS^ BUSINESS COLLEGE Main 803. TRUCK DAMAGED Fred Arnold, 1903 South 86th street, driving a powerful auto truck, last night accidentally ran into j the concrete | abutment at 25th and Jefferson avenue, , tore away part of the wall and ruined the red danger - light placed upon it. His truck •■ was badly -. dam aged. y 7*i .'.'*.:. LAY FIRST PLATES NEWPORT NEWS, Oct. 28. — First plates of the new super dreadnaught Pennsylvania to be the largest battleship afloat, were laid Monday. r . ' iii ii ; ■ . -i. "RIQ wiiiU oo7o7- ST. LOUIS, Oct. 28.— will of Adolphus . Busch disposes of $50,000,000. — - : £'.*— — - New Spanish Minister . MADRID, Oct. 28.—Count Ro manones resigned I and ' Edouard Dato, former minister of the | in terior, was elevated to the place. . Claiming Victory - BOSTON. Oct. 28.—Every po litical party in the state is claim ing a sure | thing for the election of governor November i::00ry 7 Shows Speed " - ROCKLAND, Me., Oct. 2 B.—. The trial test of the super-dread naught -Qexas showed a speed of 22.28 miles an hour.'; --7 GIVEN POSITIONS William Rusoh ' and Howard Gregory of Tacoma • have :' been given positions on the Chinook and Evergreen, the periodicals of Pullman college. -;:■ 7-: •'-■'■ SPEAK AT AD CLUB .- George' H. . Stone, Luther Clic and Ben Cultus will speak at the Ad club meeting tonight, i!Wr™i" FORFEITS BAIL 70 % _ State y Printer 0 Lamborn -; for feited yi his f bail before Justice Evans ' for auto * speeding 'on * the prairie. o; .yy.■yy -y—>y.:r : ,y HIS NAME CHANGED ••_■£ Judge Easterday * changed 1 the name ji of p> Frank : Makovlcka "to Frank' 0.! Mack. o"'':'' ' *** COULD NOT AGREE ■y? Justice Westcott's Jury could not agree whether or I not . James H. Mack had illegally sold liquor at South >Pralrte.yy**v'.s,'^-.--y. M The Family [ Cough Medicine*. is( In ! every 1 homo) there should be •': bottle ; of . Dr. . King's ', New • Dis covery, ready > for Immediate , use when * any 4 member of I the ; family tracts | a | cold . or v* a ~| cough. Prompt P use .will atop J the spread Of sickness. 8. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., writes: i "My I whole * family depends. upon Dr. King's New Dts. covery as the beet cough and oold medicine I in' the ; world.* Two j 6 00. bottles . cured < me ] of ■ pneumonia." Thousand* ;of . other families have bean f squall j benefitted and de pend entirely ~ Dr. 'King's New Discovery -r_* to >4* cure 4_J their coughs,. colds, throat 1 and i lung troubles. Every dose helps. Price, 60c. and? 11.00. y All ->i druggists. &K. Buckles A 00.. Philadelphia m a*. Isoo*. i OBTAINS WHIT DF HABEAS CORPUS Is. Robinwltz, alias L. Davis, "a diamond ■ commission '. merchant wanted .ln - Portland, Ore., .on charges of having "buncoed" Mrs. J. O. Laymann of .. $375 loaned him on an alleged Imitation dia mond, obtained a writ of habeas corpus in Superior Judge . Clif ford's court late yesterday after noon and is today fighting for his . liberty.: ..; Through his attorney, James F. O'Brien, Robinwltz serv <g) habeas corpus papers on Chief of Police Loomis, Captain of De tectives Fitzgerald and other po lice officers, demanding that they deliver their prisoner to the court at 2 o'clock today. Robinwltz admits having given diamonds as security .for loans. He declares, however, that he did not make any claims as to the value of the stones, and that if the persons making the loans gave him too" much money it was their own affair and no "bunco game" on his part. . AWARDS CONTRACTS Commissioner Woods this morning awarded contracts tor laying sidewalks on North Bth, 9 th, Junett and Cedar street to Brick Mattson for $7,237 and to E. F. Marshall for sidewalks on East F and 40th for $1,423. SENT TO TOMBS NEW YORK, Oct. 28.—Wil liam J. Cummings, sentenced to four to eight years for wrecking the Carnegie Trust Co., was sent to the Tombs prison, the execu tion of sentnee at Sing Sing being deferred while he makes an an other appeal. CONSOLIDATE DENVER, Oct. 28.—John C. Shafer has bought the Denver Republic and consolidated it with the Rocky Mountain News. GOVERNMENT WINS ROME, Oct. —The govern ment was generally successful ln the elections Sunday. * Cure Yourself of Piles _ Send for a Free Trial Package of Pyramid Pile Remedy and Prove How Easy It Is. If you really want relief from piles and want that relief quick, then take hope and just send for a free trial of Pyramid Pile Remedy. No matter how you suffer from piles you owe it to yourself to try Pyramid Pile Remedy. _im^^^_\_W j |i>.^^)| I ■ '-*^1^*;; mrW ■' 1 %~_^P' ■ ■ "^^•^^y---: 7m_^-00~ "If Yon Wast to Smile All the Time, , Use Pyramid Pile Remedy." ' So great Is the fame of Pyramid Pile Remedy that every drug store can supply, you no matter 'Where you live ln this country, and I that is a rapord that no half-way rem. edy could possibly' make.. If you could talk to sufferers who - have been relieved you would be con vinced, -.:■.'. 7 ■-.-"*• -',"-<*.' .. We don't ask you to do this. We know what I this great remedy will do under every > test and .we . want you to make this test. * . Send today to Pyramid Drug Co., 492 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich., for free samples to prove : our claims. ■_.-*'.r ': *.. - <-■-'■ .:'.-"■ -*-.-■;. ' Reduce the Cost of Living "From ~ Packing ; House to Consumer,'' That's : the ; Motto of - FRYE& COMPANY which offers you at 7 its markets tomorrow the following specials: ;' o^, SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY, 75707 OCTOBER' 89. >"" Choice T-bone steak >T.^. 22c Rib' and '; loin mutton ' chops 14c Choice sirloin i steak ff.T. ,*t 18c Breast !of lamb KT;"T r.VTr.'. Be Small livers C 'o^J'rrr^TTrfTSc Best;r Washington $ Creamery butter, 3 lbß. : :f: "0:'. 1.10 ?ss?■}■ /?•*• •■.Z:, oii 0t. J& £'00 ■" "*'»"- ,^>^ Our Markets Are Lo abm*mi*~viK-*a*aiiir^ m if _- pc*-r«*.«.-*«»;.-r^.' . cated as Follows: Prye & Co., 17th and Commerce Washington Market—lllß and 11__0 South O Street. S. P. Market—South Tacoma. m. Look ; for the iV. S.|a Purple Stamp. It signifies Purity end Quality. § Our, meat kept in san itary cases! In! perfect condition by our cold air system.-'fSag^-I 1 m^am '- mm m"■ -=--j- —rm \_,VP* '¥# mmm "*-J* ■ .*ptf*^_ We Give Penny Change m***mmMma9tftemi_9m*k*sMk*#-, ■ itii_#mi&mi2Z.m THB | TAOOMA TIMES I_>______MW->— m _____*_7_yy -■ '.jr -■•■-- ■■•■.:■'•••. ■■■r ■■*■ ■•^•m-^ • .-_. T-. -...a,.-,- I- ,-.. — ■■. x.' ,a^ •.- J.W .. * ... •■ .cm ■- -,^...r .... .. ■t' '-, ...,,,■■ (. .. Vty-.y y-..> .\ >'..,. ..T_M>i. .^k.-WitK-tllSlgallf M^^___i__y_^_yL_l_________iZyiL__-___ *'-- - - ;- v "-*-- " * -::•—■ ,<- 77070-7^,.0 ■-• .7070* ■-- --. - "**:-:• .. ••:**-£■% Our New ■ Bargain Square ur New Bargain Square; Tomorrow is the second day of this new section of our store and the store infant has the following extra specials to offer you: Women's Hosiery at 24c I**e assortment of women's If and . •. ■ ....... — -^————-—-750 lisle and silk lisle hosiery, including a sample line of one of the country's largest maufacturers, all sizes represented in; the lot, although there is not every size in every line, blacks, tans, as well OAr. as black tipped with fancy colors, are included, special tomorrow at . . .' .', '■ 7' . -,y- ■»»--; ; v yyy.---. ■ h e - - -- ■ ' ' -. .' * ' "", .' ** ''- -'0 ■•..'•' : 0 '."-: ■".07.. *.-,*■*; ■' .-'.- ■- ; 007 it^-'M ■ ' ■---"■'■ :-y'o-:- "■ -■ ' -•_.- 70 -■* • " 077^'"0..^007,y^ ,y?">*. Enormous Sale Misses' and Women's Ready-to-Wear j A great bustling activity on our second floor has now resulted in completion of all preparations for this great sale, | which will be an epoch event in women's wear. |ggp '. ;."•-">'; Garments of the highest quality and standard including suits for women and misses, silk dresses, wool serge dresses, . children's coats, infants', coats, petticoats, waists, raincoats, skirts, etc., are in this sale at prices far below regular.fs?| 7 yo7i WOMEN'S AND MISSES' DRESSY SUITS ■ .! We have divided our entire stock, priced up to $42.50, into three lots. Each to be sold at remarkable price concessions. I LOT NO. 1—75 beautifully tailored garments priced regularly $34.98, $37.50, $40.00 and $42.50. These suits indeed stand out as the aristocrats in women's wear. Materials of unusual richness both in color and texture make up these <RQQ I suits. Styles that are faultless and all the latest make these doubly attractive at the price of ................ ..Y.^V'VVJ; %- LOT NO. 2—High grade suits priced regularly $22.50, $24.98, $27.50 and $30.00 may be found here. Serges, tweeds and fancy mixtures as well as cheviots and diagonals, cut in excellent styles, lined with fine quality lining satin and (PI fjpi ' perfectly trimmed. Regular values up to $30.00. Special at .. ....... '-. .......... *pl.*s. I£L i LOT NO. 3All our popular priced suits, including our exceptional lot.of suits at $14.98, are in this assortment. Good qual ity material that will wear and not shrink or lose their shape combined with styles rarely found in such fl*"| "J H C ** reasonably priced garments, make these suits most remarkable offerings at a popular price. Special at :...... .'.*?'<,-.'.'yi \ Silk and Poplin Dresses j • ■{■ ) -^§^^^^.2^:s, Quality Raincoats at | a fine assortment of 150 new // VvVffl^jCv li»^^^^l / twlaammmma _\ mOo, \^i_ma' Sateen Petticoats at 98c ; fall models right up to the l\ ftisswSf___ wkMwbW . v^-iM / » B BaVllgflgßJgggjiJg---.- A large shipment of women's minute in style and including JIA n^^Bjffl ffillw I\\ \V /// Ja/JaWm B_^A^_*_W_^'mim>^^^__ywm\oWi\l petticoats that have lust ar- - plushes and serge mixtures; *V.\ M\.>M ISSPl^'riß lV> I /// **/ >HW^ ■ H-£ vie* HcSfl \WM 1/ llWliW rived to be included in this regularly priced for $15.00; i^Jy-£*~^^!|iß \V*\ ft /// 7MM \\M} ■P*=fiH lg___ W ill "I I" iii illlln . sale. These 300 petticoats are ! your choice ***519 QR 7\C*d^^^Sj'ft<f*BAat\ \\ y/l 111 J J_MJ^I \^_\ _B§sn!!ffl mm VJr MmM made of an extra quality QO- Raincoat Special $1.95 } " llMt')>'/£ WW V 3 * \ WS^WI Children's Coats $3.95 This is suitable for women or I '_, jj ytm/\jf \ \\. X^Ls fiIEAISMSm t* A number of coats *we bought ■ misses, fully 54 inches long* '{[YwML \ \^V •' \T¥k.SASSS3 to sell at a special value at j has a good model cut. storm- .. \l WW? VA^4 M^MmMM $4.95. Included are good wool proof collar and has a plaid.; . W"^ ffl MSmP , materials in brown, navy*.aad ' back. _ Special - $105 '.>• ■'.r*^;i'*."., -V ffl?*m* .0 .' red. Your choice $3 ftß S —^^—^——.^——^— I ———■—■ aaa.mmma T_T_ a^—aaa—a——a..——-^— m^amtmmmmmaaaa — Ay --■■■■■-, . -..- - . ■ - ■ -. -■ :■-,-..,..• -- »t ■■ . .--,.: - .-■ ■■ ■ -■---. .::-. ■....., ss;~. •■-,..■ —J. -.—. • >■;. ■:; :•..:._. : . ■-,: j-*:- r ■-'-,*,: y-yj-^ Annual Opening Display and Sale of Furs ..ifk The initial shipment of our complete fur stock has arrived and we are now able to offer the public a complete and high { grade line of fashionable furs. To introduce our furs quickly we have arranged for special prices for the remainder of this • week. Price reductions ranging from 10 to 20 per cent from our most moderate regular prices will be offered at special in ducements :""0-:y7':"*S- Ify.'SH. ■'■-' '■ -l-w ■f," ' '"- ■ .-a *•-■*: : .-.- ""- ,ra-"-« ,: ■ : -y :..w, •: .- ■:.; ■■ ,:■- ■ , -■ -. ■_. ■•. "y,--, £■?■? MSxttggtyy iV" ■ t___ *■*-" -i- y- '-"-■. 3 :.; :•■■•■. ..' V ■ ,-i_ ■ T i.:%&J^I. • I dUCementS --:^P^Pt& .-■•.■'-. 7-yy.,, .*■-.•..-.-■ •.. *,;-:- y.--■-.,-;..y.^yy-.yyyy.y. -yy-y, y7^.yyy.y7..y,y:-..y7yyy., 0007,070. ■■yoypo i ■:. Our present selection is remarkable for the variety and beauty of its furs. I i We; need % not " emphasize the : most ' conserva- ; tive prices at which these beautiful furs have been marked, because the merchandise will speak for itself. i These sets are all that is fashionable. Stoles that represent the lifelike appearance of the animal, beautifully satin lined, the muffs are of elegant draped and pillow effects leaving nothing to be desired as to elegance and style. . ,"-. ; 0 [ _-■ The animals that have given their skins for these exquisite sets are: Civet Cat, Foxes of all descriptions, Red: Foxes, I Gray Foxes, Blended Jap Cross Fox, Black Fox, Natural Cross Fox, Beavers, Hudson Bay Seals, as well as high grade imita- ; tions of Mole, Canary and similar high price and rare furs. . | " As specials we would draw attention to these examples of what we are offering in this introductory sale. The set in ? each case means muff and stole. ; ; *:^^: :^*MOS^_mmil "dkW&Sfo-- ■ Bed Sox set, *reg. $2498,: at ....;...... $19.98 Blended Jap Cross Fox; reg $29.75;? at $25^00 &&%&&! Y__9i_tSSmm*SmT i■' ■- *■ ■•-->•.-'''■» '. • > ■=- -"~ *•" ■■ ■-.-. *, ■• ..-■>»•'-.!-:«- yu'-m**," J^ "■■*" - -'• •" .'"•■• ii-.f.tfw_»tw.?r *. ..--i"^ ..-tf%^.iajwfcA,4.«.-w<awvnv.'-a-.' y;yw^yl^^m_y_^Sl p -*^^^b» •- . - -. - - ■• - ■ - ■-■■ --» %^J**<i'-i<vt're<.H_>i<fW'.aar*^^ \ ofc77*ijjsr*m. ■■ ' ■-•'■y ,\*_ ■y■ - y *■■■-■-: ;''■■ *----i-j(|.+».%fs.'^'--'sriv*... .-■-• -■*■ ■■•■;*■ ,\-if^*^'^*^'i.»BKTf,*i!*!*«sr w *™~*™M"^ &i~MU _____*"*^ f o.i<fW_}__mi Hudson tei set, reg. $89.50, at........ $78.50 7 Genuine . Beaver, reg. $55, special!. : r{547.50 iKfiSil ±re fz ß-KITIMI •'•*•••--' - ' -' r' ••**<■'*•**-*■•••**** -**.i '.a w-' k rv., '-i" •^*.*mZ^-^isM^*:t**<r-. min*».vmtsr jr>^c'^wv*.J..*^; A3HI H. --t "ty^^m S *^-W" ■ •mm**a*i;*g^m_x.a , A.-. ...y -.'„ .■ ,y t. • ■ .•„-,- ; fc - .*-».-■* "r .<_, w--»-^, •.% —* : ■ ■..-.- • t rf%#TtofftfttM» X>y H».-^v.M^-'t<flflS^^^[^B *j *,! * ■ J^B / '-Tflßß ''■ .-■'n#'W-','ilß„.j •■* 't, ",'>-^*'*r- -■•.:■*-'•■• *_. ■■• ..- -'■*:■ . yy7o- 0070701077^^0 Vj : | W..-,^,;-. ■■■--.. ;/■■.•-,;..,; _■,■.;- .•-■i.-.j.i-i.;. ,--*. . . -..-._. iiy* -.'.yt:^y. ..- a . ..v„- a --- ,-.-...,.,■.,*;..'. .^sf* j &*' Ik 7:fflb.*_ -^fti Black IM, reg.-$75.00, at,....v.y.*;:.567.50 ft 'ImportedrMink,^reg.:s7s.oo,l at^f!^s6s.oo fl I fIJr«t,SK * "in ■'■" ■' •'■-• fijl -* I | ■ ■■- - - ; ..--.---. ■,;*.*:■..*•_ ■ a-—.->.-v - ;^i.ay»: (B V;V- ,i fßed V?ox set, reg. $24.98, at $19.98 Blended Jap Cross Fox, $29.75, at $25.00 Jj Hudson Itttl set, reg. $89.50, at $78.50 Genuine Beaver, reg. $55, special $47.50 #5 ft Black itf reg. $75.00, at $67.50 Imported Mink, reg. $75.00, at $65.00 W Gray Fo_vi*g. $37.50, at .$33.95 Moline, reg. $49.98, at .$42.75 fl ""' * WKwU'vll '-«*--<^'-*^*- ♦• j- ■■* -- "•'--.-»'•>•»-'*■*■■■.'N^a<-a.<J^<^'j.-a'h_.--K-<i'V^ai;-ar]myt.. s«g; ya*'■■*. iy, itti:; xc-i»~«niv -<.U>■rt»n'.«^'-Ji^^rW^>M>*>^A«^. la^^-<igra^MP^iV><^w^«»^ ,^H .-j '*"?^'.|W^wk_SJ^2__L________X_________Z_____________________^^ Natural F^/reg^^eS.OO^atjV'.V^y^^; $58.75 .-; Canary Muffloon, reg. $24.95, at :.'.-:■;.519.85 HB Civet <M* reg. $17.50, at $13.85 Red Fox, reg. $69.50, at $59.75 I , tJJI3Tl*J»t;a»^"-. «tH>--7^'t— -^ '..aSJtT^iC-'' y*V.yAa*-;»-^.->ay"»/.i, >'.a.-<»^').~..-r'WW.l^t- J«I >a.^---a.>-V;.,»°... - ■■a..'- ...«•■■•■. ,i>--.i • ■ >~- I■. . w.,w..w. ..* V.-Jp^-^^F tllliii^^ ALL THESE SETS DISPLAYED IN OOR CORNER WINDOW ■ ■-" i! j i. '.y*a.'«t'>'*'*/I'Wik^>.-'^ v-aWwf J .-.- u^<jis«i!aT W , o^.*_•■?;_..>V,:;:.^^ i i. i iamm.mnm. mi i ——__________■___—-^—^———-__-———^——— ll I i _■_____—^———mi^ii ■ i '——■—>———■ i ■■_-_-iiLM____»-______-__________M___M_ W^__i____i_iiMaMM i i. IM , m ■ 111 mmmmmmmmmammamm mi ■■ j mzsvituann*mimn**r»'m*t**tsitKiiss^ni^iiSe-rm-r!.11 !2,imi,»rem—*i'^<t»*tm;&iamim*isviße~,*tri*f*'wKs*.+im__*t a«^tf.»T«iwa>.a.>-t»^»«goaiiag»si.■-.■....-.■-. • • •.•.■t.--^ »-**•« .- . _.::•»;,..* l T*ajv-<»(W^(f.w«-y.ii-«i«t.-.fT*.'* . , ' .Charge purchases for the a Parcel Post charges pre- s M nSTSSI 5? i W Hallowe'en Tafcle Decorl rest of October;- will be | paid on purchases of $1.00 | S^^riSSS'SS^ 1 itt^«^i«B» j placed on November bills | and Jy^^postbgi^ I gSn^^^Sk | *n our weU equipped favor ii mailed to yon December 1. | the Northwest 1 SSSf I department. '-' H ■ Knacks. *^ fi >.».&**: H '. in i J ! in. . '»' ai ii .' Mati PAGE THRU.