Newspaper Page Text
■^■B" Mk I _#^ _P^ P""_#^_P% **"BP ■__■ ■ __Ek ■_■■ _o^ao±, #■_#%■■■ 4_% ■ _____■ __k^____ I Mm. W __i^____ ------------ W^AU __i^___ W W- ____■_■ I **-! ____■■ 2^k_ ____T^ ___!■ ___N I m___F II m I _r ■^^^ - -;.i*.\y.y>^ H wa Mk Ml m M_*j«_«i^S-___6^^U|s»«.«.; ; '.- . -;-.y _3i.S, 4::i».-, *iS'-?^l*e*wfi?^^«_*s^^^Sfe . "Is it fair when a man bas made a mistake and paid the pen alty and re-enters the world to try to retrieve his good name and become a useful member of society. that his past should be brought against him and the doors closed against him? ;y: -r :'*;&.. 0--'.o'la there no one among the good Christian people of Tacoma who will give me employment and m chance?" ■ - - y...y'7'yy:-:- .y'yyyyi' ■ :■".'-' —A. J. HUART. yy-. "-' Rev. A. A. Sutton had closed his speech at a meeting at the First Christian church last night. 70 As he took his seat a neatly dressed, intelligent appearing young . . man who had sat through the speech with eyes riveted on the speak a er, arose and came forward. He stood for a moment with eyes down ,.; cast. Then he lifted his face and In a firm but modest tone' began: SP* - • "Drink was the cause of my downfall. . ■ '--• *__ .-.:- *, THE BEST FEATURES, THE BEST PICTURES, THAT'S THE TIMES. .*-Mka_____aM«Haa________-___ a ___- B _ "THE LURE" will lure quite a V, few tonight. 'y V. '"*•';. • REN DOW DOESN'T like the play. ./ Reverend ', McGinnis ... doesn't like it, either. **•' THEREFORE, we are going to it, believe us! . ; MORNING PAPER announces in big headlines that there were ' three pitched battles in Colo rado yesterday.! That should ' go on the sporting page. AND YET HERE we go putting ■ out in front ourselves. J ";y "DRIED LEMONS, Old Clothes, ■_■■ Faded >. Flowers, Divorce," - states our morning contempo rary. ' y .;. _.:.. -* ~-y .0. THAT'S a nice. meal for break . fast, ain't. it? " • ' ; ; CECE KIMRROCGH, the eminent * local btcylist, (has equipped his -jf - trusty steed - with a fire gong, : and says he . has as much fun .." now as if he owned an automo t. bile. y'-yi:-- Vs. ::0000y, ! .THE GONG makes pedestrians jump just as fast as when they hear the honk of an auto horn. HEADLINE SATS: * "Vera * Cms -;■-■ Chuckles." The young lady *': must have a sense of humor. VERA CRUZ is really a city yon y know. j That;' is what makes '-.- the above remark 'so delirious ly funny. ::',7; :iy: -i: 7 : GUARD; M'COY at ; the. city jail told a prisoner to go and fetch "•'.- him j a pailr of water, lt took Vi? •aid prisoner .'• so long . to '-. find '£$$* well f that ho . lost i his n way ifig and couldn't find the jail. - oio.r,:s-y**y,, \ ■ -.. yy yyy ROSALIND made - a great hit !at *■; the Ad club last -night, y She , proved a charming girl, and she y." wore . a - diaphanous skirt, . with y a silt; in It.-*. .* "''.*-'' ...■"•"' '-'00 " .',, a mmmm^mmmmmam 1 —' *" "f ' THE ONLY ' TROUBLE '• is j .that Rosalind works in a store dur :'k-Ing,.the; daytime! .as a r _ window . dummy. ; 0a707070i7y'-7 - W. W. is losing all, his gallantry, y y~lt seems. The other he met ■:\0 a man he didn't like and they fv£jf bad *an awful argument. " . 00. AS THE FRAY kept on fraying, 1 '" •.'' W. W. waxed £; sarcastic y and threw hot shots Into his oppo ■j 7 nent. y0000t:0i, •yyyyyy y . "YOUR MOTHER mast have been 0y fond ?of ■» children, to '• let you * live," he got off hts chest once. WE DON'T know what is wrong [xpf with i- W. W. unless '. it lis ] that ?&§ somebody has t been **' trying ito ■yf: sell him a Ford automobile. y•*:,y-o_\!.y;.'s*i• * * - ■- yyx: 3.' '.;"•:■'■ <.*■ i BILLY ASKREN is going to see '••yy-- . The Lure" this evening. >';.; 70 s\%'Siii:sJ.J.-Ik —— ' "'■ 707:7.00.0 I OTHER PEOPLE ARE going,' too, ■ a but | Billy -asked us Ito put > his '.',•;; name in the paper. yyo'^ . i A COLLEGE PRESIDENT has de. claret, that I a "% million g»t would &% Christianize the Turks. mi^.^Pii^'-^i^r^p.'i^mmm^mmm^i^y^y-yy^^s.-. HE MEANS a million Bulgarians, Mg of 'course^r^y' " "0. X.*'s S^'PK^W**. i. . —.|j|;;'j-B^>it^| • IN CASE i Huerta wins the Mexi mt can election, they are t going ;to BS appoint another,'' president. &S^*tsuems^r^'Jii^^>\m.-, " ? GOSH! Poor .$ Huerta will not know Huerta to go soon. (With 70 apologies to' Jack Ledwidge.) ' y ~,;—.r.*-T- , - :.'-mmf.m- - - ..---. ~~. , . j. ,^ probTbharges CHARLBSTOWN, W. Va.. Oct. I f9.—An . investigationßwa * _ com menced by the state pri aoa board | today Jof g the charges Sg of ? John § B|>ihi«,,f an 1 1 ex-convict, that pris • oners ; in-the state penitentiary %**i a tortured < (or trivial ' o-tense* i a 2*e^.'^p*»H^.»s»a*«rty_?, v,_;:'r__2t:f»<_.i_i:: DISARM ALL MINERS AND MINEGUARDS TRINIDAD, Colo., Oct. 29.— The strike district is occupied by more than 1,000 state troops to day. Martial law prevails. ■ Sol diers began disarming both strike sympathizers and mine guards as rapidly as possible. Many miners disarmed themselves before the militia arrived. They turned the weapons into union officials wlho later handed them to the troops. Quiet reigned at daylight. Troop trains . have been very slow ■in getting into * the coal STRANGLE GIRL; BODY IS FOUND ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 29.—The body of Harriet Vorndon, age 21,.was found in a room in the Mission apartments here today* Marks on her throat indicated that she had been strangled and had been dead about six hours. Laura Reynolds, a chum of Miss Vorn don, found the body'and notified the police. She is held as a wit ness. According to Miss' Reynolds, the body . was found in a room that had been occupied'by a man known as W. Wilson.' * :_■:■. ;"' : -■■7. ; MAN REPENTS FOR CRIME; POLICE TURN HIM LOOSE PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. i 29. George E. Dawson, - a baker, at tended a street religious gather ing last night and became filled with seal, and hastened to the po lice station to give himself up as a "forger" who had passed a "no i funds" : Check. . ■■,■*■';■ ■'_:<,,-.yyy; 0- Dr. Blair, assistant city physi USE MESSENGERS - WASHINGTON, D. Or, Oct. 29. About three-fourths !of the ; in vitations for the wedding : next I month of Jessie Wilson: to Fran cis f Bowes . Say re k_ at \ the j White House will |be delivered by mes senger, according to an announce ment, today. /..:, r -'".'' A SWELL REQUEST " South Yakima citizens appear ed j before | the , council this [ morn ing - asking ' that ' artistic lighting be J installed fonf their thorough fare after it is paved. 4? Nick* Law son will figure what * : it • will \ cost. CAN'T DO IT -1; Judge Stiles said the? council could i not ;'■ limit ■ the % number of picture shows in town jso i the po sition of the show men this morn ing was referred to Mills without any indication of future action. DRYS OPEN BATTLE FOR DRYING UP WASHINGTON ..,.-■. --. ,-.,-_: a. f&mm.jwim.'--:,*,- wn^,x. jj...^j«,— _*£".. ■y. The first gun; in the campaign to make Washington dry in 1914 was fired '. at 1 the ; Firat • Christian church last night in a mass meet ing addressed . by; Rev. J. ; A. Sut ton, ''{ pastor of - the . First ; Baptist church. -o:ffio^^S:^.^> '-rliSU^iU fs He said the ; only > reason ■.; tlhe liquor traffic was ,of . such long life." was -that 0 the - peopl _ ' who wanted ; It f eliminated '■?& had * been too f co wardly " at j the - bailor, * box, and' he called ' for an ' uprising next year for the people to vote the state dry . and i not leave _ the . ques tion ;to ' crooked T4e«lslatures to ■tAmvieri&ttb:'goilß^^oZoo T At the close of: the meeting a large number ', of« new i< members were [ sighed 9up t for the t various ward I clubs that is have | been lor PENNANT COUPON NO. 73 Aay tAtaa ra.oomm dlml ttaa* Tke Ttu_«» coaaaeatlvsly ■•■• b«rcd, nhaa maeaemtaA ■at iThe Thaea afftee, .Thm ■ "Waat , At" - Cataat, ( Ninth mm* Cammataa, • with IB •*■!■, will.eatlll* ra. ta a beautiful K>-«>l v»>ut' UmrMlln M"M« kr ■■■) mill <••! Be aMltloaal lie xtatmtgym trngrmm ■» las" at;, stall ;«o,xa«, Tinm maa.' Niath aa* I tCtaaiM-«r«e.-g^gaai£_ai«li-a^-,ay_--i*»-^-yai*^_^^ "I made a mistake. Under the'apell of the drink I betrayed th« trust of my employers and embessled money from the* bank for which I worked ln Eastern Washington. -y *"• . ■-7:yo:^y*'-y7-^:ooi^^t "I had a wife and child; as fine a home as any man ever had. .. I had a good position. I I. had every opportunity, but drink caused me to lose them all, and I was sent to prison at alia Walla for two years. .: "'. ■- '~:y ■■: "■** .-" m-: --:y-m.' ■'- 7* •- --.■.y7-'---.y_,j^yy'-y*^3Ufxiij ::**'! was released a short time ago. I did not want to go back to the town from which I had come, so 1 came to Tacoma. I have tried to get work, but no one wants an ex-convict. -.. Is it fair when m man has made a mistake and paid the penalty that his • past should jbe raised against him. Will no one give me a chance?. "■ •• --y00\ "I at last got a position. j 1 worked for three days, then my em ployer discovered I was an ex-convict and he discharged me. My money was gone. ; I was in despair. ' Wherever 1 turned they refused me a chance. And I decided to commit suicide. y - ■'-.■-*:.■%■•-.. "I was trying to get my nerve up to the point, to kill myself when I saw the sign of the rescue mission. I entered. I - became' The Tacoma Times 30c A MONTH VOL. X. NO. 267. TACOMa, WASHINGTON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29,1913. fields, and not many soldiers were on the ground before earjy today. Brigadier General. Chase imme diately began distributing j them about the various mining camps. Details were sent to^Verdickburg, Walsenberg, Delagua, - Hastings, Ludlow, Tobasco and - Berwind districts. Reserves are held ln readiness to be rushed to ot.her points if trouble breaks out. Sol diers brought tents, two weeks', provisions and plenty of ammuni tion. /:,• : " "- ..... clan, was' called to examine | the man's mental condition. , ■_ "Mentally normal, but -' relig iously seriously converted," re marked the doctor.' " T "Go! • Square yourself with the man ': you -■-*. wronged and j sin no more," said the police captain in Biblical fashion. g *':■.*"-;" ■ MERRIAM LOSES i SAN 0 FRANCISCO," Cal., a Oct. 29. —Capt. Henry C. Merriam lost his suit i for divorce from | Bessie C. . Merriam today by Va | decision of ' Superior Judge Graham. • -0. -... New Year's day Uncle Sam will open a' sale of government, bonds to I postal. savings *'-.: bank ,: deposi tors.' Any who have deposits may take government, bonds . for the deposits in sums of $20, $100 and $500. The bonds will : draw 2 % per cent interest. . The bonds' are exempt from all taxes. .y Ben' Cultus,- A. <R. Bloomfield and; George H. Stone spoke at the Ad ' club 1 meeting ; last night. The club decided •to ' take ja t block ■of seats *.*s for *V; the V. Giant-Cub ;'jj ball game ; November 19. It v was : an nounced, that plans are on foot to bring the Northwest" Ad club con vention I here j Instead fof- to Van couver, \B. 03X Many j new ,if mem bers ? have been ._ taken ', into £$ the ' club ; lately. .'/, 0): oiy-yO-'tt-00 iy-yO-'tt-0-K"_* ganinedtopush the movement. I f^ Another . meeting 1 will |be j held next I month at the . Fir at | Baptist church. 000y0i0_ \ £00f&#&£ ; >.---"-; ;. 0. : -_)4- I, I,| '' -t • ■ -■■■ ■.- j-. :f i^: j PATROLMAN RELEASED. I Patrolman Peter Moras, who! was on the; carpet fa ; short time ; ago 7on f; charges of " having \ been Intoxicated j at ? the J Puyallup j fair, was '__ discharged ' from '■ the Tacoma police : force \ this ] morning. "^ He is said to ; have engaged in an' argu ment ; with a 3 fish dealer ;■ at s the public market, over the purchase of a- crab . yesterday, and to" have used } threatening; language. pria TODAYS CLEARINGS. Clearings 342,321.34 .Balances g??rff?yyg_!_f23,39i:«B For Tacoma and vicinity: Bain tonight and Thursday THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TAOOMA CENSORS TO SEE PUY TONIGHT MI.US OF SOCIAL SERV . ICE BOARD AND PROSECUT OR ASKREN TAKE IN "THE LURE" THIS EVENING— TION MAT FOLLOW. At least two and perhaps more members of 'he .Social Service board will attend the first ' per formance of "The Lure," a sen* National white slave play which comes to Tacoma tonight, and Deputy Prosecutor W. B. Ask ren will be present to act as cen sor on the play. " '■ ,, , : The prosecutor's office and the Social jService ' board: are pre pared to stop the performance if they find it obscene or immoral. Manager. Charles McKee, in an ticipation jof such j an event, has secured a j number '■ of ' blank ball bonds and . filled them out. He declared today that If the actors are arrested or the show stopped in anyway he would obtain ball bonds immediately and the per formance would go on. _.i Members of "The Lure" , com pany arrived ln Tacoma this aft ernoon. y They asserted that,, al though the play had been wit nessed .by many morals officer during the tour, it has never been stopped. y-, ..*.* y ■■- .. .*-.. *• ■ — ...-- STANDS PAT ON ! CITY OWNERSHIP ; The ; V Central . (. Improvement league stands pat for municipal ownership of the tideflat car line. The league refused to take up the recent i municipal • ownership resolutions adopted by the Hill aide and West End clubs, stating that it had : already gone on rec ord for ' the same thing. and ' had taken no step ' backward from its original ..position/agfV '•-■: .-/.""', '_} y Up to date not an improvement club in the city - has stood for.' a Stone-Webster y line * .'across | the EPOCH MAKING >'_ ATLANTA, Ga*;~: Oct. $9. —That President Wilson's "speech"' at Mo bile, .: In ! which § he' declared \ the United States.would not seek fur ther i: territory !by 7 conquest,-, will be j placed .In .history leg, the /'Mo bile i declaration," ,"was. the • state ment I today'r of , Secretary _of the Navy - Josephus ' Daniels. o7 ii *0i KILLED SEVENTH WILLIAMSON, W. Vs.; o. Oct. 29. —Mrs. . Sarah % Sloan was cap turned ?. here. today after .; fleeing from 4j Blackberry 0. Creek, y Ky;,' where she shot and killed her di vorced husband.;- She was-the seventh wife *of X Jud ', Sloan, ' and his . eighth s* wife y- witnessed 'the B(hootIng."-.r-1*:t*S-_i' J s*^ r-;;V."*r^is«#:f EMBEZZLED COIN IS CHICAGO, Oct.l^ 29.—Said *to have been I married | a week : ago in San : Francisco, James: F. Thomas was arrested : last night ! charged with ; having;,embezsled y $ 1,600 from MoCauley brothers 'of Van °°™™tm<hmi€oimm3m. ONE IS KILLED •S: HAMPTON ROADS, Va., Oct. 29.—The explosion of Ia ' gasoline tank j in* the t foundry room, of 1 the battleship \ New Jersey last ; night fatally injured .one,seaman*. and burned others |b^lyig;^s??.|f^ AVIATOR IS KILLED RHEIMS, France, Oct. — Quartermaster % Sergt.-TtVanalA3 a French aviator, was, killed yester day-afternoon When his machine collaDCW* faaatVMied, and when ttiey railed * for volunteers to come forward ! I Went. I prayed, oh, I prayed as no man ever prayed with more desire, that I should be freed from drink. And God finally heard my prayer and 1 am free,* bat 1 have no money, I am an ex-convict and have no work. Is there no one In this Christian audience who can give me employment?" -: is :.-., ,* v .,-. ..-, --y?! <£?££! "•"-'•' ".'",* .A. 4. Huart stood there modestly looking into, the faces of 800 persons. .■■»■'.-•••; .**- ',-■''' j .■-:.....,'* yyy. -0y -,- '■■ -y ,-■• .---.'.. f y- i Dr. Sutton broke the'spell by arising and suggesting that he un derstood Mr. Huart could get work in Portland If he could get there, and Be asked ttie crowd to come up and raise a fund to send him there. '■' ■-,-.'■ -y- - yyy . 1 And a rush wae made for the pulpit .and m rain of silver went Into the basket. There was over 97 when the crowd stopped. ; J Rut is A. J. Huart to be hounded out of this state because he was once a convict? —. ■,'■.■■:.:.■■ ' I "I would like to stay here," said Huart to the Times this merning... •■-:..0-— .-- . ""-, •-,..:, y -y. ■-—-■:■ .■.-.'-..■-■-•-•*■'-■ "BABY BLUE-EYED" GIRL CONFESSES TO NUMEROUS ROBBERIES IN THIS CITY ■y Mrs. Stella Hanson, the "baby blue-eyed" girl thief caught in police (oils yesterday. y...*-V;r> ..'.■;..; - "■';•■-,.,'-,- ',•'*-'': .•-**■•_"..■-- *$ '■ ..** i ■-:*:■ ---.t, ■ .'y.,.o* ■■ - *•- '■- '• - . ','" ' ' tt' :. -£"-'*. . .-T. v *"' --■ Confessing every crime that the police had Information on and arc used her of, Mrs. Stella Hanson, the girl thief caught Tuesday, declared I today that she had a peculiar dual personality, and j that at times she;could not prevent herself from stealing. ■•. ... *f "I don't want to steal," sobbed the girl, as she sat in the de tective-captain's office. "It's not my fault. But at times I seem to be possessed. of another • spirit' and * I : cannot stop myself from taking things that do not belong to me." '00. ■'•'. '"' .' -0 .:'. ; ',": . ■Xy7>Xlio girl has recovered several stolen articles, and directed the police to places where others ; were hidden." :•''■':■"'■"_ ;"? J ' . ;v,;y y SAID TO HAVE ■-£.■.-- %7t* ■, .^,;. -U*. £-*-y. -.'*i^tl?*-'7> *f'-T * 0y?i,%.-^:.*7^, f^....m**^;f^f^i t rxro.<*:f* SWINDLED MANY "*•- . . '.'•::' fy-yy'y .?• ' ..s?-. -. : •■'»", .-■''*•»• -""-;.. -. * rr, --j_ — , f «' -t „,» i.'"■:'-: High financiering Is alleged against H. J. Reynolds, real estate agent of I Tacoma, in a complaint filed lin I superior I court I today \by Deputy Prosecutor Askren. Reynolds .• Is f ace- ail .of,» having .-. sold beautiful acre tracts in the fertile Horse . Heaven country of Yakima county i under j representations that would have ! put' the l Wallingford and "Blacky" ; Daw; combination to dire . shame. r*.>£. - .-•_,<•,: *"<;>«■ 'fry i-'--0 Reynolds. is employed as agent for W. P. Colp, who manages a local company .* known. as the - "Horse j Heaven . Orchard Tracts com pany." X The agent - is: said ; to, have sold to 4 George :,■ Salxiurin 7: of Eatonville and several other customers '. arid land in • Horse Heaven on : which he said there would be | irrigation water within j two j years. '7 :■■:. Sabourin . and - others | became suspicious * after I purchasing I land and made an investigation, learning, it is said, that an irrigation plant had not even been constructed and that It was a doubtful prop osition. **.'.' A"i warrant for Reynolds was ; issued _ today .' and I officers are scouring the city for him. o7:o \ 7~._ o:ry .*> "• ** :-:y;, ■•■_;.. y- -.•:...•.... SAYS HIS WIFE'S FOOD DROVE HIM TO DRINK ai- NEW YORK, Oct. 29.—Henry Is. Hughes, an electrical engineer, was sued for separation by Mrs. Hughes lon i the ground "■ he drank too much and abused her. : In his reply, filed :in '_ the,supreme court today, Hughes' Said*, his \ wife 1 pre-, pared j and - seasoned j his if odd j bo MILLS TO SEE THAT MEN WILL FREEZE NO MORE 0%, i:- u . «,».^yv*. .:--v -*oy* ■yyr^-w-- r . : .^i--->'-^:.«, s iM^_<^^ if Perhaps 1 prisoners i In | the I city jail i will | not I freese after I this. ; | The conditions -at night were called •' to "_. the : attention' of | Com missioner lof Public Safety A. U. •Mills yesterday and !he » promised to. make _ some provision '•- tor if In mates : of Lth*:tx\la.?itf#yitt&*'Js |? He **** l considering % installing ._m-^-am, i ■——i ■ ■ — — —. , Breaks Sweetheart's Jaw __$MSBW^^ Lover's Quarrel .1: jf Because' he jls ? said £| to « have broken his sweetheart's : jar with 'his list during a "lover's' quar rel," Ted employed at ftie, Sparry mills, was arrested last evening by Constable Fred Ward. The j Wow struck August 25, H;to*s«^^s_»4pdseb^Thaß[bei.n in Portland since that time H<* was placed on t trial: today. '"A It ?Is Alleged that Esther Love." the glfl in , Utolease, 1 accused Ted of , km* HOME EDITION highly that he had to; drink to be able Ito eat »ItSg Hughes said the only 1 reason be 1 got I real intoxi cated was | because I his I wife § in sisted jon i smearing i her face j with brilliant I rouge and' penciling I her eyebrows and blackening her eye , lashui^s#^^S^SaSi*mffi3_a. electric heaters, similar to ths ones ln the chief's and sergeant's offices, 1*; In the cells, j but this j plan did S not prove I feasible, so It lis likely! he will see that I there is somebody «to 5 keep *up i. steam lat nights f and J warm « the , Jail. He is figuring putting a man on No vember 1. » t_Zi_t-li._ZrZ.iij, im_ -'-" ." sT*a'ft*'iS';*'*it«x,» Ing £*«' t girl friends and sapped him. He responded with a smack on* the _ Jaw, it is said, tha: laid her out and sent (her j to 1, the *s hos pital J for I four;d-_ys."^K>KlJ?^KCrf M_W_WP_VS9SSM^^Sf_K The chap who has beea rock* Ing I the. boat. all ; summer ,Is .; now getting ready to clean bis shot sun tvhile tt Is loaded.—Boston Transcript. "I like Tacoma, and have met some good friends here, and if | I couM only get employment!" i -i'^i:,<^}7i-::-y tr^Re-tes a letter from Warden Drum of the penitentiary - «••,*, pressing I every ' confidence in | him. gj The ■ mission ... workers \ want } him to stay here where he can be kept among good associations he tea < now made so there will be no danger of his going back to tte past.| "I am from Holland. In that country drinking is general. .ll was given drink when four years old. I learned to like It. When I came to this country I went down under It. I got up, made good and then fell again. Again I made good, and then came the bank, trouble and my • last fall. It was all the ' drink. ■- And now who** ever I go and ask for work they look at me and say.they. are sorry ;*'.-; and I must peaa-oa,;y"yy, ,y: l':-'0-.70.\ .yy y:- yyy-7yos^M7 --' Mr. Heart is an expert in clerical work. *yi,-■ iy7oi:o7^^^^. Will no one ln Tacoma give him a chance to make A man of* himself?.*.;,;.,-;-.:-.-.' ..yo*'o'oo7 " ■ V-, :-:'*; ..-«gM He ran be reached through the Times or the Rescue mission. THE WORLD'S NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM, THAT'S THE TIMES. ' ■ "'■ :: ; ';; y;- :■'-■■ y. ■ -m%_ _____■ ■ '■'■ '*_M_*'"i- 7'm7-0777:*,0.pjffffl_m IS THIS A 111 I flit) ft ■ m MMW, ■■■ M^mMMMw '. . . M.M ■ ■ _____ *___■% W^M AfM, MWMMMMmOSS HAND-PICKED .-■-.' .:•.•*■•■■■-:.". ■ .... . '■ :yy-;-'7i.70 <-V#* ''';-:iJ:i'nu'^niinviiii^i^ 'II MMMMM-y* ■' ■ m «»■ ■■■" ■ ■ ;l* l^f».. - JURY,PEOPLE? #** ■ ■ ■ 7 ■ ■■" ■^■■ShiSIB '7.yoy-"0-yy '77:7-7 w ::,:7-y-:yy,7 y ...-. yoyVSiy*7W:Wh 'sOO ■*. - yyy- ':,: ■■ ■ THB''it'vnTt:'7i:'-yiy77o7oy7M^wl'fi A. B. Howe, president Pioneer Bindery A Printing Co.; auto- I .%- .. ■ mobile owner.',..'' -*.. ■-.: •>. f' •-- 7 ,<--7*:oy:.:^y,- •:'7: yyy^.^jljm H. A. Rhodes, president Rnodes Bros. Co.; -automobile owner. I '*.'■». ■I. F. Lyon, Hi-liar-I,yon Co.; automobile owner. -,'V, V -,•£.- -"."*■'>"',--f.*»"|J#' K. W. Clark, 024 J street; automobile owner.'j£^,*lS; -* 07. 1 •'•% J. H. Latshaw.".-y-'*.'fY,.>:'..,■,--;..,,-'., . ■ - '■:-^o7qii?z\irM W. H. Klrwin. -:.,* 07.,0- - '-■777- .-„ „,.• , . ..-.*V^V^l«s 1 . ; . ' . *m* M ' * I,'. Over , the ' vigorous protests of Deputy, Prosecutor W. 11. Askren, * 4 ' Justice Westcott, lief ore whom will be tried j the case of, DeWlUj X.', , [ Wood, who'ran down little Minnie Bates on Jefferson avenue Octo- . ber 18, submitted a Jury venire list last week for the case consisting'jv almost entirely of automobile enthusiasts and owners. *„. ','^j^liSfc * V Despite fa very | effort of j the ■ prosecutor, who , was *? allowed to. strike the I names of I six [ prospective jurymen r from the list >of , 180 railed by the. court, four 1 members of the Jury who. will * try :,Wood '}..[ Friday, are automobile .owners. ~y V~T«£ 1 00Z: o*. 0? r^*?*;^*. . 77', Reports f are current ■at the courthouse > today '< that the list Ts<Qi 18 veniremen was furnished the court by. Attorney 'A., O. Bnrmels- -> . t er, former deputy prosecutor, who Is g defending f Wood. At ff least, It is reported, the list contained ninny names that were on a similar '* list that was handed to Constable Ward, with the' request that the/ '*'■■; be used for tlie selection of a Jury. -.- -. • '•' ;, •'.-'i3?^**WM%i'JKS ." Attorney. Hurmetster . last - week -• visited * tlie _ courthouse, . while "'< the case wax then pending in Justice De Witt M. Evans' court, "andJH showed his , list of prospective Jurymen :to t Constable j Ward,*':• It '. is fl reported. y. yyy: yiy ':,. - ... >■ 'iy ■•--- -. -■'-. [•:' oy7yyy 000^i He is said to have asked the constable to use his Influence to* :*' wards having the Jury drawn from his prepared list. The constable refused, and 011 the same day. it is declared, < Burmeister obtained :.h a change of venue to Justice West colt's court. . - »T.• ' .•X Jyf& '- ':' Shortly.'- afterwards 7 Judge Westcott ' and .Attorney . Burmeister S entered the office of Deputy Prosecutor Askren, the Judge holding ;; a i Jury - venire list 'in • his ' hand. Askren . protested ; vigorously ,' after 0 examining the list, : declaring I that the selection Jof , such . a jury was mi unfair |to the state. Judge .Westcott f Insisted , that \ the * jury of j*SfccSd men. be selected i from his - list, ', with the result '. that, t tn! spite 'of • AS- 0 kren's; careful' pruning, ■ there ; remained' four * men.. on ■ the Jury ' who'' 7 were ' owners ; of - automobiles. yyitooyoo7i i.y . "?^",?*4'c^Jaiß^S^| - Judge Westcott yesterday afternoon refused to talk about the?. case other: than :to ] snap ! out a * few gruff : answers t to-questions i put if. to him. He refused to make public the jury list, on the"< pretext y that the jurymen had not yet been summoned. .The list was drawn*- early last week. 7 The' court denied' that the list of veniremen that $0 lie used ; was one tended him by Attorney Burmeister. When "'asked '$. the same question <by - Deputy Prosecutor Askren 1 today»he I refused m to answer. _»>--. yi; .:- ■ - ■ ■yyy-.yy.7yy 00-7'7os^mm^^m }yy}. Of • the. six Jurymen who will determine whether . or not Wood f. drove | recklessly . when jhe ' struck' and | ran . over I Minnie Bates two Si weeks ago, A. B. Howe, Henry. Rhodes, James }F. Lyon' and •R. W.*'l?i§ Clark are owners of automobiles and drive their own machines. According to the usual method of selecting Jurymen for Justice 0 court cases, names of veniremen * are } selected j indiscriminately from 77 the i city . directory. . A justice of . the _ peace ' has, according ,to the 0 laws of. the state, . complete power to ■ select ; any person whom f he. de sires 'to "J act as a Jury. Prominent . attorneys 1 say that \it < has * never M been' the , practice for an : attorney for ; the I defense. to. submit | pros pective names to: the court for selection ' and that the idea bits •' never been f attempted yln _ Tacoma. 70:,.. M yyyyyfiytj.: ■^^^^SSa*Jl&_^Sa MAY ACCUSE MOORE • *' ■ *nrl nr n 111 nil $00'>: OF PERJURY - * Remaining in deliberation from 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. un til 1 noon ■; today, " the j jury J of I five women and seven men who tried Charles 1. Moore for alleged ; grand larceny, reported that it could not agree y ..■ and was Ep discharged. Charges [of' perjury { will \ probably be filed > against I Moore because of testimony that |he gave !* on ':. tbe stand. i. He ~- was f accused \ of i steal ing a suitcase and mo.icy from ktra.\a.^BeolerMmm^mwM ATTACKS JUDGE NEW YORK, Oct. 29.—An gered over a trivial decision made against '■ him:' by ; Magistrate. Corrl gan, Joseph i Patuzel, a . distin guished litigant, lay _in Wait j for the Judge and-, struck *5 htm t over the head with a club. He was 'Overpowered Iby reporters I land. locked up. SHE GOT LEMONS ->*: BOSTON, Oct. 29.—When ; Mrs. Ashken l^^iMirnwiNii' asked i her husband to .amd $ bar! money, he sent a bundle contain ing dried lemons," old clothe* and I faded flowers, so she secured a\ divorce . yesterday.; on f grounds of J desertion, m- m 'ys.*^ t^^i ' --'~*7*--*- --mm.w,i-^m_smf*=i.jgr.-fa-n* IS MADE KING BERLIN, Oct. 29.—The rian cabinet % today | received % ..! consent of Prince* Regent Lud to a bill making him s king of I**-* varla in place of the insane Kin Otto, who has held the throt since 1886 but has been bo insat as .; to Ibe - totally ignorant 'of 5 h P<»lMon:y*s^is3R*SS^_®Sfe^ _!■■■■ ■ ■.■■<—■ ■■ ii " i ■ i. ■ •■■■■M.i W.i.«i-|,iiiil.i,n>, usinwii-suw » ■■ Pi T —»—» MUNSINO UNION SUITS $1.50 to $4.00 With the New Closed Crotch ?tfe.?.^^_i_r^V■'.■--l^_.-.■.■.';•<V-l.«v-:_i■. (_:-.'*. •"«,.■ *-i_,. i-^k-ii^k.i.-ii 0 --,0