Newspaper Page Text
LOVE AND THE WICKED CITY WORLD' NEWS ALL CONDENSED IN THE TIMES .".' |5 ■ ■ ' ' ■ * , WELL, NOW THAT Christmas Is : over, AND EATING seems to have lost m its charm, - ANl> YOU ARE TRYING to choke yourself on one. of the weeds wifle bought, '■ , . '. . ■ AND DOLEFULLY considering the cost of the windows Tommy has broken since he received his new airgun, » I.ET US TURN to other things in the way of dull routine. HUERTA, VILLA, riots, snow '"* storms and the like. AS A MATTER of fact, Senor* Hnerta and Villa were real amicable yeßteray. THEY EXKN exchanged a pleas ■ - ant "Alegre Navidad." THAT'S WHAT those guys chirp when they mean "Merry Chrißt mas." . - ; SPEAKING OP IIVKKTA, dis patches inform us that he "raises army." KO, ANXIOVS READER, thnt does not mean that his rurales get more money. OIR POSTMASTER would have us believe that he never hung . up bis Stocking yesterday. .. WE HAVE lIEEN studying this | stuff about piano music serv "<; -" ing as an anaesthetic. IT APPEARS a doctor wanted to -'.*"* - keep a patient quiet while he '■' performed an operation, so he : had a girl play the "Highland Fling." LOOKS AS IF a nice soothing '- tune like that ought to keep a ' person quiet—does It not? WE WERE RATHER surprised to hear of the mayor chopping „ wood. ■-: '. '. . \ WE ALWAYS THOUGHT he cooked with gas. . -..'-.". .'..;■ " ■'--"■ ■ ; Ml IMB 111 I. ||— " ' . A WHOLE LOT 'OF people don't - care about how they spent Christmas. WHAT THEY I>O care about is all that money they spent for Christmas. ;-\'v ', ..-. - WERE YOU,GIVEN a shake by '■-' the quake? ■/■ '•*""; ; WE ARE HEARING a whole lot v.. of things about that tremblor. J ONE MAN SAYS the jar threw '.;.' him out of bed into his clothes. SO WHEN HE woke up he was • ■'yV fully dressed. ■.-.. ' HE MUST RE exaggerating a wee • bit. .', -/;-•• V:. - .;'■..■■ 6. CLAUB OVERLOOKED Charles "t • Roediger, the eminent photog rapher, yester-eve. _-. HUT NOT SO little Danny Cnpid. \ ■ CHARLES BOUGHT a box of . .■- cigars and passed 'em around. PERCY HILL SAID so, and he ■ '■■■_•■ had . one, sso, it must be true. THOSE ' KINEMACOLOR movies ' :_; ■ are valuable ■riots; of color.V • THEY EVEN HAVE "Scarlet Let ,,-V.r '■..;:ters." 1. " /- . r" : NEW * YORK i HAS a new dance ' ■' ;"-.;-;.now,- called ;, the "Porn-Porn." ;. SOUNDS LIKE : it originated on ,'• • • ■'■.-'; the £% Comanche <:>'■• reservation -..', "'-i/r somewhere, but they' say i Lon ; don Is guilty. :>r/? " BANDIT MAY BE DEAD ! BINOHAM, Utah. Dec. • 26. — Sheriff Smith today said he would - . open the Utah-Ai>ex mine on Jan ' vary 1 to look again for the body V, 'r.i Of »■ Ralph I Loi)cz, v murderer, who - 'I*:' refused : to surrender and who has , , been j sealed up In ; the *. work **£&§ for nearly fa^. month. g? He said'! he i^s^wa*: confident \ Lopez • had not "os ■""•?'? caped ; and felt ' sure -he was starv -'j*Z\;ing to death. 'S^'i*"^-...,t" ■ V-• Snow in East >M 0 BTVt? LOUIS, Dec. 26. —Heavy i^X snowstorm?sweiitss Missouri and ■ I .■> Illinois Christmas day. STORM DOES DAMAGE NEW YORK, Dec. 26.—A se ;ore storm which caused ; damage estimated at more than a minion Cellars rVndwed g homeless >» at "Kiddo," said the tempter after a month of this, less"—but you have to get the Times tomorrow to f^TP V\ "I'm getting tired of this bein' a good fellow for read the complete story—a complete love story of I nothin'. All my roll has gone on you, and what do I the city by Berton Bra Cay known to you as one of the I get out of it? A few kisses and a hug or two and most prolific and clever verse writers in the coun I the chance to stick around with you for a few hours try today. It's a great story and you ought to read hh now and then. It ain't enough. I'm through, un- it In the Times tomorrow. m m For Tacoma and vicinity: Generally fair tonight and Saturday. The Tacoma Times 30c A I THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IK TACOMA I HOME I , MONTH VOL. XI. NO. 5 TACOMA. WASHINGTON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26. WVX EDITION I FATHER'S CHRISTMAS GIFT TO MOTHER—A DAVENPORT MBS. HAZZARD OFF TO PRISON SEATTLE, Dec. 26— Dr. Llnd i l Burfield Hez/.ard, the fasting specialist, is leaving Seattle for the Walla Waiia penitentiary without a guard at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon to commence hei sentence of from two to 20 years. She will be accompanied to the gates of the prison by her friends, Miss Marion Dunbar and Mrs. TRAGEOIES OF CHRISTMAS DAY HAVANA—Negro voodoo doc tors killed 6-year-old Eugenia Hermandez, a white girl trying to draw blood from her to heal a sick patient. BUFFALO—Wabas^ railway engine blew up, killing John Thorpe and Gustave Spang. NEW YORK —Attorney George F. Parker, connected with Alton B. Parker's law office, but not re lated, asphyxiated himself. INDIANAPOLIS—With a 12 --year-old daughter looking on James T. Karney shot and killed his wife and himself. PRESIDENT WILSON'S LOAFING PLACE DURING THE HOLIDAYS DAILY. VACATION 't PROGRAM I -LAID OUT FOR PRES.'WILSON !;■•,Will get up at 17j o'clock, 1 slip Into a ' bathing ; suit fand i ran 1 out to t the ' 200-foot - pier—Splank! ■>■? Z? THE • WATER'S] FINE! 3v-^^o A After *a '■ rubdown, will' dress lor breakfast.::at;B:Bo. apS !^l'J.'SS^ Ten o'clock, golf ,on the ■ 'oun [ try . club; links, two squares away. *5%4 it**!-?-?.? •^*KiS-K I«*v-i»yr.?*:^*a;.*f1 «*v-i»yr.?*:^*a;.*f least 11 801 families along ( the i Jer sey coast last \ night. , The storm struck SNe wj.York I today, menac ing i shipping and «S causing j great damage. Mary Edwards. "I will be the first woman In the world, so I am told,' said Mrs. Hazzard today, "to go to prison unguarded." TODAY'S CLEARINGS. Clearings $487,279.1 G Balances 49,326.97 Transactions 982,130.40 BOONVILLE, Mo. — Fireman Dan Johnson was killed and sev eral passengers injured when a Missouri Pacific passenger bump ed into a freight IDABEL, Okia. —Because Of ficer George W. Bratcher did not arrest Christmas celebraters who were making a noise near the home of a negro the negro shot him and then ran. MEMPHIS—Mrs. Fisher Har well, wife of a prominent busi ness man, took her three daugh ters to visit a cousin, then went home and shot herself. A view of the "Winter Whit ! below, the sailboat "Gypsy" and t which President Wilson will fish One o'clock, a luncheon. Two to four-thirty—/.-/,-Z-Z-Z! Six o'clock, dinner — candied yams, Creole gumbo, chicken— and black coffee. Seven-thirty to 9, reading be fore a big log fire. Hat her strenuous day! FACTS ABOUT THK "WINTER WIIITi: HOUSE" The Herndon residence faces the Gulf of Mexico and is swept by refreshing, Invigorating FEARS REBEL ATTACK MEXICO CITY, Dec. 26. — News of a massacre by Zapatistas south of here created almost a nanlc In Mexico. City today. The Zapatistas are hourly Atpected to attack the capital. Their mer clleseness elsewhere is taken as an illustration of how they may soon be behaving here. Fight ing is reported in the atat«« of JEFF DAVIS, KING OF THE "HOBOES" HERE IN TACOMA O. Jeff Davis, tlie "Hobo King." is here. Itcfore he gets away he expects to linve t'"' hoboes of Tacoma or ganized will, a i common interest and a program to better their con* dition. . ■ Jeff Davis is president of the international hobo union. He hah "lilt the road" from Atlantic to Pacific and around the world. He works when he can and isn't busy organizing other hoboes. Me carries a union laundrymen's card. He will speak tonight ,T«j Tucoma. "We are trying to educate the people to the fact that the hobo Is simiily a man out of a job. He lost Ills job and started' out to find another. We are trying to get the liobo to stay in the city. The custom of shifting him on forever: from city to city gives him no chance and is what finally produces tramps. The hobo ie not a tramp. He wants work. The bum is not a hobo, he wants booze. All the hobo wants is a job and a chance to make good.' Davis has been in Seattle sev eral days. They have a hobo union of 1,000 members there to- c House" at Pass Christian, and, he motorboat "Sterling," from. In the Gulf of Mexico. breezes from the warm Mediter ranean of America day and night. The Herndon place hag 24 rooms, 5 baths, old-fashioned log fire places, colonial stairways, real old-time furniture—ln short. It's a typical plantation house of "befo' the war." The place is owned by Mrs. J* M. Ayres of Chicago and New Jersey; was once the home »f General Harney, and was- bulb before the war by George Jouii a wealthy New Orleans banker, long ago dead. Vera Cru«;l San t Louis s.?i P.otosl, . Slnaloa, Coahuila and Jalisoo. I;N , GIVES HUGE GIFT j vyS HELENA;'!'; Mont.f|p«o7f« •/T^. . Thomas* 930, --000 gift to the new Cathoite ctith-S edral here to $180,00*) jref»tef6*y. j f*^ r JEFF DAVIS. ■• V*..^- i ■-'■- -\ * . • ■•• ■'■■ i day. t The union is . co-operating with the city authorities and em ployers. . Work is ' given the men as wist as possible and they are befng fed while jobless. ". v {/■ "We want to stop the hobo ; from t traveling. . We have sent home-i>oo boys ■ that run away sir.i,' the first of the year. We got '20-0 men who had been dis charged for trivial things back to their employers. We have taken . ■1,00.0- iii.n out of jail who had ' done nothing but been jobless,' ' said Davis.. _ ■' ' ■ The" big propaganda of the i hobo .';'ls"v to wipe out — vagrancy ja^V~V-*-';^ ---■-"•-.■„..:-•, i . *'There are 70,000 men in jails <n this country just because they i l.aid, no . job," Bald Davis, "and < VHen we wipe out ' the last vag ■ taws' we arc going to have a big celebration over the. new emanci pation '- 'proclamation for . white GIRL BUN DOWN, MITOIST Mil J..SAN ? FRANCISCO, Dec. ? 26.— Chlef» Engineer Jl. G. Casaelli fol the Viavi company was arrested toflay charged with | running I ovei ear-old | Carniela ] Sara with lar automobile "1 as t;; •. evening. %* Th« little • girl was. crossing , the Btreel wUli Virginia and Albert Bottag liqi, aged •, 7}. and 4, her playmates, at the time or , the accident. All .were struck ■ by the ' machine, , but Carmela was the only one serious lyi hurt. She will probably die. $URF DOES BIG DAMAGE VENJCK, Cal., Dec. 26. — A k ainous: surf * washed M awaj p •cticallythe, entire "old bulk : h »a' ;^ on 4 the 1 front fig today, am tii xnaged f a * portion f of | the ig new bf Uchead M under ,g| construction yen summer homes on ' the front aije j being undermined \by tides It|«eotned ■ : oertain , they ?-: were doomed. Fire department with a ladder •, apparatus sls laboring |tr reinforce the bulkhead*. Scores of citizens S were f:i pressed \ lntc work.': Old \ residents ,i] estimated the. f damage already done at mor« than fl 50.000. "MAC" HAS GIFT. :. A i beautiful upholstered i letith •r ana; chair i delivered to tb« I home iof County i Clerk >R. E. Me Farliind Chri»tm«* vm, ttte S glf of efliplojo. In Ml of Ho*. WHO KILLED THIS BOY? Albert Fedder.son, Who Was Struck Down By Auto Christmas Eve, Died in St. Joseph's Hospital Thursday Afternoon Police Investigate The Mystery Who is the automobile driver who ran down and killed little Albert Fedderson, aged 12, while he was hauling a Christmas tree home on Christmas eve? Theodore Eggers, jr., 3740 Tacoma avenue, was driving up South C street Christmas eve with his brother-in law, after delivering some Christmas presents, when his automobile crash ed into a small coaster wagon. There was a large Christmas tree on the wagon. Eggers stopped and found the body of a child, unconscious, in bhe gutter 40 feet away. The child was hurriedly bundled into the automobile and taken to St. Joseph's hospital. Young Eggers bold the nurse that he had run down bhe boy. He gave Dr. Edwin Janes the same statement. Then the child regained consciousness for a mo ment and gave his name, and when the father arrived, Eggers told him, also, that be was re sponsible for the accident. The child, In his brief moment |of consciousness, declared .' that an automobile had driven toward him from behind ' and run him down. '-■ ',"•■'.* '■;■".".'' ' "■'■ '\ ' Boven little' boys and girls, children of, Mr. and Mm. K. A. Fedderson,- 4184 South I street, waited C'lii-intmas eve for their brother, Alliei-t, to ■ bring :: home the. Christinas tree. .. — ■ ,' . % Albert had' gone to ■ Ms father's bakery, in the. public market and was bringing home the Christ tree ou his big coaster wagon. '-' Time passed,' and Albert * did not appear. • At last the telephone raiiK- It was the voice of a grief-stricken, crying > man that spoke a few hesitating words over the phone. And the happy scene instiuifly • changed to one of sor- WHITE WAY IS A SURE THING The city council this morning finally passed the ordinance for the "White Way" lighting dis trict on A, C and Commerce streets and Pacific avenue. Cal vin Phillips, Ed Watklns, Cap tain Kirby and one or two others were up to make a last stand against the district but the coun cil turned them down. City Elec-1 HE HAS NOT EXPLAINED YET Lawson has not yet brought in he ordinance asked for by the ouncii to put a stop to his plan f putting in street lights just /here it suits his convenience . lthout regard to the necessities a the case or the Justice of the letltion. The mayor asked Electrician tolling this morning if he could lot get an ordinance in and Col- JAPAN IS PRO-MEXICAN , TOKIO. Dec. 26. —Whether or not It was with a view to a Mex ican-Japanese alliance that Senoii De La Barra, Mexican Minister to France, came to Tonio, there ie no question of the pro-Mexican 72 BODIES CLAIMED CALUMET, Dec. 26—Relative? today claimed the bodies of 72 victims of the Christmas ere panic. - Most of the corpses were those of children. Three uniden- GIVE BREAD TO POOR v- MEXICO ; CJTY, Dec. B«.—By President Huerts's order free bread was d Ist rlbiited ~[ amoßg , tta'e l>oor today. An j* < resMlt *of busi , aass j disorganization 1 the i aumbai IN SATURDAY'S! 11 TIMES-READ IT 111 WE HAVE THE BEST FEATURES BEST PICTURES .WJIKKT KKIH'KHfON. ■ . m • row. - Albert had been Rtrurk clown by a big, powerful automobile •nd was dying al the St. Joseph's hospital. ► . . ■ Eggers hurried - home and broutcht hif) iiihllkt and father to the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. K« gen» wept and showed real sym pathy - for tl>e child and the- sor rowing father. ■ '. :'/■■'.: :. '■' ~:,~>-*~J'- '•' - Today young Eggers declared that.'he had not run down the boy. He said ' that 'he had run Into a wagon, left in the middle of the street, and that lie found the: • boy, . covered .V with . dried blood, lying •in the gutter.'. ::■ ■ '.- Dr. Janes, who attended to the lad within ten 'minutes after he waß • picked up by ; Kggers, said positively today that the boy had been' hurt immediately before he was brought to the hospital— within five or . ten minutes. '"■ ' The boy had been struck" a ter rible blow, hurled nearly. 60 feet triclan Collins, however, cut Law son's estimate of last week from M 7.000 to $35,123.66, which is the limit above which the city cannot go in putting in the work. A petition from property own ers on Jefferson wanted Jefferson from Pacific to C also included. The council voted to make a new district and put Jefferson in from 'acific to Yakima. line said he could by Wednesday. Despite the* denial of Law son that he had put In lights where not ordered by the council other instances besides those already mentioned in the Times are show- Ing up. To investigate where lights are needed the' council will take a right junket New Year's night to look the city over. sentiment of the rank and file ot the Japanese nation. A crowc constantly surrounds the Mexican ■legation where the envoy Is stay ing, and greets him with enthus iastic "banzala" whenever be shows himself. tifled bodies remained at the morgue. The funerals will be hold Sunday under direction of the Western Federation of Min ers. of unemployed runs high Into the thoueaads. » Many have but .no work for months. The working people are literally starring. A ■X£l3£&li! "z.'Sm^./S'Ssb: • ■ '■'"■.. ' -■■ .:.'■ '',,:' '<;■-'..: '—■;■■ "■- •-.>*»< across the street, and suffered ' A severe fracture of the base of the skull, from which recovery waa impoßSlble. ■: r> • ,<V *.' „'; "i' Coroner A»hton investigating tin- case lii<lay. Captain of Oete'c* tlve« '■'■ Jolin'. Kitzgcnild O •lotalltMf' hki'hl 1 iim'ii 5. to the*i came, am) «very rlue in lM<ing run down vig> oroiwly. WILSOOrHIS IIIIRIH TODM 1 PASS CHRISTIAN, Dec 26. H President. Wilson J planned r today, and ? tomorrow for a ' complete! re- * luxation or official 'i;{ care*. No business except that of j the noit: pressing nature will, be attended to. n rAfter a late . break : a fewi urgent telegrams from Washing-; ,toQ"jifejej > °anßTered.r^Thea')^ltli«l prasident rushed to the golf links at East Oulf Port for a game with' l>r. Orayson. If Qrayson < han his way - the ■■ president will • Bleep 11 hours | a day here " add ; devote: as much time as possible to outdoor recreation.:-----'---~-^^-i-«*^^ hol¥s iiNOiii did the deed 3i; CALUMET, Mich., Dec 2«. -• Though denied here It la said that a member of the Citlxeu's Alliance gave the Mtatail"alan^ which resulted in a panic end •lng^thelllvesfeofi§f7«|p«r»on|| ; Christmas * eve. r;- President 1 Moyer of the Western ? Federation w of ' Miners did assert > today i tbat fiv«; witnesses were prepared,to swear . that •■■■ the man wore | an" Alliance' badge Final '£ preparations f, irmi) being made ; today to bury the 72 dead. The supply of coffins 11»' exhausted *; and j more S haVe\h*Ki| ordered £ from S| Milwaukee. De spite the fact that outside aid has been % declined * con trlbutlons - ant pouring in. Moyer: received $3d.«; 000 '; up to ■. today.B-Thf police tMm mitted a today | that, theyj?. bad no>, hope of finding tlie moa i M|mO) ble for the tragedy. i^.^*j^ MONTICEL.U), N. T., Doc. Miss 'Adelaide Brasch,' fmramoa* of District Attorser .ftUMvte Csncfc In whom 4effects- wu f»e|fe« picture, raceiTMt j Ttii pho.tD<prst f roai hl«, wife reetoriw. s™3f'»»i *»■". "."' •' "''iWatitt.SifrJM^W TS^rot^o^^i^ffl^^ -Vaneinent tor « place t*sW\i