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FACHB TWO. (Adolf's Appearance Is Not as Impressive As the ! Title ■ » ,:. ;■■ ■ ■ ■■.■. .■ -. .-■■■.. | J Ward* fey Jrtmrfrr 1 ■(«■!• fey, Mardouald BASKETBALL OUTLOOK NOT VERY HOPEFUL FOR THE METHODISTS / ■': As ■: soon ;" as . the r holidays are i over, efforts will jbo , made at the I ball tennis; among < the ■ boys ' and ;; girls, V although it - must , be eon f«M<>d the present outlook Is du bious.>::■-.:.: ;:,.:<::.',--.:■■'■.'. ■..' This has been a very bad year | for athletics at the Methodist uni versity, anyway. The burning ot I the ■ gymnasium . proved ' a ■ severe handicap at the very outset of the I season. % The football team suf ered from the lack of experienced ;* players,, and jit appears that the f basket-ball "team : will ' be .. up against the same proposition. W■: The k recent ' announcement jof < Arvid | Beck | that he would ]be un- I able ;to iplay this season has done 1 much to shroud the basket-bailers ;In gloom. Graham is the . only | experienced ■/ player left, - and a i number of J new men are | being I tried out in the position of guard, ,at which 1 Beck . has . starred ,in | former years. The t loss . of • Beck will ■ prove • a severe one to the U. P. S. He I has ' been J one of the stars of the | school in things athletic. He has shone at ' basket-ball, as atated, •; and : been ; the ' best man on the POCKET KNIVES 0 f AND CTTTLEEY Washington <HHH. JS HAItUVVAItB oa Vitality of Youth For Men Who Have Lost It '■■ /ir LssssmliK^H !■■■■ ' Lssssmlisssssl LssssPW.^^. * **""*/"■ BBS. -S.S "^^^^^^^SL Si < -*$&' A i^S Wear this grand Invigorator while you sleep. It Is a quick and positive cure for nervous debility, lost strength, lack of vital power, varicose veins, lame back, lumbago, rheumatism, stomach disorders, kidney and bladder troubles and all ailments due to a weakened condition of the nerves and vital organs. Eleotra-Vlta will give back to you the fire and ambition of youth. It will drive out your pains and aches, build up your vitality and strength and re store your health by filling your nerves with an exhilarating cur rent of electricity. No man need suffer from de bility. While you live be a live man, for. once dead, you are a dead one. Get all the Joy and happiness you can In this world. To do that you must be healthy and strong. Wear Electra-Vita while you sleep. Electricity Is nature* medicine, and the proper application of tills grand force will cure your ailments and make yon the man you ought to be. Klectra-Vlta Is the most power ful as well as the most conven ient electric body appliance made. There Is no charging to bother with. All you need to do la to ap ply It when you you go to bed at night and remove It In the morn ing. It generates a steady, un broken current and infuses It in to th« nerves to effect a cure. It doesn't matter whether you have confidence In our treatment or not—it does the work Just the same. We are ready to prove to you that ERetra-Vlta will cure you. Ask us about It today. Call Today-Big Book FREE f Jwl put youri unu and address ■on thin; coupon t and , mall It \to I ',m.:jW«'ll■ «end>you• fall -'partlculaj regarding Electra-VI t», to ff* ther with our free 80-pagej book, ', which explains ! many thing! j j ought ito know about '■■ the disorders 'of . men and . women. This I book 1 tails iln \ Dl»ln.' simple - lan- '; ■" " " "'' ' i • sTuac* how of bom«..with- W TOT*BIWDTIIA-TlTA'Oa • the prlra. yof your lionie, with- ™B BItISS2L A"J ITA CO* HI the use of druics. It tells OTWT. a bow "T»rions "id disorders •■'■■, ax* ■■',' MS «ls»j»—— Tfceater MiUtt •; I krtntaTDt ion throua-h neflect, «nd • j , g«r««4 Air*, Oav. >»rf■•,; I Iww they readily conquered »y*^to fsttls. Wstsfc.i»>~, ■ ;-^ - ■v alectric treatment. It is Pleaa* aana me. prepaid. >Wutlf j iUu^TaSd < with pic- M ItlLi fc2? ir"** 1 tuiM of well-developed men and trated Dook. t. *. —■ " nnwii, t iiwwiiur: Juit haw ' lElao- .>: •»._. j tr«-Vlt* U appll«d. *i Don't 9 fall M. Name ..,..... »niim> to ««t t*U book. Cut out tha kAArimm ... mJm new, or call and examine «*««■• ........ KlaTtre-Vita. OWica houra, t a, - w _ a. to » p. m.; Saturday evaaloa;. *ww» .«..•.... »..-..... 7:19 to t; SttnAara, 10 t« tJUU gl^i^ i■■ Tj iim-n ' , gridiron during the football sea- Ben. Coach Zoller is none too opti mistic over the prospects of the five, but hopes to be able to un cover enough new players of suf ficient ability to make a showing. The girls have not made their plans known in regard to form ing a sextet, save that they ex pect to have one. The material is as yet an unknown quantity. M'LOUGHLIN IS NOT WORRIED SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 27.— L/ittie stock is taken in the report that the English tennis authori ties are endeavoring to change the rules so as to handicap Maurice McLoughlin, although he has heard rumors of a "foot fault" that would slow up his attack if adopted. GENTRALIA TO PLAH.M.CA. The Y. M. C. A. basket-ball quintet meets the Centralia five tonight on the "gym" floor. A fast game is expected. READ THF.SIC CURBS I suffered with rheumatism In different parts of the body, ankles, knees and arms for several years, also general de bility. Klectra-Vlta has cured me, removing every sign of the pain*, and I will gladly recommend It. Tours truly. W. H- McCURDT, IMI 14th ay.. N. 8., Seattle, Wn. HhromalUm. I.ambaKo. Gen- I consider Klectra-Vlta a great remedy for any one that will use it faithfully as I have. I hare received a great deal of good from Its use. Tim aches and pains have all left me, and I feel well and strong In every way. I was In bad shape when I began using the appliance, all run down wltli rheumatism, lumbago, vital weakness, could scarcely go, and now I feel like a now man. I would recommend Electra- Vlta to any m suffering like "I was, for It Is sure to help them. I have recommended the appliance to many persons and will continue to do so. Respectfully yours, W. Q. FROBT. Ellensburg, Wn. Packey Grows Rich Fighting Dubs ♦♦♦ r ♦ <*> «> C; ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦;♦♦<» -♦♦<?> ';■ ♦♦*♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ Me Far land Is Foolish Like a Fox Packey McFarland, peerless boxer, is peeved and refuses to ji'-riiiit bis neighbors and friends to see him box—not if they pay for the chance. Packey wants to be a member of the Illinois legislature — a democratic member, as his name Indicates—and to help make laws, although it peevrs him when he is called upon to obey the laws which other legislators formulate. Packey Is a clever boy. He hats climbed the pugilistic ladder to the pinnacle by the effective use of clever hands and feet, ably seconded by the most remarkable matchmaking in pugilism. No one ever accused a McFar land of cowardice—and got away with it. Vet you may search the records and fail to discover where Packey, since he became famous, has fought an opponent over whom he did not have consider able advantage; Time was, and not so long ago, when the friends of the "Idol of the stockyards" claimed the light weight champions would not give McFarland a chance. The "chance" they asked was to let McFarlnnd fight a legitimate lightweight and outweigh him anywhere from five to ten pounds. Some "chance" that! It is a fact that McFarland could not make the lightweight limit —or even weigh 135 pounds ringside—unless one of his legs was sawed off at the knee —and of what use Is a one-legged box er? McFarland has been a welter weight for years, but he has gone along making matches with real lightweights — usually second raters, with an occasional first class boxer thrown in for an ex ceptionally rich purse, and letting the boys in bis own class severely alone. McFarland could do this for two reasons; the first was that promoters were willing because he is so marvelous a boxer. In action he is a phantom slipping ii» and out, boxing with the preci sion of a machine, and the fans are always willing to pay to see him work; the second reason is the willing ness of most boxers to take a chance. He has grown rich at the game. INDOOR MATCH OF RIFLEMEN HIS BEGUN The Tacoma Rifle club began competition last night In" the na tional indoor rifle tournament by shooting against I the Dickinson, S. D., marksmen.' The five best scores made in each city will be sent to Washington.':. . Eight men shot for the Tacoma rifle team last night on the arm ory range. The contest is over a range of 25 yards, with a four inch tarket and a bullseye about the size of a dollar. • '3193 BROWN DEFEATED MELBOURNE. Dec. 27. — Brown, the American lightweight, went "■ down Jto " defeat • before Hughie Mehegan, in a 20-round go last night. .' This ! evens things between < the boxers. , Brown hav ing won the last contest from Me hegan. .;" ■■/.";: ■■;•. 'j**'!'"i'''J;i-';('f*ji:,V; STILL DUBIOUS CHICAGO. Dec. 27.— Tink er . says : he .- believes I the • Federal league has real money behind it, which is - taken as an - indication that he Is seriously thinking over the offer, made him by President Qllmore of that organisation. :> CROUP AND OOCOH ItKMKDY Croup la a terrible disease."silt attacks children so suddenly, they are very apt to choke nnleas gives the proper remedy at once.' There Is nothing ■ better in the s world than Dr. ■ King's | New H Discovery- Lewis Chamberlain, of ■ Manches ter, { Ohio, writes | about 1 his | chil dren: "Sometimes In sever* | at-* tacks we were afraid ' they would die, but I since iwe > proved. what : a certain | remedy Dr. King's % New Discovery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for croup, coughs and ;colds." » ? So can you. ;BOe aad i $1.00. A bottle smoold tM If I* ! every i home. » At I all 1% Druggist*. H. E. Biu-klea * Co., PtaUaOei- I phi*. St. umk^'c&w&fosmmuaiCi I^lioTlßg;aiidiißi(orag«rr , SSfeJK , THE TACOMA TIMES. PACKEY M'FARLAND. CADDY TOURNAMENT IS WON BY YOUG GENIN Turning in a gross score of 99 and a net card of 05, Walter Genin won the caddy champioß , ship of the Tacoma Country and Golf club yesterday. Over SO kids entered in the tournament. A handsome silver trophy was presented Oenin In token of his victory- Oenln's victory was not accom plished with ease. Stanley Fish, scratch man, might have tied him but for a bad putt on the last green. Although Oenln got off to a bad start, he played a good game all the way through, mak ing most of the boles In fours or fives. "PERCY, THE IMPERSONATOR" Geuln is 16 years of age, and lives at Manitou. He attends the Edison school. Quite a number of the caddies showed good form and played re markable golf for younghters< one little fellow, named Neil Christian putting up a splendid game. The only two of the tourna ment was made by Clair Hicker on the 11th hole. He drove the ball from tee to pin on the first stroke and sank it with a short putt. The card turned fn is a record for caddy tournament, the best previous score being 103. Vrs, the more we hear of Battling Levinsky's ability, the sorrier we are his name is not O'Shane or Riley. • ••»•• O, MKRCIFUIi HKVINGB! No, Persephone, Just because the caddies tee, they are not tea caddies. \ . •••• • • • Sink the ship If he Is aboard! • • , ■ • • ? • • Saiiiu Maria will be the place the Portland Beavers train. 'Twill doubtless serve well its purpose when some of the balltossers are looking for a choice chunk of profanity. • ••••• HINTS FOR DRF.HSMAKKRS Since padded figures have been barred in the International league, some of the ballplayers may not shape up so well. •.«• • • • While the question Is being agitated as to wliether a good bowler is a good ballplayer, we might state that the better some men «tre at the bowl, the less effective they are with the ball and bat. • ••••• SPEAKING OF CAMEMBKRT: New York may have its Carl Morris and Jess Willurd, but we can proudly boast of Frank Farmer. „ • ■■- ••••• Collier's Weekly states that brains are unnecessary in sport, and quotes Fred Merkle as an example. We'll admit that Fred is a darn good example in one sense, but no of why brains are unnecessary in sport. v • ••••• HARDLY Jim Corbett thinks there is hope for Jess Willard. Not if he persists in this wild passion for boxfighting, however. ONE OF BASEBALL'S GREATEST GAMES Which one of all the games played since baseball earned its place in the hearts of the people can be chosen as the greatest of all time? It would be an almost lmpossi- : ble task to name the greatest game, but baseball is dotted here I and there with high lights which ] stand out from the dull drab ; monotone of the ordinary mark ing the greatest games, and it is our purpose to tell the readers . of t'e Times. : One of these was the 17-inning tie of the Athletics and Tigers September 30, l}o7. Although a tie, it did much to help Detroit to the first of Its three sucesslve pennants and caused the adoption of the Amer ican league rule to play off post poned or tie games at the first opportunity. On September 2 8 Detroit and Athletics were tied for the lead, with Chicago and Cleveland dan- gerous. With a postponed game before them, Connie Mack elected to play it off the last day of the se ries instead of the first day, as now.* When darkness ended the game in the 17th the score was 9-9 and it was never played off. Umpire Silk O'Laughliu started a riot in the 14th whe nCrawford dropped Davis' fly at the edge of the crowd, and upon his claim that a spectator purposely Interfered with him Silk called Davis out. In the melee Rossman struck Monte Cross and the crowd surg ed onto the field. Police prevent ed a free-for-all and O'Laughlin chased Rossman. 'Bill Donovan pitched the entire game and, after being hit safely 14 times tn Beven innings, held the Mackmen to six hits in the By Condo 3 next ten innings. 3 The draw gave Detroit a lead, 3 and, with the rainy day, wiped f three games off the schedule. Had these games been played, no one - may say how the season would t have ended. Detroit won the flag j the day before the season closed. » Here is the box score of this > great game: DETROIT. t AB R H PO A E } Jones, If ... 7 1 1 5 0 0 Sctiaefer, 2b. 9 1 8 3 6 I Crawford, cf. 8 2 2 7 0 0 ; Cobb, rf 8 2 3 1 0 0 Posraan, lb . 7 1 2 13 2 0 Killian, lb . 0 0 0 1 0 0 Miller, lb . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 Downs, cf .. 1 0 0 2 0 0 Coughlin, 3b. 7 0 0 1 3 0 Schmidt, c . 1 0 0 3 1 1 Payne, c ... 6 0 1 9 1 0 O'Leary, ss . 8 1 2 3 l o Donovan, p. 7 1 1 3 7 0 Totals 70 9 15 51 21 1 PHILADELPHIA. AB R H PO A I Hartzel, If .. 9 1 4 3 0 0 Nicholls, sa . 6 1 2 4 9 1 Seybold, rf . 6 2 1 1 0 0 Davis, lb .. 8 3 3 19 1 0 Murphy, 2b . 7 1 4 2 6 0 J. Collins, 3b 7 1 l 3 3 o Oldrlng, cf . 7 0 3 3 0 1 Schreck, c.. 4 0 0 9 1 1 Powers, C ... 3 0 0 4 0 I Dygert, p.. 0 0 0 0 0 2 Waddell, p.. 400100 Plank, p... 4 0 1 2 1 0 •E. Collins .10 10 0 0 Totals ... .66 9 20 61 21 6 'Batted for Oldringg In the 15th inning. Detroit .01000041201000000—9 Pbila. ..30202010001000000—9 SUMMARY. wo base hits—Crawford. Cobb, O'Leary, Hartsel 3, Nicholls, Da vis, J. (TolliuK. Oldring 2. Horn/ runs—Cobb, Davis. Sacrifice hits —Crawford, Schmidt, Nicholls 2, J. Collins, Powers. Stolen bases —Cobb, Conghlln, O'Leary, Hart sel. Struck out —By Donovan 11, by Waddell 7, by Plank 3. Bases on balls—Oft Donovan 3, off Dygert 1, off Waddell 1, off Plank 2. Hits—Off Dygert, lln 1 1-a Innings; off Waddell, 7 in 7 2-3 innings; off Plank, 7 in 8 innings. Hit by pitcher—By Plank, 1. Wild pitch—Donovan. Time—3:so. Umpires— Con nolly and O'Laughliu. CONSULT COMISH CINCINNATI, Dec. 27.—1t is announced that members of tbe Players' fraternity would consult with the National commission in this city January 16. LET 'EM HIT CHICAGO. Dec. 26.—Hank O'Doy will endeavor to have the intentional pass to a heavy hitter eliminated when the rules com mittee of the National league next meets. He thinks it can be done by narrowing the catcher's box. Saturday, DeCT^ POWER VESSELS WILL RACE TO OLYMPIA Ten power boats will enter In the race from Tacoma to Olympia tomorrow, the event starting with the departure of the Naiad at 8:30 a. m. The scratch boat, the Wanlck, will leave just two hours later. The Wanick is a new boat and pretty much a dark horse, but was placed on scratch because of horsepower superior to that of B. E. Jacobs' Corsair. I'.l.lir.UT 111 III! MID HAYS. To keep well, I would say, do these: Flmti Deep breathing in the open air with your mouth closed. second) Moderation In eating, simple dishes—Fleteherlze. Third! Exercise two hours In the open each day, walking, working in the garden, playing with chil dren. Fourth! Sleep eight hours In a thoroughly ventilated room—out of doors Is better. ruth: Drink all the water be tween meals you care to. Midi: Don't bother to forglvo your enemies—just forget them. Seventhi Keep busy—lt Is a beau tiful world, and we must and will and can leave it more beautiful than we found It. KlKhlh: Then If you should have ailments, consult a Chiropractor and lt-t him put your spinal column Kn Ilniiport with your nervous econ omy, so you can be a good auto matic engine. For the last five years I have studied, Investigated and made my self thoroughly familiar with the science of Chiropractic. I have vis ited Chiropractic Institutes and taken Chiropractic treatments, per sonally, In order, If possible, to get an understanding of the very re markable cures which I have seen effected through its treatment. You might think It a little strange that a well man should take Chir opractic treatment. The fact is, however, that Chiropractic never lniiiKS an adverse result. Its ten dency is to make the sick well, and a well man better. The whole philosophy of the thing is very simple. The obvious Is the last thing we know, and progress consists in simplification. Consultation, examination and advice free. Prices moderate and include medicine. Office hours, 9 a. in. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 12. Call or write. We have on file many testimon ials from reliable people of cures of so-called Incurable cases. DR. MACY SPECIALIST i>M<-»putliv. C'hlroprartlr, Bloodies" Surgery, Spinal Expert, Medicine nnd Surgery. • 219Vfc Pacific Aye.. next door to National Bank of Tacoma, Tacoma, Wash. MEN:|p|||' toblel^P Severance s^sfe KRKK of •'.' Dr. itrmact charge, -.■„'. .-• - ;•- >•••■■ ■■■ •■' .l invite you to come to my office. - I will explain to you my treatment h for • • VarlcoM Veins, I ■ Hydrocele, - Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood DU orders, Piles, Fistula, Bladder, Kidney. ■• Prostatlo and • all Hen's disorders, and give you FREE a physical examination. Every person < should take ad vantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure Is . what <■ you want. -- •-- -, -«•,:»..'■■» ■ -i-i'l'i "CftC" .THE GENUINE H DUO GERMAN' KKMEDY I CURBS - BLOOD DIBORDBR9 . This discovery U the great est boon to sufferers from blood ' poison ever ■ discovered. It has been used successfully In :-. thousands f of i • cases, f It cures In >one treatment. ; No ■ matter ' how I long a> you :»' have been afflicted It works magic. Consult mo FHI3B be forejtolng elsewhere. " __ 1- CONSCI/TATION FREE M M My » advice ' and«consultation t are free k, to M tbe m «f/lloted whether treatment Is taken or not. I. «m always glad to ex plain ■ my ' methods -. and t give friendly advice to all "who call. If you ;cannot 'i oome to . see me. write ; today.'i letters cheerfully answered. Hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., dally; 7,t0 I i evenings;, Sundays, jj 10 to 1& only. »y*»<w«™<"Wm''M fs-ir DR, A. B. SBVKKANC* m 5 »MVt i l"««tfle ■*■_ r»r. Ittk ■«• »*«..«* TACOMA. WASH. Kf-^i « Private i entrance. *$1 V* ■ Cpm- v -*■ reerce.'St.