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r PAOE POUR. IT HE TACOMA TIMES \ MOtBKB OF THB BOBTPPB NOKTfrWEST LKACUK OF jmBWBPAPEns. T«legr»phk> Kow» Servl-e of tb« United PreM I ■.—ritlloa by direct ImmA Wlro. •■?<':,:'.: !.V-.' --.^ .',-,•- x*,-'J I Ifafriwid «t th» po<rtomce,>Tsoom«, Wash., m • aocond-claaa. I ■Mtter. Published by the Ikeom* Time* Pub. 00. Every Kvcnln* Pw«jtvßi«d«7.lji-ißjis>%,;';.".-fi:f,^,i7-,-- i-■ ■;. .■■-.-■♦,'.,■-■ 6 VBOmcS: BtMinea* : Office, Mala I&.Y J Olrculatloa I DepC. • I •fate la Edltort«l liept., MjJn ffß4."**.&_i-.^:li"-*'' ;^*S."^- ; .;' '; • OFFICE:—776-778 COMMERCE ST. . - ,<• ;■■, An Inventory of Yourself Some boys in an eastern university have drawn up "the college students' ten commandments," nine of which aren't important, but the tenth has class. It directs the student to take an inventory of himself at least once a month. "Take an inventory of yourself." It's easily said. What does it mean? Of course you know what the merchant's inven tory is at the close of the year—a detailed list of goods in stock with reckoning of values. So many yards of this, so many yards of that, at X cents a yard. There are no subtleties in such an accounting. By just taking pains, the storekeeper can learn where he is at, to the decimal of a cent. The task is more difficult when the thing to be measured is a human soul. You can't lay it on a yard stick or compute its constituent parts in terms of dollars and cents. Still, you can do this: You can pause from time to time and ask yourself: "Have I gained in wisdom or in kindliness or in patience since the last review 1 Am I neater and sweeter and more liveable withi Have I done something worth while f If not, why not and, if so, how can I improve on my achieve ment in the months to come?" Inasmuch as you are the one who has to live with yourself, it might not be a bad idea to form this habit of frequent inspection and self analysis, with a view to making the association better worth while. A Grocers Ad. Talk In Youngstown, 0., lives a grocer with a personal ity. He is an advertising grocer who writes his own advertisements; and some of them are unique. Here is a recent one: Some of you people give me a pain about the high cost of living. Tou don't know any more about it than my kid, 9 months old. All she knows is to throw my watch on the floor, pull my hair, coax me for pennies to buy candy. I have the most up-to-date poultry farm in the 'country. I have the best laying strain of hens in the country. I employ the best men that money can hire. It costs me nearly $2.00 a dozen to produce fresh eggs at the present time. I charge you about % °f tne amount, yet you say lam robbing you. I'm selling you strictly fancy Florida oranges at 15c and 20c a dozen. The poor farmer that raised them- after paying for the picking and packing, gets about 10c a box. The railroad company gets the balance. You rush over to the Opera House, pay $2.00 for a seat to see some chickens and old hens show their legs and shapes. That is all right. You rush down to the millinery store, pay about $20.00 for a hat, the first cost of which is a bout i 3; that's all right, you get a swell hat. You pay {$50.00 for a chiffon dress, nothing to it. I can /put it in my overcoat pocket, but it's the style, it's all right. But when it comes to something to eat — you have a fit. Take my advice, take care of your stomach. In this holiday rush season be sure that your un 'dertaker is a fighting undertaker. At Oakland, Un dertaker Welch removed his mourning apparel and licked a teamster who wouldn't drive out of the way of a funeral. Famous Dr. John B. Murphy of Chicago, says we are getting away from surgery and the research lab oratory will be the physical salvation of the race. He's the good fellow who invented the "Murphy but ton" which any surgeon will button into you, if you have the price. And now Col. Roosevelt has made the Chileans hot. Those South Americans will find the colonel almost as good as a hard coal burner, if they handle him right. No wonder Tammany is sore. New York's revenue for ten months past totals $150,000,000. Memphis, Term., has troubles besides the price of eggs. The cows are eating wild onions and now they'll have onion-nog instead of egg-nog on New Tears' day. Dr. Austin Peters of Harvard, says that a hog* if given half a chance, would be a gentleman. Who wants a gentlemanly porker anyhow? New York cafes have been given permission to sell booze all night on New Year's eve. Gotham's wel come to the New Year may be happier than ever but what a lot of cold gray dawns there will be! ioo% ia& 4% Safety *SBK Interest BTAUTINO THK NKW VKAH WITH THK GOOD UKHOU TION •'; ' 1-Hr. ■ to wuke mor* and «reinow.^#®f^^K Kj*'^ Often j an 1 account r In 5 this - conservative 1 bank—BaTe • \ few "S U'dollar*; regularly ■ each ' w«ek or; each Vmonth .*; at «> i%,--com- ; ;| v pound *dseml-aanu«iUr, *nd you'll ■ find that wh«n the, next " f HewAYmr i roils J around ; you'll $ have a j good j sum i atored" a war.>, * Wishing ; a Happy and Proaperon* "N»w|Ye«r4|«^^^w SCMBIHAVIAfi AMERICAN BANK of iuow ***** ** »-*• ' i Outbursts of Kverett Trufr E^IEYS vom ICttfflf THE DIIiLETANTK "Alas." the struggling painter cried, "O "My artist soul is sorely tried, The crass commercial side of life, The constant toll, the constant strife, " Give me no chance to do my best. But keep me working without rest At making pictures which will sell, A thing at which I would rebel If I had money so I could." Fortune to that young man was god, An uncle died and left his roll To him who bad the "artist soul." No longer was there need to do The pictures he'd objected to, And "Art for Art'B sake" he was free To follow long and faithfully. ■ ■• But when his money came to him Somehow ambition lost its vim; Without the struggle and the fight. The game had lost its old delight; At first the work he did was small; At last he didn't paint at all! The moral is that too much pelf— Oh, make the moral for yourself! —BERTON BRALEY. I Lord Bally rot in ) J Slangland Whilst strolling along the Kial to with a friend, old chap, 11 was introduced %to • a;" celebrated I ven triloquiat. On ' assuring: him that I was charmed to meet such a fa mous artist," the fellow vainly re plied: ■ry.-i/S^V'*:'?.- :■'/,. '• '' • -:"Yefj,"*..- I'; can ■ toas < my voice around like a rag doll. .1 can let | loose a war whoop ■ down .in ' my ' gargling works and , you'll ) swear it '.was - done tby the | Injun •on a copper cent,ln your, vest pocket. , Most ginks can talk through their bonnets, but t'l I > can : plunge *. my sweet tenor through an iron door. Come around to the two-bit opera i this * eevnlng and watch my crew of talking dummies 'do their spiel while ! I j squat ; up-stage and never loosen 'my trap. Here's two du cats for yourself and the squaw." MV WORD! i:(*s>.¥•;■:,•:- ■./•.-. i ; * DR. HOBSON'S OINTMENT A i <r , MKAXA ITCHY KCZKMA I The constantly - itching, burn- I Ing j •ennatlon \» and A. other , lsa grceabia t forms of ; eczema, tetter, salt l rheum i and skin J| eraptloni promptly cured by Dr. 5 j Bobson's Kcsenui Ointment, Qeo. W. Fitca of i Mendo 111., says: ;k "I ■■■-! pur chased Ia ' box %of k Dr. Hobson'a Eczema , Ointment Have *£ had Eczema ©T«r since . the | civil \ war. have , been I Ueated |by many, doc tors, j none f have given; the benefit that f one j box "t of v Dr. SI Hobson's Ecsema, Ointment; has." Everyl sufferer should try it. We're M poalUve It will help you we guar. antes it or i money i refunded. ;„ AM aU:Dru«gi*ti or bf naU^SOe,^ Pfofftor Cbeuk^l Oe^ PhlUA* THE TACOMA TIMES. NOT FOWED UPON HIM. "Don't you know it's wrong to make your little brother cry?" "Huh, I ain't making him cry. 1 only hit him In de nose, but he don't have to cry about It If he don't ' want to." STItA\f;i:KS (JKNERAIiIiY ►••» . WAIT FOB'Alf/ ANBWTBB <"Two ;, ladles ''■"; just;: left their carda, mum." -'jy,z "■ i. :/-•';, '•-. *-»JV;'i' "Were :. they • people ■ who know me?" ,' > «:;:-:-;.;^,'-'/ - ; '-r:i-± S&l'I , think i »o,; mumthey ■ huf t ried right ; away." >;;; -•:^lg^ 8 Lbd. Meat Bolter •« <A ;«.- ■»air.Trrrr^# I• IU cow J Bvwmn stohh P usifio and Jefferaon A»«. IJUc-iteXforl th« Sign of the Cow. WITH THE CHURCHES ,"- '•■■■ '■'" BAPTIST ■'---'*>«■ fl ' Bethesda. cor. So. 45th and X ats.. B. F. Cheney, - pastor. 9:45 a. in.. 'Bible school, 8. O. Bishop, supt.. r, 6201 80. J at.; morning: service, 11; 4:30 p. in.. Junlon B. Y. P. U.; 6:4.">. p. m., the Senior B. Y. P. U., leader. H. F. Cheney. 7:45 p. in., preaching; Tuesday, 8 p. m. cnolr practice; Thuraday, 7:45 p. m., prayer meet- In*, followed by a a teaoher train ing class. , , ■..-•-•-■ . > Finnish, So. Sheridan and lid. A J. Stormans, pastor. a 8.. 9:45; aervlces 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.; T. P. U., 6:30 p. tn.j Thuraday, pray er meeting 1 p. m. _ . -.• ' First Baptist, Bth and D sta.,' a downtown church., J. A. Button, pastor. Morning; service, 10:80 a. m.; evening;, 7:46 p. in.; S. B. at 12 o'clock; B. T. P. V.. 8:45. . • Central. No. 1> and Steele, Itev. N. H. Brooks, pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m.; and 7:30 P. in.: T. P. U., 6:30 p. m.; prayer, Thuraday 8 p. ru. . Sixth . Avenue, «cv. Frederick Wlghtmsii. pastor. Horning wor ahlp 10:10; Bible school at noon; Young ePople's meeting at 0:45; aervlce at 7:4J p. m.; midweek prayer meeting Thursday. 7:41 p. m. Oermao Baptlat church. South 10th and J sts.. Rev. Ft. A. Blandau. worship, 11 a. m.; evening worship, 8 p. m.; S. 8., 9:45 a. m. Norwegian Danish Baptist church corner So. 10th and X sts. Rev. O. Enget, pastor. 8. S., 10 a. m.; aer mon, 11 a. m.; Young People's meeting, 7 p. m. Bible study Mon day* at 8 p. in.; weekly prayer meeting Thursday. 8 p. in. CHHISTIAIt Central Christian church. No. li and Steele ats.. Rev. J. 8. Raum, pastor. Bible echool 111 a. m.; com munion service and preaching, 11 a. m.; song aervlce and sermon, 8 p. m. • ' South Taeoma Christian, 6619 Ba. lunette. Bible school. 9:46 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m.; Junior C. 13., .1 p, m. Senior C. 10., 6:10 p. in.; First, 6th ay and K. W. A. Moore pastor. Prayer service. 9:45 a. m.; morning aervlce, 11 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, f:SO; evening service, 1:10. — Roosevelt Heights, East 39th and V. Bible sohool at 10:10 a. m.; com munion at 11:30 a. m.: C. 18. at 6:30 p. m.; preaching at 7:10 p. m. UcKlnley Park. East tSth and Spokane. Bible school at 10 a. m.; communion at 11 a. m.; C. JO.. <:10 p. vi.. preaching, 7:30 p. m. j Lincoln Park Christian church, 39th and Q ats., Raiph C. Sargent, minister. Bible school at 10 a. m. communlnn and preaching services at 11; Christian Endeavor prayor meet at 6:30 p. m.; evening service CONGRBGATIOPTAI. First Congregational church. Di vision ay. and J sts.. Rev. Frank Dyer, pastor. Services, 10:30 a. in.; 8. 8., 12 m.; vesper service, 5 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:00 p. m. Kast 28th and » sis.. Rev. A. I) Shaw, pastor. Services lla. in. and 8 p. m. Pilgrim. No. 24th and Warner. ' Itev. Edgar C. , Wheeler, pastor. Morning, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 11:40 a. m. BHISCOPAI. " Et. Luke's Memorial church. So. C and «th ay.. Rev. F. W. Keator, bishop. Rev. F. T. Webb, vicar. Services, 7:30 and 11 a. m.; S. S.. 10 a. m. St. Andrews church, No. Bth and Oakes sts.. Rev. Frederick Webb, rector. Sunday school, 10 a. m. evening service, 7:30. The Church of Holy Communion, dor. So. 14th and I St., Rev. Rebt H. McQlnnls, rector. Early service, 7:30 a. m.; S. 8. and Bible aervlce, 1:46 a. m. morning prayer, 11 a. m.; avening prayer. 7:30 p. m. Trinity, No. 3d and X sts., Rev. Charles T. Grimes. Early celebra tion. 7:30 a. m.: S. a. 1:41 a. - m.i Bible class, 10:00 o, m.; Matins, 11 a. m. - — St. John's. So. EBth and Puget Sound. Rev. Robert H. McGinn is, rector. S. S., 10 a. m. .'■ ■ ' BTrANGRUPAL First Evangelical clnirch. So. 13th and X sts., T. R Hornschuch. paator. 8. S., 10 a. m.; sermon, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. A., Wed. Bp. m.: prayer meeting and Bible atudy, Thurs. 7 to >. ■ . > Evangelical Lutheran" (German), 21st and O sts., Einll Lehinann, pas tor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m.; 8. S.. 9:11-10:11 a. m.; Y. P. S., • 7 p. m. , . ■*, Adams St. Ev. church. No. Adams and 21d ■ St.. M. ■ Shupp, pastor. Preaching service, 11 a. m.; no Sun day evening servloe; 8. s., 10 a. m. The Swedish Evangelical Free church, 1212 So. 14th, Alt Stone, pastor. 8. 3., 10 a. m.; services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ■ ■ EUm Free, So. Aina. and 17th. Rev. C. B. Bjuge, pastor. Norwe gian services, 10:45 a. m, 7:10 p. m. Sermon by pastor at 6 p. m. j.-'" FREE ME)THODI»T > ' First Free Methodist church, 1111 So. I at, C. M. DeFoe, pastor- m 8. 8. at 10 a. m., preaching, 11, fol lowed- by class meeting; Young People's meeting, 7 p. in., followed by sermon. ... . .; . . ■ ■- ■/•'. ■ IATTHKRAFC ■■■ .■'••■- I Norwoglon Lutheran Free church, So. 16th and X ats.. Rev. D. Toilet son, pastor. ' Services 11:00 a. m Y. P. meeting, 6 p. m.; services, I p. m. ■.-■ ... .-.•.--■.:•,.- v * Our Savior's Evangelical! Luther an church," corner • oi" J and 17th ata.. Rev. O. J. Ordal, pastor. Resi dence 911 So. 17th St. Divine sorv ices in Norwegian, 10:30 a. m.; and in the English language, 8 p. m.; 8 5. and Bible class, 9:30 a. m. .-,-..." 1 Immaneul Norwegian v Lutheran, Rev. O. Hagass, pastor. • Service at home of A. ltaknes, 4618 No. 18th, 1 p. ra. ■' .■:■.,■'-.■. .% . v'■..' ■M*T^fSjiSSC 1 St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, So. - 27th and > Taeoma ay., Rev. R. Aye Lallemant, pastor. 8. 8., 9:10 a. m.; aervlces, i 10:30 a. m. confessional, 11:30 a. m.; »English service every > second . and ■<■■ fourth S,unday. ..-— /r'r* -'■■- \- :•"■■;?•.<■ ~ St. • Paul's Danish ■ Lutheran church, 1310 * So.'. L -. st. ■• Sunday achool, 10 a. m.; service* at 11 <a. m. no evening aervlce. C. J. Skor gaard, pastor. ,•;.■;,•,.■ y: \: : ." ;■,_;* -_•■•• : ■ ■--: St. ■ John's" English "• Lutheran church. South Fifth and I sts. Rev. C. V. W. Stoever, ■ pastor. ■ Sunday school, >:45 a. ni.; morning services, 11 o'clock. -.y- ■.-■...•:;-..■■■" .; ■■ , ' derman. So. list. Services ' In Jer. at 1»:I0 a. m. and 7 p. m S •.. 9:11 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. 8.. • p. •n. .V o*r. c Lutheran, < 80. ■ Taeoma, (Swedish - Lutheran > church. -> corner 18th and Birmingham ir.) every al. t.rnat. Sunday at 1:10 p. m. Pas. tor, •. Aug. , : F. i Graebner. .. ..v ; - • ■ >- ■ - - United Norwegian. So. 13th and t ■. 8.. l:t* a.. m.; • aarvlcea. 10:30 ia. •>■; 7:41 p. m. J. O. Hausjsn. pastor. 'j First Swedish Lutheran, corner So. I and Bth at & 8. at 9:10 a. m ; services at: 11 a. m. and at 3 p. -m. ': Trinity. 1101 S«. f'lfaiv/J* M. Fee gar, ■ pastor. B. ■ 8.. ~ 1:36 a. m.: (ler. urvlce. 10:1*; a. m.; Eng. ■ service, <:10 p. m. * Danish' Lutheraa at Paul. I*ll fo. L. L. C. J. Ulaorgaard. pe»tor 6. 8, 10 a. m.; service 11 a. m.; Ml> trary and Young 1 People's. , Wednea *ay. 8 p. m. » So. Tacoma Norwegian, 82d an« 8. Warner, t Rev. O.»Hs*aaa.«» Services In Kntrlisli; 7:10 m.; S. English and;Narw«gi»iii4lß;a. liin.'?sA)^«i»-»<w* « Q«r in n! Zlon i Evangelical ■ Luther- . WJ.; Missouri synod,- Bo.* l«tfi and; t <U y J H*v. • J.» H uchtb«u«*n, : postor. q m. METHODIST Flrat Methodist Episcopal church. So. Bth and Q st.. Thomas W. Lane, pastor. Morning worship at 10:30 a. m.; 8. 8. at 12 m.; Epworth league at 6:IS p. m.; evening wor ship at 7:30 p. m. prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. , v Trinity Methodist church, F. E. Moore, pastor. Morning service, E. 30th and B St.; evening service, E. O and Morton st. Epworth League, 9:30 p. in.; Bible school, 10 a. ni. . McKlnley Park church. East Mor ton at U st, F. L. Moore, pastor. S. 8. school, 9:45 a. m.; combined service, 7:30 p. m. -. o ; , . ji St. Paul's. So. 43d and L sts.. Edw. J. Smith, pastor. Bible school, 1:46 a. m.; Epworth League. 6:30 p. m. prayer meeting, Thurs.. 8 p. m.; preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m> Swadlah Methodist churcn, cor. J and So. 11th sts.. Rev. John A. William, pastor. S. S.. 9:45 a. m.; morning service. 10:45 a. in.. Ep worth league, 7 p. m.; evening ser vice, 7:45 p. m. Central, So. 21st and I sta., T. A. Oralmm. pastor. a S.. 10 a. ra.: publlo worship, 11 a. m.; Epworth eague, 6:10; publlo worship, 7:36. Mason, 28th and No. Madison ata.. Rev. R. J. Reid, paßtor. Bible school, 9:45 a. in.; sermon, 11 a. m.; preaching, 7:80 p. m.; . Kpworth League, 6:30 p. in. Epworth, cor. So. 7th and Ander son. W. T. Randolph, pastor. Bible school at 9:30; sermon at 11 a, ra. and 8 p. m. by the pastor; Epworth league, 6:4S p. m.; prayer meeting, 8 p. m. ' Bethany, 80. (9tn and Thompson, 0. 8., 10 a, in.; preaching. 11 r, m., 'unlor League, 1 p. m.: Epworth League, 6:80: preaching, 7:80 p. m.; prayer service, Thurs., 7:45 p. ni Itev. Francis A. Ecker. paator. Spanaway M. X., Frederick C Thompson, pastor. 8. 8. 10 a. nv morning worship, 11, Park M. E., W. H." w. Rees, pas tor. S. 8.. 10 a. m.; Bpworth league, 6:45 p. m.; preaching. 11 a. vi. and 7:30 p. m. ■ Thuraday afternoon meeting. 3 p. in. Allen M. B. 1411 So. Yaklma, Rev. H. M. Collins, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in.; class meeting. 13:1« p. ■:..; 8. 8., 1:10 p. m.; A. C. 10. leacrue. 7 p. m.: prayer meeting, Wednesday evening. Norwegian ana Danish Metho dist church, corner of 16th and J 6ts.. H. P Nelson, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and Bp. m. 3. S.. 10 a. m. Epworth League. 7 p. m. MISSIONS Christian and Missionary Alli ance. 901 t)o. a st Rev. O. J. Stone, pastor. Services: 8. 8. at 2:00; preaching at 3 p. m.: Wednes day morning prayer meeting, 11 a. m. ; afternoon, 2:30. Swedish Mission Tabernacle, cor So. 10th and I sts., H. Sundqulst, pastor. S. S. 9:45 a. m; services 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; Young Peoples society, 6 p. m. East Side, 16th and Q sts.. S. 3.. 10 a. m City Rescue Mission. 108 So. 14th st. Services at 730 every evening •ermon. 8 p. m ■ ■■ Penlel Gospel, Services everj evenlnw at 8 o'clock; Sunday at I p. iv. 103 So. 12th. . Church of God Mission. 2501 Ta coma. S. 8., 10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. in.; prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Win. Strong, pastor. ■ -, PRESBYTBRIAIf Calvary Presbyterian church. Dl vlßlon I.iine and D St., Rev. C. K. Btandt pastor. a S., 10 a. m., services, 11 a. m. and 7:80 j>. m.j Junior Endeavor, 3 p, m.; C. 10. 6:45 ?. m. Diayer meeting Thuraday, :30 p. n.. Sprague Memorial 58th and War ner. So. Tacoma. a 8., 9:45 a. m.: si:rvlce, 11 a. m. Y. P. S. C. B. at 7 p, m. evening servloe, 8 p. m. t" ' Immanuel Presbyieriau church Ho. J and 9th sts., Robert H. Mllll gan, pastor. Morning service, 10:80. evening, 7:30; S. S., 12:10 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 p. m. . . First Presbyterian church, corner So. 10th and G sts.. Rev. Murdoch McLeid, pastor. Ray. H. T. Mltchel more. assistant Morning service. 10:30 o'clock; evening, 8 p. m. S. 3. Immediately after murning sarvlce; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 p. m. Bethany, No. 4tst and Verde at, Aev. O. T. Mather, paitor. 8. a at 9:46 a. ni.; V. P. 8. C 1!1.. at 6:45; •ervlcea, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Oakland. So. 34th and Proctor sta. B. 8., 10 a. m. Intermediate En* deavor at 7 p. m. Services at 8 p. in., Rev. W. Chalmers Ounn. speak* er. Manitou Park. S. 8.. 10:15 a. m.| sermon at 11 a. m. by W. Chalmera Qunn. . • FRIRND9 ■- First Friends. No. Bth and State. Bible school, 10 a. m.: divine wor ship, 11 a. m. Frl«nds7 East Side meeting, 49th and McKlnley ay.. Bible achool, 9:45 a. m.; divine worship, 11 a. m.; T. P. S. C. E., 8:30 p. m.; evening service, 7:46 p. m. ROM CATHOLIC Holy Rosary, So. 30th and Taco ma, Rev. Oswald Baran, O. 8. 8., rector. Low mass. 7:80; children's mass, 8:45; high mass, 10:30; ves pers and benediction. 7:60. Church of Visitation, So. (Bth near Warner. Rev. Charles Cannon. Plrat mass,. 8; high maaa, 10:80; baptlim, 1; veapera, 7:10; dally maas, 8 a. m. , ■■.■+./ ■ St John the "Baptist, Indian res ervation. Rev. Cbas. De Deck«r. _St Leo'a. So. Yaklma and ISth. Rev. Father Cunningham, rector. Ht. Patrick's. No. 11th and J. Ref. Juaeph McOrath, rector. , St Btanlelaua, 80. 49th and K. Rev. Michael ■ Fafara. paator. . ;•" -•'-; Mint'Kl.l.ANßOirs I Church of the Brethren, So. 50tb and G sts., E. S. Gregory, pastor. 8. S., 10 a. m preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Christian ■ workers meeting, 6:30 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m. m Salvation Army, 1101 Paclflo ay. Services: Preaohlng. 8 p. m,; Young I'eople'a meeting, 6 p. m.; salva> tion meeting. 8 p. m.:/,-, ■ _ Volunteers' of America, , 13th and Pacific. Meetlngi | • every - ■ evening except Mondays and Frldaya. at i P. m. Sunday at 8 p. m. and 1 p. -•• International : Btble : Students' as soclitlon. Temple ,of Muelo r, 941 C t.« Discourse, 8 p. m.; Bible atudy, 4:10 and 6:30. .';.'V.;;'-ij ■:■■■•■■■;■ ■.. ■■ ,--,r -■ .The Progressive Psychic society, 213 So. Tacoma ay. Lyceum, 1:30; circle, •. p. m.; meeting! at 8 p. m. Thursday meeting, 2p. m. \if, I~Z V Par* Unlversallst ohureh. Dl»|. slon ■ ay. i and J . st. Henry ■ Viator Morgan, minister.; iS. 8., 10 ,' a. "ii; aervlce,ifl:oo \ *' m.; Whole World Healing t Circle, life lessons, Friday eve. > at» 8 by minister; }no > Sunday evening service. . s-.,r»»iFi- <4i. u «x 8 Taeoma Sewnon's Institute, oor ner »t Helena i and 6th aves7 ReV F. T. Webb, honorary chaplain; H. F.rneyhougß, Supt Barly^celeora tlon,' , 7:80; a, morning & s/rvloe. "■ it o'clock .'J 1 - 8t- Loke"?I church, ; Dr. Webo. ofnclatlng; evening service. 3 oclock..' , .- , , ...». r ~_, t%,' »->.--•• •:.,: ;V.^:" - J.:.:-Z:\: j • . :{. I »ißn?vi dlnvls nßrn t In terna tion l' »'bl» Btudenta, Valhalla temple. Uth and X sts. Discourse 3 p. m.; Berean Bible study, 3:4S p. m. Church ot ietu, Chrl.t of Latter * XUJX ■■- &9COMJI;. -J^f/DEISEI%E-TT. Saturday, Dec 27. New lurk Offleei 20-36 Weat B2d at. \\>mhrr— llhlu Saturday Night Sales From 6 to 9 o'Clock t Including the continued clearance of many holiday lines at reductions of a Fourth, a Third and Half. AT HALF PRICE ONE-THIRD OFF Dolls, Games, Blocks, Iron Parisian Ivory Manicure and Trains. Silver Hollow Ware. Tollet Setß' Sllver Noveltte... . .. „ x„. , .. High Grade Perfumes In Fancy All Cut Glass, Dlnnerware In 14 Glf . Boxeg Patterns, All Fancy China, ONE-FOURTH OFF Men's Gift Boxes, containing Chafing Dishes, Percolating Shirts, Ties, Kerchiefs and Urns, Blue and White Enamel- Hose, ware, Fireplace Goods. 91.23 AND $1.50 OUTING ■■ 50c AND 05c APRONS AT 37c GOWNS, 08c „ „ _ ' . Women's Gowns of splendid SmaU Tea Aprons round wlth outing, all white and dainty scalloped edges, dainty em striped effects, high and low ... . . , , :,. neck styles, trimmed with fancy broldered designs in white and stitching and braids $1 16 and °0l0r8: Borne wltn blbs - Worth ♦ 1.50 values. Special tonight at 98c 50c to 65c. Special tonight, 37c Downstairs Specials 6 to 9 Tonight 10c KITCHEN SUNDRIES Toilet Paper, our Knickerbock- AT 6c er. Regularly 10c. Very spe- Potato Mashers, Meat Forks, cial, two for .15c Pot Scrapers. Vegetable Brush- toys io es, Dish Mops, World's Fair ' Tooth Picks, Meat Pounders, A <>up of Toys that are Ladles, Clothes Line Pulleys, slightly soiled and damaged Egg Beaters, Whetstones, from handling. Values to 75c. Towel Bars, Trouser Hangers, Choce .....10c Dampers, Apple Corers, Ironing .Wax, Folding Coat Hangers and |I so Round Pollsh Mop ' Batu" Cake Turners. Regularly 10c. rated with cedar oil. Very Special tonight ...6c special 79c Third Floor Specials Prom 6 to 9 Tonight 19c Scrim with colored borders. 10c Rug Fringe In all the staple several good patterns, 36 inches and mixed colors. Special to wide. Special tonight, yd. lflc night, yard ./. Otfc 17c Swiss, in ecru and white, also white with colored figures, 36 to 40 inches wide. Special tonight, yard 12c Wonderful Serum Cures That Tormenting Disease—Love PUTTING TO FLIGHT THE TORMENTOR, LOVE. Love Is a disease, produced by poisons— Is a "passionate Intox ication," according to Dr. Maurice De Fleury, the famous. English brain storm specialist, who has just startled scientists by an nouncing- the discovery of a "love serum" which, he claims, will cure the worst cases. Love has long been called a disease, poetically, but It was al ways thought an Incurable one. Nearly 200 years ago the poet, Alexander Pope, wrote: J '■Hear what from love unprac ticed hearts endure; From love, the sole disease thou — canst not <sure!" £ But now science, In the person of Dr. Fleury, proves not only that love IS a disease, but that It Is CURABLE! : ' The famous scientist . has Inves tigated deeply the love-state, he says, by means of delicate electri cal ; Instruments • which record "every Infinitesimal; movement of the nervous system." < He has made charts of the conditions of the suf ferers who were his patients, .. and from this research lias discovered that love Is a mental Intoxication comparable In al' ways to the phys- Day Saints (Mormons). Sunday ser vices at 1117 So. Tacoma ay.. Fra ternity Bldg\ 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. Order of Star in the East meets Sunday at <1:46 p. m. at new head quarters, 719 So. X St. , • Tacoma Theosophlcal society, ev ery Thursday, 8 p. m., at 71» So. E st. -; Lotus circle, Sunday, lla. m. ,- QUICK'S 4 UPSTAIRS» ■ BTORB : '■' SAVES •;' -■ : . TOT MONKY. ;->V".;.-; ■, Women's Coat and Salt Sboa 612 FldeJlly Bldg. ',-,-.. ; .•■/;„ , ;. Tak* Elavator, Bth Floor. , To the Public— IHBbssl 9 ur sucmmCul ourst ■ fer. human illnnnli ■ *r» <»•.*• th* mtrlti H6! °.. ur " •ompoundlni I ■? c tn* *oyttl root* ■ hartu and bark ■ which in poas«ea«d lof •ur«"v» qualltUi ■ •".? \,*l v#' Permanent \WJm ■ riut *«r '■■ the sick i BHwlHm- other tent. 0 RIM aits hay* f»li.d. k IHmgl »°° are . alllo* «iil eajaßßaaßaßMßl cannot be cured why •wftUM-wx-i-j** not call ! and i ••• ,i us I Private dlaeaaei a aoe. lulty. V« W OC>.^g l?U( jc I>l . Cft ■HDlHgil lllSfW^ South' 0' It •■' i': r r Taoonia. Watt. Saturday, Dec. leal Intoxications. Howrm, of the polsoas that e-nitlave, love rank* the last In neverltv, be xiv helng »**-J < ril.-il by alcohol, opium, mor- ! phlne, cocaine and tobacco. But the effects of thin passional poisoning which we call love, he claims, are none 'the less serious. The cure consists In graded doses of separation from the object of the passion and in the administering of a "love serum." Witches, In the old days, used to sell "love potions." ,It looks as though, in corning days, scientists will administer "anti-love vaccina tlonsi" , . --- -.- - :■;,„ ?;:., ;,:.;, : ■ NOTICE ■ •. • - , We make a specialty of those cases that puzzle the average eye specialist. MffiSJ^ CABWKLI.I OPTICAIi 00. ' 742 st. Helens Aye. ... ..'■ . . . .. . ... , ...,,-.,... -s Puget Sound Electric Ry. FOR BISATTLB — Mm I Trains "every; boar. 5 Tim* . of Limited Trains •eVenty ■ iniautesvr>>:S?r^^i»|^| Trains Leave Bth and ' A Streets, Tacoma, 1TII) Tit A INS — 7: SB, • 8:8S: Btßo, 10:811, < M:BS. a. in.; iaißs, 1:35. 8:80, SiSS, 4:86 and o:SB p. m. { All • TJmlted Trains" 'o Stop •t Anburn and Kent. i LOCAL TRAINS ! leare at fl . a. m., 7 n. in., 8 a. m., O a. m., 11 i. m., 1 p. m., and ;,' hourly until 8 p. m. Tben 10)08 :p. 11.. and 11:80 p. n>. (laat train). l^. • - PUYALLUP SHORT ;. usn —Trains will Issn Tacom* at •«:tO, 7:10, V»ilO. 0:10 and HilO a. in.j H1 1:10, 8:10, •«:io, 11:10, BilO, T:IO, 0:10 «n<i 11:30 p. m. •Dally «seept Sunday.