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PAGE TWO [BIG SPECIAL FEATURES YESTERDAY'S GAME LOST BY TIGERS ON POOR WORKMANSHIP Th* twenty-one yoang athletes that repreeeeted Portland and Tacoaiß In th* great national game yesterday at McGlnnity'. ball park ara to ba commoniod oa the rapidity with nhich tboy ■l**n*lirt of th* game JTbey werked about a* fast aa a bunch n_ longshoremen when th*r* M aaly on* ship at the dock aad aoaa expected to arrive for * weak One bohnnk section gana dtagiays aa much "pep" when the bo— la away aa a few of the aspirins; tweaty-ooa did yester- Our own collar champions were th* chief offender* In tbe alow race. Thooa who didn't hava glue in their shoe* bad it In their epos. If ■low footwork didn't let a run slide over It waa atew haadwork. Murray waa bo tired that It waa Hke putllna* teoth for him to get to first baas, and Callahan waa getting paid by tbe hour. ' Fries took a *un bath out in loft field aad wa* terribly bored by the game. Bender showed ■tight sign* of Ufa except when ho got on baa**. At the rata ba traveled yesterday It would hay* taken three passes. a couple ot error* and a homo ran to score him. provided of course that he , by some chance got to flr.t base. Th* root of the Tigers weren't gelt* ao btdd in tkelr attempt* to delay the game but managed to see that It didn't stop befor* ItM. The Tigers looked to hava the game stored safely away up to tha flftk inning. Andrada work ed nicely and the four runs th* haen* hoy* grabbed in th* second l—alng looked good for the gstne. •at the effort must have tired them, for, although It took an hear to play th* first four in . nlnga. tt took *ve_ longer t* play the next four. Portland tied the score la the sixth with a double, two single* aad a sacrifice fly. In tha aev eath they started after the game la earnest. An error let Lewis oa first. He went around te third on an Infield out. not be cause he waa so faat. but because the Tiger* war* ao slow, snd waa sgneesod over ,by Tery McKune Wall, McKune stole second, then stole third snd probably would have atolen home If he hadn't boon so tired. Ha us man got am through ths benovoleoce of Mc- Mullln and he stole. In fact, one might aay that the Colt* *tol* the gaase If those few fans that ware there eoulda't testify that Ta coma gave It away. The rent of the story la too leag to tell. The score at 5:30 waa Portland t, Tacoma 8. The aeorc: TTM-H BOX SOOR—L Portland. AB H H PO A X Coltrla. as . 4 0 1 S 1 • Milligan. cf. 3 1 8 8 8 • Melcholr. rf 4 0 2 1 • • Lewis, If . . 6 1 • St • Owlgnl. 3b 4 I 1 1 5 6*. 3b. 4 S 8 1 S • Murray, c . . 4 3 S 8 1 • Haasman. lh 3 1 1 8 8 0 Callahan, p. 6 0 0 S 3 1 Total* ... .35 8 11 37 11 1 Taeoaia AB R H PO A a Beader. ef . 4 0 * 1 • 0 Neighbors, rf 5 6 2 4 6 • MrMullin. 3b 4 6 w 3 3 1 Boockal, 2b 4 1 3 1 5 1 Be tier. as.. 311140 t*T*BB. c . 4 1 1 6 S 1 Ktokks, 1b... 4 • 811 1 8 Prioa. If ... 4 1 8 1 • 0 Aadrada, p . 2 0 0 1 1 0 Joaoa, a .. . 6 6 0 8 t 0 Baker, p . 1 6 v 0 1 0 •Brottem .. .1 1 1 • • 0 Totals ....36 6 16 27 IS 6 •Batted for Jones In seventh Portt'ad 00011830 S—f Tacoma .0 6.660826 •—6 Kaas 2, Hsusmsn, Pries. Sacri fice atta—Meecbotr. McKune. Man-ay. Maaaaaan, Callahan. But ler 3. Two-boa* atta—Boeckel 2, Pries. Milligan. Coltrin. Howie The Ooiaey Iceland Fork and tke "Baked Apple' _■_____*" ** '" ''"-"■'--'■' L _ " — IN THE WORLD OF SPOR TS ORTHWfc_rrKR.v LsUUlk * ♦ Trot in day Me* at*- • ♦ Portland ». Tacoma *\ * ♦ Victoria *, Vancouver T. A A Spokane 2, Seattle 0. ♦ ♦ Steading ef the Chafes. • ♦ Worn. Look P*t- 4 A Spo_*ne ...ST S3 .*S3 *» ♦ Vancouver .58 S« .CIT ♦ ♦ Seattle ....58 ST .611 ♦ ♦ Victoria ...38 65 40» 4 A Portland .. 35 "»« .3*6 ♦ ♦ Tacoma ...33 42 .347 4 ♦ Where They Flay Today. • ♦ Portland at Tacoma (3:15 ♦ ♦ Spokane at Seattle. A A Victoria at Vancouver ♦ run—Murray. Credit defeat m Jones, victory to Callahan Base on balls — Received by Bender, Coltrin 2. Milligan, I'uignt. Mc- Kune, Hauaman 2. Struck out- Bender, Neighbors. Boeckel, Ste vens 2. Doable play*—Callahan to Coltrin, McMullln to Stevens to Stokke. Time of game—B:3o. Umpire—Wheeler. INDIANS CLIMB ANOTHER NOTCH SEATTLE, July 18. —Xoyea pitching aud perfect support won for Spokane yesterday 3 to 0. The score: R. H. i: Seattla 8 5 1 Spokane S 10 0 Batteries: Qtpe snd Cadman: Noyes and Shea. BEES HUMBLE VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. July 18. Th* Bee* defeated Vancouver yeeter day 8 to 7. Th* si or*. R. H. B. Victoria 8 IS 5 Vancouver 7 8 1 Batteries - Steele. Narvesoa sad Hoffman: Reutber, Clark, Cheek and Urindell. TRY Japanese Dishes With American Taste. Noodles. Any Kind. All v Styles. 10c Per Dish. Popular Japanese Restaurant 1519 C Street. Phone Main 1693 K. IOW CUBCsC BEMEDT CO. • Ton people whs hays bean doctoring with out results. try ths N TOW CHINsIB REMEDY CO. whosa CHINESE herbs, harks and rest llßlilll h*v* achieved soma won derful results for thousands of years th* CHINEBB people have used these rem most obstinate rasas 'een. asthma, rheuma ».___-"""rhrsele *nd nervous disor ders: constipation and diseases «_ tbe ekln. kldsers. ■»'»**••■ »_• Btomach. TRY our remeUles and to* convinced. It will not cost ye* en* cent t* call. If out ef tswn, drop ua a latter and state your diseases. n. tow rsii-ni k_m_i>t re*. IIS.BVfc ~ns4■ss ay. I***** csmmms TBUC WO C_l-_B« Bl—D. ro. llliH Be Pacific a ■tV the Public: I have been as'fer ine from sarsnl* Stomach troubles for years aad found a* ether micdl-laee coal* ours as* until I to ■sa to take Tee -fee Chinese Remedy Be fore I commenced takln* his remedy I •said not sat air thins I wanted New I ess cat an rt bins besides I sm feeiing well Be t wish to write him this latter so show the public that what he hae dcac for me he can *c far r*«v Rejpectfully. w J iahb Ms. I*4l Fairbanks et, Tscsasa. Ws. A LITTLE MORE PEP YOU FELLERS! Homebody better wake up out there at the ball lot. Tacoma fans have seeu some pretty nifty imitations of the national pastime, but it's been the first time in many moons that an exhibition of the sort that was dished up yesterday has been thrown onto the public. It took 2 hours and 20 minutes to play the game -almost the time that it takes to play two games. i "We eau't point our finger at the chief reason why we are having poor attendance at the ball park, but we can certainly refer Fielder Jones, Joe MeUinnity, Frank Kedpath, Russ Hall, and the rest of the baseball higher ups that such a slow exhibition of baseball was given the fans yesterday has something to do with it. Now it's time for someone to wake up. If Jones can't get an umpire that will make the ball players step lively on the field, Joe Meiiinnity ought to raise a holler. And if Joe MeOinnity and Nick Williams can't force a little more pep into their players then the fans i-au justly raise a holler. Now, for goodness sake, start something. Let's get some action! BRESNAHAN COMES BACK AND IS A GREAT STAR, HELPING CUBS IN CLOSE FIGHT p days snd this youngster is expel led to bring a flag to Chicago. Roger Bresnahan haa furnish ed on* of the real big surprises of the season. A year ago the scribe* were predicting the ■peedy decline of the rather cor pulent Cub catcher, but he has fooled them all and It ia doubt ful If he ever has had aa good a year behind the bat as this one. From quit* a star of th* mask and protector with the Giants Bresnahan, sent to menage St. Louis tn a league deal, did so much for tha Cardinals thst when he came to the Cube ii waa naturally, aoised around that Johnny Rvers would not be alonu In managing the team. < It I* even true that Bresnahan, kept out of the game because Jimmy Archer was holding down th* job st the piste, tried hard enough to have a place in the management. Roger was contin ually picking Kver's pinch hitter* for him, and whether or not Johnny accepted his Judgment. It was quite Irritating for the later "Who are you pitching today. Roger?'' was s common query from the bleachers and Johnny did not like it a bit. It 1* prob ably tru* that friction resulted. When Breenahan did get in the game he didu't show any of the old ability tbat made him fa mous He wa* continually letting in runs by passed balls, throw!..* »lid to second and even failed to show Bach with th* stirk. But thl* year, working under Hank O'Day. If* different. Bres nahan himself is different He is not th* fat, slow-moving giant thst he was If* * thinner and quicker Roger that Is doing the bulk of the catching for -the fast cllmbing Cubs during the mro thi'taooma tucss Hogi-— Hrcsnishan aad tlie I. ear cab aiaacot of t lie 4 'Mi-ago < übs. I lie Cuba haven't had v liesr discs the old championship longed absence of Jimmy Archer, who waa badly injured. Bresnahan ia a greater star thsn he ever was. He put In the off season training down. and now weighs less thsn he ever did. That twenty pound* off Roger hss done much to help th* Cub*. But the greater question 1* the i.pparent harmony between O'Day and Bresnahan, who by paat performance* haa the right to believe himself a better mana ger than O'Day. see T'mpir* Fred Newton Af Ber ryvllle, N. V., write* for a decision on a play that came up In a ' game between Delia* and Berrt Iv itie teams on July 4. It's too tough for me, so I paaa It along The score was 8 to 7 la favor of Dallas In the final hall of the eighth inning, two out and two man on bases. whoa Center Fielder Callihaa of Berryville j came to He hit a high fly and the ball seemed to be falling back of third base when It •truck • tlasue paper bajeoon. broke through tbe paper and fell I inside. The ballooa collapsed -and as it descended Shortstop Lin as of Dallas ran out onto foul ground under it. The ball rolled out of the wreckage of the balloon and struck Lucas' hand* on foul ground. It had been in tbe fire of the balloon torch sod was so hot Lucas dropped it. What waa the proper decision. SINGLES PLATED IN TENNIS MEET Hudson defeated Blakeston Prlngls defeated Raleigh la the two matches of the men's sin glea yesterday at the Tacoma Tennis club yesterday. In the women's singles I.villa Powell won from Frauds Burril and Marion Bailie defeated Dor othy Davis. MOTORCYCLISTS TO STAGE RACE The Taeoraa Motorr>cle club held a meeting last night aad arranged plsns for an endurance race between Tacoma and Port land, the return to bo mail* August 8. NATIONAL hiaauiug at ct.b Clubs. Woa. Lost. Pet. New York ....44 31 .637 Chicago _.43 ST .538 St. I/outs 40 3» .60* Cincinnati SS SS .500 Philadelphia ....38 ST .48* Pittsburg 34 ST .479 Brooklyn 32 SS .467 Boston 33 43 .410 Hesiilta rc-wfarday. Chicago 5, New York 4. St. I.oii Is 5, Boston 3. Cincinnati 6. Philadelphia Pittsburg 4, Brooklya 3. AMERICAN Staadtsg ol (M Clubs Won. Lost. Pet. Philadelphia ...45 32 .581 Detroit 45 87 .648 Washington ...42 88 .538 Chit ago 42 37 .532 St. Louis 8* 37 .532 Boston 43 38 .531 New York SO 45 .400 Cle\eland 35 53 .335 Results teste—lay Detroit .', Washington 3. Boston 4, Cleveland 0. Chicago 3-1, New York 8-3. FEDERAL •taadlag af ir.e Hubs. Woa. Lost. Pet. Chicago 43 "S3 .BT.'li liidianspoll* ...43 33 .553 Buffalo .......38 34 .54% Brooklyu "87 33 .528 Baltimore 39 37 .618 St. Louis 37 44 .457 Kansas City ....38 45 .444 Plttaburg 28 44 .337 Results Yesterday Brooklyn 4, Pittsburg 2. Bnffalo 7-4, Baltimore 0-0. St. Levis 3, Chicago 0. Indianapolis 5, Kansas City 3. Pacific Coast League Staudlag of rive Claw*. Won. lost Pet. I-os Angeles ...68 46 .6511 Portland 40 43 .538 Venice f.6S 46 .635 San Francisco ..53 50 .516 Sacramento 47 66 .461 Oakland 46 61 .386 Yesterday's Roc nits. Oakland 9, Sacramento 2. Saa Francisco 4, Venic* 2. CALIFORNIANS WIN AT PORTLAND PORTLAND. Ore. July 16.— Henry Brack. H. V. D. John*. Chas R. D. Oreenber and R Robert* of San Francisco were successful In straight set* In their tennis matches with Oregoa and Washington players tn th« state tennis championship tour nament on the Multnomah ten nis court* yesterday CONVERSATION CLUB TO MEET The Conversation club will meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clocll la tbe club's headqaarters at Rosin's hall. Rum Hall will b* there and the chief business ol the meeting will bo to decide wbetber or aot the club orgaalza tlon will be continued. BASEBALL BOXING GUNBOAT SMITH AND CARPENTIER FIGHT TWENTY ROUNDS TODAY It 1* expected that 20,000 peo ple will see the 20-round fight today at Olympla, L'ngland. between the Big Irish American, (iunhoat Smith, and George* Car pentier, white heavy i eight cham pion of Franc*. Smith has been splendidly trained and looks to be In per fect condition. He ba* a lour: list of knockouts to hi* credit and if he wins today It will prob Fred Toney Was Sure Up On Geography BY Fl M-iRTOIf. Fred Toney, the glaat pitcher now with Louisville, I* a "rock thrower." When he Joined the Chicago club be admitted mod estly that ho did not think there v.** a river In th* world he couldn't throw a atone across. When the team reached St I .mi I a tliey led him down and ahowed him the Mississippi. "Ah cayant throw acrosa with mah hand," he said. "Ah'll have to get a sling." He constructed a sling of two long pieces of whip cord snd a aqusre of leather, selected a huge ■tone and proceeded to heave tt arroe* Into Illinois When th* team reached New York the players showed him tbe Hudson Ha gazed acroaa it. •Well. Fred," remarked Jim my Sherkard, "can yoa throw acroaa It?" "Miatah," said Toney, serious ly, "that ala't no rivah, that Is the Pacific ocean." Thuraday, July 16, If 14. ably be via tha K. O. rout*. Carpentier received a rousing reception lv London and is very popular there. In Speaking of today's fight, he said: "I be lieve that it will be a hard fight* I have been warned of Gunboat Smith's terrible punch, but I can take punishment. My hands are in better condition than when I met Wells, so I can hit harder and am going to do all that I can to win." POLICE END FREE FOR ALL BAKER, Ore., July 16.—The police ended a free-for-all riot at the ball park here yeatarday afternooii between the player* of the Pendleton aad Baker ball teams. Men YoA _^rf_j^B To you who jJK htvt 01 for and ■ without re ■* ■ reiving any v*»6t Vl _H • ->««■« IB I *",k '" Those who need attsn- BlKm for th* _#* _^T flrst time _-__-^___i '■* **your~ l_-J_L. aava ■time, mmmmmmmmmmmm W mmm W ■money Hiiß«ppoitit Hment m^LWm^» mm 9m ■f-uinf ths KIOHT TREATMENT FIRBT. I -i«-»i- wnt tke opaadtrttsaif •* afcawtsr-g every Bnff-ei-**- »>_•-«-• raar la still i-nMt ohut I rati, da km MKS*9 MIMKM\ Bl «»li" *. \l> SKISI UISORDKRS. (tE\l- TO-I Ml\im AND n» H\ l THOIBIKI. I a _M teeaf IV.f ■rM, lleari-%**•!-*-«, ( ■imrrli •<*'< kladred nt.meal». I am a graduate of on* af tha hl|fh«--t claast-d medical collegia In tha I til ted States—had 2» years pro feast on al experience and perssaally examine and treat all my patients. tTw*n» rssasltsttM — Don't let money matters keep you away. Low fees and easy terms. Hours t to S p. m.. evening*. 7 ta S; Sunday. \$ to It m. W. F. BLAIR. M D. Wseesc **n-T l.eacle— ■!*■ USeVfc Paclfle Aye. Taesaaa, <» ask