Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX. jr —.*- ■ — " ~"-*"~f^~~~ *"*•"*"*"""•' *** '■'***'*^^*--^^,'s-'*s-^sr-s**^>s,^l*^^ I PEOPLE WHO USE TIMES WAMT APS ACQUIRE I AMPW fIIPTIMI^M BRKSOME TASKS BECOME MERE BUSINESS MATTERS Jl^ll__lWlf \PIT Jl __! JLVIIIII-3JLVJL and New Possibilities Without Nyoiber Open Up to Them j TIMES WANT AD RATES On* cent a word for each a<l for sll line* of business. No ad taken for leas than 16*. W* will print your ad three times for the price of two If paid In advance at tbe counter or by mall. All mall orders must he accompanied with cash at tb* rata of on* cent per word. PHONE YOUR ADS Wben yonr "want" arl*er phone Main It and on* of our |*sp«rlenced Ad Pbon* Opers tora will assist yoa la wording your sdvertlsemett CtU us for any further assistance or Information. We will send bill to your sddreas after *d ts pub lished. The Time* Is th* recognized Want Ad medium tn Tacoma. It prints mors llv* want ads each day than both tha other afternoon papers. Three In sertions are better thaa one. Result* ar* certain frog* a three-time ad. Bring. Telephone, er Mall rour vants to — i Triß TACOMA TIMBB 1 *th and Commerce sts. fii.. ■-■-.-■-i.-i-c.-M-.-r i — ■-.-■-■■.- - - - |. i,^ ABHTKAtTsi OK III! I ESTAHLIHHKD ISS3 COMMONWK AI.TH TITLE TltlST Co.. The Competent. Tel. Main 101. 100 So. 10th st. TACOMA TITLE CO. —Urouud floor Fidelity Bldg Msin ATTORNKYS F VV IIKKBNMAN. LAWVI* 1116 Fldem> Dl.lg Tel Main I'M AMBI I l\n« <>^^^>s^B_i^-^^^rf^^^v^s^f\^B^B^K^^S^SK^^-^^s^^^h^Srf<^f^>^n^%e* AUTOMOBILE ambulances hirst class service day or night. Pa cific Ti snsfer Co. Msin 54 Al roMOBILK ambulance' One one In ■ ity Main 41. —as MONGOLIAN Urosslx-aks. H. VV Myers Bird Farm. So. l»th ami Adams. HMMiii; . * i I l i.i FOR men and women, wages while learning Molcr Barber College, i_____—_———_———___________ cabfkt csj-nnao H. L HOICK -carpet beating, re fitting and laying, feather reno sling snd upholstering. 2112 Hi ay. Msln Hi ri-EANIMt. AMI UVK WORKH I.UCIKI 8 UTE WORKS, .ts Ml Helens. Until suit, skirt or Jacket cleaned and pressed 60c up. (Jul. k rails and deli\*ry. Satisfaction guaranteed Main 7ii*i CARPI.-T8 *N»^l>^».^l^>^Bl^\^»^^B^^^^S%iiH.^«^^^^^^S^S^S^^Se,*.^S^S^*is»S^s^^^^^ CARPETS, upholstered furalture. pialtresses. _. W. Scull. Main SI tp. IH KAMI F I'l I MHI St. — * *i— m~\ ■—s—w—■-■—s-Bi-^—M~W*W^ji-«^-Bj~XJ^U-\jr<-'>-O^X> Jt'ST arrived, new 11ns of bath sprays. Wm. B Coffee Plumb i____i DRAVAUB COMMERCIAL-FIDELITY TRUCK CX). — Largest moving equipment In N. W. Furniture vans, trucks and auto delivery, 8 storage warehouses. Equipped lo handle anything Sat- Isfs* tion guaranteed Office Cor Itth and Pac. Mala 70*. nE-ITTISTS. —— .. ,— J>^> I'R JOHNSON, Hsrvard Dental Parlors lljlli Pacific iv, over drug stur*- BX-j_iT V* AT) H MAKBR ■^—*—***^—*—*—*—*—-*■■'' ******** mi » ,V*|-^l%-SrV-W>fli\Anjllj», ■» *TCM c JK-WEl.nt BF.PAiaiVt; IF you wsnt clean and good work tea Rosenh,*um Sn llth. netir ( FIAHIR lIHMIIM. HARDWOOD floors waved snd pol lsh»rt B W Scott, Main HI 3a. H-TM.BK i II t MM. < ARPETB, windows, woodwork. floar polishing, wall paper and vtsans cleaning Phone Main SUO ' r B W W. HI fHrTEIJ-i MOTEL HIKOSMIMAYA. _eautlfullv *rt-888-»d. eantralljr |... sled ail | treat reams, i team heat, baths, hat I aad eeld water. 6* cents night up. t J» par week up. llth and D sis lIiSM Main »;2I PHY Hit l»\M HR WARRKN BNoHM _^_H_^__ef Winn and ttenlta nary and skin Dlaeasee. Oeneral t iff . >•■ . UPt Coaswret st. •Ng. C- B- CABK—Surgeon. Dlseaaea af wmn.— and getilto tirlnsry dis e«»»e IH So X st Tel Main 0417 Ras ill* go. nth st. Main***. ssraaat < Wheeler. Eye, *ar. nose. at disease-. ||*i-7 rid Bldg DR FOREMAN. SI H \ Banlteis Trust Bldg d Nat Res It v Bid pAiirn-a a i ti ■■■ mnisf JT CHtVii ur.nin. palater. aapeT ! •rjryr, is*™*- •**- wrt-*»* *** kttHr ti rt 11 nt\ Vt m\ —i ri _f fci m% ■M 9* litisin Mai* OlfiT e-R_siK * HAM_BOI« Tt* BL Mai »r.e s* r*t>a«» Mas 014 X. I - - i Sfeelal ,-liai '.aim* and kaUrs-tßtsg ttlN IIO.MCT TO _OAIf OUR OWN MONBT FOR CITT ANTJ FARM LOAN* W. N. DOLB A CO.. IHCL MM Callfornl a Bldg. Mala till 5. 6 and 7 PER CENT Oa Improved raal astat* *r for building. Money alvaaced a* build IBM protrrmiis I. H Uitiitlni a Co.. »qottable Bldg PRIVATE money, low rates, square traataaant. Building loans an* homes on easy terms. Phone Proc tor 1177 affr * p. as. LOAM oa raal astata ft** up; also short term sbstlsl loans. 111 Cslltimi Bias. MORTUAUn _O_MS. Amousts Iron HOD up. elty er farm: lows*! rates NORTON A or>_ tit Werlta. WB make loans on diamonds, watches and jewelry. Business confidential. Old gold sad silver bought. A. Ros*. fill Pec'flo •*-. BOB'S LOAN OFFICE Money loaned on diamonds, cloth ing and all goods of value. Main 57*0. MONBT — I hav*~*«*s ar »I•« to IPS Natl. Bank af Taooasa _*»!____ I HAVE 1(000 to loaa on Improved business property at I per oent. and other sums st T and I per cent on Improved ell y or farm property. J. U Bnapp, 1114-11 fidelity Bldg. BOB'S LOAN OFFICE Money loaned on diamonds, cloth ing and all goods of value Main 675*. PRIVATB asoney ta loan. 11l ts 11040 bo commission rsyraents ta suit. Call Mil ga. rlts. rails Dubois. BY preparing la advaaes you g*t money at 1% ts bag ar build 441 Tacoma Bldg. MONKV TO —OAR- sa real Batata Installjaeat leaus a specialty a E Mahaffsy * cV I«t Fidelity Bid. —OANg for home building arts fa* *ft sld Mortgage Uwol •s, special on .lieges to borrow •rs—l t* I year* Hour always ss hand—no delay ■- J. BCHWINN * CO, lea mm Tscoma Wills PKraTINQ COMMERCIAL HINHKRY * ITO. CO.. Inc.. 76f-g(.B ri.miut 11 t- st. Phone Msln 417. Printers. Binders. Louse Leaf Lievlccs ri.iissisa ■ ■ ■■...... i i ■ 1.1 ■■■ '^'*.*^*.»M.».»»i.^^iiß ■ LiLi— HOT water heating Roy X Thoai —. IH Ba D Main I*ll. LIST us put your heating plant la order for you. Coffee Plumb. Cc I'A TKKT ATTORNKYi ■ii" 0!*- •!"•• *»"«rs. Trust Psteats. Trade Mark*. Drawinge Mala *T7i Cjt X X HKf AIRI.NQ Werner * Hoi,. Hood year Quick Bhue Rapalr Oa- Sll t-fiiusirw. HI SI L___ XLV RCKfcK.N DOORS snd window screens cheap est and best. Modern Mfg Co. So. llth near X st Maai 1711 RAZORS sHARHKSHi WB sharpen sst-tjr ruor b I tides All work guaranteed. Vlrges l'rua Co.. 1114 Pacific ay BAI.ART AND fHATTCL IA»A99 m* !■»—».—■■■»e*l... ■ ....■III.W—»I W ■^^■■■^imi^^ VACATION LOANS $10' TO litis ON PLAIN NOTEB TO ALL HONBST KM PLOT ES NO MO Ft TO Aim NO INI>oR_B_L I LOWEST HUKB IN T.V'nllt BUSINESS I'dNriIiENTIAL CALL AND SEE IS STATE REITHITV COMPANY I*7 CALI PORN IA BLIHJ WHEN MONBT IS NEEDED Tou eaa gat It promptly from us la sums of from It t* lit* aa furolt- Z.'i. D,»n**. ***b *r SB aalarles without endorsement ar security -f.'STi,■*""*! •■• '•■at** gives If pal a before due COABT_-INANCB COMPANT til Bankers Trust Bids; BCAVKNOGRS OLIVER HENRY. Tacoma Oarbsge Ce. Mala 44*4. Contracts wads I for cleaning ysrda. vaults an* cess pools Osrbiii removed by ssesth. AMBJUCAN OARBAQB CO.— Re usf' 1!l,A,' b*"*" *tS d refuaa of alt *"*• 114 >n». ay. M. tllra mi BTOKAOR COMMERCIAL- FIDELITY TRUCK CO.—» large warehouses, fire proof. Largeot storage coocers la the N W Mounts uarler lock fee H H ""XH: J*">,r« foralturs DIANA DILLPICKLES IN V ■ '»*<** "-°»- ■■ j V A 4-REEL "SCREECHER" FILM ■«n DE-tWIT VA.I/T* —■—-■—■ ——■ - — — —, | ~|-~S~ll~S~sr*ls~ll~lil~l**lll*WM-81~11l *Wl.f_^B riftUTi TBUBT CO B sara oa> _____________L___s_*J_s___. PMUKBTaUH MoSKA BL'C—Lit KINO CO.—Pre feselonal ruaersl litreatera IM- S'* at. Heleaa Panes stsls 11A > A.-*cl_uJ a ALL_N CO. —ruaeral directors, til* go itth. Mala lilt C. O. LINN Director* ■ I*ll Tacoma ay afala IT4a. 80. TACOMA FUNKIIAL I'AHLOHI _ 6413 tales ay. Mala IMA lie*. W Piper. virus (-|.ea<ii-|« FOR expert worn call B. W. gcott. Main 111*. CLEANINO 'don*. Eectrlc cleaners for rant. Always tha heal. Mala WINDOW f'LBAKIIsrO WINDOWS and general cleaning. H vv 5...i t Mm. ai to « l-.l I HUH II II- AMI ION. 11l I I> *-^t»*^^»^*»,v^B^B l i^>^»^B.^S^*^iiS*'«»,B^^^*^^^S^»^X^fciWw^i>^^^>e,S^S^*^S^V JOHN A. HAMILTON CO — Well th 11 letl, lim<-Ht j,. n.-e . giiarantC'Fd. .A.iiti.'Hp 4117 So. Yakima * AITO KKI'AIKINU OX ViiKN f-arbon r«mu\ Ing a up*?. laity. Special iate« to th* rom rm rciil ti neks. Tm<\ Aye. Auto 11*- j'R 11 , I o_o ' nnia a v ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD and room with private fam ily, home privileges. 714 Sn (1 st Phone Main K.isr. SK ANDINAVIAN boarding hoJse". Hoard and room fl a week. I*ol 80. J. Fire Insurance Hlberly, 10*7 A St. ROOMS with oi without boar*. Mrs r e Mahoa. 41* go. a Mala lit- FURNISHED ROOMS ROOM for rent near the High school and stadium. Cl* No. ?d. Main 7»4ft. CLEAN, rosy, two f.unlabel roesns lii.t and cold water, walking dis tance Ms in 111 rig. RENT HOUSES » .i.^.i .■ «.e ■ .»»—■■»■. ■ ■.». ~m*. i^ M .,.^.....^ FOR RKNT A good new 7-r house, burn, I acrea clear and fenced, fine garden, free water, close to Portland ay 11 it Also 7-r. house, modern, lot of fruit. 3 cm nt-r i**ts Main MIS. FOR gulrk delivery call Robsaa's Auto Bapras* Main till. AUTO DELIVERY CO. "Anything delivered anywhere." Night Service Tin c. m»:ier. c. Main 14IH HOUSEK P'Q ROOMS TWO furnished hntisfkeeplng rooms with light, hath and phone 1114 «th sv Ms in »»41. I KIM X HOTEL n-RNIBHED .Ingle and housekeep ing rooms. Rstes reasonable. I IlliVi 80. c st. Main -Lit*. HOIHEKKEPINfI and single moms 11 :.n week up Michigan H.iel Main lt:'l iSOIVs Pacific ay. THE MADISON" Housekeeping; single rooms. lilt 8o r> st. J room hakpg. suites. 13.11 s/eek aad »p. Super for hotel. 17th and D. •TLVAN. 7*l at. Heleaa fur. rasa II I* op: hskpg sultee steam lesL CLEAN wall furnished ? s •"> l-r. "j." »»4 go 17th Mala Mlg. Ml MM Fit GAMP. HtMMKR l-APS ■-,--■ -..j Xt RNIBHED camps on Islsn.l American Iske Hllcov, 111 Ta • i-it'S <* Msin 861 ~; * NTF» TO BU"? —•—*—' — ~ —■—■—' —.—n— ■ r—n—f— — i—ir-ar-M—■—n—ifti■*!■—!»—sfufiri t~ui>_>»_i W tVTEP •») BIT - Rnwnnat. In <ittlre of«iiealer. 16th and Cans merte, or Msln Z*7». BROH.KRS and hens Best market prices |;2I McKlnley Mad. ISS. W ,NTKI> TO m-T - Oood r.tbheV tired buggy Hive description snd ■ first letter H 2. Tin WANTsSO—Bsssae-naad furaltura stovaa i. O Purker nil c. Mala RENT _-LATS —"— ———■—- —■ — — 1, 1, i — i — i —s t~i JT_i j» j**_-_-B_r_rt_r-_ri_ Ff.R RKNT Modern ti room fist eirh pnr.-elaln pt.imr.insr lit. at ;-tZI So Tsklma. Inquire "".-• Vakima THE TA*?C£-A TTMES. gM;«j_s»-» nt^*, j_v-\r-__%.__K FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, JULY 17 AT 10:.TO A. M. AT OUR SAI.RSKOOM, NO 101 SO IL-11l ST, OF THE FO__OWINU IRON BEDS, SPRINUS. HAT TRKHH-BH. URU-SHBRS, COM MnltKS I'ENTKK TARL.ks, DAY KNPOIiT i ill i H RI.'OS, CAR I'KTrt. RANIIK, HBATINO BTOVK, KITI'HKN QITEKN, KITCHItN TA BLR, ROLIJ OF NKW MATTING LINING TARI.K. IMIAIRH AND HI KH'RT, illtliK AMI KNDI 111 Kill HKN I'TKNHIL- AND A NU MKKOI-S I.HT OF OTIIKR GOODS Wk FITZ HRNRI AUCTIONEIR FOR SALE—Oood. big, 14** lb hoiHe and harness, good worker Price right. 724 East 81st. FOR KAI.K He-lglan and Flemish giants, young block. two to sis months old Prices right UKi.i fer r,()3« So. 1 st. vi.i- span of ihiTlh. bay slain and harness, young soumi at.v ai-l.Oc, or will trade for large horse. Inquire Carter the express man. Itth and Commerce.j Mt>T<ißt'Yt'LK for Bale. _laln 4230. or 411 So. 27th St. , SPECIAL, reductions on coal oil snd KBSollne stoves. 2 and 1 burners Oel one and keep your kitchen cool For sala by Pm key Bros., 1314 Is 80. C st. «' !•: IRK SKI.I.INIi THK HAAK ItIPT STOCK OF MAR-THA HAWKKS OK ABERDEEN. CON HISTINO OF ART LIMNS D. M i- COTTONS AND SII.KS Pll.l^lW TOPS. LACKS EMHRoIDF.RIKr- AND A OENKItAI. LINE OF atj CLASS OF imiins CARRIED IN AN ART OOODH STORE WM FITZ IIKNHT I*l SO. IL'TH STREET. STEEL, range, six notes. II; ceok stoves. |4»0. gas ranges IS Iron beds. *sc, springe, |1 mat tresses, $1. ft ult Jars, iff per dos ATLAH ID HAND STORE. 114" I'tinißlSl, FOR mites and lice In tlie pouSry house use Robinson's Uce Liquid Cheap, effective and lasting One quart makes sis; tic at your deal er' a. SALE AT" REASONAHLE PRICfc, CLASSY CLARINET CALL MAIN 1Z ASK FOR STRONG SHOW CABEg7~offlce. stars fls turee, doois. window screens made to order, lumber, moulding for sale. Taagma Cabinet Works 1111-14 Court & Mala 1141. IF Interested 1 in checkers send ten cents to P O Box »*. South Ta coma, and get a 40-page boob on the game. A 7 h. p Flying Merkel. fully equipped tthed oulv 1 months, foi sale cheap. Call Main 3141 after I p m IF you hsve anything for sale In log, .stile sheep or poultry line, call us. Main lit We will send buyer out to see stock and pay highest market price Tacoma Meal Co.. opposite Indian school. Tide flats. Main 111. Ft ir sale oit Trade — Irish water spaniel toj E. Joppl.-h. Bpanawsv Wn FOR BA LIT«•"H~KAP~OH TRADE - Oood family launch snd boat house, boat 24x6x1*. Call Madlaon 304. KOR SALE—Practically new Ford touring *sr This machine has to be seen to be appreciated. Address Q-l, Times. TENTS—PIONEER TENT * AWN INO CO., IIS So tth st Main il If) FLORAL designs Tor funerals, tilt So- M st. Main 44*4. ROTARY sewing machine, with all attacl ments. ft. It* llth St.' PIANO tuntag. expert repalrlngT. 1414 R,c,-mo**4- ,*** ■*• "***■ ■»»•• ALT HKIDRL— EHO SB KB. Columbia Brewlag Ca Ordar • easa. jdals It* FRESH ground gr.aa none Ssllr Taeoma Meat Ca. !**< Pse ay 16*4 lb team f*r sals, ale* ebea* ranch horse. Caatral Stables Msla T4—. TO Bay household gss*e Bad aw ebandlsa ef all kinds Wax. Ftt*- Benry |*l ga llth Main 4TJ4 riRE end burgiar-areaf **a*s; Is the lir llarch MoCaaaiaas O*. 117 Sa llth si HuSES blooming at Mitrhetl "tin ery. Larchmont Make choice new **r fill planting ' FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture for Sale MmiHiKR kit.i..ll cabinet, I1T.1I; cliina oloeet. 14. refrigerator, $1; 1200 grafonola an* records. Ms, ladies' writing desk, table, chairs, etc.. at similar reductions. Call t« dsy or tomorrow, 5416 do. Tth St. WB kave second-aaa* ssaturerals fee sal* 1011 Be lit a KOR ISAI_C —Toung team of mules, wagon snd harness Address He- Oinnls, 1110 80. I'nton ay. Take Traction ear, gat off 3Sd. ORGANS for sola 1341 Commerce st. Main HSf. YOt'NO bay team for sale. Plione _Main t*4S. BUSINESS CHANCES **■* * —' ** —■—■—^- —-s—.-j—^-M-iii~n-_nj-i fi_rKJ>.»*_-i_ri_rxjn -unji^i Look A "NAP—Grocery and con fectionery store, living rooms In rear, rent til month. 4-year lease. Will sell at Invoice. Inquire st 1104 80. X st. Wink Msrssvo 116 So. 12th~St~ M_W place. new business, new spirit List with us. we sell stores, rooming houses, hotels snd real estate. HMtllAlN—Ons of the best picture ■ hows in city. Home tiade. 4l» < 'allfo in la Bldg. FOR SALE AT A BAt-RIKicK-^- Fruit stand In good lon. Hon, doing good business Must sell this week other business requires owner's sttentlon. Add. Box U-B. Times. FOR BALE— Agency business Own , er leaving for Alaska Oood stock of Kellers on hand. Tlie right place for man snd wife Apply 406 ■fco sth al. WEI.I. established restaursnt and cafe. Pacific BY. locstloll. for ssle i easoualtle. Address Q-l. Times. 401 Fidelity Bid-?. Grocery store $ ir.o •Cigar slsnd | 600 44 room spsiiiiient house.. iio.MI Neat *.aeli business. $"100 down 11100 Jt'BT listed s swell, medium slsed rooming house, downtown loca tion, slso one In residence district a bargain Come In and see me. R_ <». Topping SUA Heinle* Hldg FOR rooming houses, hotels and other business chances call 410 < alifornia Bldg. ROOMING house for sale or trade. •J.iQ'i 80. C. FOR BAI.B- 10 White Orpington liens, 11.26 each, 10 pullets, 11.00 each; 2 corks, $r. Phona Prtxtor 1»17. 5416 No. Ferdin and. FOR SAI.F. Good strain White Leghorn pullets and laying hens. Prices right. Address Box 134. Ta i oma, R F. P. Wo. s. f<M'K_RE_a capon tied by expert. in* e H) |, Rmlth I**-... t.. r ,'2 LrOST PARTY who found gold watch chain around vlolnltv of speed way belonging to R c Pollock when he was killed lulv Ist i deliver to JO2 Savage s. ofl. t.l Bldg. Reward. I.OHT June 20th, In the vli-lnlty of llth and Paolflc ay., po.ketbook containing |40 and a note of no value to anyona other than mceif Reward to finder. Joe Williams BerklCj Hotel Wanted Miscellaneous \\ ANT Ml* A wagon for lumber de livery Muet lie in good repair State price and where can be seen. r O Box 1114. Tacoma. WIIJOW will beard two" children! Fine yard. Mrs. B. Posle, 4507 So. ("therlden sv. WANT-CD- Id hand theater rhslrs. Must be fhrip. Add Q-4. Times. wsnts chllSren to board al lie per month Mother's care. Plione sail/ AUTOS ~* ~ ~ ■ ■ ■ ■""—' ~B~Tr~a~ii~w**ir-is~ie~iiii~ii~is~ii ii_m^sn_n.i-*i_ri_r_rxj-t_-uij AITO repslrlng magneto magnet ised. 2d hand cars wsnted and for sale Ktsntlard Wagon * Anto Works, I*l* Puyallup sv. Main 4443. " Swaps Ads ia thl* coin in b eaat 11 •nil for li ward* > times. Ua* blank at Bottom of pane- No ad* charged nt thla rata. A-l fresh oow, gentle, good milker, for good drivlug horse. Call tH2» Ml. M, CIOOD 0-ronm hou*e, cloaa to car. Prlue 11250. Will trade tor other property Prm-tor 2030, SOLICITORS WANTED GOOD proposition open for bibb or women living In ovary towa throughout South western Wash ington. All or part of time. Good chance for college students going home for summer Must furnish references. K. Q. Smith. Box 1142, Tacoma, Wn. KO» TOUR VA«'»TIO\ Guide for Mountain Parties Riding and packing horses fur nished to any part of the Cascade mountains. Correspond with T. Bert lisvis My pi lie Is the most reasonable. Bos in, Randle, Wn. BKKKV Pit'KICKS. KXTIiA berry pickers wsnted for a few days. Bus fsre paid I.*.th ways. Oood picking. E. C. Folion born list N W. off of Railroad sv., Puyallup. HIT! ATIOS nOUUL in It I. wants to help with house work and car* for children. Proctor 14 70. HELP FEMALB —.i.n*.^ ■..^w^—.^^^^s— »^w^—^w—«■—..a*. |SB • anckrr euro* without knife er plaster; eoasultallon free; gtsphea Johnson. school house crossing. Tern Hilt. _>/__, rAJ_r_T W«T WASH _>OC limoul Washing Co. *-rvr%' r >hone^Ms<n_*f*4 AORNTB wanted for household ar tlcles, PhOne Madison «•!. I TKACH sair dressing, man'cur lag. eta 11*1 Ith ay. ear. K. HELP -MALE • — * ——■—.—■—»—■ — i—,—..—^-,—„-,,—s^r^a—is—a—a—a—^B^- t< B <> - l< -_r^r» < WANTKn- Team to haul shingle bolts. Inquire Howell-Mill Mill Co. Phone Msln 113. or Madison XlB R-4. WANTICD—Men to collect and sell. Must be able to furnish horse and • •mi" Apply between I and » a. in 744 St. Helens by. "wanted- WANT men at once to cut 14-lm h »*... d Will pay $I.o* per rick Timber all down. O. N. JOHNS 200 Nat. Bank Tae. Bldg. BEST meals and noodles of all kinds, 10 cent*. Ill* C st EXCHANGE TO TRADE WILL, trade 10 acres of good land for automobile. This Is good. Will sell you a chicken rsn.Ti st your own price; terms. Good house and barn. O. N. JOHNS 200 Nat. Bank Tae. Bldg. A pew house with I acres at <llg Harhor to exrhange for lots or small place In Tacoma. 1112 So F. 41 II P. auto cheap for cash or trade for real estate. SOS Ti.o ma ay. 4-ROOM .ottage and 1 i-orner lots on McKlnley ay. to exchange for smaller house with more ground or s.i'sgi- Plume Madison 1194 PER3OWAL DOWNTOWN tooms. Sll outside, II per week. Hotel Auburn. T44U St H.lens - I SHE tJ HOUBE J KOR RENT—Niwly furnlel.ed « room house. Piano, range, and *-\eiythtng convenient. $la 41 :m THii, 14th Proctor 141* REAL ESTATE FARM FOR CITY PROPEKTY 10-ACRE HOME In fine location, only 40 minutes' rid* from this office; T acres clear ed, balance In timber; 5-room bun galow, with 1-pieoe porcelain plamblitg, also sink and stationary laundry tubs; good range, with hot water connections; gasoline engine and pump. 400 gallon steel pressure tans'., new barn, woodshed, chicken house; fenced and cross fenced with wire; close to paved auto road and convenient to electric car. Price 12500. Terms: fMio cash, or might take some city property. Salesman No. I. E. F. GREGORY CO., Inc HIT Pacific ay. 300 bone* will buy tbe biggest 2-acre cleared block of land snap. Near Tacoma and paved boule vard. Mutual Realty Co., 92 9 Tacoma ay. Dandy little farm, all read> to move on, building, stock, seed and farm implements; also has good creek: even household fur niture. Call Madison »65, or write 363 2 So. E. AM RICHARD!) tt CO Real Estate, _oans. Insursae*. SOI 11 Bankers Trust Bldg. |60 lots, No. of Tld. *2.&0 mo. 5c fare, 30-mtn. service. Send for map. Geo. Q. Goodman. 404 Cal. Bldg. your'chTncfT- Close In 10 acre tracts, 1 mile from paved street. Will sell one or more on easy terms or trade for lots or house In Tacoma. T. D- Qregory, office Morton and McKln ley. Two lots, small house. 4421 So. D Must sell at once lion terms. Call at 4<s;ir. So _ st. or 770 So. 40th St. Bee owner. THE NO COMMISSION CO. Handles all kinds of business chance* and real estate. If you are In the market, call and see what we have to offer. HIS C at. Plione Main 4716 FOR HALE OR TR ADE |22r,0 eiiully in 14300 residence on Whltworth college hill, to exchsnge for vacant lots or smaller house an.l two lots In North Knd. Address owner, 4214 No. Stevens St., Ta coma. SNAP 1n pair lots Sewer, water, cement walks and grade all paid. Walking diatance: |50 cash, balance monthly or In S years. Price |SSO. [HUW" l?i, *"""*"' i—^—" —■w""##*i,ffHiii|Hiiii nnHnwiiniii LEAVE IT TO TIMES WANT ADS TO FIND IT The busifst little fellows and the keenest! They work day and night, go eveiywhers and meet nearly everybody. They'll find help for you. They'll find work for you. Hhey'll find a home or you. They'll find a farm for you. They'll find a buyer for you. They 11 find a tenant for you. They'll find the lost for you. Just phone your WANT to THE TIMES WANT ADS and leave it to them. Call Main 12. Thursday, July 16, 1914. REAL ESTATE $575 HOME $15 DOWN, $7 MONTH New house, city water, lot Mxllt, close to car line, fine location I* minutes ride from nth and Pacific. J. M. CURTIS & CO. 408 Natl. Realty Ring B-room bungalow, electric llal.ta ami city water. 2 lots fenced and In garden, berries and fruit trees, in south part of the city not far from the car line. Price 14! Hi f'too cash required. Place is worth 11000 but owner wants to leave elty and must sell. See H. R. Paul, 909 Na tional Realty Bldg. PrebleComes Out NORTH YAKIMA, July li.— An intimate friend of Judge E. B. Preble of the Yakima superior court said today that the judge would be a candidate for election as a justice of the stata supreme court at the coming election. To Buy a Farm Frank .lames, brother of tha once-famous Jesse James, th* outlaw, i* now picking berries at a ranch In Kdgewood, and plans to buy a farm as> Milton and spend the remainder of his days there. James is now over 70 years ot age. Study Canning to Fight High Cost DEKAT.B, 111., July I«.—Pre serving kettles will take the place of books, gas ranges will be used insesd of blackboards, and ma trons Instead of school girls will make up the classes when tha clubwomen of Illinois attend ond of the most unique schools In the country—ths special canning and preserving course of the Illinois state normal school. Mrs. P. A. Dow, president of the Illinois Federation of Wom en's clubs has arranged the classes and they will be instructed by O. H. Benson, of the United States Agrlru 1 turaldepa rt m c n t.