Newspaper Page Text
FAQS SIGHT. "1 Moa'i Hart a Hit" "THE ALVEOLAR METHOD WONDERFUL" Thoa* who _ their missing __|_H__^_, teeth restored m\ Tm\ by tbe Alveo- I m\ Isr Method _H__^_j9|_i are dm m\ caa* enthusi- Wk the "H m_Y I And why The Alveolar 5^ > Method re- __k ■tores mlssincH _> '-^tmimmmj WF^^ straightens wL\*m^k9emw crooked teeth and tighten* l>r. Xorrl*. M«r. loose teeth. Alveolar teeth are beautiful to took at and as satisfactory a* nature's own to eat with. Do not compare them with Falae Teeth; they are no relation. Alveolar teeth are beautiful In shape, size snd color, snd each one set in Its own socket, thus following Nature s plan as carefully aa possible EXAMINATIONS ABSOLUTELY FREE PRICE LIST Hold Crowns S.VOO Bridge Work, Per Tooth »*V«M> Oold Fillings SI.OO up Porcelain Crowns Sft.tMl <Q,fr t-^ yjl*\\*\ m\jj\ ____b^llu IjJ *-Q>OPpS^J^*_/ 1 I4«'x fa* tflc Aw. Owrm stt. A Sat. By*. A ««ada> Shoots His Clerk _OS ANI'ELES, July 16. R. E. I.tmiax. a Jeweler, laat evening abet and killed A. B. Shaw, a clerk formerly employed by him. The jeweler escaped, but later gave himself up. He said tbat Shaw had tried to blackmail him and that he shot bim in a fit of anger. Milwaukee Liver Haassge. New shipment Just In. Irueuwald'e —B-Blthst— ae_, 818 llth. "Advertisement." Drop Prohibition DES MOINES, la., July I«.— After bitter debate, the republi can atate convention yesterday afternoon refused to Insert a plank in Its platform favoring th< resubmission to the-voters of th« prohibition question. PORTLAND HARBORMASTER IS ENTHUSIAST REGARDING AKZ Captain J. Speier Tells of Effectiveness of New Mm eral Remedy For Rheumatism, Stomach and Kidney Trouble and Varicose Veins. Hairioi master J. Rpeler of Port land, one of ths beat known men in shipping circles on the Pacific Coast and whose efficiency has had much to do with the development of Fori lands waterfront has become an ardent enthusiast regarding Akox. the new California mineral that is proving so effective in the treatment of rheumatism, stomach, kidney, liver and bladder troubles catarrh, piles, ecxema. ulers and other sllments. Capt Speier was formerly with the Pacific Coast Steamship company and also In the .rniy transport service. 'I eanaet say too much In appre ciation of what Akox has done for sic In curing me of a bad varicose vein." said Captain Bpeler. "For ■tx years I had to wear a silk elas tic stocking from mv ankle to my knee. I uaed the Akos Internal treatment and also put the Akox H__B______________^?* __Ju ___• ___Un____l bbx*V -aH _t *jQW^ST.r^^^^^^^^^^^^**^^y^_^*-^^W^^PlJ|^^^^^^^^**^^U|^B I j-t&r JCUtum-dJSiinkof (Carimial B I|! MADAME HOUSEWIFE: . fL j frj Brad There ia just oae accurate way of I iff, I 13 HI keapA-g track of your household ex- lfj] j i|| llfß psßsag. Keep your house money in tha fl 1 I xPI _B_| bank where It Is safe, aad pay your bills PfTf I I Pg fjrj with checks. Every check tat a record H|m|J I ES V%]\ and a rsestpt tor your expenditures Ell I I IS f ttU Yo*r ****cki_n; aceoußt will receive the H 1 E_| KUkI **** co""*d"'*t,o» •' o^*l I cI mni THC "',AT ■,O"',AI-, sunk *»f tac-oma P\jj 1 ES EjQm Twenty-eight year* of safety and |> *sj 1 Wet PM courtesy. I'M I I What's Doing I In Politics Everybody ta iavHed to ummt _, _«*,. *_<* ln ot politi cal internal. We bar ao use from this nilsms, whatever the color of his political sfcia. If yoa have anythiag of a politi cal nature that you think will late—est Tim— reader* let aa have it. jl — 1 C. M. Knox, who ba* been ac tive in the work of th* Progres sive league, is being boosted by hi* friends aa th* man who ca* beat tha standpatter, Jimmla Davis, for tbe legislature Kaoi I* a believer ia tbe initiative, raft erendum and recall. He is a col lege graduate, has farmed am. has given considerable time of late years to the study of pro gressive principles and measures J. M. Everett, a contractor of Orting, will probably run for the legislature on the progressive ticket from the valley district State Representative Bryan o Buckley, a bull moose,, will prob ably try to succeed himself. Two personh are to be elected. Acting State Chairman J. 8 Herbsman of Seattle will be in vited to attend the Pierce coun ty progressive conference which will be held a week from next Saturday in Odd Fellows' teni pie. All of the progressive work ers In tbe county are being urgeJ to put in an appearance and hel> make tt an enthusiastic session. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL ■• la..rra trmam Tin-*--- r* aa" era. of graeral i«'rrr«i an<l -*!._-•■■ a*~ra«aal a-al.r-e. will b* pr-laterf \\ rile sbtsl aaTfalaa. «r aa* I*4*4 y »aa> wtefc, m>mt *-a bdi hit* u_»ll~r aa >««r attlvr. Vtaajf lali«rs »ri aa* prtatrfli k«r«u»t tfc-r*r ara Iwa ktwrnm* Kitf '•■ «_»rl. I I SOMERSET, Nova Scotia. July 10. —The steam shovel crew working for Kirk * Cooke, con tractors for the North Mountain railroad, believe they made a record on July 8, I*l4. With a model 4 0 Marion steam shovel, 1 "4-yard dipper, 633 four-yard cars or 2,632 cubic yards of shale rock were dug in ten hours. This material was hsuled 1,500 <»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ » ♦ 4 *> SI'I.HNDID GAIN ♦ ■*> Splendid gaius in revenue •» •*• from the municipal dock are « ♦< shown In Superintendent ♦ ♦ William Hall s report for » ♦ June. The dock took In 4 A 1*17.99 mora in June of this • ♦ year than in June, 19 U. I»is ♦ ♦ bnrsements for June were * ♦ 1392.54 lass In June than 4 *• they were a year ago. ♦ ♦ The 15th street dock re- * ♦ ceipts, where produce and • •■ freight are handled ezrlu- 4 ♦ Btvely, were I9«n 80 for * A June, an increaae of 133.26 * 4 over June of 191.! ♦ 4 dusting powder la my shoe with tha result that tn a few weeks I was completely cured. Formerly my leg ached very BSvsraay *-r*r-| time I walked a short distance New 1 no longer have to use an elastic stocking, and no matter bow far I walk or how much I am on my feet there Is no evidence of tha varl**ose condition. "Others In my family have used Akox fur stomach and kidney trou bles with equally satisfactory re sults Severs! of my friends have also obtained relief from their rheumatism and other ailments with Akox" Akox 1n a natural mineral and not a combination of drugs. It is nature's own remedy and is giving relief tn hundreds of cases in this vicinity. Akos U sold at all leading drug st.res where further informa tion may be had regarding this ad vertisement. It is reported that Stat* Rep resentative A. J. till be will not ba a candidate for tha senate in tha 29th district, but will prob ably fil* for the house again in the 39th district on the progres •ive ticket. The filing in tha county audi tor* office haa not been so heavT, during the last few days. Four new name* were added to tbs prospective candidate* Mat thl* morning and yesterday afternoon. They were Dr. O. D. Shaver, re publican, for coroner; W. 11. Ingalls, republican, for just lis of the peace; Torger Peterson for county commissioner from district 3; and J. B. Keener, pro gressive, for county sheriff. J. J. Cameron filed for county aa> sessor Tuesday. George B. Burke, republican, and former manager of the Bank ers Trust company, baa eaat hit hat in the ring for representa tive of the 36th district subject to the September primaries Burke filed for office today. ( feet by two ten-car trains, to a trestle, where the cars were dumped by five men. On the day previous 602 cars or 2 4ON cubic yards were dug. If any better record haa been made hy other shovels of this sia», and under like conditions this firm would like to hear from them. Address C. W. Ou Plaint*. Head Timekeeper snd Recorder, or John Miller, Traveling Super intendent. First Electrical Plant In Country Mayor A. V. Fawcett today signed an easement for a spur track of the Northern Pacific to the new electric furnaces at the Pacific Iron A Steel company, which Is nearing completion on the city's property at the east end of the llth street high bridge. Casey and Heath, builders of the electric smelter, are tbe first Iron men In the t'nited States to 'erect * plant with electricity a* the only means of furnishing heat. They will use about f 4,000 worth of municipal electricity each year. Four Shot In a Gang Scrap OMAHA, Neb., July 1«. -Tbj-ee hundred men and boy* engaged in a gangsters' battle in the ten derloin last night, with the result that four were fatally shot and several seriously Injured. Perfectly fitted glasses. 11..V1 up I faff, Graduate Opt I. tan. 1147 C st. "Advertisement." HeGetsS 160,000 PITTBBI-RO, July 14.—Al though be is confined as an In sane person, Harry K. Thaw was yesterday awarded 1140,773 by the orphans' court as the Income from his father's estate. The liti gation had continued for six month*. Mt. Still Sassy REDDING, Cal., July 14.— Mount Lassen burst forth in an other eruption yesterday and was more spectacular and violent In tta fury than at any previous eruption. It was tbe mountain* 18th outbreak since May 39. De~»r«tle_a. Hia_. fleets*. « T a X "Advertisement" Stork to Visit the House of Connaught LONDON. July 14—England's royal ladies sever fail to do their I duty to tbe census, so no one waa \ surprised when the rumor was; whispered about that Princess Alexandra of 4'onnaught la gapm t Ing a vi*lt from the stork. Before her marrta.te the prin cess was th* duchess of Fife and her marriage- to Prince Arthur waa oae of the brilliant social events of a year ago. Art Ist I* daeoratt*-*. Watson'a "Advertisement. ' •SLAIN IN MBKD a TORK, Juiy 14 —Tw- niembe—i of the < hristala Broth- ' «f* were slain Ib Zaratera*. *c- ] cording ta is formation received her*. SILASTIC r-nmT Prtvac* rnn__ - _ PHTSICIANS- StTPTLV OO Lath- Mat-saal Realty Bids. P-s-e Mala «_. '», — 1' THE TAOt-M-l TIMES DAILY TALKS TO A LARGE AUDIENCE Daily talks bearing en tba gas eral Improvement of church work will b* conducted at tha Christian Worker*' conference at Whit worth collea;*, following a reao tution yesterday after Boon. Re* W. A. Stephenson of Be 11 Ingham opeaed the "form talk*" tod a* with an address on "The Sunday Evening Service." and Rev A. M , William* of Portland followed with a talk oa "Bridging the t'haam Between the Church aad Sunday School." Speakers at this evening* see-1 slon of the conference will be Rev. J. H Edgar, whoa* subject will be Young People's Wort,' and Rev. P. L. Stlsley. on "Tbe Twentieth Century Service." PANTAGES •THK 84 'HOObMAITMt n Aad 0 Other Oood Acta. Pricee: Night*. 15c aad 38c Box**. 60*. Matinees, lOe aad 15c; Boxes, 25*. EMPRESS MATINEES 10c EVENINGS 10c, 20c -a______n__-_Kw_s_g_ssssßsasss> Reduce the Cost of Living FRYE& COMPANY offers you at its mar kets tomorrow the tml lowing -specials: ftPEOIAIA FOR FRIDAY, JI'LY 17. ISI4 Choice steer steak "** Choice pork shoulder Bleak 14V Choice lamb chop* ..... !■**«• Pork back bone* Sr Choice fre*h spare rib* 1-Hr Fresh liver •** Pure la id 1« *_<• Our Markets Are Lo cated as Follows: Fry• A Oa., 17th aad Con—marc* Washington Market—ll IS aad 11—0 Soath O Street. N. P. Market South Tacoma. Look for th* U. ■. Purpl* Stamp. It signifies Purity and Quality. Our meat kept la aaa itary caass la perfect conditio* by our cold air system. We Give Penny Change -____aaaa-___a___i Our Stores Are All Closed Today *A hiie we do not belong t* the Grocer*' Association. we gladly co-operate with any movement that tend* to better working condi tion*. We therefore em braced tbe ojtportuaity of giving our employ •• a holiday. A Few Quotations for Friday's Shoppers Pure I.ard. No. 1* pall. Si as. 5 pkgs. Shredded Wheat, .•Mr. Large site Kaola. reg. 91.9(1. special SI .4*. Gold Daat Washing Powder, _»c pkg 25e pkg. Grand-mas Wash lag Powder. 17c. Large Polly Prim Cleanser, 4 pkgs avVr. Duseldorf Mustard, rag. 3le. special lav. Finest quality Coarord tirtpe Juice. large size bottle. SSc. Pickled l>ama* Tomcne. -M Ib Delirious for a cold lunch. Oar i V.ffee Is fresh fro—i U»e roaster every day. Try a pound—tt will pleaae you —»V ib. and ap. 75e qtxaltty Lipton Tea. ■Sa lt. Fiae < reaaMTf Butter _7 H < Mac Brot. I •^CAJJ-TT -UsUHJBBS 1 | BOTS* bTRAW HATH SS* -__#, _-—"% W — 7m W _"*"7 Tse WA-*"* HATH 4-V --—A small tot of Boy*' Straw tft/*^\\ _Ts^_^s?_^-/-»_n^^#/V!_^_rt_^_r JT) —Wash Hat* for Uttle tota, Hats in black and navy blue; £***-' \%AJalkv^X J'S4I4LM9\^/W f/%/A aad* of heavy white pique and Cxtoic. foT.:.T!r. h.'. OC.!° _£ A / JXCOMA. • m *L*r*DElSm£-TT C_icef Ut__l_[to,-.;. WOrth dS_ The Great Alteration Sale Brings Supreme Savings In Women's and Children's Apparel 65 Handsome UA| 17 I>D 1/^l7 Summer Suits OAL-T I^KH^JCL. ■-—Nowhere but at Stone-Fisher's have such splendid suits been offered at the regular fair~prices. —Every suit is a this season's style, every one faultlessly tailored and correct in every detail of fashion. The popular weaves are shown, including— —Herges, gabardines, diagonals, crepes, eponge, checks, in navy, tan, Copenhagen, gray, brown, tango. $19.50 Buits now $ 9.75 $29.50 Suits now $14.75 $39.50 Suitis now $19.75 $25.00 Suits now.. .• $12.50 $35.00 Suits now $17.50 $45.00 Suits now $22.50 .§ 63 Silk and Wool Dresses <tQ QC-C lfe» Formerly $15.00 to $25.00 at 5*V-r«*-l —A splendid opportunity for the woman who wants a urnart dress for afternoon /T^^N. and street wear at a very small outlay. £ I '^wWv —The various fabrics include— Wl\ \-^r\/l\ —Messaline, crepe de chine, taffeta, serge, Bedford cord, wool crepe and chet-ks, , 7\ U \ —Navy, brown, tan, Copenhagen, taupe, black, gray, tango and wistaria. I X h I —Dresses priced regularly at $15.00 to $25.00. Choice, this sale $8.95 I \y J42 Silk Dresses Average LESS THAN HALF \ \ / $vB ~~~^ <,au*'^u^ -^---k Dresses for afternoon aud semi-formal wear. Materials in<-lu<l<' \ Vl \ T* <'l>ai""|'Mist\ chiffon taffeta, crepe de chine, Canton crepe and messaline. A «par . \ If\ / tial list of the dresses follows^ N>-*Cf /\r 10 Dresses, were #30.00, now $12.60 4 Dresses, were $35.00, now $16.50 fo-f&P 7 Dresses, were $35.00, now $15.30 2 Dresses, were $25.00, now $13.80 B 4 Dresses, were $35.00, now $19.80 1 Dress, was $49.50, now $25.00 ' 6 Dresses, were $25.00, now $15.00 —The balance at equal savings. $1.50 to $2.00 Blouses at $1.00 $1.25 to $1.50 Blouses for 89c —Beautiful lingerie styles of Voile, Crepe and —A dozen dainty styles of Voile and fine Lawns, Batiste. A broad assortment of dainty new mod- nearly all having elaborately embroidered designs els, including round, square and deep V neck ef- in mercerized floss in the little lace and net frilling fects, with drop shoulder and Balmacaan sleeves, around the neck and down the front and Val. or Some quite plain with soft rolling collars, others Venetian insertion and insets; round and V neck trimmed with hand embroidered designs, fine Val. styles; some high necks with collar and yoke of and Venetian lace; also a few figured Seco Silk net; drop shoulders and Balmacaan sleeves; $1.25 Waists; worth $1.50 to $2.00. Sale price .. . $1.00 and $1.50 values. Sale price 89c Coats in Four GrtuV5^1»"0>*56.49 —If there is a little miss in Tacoma in need of a coat, this is undoubted- f ly the opportunity. Prices were never so low. Sizes 2, 3, 4, 6 years. /_3___ ** Group I—Coats Worth $3.00 to Group 3 —Coats Worth $8.95 to IfiV. r * $4.25 for $1.98 $9.95 for $4.49 1 &* /-^Si^Tl m-___ * lust :M t'oats In this lot; serges, pin —24 Coat* in very smart little styles, made ' f f\ _ \ |S_AmMI J stripes woolens, and shepherd checks, in of shepherd checks, Mark and white stripe I *by 11 *\ \lm UWi brown. Copenhagen, navy, cardinal and golf woolens, and serges, in cream, brown, navy ' 1/4 "-— ' Mil Hi 111 I red. also infants' white pique coats; regular and Copenhagen. Regular values $8.95 to LJ l______l I Si BlSk 1 value* $3 00 to $4.25. This sale f.1.98 »»95. This sale *4.49 /ut*mmr^jLmmL\\\fL\\\ \ Group 2 Coats Worth $5.00 to Group 4 Coats Worth $12.00 \ T\ \\i*m\ » $7.95 for $3.49 to $15.00 for $6.49 \ JUS \1 A J —18 Coat* Id this lot, including golf red and —17 Coat* ia very distinguished little styles, \. feT\_f S. B / navy serges, shepherd checks. black and variously of black Bengaltne silk, shepherd \^bV_ _****•-Ml / * white stripes, cream wool fancies and serges, checks, navy and tango basket weave, tan, >l*" 4r aad white cotton pique coat*. Regular values checks and stripes. Regular values (12.00 $5 00 to $7.58. This sal* 5».4» to f 16.00. This sale 96.40 t Children's Dresses 39c All Girls' Coats HALF PRICE Children's Dresses 49c KFGI LAHI.Y SSc AND 7»c WORTH *S.AO TO Sl-IO REH'l TI_\RIiY TBc TO SI.OO —A phenomenal bargain In stylish, well —Including all Ihe Spring and Summer —Another extraordinary offer In Chll nsde little tub dresses made of gingham. Coat* of serge, diagonal, mixtures. Bed- dren's Wash Dresses, smart little styles of percale*, white pique, pink aad blue cham- ford cord, check, and eponge; else* 8. 10, "ash weave percale*, ginghams, ripplett* bray; 10 .1.. 2. 25 slee 3, 10 sis. 4 ye.r.; 12. 14 years. Regular prica. M.50 to y"*nrs; VStTIZ t°o fT'So' worth 65c »Bd 76e. Choice, this sale *Sc $12.60. Now HALF PKICK Choice, this sal* 40c Smelt Meal and It Finished Gus The savory odor of frying bacon and eggs, coming from behind a pile of railroad tie* near 58th street. In South Tacoma, pat Pa trolman Donovan on th* trail of the thief laat night who broke Into tha Edison hotel and stole a quantity of groceries. Dono van saw tin* R*oolan cooking over a camp fire, end was forced to ftre several shots into tbe air to keep Reootan from running off like a frightened animal. The thief is now in the elty jail pend ing burglary charge*. Roasts Whitman OYSTER BAY, N. V.. Jnly 1«. i 'H Roosevelt last night char acterised District Attorney Whit man as either a hopelessly timid weakling" or as being in league with William Barnes. Jr. repub lican state chairman. Whitman sought Roosevelt* snpport, but would not renounce Barnes, It is said. BANDIT**) WIDOW HILIOT NBW ORLEANS, July 14.— Mr*. Charles Cravne, widow of a train robber, refused to tell wbere tr* hi raraed. |WW »j "^" BM-TKs. VOW TACOMA BOAT WINS Tscoma won honors at the Se attle Potlatcb yesterday when the big power cruiser "Corsair," own ed by Attorney B. F. Jacobs of this city, won the seventh annual race from Vancouver to Seattle, making th* trip in 12 hours, 37 minute*. The corsair wa* 2 2 min utes. 44 second* ahead of the Va moose, a Seattle cruiser, which finished second. You Can't Make a Mistake In buying the "Irhkaoa Shoe** They're made for ua hist a* we waat them made aad we, not the factory, guarantee them to yoa, aad the prices sre what you waat to pay S2..V>, SS.o«l. SS.-Ml, At.tut aad ssae Dickson Bros.Co. 1124-22 Paetfla Ay*. MMBMllMiMßßß__B__a__i_B_|__l_M__l__B_M__B__ M __ M Health ant- Good Cheer Cheerfulness results from a healthy stnte of mind and body. Did you ever know a person who occasion ally takes a glass of beer, who could not "crack" a joke, or indulge in a hearty laugh f Beer is for health. Healthy persons are naturally cheerfu'. A glass of Pacific Beer Is brimfull of health and good cheer. Our beer is a healthy drink because it is made of pure cereal products, in one of the cleanest and best equipped breweries in the world. Best, East or West Main 153. TWO PHONES. Main 352. z^^!^^r^ mm*~~^~mmmm~mm~^^mmmmm^mmm^''~mm~~mm ~'^mmm " '"'■■■»»■**«--__ i Thursday. July 16. 1914.