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► 1 TO GEO, MILTON SAVAGE! 1 L. It is now more than a fortnight since, through The I Times, members of the Tacoma Commercial club i voiced their insistent demand that Thomas H. Mar tin, the $500 a month White Elephant "manager" be ousted. The demand was made upon the trustees. They held a meeting. Martin's caae was discussed and . the trustees passed the buck to Geo. Milton Savage, ths club president. For a few days the matter held fire because ■~ I ' f. I-K-L FRESH PROBLEMS " It \Vj&9 every day for Cyntbla (Jray ta [1 jj Vs WM answer aad thsr* are aaaaa today || II on pass fir* that have a *gnli— jl j m appeal—letter* from people who 11 ••* Jast plain folks aad ask plate II &M l.axaaa qae.Uaa-. II 1 m I I S a— ' ' " a ~ i ji/aT irOO-airoN »L THK ULRSSKD DAMtMSKL hlm ...ultln't play or slag at all, •blic couldn't trot tbe say Mn sheeahe; An.l f<»r Iter looks, nobody'd fall. i«m cooking, tlmugh. slje waa a peach!) . . . From Philadelphia today came* f, from H. Bugton, the w. k jour nalist, word of a reporter who has bought a paper la Milford Massachusetts. It seems that the reporter person had |73,000 be queathed him. • as Evan in my wildest moments, and there are none who will deny that 1 AM wild at tlmea. can 1 imagine a reporter with $7 5,000; nor can 1 imagine ons buying a newspaper with it. • # s ■especially ta Milford, Massachusetts • • • Whose only boast or slightest claim to achievement is that 1 waa born there in the hard fall ot »tt. • SB From the Ootham Weekly Ga salt* of July 12 I gather the fol lowing Important Item: • » • "li— Cobb (he writes pi.-.c« for tha Matevepost, you know > ts squandering the heated era In t'anada." In addition to being famous as a comical writer, sotne i'iiicb sad, Irv la w. k. a* aa endorser of smoking tobacco. a • • Like our own Stan Warburton • • • 1 And from that G. W. Gasette II note the following very impres aive poem which I wish you would read; • ' - It is entitled, with forceful ant direct simplicity just, • * « IIMMII gag Now go on and read it! ess Somewhere within this busy world I* on* that 1 would under. ' *tand; Somewhere in thla large universe Is one who I could grasp b*. the hand. j And aay: "Long have I sought for thee. And you have constantly slud* ed my search; k But you are my affinity From out this whole entire •arth." Ah, Love, shall us twain ever meet? Perhaps in Spring, perhap* in Fall— Perhap* in the city, perhaps in the country — * Alas! alas—Perhap* not at all! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ss ♦ Tha DIARY OT A MOIJ-RN * ♦ MR. PKPVS. ♦ «♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦ July 17.—Rack to nay ... rlvening today, feeling fit after a short absense which 1 spent upon the wind-swept ptssaa of the fine home of a friend. Fonad sleep sweet hi a dainty white enamel bed-chamber aad for oar dinner, last eve, light home made bisfctt* wblrh sre even equal to my wife's Mb»lt*. My host promised to *how I- me a lot of Uaards. hut dM not. I wonder If ha was jesting. Raw— to the city today and do f*el bored, wHhal. • * • THE CALL OF THF MILD. Its ben I am a-weary aad bitter and such. I list for the rail of the wRd. When all life is dreary. 1 would q«H the old Punch To answer 4he call of the mild For the rail of the wild la the call of the B-IM, And when I am Wfcd. I caa hoar It real plain. r* go fishing and such ta a world tnndeflled By cni ping town folks aha tra* give me a pain: ■ _f J_ THbNK tor FOR #T_» • ATTBN- The Tacoma Times 30c A I THI ONLY lIfDBPENDEIfT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA I HOME -MONTH VOL. XL SO. 179. TACOMA, WASHINOTON. FRIDAY, JULY 17,1914. EDITION 1 SEARCH FOR GIRLS MILLS' ATTY. SASSES JUDGES Attorney C. O. Bate*, represent ing City Commissioner A. V. Mill* at the reopening of the recall ar gument* today before Judges Chapman, Card and Clifford, waa promptly rebuffed by the court wlu-n he attempted to tell the Judges how they should prepare their declsola. Bats* offered a motion that court decide the case on the ba sis that the number of petitioners necessary oa the recall be fixed by taking 26 per cent of the votes cast at the 1914 election. Instead of tbe 1912 election, aad his mo tion was promptly denied. He next attempted to argue to Ihe court tbat 11 signers of the rei nil petitions had died more than 30 days before the filing of the petitions, and that 300 sign er* had removed from the city, but wa* again cut off by th* oourt. Today's hearing was called so that the judge* could get ao in tight Into the facta of the recall squabble. At first th* Judges th(-tig*ht they could decide the case on points of law, but today they put City Clerk Nickeu* on the Hand and asked him to explain from his records the entire cir cumstance* of tha debate. Nick eus occupied the stand for an hour. ANGELOTWHY BE SO TECHY? Mayor A. V. Fawcett will prob ably remove the bronze tablet placed Jauntily on the llth street high bridge, and bearing the name* of ex-Mayor Seymour and th* other commissioner*. Ha will probably alao put the tablet on the "Perkins hump" of the bridge, and put up a new tab let on the upper structure of the bridge in place of the present one. "That was about the most au dacious thing that Seymour did," ■aid Mayor Fawcett today. "I started that bridg* and let the contract for It. Then Seymour partially rutnad It by giving Bam Perkins a five-foot bump on the bridge so that railroad cars for Perkins could run underneath. I'm planning on taking down Sey mour's tattlet and putting It at the hump, so that the public can as* just what part of the bridge work be had charge of." Porte Ready for Last Trial Test HAMMKRSPORT. N. T.. July 17.—Aviator John Cyril Porte'i big hydro-aeroplane, "The Ame- ica," ts scheduled for a final te*/ Saturday before it will he taken to Newfoundland, from whence Port* will start en hi* proposal trans Atlantic flight. MARKS GOOD RKfTIRh Ore*i Northern passenger train No. 17. raßlttng from "st r«ni 'n Tacoma, ha* accomplished aa ua <lented record. tor a *-_^i •he haa mad<* the entire ran on perfect schedule tin*. Today's Best Joke 1 Harry—Ma. can the new maid _m ia tha dark? Ma—No. Why? Harry — Becaaae I heard her tell pa la the hall last night he hadn't shaved. Savage was sojourning in Soap Lake. Upon his return Savage promised the memWra, through The Times, that there would be an " investi gation.l' Whether Savage haa investigated Martin's record, hus behavior and his woeful failures La Tacoma, the members do not know. Savage is not what you'd call a garrulous per«o_i. Such eminent figures in history as Aristodes, Nero, J. Caesar, Cheops, (who was also a contractor^ CLIFFORI LOGGER A victory for the Times In It* fight against lax methods In tin — .bate court was registered yes terday afternoon wheu Judge M L. Clifford handed down aa or der In he admitted that h* had been premature and la rrrot when he closed up the proh—te case of Lars Larson, a lumber jack. Clifford escheated the funds ol the Larson estate to the state sev eral month* ago, after allowing Administrator L. 8. MelMnger tr spend $9uo for the funeral, ant ruled that there were* no heirs His enforced retirement from ha* former attitude came yesterday after Attorney aorlev' and Nor wegian Vice Consul Ole Granrtii had convinced the court tha there were a number of heir* in Norway. Despite the fact, however, that Judge Clifford admitted hla er ror«, and re-opened the probate case, he continued to approve tli« 1900 expenditures made by Mcl linger, including the tombstone that was purchased many month: ago and only erected after th DR.CARMANIS PREPARED TO BAIL WIFE MINROLV July 17.—Dr. Ed ward Carman la prepared with bail of almost any amount to se cure hi* wlfes release on her ar raignment under the indlctmeg Thuraday afternoon charging hex with first degree manslaughter of Mr*. Louise Bailey, who wa* shot to death through the win dow of Carman's office at Free port, N. V., recently. The doctoi received scores of letter* offering financial assistance. Boys' Age Saves Him From Thugs Two bandit* held ap RodV ncr WHton. age 17, at Divi sion lane and Spokane ave nue last night but let Wil ton go when they saw that he was a meir boy. Ten minute* later they held np J. B. Mitchell. .I.V»_ Spo kane avenue, east, who pall ed ont a gun and fired nt them, ►"'our shots Were fired, with no one hurt, bat the bandits took to their heels. TAOOMA-S O*MM_SIC_. Tacoma'a imports for tht month of Jmje totalled »!,*7», --•42 and the exports were $1. 58, arcordlng to Customs Collector Harper* report. Th« total Imports for the district ol Washington showed a slight de crease over May. hut th* dis trict's export* shipments were $106.* 14 greater than the pre vious month. f-KAi i- i M'lilin MEXICO CITY, July 17. — Peace was believed here today to be in sight. Oeneral Csrranxa and other rebel leader* were expected short - ly ta the c»pital to confer with President Carbajal and his ad viser* concerning the turning of the government over to tha oob stitutloaalhrU PTDICTBD "TH* SaOdA-G WHISK 1 Roderick McDougal. alia* Jim ray Frits, was indicted by the federal grand Tory paatarday aft ernoon on s charge of having sold whisky to John Mason, an In dian, at Meertps, near the tjula sult Indian isaat laltna. I HOLDS S GASH I nnes had exposed th* caa*. By the orders of Judge Clif ford, th* 13,311.5« remalulng in th* Larson estate, will not b* escheated to th* state, but wil remain in the hands of tha stat*. treasurer until further order ol the court. Iver Byrnes of Nor way is appointed as special com missioner to take th* deposition! of Halvor I .arson Torset, Inge berg Larsen TTetad and Silver Olson, the heirs who have been fighting for a re-opening of tin cass. GOSH!! - Tacoii.H July ISth. ISI4. Tl»e Tacoma Times, I ace la yoar last **u-wi—gs pei- . where tlie <*opa are never around when tlierc Is a IbibVl up". Ihi you expect a rohher to notify the cops where ami ivh.-n they Intend tn hold np a man. Robbers like that are* vera arari-e and 1 supisise that they also will he scarce for sontS tin • to mss IHd yon ever here of s person i* 11living the fire de part nient hefor setting fire to a pie ■ no a man will not do those things, so you might Just as well put down your little h.viunier and stop knocking the pob c of this heutifull city. There Is still one thing in 11-"- < it) that if H would only die. then the city of Tscoma would prohuhly go a head, aad that is the Times Of Tacoma. Iso you knock all of these people hr*ause yon have nothing els to put In to your papers or are ><-v throning awsy yoa good space for nothing? This la a ""* I'lesse aaewear hy way of Miss Gray. V. T. A. M\> THAT THINKH. PRETTY BUSY GINKS, HUH? Today's meeting of the city council was the briefest on rec-i ord Cotum.sinner Mllln is in Walla Walla t not tbe pen, y nn darstandi. and the other comßais sioners had no buslaes*. "Got anything todayT" asked Mayor Fawcett ol Deputy Clerk Donovan. ' No. Mr. Mayor. ' ->t anyqhing. geutl*men*'' asked the mayor of the commis sioner*. toe," replied tbe chorus. WELL, CAN YOU BLAMS THE OWL? WASHINGTON, Jwh it R<..'sting liijrh on Iclii iatc gallrry f.uiitlor today a - nilv- snoozed in plain view of Vice Prefi hail, whil. bird showed no ir n flit* anti-trust lefri- bnt juit kept on snoosing. jjfcv the w»-\ "ST. ftonan*rt> arid Jh» 'Vhton ."W eet-1 '*l»r»- ohiun'of Doe. Cook, you recall) are alao person! P> Dot to he aec-UNcd of jrarrulLt * Ab.-t. tiittus use of speerh is a splendid aehieve awnt. But it has its evil aspects, too. The Times «*»|»ectfully jKiiuts out to President Savage. The club'members, most of them, are tired of hay inf the important Martin hanging around. These members resent paying him even a part of his $19 a day Very fesr of 'em have an income reaching that •am. 4-f a certain bunch of Commercial club members fut to hire Tom Martin to run a glue factory or a id-mill or a canal-boat, these other members have kick at all. THE MISSING SISTERS IN ODD MYSTERY ♦ * ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ POLICE FAII* TO FIKD TRACE OF GIRLS Motion to ad Jour i is In order I Meeting s sdloßraed,' sighed th* ' m» Tbe whole sesaioa Issted 45 sse- SSd*. . Of CRITSKR MRA CRI Z. July IT. —Hner ta id Bisnnnet arrived in Puer a. where they are expected te «*n<hark shortly on the Brit ish crnlser Bristol or th* German Dresdei . NAB FORGER WHOBUNCOED MERCHANTS! T. A. Daverson, the alleged for- Ser who cashed numbers of bo gus check* in downtown mer cantile houses last Friday, dis i tlngutshlng himself by causing I clerks all manner of trouble la satisfying his wishes over pur I chase*, wa* captured In Tulsa [ Oklalioma, today, through th. I effort* of Captain of Detectlvet | D. O. Smith. Daverson had obtained i several 'ffnndred dollar* through bad checks her*, it is said, among hit ; victims being the il< Donald Shoe company and the K. T. Bate* _ Co. Clothing company. Captain Smith traced Daverson by hit Luggage and a detective of Tulsa caught the forger aa be alighted from a train there thl* morning Bryan Comes Out for Women WASHI.NOTtiN, O. C, •July 17.—ta a formal state meat made last night. Sec. retary of Mat* llryaa as* nnsnred himself for woman suffrage and -.aid that he would support the proposed state constitutional amend ment extending the franchise to women, when It come— ap tor balloting la .vJebranka, Will Talk On V cc Situation Mr*. Helen Wnxham. state manage! ot th* Pacific Coast j Rescue aad Protective society waa la the city today arranging for two teetnre* to be given her* on "Coramere lall*** Vica." The speaker will be W. O. MeLaren i ten dent of the society from Portland. Th* firat lac tare ts arranged for Raaaay night at th* T v. »nd will b repeatcd Monday night in the First Ch-rtMs-a eburch. thing aboutit aad DO IT QUICKLY. The tnurtsta 'and the membership respects you and hare treated you -rery courteously BUT THEY EXPECT FAIR PLAY. They see the club speedily going to smash. Members an quit ting faster now than they were previously Do you know how many have quit since the first of the year? The majority of the members simply will not stand for Martin "managing" their club. It is their right to kick. It is your privilege aad your DUTY to yield to the inevitable, to obey tae will of the majority Do you not think sot THR WEATHKK jgk\ ' Juat aa* Sashed thing after an- SC other la Mm xtraetaer tWo* In this *)kr V fine apsa air conn try. Teday we .. ..' learn th* aid, aad **a-y—"fair _** MBsghl aad Satarday list S^^^ POLICE CAST DRAGNET VtHl.ltt Is KIOISI IIIIMi." I'll! BUI Till l. HUMAN Ml RDKH HKR MIMTKK? ARK VI KMTTONB rillllli OP H KHV I'lTs *.\ THK till N TRV ARK lift IM. TO 4!>.H WKB — KLOIHK URITKH Mi il HI It HHK "SKA I I Ii HIH TKH'B KATE" AJi D WILL SLAV mtOTUKM. ATLAVTA, i.a.. July IT.—INd Mrs. I l"i»«. in nniß munlri her sister. Heal rice Nelius, sad then commit -ni. ill.-? Ar.- I hew w IMI*S -till alive and. If so, why ba* Uwlr *ged uo.ilier lieen iliii.n t.» prostra tion Ii) a letter |iurj«M ting to l»e a niiinler coiifcswlon? M lint m<rt>v* af romance, or «i*il. or hate He* brlilnd the strange dl»appe«i-aa*e of Mr*. N - ♦ ♦ ♦ SS HKI.KKKN 4 ♦ . — . ♦ This Is the hottest day <s ♦ this month hut we had a ♦ 4 day or two warmer in June 4 ♦ It will be hotter tomorr- 9* • ♦ —maybe—said Urn forecas- 4 t ter. 4 ♦ ♦ LODGES HUNT FOR WOMAN liHNVKR, July 17. — Elki lodges throughout the "Vnited States may resume the "goat" in their Initiations If they so desire according to a decision of thr grand lodge yesterday. A revis ion of the ritual is to be taken up during the next two year* by a specially appointed committee All lodges were asked to take vi the search for Beatrice Nelms nni Mrs. Rloise Nelms Dennis of At lanta, who disappeared recently. -I'F.AKR APPROVINGLY Jt'AHKZ, July 17 - llenera Villa spoke approvingly today ot Carranxa'a plan to have five thou sand men under Oilla, and Gen erals (lon/.ales and Obregoa with t'arranza as commander, entet and police Mexico City a* soon as President C*rj*ba' turns over the reins of government to th* rebel* CLANCY IN SAN FRANCIS* o SAN FRANCISCO. July 17.— Ktigene Clancy, one ef th* labor leaders convicted at Ihe end of the dynamite trial at Indianapo lis more than * year ago and sen tenced to six years' Imprison ment, arrived today from the Leavenworth prison, was met by members of his family and a dele gation of union labor men and atarted at once for San Quentin. WHOOP LFK! SACRAMENTO. July 17.— There are close to 440 candidate* aeerjng state office at the coming prima ding to figure* Is sued today by Secretary ef State Jordan. TUCOWH TALKS If a single mere haa t Ib Taco ma were te adopt the permanent policy of making bir store al ive in ali poesibh* way? he undoubtedly could hold the beet trad* of hi* town in th* face of competition ef ever*. oth*r kind. What is true of th* Individual merchants la true of the entire village b held its trade aad Its üßlalWn is to b* attrserl-re I tenuis and her sister? Police authorities of fir* cities have been spurred to an aahsu*> tive but yet fruitless search for the two by a latter to Mrs. Nelms, signed Klolse" and bearing tha startling declaration "1 hays put Heat rice away and am on my way to dispose of Marshall." Marahall Nelms. th* brother mentioned, who is a liusiiies* man of San Francisco, Is undar police tion following the receipt* from Atlanta of a wire signed mamma" and warning him te "look out for Kloiße. Sh* haa killed Beatrice." iv in June the two sisters left this city for lh* Texas ott field*, where Mr*. I tennis owned property Th* younger slater, Beatrice, wa* a shrewd business woman who had amassed a small it outlawed on Page Three.) Mother Responsible For Author's Fame FRANK MANUEL, Playwright. SAN FRANCIHCO. Jety 17. — "To my mother la dn* a great measure of what success I hare enjoyed," said Frank Mandel. th* author of Trifling With Tomor row." "I wanted a novel name for thl* play." aatd Mandel, 'but th* best I could think of waa "Tamp. erlng With Tomorrow." "Thl* title was rejected hy my manager a* impossible. "Then, one evening, while din ing with my mother, I told her •he waa the prettiest woman ia the reetanreat. " "Oh, you are trifling with me, she answered. That waa the keynote' jumped for a phone aad Bailed *h tbe manager Trifling With To morrow,' I aaid; "how do yoa like tbat for a name?' " 'Fine" h« answered. "And that's the way the pla ws* named " SIS I I HAVK FILED Fifty men have riled for job* with Pierre county at tha —agl_ n Twe namta war* fl. "d this morning. The*- s-eee U if McQueen, reeubttcaa .-.*tiuj|H missioner from district Ihrss, g_S Geo. R Burke. i—gaSMehg. for representative from th. thirty sixth representative ahwrlil. I, ■ —— TACOMA UORO fM*OT SKATTLS, mmtm Hagshaw. • Tacema aagro wa* came to Seattle t*r the pf__^^H was *bot and probably fatally wounded last a'gb« By ' r 7*°i Is m\ ss-a*"* /lTst*!*!'