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PAGE EIGHT * A ' & coma . £jtrrD Ei/x/lE-TT SHOPPING CENTER OF TACCMA An Attractive Dining Room Increases the Thanksgiving Spirit — The furniture offers a very satisfactory selection of good and fine dining room furniture —all dependable, all >>f good material and workmanship. ■j^^^^^^^Kl^l —Attractive mission style it I I,^-C^-J j mm^m like cut, solid quarter sawed ««jMlil t ~~" "** '*"■ ' IJMBKRT IH'KKKT $100 oak, either waxed golden or j 1 j —Handsome Arts and Crafts fumed finishes, plank top I i •"" \J design as illustrated, made 54 in. with 8 ft. extension, "^HJ of select quarter sawed oak massive pedestal base. Each. with heavy plank toj> 60 in. leaf locks Becurely. M\l\<. CHAIK 97.50 long, 24 in. wide, leather —Umbers 1 Arts and Crafts Dtato m'tror mT^'in^olid -Dtoln« n"lir of Q»«t»«* chair, style pictured, quar copper trlmmnw ' oak tn mUu,ion style, high ter .awed fumed oak, seat JlUet ,0 nLion style *ff»& %^ K£ -ered with best Spanish ss S\rCb? =Fe S f or.a, SeS raorocco leather-panel back finlgheß, plank top 22x48 in.. ' n ,T artar —Dining Clwlrs, solid oak, bovpl iil-itu mirror finp val- -^Dininij Table, quarter « • ue at ...!'. WO.OO sawed oak. waxed golden In waxed golden and fum^d —ltuffet, of select quarter- *n& fumed finishes, 48 in. finishes, slip seat covered ed oak. waxed golden finlsli, *°P. 6 ft- extension, reavy wlth brown Spanish leather, base 22x43 in., bevel plate mission style pedestal base, $;{ mirror 10x34 in., at »r..oii at U2O.(M» —ltuffet, in one of our most —Huffet, solid oak, Colon- —iMnin^ Chairs, of quarter popular mission styles, quar- la] style, waxed golden and ed oak, in waxed golden and tered oak, waxed and fumed ruined finishes, top 22x12 fumed finishes, panel back, finishes, plank top 20x4 2 in.. In., bevel plate mirror, ex- slip seat covered with brown at 925.00 cellent value at .... $13.75 Spanish leather. Priced fl.oo CHINA, GLASSWARE, CUT GLASS, KITCHENWARES, WORTH TO 50c —A clearance of small lots and odd pieces, including: —35c Aluminum Sink Strainers, 25c Whisk Brooms, 23c Small Glass Wash Boards, 4-qt. Enameled Sauce Pans, 25c Nickel Plated Trays, 25c and 35c f* 1 • Alcohol Stoveß, 30c Set of 6 Tumblers, 50c China Sugar and Cream Sets, 2 Tea v, JIOICC Cups and Saucsrs worth 15c each, 50c Steins, 25c Cuspidors, Large Meat Plat ters, Covered Vegetable Dishes, 10-qt. Dish Pans, gray enameled; 25c cans Bril- _ -_ liant Shine Polish, 25c pkg Brillo Aluminum Polish, 35c Sel Kitchen Carvers, <4 m\ 2;>i- Rutcher Knives, :5c Rolling Pins, 25c Brown Earthenware Teapots, Tide I \Mm9 Percolator liisft for Coffee Pot, 25c Clothed Line Reel with Line. 25c Scrub ■ .■■ Brushes, 35c Porcelain Salt Boxes, 29c Cotton Clothes Line, 50 ft.; Small Cut JL xF Glass Vases, Baskets, Mustard Pots. Lemon Platt-s, Butter Tubs, Finger Bowls, Comports and Bou-Hon Dishes. Values to 30c, choice tomorrow —Basement- 'DRY'S' GAINS VOTES By Giison Gardner WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 16. prohibition votes were added to the house of representa tives by the November election 3. Five congressional vacancies ■were filled, three in New Sfork state. The prohibitionists made an issue in the case of the New York candidates and all three I pledged to the constitutional rem edy against liquor. In the election of William S. Bennet, whose margin kas nar row, his success was undoubtedly due to the support of the Antl- Saloonleague. Of New York's 43 members, only three voted Jaat winter for submitting the prohibition amendment. These three will now be rein forced by three more and pos ■ibly by others who have begun For Pife Sufferers Saaiple Pack* /dfl \^Hk, ■ *•" °' •h* Jm ) B, ■■">•> <> ■ H • * B I'jramid Tile W*!*^ ? 1 'I' r r a I mm I mm a^| Free to Prove K^Ky ■/ U. (or 1 ua. H^H By Treatment WK' Kivos quick re- 11^^^' lief, Btops itch ~~ ~ Iti % t bleeding •r protruding piles, hemorrhoids and •11 rectal troubles. In the privacy of roar own home. BOc a box at all aruft-f-lat«. A single box often cures. >*!«» aauaple far trial with booklet saallrd free In plain wrapper. If you ■end ua coupon below. niCC SAMPLE COUPON PTRAMID DHTTG COMPANY. at* Pyramid Bldir.. Marshal I. Mich. Kindly em<l ma n Tt*m sample of fwnm MriWTrntwial. In plain wrapper. Name Street , City mate to see the oncoming of the pro hibition movement. Exports Jumping During September horses were exported from the I'nited States to the value of $8,032,467, .^.nd mules to the value of $1,99C,19J. A new export was added —seeds —the value of $148,414. Usually the United States is a uyer of seeds. The total exports for Septenib3r were $300,000,000 as compared with $1'.6,0U0,000 for September, 1914. Why Factory Fires? The factory fire in New York, where a dozen employes were burned to death, is given a na tional significance by Frank P. Walsh, chairman of the indus trial relations committee. "The base of such crimes," said Babson Out For U.S. Owned Ships BOSTON', Nov. 16.—Rogor \V. Babson, banker, noted economist and financial expert, today an nounced himself an ardent sui> porter of Secretary McAdoo's plan for the construction of a naval auxiliary merchant marine for the United States. He said that as the result of two trips to South America for the purpose of studying business opportunities lor North Ameri cans there, on« of which he made for the Scripps papers, he had been converted to the idea that , only through a government-own ed line of ships can the problem of building up our trade In that part of the world be solved. At the same time, he pointed I out, a merchant marine sucii as the new shipping bill provides j will offer the only possible means jof breaking up the foreign uhlp ping pool "which at present has our manufactures in its grip." Keren'ly Won Over. He would use government shlpa to do what privately owned lines cannot afford to do—break Jown the extortionate trans-Atlantic rates by threat of competition. "Until recently," said Mr. Bao son, "I have been opposed to gov | ernment ownership in general, i and especially as applied to ship ping. Brought up in Gloucester, , of a family interested In shipping : and banking, I looked with hoe | tility upon a paternalistic' policy lin shipping affairs. But the only ; side of the case that had been | presented to me was the condi tion of shipping between thli country and Europe, Mr. Walsh, "is economic. The employer gets a faulty building cheaper than a good one, and the workers must pay the awful toll in death and suffering. "The inquiries of the commis sioners of industrial relations showed beyond dispute that 3.r>,- --000 lives are lost in American ln dUßtry every year and that 700, --000 workers are seriously injur ed, who do not nnniedlately die. Researches of the government definitely show that the accidents which bring about this dreadful loss of life and limb, with the pain and misery incident ».o it, are what are termed preventaule accidents; that is, accidents whicii would not occur were the ordin ary common precautions for safe ty taken. "These preventable accilen f.s should be treated as are all 'jth er crimes against the person." Niil>M<ll<>s Won't Do. "Now the question—why not subsidies? "The answer is very simple. Tlie Bubsidy is a fine thing pro viiled we can be the onl> country to give subsidies. Now that Eng land, Germany and other coun tries are so well intrenched, >t would take $100,000,000 and a generation of time for us to se cure a footing by their metho is. ' McGinley Will Discontinue $2 Hals Finding that the majority of their customers prefer the better grade of hats, the M. & M Hat Shop have decided to discontinue their $2.00 line of hats entirely. Arthur McGinley, proprietor, •ays he will specialize on one price and that $2.50, giving the name value as formerly Bold at $2.00. This change takes place at once and all $2.00 hats will be closed out at a special price. All the regular $3.00 hats now In Block will be sold at the new price, $2.50, and will continue at this price. McGlnleyg slogan will be a bat "just M good as the three and a dollar better than the two." ii Special values will lie offered day by day to Times readers. THE TAOOMA TIMEt COL. HOUSE WILL BE WILSON'S«EST MAN WASHINGTON, D. C, Not. 11 --—Having steered a president safely through a nomination, an I election, the appointment of a cabinet, and three years of suc i cessful work. Col. Edward Man dell House of Texas will now pro ceed to steer the president safely i into matrimony. If report has it right, Col. House is to be Preßi duiit Wilson's "best man" at the letter's wedding to Mrs. Edith Want to See 1917 Styles? Watch These Gowns. Gorgeous gowns. Gowns far in advance of any thing ever seen in Tacoma will be viewed across the footlights at the annual Tacoma high school alumni association's musical pro duction Nov. 25, it Is promised. The rehearsals are going on regularly and the speculation and wonder is increasing among the amateur actors as to what the impression will be when Miss Ruth Tlnimons appears wearing costumes which really should not appear until 19)7. END INDIGESTION OR STOMACH PAIN IN FIVE MINUTES: 'Pape's Diapepsin' makes sick, sour gassy stom achs ft? 'i fine. Time it! In five minutes all stomach distress will go. No In digestion, heartburn, sourness or j belching of gas, add, or eructfr tlons of undigested food, no <Mz-, liness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Dlapepsin Is noted for 1U speed in regulating apeet Stomachs. It is the surest, quick est and mose certain Indigestion remedy in the whole world, and besides it Is harmless. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear —they know Pa#«'» Diapepsin will save them from any stomach misery. Please, for your sake, get a Urge fifty-cent cue of Pape's Diapepstn from any drug stors and put your stomach rtefct. Don't keep on being miserable*— life is too short —you are not here long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat wbat you like and digest it; enjoy it, without dread •f rebellion in the stomach. Pape's Diapepsln belongs in your home anyway. Should one of the family eat something which don't agree with them, or In case of an attack of inden tion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stom ach derangement at daytime or during the night, it Is handy to clTe the tulckest, cureal nllef |now* BFST MAN AT THE WKDDINO Boiling Gait. Col. House of Texas and Long Island is the only Intimate friend the president has. He is reputed to be the only visitor who is in vited to remain over night at the white houtie when he calls. House loves politics. He has directed the campaigns of half a dozen succesflful democratic nom inees for governor In his home state since 1892. Born In Hous ton and a resident of the state, the colonel usually lives at hla home on Long Island or at his apartment in New York city. And whenever the president goes to New York he stays with Col. House. Houne in ntroiig on remain ing in the background. He obliterates ' himself. But whenever advice is needed, whether on politic*!, diplom acy or weddlnga, House may be relied upon. Acid Stomachs Are Dangerous ABOUT NINE-TKNTHS OF ALA, HTOMAi'H THOUBL-K HAID TO HK I>UK TO ACIDITY. A I'li.tsii'inn's Advice on Cause and Cure. A New York Physician who has iniuli' a special study of stomach and intestinal diseases says that nearly all Intestinal troubles, as well as many diseases of the vital organs, are directly traceable to a deranged condition of the stomach. This In turn is due about nine times out of ten to excessive acidity, commonly term ed sour stomach or heartburn, which not only irritates and In flames the delicate lining of the stomach but also may set up gas tritis and in a large majority of cases gastric ulcers are accom panied by hyperacidity. It Is In teresting to note that he con demns the use of patent medi cines, and practically all medical ! treatment that is designed to act I upon the stomach lining, stating I that the best results are obtained by the use of a simple antacid ' which acts upon the content* of ; the stomach and neutralizes the ac'dity of the food thus removing the source of the trouble. As an antacid he prescribes ordinary bisurated magnesia. He con tends that it is as foolish to treat I the stomach itself as it would be : for a man who stepped on a tack I to rub linament on the foot with out first removing the tack. Re move the tack and the foot will i heal itself—neutralize the acid land the stomach troubles will din j appear. Irritating medicines and ' medical treatments are useless, 'I so long as the contents of the stomach remains acid; remove , the acidity and there will be no ; need for medicine—the Inflamed , lining or the stomach will then ' heal itself. Sufferers from acld ) Ity, sour stomach and heartburn I should get a small bottle of bis jurated magnesia from their drug 'JKist, and take a teaspoonful in a ' quarter of a glass of hot or cold 1 water after each meal, repeating In fifteen minutes, if necessary, thii being the dose which the doc ' tor ha* found most efficacious in I all cases. MQiFIC AVENUE AND CQMMERr£ AT 15 T 3$ Wednesday-Double Stamp Day A Golden Egg Macaroni Day In Our Grocery Dept.-3rd Floor TIDO FREE BALLOONS—With a purchase of 25c in A Golden Egg (Machine Dried) Macaroni, Noodlos C|*__.__ or Spaghetti, we will give absolutely free, one _d!\ ffiifr- ball ;ui<l ;i valuable recipe book. <<^§Krak|EdH|^7 Bring the little ones in and let them carry away VV^f/r^3Sr««vy Even! 'j('' ''"■ factory demonstrator show yon how to •* f\ * P rol)al' c niacaroni so the children will enjoy it. ■*" \ljT O Packages of Golden Egg Macaroni, Noodle.s SpendJ'jNednesdwo « spaghetti selling 9ic • ' Jr VV ednesday for .■* *-* *■* TACOMA SCHOOLS JUNIORS LOSE TO SOPHS Lincoln Park sophomores clean ed up tho juniors 27 to 25 last evening in the first scheduled in ter-class basketball game of the season. The game was well played and the result was always In doubt übtll the final whistle. The so phomores finished the first half one ipoint in the lead. At the start of the second per iod the upperclaßsmen came back and ran the score up several points ahead of their opponents. The Hoplis tied the score a few minutes later, and won late in the game in a burst of speed. Danielson, lor the sophomores, and Isenburg, for the juniors, played the star games of the evening. Soccer Ball Contest Is A Live One So great has been the interest and so many names have heoa submitted in the contest for the Imported English soccer batl of fered by Alexander McLeau for the best two names for sorcor terns, that Supervisor Kelly has extended the time until Saturday for the closing of the contest. Supervisor Kelly announce! to day that the following judges would choose the best named: Milton Prlchard, principal of the Carbonado school; Mrs. Agnes Hogan, principal Midland school; W. E. McGuire, principal PlTO water school; Robert McDonald and Sidney Hughes, both of Ta coma. The judges will consider e*/e?y name submitted up to 6 p. m. Sat urday. They suggest that all names be handed In at once be cause the first to hand in a n'ime which Is duplicated by another will be give the preference. Several schools are anxious to win the ball for use in long dis tance practice. University Dean Speaks Dean Holgate, of Northwestern university, spoke to the students of Lincoln Park higli school yes terday afternoon at a special as sembly. The Girls' Glee club sang several songs. Jones Tells Of Capitol Senator Wealey L, Joiiph In an Interesting illustrated lecture be fore the evening students of Sta dium hlght school last night gave nn insight into the social, politi cal and municipal life of the na tional capital. FOR BBBT 111-« l I T* Tl H\ TO THB < I.4MNIKIKD PACE— IT If PAQB IBVENt Tacoma Boy Picked On Glee Club Trip SEATTLE, Nov. 18. — Walter Kaufman ot Tacoma, was chosen today to play on the University Ulee club's tour through the east ern part of the state early in De cember. This is the first time in years SEES OUR ATHLETIC METHODS W. Neal Ellis, director of grammar school athletics in Se attle, arrived in Tacoma today and is visiting several of the playgrounds in company with Su pervisor Kelly to inspect the sys tem of athletics in vogue in the city schools. Director Ellis, writing to Su pervisor Kelly, is optimistic over the future of soccer. He said 38 of the 45 schools in Seattle are playing the game. TEAMS IN HOT RACE The coming week is expected to make a considerable change in the standing in the grammar school soccer league. Several teams which have suffered defeat and have had a low position In the race, are bent on driving out a victory or two within the next I five days and displace some of the leaders who are confident of re taining their position. The following games are scheduled for the week: Bryants- Washington, Monday on 11th St. grounds; Washington-Central, Tuesday at Wright Park; Irving- Wtllard, Tuesday on McKinley grounds; Franklin-Irving, Tues day on Franklin grounds; Sher- STOPS STOMACH DISTRESS AT ONCE nniftfflHts sell Beat Prescription on! Kin-Hi on the Money Hack Plan. Almost everybody knows that I sick headache, nervousness, diz ziness, bad dreams and sleepless ness are caused by a disordered stomach. Upßet stomach and indigestion happen just because the food you eat does not digest—but lies in the stomach and ferments or turns sour. You can stop fermentation and stomach distress in five minutes by ÜBing Mi-o-na Stom ach Tablets, a prescription that has done more to end indigestion and put the stomach in fine con dition than any other remedy known to üb. A large 50-cent box of Mi-o-na stomach tablets ia all you need to be convinced that there is nothing that gives such quick and lasting relief. If you have heartburn, belch inß of gas, heaviness or any atom ach trouble no matter how chron ic, don't suffer another day; try Mi-o-na stomach tablets on a guarantee they will belp you or money back- Sold by Crown Drug Co. and fading druggists everywhere. the Glee and Mandolin clubs have made a tour in thia territory. The musicians will leave Seattle Dec. 17, upearing at Cle Khun, North Yakima, Spokane, Llnd, Pasco and Kennewick. They will arrive home before the holidays. Man-Franklin, Wednesday on Sherman grounds; Franklin Wolves-Irving, Wednesday on Franklin grounds; Sherman-Rog ers, Thursday on Sherman grounds. Pimply?WcH Don't Be People Notice It. Drive Them Off With Dr. Edward*' Olive Tablet*. A pimply face will not embar rass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards' Oliva Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, the boweli and the liver with Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets art the successful substitute for calo mel —there's never any sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effectively, but their action li g-entlo and safe Instead of sever* and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with "a dark brown taste," a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good" feeling, con stipation, torpid liver, bad dispo sition or pimply face. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are' ■ purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among patients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tab lets are the Immensely •effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better ;)f v feel and look. 10c and 26c per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Co lumbus. O. J'^tew Edison Diamond Dice Phonograph You cannot realize what a musical triumph Mr. Ediaoi baa achieved until you have actually heard the nem F.di»o:i. with hit woooVHul diamond rep'oducrr; he bai made of the phonograph a nml mutltml Imliumi it A tone that v true, Ufa-like, human, natural. Juat whal rauaic lovers have been waiting for. It apmi a n«» an. in muaie. Call and bear the New Ediaon. New Records—Just Out We have mit received the latest w«l/» list of New I records. A neat hit *l tttttit man iruk. Thia werk'l hit contains urn eiuuime musk. Theaa are a few at the ncotds: (Ust at Recordt) Hear these oeautiM ranben on the New Edison today. It will he ■ revelation to you. You will not be uried to buy. SHAW SUPPLY CO. 915 Pacific Aye. Provident Bldg.