Newspaper Page Text
FAOE EIGHT. Open Till 10 p.m. Tonight & Tomorrow —Still ample assortments —Gift Stocks displayed for easy selections- - Force ready to serve. All purchases up to 9p. m. delivered within a rea sonable distance. The Gift-Wise and Weather-Wise Naturally Think of p» . M cam f c di i •. From a Man St. Mary s Fine Blankets j »■. —St. Mary's stands for finest quality and long- f~|/"IfTl #* / /IAtvJBBBH l\ ««t service in Blankets — I AvIIllC L^ i/I'o^^^H Jh^tE tlcal housewife, each pair fUtt«llUKJ!i enclose<J ln attractive gift Few K ifts endure through the 7 / I|OX years to come or yield tin- I / qt Mnrv'B sn<^ Wool Pleasure and comfort to the en- "non^iirin^ing! |' r° home circle a. doe. furni- Hlt©?*^^ \r handsome plaid designs vure and black, also white or gray with blue, pink, brown or yel- ffTlfl ' Trrffl low borders, pair $6.95 .°. , . ..- I —Complete assortments of St. Mary's Blankets, in all ' o • ■?■', |j grades, at, pair, *.vno. $5.1)5, $B.on, $0.50, $10.50 to $22-50 U O p J Down Filled ConiforU, covered with best quality satine, «T-^ M .m<, U*' also brocaded silk with plain border to match, corded edge, size 72x90 in., at 87..-.0. »H.l>s, fll.OO, f 12.00 and. . $14.00 : —\\<M>i I ill.-ii < r..rts. filled with pure white hygienic j lambs wool, covered witb sllkoline, Seco and brocaded silks, I size TL-xsi in , at $«»8, $4.25, 94.00, ».-,.».-., $10.00 to —Balcony. D V 'Leventh Hour Suggestions on Sewing Table W licit tO VjlVe a lVian —Solid mahogany Bewing Ta ■ __——— jji e> M ar tna Washington pat —Nearly every item is a "trump," safe to play if in doubt— tern, 3 drawers, and deep stor such gifts as a man appreciates. age pockets on either side, —Neckties, rich silks, best values, nt —House Coats for home comfort, fc' t ftSflK^-S^l choice styles, $4.00, $5.00, $«.00, ■^="J^kr±q7 O¥i I Mm Ii Robes, good manlj patterns, •Tj^BljX" AJ[j S M iL^ Btrapn, pair $I.•'•<>■ $2.00 and . $2.50 ft 11 — Bhiru, Htiiinlard makes, new pat- I 1 W nDBBBVBCS terus, $1.00, $1.50 and ..s2^oo fM IJ\VJ T HL-JWfel-JI handles. $2.00 to $12.00 i ' -. . — , —'Kerchiefs, pure linen, jilain or mi- "" "-^ Oak Rocker -SlllS™. tan and black' kid.'all styies', pair $1.28 to' $2.00 $ 6i50 —Fountain Pens, Waterman's Self-FlllinKs2.RO to $«M»O _ Solid oak , n WRXed olden —Smoking Stands in brass, oak and mahoganj, $I.O© to*. Jum^ fln , gheg aprlng geat —Cuff Links, plated and solid « ;o\A BOc to ••>■ ' covered with genuine Spanish —Tie Clips, rolled and solid gold, 50c to *'•"" leather, medium high back. If He Shaves Himself <A/* A SHAVING MIRROR SgsygL reived, and just wtiut many a man needs ?=r^ !^yri l«S^HjßH^^Wr to any angle, in nickel and German sil- U A/ // ft) ver finish; many with several fittings \fcJK Royal EaSY attached. «, . —Priced from $1.25 to $».0O 1 HKI V", H f\ /MI —The utmost of rest and com f\T> A vpw ii, iBK fort is realized in the soft and ZZ*n in « ■ roomy depths of a big Royal RAZOR jJ 1 I Easy Chair. Pressure on a ill trVM button concealed in the arm -His favorite make is ready here— s&M\JGn adjusts it to any angle from Glllettes, Gem, Ever-Ready and Duplex i^OirlEl R Bitting to reclining. Made of safeties or old styles, from $t to #7.rso =^yl II quartered oak at . . $IR to $«» —Shaving Brushes from 50c to . .$2.50 4tU MoOP# —Shaving Strops from $1.00 to . .$2.50 ■>"^(J| —____^-^_»^_______^_ MILITARY BRUSHES —A large variety, all solid ebony backs, with drawn bris- «pO.OO 10 $7.50 CUTS ties, priced, pair, from $2.00 to .$8.50 Special $3.75 —lJriij; Section. * T —Black Coney Muffs in large " pillow size, some trimmed with ■"V-k^'f FnvfTof fViA I inpn tllfi head: alß° large Fur Scarfs, Lion t rorgei tne Linen \jiii wlth head and tailß The linen market is going up and up and up. In few —A fine gift opportunity, reg monthg the only available linens will be made of cotton— ularly $5.00 to $7.50, special paradoxical, but true. tomorrow, each at ..... .$3-73 —Heine we advise buying linens for a year's or two years 1 L!_! . l'll rs l at SP««"" needs —especially while we are selling them at the old prices. cnnstnias Reductions. —70-in. Table Damask, heavy bleached pure Irish linen, dot ————————^——^—~ and floral designs, yard $1-OO —68x68-ln. Pattern Cloths, pure linen bleached damask, ln circular and square patterns, special $2.50 TTAT 17 -Table Sets, heavy damask cloth 70x72 in., and half dozen HAXiiT 22x22-Id. Napkins, pure irisli linen, in fern, grape, lily and PTtTPli* flag designs, special at $3.00 r*lwa T TTVPTJ fJ ATTia —Electroliers, library and Li U WOh LLUIHb boudoir styles, worth $4.00 —Fine quality plain Irish linen, hemstitched—size 36x36 to $47 50 SiASNRSA B?£SS&^. :;;;::;;;:;;;;.fSB z^SS^-iiK —18x04 in. Scarfs, same quality $1.25 T AU Eartnenware Jardinieres from 50c to $8.00 ___ _. _. __. —All Chafing Dishes ln nickel, TL _ I* ZCI CL^ W. M I. copper and brass with alcohol I lie Vlllt Otic W2intS or electric attachments, $8.00 to $35.00 A Duntley Pneumatic Sweeper, Special $5.85 I —This low price only because of the factory demonstration _ now in progress—a happy opportunity for Mr. Man who *^"r want* to please lib. wife. nvrP VATTDmiT —A Duntley will lighten the drudgery of housework It vHli-J! UUAIXI sweeps thoroughly and cleans the carpet of dust and sand OT?T? with the same operation. vr'c x •wS? J 2"'n' n°"le reaChCß lnt° th 6 C°rnerS *nd giVCB a Wlde —AU Tricycles, Blackboards, —Easy to operate, easy to clean. Dishes, Velocipedes and Rock —Special demonstration price $5.85 'n * Horses. —Basement. —«ttl Floor! > — CHRISTMAS TODAY FOR 200 CHILDREN Nearly 200 children in the Lin coln Park high school district are having their Christmas today. Automobiles will begin shortly after lunch to gather the tots to gether In the high school. They will be called for at their homes in automobiles and whizzed away to Santa Claus. The children will be entertain ed while their parents and tbe students listen to the exercises in the auditorium. Shortly after 1 o'clock, Capt. Carver, as Santa Claus, will lead the children down the long halls Into the blaze of greenery and colored lights of the gymnasium. A monstrous Christmas tree will greet tbe chil dren. Bart child will be given a doll or mm other toy and a large bag of candy made by the girls of the domestic science depart ment. After an afternoon of pleasure, the children will be taken home again. The Christmas tree is an annual custom at the South 3lde school. Each year the celebra- Uou has grown bigger. HERE AT END OF 106 DAY VOYAGE The freighter Musician arrived yesterday in British Columbia waters after a trip of 105 days around the Horn from Glasgow. The steamer originally started for the Panama cauVl. but her offic ers received instructions to pro ceed by way of tty) straits of Ma gellan when it wts learned the canal would not be otoentd for ee» sral months. \ MAR AN WINS BABY PRIZE Being the handsomest and the best developed baby under six months of age. Marian Ruth Hen derson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Henderson, 632 So. State St., was declared a winner Mon- day at the Buy-at-Home baby ex hibit Tbe Judges awarded the silver baby spoon to the baby after a large number of babies had been carefully examined. HASTEN TO HELP FLOUNDERED SHIP Four miles off Jagged Rock near T«too«h light house, the barkentine 8. N. Castle U report ed flouaderln* with six feet of water In her hold. Tbe coast guard cutter Snoboralah left Neah Bar last night to aid the tmhl. THE TAUOMA TIMEfc LISTER BLAMES < SALOON Governor Lister, in bis ad dresa at the Cbrlitmu ewrctcaa at the .Stadium hlKh m hool, lust night ezpreaaed regret at the fraud which haa been dlacloaod through the Induatrlal lnauraaoe conimlaalon office. He aaid It was unfortunate that men trusted by the state should prove unworthy, and laii- Iko blame for most of the work to the back rooms of saloons. "It Is most fortunate for th<> state that these saloons are soon to be wiped out," the governor Bald. Rev. Frank Dyer talked on the "Christmas Highway." KICKING RECORDS SMASHED Records In busket-ball throw ing and soccer ball punting were broken this year by nearly every grammar school in the city, ac cording to information given out today by Supervisor Kelly. The eighth grade kicking rec ord of 99 feet 10 Inches, made last year by the boyß of the Rog ers school, wag Increased to 115 feet 4 Inches this year by the same boys. This record Is the re sult of the averages of all the eighth grade boya who partici pated in the trials. PUPILS WILL GIVE DRILLS Pupils of the Franklin school have placed two large Christmas greeting signs over the school entrances, giving passersby a friendly welcome. Preparations have been com pleted for the Christmas pageant which will Include every child in the school at 1 p. in. tomorrow. After this celebration individual exercises will be held in each room. Xmas Tahoma Fine Number The Christmas number of the Tahoma magazine which was given to the high school stu dents yesterday la thoroughly a holiday number In appearance and text. The cover design la dona by Muriel Kobel, a holly design of red, green and gray. Literary contributions were made by Te ressa Reid, Dorothy Cblesley, Laura Schock, Marjorle Dlxon, Ruth Ilalllii, May Larson, Floyd Smith, and Claud Brennen. ASKS $20,000 AS DAMAGES Alleging gross carelessness on the part of the Wilkeson Light & Water Co., Dolly M. Rylatt, and her three-year-old son, brought suit in the superior court yester day to recover $20,000 for the electrocution of her husband, Herbert Rylatt, at Wilkeson last September. Rylatt, who was a butcher, was turning on the electric light in his Rhop when he was killed. The wife alleges the company did not take sufficient precaution In pro tecting the high voltage wires. Select Your Xmas Turkey from a stack of 200 choice fat birds, also your Geese, Ducks. Chickens and Rabbits, M we are displaying the finest lot in the city. Our prices are the lowest. Strictly fresh Eggs, doz. 49He Select Storage Eggs, d0z...80c Something new in the Butter line—Special 1-lb. cartons of Olympus Brand Butter. .. . BSc Fine grade Creamery Butter 27 H, 80c and 88c A fine line of imported and do mestic Cheese. For the Cheese epicure we have fine Imported Italian Oorsonzola Cheese at, per pound 4Oc And Fancy Roquefort Cheese, at, the pound 80c This is fine Cheese for after dinner, and more especially with your Turkey. Fancy "Kaiser Wilhelm Brand" Limburger Cheese, each...toe Mild Tlllamook, lb MM; Wisconsin Swiss, lb Me Fancy Cream Brick, lb.. . .*Sc Fancy Young American, lb. Stic Imported French Cememb«rt, each Mo FOWLKTTE POULTRY I MARKET I OOZZA * SONS 1146 Market St. CENTRAL BUTTER BTOHB 1144 Pacific Aye. Phone*, Main 478, 4084. Steamers Tacoma and Indianapolis for Seattle I.««v« Uunlelptl Dock. T»o» --na, 7:11. » 00. 11:0* a. ra.; lift. 1:00, 1:00, 7:09. 1.00 p. a Laav* Caiman Dock. ■tattl*. t:00. »:0«. U.M ft. m.; liM, •:•«, «:••, 1:»*. ♦ •* P. m. Fastest and Fln*«t flttamara Btogl* Fftr*. He; Round Trip. M* ■Uttbt ■••■« Vttm Dally. % ■. jomes limt oitm MawW—l viSt. m. »**». GLASSES FOR GIFTS (TjhVj /?wes ?™Zn*™Y}(T)) t TAKE LUNCH HERE The most valuable gift you can ( v/j M M d?m SO/Mf/Wil / "t f*E-J ' -* ~\ 14/~h h You'n nave more tlme for ehop make to a member of your fam- *M M J'/ M Mjg^i '§'i'§§M /ft/§ M AbYs^*^ l''"K and more money 100 if lly who needs them—would be M M MJ^ \,\/ Mi i fvC -XsW €/§/* 9 fyCAeY' you take lunch In our coiy rei a pair of glasses fitted by our M 0 A taurant Tempting sandwiches, expert optometrist. #4 nf\ ' -^«SBSBil«^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a»ißßßßß«^^^^^i<- '**''^ ''"' llPlf Pea ln Tacouia, sur- Priced ,t up from » I ,UU | AVENUE AND COMMERCE AT 15 g 3fl | paal"ng C0"e«- Las! Day Shoppers Find Best Service and Best Selections As Well As Best Values ETble &9C Stamps @k /» Store Open Friday BOn All Pur- %rfjttk Evening Until 10 chases Friday ZaSJlSlHfc Please Carry Small Evening 6 to 10 f^^^^M Parcels With You Girls Dresses at $2.75 |jj|i|^ 3 Handkerchiefs at 50c Stylish little frocks for girls of Bto JHo||wßHKN'^" Hand-Embroidered Women's Hand II years, made of splendid quality * kerchiefs, nicely hemmed, neat <]<■ serge and neatly trimmed, regular jßiWj^W^^ signs, three in holly box, 25c HA O values to $4.98 a 1 $3.75, and ffft nr 8f Jl'^'HK^ V;|l"('S' spiM.-ial, 3 for »vt to $3.48 values for ; A Bfej Women's Madiera Embroidered Kor Girls' All Won] Sweaters, in while or I/|jS)» chiefs of pure, sheer linen, beautiful cardinal, ages to 12 years, coal style, fS^"*?^ "* designs, in holly boxes, regularly *1 special values $1 7^ F& t^ to $1.50 values, in holly 7^l* at v*#■ w boxes, each * *^^ Hundreds oi Toys Hali Price Tomorrow A Big Table Piled High With Things the Youngsters Like and for the Last Day We Price Them at Just Half We're determined that there shall not be a remaining toy on the floor when we're through Friday night. So — Games, worth 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c, Friday at Bond] Sets formerly priced at $1.00, $1.50 and just HALF PRICE $2.00, at HALF PRICE BOOKS for Christmas time, all sorts, formerly Tool Chests, in several sizes, formerly sold nl priced 4c and up HALF PRICE up to $3.00 % . HALF PRICE Roly Polys—our entire assortment of these Undressed Dolls, very pretty faces, lot of about quaint dolls HALF PRICE 50 at HALF PRICE Gifts for the Men _$ Some at 2 Price HOUSE COATS AT $5.00 UP VT^^K M<" s Fancy An" l:;"'<ls ;m<l Slls!)tI"1 You can get a mighty good house coat J\\ I jtj\ ers, in sets, or arm bands and suspeud or smoking jacket for $s.oo—made 'of P7r^(^2x ei>s separate. double faced material, in the best of \ A lot of over 200 boxes, in sets or singly. colors, pockets, collars and lapels of W/T 11 1 \ very attractive Christmas boxes, f0r ,.,!., A IB If lls:^ merly priced at 50c to $1.00, tomorrf>v; plaid to match, or you can get the very WI f »=*• at F HALF PRICE elaborate ones, $12.50 //'f I MEN'S MACKINAW COATS d; fi CA at up t0 ■ // j I AT, AND UP JO.DU MEN'S BLANKET BATH tfrt nr I 111 MEN'S TROUSERS AT, «O Cft ROBES AT $Li*UO 111 I I! PAIR AND UP .. QU*OV MEN'S BLANKET BATH fl»O Qr '/J J U MEN'S OVERCOATS, THE LATEST ROBES AT vd.JJJ «^IrJU MODELS, PLAIN OR NOVELTY MEN'S BLANKET BATH tf rQC FABRICS, UP tfO CA ROBES AT QO*Ud FROM $O.«IV Turkeys 25c the Pound-Buy With the market on the national bird stiffening with every new quotation— —g the news that we have over 750 turkeys to sell at 25c the pound is indeed wel 1j come news for the householder. • w «^^ £% Every bird in the lot a young, corn fed, freshly killed turkey—positively no jm i | I cold storage stock. We're doing our part to make it a "Merry Christmas" by mtm %J making it possible to have a turkey on every table—the pound JUST SEE WHAT WE HAVE WITH US TODAY! THEY'RE THE 1916 MODEL SPRING BONNETS BY HKTTY BROWN. Now Misa Busy Girl if you'll cease your Christmas shopping a moment we'll introduce you to your 1916 spring bonnet. Yes! Spring bonnet is what we said—they always bloom in early December, you know, though the public seldom sees as much as a bun of spring milli nery until February. This seaaon, however, I made a bold "drive" right into exclusive workshops and armed with pencil and sketch book captured some of the best Palm Beach models—the Miiiß we'll all be wearing every where next February and March. They are hat* the Fanhlun Art league hoikU yon m autlimtlr modela for the spring of 1016. Evidently fashion has no favor ites in spring millinery. There's the wide brimmed sailor and the brlmlesa turban, the big hat, the lIUI4 hat, a smart chapeau to frame every style of face- No. 1, you will notioe, la a tiny affair of black satin with the barest excuse of a brim. A band or rosen tops the crown and big loops of rose color maline are crushed softly down upon the buds —a lovely hat for a spring day. No. 2 In ii satlor made of dark green kid—and kid is to be popu lar In millinery for late winter and spring. There's a veritable orchard t>f pear* and grapes and berries spread about the crown, and this fruit decoration is cut out of white kid. No. > is built of coarse brown straw, with tower-likt points of Thursday, Dec. 23,1910. brown ribbon surmounting It. This close-fitting shape and the lofty trimming will be exceeding* ly good style next ipring. No. 4 is a typical Palm noach hat and it foreshadows the popu larity of the wide-brimmed droopy hat to which the design ers are paying much attention Juut now. It is made of white maline and bands of whits rib bon. A Iwiid of whit* fox swftthen the low crown and the stiver rose adds to the cloud-like effect of the white and silver bat.