Newspaper Page Text
Monday, Feb. 28,1916. Extra Special Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Suits — one of our sensational offer ings. Your choice of these Coats and Suits that sold as high as $32.50 $6.75 Of course you can have Credit if you want it. I Gately's 1128_ Broadway, Upstairs, I.l'na.s Block. WALK UPSTAIRS—SAVE *10 TO RAISE HEALTH STANDARD IN U. S. NEW YORK, Feb. 28—A com mittee waa appointed yesterday of prominent members of the National Housewives' league to consider plans for the betterment of the nation's health. TUey be lieve that In case of war the couir- J try should put trained men in the field, rather than an army of weaklings. IT'S YOUR LIVER! YOU'RE BILUOUS, HEADACHY, SICK! Don't .stay constipated with breath bad, stom ach sour or a cold. Enjoy life! Liven your liver and bowels to night and feel fine. _r -LB *H^ a_a *r^ r__ Jll^_ E *5 I 35 _X _. is. SB JL^ SB j, <_s Jf jWORK WHILE YOU SLEEP, Tonight sure! Remove the liver and bowel poison which is keep ing your head dizzy, your tongue coated, breath offensive and stomach sour. Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy, constipated and full of cold. Why don't yon get a box of Cascarets from the drug store now? Bat one or two to night and enjoy the nicest, gen tlest liver and bowel cleaning you ever experienced. You will iwake up feeling fit and fine. Cas oarets never gripe or bother you all the next day like calomel, salts and pills. They act gently but thoroughly. Mothers should give cross, sick, bilious oa feverish obildren a whole Claret any time, They are h/f/ n!e_s and children love them. ■** Still Chance to Get 'The Rose Garden Husband 9 For Ten Cents Did you fail to start "The Boss Garden Husband"? Or miss a few copies because you were not a regular subscriber? Well, if so, we are not going to penalize you. If you hurry, there is still a chance for you to get this great standard novel at Times prices. Only now it will cost you ten cents instead of six. Just call at The Times office with a dime. The circulation manager has a few dozen bundles of last week's issues complete. For the dime he'll pass out one of those bundles. Beats fork ing over one-fifty, eh? Or, for two cents more he'll mail the bundle to any address you order. If you liked the story—and you did, didn't you? — that will be an easy way to pass your enjoyment along. But you'll have to hurry, for the supply is limited. SEARCH CANNED POISON UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, Feb. 28—A search for the mysterious source of ptomaine poisoning has begun in the laborator ies of the University of Washington, under the direction of Dr. John Weinzlrl, head of the department of bacteriology. The material that is being used in the Investigation was sent in by Dr. Thomas Tetreau, health officer of Nortli Yakima. A housewife in that city opened ■ Jar of home-canned corn. It tasted spoiled, and after having eaten a spoonful she threw the remainder to the chickens. She soon died as a result of ptomaine poisoning, and 80 chickens that ate the corn also died. SEED CORN WEEK BEGINS DES MOINES, la., Feb. 28.—This Is seed corn week in lowa. Following a wet, cold Biiminer, the corn crop was a partial failure, and examination of seed corn lias shown that a surprising amount of it will not germinate. So alarmed are the experts that they con vinced Uov. (ieo. W, Clarke that lowu face:l another bud corn year, this time from a light crop because of poor seed corn, and be lias de signated this week as "Seed Corn Week," during which every farmer Is urged to test his seed corn. SAVES HER PENNIES NOW LONDON, Feb. 28.-- Lady Mabel Smith, sister ol' Karl Fitzwil liam, today admitted that before the war she bad never saved a cent, but that during the war she lias closed her home and dismissed her servants; has her shoes re-soled; has stored her automobile, refused to buy expensive gowns and flowers: dociined lo use butter, buying margarine, and is putting all her savings into the national war loan. URGES DEFENSIVE CANAL WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 28. —The example of the German fleet riding safely at anchor in the Kiel canal harbor and picking its own time for combat, was cjted today by .Senator Saulsbury of Dela ware as his reason for demanding that 4!) miles of defensive canals be dug in Ibis country. The two waterways he proposes, one of 1 3 miles from Chesapeake to Delaware Bay and one from Trenton, N. J., across to Raridan Bay, would provide an inner harbor from the Vir ginia -Cai _s to Naragansett Bay. v BOY IS HERO OF RESCUE OSKALOOSA, la., Feb. 28—By the bravery of Hay Kllis, an 18-year-old boy, Charles Thomas was taken half frozen and nearly lifeless from a tree in the flooded and ice-packed Dcs Moines river Saturday night, in a thrilling rescue. After seeing big companion drown, Thomas bad clung to the branches seven hours. Thomas ni'd A. E. Rommell, engineers, were ln a party trying to dynamite ihe ice floe when they were swept into the stream. Kominell perished. RECRUIT TROOPS IN U. S. HONOLULU, T. 11., Fb. 28.—Three men, one of them a recently discharged sergeant in the Fourth U. S cavalry, are held here todui on a charge of recruiting American soldiers for service in the Hritish army. Documents found on their persons showed that ISA recruits had been secured by them and that 154 of these had gone to the front. The malority of the recruits had purchased their discharge from the U. S. army with the aid of the alleged conspirators. DOG-FIGHTING RABBITS WILDUOSE, N. D., Feb. 28.—Tree-eating, dog-fiirbting, thieving minis are pestering farmers in this district and hintle'ln>? agricul tural progress, the farmers say. Because shepherd dogs have been whipped In encounters with rabhits. it's becoming difficult to net a dog that will attack them. BRIDE OF 15 IS MURDER SUSPECT FORT WORTH, Feb. 28.— Mrs Kate Vance Harison, 11 bride of Charles Harrison, who released on |2,.".00 bond today. The cou ple were arrested in connection with the murder of W. It. War ren, hotel man, who Mrs. Iliirri boii claims wronged her before her marriage. PREDICTS INFLUX OF JEWS TO U. S. \K\V YORK, Feb. 28.—Leon Sanders, bead of a Jewish immi gration society, predicted a great Influx of Jews after the war. He said yesterday that there were 6,000,000 Jews in Europe abso lutely without food or resources. TOUCH OF SPRING CALLS FOLKS OUT Yesterday's touch of spring drew hundreds of people from their homes. Automobiles which had been put up for the winter were taken from their garages. The parks were filled and the street car men were worked to the limit. Picnickers sought the lakes. Even a few gardens were started. It was some day. HAPPIEST WOMAN SHOCKS GOTHAM! POOR, BUT SPURNS $40,000 AS USELESS NEW YORK, Feb. 28.—Ltttl. old New York hag had the sensa-1 Won of the winter, and It does not concern sin, sex or society. Miss Edith Kltclilng haa made THE TACOHA TIMEB Mermaids, Clad In Bathing Suits, Frolic in the Snow _________ ____/* r 1 ■ ' ''^1 _____ ■ _I___L _r,*^<H_: kM^> ______ ; ____F______SpvG_k__r^ t__H I Hi." ___h _h _________■ ____________________________________________________r ______r^^^l ________^_________L^_r^ r____E___ l mmmy. _H___i ____F'^7_H ____> _***' _____!_»' *__ f '*'>_B __h_______L - 4fll ■! K'+ - *9-wm -- TH wf VJM* ___F wUHK __!__■_ If B^'"'^^^^^^ '■$ l_^',*'*_i _______;'-'-_3 ; •>* ■* St. ■ _H______B ■ f-MEgSF _____H _H w^r 1 A ■*-< I 4^ mWrnr .Alice Mackenzie enjoying snow I'ighi. with only a bathing suit to protect her from the cold. Inset: Ivy Crosthvtuite, at top, anil Alice Mackenzie coasting on mountain side. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 28.—The Southern California Mermaids, a girls' club here, takes a jaunt ev ery February to snow chid moun tains. They revel In the snow in precisely he same brief apparri that clothes them In the water. Two of the star revelers are Ivy Crothwalte and Alice Mackenzie, i "Don't you get cold?" the girls weir asked. "Indeed not," Miss Crosthwnite] said. "We always go on a d~>s'| when the sun is shining and it isj really quite pleasant on tlie now." "Of course," Miss Mackenzie added, "we don't go In our barei feet as we d oin the water. We I wear tenuis shoea and socks and Mrs. Ktlith Hitching, who, sur roiiiided by the gayety and wealth of the world's iiiunrst city, re fuses 944>,<NM) legacy. all Broadway take notice by RE FUSING GOOD MONEY—-and a wad of it, ut that! in a little brick house lives Miss Hitching, in a hall bedroom —a quaint little figure with gray hair, dressed In gray, short, full gown, with heavy gray stockings and sandals. "I haven't time to talk," she said. "There are hundreds of letters upstairs awaiting me, and 1 have been pestered to death by people who won't believe 1 have refused the Ripley estate. "Why is it so hard to make people understand there still are those who will give up money for principle." Getting along %s well as she can on $330 a year, Miss Kltch ing refused to accept a cent of $40,000 of the estate of her un cle, Francis F. Ripley, who died Nov. 11, 1915. The courts may decide she is entitled to the entire $200,000, but that, to, she spurns. "Do you mean to say you live In New York on $25 a month?" "That is all I have " -h_ aald we are comfortable until the shoes get wft through, then, 1 must confess, ii is rather unenmforta ble. Hill if we happen to be on Mt. Lowe, or Haldy, there Is al ways a rip-roaring fire in the tav ern and qulckl) thaw ourselves out." This unique sporting event started as a stunt, .hist as the an nunl dip in the surf on New Year's by the San Francisco Olym.iic club bet in, It was suggested to the -.irls that they go from the surf to the snow as a lark. They were !_red to wear ilieir bathing suits and were as hiucli surpiised as anybody lo learn that they could do so without freezing. "II is no colder than the surf," Miss CrosthwaltO declared. simply. "And are you happy?" "Only one thing can make me unhappy, and that is that ] should fall into sin! "Poverty — what the world calls poverty—poof!" an she blew it away with a French gesture, although Hhe Is American horn. Miss Kitching is one of tho few perfectly happy women in this big, unhappy city- She is living for an ideal, and the work-a-day world may chase itself. She has put the Tolstoi.n philosophy into practice. "I have no particular use for money," she said. "I am livina? to carry out the great work started here in the eaft side in 1898 by Thomas Davldßon —the greatest educator, perhaps, th s country ever knew. He taught a class of Russian Jews for two years, lie died In 11»00." WARNINoT- The man or woman who falls or refuses to examine the prices on our stock of groceries willfully thrown their money away. Open Saturday, Feb. 10. PACIFIC <_ltoci.Tl.lH. 1316 Pacific Aye. Buckley-Tacoma Stage Co. BFFECTIVE AFTER AUO. 1 Leave Tacoma Len»e Rnckloy 10:0© a.m. 8:00 a. m. 11:80 p. m. 12:30 p. m. •8 00 p. in. . 00 p m. •Except Sat. and Sunday. SPECIAL Sat. nnd Hun. Only. f_eavo Tacoma 11:80 p. m. OFFICK and DEPOT I'ti llt an Drug Htore Oth and Pacific Are., Tacoma Hockley—Overtnyor't<l Trip SI.IMt: NingU «. v You'll Find ■ It Here Tl SAYS THE GIHL ON THE FILM: finSfS^C^t. Such things as VVC_VJP_I come to Ihe man ]*9>JlcSfJskr w I'O waits iira- C **^^_1_ seldom the; X >^ Wl things he has j _/■/ een waiting for. Turks are rouleil by South Af rican troops in Egypt. Austrian troops W3MOO Al banian port of Durazzo. City Clerk Nlckeus warns vot ers to register now. Books close March 14. Learn to dance at the McKin ley Diiva ing Academy. Begin ners' classes, Monday und Thurs day nights, H to ttM p. in. Reg ular llill" llli; l> i» tO midnight. "Advertlseiuont." Scenic atlructions of Washing ton good roads are to be subject of descriptive matter prepared by Dean Henry Landis of the Univer sity of Washington and published by the National Highways associa tion. COMMERCIAL BINDERY A PRINTING CO. Main 117- adv. Mrs. tannic D. Lai bain, M,., I. cremated when home of her boii at Toledo is destroyed by fire. Eight horses hitched to old: building at Cli.saw run away, tab ing building with them. Viking Halr Tonic. Why -to., bald. Box 10, Tacoma. "adv." "Three-Fingered Jack" Godwin meetings in the First Methodist church will continue this week, the eighth since they began. H. K. Carter,! or denning. ¥03] Fidelity bldg. Main MM. adv. | As result of being knocked down by highwaymen, Bishop Thomas C. Carter of the United Brethren church, dies in Cincin nati. Sec Dr. C. Brunn, 812 Nat . ! '.rally bldg., for all kinds of atom «cb ami nervous disorders. adv Settlement ot strike of WAO9 workers in Cudahy and Armour packing house plant at Sioux City fails. Cut flowers knd floral work, llin/. florist, So. Tth and K. adv National Association of (.eiin.-in Publishers is organized in Chi cago. McLean the contract mover. Main 1M..0. w adr. Costa Rica In shaken by severe earthquake. British steamer Suev ier, from New York for Havre, has been abandoned afire at sea. Dr. Robluson, Dentist, Natlonnl ..ealty building. adr Officers of I. S. destroyer Whipple begin investigation to find out what members of (he crew painted '■madhouse 1' In red j letters oti the bow of the war.hip. Diamond Kings. $.. to JM-.o Pfaff, Jeweler, 1147 Brdwy. adv Haakon B. Chrlstensen i Van couver, II- ('., Is drowned in surf iat Venice. Cal. Ruby Bartol, Mrs. .losje Horn and three men sentenced to long prison terms in San Quentln prison for maltreat ing 1 I-year-old girl, are paroled. The It. of R. T. ball in Klks' new hall, March 17. Admission, $!.»(». adv. Tiny HroMiltt b 1.. one of the most sensational aviß in the country, Is married at San Diec;o, Cal. Fat men are barred from hold ing official positions In New York. Marriage Licenses. Andrew Wendell and Martha Olson, both of Seattle; J. M. Du blasiewlcz of Dupont and Edith P, Rockey of Raymond; Edwin Nordliind and Anna Harm, both of Tacoma; W. L. Conroy and , Helen M. Davies, both of Tacoma; A. R. C. Klalber of Seattle and , Hellen A. O. Beven of Victoria, B. 0.1 X 11. Betzen and Sadie E. Victor of Seattle; O. R. Deßuler of Bremerton and Clara Conner of Tacoma. HOARDED $18,000; DIES AS PAUPER ST. IX.UIB, Feb. 28.—Jacob Ropp, 78, died a pauper yester day. His brother found a safe deposit box key ln hla room and found the dead brother had $18, 000 hoarded away in a local bank. OAR BON ADO-WII.KESON TACOMA STAGE Of flee and Depot, Tourist Hotel 1018 Pacific Aye. Leave Carbonado . .7:20 a. in. Leave Wllkeson . ... 7:41. a. in. l/eave Tacoma . . . .4:SO p. in. Sim!iii_ March 11, no will make two trips dally. HOMETHINO NKW FVICRV _Aj______________, THE Bl'BY STORE ON PACIFIC AVENUE. Prosperity DAY February 29 An EXTRA Day in 1916 An Extra Twenty Four Hours to Waste or to Save Come to the Peoples Store Prosperity Sale Tomorrow We arc going lo celebrate this most unusual event. The movement for Prosperity Day is nation wide—on this day when every wage earner receives an Extra Day's pay and every liiisini'ss mail receivel an extra day's revenue —is indeed a good time to think, talk and feel prosperity. It Is Here, Let the Country Know Our celebration will take ihe form of an unusu al selling. Every department in ihe store is prepared to give you Splendid Bargains for Prosperity Day. Come down and share in this feast that means prosperity to your pocket. __________—H—__—__M_lM———___—__MB_——_3^__K_ New Peril to German Cause Here are the latent moves Id the Russian drive In the far east. (1) shows where the nortli wing of the Turks, defeated at Er z.erman, is falling back on Trebi zond, which Is threatened also by the Russian Ulack sea fleet. (2) shows the Turkish center re treating to Erslnjnn. I 3 ) Indi cates the third Turkish army, now rut off from communication with the others, and fleeting to ward Dlarbekr. (4 I denotes the route of the Russian advance; once Oiey reach Ras-el-Ain, which In the present terminus of the Bagdad railway, they can effectu ally block further supplies being sent to Bagdad and will .lltl mntely be ln a position to follow the railway toward the Mediter | ranean, thus cutting off the Uer- Eatonville Tacoma Stage llth St., Opp. Poatoffleo Leave Tacoma, i a. m.. 4pm Leave Eatonvllfs. t a. m . I:$0 p. m. PAGE THREE. iniin advance on the Suez caual. (5) shows where a Hritish lorce is surrounded by Turks at Kut-el- Aniura, to whom relief Is coming up the valley of the Tigris, forui ing a new peril lo the Turks. BLAMES CARDS~ AND COCKTAILS Rev. A- D. Shaw in his sermon last night at tho East Congn tlonal church, said th*t society was nearing moral bankruptcy through cards, cocktails and weakness. TAOOMA-OLYMPIA STAG!. Via Dnpoat Leaves Donnelly Hotel, Taco ms, at 6 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leaves Kneelaod Hotel. Olympia, nt 8 a m. and 4:44 p. in. Phono: Main T«& Subject to chango without notice.