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[\wmmimm9%wmmmmim^ Beyond any question the Squir- * rel Food in The Times Pink is one % of the funniest newspaper features 1 being published anywhere. There 9 are a dozen guffaws in erery one of * them. 1 li>>>ilUilt>>Wtit>lii>ili>i>>li>iitiiiiiii^* rebels mm MOSCOW ________ _____ '——— — 1. - „ , CASEMENT SENTEMCE© TQsffiE HAMGED! NOOSE FOR SIR ROGER! LONDON", May I. —Sir linger Casement mis trii-d on ii charge ni' high treason a few iluys ago, it MM iin iiomu'cd tniliiy. Ilnrnn Head ing presided. I'nless ('aaemcnt SSCSPSS death through a pie* of insanity, lie will be handed by a silken rop«, an ancient privilege accorded t< British BOblsmsa found Riiilty B» crime against tho frown. Carson and Iti'iliiiond have jointly appealed lor mercy for the Irish rcbols who '"ought In the ranks, ll is believed the major lty of them will be -riven light sentences and B few deported. An Evening News Stopotcll re ported that the Dublin hospitals are filled, The bodies of liti sol diers and )J2 rebels and civil iiins have been counted there. The morgues contain :(00 bodies, riemiei* Asqutth announced only three ex intions. The third was Tliomar. J. Clarke, tobaccon ist. WHAT SHAW SAID NKW YORK, May «.-■ QesTga Bernard Shaw today csblsd tlie following coiuniciit on the liish rebellion: "Silly, ignori nt, wromg-hsaded, honorable, brave rspuhllcsns." SOAKED IN OIL; TANKED C. J. Williuins, known every where on tlio waterfront as "Hlaikle," has one of the most unusual jobs of any man in Tu i onia. But It didn't save liim from being locked up lust night ou a charge of carrying too big a load of grain alcohol, and it didn't serve as sufficient excuse to get him out of Jail today. Listen to the idea that he put up to I'oliie ('apt. Head this morning: "(',»{ .am, I waiita get out of jail, i|iiick. I wasn't very drunk lust Bight—not more limn usual,' .•inyway. I've got one of the hard-1 est jobs you ever saw. I have to drink one uart of alcohol a day to hold it. I'm partially drunk all the time. "You see, when steamers come into port, it's my job to dive down into the tanks of coeoanut oil in •he hold and release the valves so the oil will run out. They have to heat the oil sometimes, to make it run. "I couldn't handle the job if 1 wasn't partially drunk. Why. Captain, when I try to take a bath. 1 float right on top of the water In Hie bath tub, because there's so much oil in uij skin. "There's a ship coming In to night, and I have to do the div ing act In the tank of oil. 1 was on my way to get a quart of al cohol last night, so s to be drunk enough to handle the job, when the officer pinched me. Won't you let me out so 1 can go to work?". The police say that Williams' story Is virtually true. WILSON O. X.'M RKI'ORT WASHINGTON — Gen. Scott's report of the conference with Gen. Obregon was handed to the president today and stamped as "satisfactory." ADDING New ACCOUNTS We are constantly adding new accounts, and our* business is increasing at a very . satisfactory rate. Pos sibly you also might » ( be glad to join us. ■ru m n Puget Sound f State Bank H. N. TINKBR, Preß. On the Rocky Road to--What? Benson, Socialist Candidate, Muckraker, Not An Organizer BY WALTER LIPPMANN. Nobody thinks of unking what w&f) nf president Allan lienson would make. In the real sense of the word he is not a candidate for I lie presidency. He Is a caniliilate for two million voles. I If lie polls that iniiiiy lie will be regarded ns an nver w 11. lii ling I \ successful nonii ec. In selecting the so cialists also decided Hie issue on which he Is to fight. lienson is the one consist ent, out and out spokesman of iiiiH-preparedness. There Is no other. Bryan hates preparedness, bill ho will hedge ami evade, will talk about a million men springing to arms between sunrise and sunset, lienson won't hedge. 11' lie is against something;, lie is bitterly and definitely against It. The socialists this year intend to fight a campaign of obstruc tion. They are on the defensive. Csually it is the other way around. Csually it is the social ists who are for something with the other parties opposing or ignoring them. Hut in this cam paign the tables are turned, and the chief emphasis of the social ists will be to prevent preparded ness. For that particular job Allan TO HOLD OPEN FORUM ON NONPARTISANSHIP ! A public discussion of the . merits and demerits of the principle Of li..ii-|.arl i-i.i. ship In state antl county of fices will be held iv Hie Co_B» mercial cluli at H o'clock Fri day evening under the aus pices of Hie club's civic bur eau. Whether you're In favor of niiii-p.-ii-'isiiiisbip or dead against It, you're urged by Hie bureau to attend the meeting, which will be in the nature of an open forum. The non partisan Initiative measure Which will come before the voters next fall will be prer sented from every angle by speak ers on both sides of the'fence. Speaking in support" of he measuro will be Otto A. Case, of Seattle, exceptive secretary of the State .Non partisan league, and George F. Cotterlll, former Beattle mayor, who helped frame the non-partisan initiative meas ure to be voted on next fall. A number of speakers will talk against the measure. He*. Ernest C. BloomQulst, member ot toe aaanaglng <xrm mlttee ot the «3sj_i>Biia-l dub I uht- -'I The Tacoma Times (26c A MONTH. $Jm\mmlm%lMmM m mMm3momt*kmmmMtoi^^ VOJj. XliT ISO. 117. lienson is an admirable man. He is by temperament an opponent. lie is twice as sure of what he does not want as he is of what he does. He's a Muckraker. He was trained in the school of the muck rakers. This means that he will see the preparedness agitation as a sinister conspiracy of special interest playing on the panic and gullibility of the Amer ican people. He will point ills finger at the munition makers, the bankers, the exporters, the army and navy groups, the edi tors, the defense leagues and the rest who are more or less in volved financially In an increase of armaments. And to the question of whether In the kind of world we live in, armaments aren't needed even though special interests profit by them, he will reply that he is for socialism which would create a world In which the whole deadly business could be eliminated. Benson Scorns Details. The steps by which such a world is to be created do not ab sorb much of his interest. He works on the theory that If 'the people could only be made to real ize how they are exploited, de ceived, and led by the nose, they would have no particular troubles In carrying socialism Into effect. 1 was once on a committee with Benson which was trying to draft civic bureau, will preside. The public Is invited. Members of the Non-partisan league declared today that they were by no means disappointed by the refusal of the democratic state convention to take a stand for or against non-partisanship. ".We are just as glad that the non-partisan principle is being kept outside of party polities, was the statement of C. K. Muckler, chairman of the Pierce County league. "It has been our purpose from the first not to make It a party Issue. "If the democratic party cannot see the handwriting ou the wall, It is not up to the Non-partisan league to act aa trustee for that party. It is their affair entirely. "The purpose of the Non-parti san league Is to obtain the elec tion of representatives. Ignoring party lines, who will pass the legislation demanded by the peo ple of the state." i TODAY'S < I,KARI.\«.N lTi_a»__tt_*__ ats 9i*7al i i r*_sac(t«_a , *4«»,-is.<B| THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA TACOIUA, WASH., THIIjKiS 1)A V, MA V 4,19JG. a bill for the socialization of the railroads. The Intricate ques tions of law, finance and adminis tration bored and irritated him. He would sit silent for long stretches of time, nnd then burst out with some story of graft and swindle. He is a wonderful and passionate hater of evil, a man who has never grown callous or complacent about poverty and corruption. His hatred is so con suming that little patience is left for the drudgery of radicalism. Not An Organizer. Since he is not a candidate for office this twist does not matter much. Hut there is one aspect of Ills job as socialist leader where it will matter enormously. His real business is to organise the working class nnd the exploit ed farmers for powerful economic and political action. For that there la needed a great organlsor and a master of tactics. lienson isn't In the least that sort of man. Henson is a middle class tonga-1 zlne writer, neither a labor leader not a politician. He is n good speaker and a thrilling writer. Hut he is not an organiser," nego tiator, diplomat, he Is not the raaa who can go Into the labor wo HO unify its conflicts, destroy hfi false leaders, and form it rtitb'o political power. Oreat I'ropiig'andist.- '1 J f He will excite and n'mUae-Jm radicals," he will have cmmbwp able effect on much the satfieTinTt of people who follow Bryaif oif I.a Follette, but for the business of making a political force out of the working class, Benson'is not only certain to fail, be is not even likely to try. His mind does not run to non crete political action. It runs to magazine articles. It runs to ex posure, satire, scorn. 1 can Imag ine Benson writing about a strike, but not loading one. H* Is a propagandist and m agitator, one of tbe very b«*i t_ America, bat he lint even JL—W iiy reatunblancs to tils ■jfvfMMS'l which labor so 4l*snij*y>% jWfc. DOESN'T BOTHER HAFFER I By D'Loss Sutherland I'Hiil llaffer, the hoy social ist whose tran scendency to fame reached a Climax late yes terday after noon when a jury found him guilty of lilx-l ing the sacred memory of George \\'a:-li inglon • there by setting a HJ gal precedent mulled from bis bed Ibis morn- I-Al I, HAI'I'IXR „g willi lh« optimism 1.1 i.: irue socialist an I dreamer, wlicu questioned as to his fsellag about the verdict. Hiil'ler fseea a year in he o 11111\ iuil for writing an article in which lie said the first presi dent w;ts ■ drinking man, ,i bias pllrmer and a slave-holder. Y"t, ho did no! worry, lie slept late. RsptMlS In Win finally. Haffer was found high up in oi.e of those tall lrainc rooming house- on Tacoma nve. His quarters were reached after a long arduoua climb up winding stairways. Thsy faced ■ dark court. His door was unlocked, for MS had nothing to lose. A heart v hail led the visitor in. A pile of hooks and the inevit able makings llaffer smokes In.-oss-iiitl.. were the only decor ations. A well developed pair of arms Slid i.road shoulders topped by a mass of yellow, unruiy, bristling hair and a smile marked the fa"* suits of the long arduous trial. I "! suppose Col. Joab Is more of a a/reck I ban I am, but I think (his case will go to a higher court ' ami I will eventually win," lie said confidently, Of lighting Strain. "You see, the old strain of a long line of fighting ancestors is cropping out. 1 am finding ;ny s> If "I was sincere in niv siate- Bient. that there was no malice in my hssrl when I wrote that arti cle,. I wished lo correct Ihe .'ai lncj of hero worshipping, As sassination and hero worship are (win progeny of the philosophy of Individualism. That is tlie type of philosophy employed by Col. Joab. He raved and ranted for five hours about me and his ideals. It is such talks as his that incite flight)' and lightly balanced men to kill, stirli as John Wilkes Ilooth and the others he likened me to. Of HiiPKcnot Ancestry. "My aniertors on my mother's side were the old French house of l.amareaux, a persecuted, clem thinking and fighting house. They were Ileiigenots. "They came to this country during t lie inquisition Which broke so many families In Franco. They landed here even before \yasliington began. I "As far as patriotism Is con cerned, there hns been plenty t f It Iv my family. Two uncles of mine fought bitterly through the war for the principle they believed to be as true as the one for which I am fighting." • llaffer closed his eyes and with a characteristic twitch of his forehead reeined lo be retracing those bloody steps of the years that followed IS6O. "Ambrose l.amareaux was In the battle of Lavern," he contin ued, "where the troops threaten ed to kill their officers If thi*>y surreiidereil lliein to the enemy. Bo was hot headed. He cusse 1. Is •_•_ Years Old. Joseph l.aiiiereaux, another ancle, was with the First Mlclii akn Kngineers. He was a me iSi.niif They loved the flag. &p do I. And just because I Aye an opinion that la different ■oni some. I am thought to ne imloyal and I am to auffer." J Haffer's father waa of German descant, but died when Paul was » small boy. He does not know iii .Ii of him. Haffer was born in Stand Rapid*, Mich., Nov. 21, (9-4, and moved to Tacoma In MtOO. F He attended the Edison school in South Tacoma for three years, later the Oakland. He went ro the Sumner high school. He says he has always heen a deep reader and has a passion tor writing- He hopes to do much tor socialism, the "educational kind." as he described it, by his ■srliing later on. le Is financial secretary ot •soi ■UiHt ImmL No. 1, in Tacoma. He fias a ntaweto- sitter living Morttrn and a hsJothar, A. L. Hv/ler. u_* mother IlTof ftt Ort- Ifet 25c A MONTH. lc A COPY Another Freak Court Episode 1 to Live Down ■ ___| /IT Every normal person in Taeonia today will nope that Hpeedy action will be (taken toward obtaining either a new trial <>r th»> Haffer libel ease or an appeal to the rmpreme court.' Ii is unthinkable that the l><>y defend ant should serve a prison sentence [or w titing criticism of George NVashingtou, /TT The whole proceeding has been silly, The *,| prosecuting attorney and the superior court never should have tolerated the use of our judicial machinery for so absurd an action. /IT Col, .Jo'il' is ('ni. Joah and .'anno, help it, W so cannot be blamed. Bui PriMMvutor Remanu is not Col, Joab, and Judge Card is not Col. Joab, ;uul they might to have used /TT There are plenty of precedents for frivol- oiis litigation being thrown out of court. No doubt .lntl!.'.-!' Card himself has declined to hear charges less foolish than this. \"u doubt Prosecutor Kemann has declined to press t liarges no less vital. /TT The jury seems to have been carried away *j| I>\ the warm-weather ailment that was temporarily affecting the rest of the court and its rinding furnishes one more fine argument for those persona who would abolish juries altogether. /IT This state seems to have been peculiarly *ll afflicted within the last few years by nut ty courts. Just when we had begun to live down the sinister memory of Judge Hanford and the mountebank foolishness of Judge Humphries, our whole state again is made ridiculous in the eyes of the nation by the Haf fer proceeding. /TT Every press association has been cany *tl ing reams of news regarding NVashing tou'h latest court vagary to the ends of the earth, and the papers everywhere have been printing columns of it. TIIK CASE ll \s DONE .MOIi'K TO WAKE TACOMA A SYN ONYM KOI, I'IfKAKISIINKSS .Nil OUR COURTS A LAUGHING STOCK AT IIOMi: AND ABROAD THAN OUR WHOLE BENCH CAN OFFSET BY JUST AND WISE RULINGS IX THE WHOLE TERM OF OFFICE OF ITS INCUMBENTS. "SMASH 'EM," ORDERS GILL IN BOOZE RAIDS SICATTI.R, May t "SlIUBal everything, including the fix tures, in all so-called drug stores which are really saloons," are the orders of Mayor Gill to the police today. '1 ani willing to take my chance with any jury if those fellows go Into court und claim damages," continued the major. "No sensible man believes that a driiK store that carries $2.00u worth of liquor stock Is conduct ing ■ legitimate business. My directions to the police are to make it plain to the bootleggers that this is not a kid glove cam paign. Chief lift kinuliain acted with my approval when lie cleaned up the Stewart street pharmacy HE WAS ASLEEP Why was young Kdenbor ough, secretary of the First Lord of the Admiralty, asleep on the day of his wedding? Why did every one think he had committed suicide liy taking poison? Furthermore, why did his flnanree, a true British pa triot, sell some plans of for tifications to a spy? The mystery Is all cleared. up by "THE CRIMF. DOC TOR," the novel-a-weel; in The Times beginning next Monday. You get this $1..'.0 popular novel by E. W. iior nuntr In The Times for six cents. RKORKTH INHOSIMTALITY WASHINGTON — Btr Cecil Spring-Rice personally expressed a regret today to President Wil son that a suitable reception bad not been paid Secretary McAdoo at Trinidad. Wx.A_H._R X Tacoma: Fair tonight and 1 Washington: Same. 1 Tuesday night. "The bootleggers' plan is to take their chances with fines in COUrt, thinking to make big prof Its between arresis. There is only one way to beat this, and that is to emphasize our views that these men are violators by smashing up their sham drug stores." | Talk o' the Times °\ (ireelings, have yoii heard what the (». 4>. I*, convention of Tennessee did yesterday? Xo? Well,then, you cer tainly missed something im portant! It Instructed its delegates to vote for our own Congressman Humphrey as the 0. O. P. nom inee for vice president! Personally, this strikes us an being; about the i»--t sug gestlmi we've heard yet. By all means, let's lake 'em up on it before tliey change their minds. Now let's prosecute all the preachers who have libelled the memory of Judas. And all Uie editor* who've Übelled Benedict Arnold and Mt.ihlii.clll. And all tbe lawyers who've made mean remarks about Nero and Bluebeard. In redtfjeoratinc your Hv inc room, am** too lady next BLAZE STILL RAGES lil-:i(l.l\. May I HmblmJ ri'ioliiiiiinlsia, Maiteil it «■'«*'»• fire «l Mi.-riiu, itliitli spread Imtitv lo tin- Hiliiiiiils trillion liiillilim;-. il sHs* ajft •'l in i Miirlvlioim tlj-a-iiitrh. TIM lir<- is villi uiliilli;. ilomlis |.|:uitiil ill M'\rml of tllfl liirm-st litilldiUffi ol tin' «it\ ex ploded iilmosi HimiillHiit'oiiHly, • ■:iosin k ninny death* .'tnii smrt ing roil.i■ firi'n in all parti of the cltjr, Traoita ivere ordcrstj oal mul an eitenstra searrli w.-ih Li'imn for H.o revoliitlonlata. Sneial persona who hava in.ii üßdar mia plrlou i>> ihe l.'nssian Mcrel iio llce ion. ai once thrown Into Jail, rapidly, cutting r wide swathe iiuoi!i;ii the great buelne** district ai last reports tha ni«■ whs threatening the Kremlin, i din in.i mi Hie north iiank i.r the river, In which are Included pra*> tlrallj nil the civil and eccleahM. Ileal liuildlnga, I>\ 11:111111. * waa n-fil in a lliinlir l-l foil lo ajajvytj On. ilisli'lrl. wliirh I - prised in,>i«" lor its rHlniiitta ri'lai inns ili.iii I. r Hi.' inli'iiisii' valaM oi ilh- slrini in is. One ol ilia inoai prominent hii lld lag* in the Kremlin, known as i iio Ureal Palaoe, ims timet in me since Ig.'ll \ reisja of terror bwbbl over MoM-oa a>. troona were throws a'.oiii the riiy in ,ir«'\-'lit any criminal* From eacoplag, The royal soldiers al once began a Mm. h of all liouaeholds amons the lowar claaaea, ruthlestly ar reatlng iteraoni agalnal whrai tlie slightest suspicion rould] arse, .\n admission of guilt r.iiioiig the loeendlarlata could tit loi.vd. Till' fill' loss alicii'lv lias aiiKiuiili'il lo i.vii SI»MbVNM, il is rp. in ii'il. II is sai.l tlml liimilnils Wore killed In tlie pielliuia \ I'vplnsiiiiis, Inn ii.. vi . i lirution oi aaUnotoa of <he ileiiil Main lieen ri'eeiieil. GOODWIN'S KEYNOTER FOR MOOSE BKATTL.B, May 4. .Inlgc F. 11. Goodwin ol Spokane wa- cbO*> en temporary . liairman of .he progressive convention which met nsre this morning. In his kit.unit- speech he Bt* tsi sad Presides) Wilson ami tho democratic admlntatrstioa .mil lauded Ihe Itoosevell type of prc pai.■lines-. The Pierce county delegation arrived on a special laterurbai car early this morning. Hums Paw, who ne.i.lcd the delegation, was slateil for secretary of tha convention. This afternoon the platform, com mitts* will make its report and seven state delegates will be elected to the national convention la Chicago. They will be in* striicte.l for Hoosevelt. The delegstei who ere expci tori to go from this district are Wal ter I. Thompson and Stanton, Warbtii ton. I'lKCi: NOT NKAR WASHINGTON, D. C. Thomas* Nelson Cage. American amlassS* dor lo Italy, told Wilson today, lie saw in. immediate prospect* fog peace ill Kurope. ikinr, use . I leering i-olnra, , Hut not 1..11.1 , The girls these days Are wearing kilts: And some show bows And some show stilts. / "lU'eOAT. -take a ei<_^ I tHANce WK6M THEY Hut,) \ove« an E-- y^^S, /HTfb o cyiNs If 4 J Bert Kewaealy'* Mem ot • I sorr hn*x» j/