Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO RIBBONS New Hair Bow Uibbons in fancy striped ma terials and plaids—Saturday only, very spe cial at, yard 29c. Wonderful showing of Fancy Ribbons aud plain shadeis, suitable for hair bows, hat trim mings, and sa"shes, exceptional values at, yard 19c. Latest NovclticK in Hat I landings and Piquot Ribbons, very popular for trimming Sport Hats priced 15c yard to 65c yard. . New Lingerie Wash Ribbons in all the staple shades at from 5c yard to 25c yard. BELTS All the latest styles in white and colored leath er belts are here in all sizes from 90 to 44—ex ceptional values at 50c, 65c and 75c. — Floor. UNDERWEAR Seasonable Selections Women. Kaysei- fine ribbed cotton Union Suits—low Deck, sleeveless, with cuff knee —■ banding or crochet finished —re-infoived gar ments—an exceptional value al 50c. Women- Kayser and Globe Union Suits in low neck, sleeveless styles with cliff or um brella knee —huge assortment to select from in all sizes—splendid value at $1.00. Boya' Pbroeknil and B. V. 1). Athletic Suits, in all sizes; huy them here for 50c. Misses'.Jersey Ribbed, summer weight cotton I ni'Ui Suits —low neck, short sleeve with cuff knee —sizes 2 to 16 years —priced accord ing to size. 50c, 60c and 75c. —I (roadway Floor. TOILET GOODS Full pint bottles of Curtiei Pure Olive Oil, Saturday special 50c. Milk nf Macaeaia, 9C#» •'*' 1"' niapepsin. Sat- Q7»_ Hahmlav ipacta) .... UUC unlay special at UI l» COMBINATION OFFER Lara* ilm taba of Rhodaa' Aatlaeptlc Tooth Paste, a splen iiid imported Tooth Brash nml a medium glaa of Vivadous LtlM Ariey Tahiini Pomler— 0 K#» Combination cobi lata tot _.uC —Broadway Floor. Saturday Morning Bargains THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ON SALE SAT URDAY MORNING FROM 9 TO 12 ONLY -NO MAIL OR TELEPHONE ORDERS FILLED. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Waists $1.69 Kerchiefs, 6 for 50c Limited only of ■*«*» tkM quality Vi-lnoh hIIkIU lv soiled Welvsovlh lu>llls — Saturday morning Waim.s in linen and phi- from '.' to 1 2 only, re- Ct\m l.rolderv marquisette Sat- du<o,| to SIX for .. . JUb indnv nornlßl from • to VI t l.iiiilt « to customor. I only, your P 4 JQ —Broadway Fli»«»r. efcoleaal tjlilj Ribbons 10c —Thiil Hour. |,200 yards of pure silk taf _. , _ feta Hair Ribbons, assorted Apron Ginghams 5c ,__da. .h inches wide— Ooo_ quality of Apron QUI- ["*?**** morning from 9 hams in wide variety or to »■ o,llv- Ifl A aback-, moatl-i Mm or green yar<l »««»_» IUO and white , lieikf - -Saturday —Broadway VMM. morning from «> to C- Men's Night Shirts 1 2 onl> , yard wl# »c (Limit Id ydn. to ciistonier.) _. , HO, s tr ,^t Floor. M" s ni"slll> Night Shirts — good quality -neatly trim BraSSiereS $1.29 mcd—well made- -Saturday ... „ _. morning from !) to 12 „C. y. a, BriMHril romt..i>a- only, each.. t,3C tlon of ir-Pe an. la,.- front —Broadway Vw. closing. With ribbon strap —. tr x _••» -_v over shoulder — Saturday .ranaina HatS $1.00 morning from '.« to 12 only, Advanced models -SEVEN your choii. f* 4 QQ new blocks—medium and at pl._.J large sailor styles—Satur-' —Third Floor. «»»f morning from 9 to 12 only reduced C> _ nn Taffeta Silk 98c Yd. to, aac_ $1.00 36-inch Chiffon Taff.-ta Silk —Third Floor. In navy blue, medium blue, Cuff PillS emerald green, old rose, mt- Gold filled Cuff Pins, four dlum and dark brown, Rus- in a box—very special lot •lan green, Copenhagen, reduced for Saturday morn white and black—Saturday ins from 9 to 12 I_|_» morning from 9to 12 QQ#» on|y. "ox IUO only, yard UuC (1 box to customer.) — IIOi NJreet Floor. | —Broadway Floor. Rhodes brothers In Even Detail .-coma's Leading Retail EstabUshmenl TODAY'S ! MARKET PRICES | * '»>*»'«?•♦♦♦♦♦♦-»» • WHAT PI.ODU4.BH_I _fc.T » POl L.TBI Ben*, live It»ll» Ducke live HO lis 1111 »prlii_», Ilv* ISa Squabs, live, dot 12.00 uv__rroc_ £ows 11.1100.71 Beitere ngiii Pressed (.<>«• M»)ll Prmftmi v*al lAll* •Jftrt fISOOt WM |176»J» ♦ #____> KBTAIIWi PAT* 4> mVDTTMK KO_B. CHKBfIB Freak raaeh ergs 23tf.40 «X._M_i_- c ' c wJOtilTon rrrirttery butter..ajo mw&t _otn- Sf CrMA\ fi*la»a _. lie JrUOLBSAIaIC ______« liuiWt. wVtKVf-' .7.7.. .'.'.'no I atcirmen ...'..'. y»,V. i*)| cl' Sprint .a_»' '..'...'.7.7 '. .7.7.7.' **»*) mni Usaasai, 1 j 1 ,■! I,ana lias, lb t- §a Oranges, navela, 12.25 tf 3 Grape fruit, Florida, box $4.60 i.fMi fi_a. boa |i oi .Strawberrl-a, Cal., crat* ..$1.7502 .-t 1 nwbei rl««. Florida ....." tl so VBGKTAHLBB New potatoes, retail, lb So IV la tiara, ton $.B@3o bis Bottom Burbanka $2 i Cabbage. Wlnnlngatedt. lb. . ..3»4c Onlona, new, crate $2.1t Carrot* |g I.eUuiii. head, crat* ....$2.1002.21 R_4lsh*s, doz. bunch** 200 Itulabas-a, cart 11.71 Leaf l.ottuce, crat* IMS Rhubarb, lb 204 c Moilda gre.n pepper* |Oo Bplnach, retail, lb 100 Illlnoia 1 in, unib'Tß. box .$1.2-4 1.50 Florida tomatoea. crat* . . ..$4_>4,50 Artlchokra. doa 760 Heete. aaek 11.21 Aaparaif'i*. pyramid, box ....$3.00 Aeparagua, flat pack, box ... 11.15 String Bean*, lb. ■, 10011 c Amocat 11.11 Pyramid $5 15 » aehon t» 7• Whole wheat, bbl*. $$.50 Urlfted Hnow „ lj.,| Olympic .__. .. $141 BlCht Fllgbl f7.1l Occident it 41 or'b*v_^_^-•__*»'• w Wheat, ton 117031 Corn •••. .II*(2 to Ipraa .. .|2* _Ti-*d Timothy IMOtl Oats, tea 11l Barley II40»» MlddU-g* Hid n fmwßy '.'.'.'X.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.tti'fli\ This U one of Tha Times' Novel a Week sariea. It will be finished la six "** big Installments. i •.ml nii ml Front Our I .am Issue) («'on iin mil from our laMt issue.) They weat to bed early, and '.lane slept on the dining room sofa. The next morning Susan folt perturbed. "SHe'll take up a whole week of our happy visit, and 1 can't bear to lose a mlnuto. The time's going too fast, any how." Lorenzo Rath came in shortly after. He and Madeline and Emily Mead were In and out dally to suit themselves by this time. 'Do you know, Mra. C.roft has gone off, nobody knows where," he said gravely; "she's left no ad dress, and people say she'll never come back." Susan throw up her hands with a wail. "Oh, Jane, she has left that dreadful old woman on us for life; I'll just bet anything folks knew exactly that sho meant to do it when they talked to me so. \\ hat will Matilda say when she comes back?" "Auntie," said Jane firmly, "I shau'i leave you alono with Aunt Matilda and Mrs. Croft, you needn't fear." "Oh," said Susan, her face un dergoing a lightiiiug transforma tion, "if you'll stay here, I'll keep Mrs. Croft or anybody else, with pleasure." "What, even ma?" laugher Lo renzo. It was late that same afternoon thut Lorenzo met Emily Mead down In the village and walked home with her. As they stopped b> Emily's gate her mother came running out the door. "Oh, Emily," Mrs. Mead cried, "old Mrs. Croft is dead. Jane sent for the doctor —ahe sent a boy running—but she's dead!" CHATTER VI. What Next. The feelings which revolved around the dead body of old Mrs. Croft can be better imagined than described. In the midst of the confusion Jane moved quietly, a little white and with lips truiy saddened. The doctor, a ponderous gentle man of great weight In all ways, was very grave. The doctor said that he had warned the daughter of such a possible ending 20 years before. "Heart failure was al ways imminent," he declared se verely. "1 didn't know that she had heart disease," said Jane. "No blame attaches to you," said the doctor, veering suddenly about aa to the point In discuss ion; "nobody can blame you. I uhall exonerate you completely." At this magnanimity on tha doctor's part even Susan had to smile a little. But as soon as he had gone she voiced her uneasi ness to Jane. j "It'll be sort of awful If they • can't find Katie, though,'' Susan ! said; "she left no address, and 1 • think It's almost silly to try to | hunt her up. I'm only too pleased i to pay for the funeral, I'm sure. , and there won't be any real rea • son for her returning." Jane shook her head. "Who is ! to go down and pack up that II house." she wondered. | "Oh, the house can be rented It's a nice home for •anybody," said Susan, "and the - rent'll huy her a lovely monu ! I ment." j The funeral was fixed for tbe I third day, and some effort made j to trace the daughter-in-law. But ; that lady evidently didn't care to j be found. II "It's hardly any use golna; to a • deal of expense to hunt her , up," Lorenzo said to June, "be ( cause the house is all there is, 1 and a thorough search with de- I tectlves would just about eat it up j alive." j He probably was not wholly - disinterested in his outlook, for ! Ihe next bit of news that shook [it— ■ community was that Lorenzo I Rath had taken Mrs. Croft's house j|and moved In! I I But 1.0r..ii/.o Rath didn't care • about any of the gossip; he was so happy over his home, "I'll have a woman come ovar and cook occasionally," ho explained blithely to Jane and Susan, "and I'll get all my illustrating off my hands In short order." "Do you illustrate?" Jane asked. "Yes, that's my bread-and-but ter job." "It'll he nice to have you in the nelghlx-rhood," said Susan placid ly. Jane went out to get supper. It did not take any urging on Susan's part for Lorenzo to accept her Invitation for that same sup per. The table talk was cheerful— carried on for the most part by Susan and her guest. Susan was so happy that she could not help latidlng Jane, and particularly Jane's phisophy of life. After tho meal was over the ' aunt set out on one of the little neighborly calls she so enjoyed making again, and left the young people alone together. There waa silence for a time and then Lorenzo turned abruptly from the wjndow through which he had been looking—at nothing. "You've gone a long way, Jane," he said, "you've got a big grip on life and Its meaning. But whatever you may preach, you only prove what I feel, that the old-fashioned, sweet, home-keep ing, winning and winnable girl is gone, only she's gone in a differ ent way from what most people understand. When she still ex ists, she exists for herself— not for a man." Jane felt har eyes fill suddenly. "Why do you say that?" "Because you prove It. A man might adore you, but ha couldn't j hopa to (at you. Could he?" Har eyes dropped. "_j o you think that It's all any harder on ; the man than It la on the girl?" she asked. "If man feel bad nowadays over tha changes, how do you suppose it |» with tha wo man, unfitted to fight and forced . Into tha battle. A woman isn't built aa a man is; she's created fo&a-another kind of work, much harder and lasting, much longer than any man's . labor. There's I always a pitiful story bahlnd nine I out of every ten bread winning THE TACOMA TIMES SUNSHINE JANE By lime Warner—««or. tVI-i. 1914, by Utile, Brown A Co. woman, whether they go out washing or ara artists like you. A woman never leaves her home until she's forced to do so." "Are you sure that you know what you're talking about?" He smiled In spite of his earnest ness. "I can't see, If you feel as you do about home and marriage, and all tli at, why you dfcu't make one, too." J "I'm making ever ao many homes," said Jane. "I'm teaching home-making. That's a Sunshine nurse's business, and It would be ti'liish In me to desert my task, besides—" she paused. CHAPTER VII. The Mont Wonderful Thing Ever Happened. She stopped and hesitated. "Yes," he said impatiently, "besides—?" "I wonder if It would be right to be tjuite frank with you?" "What stops yon?" he asked "Go on. Tell me everything. It's my right." "Why is it your right?" "Because 1 love you, and you know It." She started violently, then turned very white. "Don't say that. I've always thought of you as engaged to Madeleine. She was talking to me, and I thought —I—" She stopped, quite shak en. "You misunderstood her. She's always been in love with one fel low—that one that her parents are against. He's even poorer than 1 am." Then Jane pressed her lips to gether and Interlocked her fin gers. "I can never marry. I never think of It. There's money to be paid, nobody to pay it but me, and no way to get it except to earn It." Lorenzo looked almost sternly at her. For an hour they argued, but Jane maintained her position. Finally she lifted up her eyes —and they were beautiful eyes, big and true —and said the words coming softly forth: "It would be ho wonderful." Lorenzo didn't speak. Ha felt choked and gasping. To him It was also "so wonderful," as won derful as If he hadn't lived with it night and day ever since the first minute of knowing her. "I think I'd better go," he said very gently, realizing keenly that he must not press her In this first blush of the new springtime, Jane was left alone In the kit.hen. "He said he loved me!" she thought over and over. "It seems so wonderful —the most wonder ful thing that has ever happened since the world was made. He said he loved me!" She went upstairs to her own room and shut the door softly. "Of course I can never marry him," she whispered aloud, "but, he did say he loved ma. Ob, 1 know nothing so wonderftil ever was in this world before!" The Sunshine nurse was long in seeking sleep that night and early to rise the next morning. She found herself suddenly meta morphosed—facing a new world -two worlds. In fact. There was tha world of Lo renzo's actually loving her, which was a dream from which she would surely awaken, and then there was that second world of wonder, the world of her own teaching, a world in which she stared, big-eyed, at all In which she had trusted, and wondered II It could be possible that what she believed firmly and preached so ardently was really true. "It Isn't setting limits to face what must be," she said over and over to horself, "and I must J>ay poor father's debts, and there is no possible way for me to get the money except to earn It bit by bit." The statement had gone to bed with her, and it rose with her when she rose; It looked Indispu table, Incontrovertible. Jane always rose an hour be fore her aunt. The hour w;ih n|ient In opening windows, brush ing up nnd building the kitchen fire. It was always a pleasant hour, for ahe usually filled it to the brim with work well done and thoughts sent strongly and happily out over the corning time. But today all thlß was changed, and a sort of chaos took the place Why That Lame Back? Morn 1 n g lamen ess,! sharp twing es whan banding over, or a dull, all-day bac I a c h a: each is cause enough to suspect kld nsy trouble Oat after the causa. Help tha kidneys. W« Americans go it too bard. We overdo, overeat and neglect our sleep and exercise, and so we are fast becoming a nation of kid ney aufferers. 73% more deaths from kidney diseases than la 1890, Is tha story told by tha 1010 census. If annoyed with a bad back, narvous trouble* and Irregular kidney or bladder action, modify the bad habits, and use Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands recom mend them. A TAOOMA OAHK A. P. Ballsy, captain angina Co. No. », 611 N- Pine St., aayit "For a number of years I hava had a dull, heavy ache lo the small of my back. The kidney secretions used to pass too often, causing ma to get up several times at night. After using about three boxes af Doan's Kidney Pillf, my back and kidneys got better." I DOAN'S .__? l ftoc at all Drag Btormjfc I -_'ost_--M_-n»_ Co., P'B"/"'*™ Buffalo. H. V. ILi f . of her usually sunny calm. Fi nally, In maddest self-defense, she rushed out doors and fled to the little garden. And Lorenzo was there! He looked very blithe and hap py. "Wall," he said, "have you thought It over and decided that you're right, after all?" Sho was panting, and surprise flooded her face with color. Oh—" she gasped, "oh!" and then: "Right—of course I'm right!" He approached, his hand ex tended. "Right in believing, or right In mistrusting?" Jane stared. "How can you talk so?" "I talk so because I know so. Everything's coming right for you." "You're crazy," she tried to laugh. "I've heard people say that of you. Not that it matters." She stood watching him and considering his words. "I would n't let you give me the money to iraighten out my father's af fairs, even if you were ever so rich, you know," she said slowly. "I couldn't." "I know it." "And I wouldn't let Auntie pay the debts." "I know." Jane's eyes moistened slightly. "Please don't make a joke of any thing so hard and sad." "I'm not Joking; I'm a verita ble apostle of joy. I'm as happy as I can be." She looked at hlin with real wonder because his appearance certainly bore out his words. "I wish that I knew what you meant." He dropped the rake, came to her side. Then ha caught her in his arms and kissed her. She screamed. To her It wae the greatest shock of her life, for no man had ever kissed her be fore. "Oh—oh, mercy!" Matters were not helped much by Susan's looking over the fence just then and crying out abrupt ly: "Well, I declare!" "Mrs. Ralston," said Lorenzo, not even blushing, "you're the very person we nee.l this minute. I want to marry Jane, and she won't hear to It because of her father's debts. The debts are all right and everything's all right, only she won't believe it. I wish you'd climb the fence and help me persuade her, for although I know she'll end by marrying nic, I've just set my heart on convert ing her to her own religion first." Susan swung easily over the |N.W.GroceryCo.| l:tib nnd Commerce sis. RETAIL DKI'ARTMKNT New California OB a Potatoes, 5 lbs _.tfo New Texas Bermuda rjC. Onions, 5 lbs _.3C Leniouß, 1 9'/» per doz I _._C Del Monte Baked Beans, with Del Monte Sauce, full weight, 1-lb. cans, IC. 2 for I3C Eagle Brand Canned Peach es, 2%-lb. cans each IOc; Saturday only, 0 4 -J A per doz -jl(»IU Carnation Milk, I! rans 2r»c, Saturday only. Of)" per doz will* Mount Vernon Milk, 2 cans 13c, Saturday only, Qft n per doz UUw 35c Oranges, Saturday Qf|« only, per doz wilC :!.)<: Oranges, Saturday OE only, per doz _uu Full Cream Cheese, 171,, per lb I I _C Fancy Creamery O7'o Butter, per lb L I _C COFFEK DEI'ARTMKXT Our 35c M. & J. blend, 0(1,, Saturday only, per lb. oVlt Our 30c Java blend, QC« Sai in dny only, per lb. _.wC Our 17..0 XXXX blend, Saturday only, IE — per lb I OCI !j| Our offices at San Francisco, j I |*| Tacoma, Portland and Seattle ji, I 1 constitute one bank, under one I 1 Ij) management, and the deposit- t»l | I ors of any branch have the se- | I ! 1 curity afforded by our |! I j Capital, Surplus i and Undivided Profits Over 9 $16,500,000.00 1 I S. M. JACKSON, «. H. RALEIGH. 1 H, h Manager. Aast. Manager. It' ■ 1 TACOMA BRANCH, I3__ 5. PACIFIC I f ii mi in ii i iii mi mini ________w___a_ l iii iv ■__-__aJI Next Week: 'The Crime Doctor' by E. W. Ilormmg fence. "You're just right, Mr. Rath, you'ought to marry her. She's the nicest person to have around the house that i ever saw; she's far too good to be a nurse. How much did your father owe, you Sunshine Jane, you? Maybe I can pay it. I will if I can." Jane looked at him and then at Susan. "I couldn't take your money. Auntie," said she, quite gently, but quite firmly. "And then, too," she added, with her roguish smile, "you've left it to Aunt Matilda." "No," said Lorenzo soberly. "1 don't think that Jane ought to lake anybody's money; she ought to pay the debts with her own money, but I can't see why she can't trust and know It's coming.'' Because there's-no place for it to come from," said Jane firm ly. Susan began to get back over the fence. "I'm going in about breakfast," she said; "the trouble with us is we all need*hot coffee." When she was out of hearing (he two young people remained silent for a few seconds. Then the man spoke. a/ear," his voice waa very gen tle, "I want to tell you something. I've found Mrs. Croft's will. She left all that she had to whoever took care of her the night she died. It appears that she had a good deal more than any one supposed. It's all yours, dear. Now you see why you should have trusted." (Concluded in Our Next Issue.) TI'RN TO THE i l.tssil im WANT ADS ON PAGE 7 FOR HKBCLTB. SEE PAGE SEVEN. By All Means Shop Around The dealer who gets impatient at your suggestion to see what his competitors have to offer Is trying to deprive you of your greatest privilege, "to shop around." Many a dollar has been saved by thrifty house wives just in this way, and no amount of argument should be allowed to persuade you to buy anything until you are sure of tha place where your dollar will go the farthest. For instance, selecting a piano, where naturally a larger amount is invested, should be performed with the greatest of care. Remember, no dealer has the right to claim to be the only reliable one nor should he claim to handle the only good piano in the world. We represent the time-honored Chick-ring; the nation's favor ite, the Kimball; the Smith & Barnes; the Auto piano player piano, and the Bungalow player piano, besides many others. You are invited to look these over, aB well as our bargains in used pianos, which are at all times very attractive. We have, among many others, an Emerson piano which is a good buy at $178, a Wagner piano at $156; a Schaefor piano, exceptionally rich ma hogany case, well worth $125, now ottered at $215. Your old or silent piano will be accepted in exchange on any of our new pianos or player pianos at its cash value. All the Talking Machines and All the Records Always at I i< Theater Bldg. Broadway at Ninth. Tin -hiui's Most Complete Music Hvsrvloe. ! smmsmmm—^ MENS' UNION ; §Jj^j§^ SUITS AT 29c Mp«ft jj^ That's all yon have to pay ___^1 lf-§ tomorrow iv tlie sth Bar ■ ruW. ";i'n '-°ol' '"•' a man's ath ■ '•1 \_\_l > l{' ('°^(m r'hbed Union iL. \__> VJvWT vve'Sht, well ivin- day special I suit L^fKj MEN'S SHIRTS AT 59c EACH Outside of the Rhodes Bargain Store we know of no shirts ; to equal these except _t a dollar. Every shirt is well _ __^ made over our "large __^^^ with full skirts and j^ Z^^-L^t. romfortable body spe- ff r—^. V) «^ IB y*\ clflcations throughout. JjL {vV^O-^J-^lrrr* fry _»v4'/a Mill.'rials are standard l\\ VvVv^c^lliuLiE^ ___5_7 f/\ grade percales In light mWi^^^^kWjji^e'^J/WV'/A grounds with neat Mil sSRvIJpWW/ ///(11//// 11 ■ black and fancy stripes IIP] \v///////////y/// all finish.-.1 with box MjJ \i|//// I ' 111 U'/ II center plait down VHI \lllll I I 'It / a and pearl buttons \'.'g \v|| till 111 111 lii Jf llgee styles with starch- \jß |// fill IIIII fit M ed or French cuffa. ////////////// J • All sizes to 17. Shirts N*iA [I I I 11 1/lf\^ ', uuequaled here- Co o yl'/ '/''/_rs_>^ I Messaline Silks 55c Yd. • Tomorrow morning from s to II only ', f%. we will place on sale a fine Quality _r\ U /'/J all silk Messaline at a price ridlm- CJ f'/Tj •" lously low in the face of the present mw *•■-»* ' rondlton of the silk Market, All the ; If\ fashionable shades of the season are _F €m • A. Am represented, and what's mure, these ____» ', Silks are dyed with the reliable _?-. m Herman dyes. Saturday, from 9to _f-. - ; Unly >■• : only .very fJCftU/l/V ' e7 special, yard vwu m* : —",il. Bargain I loor. \ BOYS 1 BLOUSES GO AT 19c • Just 000 Boys' mouses in cheviots, ihambrays and ging ', hams dark and light patterns—sizes to It >e:irs supply ' your boy's needs in this line Satur.lav while 10»», these I (louses last— your choice I «J U ; GIRLS' SHOES AT $1.98 PAIR ' Girls' and misses' new Spring Shoes a salesman's sample • line of I*>o pairs (hat we picked up at a big discount which ' we pass along to you in this Sittui'daySul.. Shoes in patent ; leather, guumetal. white canvas, sandals and button styles . —your pick of the lot Al QQ Saturday at, pair -p I twO —-•"•ill llai_iiiii I'looi-. j Tomorrow a Tremendous Week-End Sale of GROCERIES Ol'R SPLENDID SERVICE-the largest of any business in the city—is at your service Saturday \ from Til3o a. m. to Ip. m. Come in person if you cu ll that's impossible, use your telephone. I BUTTER - - Fancy local TKA--The usual Saturday ; t'reamerv Mutter, Saturday i sale of high grade Teas— | reduced to, per Q1 « Jiipan, (lunpowder. Voting ; pound OIL. Hyson, Oolong, Ceylon and • NEW MBA- and POTATOES English Ilreakfast— Satur '. —fancy California Oreen day reduced to, per lb., ;;ric; ; Peas and New Potatoes, Sat- THREE LBS. CI fIA . urday, THREE ORr. for 91 lUU ; POUNDS for _.«._- COCOA Chlrardelli's delic , COTTOLENE has advanced ions Break Inst Cocoa —V_- \ again—better get yours at lb. tins- for Saturday 4Q_ these Saturday prices— selling reduced to, ea. I tIC i M^tmmTJSff 1 "'S'" 1 BAK.N'C CHOCOLATE-Ba as Met small OC« ker'a Premium •.-lb. cakes, ; |,a"R *,*,U Saturday reduced |A M ; PARLOR MATCHES boxes to each IJo . of .100—reduced for Satur- | ; day's sale to THREE If|«v, ,!AKIX<' POWDER —Red BOXES for lUC Kose uP***i J'll'- cans -Sat : KARO ITRUF-Bla. Label ' S^iSSS* r s_tfi I Mb. pails--reduced for Sat- I' 1 ' lIIUKK CANS. .BVB : urday's sale OK« H\', Xn ?*■**»*<• ***' • t0 t>ER--Oolden West Urand \ CAMPBEI.L'SSOUPS-Your __*_?V!__ _____"Vi__! °"c . „, a . quart of tie Salad Dressing , choice of .1 varieties-Sat- _ red _ced Saturday 1n„ , urday reduced to i)C- , lllg ; THREE CANS ir_.DC t0 ' Ca" ,UU ; ASTER MILK -large cans BOUA—Arm and Hammer ' —Saturday reduced to l.tZm _ran.' . W!_ . Vtckugeß— re : FOUR CANS for ZOC dure(l for Satur-1«y sale to, package 8c; TWO 1C». ; Meat Specials » ■-■ ■ • ■_;■ — ■■■ '^ v ; Fancy Fat Hens, very AC. DQk6u CjOOUS choice, pound _VV _. , _ , ! Steer Pot Roast, IP. Choice Layer Cakes-Wresh ' pound IOC aked—assorted froetings — '. ,^ i. 1,. ». ___" * ____»' _ , y°u can't beat our baker in : Delicious Meat Loaf-Beef Pake9 _ theße are re . on ■ and Veal—uncooked— lb. ,!„„_„ «„,„,._„., . _„ Jilt* ; 18c; TWO LBS. OC_ Satutday to, ea.^Ub f or 03C famous Pumpkin Pies— • .-, ___"*___ they are surely fine —Sat- • Our own make Sausage- urday r<)duced y to> .m : fins for breakfast or OA. „„_,/ l ]gQ ; supper, pound _.UC (None (.n,,^,, ; Extra Meat Cutters to In- F ,. M gtock . f f h,fc d • S d _r y e Pr°m|,t BervUe Satur- Breads, Rolls! Pastries, etc., ', y" to supply all your Saturday : Coffee Sneciallv and over s,,n,lfty ne«dß -________ TCI •_? » «<» ,a I>n'y Reduced 29c Lb. -, TT __ __. '„_ • Our Rhodesa Blend—ONE Ml_j__, 0 CANS 35C f QUALITY—the best—ONE Mt. Vernon Milk—fine qual ; PRICE —the lowest for qual- Ry—large cans—Saturday, ■ Ity—ONE RESULT—satis- 9 to 12 only, np_ ; faction. FIVE CANS for u3C ', A special and exclusive _,_. ; t» , 0 r» ; blend that has been a popu- JSaKing fOWder »J9C ; lar favorite hereabouts for Fresh shipment Just received over 20 years. Expertly of the famous Royal Baking calculated to give the finest Powder—l-lb. cans reduced j aroma, the most satisfying for Saturday morning only, , flavor, the greatest number 9to 12, to, per 90a \ ot cups to the pound—every can 000 ; Saturday reduced «Q (Limit 2 cans^o a cus to, pound t-tJL tomer.) ; BEST PURE CANE FRUIT SUGAR SAT r URDAY SPECIAL, 12 LBS. $1.04; 25 LB. SACK $2,15. i The Broadway Sales Booth gelling of Oranges I and Canned Fruits and Vegetables Continued Tomorrow. —Itmadvtay Sales Booth E. I RHODES BROTHERS Friday, May 5, 1916.