Friday, May 5, 1916.
"Buy the New York Way." _T"^p. H
Get In Style- JpT I
It\s surmising the nuniher of people that have /'/» I "" lfl I
an open account at this store. It only goes to // # 1 * / ___
show that in dealing with a responsible house IIIi \ \\\m\
gives one a feeling-of confidence. 111 I \ _r -___l
Offers the latest and/I%^ ■ ||A \ 1 WTI I
must aylish Siiinm.-i-y*-! f~«Vfli VI If I I ■
Suits for men and voungj^ I 1 D I
t|/___LVAndUp ia\ I ■
Women's Dept. I
//ll / \\\ | Spcci'l Reduclion on Suits j ■
J fl / ill *^-mm-mm^-mmuu*wum-m^^-mmmmmtm^tmmtmm^mmmm^tmmmmmsemtmmt^ ■
\/ t I r Such a beautiful array of Bummer (Jar- I
~"~X, V Hients seldom seen in any stoic anywhere. I
fejM EH
I Lfl Am down or I
Would you sign a recall for
one or more of the present city
Yes or no
Would you vote to recall one
or more of the present city
Yes or no
Write your answer, cut this
out and mall to Lock box CSS,
City. Y7TI—X.
ySlfe_ Jf/ a $50,000 stock of pianos, player pianos, band instruments fiai
Wjm_iooi AND musical merchandise will be sold at greatly re ■■
duced prices. \\\\\\\
- M Years ago we started in business in Tacoma. Years have scon many changes, but the piano bouse of Baft-
Jj sindalc still stands as a landmark for PIANO BUYERB. HH
We have outgrown our present quartan to such an extent that we have purchased our own stoic build-
ing which now gives us douhle the space of our present quarters. _______
H^H The world's hest Pianos and Player Pianos will he offered in this sale for less than they have ever been HQ
H^B sold in Tacoma. Perhaps you have often thought you would like to lum-i-iie on your home, but it has seem- KB
*■ ed a little beyond your means. Why not consider it now while Ihe opportunity is beret purchasing qual- fl^M
|^H ity at an astonishingly low price. Make your wife and little Mary happy and add years to your own life Hfl|
fl^H by giving sweet harmony a place at your fireside. B9
The Estey, over seventy years before the public, represents the last word in piano merit. The Lester, «■§
known for its mellow, singing tone and durability. The Francis Bacon, with its romantic history ex- _—
tending over a century. The Haines Bros., the artists' choice. The Cable Nelson, the Kindler & Collins, 3HJB
Foster & Co., the Cable & Sons, the Werner, the Ivors „ Pond, the Lakeside, the llobart If, Cable, and R9
•I other well known makes. _____H
One popular Piano, not new $98.00 One quarter-sawed TTobart M. Cable, used about 6" HHI
One handsome $400 Cable Nelson, mahogany, used *<*«* J™ W*s* n,,w •• • $290 Bi
■^H , jno -ma One f-BSo Werner, very handsome massive ease, used _____*_
Bhort t,mc Soo'S! «'llh' 4 months ....' $238 B&g
m I One |850 Lakeside, oak case $233.00 0ne.5475 Ivers & Pond, mahogany case ..' $385 Bfl|
One $400 Kindler & Collins, used 3 months, now $275 One $800 llobart M. Cable Player Piano, mahogany jBH
One quarter-saAed oak piano $163 case, a beauty $635 fl^|
The above values you cannot afford to overlook without serious investigation; but remember, first come
first served. This sale will be for ten days only. Our low prices in this sale should be for Cash, but we will
offer them at the same low terms as usual. _______
J 10,000 copies of popular standard and operatic CORNETS ____B
I^H music, values up to 30c per copy, all to go at, per The $28.00 brand, now $17.00
copy 5c The 119.00 brand, now $11.50
The $16.00 Ukulele, now $12.00 The $14.00 brand, now } $9.50
\ aaaa m The $14.00 values for $10.00, and the $12.00 kind for ORGANS
BH $9.00. .The $5.00 kind for $3.50 $150 Estey piano case organ $65.00
IM| Phonograph Records, each .. .10c, 15c, 25c and 35c $125 Kimball Chapel Organ $75.00 BB
The new flat Portuguese Mandolin, $30 kind $17.00 A Taber Organ $21.00
The $25.00 kind, now $15.00 A Weaver Parlor Organ $35.00
The $18.00 kind, now $9.00 $115 Chicago Cottage Organ $45.00 HB
If you are organizing a band, we are in a position to outfit half a dozen bands at one-third of usual cost. Out
of town orders always receive prompt attention. For the benefit of out-of-town trade, when coming to HH
I town, get a transfer to cable. You will find us opposite the Tacoma Public Library. fl9
«r% a /^|_P-__r___T_r\ __. WTI _n_f_i ws- Bassindale, Manager and Owner. ___H
lllww II [ml 1/11 L I II Hi
mmjm \ fJfjU ml Ff^l ill V/\J# 1109 Tacoma Aye. Opposite the Public Library.
—Today the first evidence of dte-j
comforture was manifest in the
national women's military train
ing camp at Chevy Chase.
The grilling work in the sear
ing sun and the flat shoes on Ihe
rough ground affected the girls
and women. Their bodies droop
ed, complexions were vivid ami
red and their feet were blistered.
Nevertheless, they were highly
PUYALLUP, May S.- Local
Knights of Pythias have begun
work In an endeavor to obtain
the Pythian home here.
SFMNER, May B, — Klghty
three Sumner school children will
take part In a pageant to be given
Tell of Caplan Doings
I.OS ANGELES, May s.—Three Tacoinans were witnesses yes
terday in the trial of David Caplan, charged with murder in connec
tion with the dynamiting of the Times building. Mrs. C. M. Wendt
Identified Caplan as one of two men who stayed at her home In Ta
coma In September, lUIO, and who left a I'ox marked with the word
"dynamite. "
Ueorge Marvin, former salesman for a powder company at
Dupont, told of selling dynamite to two men, one of whom resem
bled Caplan. Oscar Fug*, all. storekeeper at Home colouy, identified
Caplan as former resident of the colony.
To Revise Income Tax
Iv the light of the disclosures made by Basil If. Manly in the
Times and other Seripps newspapers, democrats of the house ways
and means committee and tlie senate finance committee are deter
mined today on a revision of the income tax, according to advices
received from Washington, D. C.
With the return of Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo from
South America, they are preparing to Bet down to hard work on the
revenue problems confronting congress, la revising the income tnx
the committees will work on the basis that it, together with the cor
porate tax, will yield $100,000,(100.
Naming the Mountain
The Roturians are out in a body lor Justice to the Mountain
, Working to have the old Indian name Officially restored to lit. Ta
enia, a committee of the Tacoma Rotaiy club will meet with the
Seattle Hotarians next Wednesday in Seattle.
At the meeting here yesterday H. 11. Manny, Seattle Hotarian,
declared that IB per cent of the Seattle mm ban ure in favor ol doing
away with the name Hainler and putting tlie name Tacoma on the
j map-.
G. 0. P.'s Lining Up
At a meeting in the Tacoma hotel, delegataa to the state re
publican convention at North Yakima from seven of nine southwest
Washington counties, on their way to the meeting, formed I perma
nent southwest organization. Werner A. Hupp of Aberdeen, former
state republican chairman, was elected chairman ami Dan w. Bush
of Chehalis was chosen secretary. The Pierce county delegation will
leave for North Yakima on a special train at midnight tonight.
Big Cargo of Cotton
The Osaka Shsen Kalsha liner Tacoma Maru lefl port thtß
morning with a big cargo of general freight \allied at |St>o,#ovt, In
cluding 8,411 bales of cotton worth I 111!,,080, and 4,190 cases of
reapers for Vladivostok. The entire oafgo of the big liner was taken
on at Tacoma. The liner .Manila Maru en' the same tleet is in port
loading for the Orient.
For Nonpartisanship
BKATTXJt, May I,—Tha principle of nonpartleaaehlp in state,
Icoumy and municipal affairs was endorsed by the progressive state
convention here yesterday as „ plank in the state platform. The
convention chose 14 delegates to the national convention in Chicago,
and instructed them to vote for the noiuinaiin of Theodore Hoo.e-
Ivelt fr president.
Friday and Saturday nighte.
Nineteen students will be gradu
ated from the high school this
PUYALLUP, May 5. Forty
l'uyallup high school students
will receive their diplomas June
|] at the commencement exer
cises 111 the high school. Class
day exercises will be held June
— Food prices have increased .">
per cent over last year, it was
claimed bjr the department of
Crescent Butter Store
1101 .Market SI reel.
Main _."!'.
B cans Aater .Mi'.k, 2.v, with
a purchase of 1 lb. of Tea
or Coffee,
FrtM* rliurned Washington
Creamer) flutter, lb. M?_e
Tin i linn Kinest Creamery
Butter, Hi He
3 lbs. fof #1.(11)
Our Special Blend Coffoa,
Ih _»<•
Koua blend Coffee, lb. Me
Our BreakfM! Blend Coffee,
lb lor
Younger Man's Opportunity SUMMER
t Young men need «l«»ihes Mercerized White Voile
that tit their ITi'llil'c- 44 inches wide, a sheer fine
menU as well as their mmmM ,*"**■ lor "**
waists ainl dresses; 0C«
[HCOUI6, prtoN, a yard -Ju
The men higher Up al- ■*■ ,i,", " ,,all,y ' a >d' '' m
ways have big salaries. White Diagonal Skirt-
Tlu- younger men who ings
are climbing the ladder ; :|: *_*_ dt!- • ",, Il e,Mli, d
n _ fahric for gulling and all out
liave to Compete With ( |„or sports nothing better as
them—ability and ;ip- a tub fabric; «Jsq
pearain-e both counting.
__■_____«_»__________________ Mercerized White
StYleplUS <_r 17 Sherrettes
g ■ ml # —:!s Inches wide, permanent
i_lAth»_>^ 4PI/ lustrous finish, for fine
es anil baby's ; ")£»»
•Ilic same price Ihe iwllon over." ill esses, , t \ ill <1 _. O O
Put the Stamp of Success on VOUUg men. —Main nam
The models are just as skillfully designed M •------—-----——--—---—-—
those of higher priced clothes. If the trade VmV
mark were not on the dollies experts would tml-flllC-O __
I'l'nli.'iliK tell \oii thai such fabrics could not hi UI \J U L/V iJ
sold for $17. ' The smart I uiisi. jfows i"jl>« m- vm . ArTlvl ,. v ,,„,,„ „
Superior Suits. Value, Variety CD | _f f\£\
>nd Style always gg c $1,48 $1.98
MEN'S SUITS AT $13.00 $3.._8
All men like these conservative models and pat- included ara ttilmi and tail
terns—hundreds of Tacoma men and business "*> *r*+ '■ »'-•■ •"_*
Tia.aa_l„„ «!_. fl> 1 X f)t\ _„i|„ f ll'sll - pill k , IHld Mt TipOll SIUvH.
men are wealing Peoples Store $15.00 Suits m r#r _ ir(ty R|MM|
this season. Nt ,-P lir. a» chine. Oaorgatt*,
(food materials and good sewing is part of their rattan ami argMSIM la plain
virtues and the patterns appeal to all men who shades, white _m stripes. The
hesitate to pu. on the extreme new cuts. We *•»■■■- h«»»«i<n many picas
, , , . , .1 i .. Ins noveltlea, is well worth the
stand behind every suit See them andl you of _ vWt hm to ____
will agree wiih us that they %C| fa lli I prfeN mc,91.44 09 00
are a big value for L^R9Jm\M\M «,.„„ ami $0.30
Roy*' "Wear-Test" % petticoats of
uvyb near ICdl A^ BLACK SATEEN
<_ll_f_ af <U4^ Qf_ Mm GREEN SATEEN
These are the Suits we specialize on. We have Vj UT AND
l' 1""-'' Of 1 n now all wool ma'crials selected Pf-Lfl nX>VT>V G-TIJ. _>T»T_
ii., our wear-teat system for quality and dura- 11 fV ll W_w_i_r__ _ J._vlirx_u
lilllty, Some very smart fancy mixtures and pin fc4\ _<) PTrtTf 1 TT A TVTC*
stripes of gray, brown and Idiie. also ihcphtrd M ■ HlPv______|
ehacka art now ready. Sizes ,lo IS years. A W M _
guarantee ol satisfaction with every "Wear W w ■I __ ■__-!_>_.
Test" Sun. Ml t>A nr f *k Mi •Jl IJ_*__*
Of knickers. A iroal value at $*tat)J <_>" » _L__LB_t #f(|"
STILT Wm Tin: stiii:mihs nov
It Is sunn ising how well you can dress your hoy, and dress him WW m
light, too, if you liny his Suit now at this price. We arc offer- Ll /V O 8 A~\ ' m \ m\J r An
Ihe newest imttrrns, styles and shades, in nood weight, _1|l)I1 I \ s" 0T
durable niatiiials, at this very low price. _»__^^l_r_l^/__ ¥
KXTRA TRorSKR si ITS __ _w
lt-s ei'onoiny to buy Kxtia Trouser Suits, so we ha\e had these ■ _ _TB_ol <_ _7
units made with two pairs oi irouscrß, which make Ihe outfll illlllll»-_ W
equal lo alionl Iwu suits. »>—' MM _LB __[ %M J
The Jackets are new Norfolk models, and the ____________ „ _ , ....
oants may he had lull lined or not. In either »"> 'NY Siiiula, Sto,kin«s
ease the senilis arc securely made and care- tree Toinoirou.
fully reinforced. Try a suit at this prh c, Baseball l'.\N<V SILK IIOSII l!V f1.15
with two pairs of trousers, and see what a , Tho eo«bU__»to_ of colors la
splendid Investment It Will prove to be. A AlKl .„,,,„„• t . »„ .
. ■ _,«« mm r» x most pleasing, out the best
good assortment of mQ QC Rat . , lA ,
pattanw, Choice t)J>JJ \i;-*-u feature is the weailiiK ciualttlt-B.
KHAKI HI'ITS for hoys' roimh-and-l iimlile Wl-11 They ha\e doiihle heels and
outing wear; Norfolk coat and kniekerhoi k- Every ,o,>t, ,in il rolßforoad garter tops,
ers; sizes Ii to 1. years. tfO AO a»»»f They are so dilieient from the
Priced at KII.IIK to '»P»_f4o SUI. regulai line Of fancy Hosiery
MILITARY SIITS Coat and long pants; -—-—————— that one is at once attracted to
sizes 6to 14 years. MQC —Bays' Shop, their appearance. fIM 4C
diced at tfcU Secoiul ITnor. I'lice. par pair y1» I U
i»in_ purge oi' riiui.uiii scwta
personal thanks to loyal Irish
Tlionias I'.lni;--. jr., of il—lf
•BglßMring commission arrives in
Buttle on way north to prepare
for Nlltnu Hon of KairliankH di
vision of government Alaska rail
Free tenting glasses, $l.i>o tip.
I'faff, Optician, 1147 Broadway.
SniMlish socialist eriitors --■ n
ti-ncpd to prison for advising sol
diers to strike if Sweden became
involved In war.
Viking Hair Tonic. Why stay
bald? Box 10, Tacoma. "adv."
lii-h nationalist iiii-iiiiii-i'.s will
auk parliament to secure com
plete disarmament of Ireland.
McLean the contract mover.
Main 1850. adv.
"We women will liave our lm
coins and Gladstones to lead the
fight for political freedom of
women," says Mrs. Harriett Stan
ton I Mil 11 li.
l-luli market for sale. 1144 Pa
cific aye. Big bargain, an owner
live. In Seattle. Call und nee It.
High water in Mississippi river
threatens to flood lowu cities.
—«>»■ mm.l 25e merchants' limit
at Duenwald's, 1112 Broadway.
(.cumin nnd Austrian reserv-
Ists applying for citizenship In
North Yakima say they would de
fend r. S. In case of war with
Camels laden with bomb* are
lilowu up try Turks In Egypt to
prevent them falling into hands
of Ornish.
MONTINU CO. Mate 417. adv.
Henry Heiiilinrilt of l nhcisity
nl Cslifomls in elected president
of Mills college.
I n lil Marshal Lull Kitchener
praises Don. Townskond ami do
fenders of Kut-cl-Am.vra, Mjrl_t
surrender in face of staivation is
no discredit.
Cut flowers and floral work.
lliii., florist. So. 7th and K. adv
I*. S. marine- may lilnil lit San
to Domingo to protect American
I iiiim of Methodist Kpiscupal
churches iv l\ S. is recommended!
lo general conference at Saratoga
Hundred Standard Oil em-
our prices ailll remain tlie
lame, though meat prloee
are going up elsewhere,
Pot roost, lb lOe
Veal roast, lb i_'_c
Leg of pork roast, lb. . . 17c
Hamburger, lb 12He
Clubhouse ssusags ....16V
2 for 25c
Our baron prlcee are tho
cheapest In the city. Call
on us before purchasing.
Boston bacon, lb. ...12)£c
Sugar cured breakfast bacon
lb 2flc, 22!, c, —Sc
Sliced bacon 2iia
Small sugar cured bam 18c
I 1104 Market st.
ployei in Tacoma get Increase la
Memorial >tr,|ec for those who
ln<i Hieir lives in I.usitanla dis
aster lo lie held Sunday after
licnili cliiiin tieriiinus have
lost work of Months at Verdun.
\n,lher •_."> cent advance In
price of sugar is expected by Ta
coma diMlers wiiliin .4 hours.
Mnri-inge Licenses
1,, c, Robinson of St. Paul,
Minn., and llose Kitchens of Lit
tle Etodt, Ark.: H. Meyer and Am
iier m. Christiansen, both of .s_
attle; K. Y. Carlson and Lillian
Hark, lioth of Tacoma.
nt present low prices. Sugar
will reach $10 per hundred
weight -10 cents per pound—
In all probability. Buy now at
prices you may not be able to
duplicate for months to come.
Finest Cane Sugar, a sack $7.H0
ll lbs. Rest Cane Sugar. .fl.iK)
1 large bottle Queen Olives _.*tc
Ripe Olives, per can loc
2oc. bottle Grape Juice, per
bottle 2:lc
,">oc bottle Welch Grape Juice
at i ie
•3 bottles Prepared Mustard 24c
25c Jars Preserves 22c
1 large Mrs. Porter's Salad
Dressing 18c
3 pVgs. A. ft H. Soda HSc
3 lbs. Tapioca 22c
« hpkciai. hi.i.mis n)ni:i:
, 25c grade Htm
. -0c grade ." .990
35c grade 2*~
iVe Deliver. Phone Your Oilers.
Pacific Groceteria
1316 Pacific Ay. Tel. Main 1399