Newspaper Page Text
n******* Iflr _______ '"'--_(__ S^*-"**—HL.^ ._ _ _— T _Bre__B____a -_»~:*-H_K____-i; ____ Panamas Dame Fashion has pronounced the Panama to be the "style" for Spring and Summer wear. We carry all the popular shapes. Ladies are cordially invited to inspect these new arrivals at $4 and $5 SEE THEM AT THE M. & M. Hat Shop 944 Pacific Avenue ALLOW DICE; SAY POLICE "Push boards," a device used for gum tiling for candy and el gars, common In Tacoma cigar •nd confectionery stands during the past year, were ordered out of use today by Detective Chief Fa-cKler. It was announced that dice would be permitted In cigar stores, so long as they were used only In shaking for cigars. No dice ry card games for money will be permitted. FIVE AVALANCHES BAR PARK ROADS Five avalanches, vary from fiO to I tin feet in width, are lying across the government road by EXTRA SPECIAL SATIKDAY TO MOXHAY • ni,unci Ice ('ream 25c Qt. 5c ut Fountain. Mi 1. 1- Your I'art are ou llutter. iiiir llest Butter, churned fresh daily. 00" lb dUO MAM IN Ol It BAKKIIY Devil's Kood Layer Cakes. cadi. 20c and BSc Lemon Snaps, dozen. . . . 10c (lerinan Breakfast Snails, do/ Mi VI vile In Our Caiiily Kitchen Mexican Panoche, lb. . . ,:ioc MEADOWMOOR DAIRY STORE DOK Broadway. T.ii mini Theater Khlg. Factory located IMB Only. Central Public Market 1144-40 Pacific Aye. Free Delivery. Main 2409. Main 4884. A BIRTHDAY EVENT Shelby's Orchestra will play afternoon and evening, and our famous Country Club Coffee will be served free all day Sat urday. Regular :i.">c value, Sat urday only 20c We have installed an up-to-date llobart Peanut Uutter machine. Come in and watch It work. 3 lbs. of Peanut Uutter, Satur day only 25c 14 lbs. extra fine Granulated Bugar SI.OO willi a dollar purchase or other groceries-—flour and specials not included. 3 cons of Del Monte SolTtl Packed Tomatoes 25c Regular 15c can of extra Sugar Peas, 3 cans 2fic 6 lbs. of good Dry Peaches 25c 6 lbs. of Prunes 25c Rcßiilar IS| can of Dal Monte Asparagus 25c 4 packages of Spaghetti, Maca roni or Vermacelll 2.5 c Regular 20c bottle Del Monte (Catchup, 2 bottles for ... .25c Regular 20c can Tuna Fish, 2 cans 25c 7 cane of Oil of Mustard Sar dines j 25c 4 packages of Cornflakes. . .25c Regular 15c can Cut String | Beans, 2 cans 15c 'ME CENTRAL PUBLIC v MARKET 11 14-18 Pacific Avenue. the Nisqually glacier in the Na tional park, according to Super visor Realm m. Thin People Gained Weight Quickly Hy Following This Simple Sug gestion. Thin men and women who would like to increase their weight with 10 or lv pounds of healthy "stay there" fat should try eating a little Sargol with their meals for a while and note results. Here is a good test worth trying. First weigh your self and measure yourself. Then take Sargol- one tablet with every meal,—for two weeks. Then weigh and measure again. It isn't a question of how you look or feel or what your friends say and think. The scales and the tape measure will tell their own story, and many thin men and women we believe can easily add from ' five to eight pounds in the first fourteen days by following this simple direction. And best of all, the new flesh stays put. Sargol does not of itself make ; fat, I ut mixing with your food, it aims to turn the fats, sugars and starches of what you have eaten, into rich, ripe fat producing nour ishment for the tissues and I blood—prepare it in an easily as- I similated form which the blood i can readily accept. Much of this nourishment now pnsßCg from your body as waste. Hut Sargol ! works to stop the waste and do It , quickly and lo make the fat pro i ilitclng contents of the very same ' meals you are eating now develop pounds and pounds of healthy i flesh lietween your skin and i bones. Sargol is safe, pleasant, efficient and inexpensive. Crown Drug Co., 1111 Pacific aye., and other leading druggists in this vicinity sell it in large boxes forty tablets to a package —on a guarantee of weight in crease or money back as found in each large box. Grocery Specials Saturday Good Creamery Butter, per 11). SSc, J', lbs. tor 85c Finest Creanierv Butter, per lb. Hlit, :; lbs SSc Strictly Fresh Ranch Kggs, 4 doz. for 05c l-'ine (irunulatcd Sugar, 11 lbs. for Sl.oo California Haron, per lb. (per strip! 17c Picnic Hams, per lb I _:' _,• Sec size Kara Syrup 20c 6, ric size Karo Syrup BSg 35c size Molasses 28c Lenox Soap, 8 for 25c 1 lb. pkgs. Corn Starch, 4 for 25c, i) for 50c 8 oz. bottles Salad Dressing, He, 2 for 25c loc cans Smoked Herrings in Bouillon or Tomato Sauce, 2 for 25c, 4 for 48c Comb Honey, 15c, 2 for. . . ,28c Fine flrade Canned Peas, 6 for 45c, 1 doz 85c Solid Pack Tomatoes, Del Monte, 6 cans 55c Standard Tomatoes, 6 cans 45c Bulk Macaroni, 5 lbs. for. .25c New Potatoes, per lb. sc, & lbs. for 25c New Peas, 8c per lb., 2 lbs. 15c Yakima Apples, Winesaps, per !>ox $1.00 11.00 sack Pratt's Chick Feed for »0c Gelatine Jelly Powder, 10c pkgs., 6 for i"ic TKA AND OOFFEK SPECIALS oc .per lb. off all Bulk Coffees 25c and up. 5c per lb. off all Bulk Tegs 25c and up. FTRNITI'HE DEPARTMENT UPS MRS FOR ONE WEEK All Cotton Mattresses, weight 45 lbs., 7 layers felted cotton, covered with good grade art ticking; regular value |8.50, special $11,115 MM GOODS DEPARTMENT •SPECIALS Percales—One yard wide, regu lar value 15c, Saturday apo dal lie FlbOr Silk Hose—Colors black, iky, pink, navy and champagne; special Saturday, per pr.. . ,25c Fiber Silk Boot Hose—White >r black, all sixes; regular value 35c, Saturday special 25c Remember We Are Just 'Round tlie Corner From High Prints. The Cable Cars Stop In Front of Our Door. M. C. TEBBETTS, Inc. I*ol-3 A St. Opp. Fo.tofflca. Tel. Mate 855. Mysterious 'AcT Revives Recall Talk Interest in a possible recall of city officials was' revived today by a mysterious classified adver tisement inserted in The Times and other newspapers. The "ad" asked voters whether they would sign a recall petition against one or more of the pres ent commissioners, and whether I hey wfluld vote for the recall. All effort to learn who Insert ed the advertisement proved fail ures. Mayor Fawcett, who recently announced that a recall was ue- Ing started against him, accused James B. Agner, former superin tendent of water mains, of pub lishing the notice. "I don't know who tliey want to recall, unless it is Mr. Drake or myself," said the mayor. Commissioner Atkins has al ways stood in vyith the crowd that Is behind this recall agita tion. He even paid $•.'.") into their fund during tlie campaign. I saw his name on the list, and the amount of his subscription." Demands New Haffer Trial In a motion for a new dial filed today in the case of Paul Haffer, convicted of libeling George Washington's memory. Attorney Pendleton asserted that Judge Card was in error when he excluded the defendant from the courtroom while the trial was In progress and gave instructions to the Jury, "It is absolutely against the law of this state," Pendleton said today, "lor a judge to have any communication with a jury when tin- defendant Is out of the room. If we do not get a new trial, I feel certain the supreme court will force the superior court to make the concession." Pendleton's affidavit is talien from the court record and quotes the court's words. Affidavits of Paul Hafler and C. J. Criswell accompany that of Pendleton. One Man Out for Park Job Only one candidate for the of fice of park commissioner for tbe city of Tacoma has yet taken out blanka for signatures of nomina tion petitioners. He is If, M. Alexander, fit 8 So. X street, who has acted as extra clerk in the public works depart ment. The park election is called for June IS. E. A. Kean's term expires next month. The commissioner to be elected will serve five years. Nominations are to close at 5 p. in. May 31. • Retail Drygoods Merchants Elect The Tacoma Itetail Drygoods Merchants' association, at its Mt nuifl meeting last night, electv'd the following officers lor ilie year: James McCormuck, of Mc- Cormack Bros., president; C. L. Hnfford, of the Peoples Store, vice president; Theo. feist, of Feist & Bachrach, treasurer, and O. I). Fraser, of Rhodes Bros., secretary. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD PRAISED BY ROTARIANS Praise for the work of the civil service board and suggestions lor further efficiency In tlie method of selecting city employes, were given in a report Issued today by a committee of the Rotary dub which has ben investigating the civil service system here. One of the suggestions Is tint an efficiency system of reports should be installed for following up the work of persons certified as competent who receive employ ment. It is urged that the city commissioners be asked to put rules in operation. "We suggest in this connec tion that weight should be given to personality," the report says. "This feature does not appear In the list of subjects considered In your examination of candidates, "Personality Is a mattSr of great Importance, particularly In persons asking for position where they will be In contact with the public. The fact that a person has secured his place via civil service, or has held it for an ex- Cop Demands Police Trial Former Patrolman Theodore Hopkins, who waa suspended sev eral months ago following charges that he had assaulted little girls In the Oakland dis trict, reported for duty yesterday afternoon without Invitation, and was immediately notified by Commissioner Pettit that lie was discharged. Through his son, John Hop kins, a deputy sheriff, the former policeman gave notice that he would demand a hearing under the civil service rules. NO PARK FOR SNAKE LAKE It would cost $5,000 to estab lish a city park at Snake lake, as requested by residents of tho Wast Bad, and only a handful of persons would patronise It, ac cording to tho report that Secre tary dower will make nest week to tho park board. TBS TACOMA TIMES. "Rick" Leads Racing Field—As Entrant I ililm Itickenliuclier, nt right, and iiieclianicliiii. (Inset) "Kick" driving 100 miles an hour. INDIANAPOLIS, May 4. —To, Eddie lUclienbacher goes the honor of being the first entrant in the sixth international sweep stakes race hilled for May 19 on the Indianapolis automobile speedway, and he says he'll be I list at tlie finish. His mount is a Maxwell car. In his practice WOO? SHK IS MISS AI.ICK DAVKN POKT, known as "Mother" to the members of the Keystone motion picturo camp. She is the one per son In the comedy plant who can straighten out all the little per sonal troubles that bob up from time to time. There Is no griev ance too petty for this kind hearted woman to listen to, and she is never too busy to give a word of advice to perplexed movie girls. Miss Davenport was born In New York city, where she re ceived her education. She chose the stage as a profession when just a young girl, and after a suc cessful legitimate experience lis tened to the call of the photoplay world. tended period protected by that service, lias a tendency to make iin think that it constitutes a ' title in fee simple ,and the pub-! lie are not entitled to much con-; sideratlon. "Means should be provided, with the approval of the c,ty com-] mission, to discourage this attl-! tude. "We are satisfied that you gentlemen are sincere and *)ti i ii in the work which you are doing; that you have formu-j lated and are working undar rules that seem to be Just and suitable; that your examinations appear to be arranged for the purpose of securing competent employes for for the positons to be filled. "We note with pleasure your rules governing appointments to the police and fire departmen.*», limiting the age of applicants. These departments need young, vigorous and athletic men more than any other department of the city, as the city looks to them for safety and protection." vmNISHIS WELL FIXED Police Capt. J. C. Cornish, who assumed his new unties today, is bewailing the purchase last week or a new suit of clothes. Cornish ordered a new suit, not knowing that he would be ap pointed police captain. Now he has to order a new blue uniform, to supplant the trim brown one that he wore as captain of the mounted division, LORIMER FACES • ANOTHER CHARGE CHICAGO, May 6.—Acquitted In the superior court of a con spiracy and embezzlement charge In connection with his bank, William Lorimer face* a federal court trial for misappropriation of funds. ) COMMERCIAL BINDER! A ranmNo cx>. m«_. .it. adV. spins which wer not public, Ed- Yankee filer to the test In the big die unraveled a speed of 100 meet at New York prior to tu rnip's an hoar without pushing! lading Indianapolis. He baa I his car. This year the race is forlhUßCh an American racer will be 300 milesand RicKenliaclier, vvlioi returned the winner here. The was runner-up In _• 11 ill" contests I laal sweepstakes won by ■■ of IIM,"), feels confident he will American-made, car was National annex the prize and glory on the No. Sin 111 1.. In |!i l;; a Pougeu: local course. won. a Delage finished first in I Hii-keiibacher will put liit* 1 3.»1 * and I Mercedes in ItlS. SouthTacoma Line Will Be Changed Soon In a letter written to the city council today, Manager Beau of the T. It. £ P. CO. explained that ho intended to start work Im mediately ou the JeffersOn-Taco nia avenue route of the South Ta coma street cars. "In order to route the heavy South Tacoma cars over the Ta coaia venue fill, it will lie neces- I sary to relay all rails on lef fer json avenue," wrote Bean. "This work will start at ou**e and the line will M in use in two or three months." Was Suicide Says Coroner, County and city officials arc | still at a loss to explain the idea-, Uty of the man whose deconi-l posed liody was found yesterday I in tlie deep woods at Shore Acres near Ulg Harbor by 0. A. (lorder, a farmer. Tlie man was well dressed, and had a _l-jewel Hamilton watch. 11.18 and a personal card of Dr. Tynu of Dig Harbor iv the clothes. The initals "I. la. S." are ou the liai'iuiid Coroner Stewart believes that the man committed suicide. I Bui Wley-King has charge of the body. M'ADOO STRONG FOR 810 FLEET, WASHINGTON, D, C, May 1.l Secretary McAdoo, on his re turn from South America, Claim.l that all of the countries he vis- | lted were friendly and urgent that we obtain a merchant marine to trade with tln-in. Today and Tomorrow Cross Currents Featuring Helen Ware Teddy Sampson and Courtney Foote An entrancing Fine Arts Triangle pro duction in 5 eompel iag reels. Also a 2-Reel Keystone Comedy To Make You Laugh. APOLLO 1131 33 Broadway Phone Main 2270 1 *'■_______-■- CITY CHAUFFEUR NOW OUT OF JOB Tom Miller, for several years private chauffeur to Commission er Owen Woods, found blnißtif out of a job today. Miller was formerly a daughts man In the city engineer's pffice, hut was requisitioned hy Woods as chauffeur, although his salary continued to come from the engi neering division. Yesterday Commissioner Gro nen decided that he would drive his own car and needed no chauf feur. Miller was sent back to the engineer's office, to find that there was no work there for him to do. SUFFS DON'T WANT 810 POSITION NOW CHICAGO, May I.—Miss Alice Paul, chairman of the CO__T«a- Jhnrrs FRYE& COMPANY QUALITY MARKETS __________________________ ———————————__■_____■ Saturday Specials Fresh creamery OQ« butter, Hi _.uC New California IQ#\ cheese, lb I OC Steer pot roast. I _,_, Ii loC Brisket boiling 11 --beef, lb iIC Freeh spare ribs, ii_ I" lIC Pork back bones, ij-r 10 lbs. Z3C Pork neck bones, l%{\ 5 lbs ZUC Fresh pork liver, «__ 1" DC I.atnb hearts, «_, lb OC Sugar cured bacon, in. Ib loC Link sausage. Sat- lOi. urday only, lb. .. . I _._C Pork shoulder 4A _ 1F„ roast, lb 14C IOC Loin pork roast, 4 Q„ Location of Oar Market, I Tib ami Conunorce. Washington Market, Ills _o Itroailwtt). We Give I Penny J Change I iOcxxx_«3-x_cxxxa J "The Ritfht Clothing j» D at the Right Price" j* ~% Our aim is to sell your "ri'HHW.if' I i__ I J dependable clothing prop , _y.fyJ^ iLf/v^_j»*-■* )■ ■r erly priced. We're nulls-' -^~*-^s£_ ''* _"~_r __far 1^ IK you buy here, COM con- I * ii^__it__£_?_: B' r*| Suits for Young /^* I\\W > \&?\ /^ LJ Men - /j \y/__.l 111 L ™i «iii> nniii imiividiiai iini /f. yi '. A ftjl /P l«l lively who Ilk* ~'\ A /_\ «■ I jK color and daring styles.^ [ A _'l __! [ 1 that are it "'ie»#_ /\ 1- ■ _^ »R Young men will liml sin-li^ij^SUf ,|\ I'lA J, X $15, $18, $20 to $25 '^1 \\JjMi L mt Conservative Styles |_j / / /*"' l^ men <l>> MhL'l' / / I good ■__■ '/ _ a j taste and who are critical '' g" □ $20:::$30 J M USE YOUR CREDIT L II It costs you nothing extra. It's much more con- r^ SS# venient. \ well paid credit a' lount b a good n-r- I oinniendation of your hotiisiv. .til.oo \ WKKE. SAa W i:\cu si\ t; ix ii'imiiki. ioii WOMBS jk f*\ ami Mtssas f^ Open Saturday Till 10 p. in. f*r Jrf\ tiaSM l'.i..ii<l»»iiy, I'lMUlr-, (iro»» f M WALK IPSTAH.M—SAVB sto.oo _3CXXX>3OOeXX3t3 sional union, says that a woman will not be nominated at tho par ty convention here June ,i-7, claiming the suffragists have not reached a stage where they be lieve It wise. Broadway Public Market Co. 1137-30 lIItOADWAi Free Delivery Main MSB j ■ATI USA v IPWI .I.* 11x111-1:11. 1 1 nil i-i si aii, _.-. I gpecial lew prices on Beading, Basket, Window Box, ul»o Vege- ' table Plants. A few tlUt ROOOI left, 3c la 13c cacti. SIX 1.1, || Apples,*. box .*£tV ttnittshcH, 1 bunches ge Khubkrb, 7 lbs Ma g, ,vi n. gtatnpi glvsn. til*. XI IIKPi, Miller & Amoa' Meats are ,vf lilKle-st quality. We buy for spot I null Hint give customer! tin- ben efit nf nil discounts, Pot loast, 111 •. . . 13'l'I' 1 Picnic shoulders, lb 18a Cottage butts, 11 > lis <*,„>,l bacon, n> ISV-»a Hack biiiics. in llm. for gls Plus* livers, n> • «■■ Polk roast, lb . I le-l.le Vrtut roast, ii> i:ie-iie XI tlllvll IIIMII II XN I rooking just like niol ber s. Ti | ' ll». SI 11,1 | -11-JI Bwoel orangas, doa _n<—'tiic j Win, sap apples, dot l.'.e-'.lle Home grown gross, lb. *..10e j ISI ecu peas, 2 His IBs ; Cucumbers, each go. Ma 1 •s. & IT. Slamps given si i-g We t:ive s & if Btampi Banana*, doa. ..• _h Bee I I'iii'iinitiers, each •..-.. r,e , Btrlng beans. :t itvs gge j ST X1,1.M u.ig (let you Butters and Bogs at I siaii li. We niv • s ti 11. stamps. Have them, they are valuable liiif special iv crackers. *■, gra ham crackers unit 1 ITneeda i>i« cult fur •. a.-.c MT. \ I_K\o\ Bl TTK.R A UROCgIRY 111, Tbeao prices good to Kit,lay May It. II lbs. bent Qranulated Bugar 11.00, witb 11.00 ortl.r ot other pooda, 5 lbs. French Primus gg* 5 llm. cut Macaroni _.">»• 1 1 pk.H. Cora Flakes . . 13,. | 2 cunß Cnvn Oysters I3r 2 10a pkgs. Corn Stnrcb . . . . • ISe 1 large B_tder*i Tomato goup 230 LTio bottle Hnlder's Catsup ....gge 2~>r can X l* HakhiK; Powder .o,' 2 cans Underwood's Bardinea iRe I rSDS Mlnc»d I'lania -ir„- | i pi..- Orabam Crackers .. -*r Froth Soda I'raekeiK, lb Kir 4 large nma Tarnation Milk .file Item.lll Meal, per pkK 23c I*\\\} ban RORTHEHS pacific .._„ 11.10 a. m. gpokana Llii.ltad—No. Yakima. Paaco. Spokane l-lla. _f 1:40 a.m. Portland Night Kxp.—Vial Pt. Defiance lOi _. _T 1:10 a.m. Seattle from I'nrtalnJ via. PL Detlanca 10 » _T ■ at) a—. Atlantic Exp.—Spokane, Helena, B. tie, «t Paul "• \ Chicago 1010 a.-. 1.00 a.m. Wllkeaon, Caibonado, Falrfas 70* n l.tHm. Oraya Harbor Una—Via Point lain* gt Olympla t'li- _■ |:lta.m. Portland Local—Via Yelm and 80. Tacoma. .77 ■•_,- 9 Il» a_,m- Raymond _ 80. Band via Yelm and 80. Tacoma »'■!-_' — 10.10-TO- aaattla Local—Seattle and Intermedial* ...1.... R.I-"* --11:41 p. m. Baattle—From Portland. Raymond and Oo Heni "•"•••■a "" via -aim and 80. Tacoma it .a ( :00 pm. Oraya Har. Local—Via Polat Oeflanoe IM nS" 8:30 pm. Mlaa Val Llm—Bllltnga. Kan. City, Rt Louis... •■-_-■»■ 4 iii ii. in. St-alile—!■ mm Oraya Har. via PL Deflance »»n °*- 1:00 pm. OrtUg. Carbonado. Buckley, Kanaakot l__a_"* |:46 li. m. Portland 8p»clal via Pt. Defiance A Ontratle a'!! '■, |li ii. in. Raymond * 80. Band via PL Defance ,: it p "*■ 1:11 pm. Jreya Harbor Exp.—Via Lakavlaw * Dupoi.t n_« p* "*■ IDOp —. Mo. CoaatLlm—Spokane, Butta. St. Paul. Chlol _:_!„•■»• 1146 p.m. Seattle—From (Praye Har. via. Mo. Taeoana ii-aa £ ■*■ lliipm- Seattle—Prom Portland via PL Defiance .:__„'* 1:10 p.m. gaattla—Prom Oraya Harbcr via Pt Deflauc.. . ',-* Vn»» OR-.AT NORTHRItN It **. *°* ■— 1.06 a m. Shore Line Exp.—EvoretL Belllngham, Van BC. tin. 11:46 p.m. Shore Line Exp—Portland and Intermedial _'■-__'J** 1:00 p. m. Inter. Llm—Everett Belllngham. Van., B. C... i« 1 "A 1.01 p.m. Inter. Llm.—Urlncipal atatlons to Portland..,! ._■ i,' '*• t:4fp. m. Oriental Llm— Spokane. St. Paul and Chicago.. l_:._E m-' 41 p. m. Southeaat Lxp— Spokane. Bllllnga, Kansas Clt. P" ■*•» 1.46 p.m. Past Mall (Mall and Expreee only! •_■ 10.(0 p.m. "Owl"- Everett Belllngham. Vancouver. B. '&'.'. it ___•__ 11:10 a.m. "Owl"—Portland aod Intermedial. .7.7 a'--**- CHICAGO. A tT PAIL »•«*__. ■ a.m. Oraya Har Spec—Aberdeen, Hoqulam. Raymond a<_a_ _» I46_.__ Olympian—Spokane. Mlaaoula, Hull., at. Paul •—.__%-- Chicago ..... ....... a_M__ too p.m. Columbian—Bpokane. Mlaaoula. Butta, St. !*___ w^-mmh CIUc-«o .77... *ill_.__ a»w. a. as. co ■■•»«-»_» , (Unloa Depot.) I >r»tp._- Portland and Oraye Harbor Owl Atte a. aa. ' 41 p. aa. goattla Looal tttZtZi KM a. a- ihaata Umltod "..^I.II!! 4-ltt __ a. m. Portland, eaet and south ._S_m_7 *i Utmt ___?.& t____* **** •••••• »<K_l>«. *"*^ —■ »_fc ••••*•• »_•©•* ooa• •« * aoo a•• a«o %*_,_._,■_,_,_, M_L ___■___! _k_ ____ '♦•-.■ a. A-bford. Morte. •:«•►__ PAGE FIVE. PANTAGES "TAXfJOLAMi." HYMAN ADLEft « (XX Hit Ml HltOH. "THK IHO.V I LAW," 111 AIT. 8. -Hlllt OTIII.It lilt. ACTS. Bloat, (Voft Hotel, I.C' Pacific Axe. MOOHK aiTo BTAOK I ,i,,ni:,i und X. elm. Lnkmiexx. Ililllnirst. (.iceiiilale. Hoy, Mi Ketina. M. T. MILKS. Baglnalßg Apr. 17. lootoi Tacoma in a. 111 and 1 p. m.; leaves Yelm 7 a 111. and I p. 111. DAILY Lv. Katonvlllo. Lv. Tacoma. 8:00 a. m. g : no a. m. 1:00 p. iv. 1:00 p. m. 3:30 p. _i. 4:00 p. in. SINDAY •:M a. m. 8:00 a. m. 2:00 p. in. *4:00 p. m. 7:00 p. in. Two cars. EatonvlMo-Tacoma stage Ka powsln and Clay City connec tions. TACO.MA-OLYMPIA KTAQK Vla Dupont Leaves Donnelly Hotel, Tare ma, at 0 a. in.. 11 a. 111. and 4 p. m. Leaves Kneeland Hotel, Olmpia. at S a. in.. 1 :Ig 11. m. and il: It p. m. Plume: Main 702. Subject to change without notice. Buckley-Tacoma Stage Co. LFFF.CTIVK iVFTIiH AUG. I Leave Tacoma leave Buckle/ 10:00 a.m. 8:00 a. m 8:SO p.m. 12:80 p. m •8:00 p.m. 0:00 p. n_ 'Kxcept Hat and Sunday. -I'KCIAL Sat. and Han. Only. lent c l_<-i>im» 11:30 p. in OFFICB and DEPOT Puritan Drug Ht ire Olli «.nl I'm If Ii Aye., Tncoint Iluckley—Ovei -myer,« Hound Trip; BSngU Mm