5,1916.^ OUR ADS - — —' TIMES WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES I cent a word each Insertion —3 times tor the price ol t. 1 month, per line per month $1.00 :; months, per "ne per month 95 ti mouths, per line per month 90 \2 mouths, per line per month 75 Swap ads 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in advance No Advertisement taken for less than 15 cent* PHON E MAIN 12 H___ __ [j TIIK TSXIK9 IS TACOMAI .^^l' "•?««. WD RKCKIVB ADS BY OM.V IMUm-SNTilftT -IWSHH} I"HO.\K. OUK \ I XIIIKH jjawsfAr— yzx&t*^ is_mai\ v BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS OF TITLE COMMONWKALTH TITLK TRUST Co., Tlie Competent. Tel. Main 101. ~-»10 80. 1 <>tli »t. TArt>MA~TITLK CO.—Ground floor Fidelity Bldg. Main 2191. ____—————___———«———a—— ———— mm-mmmm-t AMBULANCES AUTOMOBILE ambulance. Only one In cily. Miiln 43. CARPET BEATING & CLEANING TAt'OMA RUO I'M TORY —Our method of cleaning carpets with Compressed air and Hteam makea B perfi-t-t Job. Absolutely no wear on Ii .n;, or ruga. Laying, refitting. It lii i». Main 7784. # CABINET WOHKS EVKUYTIIINO of wnod made and repaired. Hand fraft Cabinet Works ;uh and O st*. Main M 74. CARPET CLEANING | H. I. lIUI-CK—Carpet beating, re fllllllatr and laying, feather reno vating nnd upholstering. 2612 Otti I ay. Main ■135. COI'NTV WATEIt SI'PPUEB I Bl'l'l'li' tanks, country water sup plies, I'nffec Plumbing Co., 1012 A si Main 670. DItAYAGE Commercial Truck & MorsiS Co.— Furniture moved, packed and Stored. Tram and autu vans. Fire proof ararrnotna. Heat corps of . .train, .1 mi n in city Main 700. Dnraun tin Johnson, Harvard Dental Per lore, 1111*4 PaclSo ay., over Cnm n "i in.' Stiu , Main 1101 electric FixrriiES and nrpptjEi El.i't'Tllli'AL eOßKtructlon. Edlaon Mazda i.unps. City Blectre Co., -800 I'.il Uldg. Main Miir,. HAT ci.i:\ni\g a: blocking LADICS' hats reblockrd, sewed, In to Reweat shapes 11. Phlla, Hat r get v.. I 137 c.niiui rce, 1,. HAY, OKAIN, FlEIi PKTKIISONTUIOgC^I^" IsoT^lC "sT Main -jni. MOOREEIEI.D'H BATHS IfOORBFIBLD BATH! for niii'iimatlsm, Kidney Diseases, .« La □rlppc. Open day and nlglit. ?"-"■■ iMelrlc nv Main ttti. | Money, to loan on dia- IKOaiPH, JTRW-ILBT A CLOTU'O ifONKY TO LOAN at 1 beral rato.< on diamonds. Jewelry, guns, clothing and on anything of value. _> Rons 1307 Commerce, I PATENT ATTORNEYS R. I ELLIOTT 1101 Natl, Realty Bids Mr, Ii Knit. I'.it.'iita. M. ,;77 PAINTING A PAPEHHAXGIaNG ■ Crank & hahon, t::s it. Helens ■^1 May. Phone Main Sit*!. I BL*. N'T Kll—Pa I n 1111 g, paperhanglng " End tinting by the day or Job. J^^fci Stables, phone Main 742. pr^PJuS [TINO, paperhanglng. tlrtlng derer.iting, etc. C. m, Kotigsba-.'h. go Yakima. Main 'J;t4'.l OSTEOPATHS t>k iii'dson, l-iTi Provident Bids. Main I llUi. lies |>|n.li.-. Main I t:l:- PHYSICIANS PP.. WARREN BROWN -Diseases of women and genlto-tirinary and Skiii diseases. 1103 Commerce st. _>R I'I'TMIvSKN-DANA, 2.0 Berlin Bldg (Scandinavian Am. Hank). Dffli c, Main 3*t7B; res., Main 877. - iSxC' foreman, scut .Ison, Bankers Trust Uldg. 0R yocum, Nat Resity~Bldg. Div, Main 500; night, Proc. 17*11*. AND CHATTEL LOANS MONEY ON CREDIT Our huslneaa la that of supplying ■"Money on Credit" to honest men S-d women, employed or having a "Ten ,lir income, without aecurlty Snd to othera on furniture, pianos nd storage receipts. COAST FINANCE COMPANY, S -'10 Bankers Trust Uldg. , SALARY LOANS • fcc-AN of $6 "to" 11«0 to tn. aalaried wot Kingman without security or Indorsement. Standard Credit Co., SO*» Hankers Trust Bldg. I \DIRT xlxlliN 0. O. LYNN CO., Funeral Directors. _»10 Tacoma >-/. Main 7746. * JRTCK LEY -KINO CO.—Professional Funeral Dlrectora. 780-32 St. Helena. Phone Main 412. ■BASSKDY, ALLEN — McDONNEI.L CO.—Funeral dlrectora. 1110 So. llth. Main 81S1. 80. TACOMA FUNERAL PARLORS. 84-)*! Union ay. Main 1083. Oeo. I >V- Piper. —^ SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS ™iSTCO^SBAr_DR^ ■ _ PiiSIT VAULTS. Ground floor. I RABHITS B. BBa» m^t^m—m^stm—mm—mm^m—ftt^ttttt/ttnnm—i T RABBITS for aale, good bredlng atock. cheap. W. F. Dodge, 5801 jo. I Madlaon 914-J, I: \/.ol(S SHARPENED WE sharpen aafety razor blades. All work guaranteed. Henry Mohr Co., 1141 Broadway. WINDOW CLE_rN.NO t^p«*»^»'»'^»^»*»^B»»»^^^^N^^^»#»*^^»^S»»»^^^^^^^»^^».»~_l STAR WINDOW ■L CLEANING CO. (Main 1920 •MCO-lX OARBAQE" CO" OUver Kenry, Myr. Itl.Aat. Main 1401. Imkhican qarbaAe CO.~iu iniii lng barbae* and refuae of all tfnds. 216 Pui.iv. «. T4JI. Km. 7&31. MONEY TO LOAN OUR "OWN MONEY FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS. W. N. DOl'll & CO., INC. 503-4 California Bldg. Main 2183. PRiy"ATE money to Toan. $30~to ♦ 1000; no commission. Payments to suit. Call 6318 So. Fife. Felix Duboln. 15000 to losn at 7 and 8 per cent. Other money at 8 per c?nt. In l_g o M.J| iL l»g.'_ PP- lm yidß"ty 6 AND 7 PER CENT On Improved real estnto or for building. Money advanced aa build ing progresses. L. It. Manning & Co., Equitable Bid. LOANS — Short or long term, any amount. 418 California Bldg. MONEY loaned on Improved prop erty. 7 per cent. March-MeCand leßß Co., 117 So. llth at. Berlin Bid. -lOBTGAOE LOANS. Amounte from I'.'OO up; olty or farm: lowest rates. NORTON A CO., 210 Berlin. L<)ANS fer home building or to pay 0.. old mortgagos. Lowest rates, apeilal prlvllegr. to borrow ers—-3 to 8 years. Money always on hand —no delay H. J SCHWINN ft CO., Inc. 211-111 Taroma Bldg. SHOE REPAIR INO Werner & Moe. Goodyear Quick Shoe Repair IV, Ml Commi ree. SWAPS AN up-to-date automobile, In first rlass condition, XX'tll eonalder n trade on a diamond, Will give i say termi on tlie balance. Tha price Is right. Call Main 7MB. WILL TAKE Two hits as ftl.-t payment OB mod em bungalow or small payment. Easy I,this. 1601 So. SSth, Tel Miiillsmi 710. EXCHANGE If vnii want ■ home In •Kchanga for plastering, painting, plumbing or carpenter work, tel Madlaon Tin. WILL trade gund fresh COW for Hili kens or pigs. .17.17 i:asl li. ■Main 5662, FOR SALE-AUTOS _r>'i_r_B i»3»»3r,»»ad»W »_r_J»S_»^\ »*^#jM_at_a_-__s_n (_—__■ ___k—B ™M C/_H l_p__*»B—Hi. _ -_C _i Jr If you want to 't off Stth at. Madison 169 J. ~so aT\- ity elderly lady, houee" keeping for one or two gentle men. 713 So. llth st. or phone Mad ison "OS. HELP-MALE IF the position you are seeking Is not advertised here, insert an ad under h-ading "Situated Wanted — Male" For rates see first column on t his page. REPRESENTATIVES WANTED RELIABLE men or women living outside of Tacoma, In small towns, camps or on H. F. D. routes, can make money during their spare time by taking orders and looking after renewals nf the TACOMA TIMES. Write Circulation Manager, The Times, Tacoma, Waal,., for purtlou lars. HELP-FEMALE ~~ IF the position you are seeking is not adverttsl-d here, insert an ad 1 under "Situated Wanted—Female."i For rates see first column on this page. PANAMA und Straw Hats cleaned, dyed and blocked. Model Millin ery Co., Cham. Com. D!dg., »th and Broadway, over Malstrom's Drug Store. A woman to do quilting; must know hoiv. Hrlng sample of work. Harriet E. Coughan, 753 St. I lejens. RENT—HOUSES IF you do not find the desired house advertised here. Insert an ad under heading "Wanted to Hent — Houses." For rates see first col umn, this page. AUTO DELIVERY CO. TEAM und auto trucks. Local and long distance moving. Main 8462. Night service. 722 Commerce. MOVING Long or short distance. City Trans fer & Storage Co. Main 461. Tacoma-Seattle Moving Wi: can save you money. McLean, the contract mover. Main 1850. FIVE rooms, bath, facing McKinley park. $12. No children. 624 East Had antl Q sts. Bismarck ear. MODERN .-room flat. 1013 South J st. --BOOM cottage, near car, nice lawn and fruit. $10 mo. 3824 Baal i si REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW Near Lincoln Park High School 4045 Park Avenue This 6-room bungalow with con cretD foundation, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, complete kitchen cabinet and tlie most modern TJTf porcelain plumbing fixtures baa just been completed by us and Is for sale on the easiest of terms. MARCH-Mc.CANDLESB CO. 11" So. llth.at. Phone Main 7707. Will aell by owner three corner lota, close to school over 870 attend ing. A fine place for either homa or business. If taken at once, $425 Address B-l, Tlmea. 3-room house, completely furnish ed; 2 lots, wtth 18 fruit trees and small fruit; near Whitman and" Lincoln High school, on easy terms by owner. No agents or phone. A-2, Times. 4-reom furnished cottage, gas and electricity, nice lawn and fruit, improvements In and paid; 2 blocks from car and McKinley school, 11000, $100 down, balance like rent. Phone Main 6872. MAHAFFAY insures, 30G Fidelity Bldg. Main 1787. , 10 OOOD LOTS I Streets graded, No. 18th, Chey enne, Mullen, sell chsap or trade for lots or house closer in. Grant. 11l Bankers Trust. "HOME $10 cash' $10 MONTH Ready to move Into, t full lott, .0 minutes' ride from centtr of city, E. F. GREGORY CO. End Floor National Raalty Bldg. ' 3-ROOM BUNGALOW TWO heautiful lots, on corner; 11 hearing fruit treeg and small fruit; one hlock to oar; light, wa ter, gas; all fenced; located/ In most heautiful addition hi Taco ma; school, church and stores within 3 hlockg; 17 minutea to city on v street car; walk in 80 minutes. Now le your chance to own a home; $26 cash, $7.50 a month. Price $500. Lota are worth $500. Lota alone are worth the price. Salesman No. ». E. F. GREGORY CO. National Realty Rlda A Chance For a -louu%> To get a modern home BasyL terma, small payment. atadlton 710. KSOI So. SlUt. (We'd Rather Take a Chance With the Spider!) REAL ESTATE ONE WHOLE ACRE •l-ROOM HOISK All in the city, 3-1 milo south west of Fern Hill school. You can raise your own garden, keep a cow and chickens ami work In the city. Price only $7 in, |.j cash, $t<) a month. E. I\ ORBOOR.T CO. 2nd Floor National Realty Bltlg. yon. CHANCE 6-r. liuii'-alow, only 2 blocks from McKinley school. All Im provements in and paid. This is a good bargain and certainly heats paying rent. Price only |1,000; small payment dovvii, balaace |10 per month. Bring this add. T. I). Gregory, I6SI McKinley aye. 5-A CDose In Fiie acres tine clay soil on car line. ;; acres cultivated, good boute, large bara, cblekaa houses, wood shed anil two wells. A ..in.i for the price, 11,700; only $,",ini cash, balance to suit. MASON BROt. Main 4014. 11l no. I Otli St. BEST buy iv Tacoma, modern 7 rooni house, corner. North Ifth ]and Oove, two lots; cost |3,500. mitt talu- $-„)00, terms. Phone Procter 4_4. LOGGED OFF LAND 20-a. tracts I*.',") acre, nr. So. Prairie, Terms, iii California Hiiig. LEGALJJOTICES INITIAL RI'SOI.I'TION No. U_.o FOR SIDEWALK IMPROVE MENT BK IT lUCSOLVI'D BY TDK CITY COl'N'i'lL UF THE CITY OF TA COMA: That It Is the Intention ot said council to onler the local Improve ment hereinafter net forth, and to levy and collect special assessments to pay tlie cotit und expense of such Improvement, upon the real prop erty Which 1« hereinafter described, to tho extent that auch property ahull ba benefited thereby. That »iini Improvement shall con stat of living Cement Concrete Hdewalka five (I) feet iv width, on Anderaon St reel from North 12th Street to a point 150 feet norlli of North 17th Street ami on North 17th Street from Prospect ■tret t lo Pint Street, and construct- Ing of plank tlie necessary cross walks an,l flitter returns. That the real property to bt bcnellti'd by paid Improvement, and which will constitute Local Im provement District No. 966 la de scribe,! as follows, to-wlt: Lots t to s and 25 to II inclusive In Blocks II ami 22, Lots ll to i'l inclusive In Blocks II and 34, Lots 1 to 8 and 17 to 32 inclusive in Block 11, Lots 17 to 33 inclusive in Blocks 31 ami 11, Luis 'J to 16 Inclusive iv Block 39, All the lots In Blocks 40, 41 and 42, Plat of Buckleys Addition to Ta coma. The assessment! levltd against said lots and property to become due and payable at the optl.n of the property owners In five (5) equal, annual installments, with In terest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum on deferred pay ments. That the work of aald Improve ment be dona and said special as sessments be levied and collected in the manner provided by Chapter 98 of the Acta of the Legislature of the State of Washington ot 1911, and Ordinance No. 4811 of said City. That all peraons who may de alrc to object to the making of aald improvement in the manner above set forth shall do ao In writing and file said remonetranco with the City Clerk at or prior to 9:30 A. M on the dute set for hearing be fore this Council to be held at the Council Chamber In the City Hall on Monday, the 22nd day of May. 1916 at 10 o'clock A. M. That the Commiasloner of Pub lic Works aubmlt to this Council at a atate prior to said 22nd day of M»y, 1916, the estimated coat of aald Improvement; a statement of thai proportionate amount thereof wlili h should be borne by tht prop erty within the proposed aaaeasment ill-tie i, a statement of tht aggre gate assessed value ot the real estate, exclusive of improvements, wlfclii said district according to the*- valuation laat placed upon It for,the purposo of general taxation; together with _ diagram or print ahu_.'lng thereon the lota, tracts and parcels of land and other prop erty which will be apeclally bene fited hy said improvement and the estfeiated amount of tht cott and expanse of the Improvement to be borjtae by each lot, tract, or parcel of fend or other property; and TSii the City Clerk publish this resolution In two consecutive Is sues) of the official newapaper as rt q unhid by law. ffiy 4. 1910. ABopied on roll call. Yeaa 5. Naya 0. Abaent 0. A. V. FAWCETT, Mayor. Atteat: W. D. NICKEt'H, City Clerk. May 5-6, 1916. INITIAL RF.SOLI'TION 6511 —FOR lU'SI'KFAOINQ PAVKMF.NT AND CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE. CURBS. BE IT RESOLVED BT THE CITT CC NCIL OF THE CITT OF TA CO l | it la tht Intention ot tald co. Jto order the local Improve r ..■ Yaretnafter sst forth, and to Bd collect special aasess ,. a" pay tht cost and expenae J l«*proveraa«t, upon the real "* ■» Which It hereinafter d« --»' »»'<> (he extent that auch -•**>__! be benefited thereby. -_prt sal- Improvement shall con PHONE MAM 12 LEGAL NOTICES slst of Improving North "L" Street from North sth Street to North Ith Street, by the construction of Ce ment Concrete curbs, having road way thirty CI") reel In width, till ing parking spacea, chancing pave ment return and aprons on North Ith Street to agree with new wid'h of roadway, cleaning and leveling present surface of macadam road way; taking out and replacing to proper depth, sufficient macadam roadway ou each end of blink to make sunie conform to surface nf asphalt pavement; treating surface of macadam with heavy Road on, sanding and rolling to proper shape. That the real property to be ben efited liy said Improvement, and which will constitute Local Im prove nt District No. lo:tvi. la de scribed as follows, to-wtt: All tlie lot! In Blocks ISIS and 3521, Map of New Tacoma, W. t. The assessments levied against said I,Us and property to become due and payable at the option of the property owners, in five ir, i equal annual Installments, with In terest st the rate of sly It Ik) per cent per annum on deferred pay ments. That tlie work of said Improve ment he done and said special as sessments he levied and collected In the manner provided by Chap ter '.is of the Acts of the Legisla ture vi' ths stale of Washington of mil, and Ordlnanca No 461t of said City. That all persons who may desire to object to the making of said Improvement In the manner abovt set forth appear mid present such objections at a meeting of this council to he held at tho Council Chamber in tha City Hal] on Mon day, the SJnd day of May, 1911, al 111 O'clock A. ,\l.. nr al tli,. time to Which the matter may be contin ued. That the Commissioner of Light and Water submit to this Council at a date prlnd to said 22nd day of Kay, 1111, tha est mated coat of said Improvement; a statement of the proportionate amount thereof which should be borne by tha prop erty within the proposed assess ment district; ll statement of the aggregate assessed value of the real estate, exclusive nf improve ments, within said district accord ing to the valuation last placed up on it for the purpose nf general taxation; together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots tracts and parrels of land and oth er property which will bt specially benefited by said improvement anil the estimated amount of the cost ami expense of the Improvement to be liurne by each lot, tract, or par cel of land nr other property; and That the City Clerk publish this resolution In two consecutive Is sues of the official newspaper as required by law, Adopted on roll call. Yeas I, Nays n Absent o A. V. FAWCETT, Mayer, Attest: W. D. NICKKCH City flerk. May i-il, Hit INITIAL RKSOLI'TION «67» FOR s_wan im i ■ nov i;m knt BK IT RKSOLVI'D BY THIS CITY COUNCIL OF THK CITY OF TA COM A: That It Is the Intention or said council to order the local Improve ment hereinafter set forth, und to levy and collect special assessments to pny the cost and expense of such improvement, upon the real prop arty which is hereinafter described, to the extent that such property shall be benefited thereby. That aald Improvement shall con stat of laying a .Sanitary Sewer of eight (8) Inch pipe, together with the neeeasary tees, wyes, risers and manholes In tho alleys between Waputo and Prospect .Streets; be tween Prospect and Fife Streets; between Fife and Oukes Streets from South 14th Street to Smith s«tli Street; on South S6th street from the alley between Wapato and Prospect Streets to the alley be tween Fife ami Oakes ■treats: on Fife, Oakes and Pine Streets from South Mth Street to South !>Bth Street; on South ."iSth Street from Fife Street to a connection with the present sewer on .lunett Street. That the real property to be bene fited by said improvement, and which will constitute Local Im provement District No. 1110 Is de scribed as follows, to-wlt: All tho lota In Lilocks 69, 60 61 62, 63 and 64 South Purk First Ad dition to Tacoma, Wash. l-"t 1 In Hlock ii All the lota In Block 1, Plat of Wapato Hills Addition. Tracta 1 to 12 Inclusive and II to 42 Inclusive, South Tucnma Half Acre Tracts, Pierce County, Wn. The aaeessments levied agalnat aald lota and property to become due and payable at the option of tlie proportv ownera. In five (5) equal, annual Inatallmenta, with In terest at the rate of alx per cent (6';ij) per annum on deferred Day nients. That the work of said Improve ment be done and aald special aa seasments be levied ana collected In the manner provided by Chapter 88 of the Acts of tht Legislature, of the State of Washington of Hill, ■nd Ordinance No. 4611 of said City That all persons who may desire to object to the making of said Im provement in the manner above set forth shall do ao In writing and ■le sad remonstrance with the City Clerk at or prior to 9:30 A. M. on th- date ret for hearing before this Council to jt held at the Council Chamber in the City Hall on Mon day, tha 22nd day of May, 1916 at 10 o'clock A. M. That the Commissioner of Public --"•*" "übml ___Q.. jhlt Council THE TACOMA TIMES MKMRKKH op THK Mrnil.ft NORTH WKBT IKItdK OF M :\\ hi- apii js. Telegraphic News Her vice of the I nltetl iTess Association. «, I altered at Ute |ioeU>fflee. «.. Una, Uaah., aa seroad-claaa mutter. Published hjr the Tav maa Time* P_b. Co. kvery Kventng Kxcopt Sunday. OMotal rwixv ,>f city of Tacoma. PHONE: All _epnrt-M_t->. Main l_. LEGAL NOTICES. ut a date prior to said 22nd day of May, 1916, the estimated cost nt said improvement; a ststrsasnt of the I,' up,,i 11male amount thereof which should he borne by the prop erty within the proposed aseeas ment district; a statement of the aggregate assessed value of the real estate, excluslvo of Improve inentß, within said district accord ing lo the valuation last placed upon ll for the purpose of general taxation; together with a diagram or print showing thereon thu lots, tracts and nareefs of land and other property which win bo specially benefited by said Improvement and the estimated amount of the cost ami expense of the Improvement to be borne b* each let, tract, at par cel nf land or other property; nml That tlie City Clerk publish this resolution in two consecutive Is sues of the official newspaper as required by law. Resolution No. 61157 Is hereby re- S> i lliled. May ;t, mi 6. Adopted on roll call: Teas—l; Nays -0; Absent 0. A. .' FAWCETT, Mayor. Attest: W. H. NICK ECS, City Clerk. ___May 1-5. mi 6 LOCAL Improvement District No" 1111 Notice 1» hereby given that in pursuance of Ordinance No. 111 l of the Cily of Tacoma. a roll lias been placed In my hinds for tin collection of the ;ird unnual Install m*nt of tha assessment levied for laving a sanitary sewer ol eight 111 fiicb pipe, logetl , ' with all aeceaaary wyes, t,-cs. lamp holes an,l manholes, along the alley be- I vv, , n Not Hi Sttli and N.ii in ;;mi, ■tri-ets Ii I'ii., 1 H mud Ay enue to Warner ■tree) and from said alley i" .1 connection with the pres ent sewer on North .",'ilh Street. " :'•! Insti ill 111:1 v be lend on or before May llth, 111*, hut if not paid on or before said date, added Interest, penalty and costs will attach. CI IAS 11. ATKINS, City Treasurer. April 2S. May ..-12, mi 6. Local Improvement District No lie.—Notice la hereby given that In pursuance of Ordinance No. 5111 of the city of Tacoma, a rail has been placed 111 my hands for the I colic, ii,vn of th« Ird annuel In tfallmenl ol tha assessment levied for grading a ro.idvvav 1,1 ihe es tablished grade, on De.lln Street from South 30th Street tv Wright Ay. inn : ■c ' sire, 1 n,,ni w , Ighl Avenue to South SStb Street; South :iMli ■treat from Parh Avenue to •II" Street; "If" Htreel front Sotitti 38th Htreel to Bouth llth Htreel ami Yakima Avenue from South llth Btreel to a point fifty (Sei fiei south of Bouth Isth Street, and laying down mi said road way 1 .1 pavement uf brick forty-eight mm fe't ill Width nil Ilel |1, Street from South :hitli Street i,, ■„-, |ght \i i line, ami a pavement of granitoid, asphalt bituminous concrete ni bitullthlc, forty-eight iis i feet In width on said portions uf "t; ■treat, South llth St t, M Street and Yakima Avenue. all on a concrete base vviili brick gutters, concrete and reinforced concrete curbs, ami t lie neo< »sui y sanitary sewer connections and Sturm water drainage. Provided that the Worh to le dune by the Taooma Railway and Power Company, shall nut he tn i lulled in thi» contract. Said Installment may he paid on ut before May llth, 1111, but ' If not paid on or before said datt added Interest, penalty and costs will attach. CHAS. D. ATKINS. City Trciisiirtr. April 28, May 5-12. 1111, LOCAL Improvement District No TH.—Notice la hereby Kiven that In pursuance of Ordinance No. 5212 of the City of Tacoma, a roll ha» been placed In my hands for th,> collection of the 3rd annual in stallment of the assessment levied for grading to tin- established grade North Sist Btreel from Ma aon Avenue to Orchard Btrei t. with a roadway forty Km feel In width and a parking spin, on each side thereof thirty (10) feel In width; constructing curbs, gutters mm crosswalks of plank, together with the necessary storm water drain age. Said installment may be paid on or before May llth, illl, but If not paid on or before aald date added tntereat, penalty and custs will attach. CHAS. D. ATKINS . „«. .. Cn * Treasurer. April 20. May f> -1 l' . I HI, LOCAL Improvement District No! 56S.—Notice la hereby given that In pursuance of Ordinance No, tSIH of the City of Tseoma, a roll has been placed In my hands for the collection of the sth annual Install ment of tho assessment levied for the laying of certain water mains hereinafter described, together with the necessary gales teea eroHSoa. hydrants, specials and eon nectlona with the present mains. A six (6) Inch east Iron water main on Pacific Avenue from South 04th to South Tilth Street. Said Installment may bt paid on or before May list, 1-, I ii. l.m If not puld on or before said date added Interest, penalty and cos's will attach. CHAS D, ATKINS, „ - City Treasurer April 21-28, May I, I 111. CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will lie r.nlv»il by the Hoard nf County Commis sions!- of Pierce County, Washing ton, until Saturday the 20th dnv of May A D. mm. at eleven o'clock A. M,, for tho Improvement of the paoi nrrnr By Allman J.COZZA & SOWS »_:< South Mlh st. (<>|i|i. Public Market) Main l_ll». Rl iti:i(. HfMM .v < in i si Sl'i:< I Al, for SATIKDAV Our Premier Kiesli I hiirned Hiitier, :t:tc lb., *j lbs. loi Me Fancy creamery Uutter, per Hi :l_<* Have you tried our Coffee? Our "kloral" Blend toffee is a winner. Try a nouad. Special at MC Just received, a n«\x ship ment ot Btri__ Beans nml I'eas. String BtMßg, s|iecial, | I _a for -"ii Fresh I'eas, special, 4 lbs for _Oc Sugar is |Olß| up. llm now. I] lbs. lor HH.imi \\ c give S. * 11. lifeill Stamps. Ask for tliein. LEGAL NOTICES IIKLMON'D-BOWM XN KXTKNSIi iN ■ i il NTY IU >A|i Beginning al a point In that part "' i'eiti.ei w.iv known as perman* ■ nt Itlgl way No. :.. which pelnl is approximately the N. l-lii tier on the W. line „f Sec. 11. T. 20 N., l! 6 \'.. w If., and running thence N. along tlie range line to a point in thai p.n i ol th" Humni-i Km kley ItlgliWHV known a- Permanent Highway N>.. I, which point la ap proximately the w - 4 cornet of See, .in, said township and runge, a total dlstanre of three-quarters i *» i of a mile, in,ire hi- leas. Bald iiupi ,iv • ni i,, , .insist nf preparing subgrade, ditches, shout* del ■, , nix eris. int li-outs and i a>n ncettona to old pavements, etc.. from Hta, 0 -ml to Si i ID- -29; and pavl .. vvii || o i ihe following i 11 Usu 11 vi • pavsments; Bitucrete, on roncreti base, Itltullthlc, mi concrete base. W nite, nr cm ,ii ,■ haae, Asphalt, with binder count on COIII ret " ha ac Hrlck, t monolithic method) on ■ unci et,, bast ime i ■■•it-,, i 'uncrete. Wood Blni i. i,i etc base, Bltulltl le, shod i och bai ■■. Wat i enite on i i ushed ioi Ii baae, Ai i urdlng i>i plana ,i nd apeclflca i i'ui^ arhlcl m' v I a .it i;,,, af. flee ol i lie i' i v l-;i,win, er of Plen >• i ',n,iii v. Waalilngt on, PI ni- and spi •ir i ■ itlona ms v be obtained upon m iking a d> posll of I 'iv c JI, ,1|;, ||, Bids in bt submitted In a lump B i 'HI. All bids „, he ,ln, . |ed t,i the County Auditor and marked 1115 I.M - INI I-111 i W .XI AN KXTKNHII i\ i'iilW'tv ROAD," and shall be ac lp.lllicit b> S ceil I fled ,:• ,1; made pa able to the Count i Ti as- UI ■ i vi Pie 'oiintv. Washing tun, iv a sum equal to fi, ■■ per i rat "i the amount of such bid. which cheek shall he forfeited |<, the County upon failure of I lie sm ful blddei for a i"-i i,i,l of five days after contract Is awarded to enter Into a written contrat i and furnish a satisfactory bond. Tlie right is hereby reserved to I'Me, t any and all id,ls By Order of the Board ,if Coaal y Commissioners of Pierce County, Wasl Ington. this .2nd day of Apui A. D. 1111. TIIOS. X MORRIS, County Auditor and Clerk of the I:\iin MONXT AfTUM SCHOOL The Tacoma Times needs a few live hoys to fell papers on downtown corners. It's an easy and ■tire way for a boy to nialie spending money. Sonic corners pay from fifty cents to two dol lars a tiny' You will make at) per cent profit on every paper you sell. Come down tomorrow night See the whole ■aier at The Timos of tlce. '.ith and Commerce Streets CARBONADO-WIL KESON STAGE CO, Two round trlns dally t Leave: Carbonado. 7:l° a. m., lorn. Wllkeson 7:tK a. m.. t:l6 p. m. Tacoma 10:30 a. nt., B p. ra, il£aeept Wed. and Tbttr One only) Taroma tlepot CENTRAL BUS STATION 115 80. lOth St. TH. Matin Ml.