Newspaper Page Text
PAOB EIGHT. m J<mS jxgoms, JLandewuc'TT. TUB -HOPPING Ct_N I'tit Oh" TACOMA "I Came Back Because I Find the Best Suit Values Are Here" \ ' —- ■ —Is heard every day —many times a day—here by those who have looked around and satisfied themselves that they can do better here. We have excellent assortments of styles at all prices—correct, smart and dignified styles. Compare—that's right; let us prove our values. 2 GROUPS OF j AwP ! INTENSIFIED VALUES /nU Jf_v_7 Suits Up __A Suits Up m I rV&*iL_ t0 $25 at •' t0 $35 at ' I _^k Yl / \^\7 —Styles hut a few weeks from the seat of Fashion—Suits \\__l '/ \/\ embodying the best in materials and tailoring—values which I i_rf-J_ W--T-r-T^X w"" w'n "IV <oml'al'ison. / XtM \ V \ \. SIITS OF KINK SKIM.X, POPIJX, t.AHAHIUXK, / I \\\ \ \ TWILLS, SHKPIIKRI) ( HKI'KS, NOVELTY / \ Ijj \ / —Norfolk Jackets, belted Jackets, Pei'lum Jackets, flare J I \ I y^"^ Jackets —colors include navy, black, rose, green, blue, tan, ' \ J- -^ — J broxvn and white and black antl whitt checks. W _MLlt_ —No woman can afford to overlook such suit values—such kf____k Coats to $25 Now in Two Lots ti ■ $13.95-$1950 / '_^ v tR$. / J —Savings worth while on smart H» 1 8 Spring Coats styles ____»"^^l? rT"^______B. _)__ '" v ■""• ''' '"' whistle." r______l-'__^_i*Si__7_r^ ~ sports Coats, Oress Coats, liilitv Coats, Coals [or travel v^'^fr^ Ml \I I 111-- ( 111 IKS. PI.A IRS, SI 1(1.1 . I'lil'l IN. "t_-_-^Jl^i'^_-_eOt%a t. \l>.\ KDI M. • i Hi lit ROY. (X>\ I.XT. -Helled xvith flaring skirt or with fullness flaring from the fii* '* ■ wk^'inmT'__-__■■ ihoulders. Newest collars, sleex es and pockets. l'K-'^!____W'™^_M^ll Hrilliant colorings and the old favorites. > illa__s^^^^fl_,-B^l»wJ__ii^ 1 - ''l" TO 910.50 A. 918.0H jr' II- Hi *■»•_..,mi \T 910.50 *mp*!*%*s*^ t) YOU NEED "Carter's Underwear, «__> )\W _____ THESE FOR THE Please" wmlßk __,r -X* PICNIC — Caller's Nik Suite— CL ' ~~\ —The big house furnishing Hand finished around the __p J section is filled with various neck and arms. knee ______________________________ things to :idd to the pleasure length, reinforced silk un _^^ anil comfort of the outing derarm shields; regular aviv trip si-et- r.1.08 m**' 79-^ Thermos Hotlles; keep —tuner's Hilk I.Kle Suit* ff litiuitls and food hoi nr cold Heautiful mercerized fab tlt *■'■■ '"' j '' '''■ •*' 'o $4.B(I lie low neck, sleeveless, ■ Thermos Lunch ('uses. . . tight knees; regular sizes I^S^___-***-_«-H_ 92.25 to SI.VOO r-.--t.-i; extra *!_«'-. .. . 92.54) /> M Sterno Canned Heat, to —Kine Cotton Suits l.m\ ■ make coffee and warm up nerk, sleevelees or wing '•Ht^^ '^^w the food; no smoke or smut sleeves, tight knees, rein- M ii 1 ■ I»<* to 92.75 forced; regular sizes... $1 "»»«•« i—Alcohol Stoves, from.... Extra sizes $1.35 A New One I<V to 9M.00 —Vest* anil Tight- -Fine nri.- ppoffrv WViilo —I'ltper Nupkins, hundred cotton fabric, low neck, me —eggy WHl.e (0r sleeveless or wing sleeves; Pumps $2.50 —Paper Drinking Cupe, lin Bishop neck, elbow Bleeves; Just come, the last word in ■ sanitary package f0r...4c high neck, long sleeves; summer newness, just as pic- —Plates*. heavy papyrus, knee or angle tights; regu tiireil. large size, ilo/.en 5c lar sizes, garment s»c Made of very fine grade —I'aper Ramekins, do/...10c Extra sizes 75c White style as illusrat- -Scott's Picnic Package. 6 —Carter's Medium Suit*— cd. with plain toes, full rubber paper towels, comb and soap, Medium weight cotton, low Mies, wiih -teel instep shank: Mf Be neck, sleeveless or wing l.tiuis canvas covered heels, —1 (ie Can Opener and Cork- sleeves; llishop neck, elbow with rubber lift. screw combined. Special..V sleeves, knee or ankle - Kit her with or without Instep - Crand Prize Toothpicks, tights; regular sizes. 91.25 strap; pair 9_."0 l.Ou'J in package 5c — Extra sizes 91.50 ANOTHIR NEW WHITK —Basement. —Ist Floor North. F4HOKK ttmJM) PAIR __&?S SS SrtfSftSS SAFETY FIRST-LEARN TO SWIM vas, plain Hies, full White rule __r__rs&STS NEW SWIMMING SUITS her soles. , —Very smart; pair 9.1.00 . —llalcoiiy. ,— Tlle tank- are open and everybody is —White Mary Jam- Pumps, /Tys . , _. *_ *_ white canvas, with ml r P^' ,aki,1 R a Uve'-V -ntereat in the healthy soles; at, a pair. 75c. 91.75, _C ' i""1 prudent siiort of swimming. We 91!.< M» ami .*•-•.*_•.■, MVi Rie B'IOW'U K every popular style in - Women's White Canvas Ox- //V/, swimming suits, including— fords, with rubber soles; pair Jr I, *. . i 91.50 v\^ ;". j ANNKTi'K KK'M.KRMAN SIITS -Women's and Hoys' White /A\ '.'J —We are exclusive Tacoma agents for Tennis tixfords, pair 70c //rA ,ll these suite, named for and endorsed by Misses' elzes, pair it.V ' JM9*mmm* tlie famous awimmer. —Children's sizes, pair ...Ml I///J'f~\ —Annette Kellerman tights, black cot im uj- J i__^__X / _~.,<)n- nt WM<" a »d 9i.00 wJ/J*''. _a rrS \llf |^ —Annette Kellerman suits, fine pure ___.; i-j_-a__l___ '/ / j Cotton Stilts with tights in navy and JT™ '-*'i*«6?i_____ If A l'1'"' V '""' """1(1 Il,"k styles, trimmed ____^__-^ !■__. V / "'"' |llaln '""l X"'l|"'<l bands. 91.541 _____ :*^-t^_____ LA H —Wool Suite with cotton tight*. In navy, ■_r——<^___P^Tr«_____ — /$\ ' ,'l'u'k- Kreen and red, attractive (rim- Mfci >\____ Misses' Suits in cotton ami wool In mmn^^^ I vn--=» to 14 years, at Hsc to 9.'M>s Rockefeller Foundation Owes U. S. $1,000,000 of Dodged Taxes, Is Charge By Basil M. Manly My charge that the Rockefeller foundation gives the treasury of the United States more than $1, --000,00(1 income tax is based upon the testimony of John I). Rocke feller, If., already quoted, that the foundation is regarded by the ivockefeller as a PRIVATE IN TEREST, upon the absolute ron trol of tho foun latton's funds by the personal staff and salaried employes of Rockefeller, and upon the evidence which I pre sent today that the fotidation is not operated EXCLUSIVELY for "fellgious, charitable, scientific. or educational purposes," and that thousands of dollars of Its tuna's have been expended for tbe benefit of Rockefeller or the cor porations In which he is Inter-j fated. The only clause of the income ax law under which the founda ■alm exemption Is Arti- i bead («), which pro- t I to this sec-tie-, shall. apply to • • * eny corpora tion or association organized and operated EXCI,I'SI\E|,Y for reli gloufi, charitable, sclentiflc, or educational piiriKiNtw, \o r\i;i ot lh»» iim income of which Inines to the benefit of any private sin, kin,l,| (| or Individual. If the foundation has trans gressed this clause of the act in any particular, it thereby be comes liable for taxation upon the whole of its income. First, THEN, Is the foundation operated EXCLUSIVELY for "re ligious, charitable, scientific, and educational purposes?" In 1914 $60,000 or the founda tion's funds were appropriated to pay expenses connected with the drafting of the reactionary New York state constitution which was rejected at the polls by an overwhelming vote. At best, this expenditure was purely POLITICAL, but inasmuch J •s the main features of the con-j stitution were the practical pro-1 hlbttion of any taxation reforms | •nd the protection of propetv in- i terests, It does not seem unrea sonable to believe that this ex penditure was made for the bene fit of Rockefeller Interests. Let us next consider what may at first sight seem the most dis interested of the foundation's activities—the China medical board. In order to understand Rocke feller's activities In China it Is necessary to know that the esti mated value of tho Rockefeller- Standard Oil holdings and con cessions in China la GRKATER EVEN THAN LN THE UNITED STATES! Now with that fact In mind the purpose of the Rockefellers be comes clear, when we read In a memorandum prepared by Fred erick T. Gates for the guidance of tbe China medical board: "The plan also ultillzes to the full through generous co-opera tion with the missionary boards tbe whole power of Christian sen timent in this and other lands and enlist, this eentimenjt In freeter PRACTICAL •.nrjce. THE TACOMA TIMES. ASKS ENGLAND BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE (Contlnued From Page tine, i dangers for neutrals entering the fighting zone. Even where naval action is confined to cruiser war fare, neutrals repeatedly com. to grief. "Germany made several tiro posals to the United States to re duce the Inherent dangers of na val warfare. Unfortunately the SAVE S. & H. STAMPS 'The .tore that you m«on€ry MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS Come to the Bargain Center to- ||||^f^^-^ff/-^ (L M,'"'s Mi 01" straw hats ' boyS' cash for what you bin and col- SKJjL '_[^tfflP>Vß»Mß>-M-il»i»lx>«-**^ ______ !'"' ■at(,st stylos in boys' caps led S. & ||. Stamps They are Hll»-il [___■____] are to be found here. r> £* redeemable in hard cash. Broadway and 13U) StfOGt lioadwear up from fcOC DOUBLE aWC STAMPS ALL DAY SATURDAY ■■■'••"■■■■■•'■■•■■■■■.■■■■.^-■K ________■__■_. WMAmmmmmm -_-___-_■_-_____■ _______■_____ I_______________ ___■_______________________________■■ Store Open Until 10 o'clock for the Benefit ol Those Who Work All Week Because of the fact that the oth of the month is \^^^§^^^ Men's Mesh Union Suits 50c Because this is the favorite store of Ta.-oma's The Union Suits featured for Saturday are just toilers we remain open Saturday evening until F3 lik(l tlu> mnstl , ltion shmvil h e rc-xvilh short sleeves lv o clock. Well be ready to care for wrongs JS± i i i 1 -.i .1 1 _ • • of the thrifty tomorrow-with matehleei values /om\ ixf L on«. with the eom£ort-£^g on the merchandise that appeals strongly to the M M ?»»* e™ ,rh' ™*J* "*? ft" SU"H' **!_*2_S modest purse Hv%¥m ni other stores—but never at this pri<-e. A good . *__ .. , l XK'i: 1 K-fl dollar value—and we have all sizes, £^.f\*^ —and more than the values. X_J-:.:.4 „..:„ \ _,_.,.;.. i* OV/C ===========^^=^========^=' W& pA I See Broadway Window Display. Pal »f1 || »»vv V:'::;:3_:^':'!/ Men's I'nion Suits, in summer Wen's Overall I'nion Suits. Xo rill*/. __ IT \l"_"o___r H_»_" I lOir \ •/? I weights, in all styles, long or made of striped Indigo dyed $_JC- IUI UG J IwlLIdW llCtl jL/dY V l- 1 Buort sleeves or sleeveless, flat denim, dyed with Stifel. war * •* J:'.-:iJ l.y.'j or rihbed weave; also Lawrenre ranted intligo dye, absolute! jw.vj Y'jjj|l Knitsook (an elastic porous fust color, with six pockets and Wear a Straw Hat tomorrow and let the mes- _S_| _H garment) and b. v. *- nn two buttons on wrist patent _■ __ _i 11 , » a» , rw» . \---4 V.l !>•«■. at * I »UU xvalst, extra good ••_ CO sage go forth to the whole world that Taeomas ■ \J _____".. _ •,D ,T . , garments vt.OU _li_ . 11 _ _»_ tt a 1 »» -»»r \l __[ Men's Linen Finish Rubber Col- . , __, _____ eJnnate calls for Straw Hats early in -May. We ft Vl iars .old even-where at «rt_. Me"s Npw Sllk Sll"'t* an< have all the latest blocks in Fedora or' Sailor ".« & ___.£_____, , „ «V, C ffl«JPw^J_!_r_ri|€ „,. 1 j__ i _.a» -v _> Mens Klastic Leather Belts, ror huiiiiiu i xxtai, loin. 111 ■■• ■t) le —and the largest assortment ffO AA the very newest, made with >,lnk or while. enr"ie»t V 1 in Tacoma at ty_ievv self adjusting Kfl/» Men's Golf Shirts, iii cream or n*l,_._. .>* _1 r_-| ♦ *- Kit 1 bekles, priced UUC white. made of llydegrade sois- UI litis at fI.iXJ 10 I'.MON ll \lill: Men's Overalls, full cut and ette with French cuffs. *<j ft A 1 1 TOBACCO, ICp genuine indigo dyed, in striped one pocket tfliUU 2 pkgs. _.3U imttems, hip style, full line of Men's Negligee Shirts. In light GITV _____ _L _L» A hrand that every overalls or Jackets, also in colore with la*down or tnili rOCPPV I li^TTlOri Vtll^-^llOri ma" antl plain blue indigo dyed, a liig tarx collars worth COr. M. ttjwcm J ___Fl_;aillJMat_aaa aUUU | tke g; stock up Bat- dollar value pCa» Tie each, for D3C __._____,_, " rday; llmit- »v t0 now 'or 03C Meil . R Work s , lirtSi of |, latk Jkli W«_»l_-_ ¥T _-__J _;■» d«_»_-_«___J __»■>- ?> I>eison. Expressman's Overalls, made of twill, black and white stripe. o_ i3aie rjiicis kjaiurday E, ,r'ts:; »»«»«urki.., t.ui> i»di K o i,i u . .■h«.„i.r« y iiud. m,, 1 __. •<• cos, intiuding stripe, made with bib and sateen, Ise values »JUI/ , Irlnce Albeit, Tux- pockets, extra 4}4 Eft m m ,', >___, shirts mail. Scan the grocery bargain list with care-it ck^^oc ' »««*» *Ils° SS i^YcoS?_JT_ means a decided reduction in the cost of your -ages ' ZuC ■_*■•■■■•■•■ vests at oc. two shades, of light tan, 7c. ci 1 11 _j _i i» 1 n » Wl and Uvv for sunimttr W_tr IUI* Sunday dinner and the food cor the week to come. Sample Pride of Erin Coffee free and mmmmmm*mmmml,mmMmmmmmummWmmm^mmmmm'mm^mmmm*mm*m*e***e*^^ learn how to cut your coffee bill. _ft,_^_iY^_, Q¥Tf T^L WITH 2 _PT_r_iO <__ "X Q Kxtra fancy Dried Pape. Shell Al- Extra fancy Peas, JDV-F 1. »3 |j| \J JL J. |3 TROUSERS JT V_/J_A toli» O • ___f O Peaches, 4 OErtv nionds, spe- 10*. 10c cans, spe- QC n - pounds _.JC clal, the lb. IJO cial, dozen OuC t ti • ■_ t _ Salad Llbbv Olives, as- Royal Breakfasl lU tills assortment yOU get a g I Selection oi <f _ttSi^ Dressing oc. suited, ihe "jn. coffee, seal- qc. patterns in browns, greys and tans, made of dur- _t, bottle ZUU bottle lUls ed tins, lb. 03L able wt.rstcds and cassimeres. Coat is in the CM Suggestions for the Picnic or Sunday Supper Norfolk ntodel with fitted or looae belt, «Q AC K,%r«iu 1 ai__sri^au or„toS,;t'" full k,,i,'k,iv t,,<ms<iis ' vt,l,u,s *™d (( jMuk can a_Du pound tUC the ib, OuC Boys' Suits with one pair of trousers, an excel- \\ rz'lMm\W*K Underwood Deviled "am In Red Star Lobster, for salads, |eu"t a.SSOl'tllieill receiltlv augmented l)V the llddi /f &Mo'^ ' ' fi;':\ tins, itneqnaled for Oflm "'' • ■n '"'" OK** _• i i » ' .,. - ', •■. . ,, // i#_.*s»i ■■"■ ■■ i '■ * i\u«P_ auaiitv, the tin tivH pound tins, ai »_jG tion oi a hundred new suits. lU'Ol \\l\. // \'M'Wj.i:,! 'M 10m %2 _»_-!.«1 To introduce ROCKDALE SALT, we make a FULL LINED, Norfolk style fl>o AT ll J&___a_M plfl i^peClill special price Saturday of four OCp coats, priced at tj)fJ.tJti v __ , I^KE^fi niO. 1 (Limit 4 cans to one person.) BOVg* Mjlg Se^C Suit-S $5 «Kr\ VsriOtf^S I_| Sxvlft's White Soap, the favorite laundry soap ' ■ ———————— s*Z3z~ rTifal'' __■_> )\ t_r" 7-^ of the fastidious housewife, special #)E« SSLi'.JS-l-f .*%_ MJ_° rto,k ■»*«^.»*~«« ©I »ißN_a A^ ' WF, j Nr. 2 Saturday only, 7 bars _!0C V\ oolen companx^s rrtto Blue serge; all si/.es, »r AA f/" M. ,: i « // l^tJ» s__ J bto 1 1 years. Priced at // fel 1 •!•!'!':_» /£/ wj, %. Our superb quality Longford Creamery But- SI'KCIAI. AT *_.0.-i V\ —^ lIiVGII fi ter, the besl possible to produce, guaranteed "">*' Sl"ls '»' cassimeres and worsteds; in light or dark v • Nhlllr ~' ' *• fresh, pure and wholesome, on Bale from shades; ■ small lot. and sizes 14 to 17 years only. tjr) fti- V ;■ StlPfiill 6 t0 10 only ' B»,ecial Oftf* There ale Su,tß in this lot w°rth to $6.50. at »^»_t«|U • (Ju R UpCV.iai threepoUW ] 8 UUu Boys' Suits with two pairs of trousers; lined throughout; __^L_Jtal '!___- hiileniliil selection nattcrijs ;inU <n • #»_■ MU| »«*»»»»™>™"k^k^"k^k^k^ll,,,**,,»*»^k^k^k^k^ ft.4.1 »|)t.v»o "^,l*^i J/jW'- a Men's Suits $12.50 to $25.00 A Ftee J^P^ tWe challenge any clothing mer- ■_-__-_-___-_-__-________________________^^ tlrsuits we w^tt^p^ jl^refoot Sandals 95c to $1,50 We Make all Alterations Free S^^^^^ffl»j|tfi|| Barefoot Sandals for all ages, women's, and Guaranteed a Fit on Any ;__i*_i_i___P>^ misses', boys' and children's. Math- of Suit We Sell. black or tan lotus calf, with two straps. Starting at 111.60 —with a superb line of Si '^^^^ fe^ Jfl Sizeß 2**to7- %\ Rfl sizes B'* t0 n- f_l IK cassimeres and worsteds in the moat l*-»_^ f T™ T n.£-----_ _-__Jrui ;"' palr ' '" ''air •# I• IU wanted shinies in greys, tans, brown, etc., [*rn l,fT*F^f!7,f lfi-Va*4^BSjffll| Sizes II ', to 2, 4}4 tjr Sizes a to 8 fIC and in the preferred patterns of the sea- , ,-TTini.n j at, pair JjC eon, our line goes up by easy stages _"_C v • >.• , c, . ■ "... to »15.60, »IH. *VJO and •V-.-a 'Nlens Uolk S1,oe8• of heavy stock with Somen's All Patent Leather Two-Stra-i T double soles, come in black or *•) OC Sandals, in the new plain toe last; #<_ „F The $16.50 suits have two pair of trous- brown, all sizes 6 to 11, at <£__, J all sizes, good value MCtHti Tealm^d e°.U_ le ?eT rteßt n"XtUre8 ' W°r- Misses' and Children's Button Oxforde. Big Girls' Shoes, in patent leather with At $20.00 we offer a matchless assortment of fancy suite -ma.? e of _2_!_%ff„ /%*_Jl__ G, oofy ear ££_^__L e,?_J top '? ,ade with in mixtures, plaids. tHrine., hairlines and plain colors. w^* » _■'£_« •■■tf_fi. M lot °i_"°ii: _?___ _t ,hf I.l° *' _.? 9 1. These are made with sh_|.e-ret_inlng fronts and typify the S"* ■\ t, l ' ,48; £1 9R ? re at ' the palr #*•*« higheet grade of tailoring. 81/e8 «•>« to 11, at -#lit_U Havings on Shore for the Whole Family. blue ■V-----------________________________________^_^_^_hhhh^^^^^^^^^ b^^^^^_ serge suits that will please any man looking for a dressy suit, and he'll save $5 or more on his purchase. _r _, 7 ■ _ _ _r;r _ _ _--«•■ _^. I Washable Kid Gloves at $1.65 Attend the Demonstration Luncheon on our gg" SfffeS* ?TO_%_K± f ?,S i? 8", B,'? _55 T°T " 8"k "•'• Kloves' (lallery Floor tomorrow, 11:30 to 1:30, hv back, one cia.p style, ivory 9 1CK .?,*_ '9''«"«,^^ ac_l;J_ h,te 'Brejr or sflr Women's Guild of the Church of the IIoIV XL?*" „,,,,, $IBs '' f . • Women s Rlbow Length Silk Lisle Gloves, In «omen s Silk Gloves, in wrist length, with t OllimuniOll. black or white, all sizes; an extra CQ. double tipped fingers black or f> lAn ■ i ■ ■ Ko0(l value at. lhe Pair UJU white, priced s«c, «.V, 75c and «f I »UU "This plan promises also the largest ECONOMIC ADVANT AGES. It will awaken enthusiasm at home; It will command confi dence abroad." That the Rockefeller founda tion's activities are not resect ed to "religious, charitable! fl entiric and educational Purtl :" Is most conclusively provtfl , ,»■ the testimony of Jerodfl ' X Greene, secretary of the foj| t, tlon, before the United w commission on Industrials n tlons, In which he adjwf(,inß power of the foundation toy any of tbe following things: ' Oondact • propaganda Against trade unionism. I'nited States decided not to ac cept these proposals. Had it ac cepted, It would have been In struments! In preventing most of tbe accidents Americans have met with In the meantime. "Germany cannot dispense with the use of submarines. How ever, It has decided on further concessions, adapting the meth- Circulate literature against workmen's compensation, i (liiiiiipinii free trade or protection. Champion (rusts. Promote programs of po litical parties. Thousands of dollars, more ' over, have been expended for the ' promotion of activities which dl- Hrectly benefit the Rockefeller in (Weres.'s. —__»_ The most conspicuous Is )ffl|< the employment of W. L. Maekensle King in activities for the sole benefit of the j Colorado Fuel ft Iron Co. snd for which be should have been paid by the* --•-. ods of submarine warfare to tiie interests of neutrals. "In reaching this decision, Germany was actuated by consid erations above the level of a dis puted question. ■"Germany cannot but re- Iterate IU regret that tlie sentiment*) of humanity xx liii b America extends with poration. The letter from Jerome D. Greene, secretary of the founda tion, stated that Rockefeller and Greene "as directors of large __- dustrlal enterprises" desired King's service. Nothing was said about any philanthropic purpose. Yet King has been paid a large salary and liberal expenses by the Rockefeller foundation, although hie only active service has been advice to tho Colorado Fuel ft Iron Co. as to the settlement of labor troubles. Other corporations ■"v large fees for such advice _■ much fervor to unhappy vic tims of .submarine warfare, were not extended with the unit warmth of feeling to the millions of women and children who, according to tlie avowed int-ntiou of Kng litml. shall be sUrved, and who, by their sufferings shall force the victorious prlatlon of thousands of dollars for the construction of Y. M. C. A. buildings in the camps of the Colorado Fuel ft Iron Co., al though In a letter to Wei born, president of that corporation, Rockefeller had previously urged the construction of such buildings at the expense of the company. This expense has now been shifted to the TAX-FREE found ation, while the company direct ly benefits by this "welfare work" among its employes for which other corporations must pay out of their own funds. It must be remembered that in dealing with the activities of the foundation we are limited tj_ the Friday, May 5, 1916. armies of the central pow ers Into Ignominious capitu lation. "Germany, agreeing with the German people, falls to under stand this indiscrimination. The German people know the United States has power to eonflne the war to the armed forces of bel ligerent countries." very brief period In 1913-14 for which It has rendered a publio report. Although four months of 1916 have now clasped, no report for 191? i, the first year of real ac tivity, has yet been published! I contend, however, that tha / evidence which has been pre sented in these columns consti tutes far more than a sufficient basts for Secretary McAdoo to demand that the Rockefeller foundation pay the United States treasury an income tax of mora than ONE MILLION DOLLARS, which this nation needs If IU "preparedness" bills are not to ■tagger Amerioaa narking **>■