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STATE G- 0- P- FOR ROOSEVELT awi<wwwwwwwwwwi»»s)witwwi»itw»iw| I Theda Bara describes for the first I 1 time her ideal man. Kind of • f clothes he wears and color of his 1 I eyes don't matter. See page 2. 1 ltjlili»liilii>illlilHfc>iiili»ll>y>imm>l* WILSON ACCEPTS ASSURANCES BUREAU OF CLUB WILL UNDERTAKE BUILDING SURVEY The Tacoma Commercial club is ready today to undertake The Times' program to "Build This City Up Right." The Times' editorial yesterday, suggesting that a building and housing survey of the city be made by a committee of the re-organized club, to stimulate the sort oi buildings that will be of most value to the city as a whole, met with hearty response from the club officers and trustees. "Will the club take it up?" was the question The Times asked. Dr. L. L. Love, chairman of the civic bureau, an swered immediately with the announcement that his bureau WILL take the suggestion up at once and get busy. "Your plan is all right," he said. "It is just what the city needs. "It means a big job, but no proposition is too big for the re-organized Commercial club to handle." Tlie civic bureau already lias a building I'oninilttee In the Held, Dr. l.ove said, and this commit tee may he tlie one delegated to handle the survey work. •'The civil* bureau appreciated The Times' suggestion," he ad ded. "'We propose to work along the line suggested. And if ,ou have any further ones to offer we will react In any way we can.'' Or. Ernest ('. Wheeler, presi dent of the club, was equally en thusiastic over the plan. "It Is a fine thing," he said, "and will mean a great deal to the cily. 1 am glad you have taken it up, and the club will do all it can to co-operate." Suggests Special < oiniiiiltee, "Probably the greatest signs of promise for Tacoma are the building permits, which show a 300 per cent Increase over a year »_o," whs the statement of Ste phen 11, Collins, one of the dun's trustees. "As reorganized, the Commer cial club is democratic in char acter antl ■■linulil be a great force In stimulating building of the right kind in the city. "The suggestion for n building and housing survey of the city should be referred to the mem bers' council of the Commercial club, which should place It In the hands of a special committee for action. The plan Is a good one, and that is the place for it. There is no doubt of its being a third which the city needs for its pro per upbuilding." Mayor Likes It. "The plan is all right; you have Just the idea," was Mayor Fawcett's comment. "What we need Is to gel some regularity • bout the buildings here that would make them look better." "1 think the suggestion is a good one, especially if we can get the right kind of men behind such a survey," was the opinion of Everett G. Griggs. Watch Tacoma Orow. A number of the club trustees have sent letters to The Times, Waste The waste in every household is consider able. Part is unavoid able waste, and part is necessary. Waste becomes profit able as you get It to gether. For instance, a school teacher requested her pupils to bring to school all the old cast off rubbers, and then were sold as junk, and with the proceeds bought pictures for the walls. Puget Sound State Bank hopes that some waste money may be saved snd deposited. VOL. XIII. NO. 119. giving their opinions and making further suggp-lions for "building the city up right." These will be printed Monday. Then watch Tacoma grow. HUGHES CAMP IS ACTIVE! (By Slaff Correspondent.) XOKTH YAKIMA. May 8. A luri.Mis attempt to obtain the endorsement of Hughes for president by the republi can stule convention prom ised this afternoon to start n lively light in the other, .vise peaceful gathering. Printed circulars denouncing Roosevelt wer in evidence. The majority of delegates were ready to favor Roosevelt in a showdown, but preferred to have the delegates go lo the national convention tin instructed. Agin Noiipaitisiinslilp. Charles liebberd of Spokane was elected permanent chairman. The delegates were enthusias tic. The one fly in their oint ment was non-partisanship. Printed arguments against it were circulated widely today. Nonpartisaushlp in state and county promises to be the biggest issue In the drawing up of the state platform. The platform committee is dead against it. Preparedness, national woman Btiffrage and the calling of a state constitutional convention are the points recommended by the committee. tilll for Mcllrlile. The big four in the selection of delegates to the national con vention are Sam Perkins of Ta coma. Kd Sims of Port Town send, Scott 0. Bone of Seattle, and Charles P. Lund of Spokane. If a fight ensues It will be on Bone. \V. V. Tanner today announced his candidacy for re-election as attorney general. Mayor Gill of Seattle came out in favor of Henry Mcßride for governor. SCHOOL CHILDREN AWARDED PRIZES FOR PATRIOTISM Beryle Shaw, Bryant school, waa awarded first prlte in tbe patriotic declamation contest In Stadium high school last night under the auspices of Virginia Dare chapter, D. A. R. Doris Gil bert was second, and Ralph Reeves was third. TODAY'S CMC.. RINGS Clearings 1340,158.88 Balances 58,695..0 Transactions 845,476.06 The Tacoma Times 26c A MONTH. Lambert Murder Trial Is Set for Next Week Marion Lambert, whose bod > was found in the woods near her home in I_tke Forest, HI., und William orpet, college student, whose trial is to begin Wcdnesila y on murder charge*. WAI'KKUAN, 111., May 6. — Court officials today begun prep arations to handle the enormous crowds expected next week, when the trial of William Orpet, alleged murderer of Miss Marian Lam bert, Is to begin in the local crim inal court. No crime in the history of Waukegan has aroused such in terest as the Lambert murder case, and il is expected that hun dreds of persons will attempt to crowd into the little court room where the sensational evidence concerning Orpet's love affair with the girl, and her subsequent death, will be aired. Miss Lambert's body was found In the woods of Forest lake Feb. 10. TheretJrVere poison burns on her lips. Would You Send a Sick Man to Jail? >'*t^S»'N»- l»t-'»»^»»'-»»-^»»»we>^>w»_»»i_»»_»»w»_»»_«i t^»_-^^ m »>,»>,■^_ v »>,_^_ s< _. a _, lt _ t^_.||( _ |||l _ M _ t( _^^ That's what society is doing now, according to "The Crime Doctor." He tliinks all crimin als are invalids —mentally or physically. So he puts ii}) a hospital and makes a specialty of treating criminals. One day, (.en. Dysone approaches the "crime doctor" and tells him about his wife, who has a bulldog and a revolver. Another day, young Edenborougli, secretary to the First Lord of the Admiralty, and suspect ed of treason, asks him for a Bleeping potion and disappears on his wedding day. But you had better read this most unusual story for yourself. It begins next .Monday and ends Saturday in The Times. It's the next novel-a-week, entitled, "The Crime Doctor." Doctor Asks Volunteers to Give Up Skin for Girl Who wants to donate a small bit of skin to save the life of lit tle Leta Sartorla, who lies near death at St. Joseph's hospital? Leta was burned severely more than three months sgo while lighting tbe kitchen fire one morning. She has been in the THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA. TACOMA. WASH., SATURDAY. MAY 6, l.Hli The state will attempt to show that Orpet purchased the poison. met Ihe girl by appointment, and induced her to lake the deadly potion. He had been her sweetheart until he met and became engaged to Miss Celestia Vouker, a school teacher. NEW RECORD MADE IN ALASKAN TRADE SKATTLE, May 6- Breaking all previous records, the exports to Alaska for April, 1916, amounted to 11,1(1,111, or $1, --219,4.'!" more than for the previ ous record month of June laat. The exports for April, 19 lo? amounted to It, 451,1 61. hospital for 3 months. Many Tacomans have given skin to her, hut Dr. A. G. Nace says that more Is needed. He aaks that 30 kind Tacomans come to St. Joseph, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. They may save the girl's life, he says. WANTED: A^t GOOD PARK BOARD MAN BY THE EDITOR. II Tacoma should not be content with the house-cleaning it has made in the city hall. This is a year of elections, and the people I ought to go right down the line, injecting the forward-looking spirit into all our other j governmental subdivisions. il 1| Next on the list is the park board. A call is out for an election on June 6 to choose a commissioner for a five-year term to suc || ceed E. A. Kean. || <I Tacoma deserves to have a broad-guagc || man in that position. Tacoma can have Mi ll If citizens will just bestir themselves NOW || before the time for closing of nominations || draws too near, hook about and encourage | some man of the right type to become a cftH j ditlate. j U <J The present park board of five member* H lias two high class inciiinbeiils. One more if <» live-v, ire member would convert it 'from a H sleepy, 19th century board into a move* j ahead. 20th century hoard. % Where the old hoard has fallen slmrt prin cipally is in failing to understand the need for more recreation facilities. It has vismi- I t'd landscape pictures and boulevards hut it has not visoned playfiehls, modern, well-Hii- J pel-vised tennis courts, municipal Rolf links and municipal bathing facilities. When we I had an unparalleled cold snap it was not on Ii the alert to convert nature's joke into first - {{ class skating and coasting facilities for the || young people, 1 1 One man who understands and sympa thizes with the new ideas in park develop ment and knows enough to fight for what he wants, put in the place of the retiring com- I • missioner, would be able soon to get the whole park board swinging down the road of progress. I WHO IS THE MAN? FLASHES CIiniSTIANIA —The Norweg ian government informed Great Britain and France that it could not admit their interpretation of The Hague 1907 convention re garding the seizure of neutral malls at sea. PARIS — French newspapers are divided in their opinion as to tho interpretation of the Ger man note. Some believe she has yielded, while others believe she has pot. OTTAWA — Canadian troops have! beeu commended by Ihe al lied military authorities for their wonderful work recently on the French front. _.0XI)ON —Mystery surrounds the disappearance of Mark Sulli van, .American minister lo Santo Donitugo, who, It la claimed, waa arrested In connection with the Dublin riot. Authorities declare be Ma- not arrested. BALD KNOB, Ark.-—Six ban dits simultaneously blew four safes here and escaped with loot valued at $10,000. SBATTLR, May 6. —Jail sen tencw will hereafter be meted out to violatora of tbe dry law by Police Judge John B. Gordon. Instead of the 'customary fine of How Much Is Tour Rent? Bsy you are paying f:n a month. Could you pay $30? ,es? Why not buy a home then* A payment of $.0 a month will buy a home worth $.1,000! In 1 I years you'll have It paid for—if you rent for 11 more years you'll have nothing but rent receipts. . Read the real estate offer* on the classified page. 25c A MONTH. J lc A OOP V VILLISTAS SCATTERED; 42 KILLED SAN ANTONIO. Mex., May 6.— A detachment or the 1 Ith I. S. cavalry under Maj. Ilowse killed 42 Villistas in a fight yesterday at Ojoa/ules, Ilowse reported to (Sen. Pershing today. There were no casualties among the Americans. Tlie Mexicans were scattered. Ilowse described the Villistas as a large force tinder Gens. Do minguez and Acosta. No estimate was mad% of tlie number of Mexicans wounded. Tho battle followed after a night's march. The attack **as made early. The fighting stopped after the Mexicans had fled to UM mountains. The Mexicans had been trailed since Wednesday. The remaind er of ihe force was routed by Col. liodds at Toniachic. it is believ ed the bandits will not be able to reassemble for weeks. CATCH MX.X. MCHOONKK WASHINGTON, I). C. May 6. -British cruisers have captured the schooner Leanore. flying the Mexican flag, reported to he own ed by the German consul at Guay inas, according to the report made to the navy department today by- Admiral Wlnslow, at San Olego. I«*«**e*NlGHT EDITION****^ WEATHER 1 Tacoma. Showers tonight and 1 Sunday. 1 Washington: Same. 1 jniinniinnmii_m_nnnmimnmm* ■0. S. NOT LIKELY TO MAKE REPLY TO GERMAN NOTE \\ tSHINf.TON, l». C. May ll.—Tlie submarine Issue it i loseil, I'resiileut Wilson's adt isors liclicvcil today. No coiiiinent was made fro'it the White House. Officials in touch with the ■ it uiitlon considered tlie issue so completely rloseil that the pn-1 --[ dent will nut r»pl>. Secret ar> Lansing may issue a 'statement (lilting attention to the [essential poini, tlmt Coriimiy !wis ordered submarine, activities .011 --j filled tO Warships. It is believed the Issue will re j main closed and that Qerman) jwlll not reopen it by resuming lundereea warfare asHinst __.r- j , cliHiitmon. Official! saw da agar only in ;ne fact that submarine rommoaderi inav perbapa be difficult to con trol, Following ihe racolpl of the of , filial text ot the null- President I Wilson is fm'Ululating a <le<■isi.m. The conference between the ! kaiser nnd ambaewdor Qerard BttAdanl) loomed large. It is believed the details of liie submarine Issue never had boaa I seriously discussed. Since tha I arrival of the replj it if strongi] believed Unit peace talk h_ 1 a proinlnent purl in the conference. Several persons Mar the presl ', dent believed lie should tenta ! tively approach tbe helllsereati I on the question of possible peace. British Gloomy LONDON. May '!.- Washington dispatches reporting the probable acceptance of the German sub marine reply brought disappoint ment to Fnglaiid today. The morning newspapers edi torially agreed that the reply failed to meet the Aniericnn de mands. They expressed coin em over what they called an attempt to embroil ICngland and America, by making the COOCQ—Ioni condi tional upon a change In British methods of warfare. The only paragraph satisfne- C— ' " ■■'■ -mtsmmmmmmmj Talk o' the Times [ (■reeling*. .11 r you one of those who •.»)» Germany backed iPumi or one of tliiifte who said she made Wilson back ill)'.' UK ADMITS IT Actor named Hen Harney spends $H»0 for page advt. In a theatrical weekly lo admit that he originated ragtime in Louis ville in IS9B. Is burning alive nr just Ip.iih.-iii too sympathetic-like. WAR MAP This shows | the public square in Mexico City. < ross marks where _m-o- I line station will he c-inii -1 11-hod by the Standard Oil < 'o. as soon as American troops occupy X tbe Mexican capital. ! 1 -____—. Is it any wonder that peo ple are skeptical about the veracity of tho political "news" printed In pa|»en whime editors are out scrap ping over ho»w-ahip»)? »> 1 4 I Ol'R OWN TRAVELOG CEB | 1 • ! * 4 NEW YORK—One of the pc cnlarltles of this city Is that cv erybody who lives there cann from somewhere else and every body you meet somewhere else came from New York, The chief produce ot New Yorl Tory in London iv.i> 1 in. declartv lion thai the Gerniaa concession would prevent ■ prolongation >f tha war. critics lielieved thai by sdmlasloa Germany is hit:iiiy alarmed over the poaalble effi te of America s enliailce into thfl war. The Cost and chronicle agrei I that Qermany is prolonging ne;.. tlalions again, Surest Peace IIKUI.IN, \lhv I. —tha import ance of the peace feature contain* led In the tlerman reply «v I pointed 0111 toda-. 111 Amei . ;i I circles here. All eapreaaed the belief Hurt Presldcnl Wilson Ims a great op portunity to bring liie war to .n e.-irh end. Some suggested thai the time is ripe for 1 ol House. Wilson's per sonal representative, to moka sn- I other 1 isit to European capitals, Lusifania Day i.ondon'. May I A tfemoa atratlon commemorating ihe sink ing oi ihe Loaltaaio will take place in Hyde park tomorrow, ihe first anniversary of Ihe disasiir. A model of Ihe l.usitaata bm Other relics of the horror will he carried In the procession. ! FANS WON'T GET PROMISED TREAT There trill be nu double-header at Athletic pork Sunday. President Blewetl of tha North* western league lias refused to unction oik . This afternoon's game was scheduled to start at :i o'clock. Kin Wllkowski, a clever Ta-u --ina amateur placer, was plai ,1 ou first base by Manager Hall, to relieve the strain of a half dozen injured players ou the Tig er lineup. is Ilroadwgy which folks fro.,i Marshalltown, la., I'iivallitp, Wn , and Norton, Kas , delight In call ing The Ureal White Way," "The Little Old Alley" and such like. The adjuncts of Bdwy. are cab arets, where they dance till 7 a. m. and finish off the soiree wl'h bacon and eggs; laxis; Georgn- Kni-Cohan: subway cave ins; I'nited Cigar stores; drlnas; more drinks. The population of N. Y. Is made up of actors, gunmen, million aires, head waiters, chorus girls and policemen Xinety-flve per cent of Ihe Seattle lt«»iai favor i banging tha name of the mountain. Page T. H. Mar tin. , j onions at an mi2£g*y* . i A SOFT SNAH as Imagined by Miss Agnes Allen, of Rhodes tog : room.