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,ONE WEEK STARTING SUNDAY MATINEE ■NBB^RS tvj pCD IT HBL- ij ROSsifTHAW Redemption" A PHOTODRAMA FROM LIFE New York Papers Said The story is an intensely dramatic one ••Redenu'iion" sohi out, mm- him \«-si»it rwipn to front ranks influenced to a great extent by facts. dreris turned away. —N. Y. World. wit |, a i, O iiiul.- Motion PtCtttr* _, , . ,. , ••Redemption," ■ wond.rfui N ; The star's past life is vaguely sug revelatioii.—N Y. Tolejtrupli. 'I , , . , . v. "Rpdomption" is tlio redomp- A wonderful feature produotion: geSted, and in tile Character Sne por tion of Evelyn Neshit. -H. Y. .narvelous. -N. Y. Sun. < t that Qf ft WQman wnQ seeks to .Kinriidi. Truly a drama of a rwul woman's; . ... , . , : •Hedemption 1 (onveyod a souse ]if sco it -ny Herald justify a mis step made in her youth, lof courageous womanhood.—-N \. [. • I_ . . .'.,, . , I Times BptoodM in Kvelyn NVsl.ifs- iife< MiSS NeSDlt fulfills ltS purpose Wltll 1 JSSSSSS^fr. a£S!U2 r!^;r syi"pat">-N- Yj heart-appealing conviction. 25c Daily at 2:30, 7 and 9 o'Clock-Any Seat, 25c Dredge Bottom of Bay For Copper Plunder (Special to The Times.) AI.PKNA, Mich. Sept. 15. —To fight the kaiser they're treasure bunting now for copper mined to fight the soutli, and burled since them in the crumbling hold of the old Pewabic in stormy Thunder Bay. With some of the trappings of the hunt for pirate Bold, but also with 20th century machinery, they are taking out of Davy Jones' lock er a treasure because the war has made copper worth 3. r > to 37 cents a pound, Instead of 8 to 12 cents. A great dredging scow, with metal hands, is furnished with eyes by diving suits just invented in which men go down 200 feet. Then© modern adventurers face cheerfully an opernUnj? expense of $HOO a day because one bite of the claim br«u> up out of I.isUi- H n a ii\> ton chunk of copper worth over $%*<)». In two months the Leavltt Wrecking Co. has taken out of a nest of dead men's bones $40,000 worth of copper and other salvage and expects to double that. • • • This modern wrecking expedi tion in the "graveyard of the Great Lakes," within sight of a beach where hundreds of ships have been lost, brings the strange flavor of the ear-ringed romantic days of buried treasure into the matter-of-fact present_ of steam shovels. The Pewabic, her first paint still shining white after a short service, sank on the evening of Aug. 9, lit! —in a lake of gteM, But to Capt. Persons, boyishly active after two-score years as a government life-saver, the man to nee her before she ran into tragedy, every detail remained distinctly as he told me the great epic of Thunder buy. For with him that evening had been etched on the fresh mind of a youngster, out lifter the cow 3, In his father's lighthouse pasture on Thunder Bay islnml. Whenever America's inland seafl rock anywhere, there ta sea-mad ness in Thunder bay. It is the meeting place of the storms. Tho I'ewabic, in her shor' life us the classiest packet-freighter. and paasenger boat of her day, ii : •-1 conquered the gray ghosts of Oc-, tober'e sleeted winds from Mani- j toulin and plowed, blind, thrnj the snows from the stretches of Can.'idu that ride over Huron from (Joderich. Fogs blanketing out from the 800, gales from Owen sound—nil the lakes' threats she had defied. But she took 125 people to the bottom in four minutes against a flaming sunset. • * • Such a chance as this, that a mate left the brilliantly lighted salon and the dancers for the twi light shadows on deck just a min ute tort'soon or too late, tells tlie sinking of l\xe Pewabic, rammed by her sister ship Meteor, as Capt. Persons recounted it. "The niHte stopped In the salon to watch the dancers. Everythini; was music and lights. "The wheelsman was taking the Pewabic to port past the Meteor — the wrong way, but safe if the boats Bignßl. ' "Port you wheel,' ordered the mate, to pans the Meteor star boiird. • " 'She's closer than you think, sir,' advised the wheelsman. The mate's ey*s were no' adjusted to the change In light. "The bunts seesawed into each other. The Meteor rammed the l*e wabir. Before she backVd* out a Saturday, B«pt. 15,1917.—THE TACOMA TIMES—Page Three. score Jumped to- the Meteor',? deck. "One father tossed his son across and ran back to die wltli liis wife. The nameir.Rs boy was adopted by a Meteor officer. Some, perhaps SO in all, were picked up. But the slaking of the Pewabic re mains the most tragic and the worst of Thuoder bay's wrecks." A correspondent of The Times Rtood on the rail of the wrecJttnsc barge aa tense as the treasure hunters themselves. He had seen a diver Towered to 180 feet and raised three times, as fast, as a strain -winch could drop and h«ii ■ i him. A 300-pound suit, of ninnstaneso bronze, enabled him to make in a minute an ascent which in a rub ber suit would have taken en hour, In foreground of upper pic ture ('apt. Persons, last to sec the steamer Pewabic Itefore it Hank 50 years ago, watches recovery of its precious cargo of copper. Ilelow — Diver in newly Invented suit beinn hoisted aboard harge after exam in inn wreckage IH<> fee* below niir face. At riiilit. R. V. I>eavitt, in ventor of diving suit. to prevent "the bends" because of change in pressure. The bin '•••■'■l clam wnm coming up. "I'll bet It's copper," Mild a workman. "You're on for a dimes" im plied the man next. The rlmi swung free. It hail a precarious grip on an iiiiiiK-iiM' chunk of practically virgin copper, found to iwiuli five tons. The hml vauers held their Iweath while the yomiK fortune of $3.V)0 wan IM-iny hointed aboard. Ingot copper, slab copper, hides —these are not all. Dead men's bones, the shoes men died in, trunks of women's finery, baby trinkets, bright tintypes—such are the sadder mementoes of the Pewablc. When the clam broußh* up tho ship's throttle it was still open. Bhe sank with flafcs flying, scream ing for help — and dancers drowned In each other-.' arms. And her copper may yet be In - tin' slidl« that send others -to death on the German front. The' Great American Home! EVIDENCE OF CARMEN IS IN The Seattle division of the street car company will Milnnil its rebuttal to the carmen's demands at n session of the arbitration board, headed by l>r. llenr\ Suz zallo, next Tuesday. Later the testimony of Tacon a employes will M taken in this city. The evidence of the employes of the Piißet Sound Traction, Light & Power Co. was completed in Se attle late Friday One of tile chief witnesses for 'the carmen was J. 1). Hlaikwell, who cited authorities fixing the foot b«dgel at from ::o to 11 per OMI of the total Income of a fam ily, and the necessary income for a family of five at $1,000 to $1, --200 a year, or $90 to $100 per month. The company is contending that a living wai;e is holag paid, while the ciirnien are deniundinK su. h mi rease as will allow them to dis charge their obligations to the < state. COUNT PACKS UP HIS GRIP |-rr«, I rn-,..l Mli-.-.l BUENOS AIHKS, Sept. 15.— Count liiixliurg was still packing up today while massed police guards patrolled the German le gation to guard him from possi ble demonstrations. I'iosldont Irigoyen, It was an nouncod, would grant the depa"' iriK envoy "a reasonable time" In which to utilize the passpprt handod him hocause of America's revelation of how Luxnurg secret ly cabled Berlin thru the Swedish legation to sink Argentine ships "without leaving a trace." From authoritative sources. It was reported Luxhprg hopes to go to Paraguay, instnad of Germany, hcing accredited there as minister, and retaining the Argentine post until some more propituous time for his return. His admission into Paraguay Is uncertain. The press of ARMn cion. commenting today, declared Lnxburg would be personally wel come but not officially so. Thp government him not yet made its position clear. Prominent Germans here adopt ed formal resolutions last night blaming Luxburg for all the trou ble. A number of representative Swedish citiaens likewise met and le.solved that Minister I-owel of Sweden was entirely responsible. Forgetfulness BY BKIITON tIRALUV L#t the old things go! For the past Is a thing that's dead; Vanished is last years' snow And yesterday's dreams have fled. Old loves, old friends?—but they Are part of our glad today, Part of tomorrow, too, Forevermore glad and new. Let the old things go! Old thoughts, old pains, old hates, Old prejudice, grim and blind— Let us cldse the dead past's gates On these; let us leave behind The empty and outworn 1 things; Let us turn our eyes ahead To the morrow and what it brings; For wlmt Is dead—ls dead. And yesterday's flown, helgho! Let the old things go. Pie Revolution Under Way at Lincoln High Lincoln High school is In tlio throw of a .voiiiik pie war today. Talk of strike, of revolution, of boycotting Ilif school lunch room is Koinn the roiirxis ÜBOBg the Boutb Knd's voiiiiK pie eater*. It's ull because of the new rul iiiK prohibiting students from ■ leaving UM Khool premh-es chn- I inn lunch hour, and an auiend !nient nrtded IhOfOtOi inking the middle of the street Jiround the bUlldlßg the "dead line." One step over the mark, and It's "good night." V'si'i', there's a juicy p|p rnun jter in the little confectionnry store just acrosH the street. That's the trouble. Rakkoi ai l.lno And l'rinci|ial Parker punishes poor pupils tor iiiirVliiisini; pie and pastry. noes Principal Par ker have a warm place in bin gas tronomies for a piece of pie? He does not, say the hungry Lincoln iann. It's worse than helnp behind the bars in the county jail, they say. The trouble started Thursday when three boys who made a trip to the pie counter and were hauled on the carpel and suspended by the pie-prohlhitliiK principal. Friday three more made a deß perate attempt to heat the .paine. They toed the line out in the middle of the street and wlg wan^e.d the pie man to make a quick delivery C, ■(). D. The pie man came running, but so did Principal Parker. Aln'l Xo Core In like manner were these youths hauled on the carpet Hundreds of Delightful Places to Visit in the East Made Especially Attractive Now by LOW ROUND TRIP FARES to Atlantic Coast Points, New England, Adirondack, White and Green Mountains, Eastern Canada, Thousand Islands New\brk and Boston/" Ticket* on ule September 1,7, 8,14,15, 21,22, 28 and 29 .^f*--~ >* Slnn-nvpr PriviWp<t at Toed". Cleveland. Buffalo, i£f^, V\ / *^\ JlOp-OVer mVUegeS N ia g ara Falls, Rochester, Syra- ' S C> cuse, Ufica, Albany, Springfield and other points of interest, 0& <G*H WF /A " , including all points on the New York Central. fe? + I ( \jf k Hnw Ahnnt n firrlp Tnnr? Circle tours In^lu^e >5&5™ **V# -_ /* now ADout a urcie iour. f NieiKara Fa]]s , Ho Stotl| \*RtSzr^i' vSs-T~ /m New York, Atlantic City, Washington and many other interesting J*& (iK£F^~^ m*^ tt '^?i —/ Vj points, and provide rail, river, lake and ocean travel if desired. v« T —--^N "^ j~ fi NewYork&ntral Railroad ri\f\^M "The Water l.tvtl Route" You Can Sleep J ML~^j\ Sußgestions as to desirable trips, with information regnrdinpf / / J AS&*f?vf/!Ji W^a^^ii faros and routes gladly given. Apply to your local iip'nt tnr / If V^BP*Bm^^|PJt!|M^ll tickets and sleeping car reservations, or for complete informa- / ff ./^^tSL ' <jP Jt %BM I while Principal I'urker read (lie riot in t. l.lllloltl Hllldl'S HHV tIIOHO jit |>|CS have lunch room Kriib crowded off tinl map. anil art' iMMMdIBg i ii■l'lloiii ol' fating. Tlif new rule was established at Lincoln us wall m at tfca sin- 1 iliniii 111i■.ii ImHH residen's li:nl romplaiiii'il nl liinrli hox litter' ami si raps thrown alimit the neighborhood darlßg lunefa hour. Hut who ever hi'anl of any! snaps bolßg lift over nnd thrown! away from a ptON nf pie? a*k the, KrtnnhlliiK. pta famished oneH. LIQUID FIRE FOR SAMMIES (tnllril li.» l.<--.«rd Wlrv.l HBADQUARTBRI OK TIIK AMIOWII'AN AItMY IN KRAXCN, Sept, IS. Next In the i-atalnc of war BOrrori which American troops will see demonstrated, Is the use of liquid fire. Arrangements WON completed today for a view by the Rmjnißloi voiy soon of how the allieH have turned the (ii'iinun's weapon against the Oprmann after perfuot iiiK the iiiniueiiihalile flumes. Majors Alexander UaHrnuHHen of roilland, Of*., nnd Jork Man ning of Florida, both of thp lagiOD, arriv ed today to inK'ruct the Samiuies In general fiphtinj? tactics. It fll a joyful reunion for the two Americans, both of whom were s formerly in the American army. They found several comrades. REVENUE DEMANDS PILE UP (I'allril Piw l.rmmr* Win.) WASHINGTON 1, HKpt. IS. — PreMed on nil sides for more sad more revenue, hoth immini of con ireM loda> wit sirugnllng with ■Ilia iiivoUiiiK biIHMM, Representative Kit/.K^rald'a an iioiiiii■ciiH'iii that an additional 12,000.000,000 wonlil have to be added to the urgent deficiency bill was followed toilay by de mands in Becretary MeAdoo tor f v I oiiii.iioo In the n-vrnue bill now in i <>iit<■ r• ■ 11>■•■. Under the rule* thin udded iuid i.i i, iii.l lie i.iiscd l, v tncmaaing li'vli's upon |iinnt« or imomra, but in usi come by ri'Htoration of mime houae iirovisiou itrlckM oat is tllti sciia'r. It probably «iii \<e derived by luxlriu the follon it)k: Clnb duet, $i.Mio,noo; amuse ments. 1(0,000,000, Instead of |1»,0<N1.000 now ■ .. ■! In the bill; chewing num, $1,000,000; Jewelry, |7,r>00,000; automobiles) mill motorcycle* $ 1X,000,000 in struct of tin' |40,000,000 now car tied in tile i.ii'Msiirr. These rhangeH would net |7f, --•••,000 of the amount nuked. Tlic hlciklv (limiihikl for addl funds ii.i xttmiilated the flfthl of wealth cnnvcrlpllonlsUi and they are dow paving the way for ■ strenuous aiunlt on Incomes and war profits when tin- IHH-em liim 1 session bsflßi work on money lllliH. BRITISH GRIP IS TIGHTER <i'nii<-<i rrna • •■ .•■>.-•■ wirr.i LONDON, Kept Id. Britlch trooiii forged ■ tighter isrlp on position! east of Wetthoeh (4n the i Ypre* lectori last ninht. field Marshal Hal); reported today. The Brlt'lll I'oinmiiniler al«o re lated failure ot a Ktrong enemy I attack ye^luiday evenlnK north east of St. Julien against the ground gained durinK the day by the Britlah. The assaulting wares were caught under a heavy artil lery barrage aw they were .ulvanc IllH BBd completely dispersed. MUVKN VWm TKKNiniKS PARIS, Sept. IS, Xii in b coun ter attiuks today drove lha O«r --mans from most of the trenches which they entered yetiterday, the war office statement todmy a» serted. Here's a note from Ange les: .Much excitement wns caused the other day by v very pretty girl who was .11 M nil on a charge of nonpayment of a hotel bill. The maiden said she was not a motion picture acinus, never naW a studio, never wanted to see one, and nev er heard of J. Warren Kerrigan. She was Immediately discharged. The manager of the hotel begfted her to come back and Mtay at his hotel as an attraction. So it Ik not true that every pret ty girl In Los Angelns Is a film twinkler, or claims to be, when a bit of notoriety is In the offing.