Newspaper Page Text
fof Our Soldier Boys at Camp Lewis 2£?£JiiH£ at Camp Lewis Now WAMHIira I C lil 1 OKI) THK <;it.\Ml> HI Sll IOH "CHOW." SMASH AUSTRIAN LINE (I'nitod Piths* I A\iie.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. 14. —Italian troops have overrun theMn ;» Austrian defense! on top of Mount San Cabriole, official ilis pstthef from the Italian high command announced today. JEWELS LOST ON ROAD (I'nitcd Pitss I « i .••■! Wire.) PABADBNA, Cal., Sept. 1 1.---Somewhere between Sun Bernar dino, i.nd Pasadena, kpius valued at many thousands of dollars are scatter- (I ocr th" boulevard* They were lost by Mrs. ('. Malono of Cleveland, 0., a gueel here, when a case jolted out lier automo bile and was lost. Among the many jewels were a bar pin valued at $7,00n and a platinum nnd pearl collar pin valued at $2,000. TACOMA'S OFF THE MAP A map of the I. S. appearing in the Sunday supplement of the Inni'.ipolU Journal for last Sunday, showing the various army istH and military camps of the country, given Tacoma the snub. anrp Lewis is shown on the map, with Seattle and Olyinpia near by, at Turpma is nowhere to be found. btfPLE FUND SWELLED The best of local talent chipped in to make the apple fund benefil at the Stadium High school Friday night, given by the moth ers of Hip, coast artillery for their boys, a success. ThoM who contributed numbers were Margaret McAvoy, Mrs. I Predei ii k Rice, lira. Klwin Drown, Florence Reith, Ruth Davies, LSergt. Fred Schmelier, Private Hammond, Lieut. Wilfred Lewis and ► Urn. Fredrick Dean. * WHEN BOOZE IS BOOZE (Special to The Times.) OLYMPIA, Sept. I;")..—As Ion;; us booze is in a drug store, It Is a dni'j. But when it gets away it is. just plain boo/.e. This is the rulin. of the state vupreiM court in upholding the conviction of CJiaf!"- (Jray, Sialtle druggist, in whose possession were found sev eral la rrels and MMM of whisky. Gray appealed to the supreme courl o;i the ground that as a druggist he had the right to possess any EliOMt of uliuhol. TACOMAN AN INVENTOR Theodore F. Kronlund, 4fii).*) So. Yakiiua aye., an expert mat tress !>:iker of Tacoma. received a patent from Washington, D. C, this week for a new sprteg mattress which ha recently invented, and expei-- to see the mat tress on the market this winter. ""Instead of a cotton or felt^body, Kronlund'a m'attresa contains main ijal aariags, which hold the sides apart. ' 'Ie top and bottom are of two heavy layers of felt. By ellm lhati cotton, the mattress is cheaper than those heretofore made, t>esi< giving greater comfort, Kronlund claims. .-.ionluud is employed in tlio uiuttress manufacturing depart ure .' ot the F. S. Harmon Furniture Co. raf'yjM nirroi)iu)Mi; uSuUH of theaters ■ 4» ■ | Jt sl TillMW Tolliulll 9 I ■'*■& "SYMI'HONY (HHIiS" H SIXUAY T(> WKDNKBDAY J3 "TIIK Glltli IN THK MOON" Jfl SciiMH'ional. Spct'acular Hln«ins Novelty M AUSTIN & BAILEY KKEI.KK & HUMR M A HyncopatPd Hotel "Takinß rfl»ncen" V FRANK WIMU'RAOO. TWO SIWKS J^ It.finxl Jut..»ling Act SinßlnK, Talking & ItonctiiK M mmmm fivf n HiK Comedy Musical Offering » 4—ltaelf* of PJctai««—* \< "IS MARKIAGK BACRKI>7" ,r| •'DKHKHTION AND WOtMUftUT* Kg BHOVV HCHKDULR M Matln«*i —Monday <<> SatarAiy, 2 p. m. If Kighls Moa«Uy to FYW»y, 6:30 to 8:43 p. m. S Saturday—•:3o, 7:53, «:a6, M . Bi«day ronUnuou—»:tS, 8:80, S:IR, 7:20, 9:00. H xaflnee*. I Or. Smd«jF «~1 mghto, IBc AGENCY HUDSON, PACKARD TOUEINO CABS AND TRUCK 3 PACIFIC CAR CO. No. 2nd and Q. Main 1320. Saturday, Sept. 15, 1917. —THE TAOOMA TIMES— Page Five Dancing Takes Its Place At Head of List With many young men in Taco nia this year who will be s -eking enjoyment in every form, dancing i» expecting to become inoro pop ular than ever before. Dancing parlors are already crowded oach evening, and several new ones are being prepared, un der supervision of the army post recreation authorities. Sloane's dancing academy at Division and I streets opened tlio teason recently with a far greater attendance than ever before. John son's School of Dancing, in the new Orange hall, 7:!."> St. Helens aye., is crowded oach night. Probably a half do/.on now' dancing parlors aro being pre pared, some of them being elab-1 onto pIBOCI witli large orchestras and every comfort for dancers and spectators. Dague Winner In Billiard Match J. A. Hague, well known South Tacoma sportsmen, won the South i Tacoma three-cushion billiard title last night by defeating Mike \larrett in a challenge match, iir> to 2.'!, in M innings. The BOOTS was tied all the way up to the I final two points, when Daguej showed a fladh of brilliant play -1 ing and slipped across with a j two-point margin. Tim game was. played in the Pennant billiard par lors before a large crowd of bil liard fans. The same players will I compete for the straight cushion: title in the same place Sunday ' afternoon. CHURCH TOPICS SUNDAY St. Andrews Episcopal—Even- Ing, "An Imperial Master;" Rev. Frederick T. Webb. o o o Christian Silence church —Les-| son topic: "Substance." Cl (I O St. Luke.'n Memorial Service*, 7.110 and 11 a. m.; 'The Post: What the Parish Can Do;" Rev F. VV. Keator. oo o * St. Paul's Lutheran—Rev. O. Ifaase of Leavenworth preaches, 10:30. in German. o o o First Christian — Morning. "Christian Union;" evening, "Tlio Second Coming;" Rev. Herman I. Williams. o o o Trinity Lutheran —Rev. Karl KUiun of Puyallup preaches at i 10:30. • o © Church of the Holy Commu inlon —Morning, "The Day of Op portunity for Serving One's Own I Interests;" evening, "The Place j of Vengeance in the Divine Rconomy;" Rev. R. H. McGinnia. o o <* Itnmanuel Presbyterian—Rev. A. H. Lathron of Seattle preaches in morning and Dr. Richard Oates of SeatMe in the evening. Both prominent members of Methodist conference. n no Church of Jesus Christ of Lat ter Day Saints—Elders Grover Hooper and J. K. Rappleye will <>c evening speakers. 0 O O So. Tacoma J'irst Norwegian' Lutheran — Services, 11 a. m.; j Rev. O. Hagaes. o o o Immanuel Lutheran — Services, 7:30 p. m.; Rev. O. Hagaes. Associated Bible Students —.Di!»- course topic, 3 p. m.: "Pastor Russell, His Work, His Character, His Message." o o Norwegian Danish Lutheran— Worship at 11 a. m.; young peo ple's rally, 8 p. m. o o o First Congregational—Morning "FlHinj* the First Ranks;" even ing, "Is Hall a Joke?" Rev. Frank Dyer. o o o First Presbyterian—Rev. Frank A. i.:iVi iirirr of Seattle, speaks In morning; Rev. C. W. Weyer speaks on ' Spending a Million" at the annual Sunday night nerr- Ice for young people, in evening. o o o Rpworth Methodist — Bible school 9:30. No preaching on ac count of annual conference at First M. E. church. o o • . Trinity Methodist — Sunday school, 9:45 a. tn. No services, due to annual conference. • • €» East Congregational — Serv ices 11 a. m, and 7:45 p. m. Pul pit occupied by visittng Methodist ministers both service*. A O O At St. Paul M. B. church, So. 43rd and I>. two visiting men at the Methodist conference will preach. In the 11 o'clock service, the Key. Oeo. F. Hopkins of the Oregon rnnfprenre, and tn the 8 o'clock evening service* the Rev. I Dr. Fulkerson, 30 years a mission- j wry in Japan. Tacoma's JOHNSON'S SCHOOL OF DANCING 735 St. Helens Main 6407 Learn to % DANCE and enjoy our Wednes day and Saturday night socials. Our music is a concert in itself. Watch this space for special features. Open 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. THE BEST Bowling Alleys In Tacoma are Located in the BASEMENT OF THE TACOMA BUILDING Cor. 11th and A Sts. Entrance Thru Lobby $1 A day is paid for high score in BASEBALL POOL at PETERSON & COOKSIE Beat Equipped English-Carom and Pocket Billiard Parlor in the City. Fhone Main W197. liravi> on Draft Itavo In Bottle Grill in i "line. 11..11 And All Soft Drink* TIVOLI CArE Heide A LMgk>w, Props. 1207 Pacific Aye. N, A thousand tons a day of food and clothing for tlio national army are being received at Camp Lewis. It is estimated that the amount will not be less during the entire time the men are there. EIGHT YEARS j ON THE CLEANING ROW J WE TV-EASE I Particular f 1 EOPLE I CLEANING, PRESSING, ALTERATIONS 5 WITH OUR GUARANTEE B CLEANERS 3^ I Most Popular Places oi Amusement "So Long Letty" Latest of Broadway Hits, Here Soon Muriol Nylv«tf«r and ,I.■-.*,,, v\ al-Hi. two of tho prfitfy M>ino illennes witli "So l/ong Ijfltty," coming next work, to Tacoma, "So Long Letty," Oliver Moros so's Bensational musical huccoss, will be the tfttvtag at the Taco ma theater for four m'Khts, begin ning Sunday, Kept. 23. Mr. MoroßCo will wend tho original New York production and cast (which gladdened Hroadway for 20 weeks the early part of .this sna boii. Tho costume* are all bright Alaska Setting For New Pantages Skit Oclaviu lluniluiirtli .mil eompuny in "Salvation Sin-," an Aliih kjin playlet, on the new bill at Puntaget* Monday. Fresh from Hlr triumphs in»the | world of photoplay, Octavla Hand-j worth conies to Pantages as the I headline on the new bill Monda.v. 31ie was a Lnbin and Pathe star For several seasons and has a great following among those who ' ai>pre.( iate the best in pictures. ,ln "Salvation Sue," the sketch that I.Ms Hand worth selected for her j vaudeville debut, she enacts the I role of a Salvation Army lass. ami now and the Hcenery is gor geous. The musical numbers, of which ! there arc eighteen, contain a uiim lier of tho popular whistling va riety, many of wb|ch am well known to the local playgoers. Probably the best remembered be ing "So I/Oiik I.etty," "Here Cornea' Hie Married Men," and "Panßi Around the Apples Once Again." Harry Breen, "kernel" in the great finny of nuts, is close to MM top of the new bill with a larwe portion of chipmunk fodder. Adams and Ouhl, blackface comedians, talk insurance. He fore they finish (hey come to the conclusion that it is better for a man to be dead than alive —and a lot cheaper. The Four Hoses, a. quartet of lively Rlrls, are fashionable step pers and'do everything from the modern dances to the old-fash ioned minuet. The musical feature will be "Little Miss Up-to-Date," with Faye O'Neill and George Phelps, assisted by a dashing chorus. Lottie Merritt ia an artist here with her accordion and saxaphone. CENTRAL LUNCH This tarmt <«>nvrnirnt and rli-iim-sl l.lllli h Koom for the •.<»l«li«-r boys in Taoonut. The aufo bus from «'amp !.<•«im will ntop rlffht In front of <mii- drxv if yon sajr *•( entnU l.uiw-h'' M iti«- driT«r. Oood cooking, perfect rl«-anlinrwn •nd our pricea are the moat rnamMiMble in the city. CKNTRAIi I.CNCH CX). 11th St. at Commerce. ■ Glide Roller! i Skating Rink I Si So. llth and L Sts. Take Cable Car. I iSJ Will Open for the Winter Season ■ % SATURDAY, SEPT. 29TH ij i Every ni#ht during week except Monday. IJ "* Open Saturday and Sunday afternoons. H p largest Place of Amusement in Tacoma ■ m Admission sc. Skates 25c. H B Ladies Admitted Free. I g RUSS HALL, Mgr. I CLEANERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Yes, we've thrown the keys away. Why? Be cause we never close. Since Sept. 6 we have been giving both day and night service to every one. Uniforms a specialty. The [lite Tailors 746 Pacific ay. We'll Cash Your Pay Check Tonight We are open tonight from six to eight. While cashing your pay check—think a moment—Let one or two dollars open a Savings Account, add to it each week —first thing you know you've got an ac count at this bank that will make you feel more independent—and you won't have missed the weekly sum. Try it and see. Tacoma Savings Bank & Trust Co. Equitable Bldg., Cor. 11th and Pacific Aye. Unlike many business concern* a bank has no bargain* to offer—the services which we have to extend remain the ■ame. We realize that our best advertisement most l>o onr customers and friends, and are devoting this space to Hi.- pm-oarngoinent nnd assistance of all movement* which have for thctr object the promotion of the beat in terests of Taconia. Capital and Surplus $1,200,000.00 Resources $12,000,000.00 CHESTER THORNE, Chairman Board -of Directors. Ralph S. Stacy, President Eugene T. Wilson, Vice President. Stephen Cashier. t Raymond R. Mattison, Asst. Cashier The National Sank of Tacoma "Tacoma's Oldest and Largest Bank." Phone Main 2640