Newspaper Page Text
SOME GOOD BUYS IN REAL ESTATE TIMIOS WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 1 cent v word each insertion—3 tinir* for the price of a. 1 month, ptr line per month $1.00 S months, per line per month 95 G months, per line pec month S>o 12 moulhs, per lino per month 75 Swap ads 15 words, 3 times, I.V, cash in advance. No advertisement taken for less than 15 cents. .PHONE MAIN 12 THtf TIMKK IS TACOMA'B \VK UECKIVK \I>S BY 0.V1.T DtPIfiIMOMM'.NT nffetto PHONB OUR M'MBKR ;ji:WBFAPkr -^-..;-"»" is maiv i" HUSINKSS AND V I KM? KSBJ ONAL I)IRECTO UY AUTOMOHILK ACCESSORIES I MONEy'toToan" — n MICHKLIN * THE TIRH AQBNCT •>mi>-,nr- Tires and tubes 51JUHRE f itablltty, auto tCU'JU sllplilte^, .ii.l I Jr"-"^ » ; Ue an ,l tDOIS ' -■i ' rasottne, oll.i and, tfi' ase. 1113 Tacomn in. Mnln 2154 i COMMONW HA I:\ I [ TITLB TRUVT CO. MAIN 101 Bankers Trust Bldf»T ABSTRACTS OF TITI.K TACOMA TITLIO CO-^C.rour.,l floor Fidelity Rldg. Main |IM, %^TnTbljlTncesv^~' AUTOMOBILK ambulance. Only on« In city Mmi 41. BLUE PRINTS, MAPS, SUUVRYINO ("ITT and county surveys, tide-land*. maps. Nicholson Kng, Co., 504 Fidelity M.iin 474. ~BUS?NfKriS COIJ.iKCES t/srf ty^ffitjj Positions ;ZM We are con- » stantly Rfind !fiH««»«»ss£<sC lnS out our *ilsSlNfc*l\ graduate*. B/U** I"***"*^ wiiy not re l^^k itMA view :ln'l hrlng K(A 4^rA your««-lf up to CARHKT CLEANING U. I* HOUCK -rarpeT~bfatintf, re fitting aml hiving; feather reno vating nml upholstering. 2M2 6tn ay. Main Sfft, COUNTRY WATER SUPPLIES WE make conneetloill to new heat- Ing company. Coffee Plumbing Co. Main IT* ■ CHIROPRACTIC IRA W. BLACK, 7p. C. C. (Trailuate), 40* Chamber of Coramen c Bldg. Main 1472. V. EMIL CLARKE, graduate chlro- praetor; (painless method). 303 Ho. 9th. Main 4452. CiKO. R, NBMITI' - (Palmer gradu ute). 711 Wat. Realty llld. M. 1153. ~Ch7kOPODIST PR. A. BOYEU, Mal strora's Drug Store. Main 35. I ill. McTAIN. Chiropodist. Provident mag. Main 5742. "Just a little .^ different. n.K\ll\Eßß. OPKN I) A V AND NIOIIT. YF/8 we've thrown the keys away. Why? Becmwe we never close Stail Inn today, Sept. 6, we, will be .-ibl* to Klva )>•>! h day ntnl night service to everyone. The ICIIte 'Pallors, 740 Paciflo ay. Phone Main 2«4f». 1 nRAYAGE^ Commercial Truck A Storage, Co.— I'urnltur" moved, packed and stored. Tenm nnd auto vans. Fire proof warehouse. Best corps of trained men in city. Mairi 70«. FOOT SPECIALIST IUIKUMATISM, bunions, nails, brok en arches treated. Dr. Jones, Ave nue. Hotel. v^A^Knn7Rp^>srF^oxES^ $t OH PBH year, fire and burglar proof. Peoples' Safety Deposit Co- 117 So. 11th. Berlin Hldg. Mal n 20 1 a GARAGES GAItAQKS 9 Permanent Sectional Houpen, 157.50 and up. (iamgrß, $40 up.. Wi'ge ner Mfg. Co., 1107 A st. • piTvslcTans^ DR. LA QASA. Surgeon, Diseases of women; genito-urlnary. ltealty Bldg. OX. RI-WIN BROWN, physician, and •surgeon. * Office 101« Fidelity Bldg. Main 2^4; R.. Main 5-29. UR. WAKIIKN liROWN — Diseases of women und Ri'nito-\irinary and skin diseases. 1I OH Commerce st. PR. FT^hT HfMROKDKR — SKIN AND (IKNiTO-imiNARY DIS EABKS. I'HENCH BLDG., 11B« PACIFH'. MAIN tTJS. ~ 'si~j i' v i: ■/. sukoeon . Diseases of Wnmen. Fidelity Bldg. DR. B. ELIZA rtKTII DRAKK. Phy» irlan anil lurtMD. 101K Fidelity Rlils: Main 234; Proctor 618; Mad. Ison 117 H-l. DR. PKTnRSF.N-DANA, 220-^erlln nidg. (timmlliiavlan Am., Rank). Office, Main l»Tt) res.. Main 877. ~ DR. FO RKM mC BtTRQBON Bank'ii Trust Blilr. WELL DIGGER WRLI> DinrjKll.— B. T. Blrih. P»rK land. Wash. HOTELS THE TRAVEI.KRS; trannlent from ■ 50c up. Hperlal rates by weak or month. 150«%-Parlflc_av. «< HOTEL ORANtCIIndM new m»n- 1 arement. Tfirmlent tr»d«- soloclt co. Special rates by month. j „, BHXSTA~"HOT 'EU^UoAirir out»lJ« rooma, $2. 12.50 and |8 D«r weak up, 10c night up. 1316 Markat. THE BROADWAY. Rma. !Sc up '• f«r wk , uti'.itn hrat, free batha. ll»Vt Bfoa.lway. Main 10l». HOTKT. MKRIT Rnputatlon I^stnblliihPd. RfiminiMi ratei. 315 ft Hit.. Court and Mar k«t WALDORF HOTEL. 7JBH Pacific ava. YOU'LL BAVIB , v . MONET *" borrowing now. Interest rates *'■• curs to advance. Mike your ■ Inamlul arrungimunts If you ara Kolas to b. In tha borrowln* market soon. R. IS. ANDKRSON * CO. Berlin Hld«\ MONEY on hand for improved prop^ erty loans. 201 Bank of Cal. Bid*. MANRY to i oan on improvrd ~|ti and farm proportlas. Malcolm HI Qlf a toa Co., 406 Berlin lUilg. PIUVATK money to l.un, Jio to 11000; no commission. Payments Dubois' C*" "18 S° Klf<> ™>" $25,000 eastern money t.i loan at~~6 7 and S per cent. Inquire J U. Snapp, 1_•_• 1 Fidelity Uld«. ON TMPROVKD property. Loam for biillding a specialty. Also monthly installments C It. MANNING CO. Tw Maij L' 6. EqulUbla Bldg. RKAL KSTATR LOANS, term ~oi monthly p:iyment«. Mmih-Mo- Candlrss Room 200, National Realty lihlg. . Ot'lt nun money to loan. \V N. I)oub & Cv,, m o. sot Cal. Bldg. Main L'ISS. LOANS -- Short or long term any ■mount. 411 California Hldg. IfORTCIAan UOAN& Amounts from *2»ii Up; city or farm; lowt-st _rates. NORTON & (-.0 , 21« Berlin. f«O.AN.S for liome bulidlng or to pay off old mort*aK''H. Lowest rate*, special privileges to bor rowers ;s to S years. Money al ways oa liand—no delay H. J. BCHWINN & CO. Inc. -H'l^Tacoma Btdfr. MOVING CITY and long distance moving! Main 74. Union Transfer Co. LOCAL moving. Large van. Two men, |1.r,0 per hour. Good movers. Prootor 2M7-R. M MOVING" A. HOT.noYD. MADISON 200» IXSITRANCK— LIFE JAMK.s A. HATg, 101 Bank of Gal Rid*. Inoomn, Personal and Cor porntlun Mfs Insurance. Phon* Main ttltf Proctor 2SC9-J. PICTURE FRAMING,"'" v""ul ARTISTIC and reflnnd work! Mlll tary work a specialty. Holt Art Storp, 773 Broadway. POULTRY WANTED TOP prices paid for poultry W H --^"''^'j: ''Jf .y.a.r-k.*.t: Maln IB4'*- PAINTING & PAPERHANGINO C. N. koVcjsBACH, 1921 So.~YakT tna. Wall »348. INSECTICIDES AND SPRAYS CAR'ROUNKT'M ITnd Cro-Hnl for chicken lire. Carco Vegetable spray, water glaas. Standard Chemical Co., Main 5436. LOANS PROMPTLY~MaFe~OM SALARIKS FURNITURE i PIANOS AND STORAGK RKCEIPTS At rates you can afford to par. Money buys cheaper than credit. Our service has pleased many others and will please you. Let us tell you all about It. COAST KINANCK COMPANY 210 Rankers Trust Bldg. RAZORS SHARPENED ALL work guaranteed. Shaw Bun. pi 919 Paclflo I PUHMC STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC BTKNOGRAPHF.U-EVA K. -??-J^ f!:-. *11 J?l°. y.; P. 1?*- Maln utt ~SAFRnEPOSrr VAULTS F7nF"LfTT~T~ifrsT~ro. >s sa~fe~ dF POSIT VAULTS. Ground floor. SCAVENGERS AMERICAN"oIRBAQK CO. — Re moving garha** and refuse of all kinds. 21S Puy. ay. M. 742, R., 7539. "^IJNDERTAKERS C. O. LYNN CO., Funeral Directors, 910 Tueoma ay. Main 7745. BUCKI.KY-KTNG CO.—Professional Funeral Directors. 7.10-32 St. Helens. Phone Main 412. CARS KI>Y ft ALLEN CO.—Funeral directors. 1110 So. l!th. Main 8151. ■O. T A COMA FUNERAL PARLORS. 5433 T'nlnti ay. Main 10X3. Oeo. W. Piper. WINDOW CLEANING CITY Window" Cleaning Co., vacuum cleaning. Main 4633. AVKNI'K HOTEL, strictly ifTodern, private hath 1209H i'aclifc aye. Main 8.178. FAWCKTT HOTBU lSsfvi Broad way. linoms, 15c, .20c and 25c. HOTEL LANSING^Steam heat, hot and cold water, nrlvate hath. Rates ii-iKiinable. 11117% Broad way. Main 6891. PALACE HOTEL—Fireproof build ing. H"i and cold water, eleva tor all nlk-lit. Rates reasonable. 1128 Pacific. Main 1961. FISHER HOTBL—Modern, restau rant In connection. &»c up. ISStU Paclfl.'. Main H45. . HOTEL PoIStI^XnII^-Translßßt Hooins GOc and up. LM'.'S Jeff, ay* J.OGGED OFF LAND IN Southwest Washington to set it,ms only $6 00 pi r acre and up. Ten years to pay. interest at *■"• WKYRKHAEUUR TIMBER CO. Ti. in i Hid*. Tucoraa, Wasli Turnr«HED libusiT KEEPING ROOMS FINK housekeeping rooms at 70914 Pacific ay. IMPKIUAL — Fine hskpg. rms. $8 mo. up; walking distance. So. 10th and Yaklma. FIAY \ HOW AITS? S|,e. lul rate! to hachi lors. l^ifi', 'I'a.-0111.1 ay. 921 NO. X ST.—d rooms, bath, baae int-nt. fireplace, gas stove. and luater. Kent $J.'.o(). Possession <><t. Ist. Malcolm K. Ounston ('■>., lvi HfanJ. American Hank Bldg. "auto" delivery co. Team and Auto Trucks. litx'al and Long Dis-1 tance Moving. Storage. Main 8402. 722 Com merce. HOUSES, for r.-nt or sale VI. B. t:iiz * Co.. 523 California bldg FOPisiimmer eottnge* ami tents. H. B. Rita * Co.. 523 California Rids. I.ONO DISTANCE Moving—Get Our Prices McLKAN. MAI S llso^ A! A IV and Long m.\i.> ,tyj\iv i)| atall( . e Moving. Storage. Nights and Sundays. MAIN 3008 City Moving ft Storage Co. PTREPROOr storage. 616 Tac. ay. PRIVATE offli:«, use of reception room. Inqiilr« 1221 Fidelity Bldg. Tel Main 4!>'J4. PD R NTSHED HOUSES rURKIHHKD 3-room licTuae, good condition, fine for small family or in.. •! to hx-h. i .-» to car at 12th and Proctor. $ r>.oo. See Davidson, Itoom 2S. Hriinnwick House, Puyallup nv.. 11 to 1 p. m. AUTOS BARGAINS IN Used Cars I—Chalmers J» $250 I—li'ord roadster $260 I—Rulck1 —Rulck roadster, self-starter, hai'Kiiirf |375 < I—s-puaa. Overland Hi ■ I .Ai i.i i .iuii Jack ltalibit 200 I—l liin car }125 I—Finft Hudaon L'O hug |3»0 1-—Good s-pam. car |J75 I—Studebakdr 5-pasß $300 WR* lh« n«w Klgln Six. Price f. o. b. Tacoma $1195 ; 0. J. ENQEN TAOOMA MO'POR CO. ; 945 Market it Phon* Main 365. FOU SALE—I9IB Studobake-r 7-pitas, touring car. Will stand thoro In vestigation. Can be soen today or Sunday. R. Carroll, I loiui Don nelly. ._ AUTO REPAIR SHOP AND OAR- Af«E.—Have your atrto and wagon . repair work done by expert m.i. chlnists. Oxy-acetylene welding. N. E. Walton. 110-112 Bth St., be tween Pacific and A st. LEAVING CITY will sacrifice flve pastienirer car, eJeotrlc. lights, new tires, many extra*, for $175. 2135 Jefferson ay. or Box K-7, Tln*»«. CAK for sale, on Point line. Proc _ tor 714. FORD DELIVERY Panel body, good tires, exceptionally good condition; a snap at $300; easy terms. Bee us tor used cars with a guarantee. Little & Kennedy Co. TJsed aCr Department. 744 Commerce BUSINESS CHANCES' BXCBtXJniT opportunity "%ffer«Kl motor stock Investment In com pany endorsed by over one hun dred st<x:khold*rs In Ottawa whort factory is operating. Full Infor mation furnished upon request. Wm. Shanda. Fiscal Agent, Otta wa. Illinod*. IF you are lobkln* for a good bus iness opening, come to our office anil look over our list of selected ■offerings. YVK deal exclusively In business op portunities and may hay* Just wlint you are looking for. DOUGLAS PROMOTION CO. NJ tJ tj'^*» - _R«'" |ty Bldg. DIAMONDS AND WATCHES TOIT can buy diamonds and watches for half at Sam Sl-non s, 1314 Pa cific. _ VKTKRINARY -BURGEON WIIKN you need a doctor for horse, cow or animals, or Z*ed meiilcine for tnera. see DR. J. D. PKARSAIX, V. 8., 604 So. I st. Main 7143. PERSONAIT C.KN'I'L K.MAN middle-age. wl»h.-« acquaintance of lady. Ot>je«-t matrimony. K-4, Times. A YOUNG man wishes to make ac quaintance of a working girl; no objection to the poor: good girl only. Object matrlmonv. J-25, Times. Saturday, Bept. 15, 1917. —THE TACOMA TIMES— Page Seven If the home buyer and investor eonld only realize the state of the real estate market today they would lost no time in taking advantage of the many REAL BARGAINS now being offered. It will only be v matter of a few weeks at the most when all the ;i\;iil able houses will he rented and prires will begin to climb. Newcoinei-s and wise investors will do well Ivy investigating at once the new and old houses, build ing lots and farms advertised on this page today. cJfiji<Qay \ 150 ACRES LOaOED-OFF LAND FOR TRADE l/o-MILE from N. P, railroad station, lois 61 miming water, mostly fine alde.r and cedar land; will make a fine stock ranch. Will trade for small residence. Price $.10.00 per acre. E. MoCOLLEY 1221 Fidelity Bldg. Main 4991 MODEL RANCHES CHEAP 22i/ 2 ACRES, IV^> miles from Kent, all improved with good orchard, 7 acres of hay, G-room modern house with city water, telephone and very good out buildings. Price $8000; terms half cash, balance to suit. This is a real home and must be seen to be appreciated. 20 ACRES, 2 miles from Long Branch, some improve ments on this including fair buildings. Land is good and lays well. Price $1200; terms hall" cash, balance to suit. 5 ACRES near Larchmont, y 2 cleared, with fair house and good well, some fruit. Price $1800; terms half cash, balance to suit. 304 FT. BY 100 FT., on street car, below Fern ITill, with good 4-room house, city water and light, some fruit. Price $1200; terms Vfc cash, balance to suit. IF interested come in and we will be pleased to show you anything we have on our books. SCANDINAVIAN LAND CO. 508 Bernice Bldg. 'LOST LOST—ljidlea' umbrella at Point Dnflanoa or on car aomiug from there. Name "Laura V. Reed" woven in umbrella. Laave at Timea office. Reward. LOST—An Overland automobile crank on Cliff ay, or Division. PleaM return to Times office and receive reward. . WANTEIJ-^ri,OTHING HIGHB3T prices paid for men's caatoff clothing. Bob's, 1307 Com merce. FAMILY^WASHINO~" r\C\i> family Washing. Main 1213. oyj^ Tacoma Wet Wash. BUY " PUcJET SOUND JUNK CO. buys all klnda of Junk a<id second hand floods. Main 5139; after 6 p. m. oall Main «047. WANTBD—3 or 3% running irear with or without wood box. Hot K-a, Times. WANTTRD-^Portable drag saw. Box X-», Times. SALESMEN WANTED SAlJfiSMAN—Kxperlahoe unneces sary; new specialty proposition; moderate priced poods for g»neral trade; exclusive features: SPLKN PID commUsUin contract for Washington. Vacancy now. J.IS weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 28837 Continental Bldy. Cleveland. Ohio. AGENTS AGKNTS—SeII transfer decalcoma nla flag emblems, and Initial let ters; every auto owner wants in itials on his car; you can npplv them wlille Me wnlts. charfrlng *1 50. maklnir |Ltl profit No epxerlence. necessary. nanwiles, particulars free. Monogram Sup ply Co., Hr«k 5, Nlagnra Bldg., Newark, N. J. I'VK a new line of soap, extracts, toilet *«o<la. p'-rfum's. cl ■. for agents; 100 per cent profit. Saniiilc free. Write qurck. Laß—lan On., I>f>pt. (0. St. Logls. Mo ~ personal" BACHELOR irlrl, SO. worth $:'i)fioO, would marry. MHox Ik, pLtugm. Toledo. Ohio. HELP—FEMALE $20.*0 weekly mudf writing namea for ni.ul order houses, no ranvnai- InK, particulars for stamp. Th» _Ould«_Co., Jlemphla, Tenneaaee. SOLDTKRfi-BAILOII.S need socks. (Jood money at home knit ting hosiery. M.n Inn, - furnished on trme. W» pay fixed rate« for mikliiK the fronds. Wheeler, Inc., 337 Madison, Chicago. WANTBD — Competent g7ri for general homework; family of 3. Mrs. Oeo, M. Hallar. 1022 No. I it. WANTED— Telegraph oper ators. Claaa«a nbw being; organized by old experi enced teacher. Type writing Included In coune. Positions guaran teed. Sen Mlsa Roberts, Room 324 Nat'l Realty Bldg. WANTKD^—A girl for g™e"ral housT work. 301 No. Yakinia. Thone Main 43«1. MOOR KFI ELD B A TITS for rhe\ima~ tism and lagrippe. Lady attend ant, 7th and Pacific. Main 6254. SWAPS FARMS, acreage for rood Tacoma property. (Jond l-room house for rent In So. Tacoma. T. P. Nasop, 8237 80. A. Madison lttt. ,TO TRADE^LOTT FOR a iv)w, 50-foot lot on corner No. 38th ami Kultlmore. Jeim<> If, Read. Provident Bldg. .„ srrnA'noN maT~ 15-TKAR-OIJS high »chool boy would like work for room and board in re»pw»able home. Mrs. N. .lohnson. Lakrrlew, Wn, v R. 1, Box 105. A middle-aired man lately from the east wants steady Janitor work for 110 a -week. Harris Hyr >na> General Delivery, Tacotna. Wn. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE OLOSK-W rooming house, on cor ner, for sale; 27 roomsi, always flllrd: rent 150 per mnntii; 11500. D. P. YOUNG & CO. Berlin Bldg. REAL ESTATE lUV A HOMK 1 rixim liousi'. •hMtriC llnhls. BtfMl tfrridrd, eWB»»l walk, sfwi'r tn; I Macks tn far ami pa>v*d rtr««t; 6th ay. district. Tri.-K only *'»>0 Ml liiniM. * UiV>M ii iuhiv ulssH In M Q st . ulri'i'l |iii\,ii in,l .ill Inipnivcnii nts In ami pnlil for. Only II 1"'. M ■a sf t, t ma. I KOOM ho in,'. (Ti .l.imly lot*, ,-lrar fit ,ii.i ffn, 1. an lil, ill plant for il.irkfn ra ii. li. ' I i... K-. tn HsT, S lilixki i.i imvnl mail, for only $^.ln. ,m ti-rms. 5 HICK i-oiiur lota. elMred an«l rcHflv tn build on. for only 1150 for I In" .">, on tnrniH of s> cajih, bal^iii.i- la suit. Money to I.<nn H. I 1 LAW HOKN . 4 I* r.iMnlrr BldaT. roll HALJE AT A BABOAIN LOT and I r cotlanc, bath, lollet, electric Iliflits. phone, etc . 1 blk. fnim Loft-aa school. Call Main lilt. HIXP—MALK WANTED—WiIson Bros. Logging Company, In dependence, \Vn., wants men lo work on rail road grade. Wagei |3.SQ) per day; board $6^o per week. Sanitary camp. Take C, M. & St. I*, railway. WANTED A boy to work In kJt'-li- M A|M>lv lluchli'iilii ui-h, i>l7 Hi HauJ wuy. A MAN Wanted a rellabls man to talk lit I'kiil owners rihuul the new itarllNK device. $.'» per day. Particular! free, American Sled Nii|>plv c •,!., TUB ivn.iii .on Illilg.. ||. 1 1 f>it. WANTKI) ptadlum High school boy tit \\ 01 !>- 111 nciil rooM from 2 lo .. Waves |5.9Q per week to start. Api>i\ Bnwari, niiill room Tlmea, 111 Pacific ay. WANTED 10 laborer! for assort I ■ ami loading scrs.p. Knle |ol] p« r hmir Bteady work. Af>pl)T store foreinans nfflce, ('., M tk Bt. I'nul K. K. thopa, SVWMII.Ii turn Wasted: married men jir eferi eil; I hours, $:f. laley liiiniL.t Co., tlth and l'u\allup rU er. KXPURIKNf KD flnlwhers aecui tomi'd lo liiiiilure work. Apply Qr*|(ory I'mn Mfi? i'.i, renter si. WANTKIf AT ONCK Siimin huy of young man who can Ko home nl^htH. to assist an Invalid boy and do work about the place. In quire \n ±iz No. i Ht. WANTKI) Stock cullers for snsh and dnor dupt. Keystone Lumber Co. WANTKD—Mechanics. Ui t tie A Kennedy Co. Servlc Dcpt., 71J Bluadway, WANTKD Wood okoppen to Raw by tin ,i,|. (lood tiintier. Call If .'., Times. URN and women, l«arn the barbar trad*; I,lk' demand for barber*. Moler System of Barber Colleges, lIIS PhclNc nt.. Tacoma- WIDOW with child five, desires position I n country where no otber children. Stale salary etc. K-l, Times, FURNTsin^nousE FOR SALE OR RENT. STRICT!.Y modern 6-room, furnish ed house, sleeplnjr rooms, bath and kit.imn finiiihed In white ensmel. Located at Northllla, It minutes by steamer Vashon, 3 trips dalljr. Kent reasonabl* to right parties. X-l. Times. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS KIHH MKIICTIANT—SII!", will buy the splendid outfit for retailing f!«.h—horse, harness, wagon, fish tanks, scaJes, everything complete. Jesse 11. Read. I'ruvident lild«. $1S -flood drop head Singer sewing in.ichlne. 319 So. 11th. Main (T«l. WOOD for sale. Uley I,urab«r Co., Main 2276. OR a"nc? fcT ANGORA KITT BNS for sale or trade for chickens or fruit. 2209 No. »th. CHANOINQ my home, therefore, first buyer with $75 gets my Klmball piano. Telephone Main 2855. $20.00 TAKKEB good, gentle horse or will exchange for a heifer. 1241 90. Park ay. Madison 1695. KtTI^L grown Buff Orpinton pullets. Oood laying stock. 100S No. I^awrence st. Phone Proctor 1640. 3000-Ijß. team and harness. 1! years old. good workers. $200 cash or will rent "for $HO.OO per month to responsible parties. CalK Proctor 1858. FOR SALE—-Dining table and go cart. Phone Proctor 2592-R. 3015 No. 2«th. FOR BAT>E—Furniture for 4-room cottage; also cottage for rent. 37H So. Sheridan. STEEL range $l*.« 0: dresser, $4 50; leather couch, $IS.|JO. 1140 Coin merro si. HITST HAVE ?SOO worth 6f good i«rond hand fuiniture by September 10th. Ttroma Ay» Furniture Exchange. Main 3367. 913 Tacoraa ■*. GOOD new pianos |19S; $6 a month. Slivers Piano Co., 1307 Broad way. r*if\ Watches cl**n«<i or mala Z*)\l j/C uprfTfra 10c, cuarantead **^*" 1813 Paclrlo «v. JUST received. N u*ed apwln(<ona fhlnw, all make*, prtcaa 15 to lit. J. O. , Purk«y. 1311 Broadway. Main SS.t». RirQT 1 "8h *° be had at Broad- J»l .Ol w>y M\\., 1105 Broadtray. WANTKD—n.ids, catU^, veal, hides, poultry. Will cal for name. Pay Mlchrat market price. Taccma Meat Co. Mad. EBl, after bus iness hours Main 8331. CABH PAID YOn t'HKD FHRNIT imr; and other mrrchan disk. v WM. MTZ-ItKNRT 102 SOI'TH lITH STHKRT. REAL ESTATE Exceptional Valye IS what you will gal If you buy th* .i room hinittitlow with modem I'onvi'iili'in r». has, in.nt mid fur nai'P, only all blooka I'roin I .In ouln lliuh school; |US! . mh will takn It. Knsliv woilh 1108*. ItANPY buiiKalnw with Mcre«n BOTOh, evtra -lei" in.iin. rccep llon hall ainl nil huilt'iii feiilures. All,ml 3 block-, ii.iiu Uneoin 11tvli. A snap at $ TJOO. Crescent Realty Co» 4IX CallfornU Ill.tij. 40=Acre DaSry* Complete Wtih stock and Milk K'oute I HAVfI for ImriMMlhu. Ml« nt a \ii y low flcurr ■ L-ompleY« dairy fill'lll of 10 ,|t i i's, mIH tut I in i It* oiiWvl Hi' 1 <• H > uC Katonvlll**, with a milk route now ■•itina .ilumjl $I^T( por nitnith iH" the 10 .i«hh t hero ar« lift h« i <■-- ti' ai i'i| and fn <-iiitivaiion wii h ru^tntnic iprins u.u.r. balance <»r land In timber. i iiic I-n hi m ln>u i with f h Hj>lart', MM I-POOM hOMII*, laffffl Imni, with i •'< iii s ni room lor Btoctc, ami Full of bay. % Other iheda, build in KM such ;ih <h irk rii hOUM, h>*g nh**(l and aIOO linall KV't'ii Inn is**.. Thore in a food orchard, with all h I mis of fruit, I \ it> larfft ffAl <lon, Inoludttltf " ;ii i <'H ill' |ml ;i i < H-s AH farm tnnln of ii\fiy natuif, in rl mil nif'ir. Tlltc IN 1 1 mil. h c ow.m ami thrtM h»l< M horaM) plenty nf ontstdi* lani^t*. ThN f» h fin/- Ht *I. dairy avid IM prlca Is (»ti 1 y |4ftOO, OWMf wants $:!i>o rtamh. balaticfi oa ter«M or morta?aMA XII \\K AhltitTT fii'O CaJiforala HU\k- Main Ml. IT'S [JPTO YOU TIOI.L me what you will niw Tin- a ii-ri>om,' in,l lv.i spl.Tiillil I lotfl, unit Ihfl BfßOtilll y<Hi will p;iv ] iinwn. mill Moral ynu will pay I monthly. It itniKt go. S:iy tltt* wonl unil It's yniitH JESSE 11. READ Prorjdanl in,in NORTH END BUNOELOW MODKKN 5 -room ImiiKalow. J full lots, ull slrei't iiMHi'Msmfiith In anil paid. I'rlri- $l»iio, JL'Od, hal anre $10 or tnnri' i" t rnontli. ('all for rial estati* ili'piirl nitiit, M.iln 17)17. CHURCH, MAHAKI'.VY, INC. SO3 Am*rli;ui llnnk Illilg. FOR SALE 811 SO. 25T11 THIS house call be purcha«ed at $1000, $200 cash, bahtnee monthly. food location and worth the in..n. \ Buy it and soil at ad vance price. It will come. O. N. JOHNS 402 National Rank of Tacoma Bldg. Phone Main 6061 OWNER CALLED AWAY 5-ACUE RANCH IN "TOWN" NOT OVER 20 minutes' ride to 11th and Parlfir ay.; it Is partly clear ed, all fenced, has a f?ood 4-room house, attir and cellar, city water and sink In kitchen; dandy straw berry patch and several young fruit tret-s; Just the place for a chicken ranch. Price only $13R0; will sell for |32r, cash, easy terms on balance. This is a winner. Better get It before |t'» too late. DANDY HOME FOR YOUNOCOUPLE 3-ROOM plastered bungalow, elec tric lights and water, 2 dandy lots In lawn and garden, garage and woodshed; only $900; term* can be arranged or will trade for 5-room bungalow. E. P. GRKOORY CO. , 'Second rioar National Realry Bldg. .Salesman 10. PARK AVENUE HOME 5-HOOM concrete bungalow and 2 full lots. U>rated at 4327 Park ay. For a quirk »ale we hay« priced this property at $l!»00; very liberal terms De Land Henton Co., Inc. 3U-16 Bankers Trust Bldg. 6-ROOM house $1600, 3014 No. 7th ni. Take automobile as first pay ment, baluix i' like rent, or sell on easy terms. 8718 No. 30th St.- Proc tor 180. Cheap Little Farms 5 ACRES good soil, 2 cleared and In crop, fi-n. i-ii. lots of wood, good well with force pump, »hed and garage; a 4 room new bungalow, beamed celllnK. fireplace, would cost $15011 to build. Ixioated on county mad, close neighbor!, '* mile to school, on It. I. I)., not far from car. Owner need! money and will sacrifice for 13100. 80 ACRES, 10 cleared (rood bottom land, tots of good fi'MfinK. more lM>tt«fti land to dear, 2 Kood wells, a 5-room house, barn ami several outbuildings; r> head of cattle, .15 thickens, 10 tons of hay, potato**, small tools, fmriitui' 1, alt com plete for $3800. 40 ACRRH, some cleared, well and old house, fine, location on county road, offered for a few days only at 11290 GOOD bargains are being quickly picked up In farms. We do not misrepresent. We have sold (our farms In succession to the first tour parties we have shown ttimn. Them Is a reason. Good bargain* with square dealings get results BERTHA OIUFFrm PrnvM»"» Hills' Tnxnm* REAL ESTATE Bungalow, 5 Rooms, $1250 11. Nt CASH. $1.1 prr mo. fnr n»»t » loom bunfuluw. .><> i».ili at., 3\b 1,1,1.k> tn I'-itii HIM W, TWO lots. Mm| sidewalks; »ll Im pruvi*iiii*nta paid. pnri'«l«Jn batsi; ii,' it 3 yrir old l,iii't;:iloir himnv A If HAIINIIISKI, CO. 415 Taronia Ma.ln 71A J IF vnn want tn hnr a, itnod li.ii.'i. ilnii i fall to ■>•• in. wi> run iiuki. you som* monrjr. BERTELSON & CX). Si in,l Amorlran Hunk Bid* HOME BARGAINS t .11 CASH 11..100 I'lvi- rooms, ncir I'rilno d«-< p.m. an iiiviml iii'ri. |lfi p«r imuitli. mii'liiiliiik mli'i'iwl. tI.KOO Slll.lti-i Good <llHlrlrt Half block from car lln» and alao holtii'vliuril. ii ..■ i i.-n || v n«W. H*al iihiinhhiK. i'i>n<rrtn fotinda tlon and walks only $:o par in. int h, i nil ii^i m.; IntarMt, tti rinr.Min.i Main 3111. 10 ACRES |600 r. ROOM houaa, Dear itation, •choofi att»ri»H, mill, Kootl n.iul. uhuut IT mills* (rare Tinm This can t>« h i.l (in kimiil litiu! If taken at JKBHE (). THOMAS, JR. ltd Taromn niiln. Mnin 7I1&. NOUTII KM) SNAP " $i4oii fur a ti-ronm modern bun galow. Lot 4(ixl OIL Klnn mar Ino \]t>v/. Will trado for mnall <r pliirc or for vumnt lots, clear of iii'iiniliraiii)). DE LAND IIK.NTON CO. %ir>-IH Hankers Trust tlldg. 110=acre Sump ON M "[I -v \9i*n4, partly tmpi nvflJ, I 11 -oni ti wvlllnjr on cruflA roadf; ■OhUUi hiMtHf (111 I'lUn'T, VIII IIH $I , r.oo. will H4-II for in.™, $l'sO rMh t halatu ■ Mlv tt'iina, ■11. .1. Nc'hwimi & Co. 1 m Tin ami iiM'v I'AI'ITAI.ISTH «iifl IKIMK SMKK*- HRH W* luin.ll. raal ralata, Inan ininiiy. lent bualnaaa hloikji. fac inrj «lii^ and i i'klilimi. h if in tareitad call Korrlaiin. HrKarlaa* Hi Mu. -lii. -i. Inc.. Ritabllihrd IHio, 101.1 A Ht. I'lioni- Miilii Hi, I'roc tor «:17, I'rordir till or I'roitnr !(»3. In the Editor's Mail Non-Union Goods KIMTOK THK TIMKS: I want to call your nttontion to ono little fact about tlie "comfort kits" that the ledger Is boosting so hard, Iliut moHt people may not have thought of. The Ledger Is pretending just now to he a Kreat friend of union lalior. Rut they don't know enougli— or else don't care enough .. ■>iiu' union labor to avoid ixmsilni; scab KoodH under the name of "comfort kits." The Tuxedo tobacco and papers. Bull Durham tobacco and papers, and other articles mentioned, are all Heal) goods, and good friends of union labor will not be enthua t>astlc about sending them to the boyx in the trenches. A RKAL FRIEND OF LABOR. National Honor EDITOR THE TIMES: I have been reading your adi toriala for some time and I want to tell you that I appreciate hnart ily the patriotic sentiment you are expressing. When I read the one under the heading, "Pacifists and Corwmrds," in the Friday issue, a great feeling of satisfaction came over me, for I had been hoping and look-tag tor just such a clear presentation of the falseness of those slogans and watchwords of the Wilson cam paign last fall. « If Mr. Wilson was to come be fore the people wtth hit slogan, "Mo kept us out of wor," now, since they have come to realise how disgracefully we hare for three years played the slacker dur ing this (rials in the lire of civili zation, lye would get short shift. Lincoln Bald "You couldn't fooj the mall the time." HENRY JAMES. 4319 Sn a street. Sayre Has a Close Shave (I Hlird Prem Imrl Wire.) PARIS, S«pt 15.—Detail* re ceived here today show that Fran cis B. Sayre, son-in-law of Presi dent Wilson, had an extremely narrow escape from Injuries and possible death when Austrian sheUa exploded near his party during a visit to the tlallan front. One shell fell within 40 feet of Sayre and four others landed dangerously near. Members of the party were struck by flying dirt and. stonea, but none was Injured. OOBlf GOBS LOWBR. < I nlirJ pwtmm !.«■••«■* Wlrv.) CHICAofc. Sept. 15.—The re turn of summer to the middle west had its effect on corn price*, which were 2 to 2 1-8 under yee lprd»v'« closing.