Newspaper Page Text
SPORTS Vith Season Near Its Close, Herzog Has to Quit Sox (Vailed i'rr«, l.eaaed Wire.) NEW YORK, Sept. 17. — With Charley Herzog out of the game— perhaps for all time—the Qiants today begin their last western trip of the season. At his home In Maryland, Herzog declared that unleus he improves greatly in health he will not return to the game, even for the world's series. He said, however, he hoped to ge'. into the big games. I*lniHhing up on their i>ennanl fight should not be hard for the leaders of the National league, despite the loss of Herzog. Seven more victories see the rag cinched for them. They have 15 more games to play. The Phillies Fence-Jumping Japanese Gets Mike Fisher's Goat Umpire Hildebrand's fa mous smile has never been the same since he tried to hand his wife a bundle of Chick money as a peace of fering. HV MIKK KISIIKK Pat Flaherity, Jim Dclehanty, Eddie Graney and "Brick" Dev •raux were in the hunch whfc!i I took to Japan and Honolulu in 190 R. We landed a day behind schedule in Yokohama and miss, ii a liear of a reception planned for the American ball players. I almost dropped dead when I »aw the crowd at Tokio when we played Kio University. There must have been people present, and later we figured that about 4."i,000 Jumped the fence. A Jap can stand still and hop twelve feet high; anyhow that's my dope. Miss Nesbit Makes Great Appeal In Her Masterpiece, 'Redemption' No matter wha' opinion one may have formed of Evelyn Nes-J bit as a result of her prolonged publicity in connection with Harry Thaw, one fact is admitted by ev ery person who 4aw her Sunday in "The Redemption," at the Ta eoma. Miss Neßbit is a natural born actress. She ilmvu't need any past notoriety to gain prestige for her in the film world. She is the jWjndcifttl \ 1 fiettgAltem. J THK NKW AITOIHT Here Is a photo of a man and tola first car. It Is brand new. Now bis trouble begins. Some told him when he got married It began, but they were old fash ioned. What a funny pose the man ha;;. What's the matter, ha* he got a - dislocation of the pocket book hip' Not yet. He's listening for a knock In the engine. He's hor ribly particular about the welfare of his new car. If there's a squeak or least sound he loses his appe tlte. He's worn out a half dozen chamois rags and a Ret of finger- Bails washing and polishing it ti]< to glimmer like Christmas Jewelry. And like the Jewelry, it doe« the tame turn after awhile. In a few months you won't know the bus. It'll have more •qneaks Ui*b the home floors and •tain after 1 a. m., when you want 4« sneak In without waking up the Mrs. And a* for washing, he'll kaak en a haavy rainstorm doing tt« work. A new car and IU care are soon fMrUML WITH 810 MONET IN SIGHT, HERZOG FORCED FROM GAME would have to win 19 straight to even tie them should the Giants win only six of their remaining games. Jimmy Smith is filling in at sec ond base while Herzog Is out and is doing an exceflent job at tt. Labeled nn uthlete unable to hit, Jim has been knocking 'em far and wide sinc-e Herzog turned over the job to him. His blows have been timely. Herzog's absence is hurting the team only in that his pep is missed. Smith is fielding fully as well as the Giant captain and In the few games he has taken part In has hit better than the Maryland star. At Kio a lot of peddlers ca'iue out to the ship and took our measure for some new suits of clothes which we fell for. because the material looked great. The first time we wore "em It rained and we needed barrels to get back In. That Jap cloth didn't hear up under rain. When I tell you Count Oluinia pitched the first ball you get some idea how enthusiastic was our reception. We gave the old gentleman a silver ball and I had my picture taken with him. After the game they gave* us a tea party, but I don't kno*' where they kept the tea. There were a lot of other things to drink. Our playerß attended in uniformß. They didn't spill any tea on them. We played at Shanghai and Hong Kong. A cricket match was arranged at Hong Kong, and we got a horrible beating. Dele •hanty made fill runs but the op position made about '6,000. In Canton the attendance was estimated at ir.0,000. Maybe it was. hut never again any of those Chinese gates for mine. When we got thru counting the Chinese money it was morning and four of us had been up all Bight. There must have bOM some misunder standing about the admission price because in all we only had 14::.68. I'liii'ire lUldebraud of the American league was with us at. the time, and. we had kept hin| on the gate. Hild tried to steii^ 1 ."i cents but couldn't carry it home. That night Hildy got in had with his wife by slaying up to play poker. tffl went home with a great big bundle of Chi MM paper money and tried to square himself ly handing his wile I big roll to go s-hopp'ng with. Slie found later it was only equal to $l.r>o in American coin. Hildy hid out for several da. s. cole centra! unit of the big Film spectacle, and sin- carries the part with the ease mid skill of a star with many years' dram.itic experi ence behind her. "Tlio Redemption" 1h almost an appeal by Itin NMMt for a new verdict in the court of public opinion. Alllio the play does not recite anything connected with the (Thaw ease, or Miss Nesbit's past affairs, it does tell a story in parallel to hers, with just the same appeal that one would expect the actress to make after s.he had been criticised and condemned by a merciless public. The film is a masterpiece, and the gowns work In Miss Nesbit are wonders. "The Redemption" re mains at the Taronia all week, with matineeß each day and two evening performances. « *♦«-*♦ «•♦***■♦♦♦ !> A ' « AMERICAN LEAGUE f> Standing of Dm Clnht. Won. Lost. Pet Chicago 91 4S .662 Boston s?, it .6 J U Cleveland 78 63 jut Detroit 70 72 .4«».J New York 66 72 .47-* Washington 65 71 .478 St. \mulb II 90 .366 Philadelphia 49 S8 .358 Chicago 4, St. Louis 3. Cleveland 8, Detroit 4. /- — ♦ ♦■#♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦• • ♦ ♦ I'AOIFIC OOAjrr ÜBAOVR ♦ • # «■♦♦♦♦♦>•♦ ♦*♦•♦♦♦■» Btaudlug of the ' "hum. Won. I-ost. Pet. Ban Francisco ....94 77 .r>.">u Salt Lake 87 73 541 Los Angeles ....89 79 .530 Portland 78 81 .491 Oakland 81 88 .479 Vernon 70 101 .409 JrtuiH- YeNt«rday. Vernon 3-5, Salt Lake 2-7. Portland 2-0, Los Angeles 0-1 Oakland 3-2, San Francisco 1-1. Monday, Sept 17, 1917. -THE TACuMA TIMES— Page Six. AMUSEMENTS Dorothy Dalton < In Apollo Film Dorothy Dalton in Triangle play, "Ten of Diamond* 7' The combination of a favorite start, a good play and the added attractions which Include a com edy, Path*e news pictures and the playing of the enlarged orchestra put crowds at the Apollo yester day in a very satisfied mood. The photoplay, "Ten of Diamonds" has as its star Dorothy Dalton, who is one of the most fiiscinatitiK screen actresseß. She outdoes her per formances in "The Flume of the Yukon" in this now play in which she appears first ;is a cabaret sing er and later us a woman used as a man's tool of revenge. We "Jin it lli«-inli< i a y«-jii- <>! so at(<> when K. A. Ih-vtei watt only a lutiihvorking .automobile siiifs inian. Today lie's licil uiili W. W. Cooler for the clianiHioiwliip of Meadow pai-k jiolf course. To what luirl'i- have sonic mortals risen! o o o Mrs. Disston of Philadel phia offers a tropiiy for the best woman golfer in her . club, it's not a saw, it's a cup. .• • • Wonder it anyone has ever told Jim Barnes, champ golfer, that whenever he wins a match thi Tacoma papers always refer to llrfm as "formerly of Tacoma?" Maybe he doesn't know how much we think of him out here. OHO CTNUOAT SMIT H AND FRANK MORAN HAVE BKBN HOXIXC. KAt'l I OTHER SO MANY TIMES THAT THEY MIG Hl% SOON BECOME FRIENDS. 1(1 Once more Tacoma has a real, honest-to-goodness boxing champ within its limits. CJiet Mclotyre, new instructor at the Ruston A. C, holds the coast heavyweight I medal. Perhaps that title.won't loo!; so bright after a few smelter blacksmiths bej'.ln putting on the gloves with diet. Certain Tacoma boxers are still remembering the jrenßl phenotn, Ole Anderson, who bobbed up from the smelter riinks last year and began break ing noses and ambitions at ran dom. o o o Itrnny l*-onitr<l uantM to show Ik- - no slacker when It ti im to • ill' * I .nninn our ••.rl.lK in •. t 1111 ■. o o o WE DON'T HEAR MICH OK OOLFERB BEING DHAKTEI). IS IT BBCAI'SE OIK GENERALS AKK AFItAIU THEY'LL COR RUPT THK MOKALS OF OUlt SOLDIERS? o o o ll<\ini: ran- of thfl cat Ire <<.;c-i are looking towurtl* Tacoma for Hi. Ikiiilh of Illf M-BWIII. Allll It l<M»kK «M llm we're not K<>ing l<> <lis. appoint them. o o o Comlßkey is already planning the White Sox spring campaign. Taking a leagon from I'ncle Sam. Start Season Coach Colbert of Lincoln Park high school has issued a call for the first foolball turnout of the season this afternoon. He wants to get a line on the available ma terial. Practice th's year will be on Whitman «ron»"«" TACOMA HEAVYWEIGHT MAY RETURN TO BOX IN RED CROSS BENEFIT BOUT JOK ItoNlis. mi; |\iOM \ heavywelKht who has Imm-h flnd ini( i-oukli sit-dduiK in the New York rinK»< may «'oiu« to Taronm for a war ln-iu-fii bout. In a letter received by the gporting editor of The Times to day, Joe announces that he has written George Shanklin, match maker for the Kagles, offering hi« servfres for a charity bout. Bonds gays he would like to have the money go to the Red Cross or to any war fund selected by the lodge. "Will Kindly bo\ once or twice, if the matches are ('low together, for any HlwC* •■<l fund, and donate my end after my actual ex|>eaHe>t are " deducted," write* Itonds. "I am a member of the naval militia of New York, hut ran get a furlough." Joe wrote the letter before his bout with Jim Coffey, in which nn was defeated in the third round last week. . He says he is to mfiet Carl Morris again in Montreal, Oct. 3. o o o THK KA«il-KS' CAHI> Is aNHiim ing the proportions of an all-star program The double main event, two bouts of six run mis each, has a very attractive appearance. Leaders Tied In Gun Shoot Ending the summer season of trapshooting, members of the Ta coma Gun club staged a final match at the Manitou traps Sun day, 29 persons taking part. J. A. Heed, Hoise, and E. Riehl, Ta coma, tied for first with 4 7 birds out of 00. EA. nice, Rollie Cady and Kreil Kdwards tied fbr sec ond with 46. Mrs. V. H. Baled won pie women's, prize, with hits out of 50. WHERE TACOMA'S i AMUSING ITSELP I TACOMA All week—Kvelyn Nesblt In; photoplay, "Kexlcniption." Com- ; ■ ing—"So I*»ng I.etty." PA VI AGES [ "Salvation Sue," dramatic; sL ii ; with \ .iii.l. \ ill,-. HiPPonnoxiE "The (UH in the Moon;" with : vaudeville. MQVIES COI.«iMAIj "Seven Keys to Baldpate,"; with Oe<irge M. Cohan. : APOM.O ' ; "Ten o' lHamonds," with; Dorothy Ila I tun. MKI.noI'HNK ; l»ante's "Inferno." I.IBKRTY "Milliouuirc Vagrant," with < liail.s Kay. Lajoie'sT Team Grabs Pennant <I'altrd hw lr».rd Wire.) NKW YXJKK, Sept. 17.—Larry Lajoio is a pennant winner. Tlie close of the International league season found the former American league star's Toronto club ahead by a small margin. Providence finished second. ♦ . • ♦ * NATIONAL. IDIOIE • i *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦*♦#»• Sisiniiim or the Club*. Woo I««L PeL New York 89 49 .645 Philadelphia ....76 59 .563 St. Louis 76 66 .535 ('inclniyiti 72 70 .507 Chlcaßo 71 70 .504 Brooklyn 63 71 .470 Boston 59 75 .440 Pittsburg 46 82 .333 (■nine* Yesterday. St. Louis 6, Chicago 0. Cincinnati 4-: i, Pittsburg 1-2. I Now Open 1 9 iin \i w M H toscano m a RESTAURANT ■ 9 Genuine Italian Dinners H s«n.i! fn Style IS Auto I".<i *i< — Invited H Steamers Tacoma and Indianapolis for Seattle Lnvi II until pal Dock, Taco- U, 7:15, a 00. 11.00 a. m; 1.00. I 00, 1:00, 7.00. »:00 p. m. I.iim Colman Dock. Saactla, 1:00. t:00, 11.00 a. <n.; 1 V>. I »*, 1:00. 7:00. l> U p. m Faateat and Ftn«at f>team«r« SinKli Kurr 40c, Kuund Trip 7Bc. a. *. jn\rn. ),.« , rrirpi Munlrlpal Pork U. 111 l Weldon Wing, known as "Toughy" Wing because of lilh ability to stand up mi ler hard punishment, will meet Joe iiarrahan of Seattle in the second big bout of the pro gram. Muff Bronson and Chet Neff, in the other event, of course need no introduction. liarrahan, a little scrat>pinx Irishman, has hsen seen in Ta coma in bourn with Karl Conners and other bantams. Wing boxed Sammy Morris and Joe Richmond hero last year. The two boys are Ideally matched. o o o IIHUI yl inn OF TACOMA aud li-hiil.ii Haund<<rs of New York liavc hn n inal<*hr«l by <icoi-K<- slimiiKliii for the hciiil uiiidii|>. l'lu< iMMtlerN arc I'imOkt- Hclulits. (,liiiiiM has marie <|iiil« a r<':ord in Ta<<«na already. He tpptmnt »t nearly all the Kmjjtes' Miiukt'i'K laMt year and did not 10-c v ili'i-lsion. HaundtTH has not l»««eii wein li*re, hut has done noimc Himppy holing in Hrattle. o on MM FLANKJAN of Port hnnl, the attorney who iliil. hlcx in s|k.i(n Hiiffii'ientJy to keep a stable or tlever box erw iniilir hi-, win)-, ha« re re-lv* 1*! an offer from Kddie Kun« to take Muff Hronnon - HAPPY JEFF COMES BACK AFTER TRIP Keturning from a five weeks' jaunt atroso the t nii.-.l siiii. s, in which he visited every city of importance be tween la. and Iluffalo, where hLs brothers and iris ters reside, Jeff flirintmann, the popular fly weight boxer of Tacoina, returned to liis news sijtml at I Itli and lti-oadway Monday. • "I had the trip of my life, and I'm hack in I'm omn ready for more biisinesK. and mure bout*, if they can bring on anyone my weight," announc ed Jeff. The i>i-<»s|.«ioiis young iiimm iikti lunif about 111. --iiki-|m>uii.l division, nil in. he In well along pant 21. Th»i< aren't many boxerw of iliat weight in Tacoma, ho he e\ |M-cis a hard time «.-tiin matched. Jeff is the l>oy who gained murh good publicity last year when he forgo» to don tight* when ho rushed into a N|>nnaway ring for .1 club h. During hiH trip (hristniniin Mtw some of Hie best boxers of Hi.- country in action. He saw Ted Unrli .iiul S^ Hart field In Hiiir iiiciiiorahle Ituf falo fight, in which both men l«i11 led until they were ex hausted, I «■« is holding lii welter title by n "hade. "lint Tacoma's the only city in the country for me," mm s .lit I. "I'm i»ai I. here for life, now." Wins Marathon 11 nlir.l I'rrnn l.raaed Wlrr.i SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17. — Maßon Hartwell, of the Olympic club, won the annual Dlssea mara thon, the Pacific Coast cross coun try classic Sunday, with a time of 61:39. George Cohan Has Genuine Recipe For Killing the Blues George M. Cohan's recipe for a happy entertainment, as presented In his newest Artcraft plc'ure, "Seven Keys to Haldpate," at the Colonial this week, Is an ideal prescription for .the 'morbid grouch. f!eorge M. has mixed mystery, thrills and laughter, vith a sweetening dash of love as a trib ute to Cupid, all of which makes BOXING OUTLOOK FOR TACOMA GETS BETTER EACH DAY und \\< WiiiK to St. Paul for it «mti«-v of IkiiiCh Ihi-rr and in MlnneapollH. o » o Kane, wlio mintages Mike and Tomiuy (JHvlkiiih, took a great in terest In the two hoys, especially Wing, when he toured the coun try with the brothers last year. He predicted at that time that Wi lili.ii would make some of the best of them step lively one of these days. Klanigan Is thinking seriously of taking up the offer. Wing's first bout in the east wo.ll Id be over the 10-raund route, with "Splash" McKenna, in Minneapo lis. <> o o JACK rONXKUH OK TA coiiiit, who liiithlt <l out l»-i -imisciii «s » riv(i< manager, Mill have quite n stable •!• i— si-.i-KMi. ,l,n k In liuiini into 'In' iii;li(. lit' Ik plan ning to handle th<- il'-|iin,s Of l<l<lii- t^ii inn, IV;ilh«-i- Hii«hl ; .liirU KhuiiKhneNAy, lightweight; Marly I..!«■>. wcll.r. IrflilU- Hl'llllM'n, li^lil ui-iislii. anil "I'ofce" Hunter, liulii ui-mhi. Jack li.i- leae«d the old i.liil<- annex nwmui miiiii at 11 tli and X street* where lie will pot his charge* thru their pa< in. Floating Girl Again Proves Pleasing Hit "The Girl In the Moon," an old vaudeville feature but- one that always surprises and pleases audi ences, returned to the Hippodrome Sunday. Seated in an illnmiii;iti- I crescent moon, a beautiful young woman floated over the heads of the audience, dipping towards the footlights or flying to the top of the proscenium, as she sang pop ular songs. It was the feature act of the bill, and was well received. The Princeton Five are a group of bury chaps who play musical instruments, sing, and furnish nonsense, all at the same time. Austin and Bailey, In their "Syncopated Hotel," kept thinxu busy for 15 minutes with their joy tiust. "Taking Chances" was a farce comedy presented by Keeler ami Helmont "The Two Specks" were ruba characters In a new line of comedy. A clever juggling act by Frank Wilbur and company com pletes the act. Miss Browne Beats Molla II iiltfil rrr». I.eaarri Wlrr.i CHICAGO, Sept. 17. — Miss Browne had two more sets to her credit today in -the Mary-Molla series. She defeated the champion 6-1,6-3 in the closing matches for the ambulance fund here yester day. Charley White To Try Again (United Preaa i.<-m«-.i Wfre.t CHIf'ACO, Sept. 17. — Charley White, who nearly took the count In their last meeting, will meet Johnny Tillman in a 10-round bout In New York, Thursday night, Nate Lewis the former's manager announced today. a wonderful film tonic. "Seven Keys to Bnldpa'e" is a great mystery utory, with sur prises and anti-climaxes galore. Cohan himself nan the role of Magee, the leading character, and he does fine work rh the breezy young-" novelist. His supporting cast, headed by Anna (.}. Nllnaon, Is one of the bent ever seen in an Artcraft offering. MOVIES Girl of 15 Is Champ Swimmer Miss Gertrude Artelt, a 1.1-year old girl, holds the National A. A. U. 100-yard swimming chumpiou shi* for women. She made the distance, in rough water and a slow head tide, In 1:12:2-5. The swimming meet was held at Oakland Beach, N. V., under the supervision of the Rye Beach club. Miss Alleen Allen of the Los An geles A. Cm holder of the spring board title, also won the national high fancy diving championship for women at the same meet.* TODAY'S MARKET PRICES ♦«■ <i> •*■ *• «> <j, ■•, >■ .j> >t> v■d . i i, » ♦ WHAT RErAILKRS PAY * I'oiiurj. Hens, dressed .". .22c LWe hens 17 <ii l.c Ueese, dressed ........ 12c to 14a Ituttcr. I'tfßi. ITiccho Wash, creamery butter 47c Oregon butter A7c Fresh ranch eggs 460 Washington cheese 9.. 26c Swiss cheese 32c Cream brick cheese 26c Menu (UreastMl) Heifert 17e Mutton, wethers 20c flogs 25c Steer beef .. . . ir. KUr Ewes 13c Yearlings 21c Fancy veal 17c Fruit. Lemons, box $8.50 #9 linnanas, M> bo Oranges, box $3.50 @ 4 Grapefruit, o^l $2 Cantaloupes, crate ....$1.75 97 2 Apricots, crate $2 Peaches, crate 70 # 90c Watermelons, lb IVic Plums, crate $1.50 Gravenstein apples $1.75 Yakima apples $1.25 Pears $1.2. r. Vegetable*. New potatoes, lb 2o Onions, lb 1 l-4c Carrots, sack $1.50 Lettuce, local, crate $1.85 Cucumbers, doz 6oc Beets, lb So Tomatoes, lb 10c Cabbage, local , 2c Celery, doz 80c Cauliflower, crate $2 Spinach, lb 6c Rhubarb, lb 2%c New peas, lb 5o Asparagus, Kennewlck $2 Radishes, doz bu 200 String beans, lb 4c New tv nips, lb 2e Green corn, doz '... . 20c Eggplant, lb 12 %c Sweet potatoes, lb 4c Flour. Pyramid < 11.45 Drifted Snow $J1.45 World's Best $14.25 Olympic $11.46 Fisher's Blend $11.60 Dennetfi whole wheat ...$ll.OO Amocat $13.20 ll.ij and Feed. Corn, ton $92 ©93 Short *. ton $41 Oats, ton tr. 8 Barley, ton $58 Bran, ton $38 Timothy, ton J $30 Wheat, ton $80 COOPER AND DEXTER HIT CHAMP PACE W. W. Cooper, city ion for 1917, and K. A. Dexter, uro finalists for the championship at Meadow park. Doth men dashed thru to the finals yeHterday easily cleaning up ..II opponents. Cooper trimmed C. K. Jamex. .*> and :i| later defeat ing C. J. Backim, 13 and 11. Dexter won his way Into tUe^ finals by ruthleßs attacks upoa\ Fred VVbIUh and Chris ('avanaiiKh, defeating the latter one up on i ho Mtfe liolp. Finals will be played next Sunday. *i ■ : j Spanaway To Claim Title As the liusehall MMM MWI its end, chums are taking on a moro sensational flavor. Yesterday's battle at Spanaway, between the •■ Spanaway team and the 0. & B. Ideals, wont 12 innings before Spanaway could slip over a win ning run, and proved one of ths best played names of the year on the lake grounds. Spanaway will now claim the city amateur cham pionship, unless the Kiiiciiis at Columbus reply at once to theilt challenge. Score: Spanaway, 3 -7-2; Ideals, 2-4-2; Franklin and. Benson; Dickerson and Severenca^ UKNTKAi, BUS STATION I,B»rb Iloon In CuinrrllM "1 Schedule Auto Stnge tt Kmjhfl < Service. l!m.-,Mi:» Clu-ckPd. us in. iotii st. Ti-.i. Mai it aai Carkouarto-—Wllh »«ou—Tncou (%*•■!> in II .-it I. ,1 ( ,ir a ) ITGRACKBK, Prop. "•' Three Trip- Pally Leave Taeonia: 11; CO a. m.3 1:00. 6:15 p. in. Leave Carbonado: 7:30, 8:15 a, m.; 2:00 p. m. Lv. Tacoma 10 a. m . 1:30, Ip. m. i' Lv. BuckUy 8 a. m.; 12:30, « r. m. Saturday and Sunday—L.v. Tacoatf 10 a. in.; 1:30. 11:10 p. m. 11l !•€>■»•» Tl((l«( Lt. Tacoma—G:4o, 10:30 a. in. >:(& 4:30, 11:10 p. m. , Lv. Diipont—B:oo. (:00 a. m.. 1 «4L 4:f>o, 6:18 p. m. Sunday Syeclal—B:oo, 10:0} p. vxl and 12:00 S _ ' RORTHBAIT TACOMA ■] Hylcboa Creek anil Hague llo« ' MM l.v. Tacoma6:3o. 130 0:30 a. aaJ 1, 4. B, 8. 10.15 p. m. Lv. N E. Tac-7:00. 8:00. 10:20 a. A.I I:3P, 4:30. (:30. 6:45 p. m, ORTIVr.-TACOMA Thrrr Trlpa Dally Leave Tacoma—7:3o, 19.00. 11:00 ■■ m.; 1:30. 3:30, 5 p. m. Leave Ortin!?—7:4s, 9 00. 10.00 ft< m.: 12:30, S;00; B p. m. Sntunlay Mul>>- nnd Kunilan Leave Tncoma—9:3o and 11.00. Leave Ortlng—6:4o. MIMCIIAI.—TACOMA Kibe, Airier, l.a Ornnit* F.v. Tacoma R:00 a. m. and SOO p. m, Lv. Mineral 7:30 a. m and 1 30 p. ma ASIIFOim—TAQOMjI Lv, Tacoma--8 a. m. and 3:00 p. m Lc A«hfor<l —8 a. m. and 2:00 i> m. KAPnWRUV.TACnMA. Lv. Tacoma —8:00 a. m . 1:00. t p. m. Lv. Kapowsln—B:oo a. m.. I. I. v. nfc T>Mnn-Mii:ni'i:i:\ Lv. Tacoma —8:30 a. m. 1.30 p. m. Lv. Aberdeen—B:oo a. m.. 300 p. ra< TACOMA-OLYMPIA-AIIKKDREN Tnooma Office, Central Bun Sfa, Alirrilcf-i Off., \\ uNhliiirfoii llotnL TIMF CAHO For Aberdeen Leave Tacoma, 8:30 a. m., 10:30 a. m.; Olympla, 10 a. m.* 12 noon: McCleary, 11 a. m. t 1 p. m ; Blma, 11:30 a. in., 1:30! p. m.; Montpsano, 12 noon, 2 p. m. For Tacoma Leave Abei-dcen for Tacoma, 9 p. m., 4:45 p. in.; Montesano, i p. m., 6:30 p. m.; Elma, 4:30 p. m., 6p. m.; McCleary, 5 p. m., 6:30 p. m.; Olympla, 6 p. m^ 7:30 p. m. Subject to Change IWthont Notlca EATOMVIIIB-HAPOWRIK-. I TACOMA AUTO BTAMC IKb St.. Op. A It. and CSnlral •■ StaMaa. Lv, KHtonville <I;i."v 8 a. m.: 1 p. ns -1:10 p. m. Sunday, i a. m. J and f p. m. 4 < Lv Tii'imn dnnliv R a. m I p. aa_ 4 p. m. Bunday I a, at, 4 and Oltl p. m. Saturday Evening Special—L*a*a Eatonvl'l* 7 p. m.: leavt. I'a.otaa, 1:11 p. m 11-MVO-HAIMI-.1l » l.v. Taonma -6:00 p. m. Lv. Tenlno—8:00 a. m. #J MOOSB 11TO BTAGB ■ «aad—Croft Hotel. Uli» Pnriria a«k and Central Bua ■tattoa. Tacoma and Venn, Lakeview, Hllh burst. Oreendale, Roy, MrKenna. 11. T. Mllea. Lt. Taeoma—lo:3o a. m and 4 n m.: Sunday 8 a. m. and 11:00 p. m. Lv. telm—;.3o a. m. and 1 p. ol| gaturday night 10:10 and Hundaa TIIR HI.IK I IMU Inoiaer, Nnr«b Puyalliip, Plriroadk Aril* itn. Klfe, Tintma i i. \\i: m iim:n . I (Meulrk'a Mtore.) ' ' (:00 A. M. and hourly therea;ta«. last car leavlns at 10:00 P. M. On Satnnlayi lait car leaves afl 11:00 P M. m I.EAVia TACOMA people* (More nnd < n... Nt». «lon. nr.-iiT go. ioik .i. T:0O A. M. an 1 hourly therenftaß. lait car leavlaff at 11:00 P. M. On Katurrinya laat ear leavee tg CAPITAL CITY aTAGB. Uourly leniiMk "•tins* Trf»* 7:48 AM. 8:45 a M. «:4S AM. 0:45 A ft O:4S AM. 10:4B A £ ' 10 45 A.M. 11:45 A.£ 11:45 AM. 12:18 l< U. sbf Eg iia it 4 41 P.M. 4:4t Pll .4.PM .Js*& Far* on* way ti. Round trip fl.Hk