Newspaper Page Text
SOME GOOD BUYS IN REAL ESTATE TJMKS WANT ADS CLASSIPTKD AfA'KHTISING RATES 1 rt-ut a word tacit iiiMK.oii—,t tiincs fur tho ;iriii> of 'J. 1 niotith, per li;' • pat moiith . . .■ $1.00 H iiiontlis, par Una pat month !)5 (> iiiontiu, ptr line pat Btoith no ]l' iiiontlis, per lii;c per monili , 76 Swap ads 1") words, D tinit's, 15c, easb in advanri 1. Ko advertisement taken for MM than 15 cents. PHONE MAIN 12 THE TIMES IsmcnMAS • "i«^_ tfl! UKCKIVR AliS nY INDKPENDKNT T «i-'S> I'l l> «NX. OUR NI'MHKR >ri;\\ ■.-•:'.\ I' is main v' BUSINESS ANT) PRa^ESSIONAL DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILE A~CCfeBBORIBI I MONET TO LOAN' 1 mi< nr.i.iN THE 1 IRH AQENO* ! _..__,. Tires and tubes ruURRt. if itablUty, nut.) §' ciMHD luppllee, hard | I 3nur n;nr and tools— L- i .i——J -.■ .>i: ■ i■. uils ami BleuKU. lli;i Tarama ay. Main tls< ABSTRACTS CO»U!' i.NWBALTH TITLB TRIIST CO. ' MAIN 101 Bankcri Trust nuitr. ABSTRACTS OV TITLB TACOMA TIXI.K GO —'iround floor Fidelity Bldg. Main 21M, AIJTOHOBIUO ambulance. Only one in city, Main 44. ~HUjTT~PKINTrf. MAI'S, SURVEYING CPTV and county surveys, tide-lands, maps. Nicholson Kng. Co., 50tf Fid.lily. Main 474. BUBINBBB COLLKQM Wfit £L >S^« Positions HeW 4^\ are con' J^Sr *.J stantly send-] RUSINESj JRs*«ai re l*Vk at» » i ili-w and bring _CV roufialf up to ■fc^ ••■■-V^ap >>lacs you- .^_^-^_^^^ -^ -^- CARPET CLBANIWO K. h. HOUCK—Carpet beatlnsr. ire flttir..- and laying; feather reno vltlnii and upholsterlnf. -Sl2 cth ay. Main IS!. trt watkr supplies Wl'" iii <!:•' coniieetlons to new tieiit fng eompary. Coffee Plumblnu, Co, Main u7D. CHIROPRACTIC ftlA W."BLACK, (P. iv i" graduate), 4ftti Chamber of Commerce BK1;;. Main ti72. F. Kii:iT CLARK X, graduate chlro- prartori (painless imthud). 'id's So. '.ftli. ?.f :iln : '":'. Gi:o. It. BMITI! — irMiiif-r gradu. ate), 71 1 Nat. Re'ali ' Hid. M. 1183. CHTROTt. >D IST - mt~v MOTEih i'l pn'M. Mai ■trotn's Drug Store. Muln 11, I>n. Mi-CAIN, Chiropodist. Provldem Bids Main stil'. "Just a little *"* dill rent ' OPRN DAY AND NIQHT. '" YES. wi-'ve thrown the keys away. Why? Because we niM-erV rlose. itnrtlnii today, Bept, I, we will he abl to $jive hoih day ami night Fcrviee to everyone. The Kllte Tailors, 710 Pacific ay.- Phone Main _'ii4n. , DRATAOE Commercial Truck & Storage. Co.— Furniture moved. packed* and ■cored. T>fini and unto vans. Fire proof 'Warehouse. I' st corps of trained men In city. JJ.iln 7»H. ~~rWVT^n^?AUIST~ RIIKI'MATISM, bunions, nails, brok en irchM tieatcil. Dr. Jones^ Ave nue Hotel. $4.00 PF.R year, fire nnd burglar proof. Peoples' Safety Deposit Co., 117 So., lltli. Borlln BldK. MainiS'OlS^ » OARACKS QARACIEfI Permanent Sectional Houses, $87.50 and up. Qaraßefi, $40 up. Wege ner Mfg. Co.. 1107 A st. '"^PHYSKiIANif^ T DR. LA~"GABA, Surgeon, Diseases of women, ■ genlto-urlnaiy. Realty _ Bldg. _, *•*. KIAVIN BROWN, physician and " aurgeon. Office / 1016 Fidelity Blrig. Main 234; «., Main 5229. DR. WARREN BROWN — Disease's of wofffen and genlto-urlnary and skin diseases. 1103 Commerce st. in. F. tt. ■CHROEDER — SKIN AND QENmMTKINARY DIS EASKH. FRENCH RLDCK, 1156 VAC IFIC. M AIN 1735. " DR. JONKt-SUHGEON Diseases of Women. Fidelity Bldg. DR. B. ELIZABETII"I)RAKB. Phys ician and Surgeon. 1016 Fidelity . Bliic Main 234.; Proctor 648; Mad. Ison 117 R-l. DR. PETF.RSEN-DANA. 220 Borlln KM*. (Scandinavian Am., Bank). Office, Main 3378; res.. Main 877. DR "FOREMAN. SURGEON Bankers Trust Hldg. ~~ ■WEIATDXaOKR. B. T. Birch, Park land, Wash. HOTELS I THR THAVBLERS; transient from tOe up. Bpeclal ratPS by week or month. 150«H Paclflo ay. fiCTEL QRANT>—nnder new man agement. Transient trad* soloclt »<i Special ratss by month. • BHAKTA lIOTKI, Modern. OUtsld* ro> m«, |1. 11.SO and $1 per week ' qp. »0c ntlrht up. IIU tfarket. ■TKB BROADWAT, Rms. !6o H* 11.50 Kr wk.; ateam heat. fr«« oaths. IIH Broadway. Main 8018. HOTEL MERIT Reputation Established. Reasonable ■ rates. 315H 11th, Court and Mnr ' ket y.—™..—-—...——. (WALDORF HOTBU 728^ Pacific mv». roin,i. savb IN . MONEY *n borrowing now. rate! »r» « u re to advance. Make your financial arrangements If you nrl Kolng tp be In tha bonuwln« market ipon * Hr B. ANDKKSON ft OO Berlin lilr't. MONET on hand for Improved prop erty loans. 2ul Hank of Cal. Bl Itf. Moni;y f u i 0!1I1 „,, | m ,i r ,, v ,.(i ,i t "^ a«d farm properties. Malcolm K. _(iniistini Co., in;, Merlin ISlds. PIiIVATB money to loan, $50 to 11000; no commission. Payments Io euit. Call 8318 So. Fife. Kellx Dubols. *-'">,OOO eastern money to loan at 6, 7 and 8 Mr C*nt Inquire J. L. Snapp, 1221 Fidelity Bid*. _ • i* t6 i% ON IMPnoVKD property. I,onns f6r building a specialty. Also monthly Installments. L. n. MANNING CO. _ _2li(iLJi Kqultable Bldg. RKAL ESTATE LOANS, term or monthly payments. Mareh-Mc- Caniiless, Room 200, National Realty Wdg. OUR own innm-y to loan. \V\ N. |>oub & Co., Inc. 504 Cal. lildg. Main 21S8. LOANS — Short or lon* term any atnoiint. 418 California BMg. MOftTOAoi I-OANS7AmountV from $300 up; rlty or farm; lowest J^Ues^NOHTONT & CO., 210 Berlin. I^OANS for home building or to I'ny off 01.l mortgages. I.iiwest rales, special privileges to bor rowers—3 to S years. Monoy al ways on hand no delay H. J. HCHWINN & CO., me 21li-19 Taroma Bid*. CITY and lontr distance moving;. Main 74. I'nion Transfer Co. iI.OCAL moving, r.nrge van. Two men, $1.50 per hour. Good Movers Proctor 2s:rn. "moving"' A. HOT.P.OYn MADISON 2009. INSURANCE— Qn IA Mbs A. n\ v s." iei Bank of Ca l Hldar. Income, Personal and Cor poration Life Insurance. I'll '.In fill; li .rt,,r 2809-J. PICTUftBi FitAMiNcT" autistic and refln«d work! mlTT tny work a «|]<.. laity. Holt Art si ore. 77:! Broadway. POI^T?;V^AivTKn Tnl' pi i.-.j prii.l r,.i i Itry. W H. t'orblt. Ill:' yarkyC Main 3.146. j PAINTING < PAFRRHANQI.VO \r. n, KpNOSBACH.'mI 80. Takl ni, Wain SI It, iNBBCTiciDKa alvd^imTaysP OARIiqLmEt'M mS Cre-Sol fo7 chlckea lire. Cafes Vegetable ■pray, water ulass. Standard Chemical Co.. Ma|)i 5456. I" vns PROMPTLT MADE ON~ BALAR'KH nitvrn n;; PIANOS ANli ■TOtl AC X RK'"K|PTS At rites you can afford to pay. Money buys c+ieaper than credit. Our service has pleased many others and will please you. Let us tell you all about It. COAST BINAHCB COMPANY 210 Hanker* Trust PMg. RAZORS SHARPENED —* —, «. _ ALL work guaranteed. Shaw Sup. pi »1J Pacific PUBLIC STRNOORAPHKR PUBI.K3 STKNOfjrtAPHLKn—EVA X HONR, 414 Prov. Bldf Main 163* SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS KITiRLTTV TIM'BT CO.'k IAPB TTB POSIT VAI'LTS. Ground floor. a'm'rrican oat>rage co7~^- rT movlng garbaß«s and refuse of all kinds. 11l Pin . nv. M. 742. R., 7r.59. C. O. LYNN CO., Funeral Directors, !)10 Tacoma ay. Main 7745. BUCKLEY-KINO ' CO.—Professional Funeral Directors. 730-32 St, Helens. Phone Main 412. CASSKDY & ALLEN CO.—Funeral directors. 1110 So. 12th. Main 8151. SO~TACOMX FrNRRAL PARLOHS. 5433 Union ay. Main 10S3. Qeo. W. Piper. WINDOW CLEANING CmTWindow Cleaning Co., vaouuin cleaning. Main 4633. AVENUH HOTEL, wt.r li-t l> modern, private bath 120»H PacliTc aye. Main 8878. KAWCETT HOTEL, lISIM Broad way. Rooma, 15c, 20c and 26c. HOTEL LANBIN(^Bt«»m heat, hot and cold water, private bath. Kates reasonable. 1137)4 Broad-> v w»y. Main 6R»B. I'ALXCK HOTBl.—Fireproof build- In ft. Hot and cold water, eleva tor all night. Rate* reasonable llt« Pacific Mala mi. FISHER HOTKL—Modern, restau rant In connection. 60c up. 1310 U Pacific. Main 1648. ™ HOTEL PORTLAND — Transient. lioomi SOc an# up. ISZS Jeff, nve LOG (IEI) OFF LAND^ IN K.iuthucHt VV.ishhiKlon to »et tler.s only $5.00 per ai i c ami up. Ten yearn to pay. mil.- 1 ut 64. WKYKHIIABUBKR TIMBER CO. Taeoma Bide, Tacoma, Wuii KEEPING BOOMS FINK housekeeping roomi ut 70s*',» Paj ifi ■ ay. IMI'IIMAL — Kino lukjur. rms. $» mo. up; w iikmg dlitaneo, So. loth ainl Illln, BAY VIIOW API'S. Spe, in 1 rates to bachelors. ISItH xacotna a\*. ''feEKTHOtJSIia 121 No. X BT ii rooms, bath, bnne menl fireplace, vis itova and heater. Iteni $L'".»*'t. Poaa#aalon Oct. l^t Malcolm K. Uunston Co., . hiti Bi and. American Hank ni.l«. IH>rsi:s. for rein or sale. H. B. IIIU &■ i iliioi-nU Milk. FOR sumnirr cotta«r» and tent*. H. B. Rlt^ & Co.. 623 California BldK. LOMd DUTANCB Moving — Get Our Pi-ices MoLKAW, MAIN IS3O MA I\t '>Ofll» Local and r.ons .VI.N oUUiI DUtanc* Moving;. Stonißp. NlghtK ami Sundays. MAIN 3008 City Moving A Storage Co. rirVCPROOy ■toraeTO. CIS Tuc. ay. RENT—OFFICES PRIVATE office, lisa of reception room Inquire nil Fidelity Bidg. Tel. Main 4994. ' FURNISHED HOUSES KUUNISIUID S-room house, frnod condition, fine for small family or man io hach; eIOM to car at ltth and Proctor. $5.00. See Davidson, Uoom 2f, Brwiswlck House, Piiyulliip ay., 11 to 1 p. m. autoF AUTO REPAIR SHOP AND OAR- A<!i:. Have your auto and mi repair work done by expert ma chinists. Oxy-acetylene welding. N. K. Walton, 110-112 Slh St., be tween Pacific and A st. LKAVLNIJ CITY will sacrifice ftvo~ pMS.senner <-ar, electric HKhtH, new tires, many c>,traß. for $175. 2135 Jefferson ay. or Box K-7, Times. CAR fur sale, on Point llnr Proc tor 724. FORD DELIVERY PRnel body, good tires, exceptionally good condition; a snap at $300; easy terms See us for used cars with a guarantee. little & Kennedy Co. TToed aCr Department. 744 Commereo BUSINESS CHANCES"' HOTEL IS KTKAM IIKATKI) rooms with hot and cold running water In •ach. Modern furniture and fix tures: located In business district and catering! to Rood class of pat ronaffe. Mitt will handle. Douglas Promotion ( I<>. I National Realty BMg, IF you are looking for a good bus iness o|ienrViK. come to our office and look over our list.of selected offering*. \VK deal exclusively in business op portunities and may have just what ■'¥ • looking for, bOUOLAI PROMOTION CO. National Realty Bid*. PEH^o"yAL^ YOUNG man 33, steadily employed, would like to meet respectable Klrl. Object matrimony. Nurwe- Kian preferred. D-l. Times. GKNTLKMAN. mlddlc-aKe^ wished acquaintance of lady. Object matrimony. K-4, Time*. """^"family washing ra , Family Washing. Main 1213. iJWC Tucoma Wet Wash. HELP^NIALE ™ WANTKD—WiIson Bros. Logging Cqpapevny, In (leiHMidonce. Wn., wants men to work on rail road gMde, Wages $3.50 . per day; board $6.30 ' per week. Sanitary - camp. Take C, M. & St. P. railway. WANTIOD -F.xperlenced Rltie. man. F. S Harmon & Co.* WANTED—A boy to work In klU* en. Apply Muehlenbruch, ,917 Broadway. .^ WAKTKD-StadlunTHlßh-iicliobl boy to work In mall room from 2 to ."i. Wages $3.00 per week to start. Apuly Bowers, mall room Time*, 819 Pacific ay. WANTED —10 laborer* for assorting And loading xcrap. Kate 30c per liour. Steady work. Apply store foreman's office, C, M. & St..Paul R. R. shops. SAWMILL men wanted; married men preferred; 8 hours. $S. Isley Lumber Co., 11th and Puyallup river. EXPERT KNCEI? flnl»her»'^accus tomed to furniture work. Apply Gregory Fum._Mf«;. Co., Center pi. IfOOREFIELD BATHB~for rheuma tlsm and laftrlppe. Lady attend ant. 7th and Pacific. Main 5284. WANTED AT ONCE—Strong boT or young: man who can go home nights, to assist an Invalid boy * and do work about the place. In quire IJ>2^ No. I st. . WANTKD —Stock cutters for sash and door dept. Keystone Lumber c°- Lj* WANTED—Me«ti«nlcs. Little A Kennedy Co. Service Dep^., 712 Broadway. J / s .WANTED —Wood chopper* to saw br the cord. Good timber. Call H-S, Times. MSN and women, learn the barber trade; bin demand for barbers. Molar System of Barber Colleges, ■1311 Pacific aye.. Tacoma. Monday, Sept. 17, 1917. —THE TACOMA TIMES- Page Sevep FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUh ' Itll Kxcelslor, brand tiow tlrp», X"oil cuiiilition, terms. RarSSS- Mm tli Motor Co., 740 nroadway. Main 997. WANTKD - - Furniture, stoves or anything; of value, best cu«li prlcns paid. Overland Furniture Co., 1140 Commerce st. Main S27*. lVuNlTHItrc of~s^room hoime. by. ii. •■ Bieoe or as a whole. 1150 Cow me res st. A $'J0 Ia ('. Smith <i. l>. 12 gauge, 7,4 11>h. BhotKun for sals; a lilKh tifaila leather gun case, riuxhock suit, hiffh lacing: leather upland bootx, thlg-h duck fishing tmots, cart ridge rest, cleaning tni>ln, reload ing partridge tools and other :•...„!. nil for $50. Apply Natl. Realty Illdg. Barker Shop. $l. r > (lood drop heai Singer sewing machine. 219 Ko. lltli. Main 576:1. \Vix>[> for sale. Tsley Lumber Co., _Maln_2£i_G._ ORAMOH AKOORA KITTKNS for sale or traile for chli'kens or fruit. 22011 No. IMb. I'HANiiINT, .my home. therefore tii m| buyer with $75 gets mv Kiiuhall iiiano. Telephone Main 2X5(i. $20.00 TAK4CBI Rood, gentle borne or will exchange for a heifer, H241 Sn. Park ay, Madison lfiftS. FULI, grown Huff Orplnton pullets. flood lnyliiar stock. 100,1 No. Lawrence it. Phone Proctor 1640. 8000-1,11. team nnd harness 12 years old. pnoii workiTs, $200 cash or will rent for $.'IO.OO per mouth to responsible parties. Call l'roctor _iar.s. il^Tll lALiß—Dlnlnc table and go cart. Phone Proctor 2SH2-R. .1015 No. Zdth, rOH SAliK—Kurnrture for 4-nmin cottage; also cottage for rent. 3718 So. Slicridan. FEBL ranse $ir,ni): drpsspr, 14.M; loaMier couch. $10.00. 1140 Com merce st. m MUST HAVK $500 worth »f Rood second hand furniture by September 10th. Taroma Aye. Furniture Kxchangc. Main 3367. 913 Taroma ay. GOOD new pianos $195; $6 a month. Silvers Piano Co., 1307 Broadway. p /-v Watches cleaned or main rid Df springs f>0 1\ guaranteud JUST received. 15 used sewing ma chines, all makes, prices f S to |2». J. O. Purkey. 1311 Broadway. Main SMJ^ ijTT'QrTi fish to lie had «t Broad , JJwSI way Mkt.. 1105 nroadway. . WANTED—Hogg, rattle, veal, hides, poultry. Will cal for samp. Pay ■ highest market price. Taccma 1 Meat Co. Mad. 581, after bus lness hours Main 8331. i CASH PAID FOIt ÜBKD FURNIT URE AND OTHER MERCHAN DISE. WM. FITZ-HKNRY 102 SOUTH 12TH STRKBT. '. WATCHES YOU can buy diamonds and watches for half at Sam Simon's, 1331 Pa cific. „„„„--,-..-^,^,-,. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICK —Wanted, names of auto owners and drivers that have been driven off the army post bu« drive by sorcalled Auto Owners asaoriatlon. O-24. Tlmes^ LOBT—An Overland automobile crank on Cliff ay. or Division. Please return to Times o*£lce and receive reward. WANTED^LOTHING HIGHEST firlces pnJ^l for men's castoff clothing Bob's. 1307 Com merce. - . ' WANTED TO BUY~ PUQB;D~SOUND JUNK CO. buys all kind* of junk and second hand goods. Main 813f; after 6 p. m. call Main 6047. •_ WANTED—I or 3% running (rear with or without wood box. Box K-6. Times. WANTED —Portable drar saw. Box K-5. Tlmfs. SWAPS ~ FARMS, acreagef for good. Tocoma property. Good 8-room house for rent In So. Taroma. F. P. -Nason, 8837 So. A. Madison H2O. FARMS, acreage for good Taroma .property. Good S-roora house for rent- In So. Tacoma, K. P. Nason, S2S7 So. A. Madison ISJ*. HELP—FEMALE WANTIOD — Competent girl for ■etteral bousework; futnlly of 3. Mra. Qeo. M. Hellar. 1022 No. I St. WANTi'D TstaCMk oper ators. ClaHses now beim? uitfanized by old experi enced teacher. Type . writing included in course. Positions guaran teed. See Miss Uoberts, Room 114 Nat'l Realty SITUATION MALE 11-TBAR-OLO lilßb school boy would like work for room and board In respei table iKinie. Mis. N. Johnson, Lukcvlow, Wn., R. 1, nnx 105. ~FOR SALK'" ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE CIjOSK-TN roomifi« house, on cor ner, for sale; 1!7 rooms, always fl l ifii; i fill ||| per month ; $ 1,100. D. P. Y()UN(r&CO. Heilln Rlilg. ' siTUMMoITF^^ WIDOW with child five, desires position I n country where no oilier children. State salary, etc. K-l, Times. HjRNITuTEfrTiOITSE FOH SALR OR RRNT. STRK'TI.V nHiilerrTß^rooTii. furnTsh" ed house, sleeping rooms, bath* and kitchen finished In white enamel. Located at Nnrtliilla, 20 minutes by steamer Vashon, 3 trijis dally. Il.nt reasonable to rlglit BartlSS. x-i. Times. SEAL ESTATE ")-R. Houpe, 18~T,ts., $1700 ON* ('it)\Tr creek l>ottom, 5 mlri. walk to I'jir, ay. boulevard ;ind Bpanaway car. lOc fare. oroh'Krd of bearing trees, and every one s producer: < "lover uprintfs creek runs thru, Owner died— Widow mover) cant. Cost $2400. Present owner writes. "Sell at $1700." $i;:.o cash, A. If. IIARNIIISI-X CO. 415 Taeoma BldC Main T64. . 5-ACRE RANCH TX "TOWN*" NOT OVKR- 20 minutes' ride to 11th and Pacific ay.: it is partly clear ed, all fcißred, has a good 4-room Rouse, attic and cellar, city water ami sink In kitchen; dandy straw berry patch and several young fruit trees; Jußt the place for a chicken ranch. Price only $1350; will sell for $n2."i cash, easy terms on balance. This Is a winner. Better get It before It's too late. E. F. (.KKOORY CO. Second Floor National Realty Rldg. Salesman 10. / IF you want to buy a good hotel, don't fail to see us. we can make you some money. BERTELSON & CO. ' t ftcand. American Bank Kids'. HOME BARGAINS »r»o cash $1,300 —Five rooms, near Union de pot, on paVed street, $15 per m.iritv Including Interest. ll.ROO—Smelter. Good district. Half block from car line and also boluevbard. Practically Tiew. .Best plumbing. Concrete founda tion and walks. Onty $20 per month. Including Interest. 504 California Bldg. Main 2188. 10 ACRPJS—S6OO, G-ROOM houseTnPar station, school, (tore*, mill, good road, about 17 miles from Tacora*. This can be had on good terny^rf I akin it JESSE 0. THOMAS, JR. 320 Tacoma Bl«g. Main 7818. NORTH END SNAP $1400 for a 6-room modern l>un- Kalow. Lot 40x100. Fine mar ine view. Will trade for small er plarg or for vacant lofts, clear of incumbrance. DE LAND HENTON CO. 316-16 Hankers Trust Bldg. (^APITAMSTfTand HOMI* SK BK^ BUS —We handle real estate, loan money, rant business block*, fac tory sites and resMences. If in terested mil Morrison. Mc^Strlane A Muehler. Inc.. Kstabllshsd IXB9, 101S A st. Phone Main $84. Proc tor IS7, Proctor ISBT or Proctor »»t. PARK AVENUE HOME 6-HOQM concrete bungalow and 2 full lota. Located at 4SIT Park ay. For a quick sale wei Have priced thla property at I 1900; very liberal terms. De Land Henton Co., Inc. 315-16 Banker* Trust Bldv. REAL ESTATE G-KOOM house $l«on. Ml 4 No. 7th st. Take automobile art first pay incut, bajenes tike reat, oi' sen on easi terms. ITH> No. llth st. I'ru* tor 180. F»W lAlial AT A nAKUAIN 1.1)1' and 4-1 collage, linth, toilet. electric UsTbts, plione. etc , 1 blk. from I. school. Cull Main ISS2. STANDARDIZE BREAD LOAF II nlrril I'||'« I .:.«..I Mlu.l ' (*HICA<;O, Sept. IT. A move ment Io standard /r the loaf of breuil Ibiuout the country was be gun kfri today at a meet Inn of (bo National Association yf Mas tor Bakers. Tlit> size of Ilio lo«f has not liecu iliMeriiiineil but toft* Bits action Is expecled beforo taM MSfenSM adjourns, llakern aud i lie i.mi,i adniinistralloii tavor tho plan, members of tlie asHnciatlon declared, STEAL AUTOS Three automobiles wore Btolon in Tiicoui.i Sunday (■veiling, ae> cr.rdiiiK to pallet reports. Thoy belonged to Arthur Thomas, 4 9 Uroadway, 0. 0. Kvhuh, 720;{ .lunett, and I .lent. Williams of Camp Murray. The Williams car was iniind Monday, istandlug against a curb in the residnnce district. No trace of the others has boeu found. Catch Suspect; He's Wrong Man Sheriff Hobert liiHgellfl hur ried to Olympia Monday in re -Bi>onsc to a tolegra.m from the Olympla police naying that Uen neti Hiniiiiari, wuntod here for an alleged assault upon .M hid in Tork kO Of (',II been cap turod. The prisoner had threie rini'.eis missiiiK from his left hand and otherwise answered the descrip tion. Sheriff I.oriKniire tele phoned bis Tacoma ollire tit noon that the Olympla prisoner bore a marked resemblance fco Stoddard, j but wan not the man wanted, lie was liberated. GOVERNOR GIVES SELF FOR STATE (SiMNial Io Tlic TinieH) INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Sept. 13. —James P. Goodrich, governor of Indiana, darod political death and endangered his health to win a better living for his people. He fought the wheat speculators, brought the coifl barons to terms, and was speeding along toward' other reforms when overwork stopped him. He Is in a hospital here, recovering his health and planning his next drive to make ilving for the poor endurable. Originally a machine man and reactionary, Gov. oOodrich sur prised the si,re by tnrning radi cal. He investigated coal condi tions and gave the federal trade commission the valuable informa tion that led to' the government's price fixing. N. P. Electrical Workers to Quit Electrical workers >t the Northern Pacific shops, South Tacoina, will go on strike Monday night unless their demand for an increase in wages are allowed. The demand was presented to company officials Sunday night, I with a 24-hour notice that a strike would he called. There are a limit 20 electricians in thi car shops. The opening awtemhlr ilnure of Sloan's dancing academy will be held Friday evening. Steamers Tacoma and Indianapolis for Seattle Leave Municipal Dock, Tao*. ma. 716, » 00, 11:0* a. a.; l:te. 14*. i •». 7:0«, t:00 p. m. * Leave Coiman Hook. Seattle. TOO. » 0». 11 Ou a. ■».; 1 \ | : aa 100. 7 00, 1:11 p. ra raetest and Finest Kteamera. HlnKle Fare 10c. Round Trip TJe ». S. JON KM, Amrmt. r.rflcae Municipal r>ook. M t441 Leading the Italians To Victory.' (ho Trentino region, ever hliii-o Italy entered the war, lias finally rtpald General ('adorna, leader or Hie Italians, with vlrtory. ('adorn* now la the. invader and Ix MMtJaitag his udvanne lieyond Oorlrta hiid toward Trieste., AtiHtrla-lluiiKury'H most Important HCuport. PICKS COUNTY MEN .lames Tliom|>s<in, chairman of Hinker, Imhil (has. I'^l.-i, Krnest county draft lioard No. 1, is pull- Kandall. Oscar ('. Peterson, Paul liir evory wire he can lay hands Allan Hard, Ted Bhaffer, Klmor on, In the effort to get permls- While, Crete K. K. Cbefttm, Andeo slon for the hoard's second in- Separov'ch, Oeo. Dorotleh, (}ay- Htallment of the national army t> lard Q. Montgomery, CeoU Klm go to ('amp Lewis Wednesday lirougii, l(orace# Islnier lloaly, morning liislpukl or Wcdnesilay Matthew Thompson, Ralph Keid, afternoon, as inlendoil. l'aiil F. Rarher, Karl M. UuHhmcr, He has secured satOMMblles, Malo OruDisoh, Oscar Paul l,ar nmiy bsj|sjg furnished by the won, Joseph Mateljek, (reorge J. llotary club, nnd everylhin^ is in l.umklev, Adolph Srlmiel, Klovd resjllaesa to m&ks the eountjr man C. Wlllits, \Vm. Crossette, Itaroid the first to arrlvs it ths camp if M, Hums, Andrew (!. llarstead, tliey'are allowed to do so.«. Nelson A. Walter, Tony (Milch, The men t'roiii couniy diitrltl John W. (iambic. Delbert B. Had [No, 1 are: ley. .hiines Kerry, Ivor liurgstrom, Kiifus Lee Dunn, Joel Levy otio ii. Oster. Tlw.ii.. I. Ika ..»...*,., .. .. .1 -.11,... ..!„ I ,^. i i. i „.!. > _.._ ■ Tliniii'.li lln- ithmh mill ccillii'iu mi fait to the truly recherche !■ i their coiivciitiotinl ipleea in mucous laughter at whatever i transcend* tlii'ir limited Under htanriitiK. Urn liui> pat rii'iuu will inove*nerent'ly on Ills way, con- Iscions of his sutioriai rectitude. j )Ip will Hti'cr iii clear of the fo|t | pish follies nnd foibles' of tho pop injay as of the uncouth prejudices of ths proletarian. In th<> distingue circloa whore dross is an easily difficult, nuily Keriotiß avocation rather than a mere humdrum necessity, the wont exclusive set are goiiiß in for cloth of sold liathinK miits, with silver" sashes. These are worn with in .on ,pi, i,,,iis diamond buttons and an air of nonchalance attainable only by the huutnn. The .shops that cater to fashion's arbiters have these suits at $12,000 and $15,000. Neat platinum shoes with prices that will fit the most modest is only |6,000. attitude of prayer. Time was. before war reared I in fiery splendor from,crag to crag * that the en regele found changing absorbing that he had no time for sport, but all this is altered. It is quite the mode now to play •thru k set of tennis without changing one's coat oftener than every game, tho some of tha more punctilious of tfie youngar set insist on stopping after each serve to don a new tie. Even in times of stress such as these, the true aristocrat will be de rlgener. With London aud Paris forgetting the basic distinc tions of rank and birth and sub stituting for the old reserves tha dull democracy of the trenches, it remains for America to uphold Kent ill ty -at least that part | of America which escapes the draft. For if we forget class we forget clothes, and if « forreX clothe* I oc n minute. • minute. mi oomraand herd, which Is never iKiM'iilliie lialiilii'H'iitK. may reveal | CLOTH UFOOLO DATHIM«S SUITS l ruby bupkleg accompany these at purs©—one of the smartest models Quite the latest note In tha liishi.Mis (g the siiavliiK jacket, to l>e worn while one's valet is ra movln>! one's aristocratic hlnsutlai surplus to the 'strains of the ep« cUI orchestra that every really small man hires nowadays to play him thru from rising to break fast. This .jacket is woven from monogranwned silk threads 'by pedigreed silkworms, and Is so delicate In hue and tissue that a single drop of even the most re fined lather will ruin it. But as no gentleman ever wears the same shaving jacket twice this but adds to the attractiveness of the gar ment. Prices on these jackets are quoted only in a whisper and an Its horrid front and "went hurtling angulftng the social world in chaos, from one sport suit to anotl er so >ul<U't re* rww wiU thla staff Car