Newspaper Page Text
HSPRING I SUITS! II Every day now we are unpacking new arrivals in Spring Suits for Men and Young Men. Our liberal credit system enables you to pay for your next suit as you enjoy wearing it. II You pay no more for a suit here than at the I CASH STORES the only difference is you i|| buy on your own terms. . Women's Department Spring Wearing Apparel for Women just J arrived. We invite your inspection and I comparison of prices. The same liberal credit extended. 926—Broadway—926 ASSESSORS START WORK IN CITY County Assessor Cameron Fri day sent out 75 special assessors to begin valuing the personal property of the county. Work •was started assessing improve ments. J XX \\ LL V JiVl ________ (TIN FAlßand SQUARE DEALING ' 1 SOMETHING ABOUT MYSELF COPIED I ¥ ¥ ~.~ V^ x¥ * II xagggmg] .^j^n? FROM NEWS"LEDGER SUNDAY I ■ „ D • I » W§fisL Wire Comes to Tacoma I OPENING Ov To Establish Business Here SATURDAY IV^SSS OBF "as££C™ lN BRI™ I 1 n*_e* __ ___ -_L ■*»- m. __L__*^ __. J__ __L ■ ■_■ H - U q a 4' __ l__l Mil! * — - ~ 1 ■ | , t i ,|, t | , jlj Affairs. i/f„ 'w^* j is TO THE PUBLIC: They say lam a live wire, it seems this reputation follows me whrrcverl go, Benjamin Brick, ■ __.reiu.nt who n_. AW j^ •■■ ; _--, -^ fc> » _ een a.tlvo tn public affaire on the Pa- £ f . . '_S___k 1 i<!J you at taxes work and a sincere reeling for wanting to serve the community and the cirtc ror"ti- >■ ■"<-"■ |op«" » "••»'• f .. , ' ._!____ I _,_,.__.. . _ •_ i furnishing and clothing store at 911 Pa- ***-', j*S , . _____■____ PI execution ot this feeling in a clean and honorable way that becomes the foundation for the -.m. avenus. facing *.t». street. .______.*_______■ -.___. ... Mr- Brick ta wall known from San < W** __P^_________ > I ladder of success upon which every merchant hopes to stand upon Francisco u> Reame. h. -.._ for a „ sO*W __T^»'>^__l__k P a _____»__i_»_-__.-.__i_._»__.™ 4.1. a. J ■_. number of year* one of the Arm of Brick w- •■"*r . ,_£* * ____ II | ■ I tne mgnest rung. Brothers, the Beanie woolen house In _!_____ ______f i I /"*_ IT TUIC _T_l IT the Cheasty building. He sold out there *"J__r Mr IP , LUI InlO UUI « Tomorrow is my opening day. 1 want every man end woman in tltty^^ " r lZ?* nLrVZ?to'* "n . * JSmp \\W i !||l| I ,S'i>« M* name and address I Tacoma to visit my store and get acquainted with me, I will be **% IV^^m^ng"^ . V '^l^fc* lon the lines below and bring it t ready to personaly welcome you, and to make it worth your while t^Z™ n? wm?\wlV Vn 0 yZLill™7r . ■to uiy store Saturday, March 2, ■ to attend my opening I will make you this proposition: cm... o. lC _ for the legislature, and once _•> **-|*^*^^^|^^ ■ *' , ,,,.,, for <ountjr cnnimlnstoner. He was ap- ____■ _U '_*_____ U 1 191*, and yOU Wtil be entitled' | polnt«_ a. T-.lunt.-T Juvenile ofricer by jfl^M^'^k--■*■'.-s^^^^fc 0| 1 chases for the year 1918. I Everyman or woman who attends my opening and brings this cou- ' Ll_. _*, t__• ai_e«e. __■___■__ I 1 I pon with them, cut out of this paper, will have their name wt.n. «o ser-t.^ _«ai. tm«uiFh.d wm- I SS H us! tonally by breaking up and en- H !■■ ll||H I registered whether they purchase anything or not, which will T,r"t *'** »■» *h« »embere or v.. _o-caii. .i ■ Ml ffi I . a _a__»' _a__a v'°* cl'flia, a clique of pel .esW who ss_«_______»_«____M_|_(_____B_J_i tl|||| • ....- i entitle them to 10% off anything they purchase in my store dur- committed < on m*m v. this _.._., WH ■ __ | Tr»-io ' -w- *-»** na( goiM of PortlMl#g ppotßtaont dtl- cherry fair, which was editorially con- W ""■"*" ■—"■*-■" ■■ - ing the year 1918 . ■ sene were cau_ot _fr. Brick also ro- ceded to have been the best ever held Wk celved the appointment of volunteer i n Balem and at least exponas. He was IltU] The above inducement is made for the benefit cf the public as well as mine. It will ____y_«"__Lf_L_____L<__l g__t },»y>g t^TTmnftit ffi 1 give me a certain amount of patrons to start off with; as a newcomer it will make me feel sS3___S^«__T^___S_SS •*»••■*»«•• * H _._ j. t _ .. ___. *«.. _„j« . — v.-™ +n +V-11Q+ He was a prominent mesaber of the likes Mew Bptrtt Ken. |||1| that I have many friends in whom to trusx. ****** aa dub. _tr. Bnck on b_m« mtsr-towaa, said HI -._,.._,.._—_ About four rear* ate Mr. Brick that he always Used Taeosia, having l|)H _l_iJ__.J_L_.__r. bought the Oscar Johnson clxhlu Mors traveled through here as a commercial 111 l at Salem. Moving to that elt7, he waa man l( roars ago. He further "remarked: |Ht]| liv -Dolicv is the cash Policy, we sell for cash only, also every article of CLOTHING. HATS. ggjtriuininti m anfrtjaj M**m —< "i »ke ths spirit of your c.tise_._. P H| ■v f"*-^vj --w u_-v. <__,u_x *^i *_,_._•-. snterprlslng young men, and waa short- Thers sesms to bs a new spirit of pro- Hfll SHOES Or FURNISHINGS YOU purchase at my Store 1S absolutely guaranteed to give yOU SatiS- lr after elected a director of the tourist graslvneaa that was notably lacking BMj * J ■ r - , n „. ._it aonvsntlon and yublldty department. He years ag*. lon all seem to do business H J faction or your money is cheerfully relundea, a cleaner, iairer proposition I cannot guar- ■■ »iways active in an booster m*_r_. with more snap u_ rw tat out urn am ._,_.iT_. ,u,d usually became chairman of ths hesitation, which la a good sign, tor ha ■ antee you. and remember the fact that we nave committees on w_t__ he served. w_« _sactatsa v urn, r— __•<«. ■ J' , . - _ _. _ 4 „_, S^A _^_2v _s "• »" *•<*<* «r_«W. «f tbo taurtst. "Q_s at t—r Kadutg iMlw^ ■>» will _■___. no charge accounts which requires bookkeeping, XiCr • /JEM - _r> aa^rrsst^ a^w^«^_iy_yt un tHa_a»y swyiuaai a«_^^_a>»*a |pr collectors and & working staff, assures you f /fi^__tt____-___^B_e_Al!_f t_C i/}//*JTjA vfi lW**r^'' '^'■■4^i'^*^ promise. vmiPR •rairTY :3**?''^'_______PBH^^ "*^^l______^_^V ' *-T'^'__i_d____^_^aßH[^^^^^^^^^^^^^l —— I BANK CLEARINGS SHOW INCREASE Tacoma bank clearings for Feb ruary .howed an increase of 65 per cent over the same month a year ago, and 90 »per cent over Feb.. 1916. TACOMANS IN I U.S. SERVICE Edited by Edith Cunningham. Tacomans having relatives In army, nary or marines aro Invited to contribute to this column. News Items, extracts of latter* and personals ar* welcome. Call Main 12. I' Gets Promotion Victor Dun.more, well known Tacoma boy who enlisted here ln the Coast Artillery last spring, has been made quartermaster supply sergeant for the 24th company, U. 8. Dunsmore, win. is stationed at Fort Flagler, went there as a private, but soon won his gunner's chevrons; from this he was pro moted to corporal, and now ser geant. He is also attending a special radio school to which a tew of the men from the fort were appointed. There are few non-commission ed officers above him now, and all of young Dunsmore's friendri are expecting to see him pass by these and get some day into the commissioned class. Victor is very popular at the fort and It Is because of his many friends and his exceptional ail.ility that he has been given this post which incurs with it a great deal of responsibility. O O) A In Tacoma For Week End Private Elvin E. Thompson of Kurt Flagler was In Tacoma for the week-end, which he spent witli his father and sister, ('. A. Thomp son and Miss Alda Thompson. He also went to Orting for a short visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Thompson, a:id friends, Miss Borghild Hobland and Douglas Jones. • • • Please Write to Fred A letter received here from Fred Crate of Spanaway, who Is now In France with Uncle Sam's infantry, expresses the wish that all of his friends would write to him. Letters to him may be addressed as follows: Fred W. Crate, Co. 1,., 3rd pla toon, 16_nd infantry, O. A. S., U. S. A. E. S. in France. • * * Hears of Brother Wounded in France Word has been received by Jac"_; Scuitto of Centralla that bis broth er Dave, who is a member of the 7th battalion, Canadian expedi tionary forces, had been wounded in battle ln France. • • • "Vica Versa" The new sergeant of an infantry company at Camp Lewis the other day thought that he would show off when he saw his major coming down the line, so he gave orders to his squad to bring their rifles up. There were many directions for this raising of guns and he gave these all correctly. But once the rifles were up. Friday, March 1, 1918.-THE TACOMA TIMES—Page Three. they stayed up; the new sergeant had forgotten the reversing de tails. Final. embarrassed, he yelled in desperation, "Vlca Versa." • • • Men Enlist in Navy The navy still continues to have the greatest attraction for Tacoma men enlisting with our country's service. There has not been one volun teer at the army office all week while the navy men are busy and have a waiting li.«t. There seems to be a great fascination ln the l.rlny deep for young Americans. Thursday the navy recruiting office in the Bank of California building sent three men into the service. They were Lowell L. Clowers, who goes to Bremerton as a sea man, and Ralph Davlsson and William G. Callon, both of whom have been sent to San Diego in tlie aviation branch. 0 o . Statement By Private Atkins "Wot wos you (before you joined the army?" " 'Appy!"—London Sketch. • • • More Me' Get The Times The Times was sent Thursday to the following new subscribers: George McFaul. A. E. F., in France. Chester llendricksen, marine corps, Mare Island. (.hauncey McFaul, A. E. F., in France. • » » Is Made Mechanic Sam D. Chrlstofferson of Taco ma lias been made mechanic for the 24th company, P. S., at Fovt Flagler. • • • Jack Linck Fires Official Salute A letter received here by Judge Linck from his son, Jack, who is an ensign aboard the flagship Ar kansas, tells of Jack being in charge of the firing squad that fired the first salute to the fleet last week in New York harbor. As liis ship Is the flagship of the fleet, the shot was considered the official salute, and that which was to be followed by the other battleships stationed there. SMELTER LEGION HOLDS A RALLY The new Smelter Patriotic Le gion held its first rally this week In the Smelter Athletic club rooms, with nearly 1,000 visitors attending. Sergt. Mirat of the French army, stationed at Camp Lewis, told of his experiences at the front. I Here and 1 II Else where j Spanish cabinet forced to re sign on account of divided war policy. Stop! Have yon tried The Lotos Cafe's Special Club Breakfasts, 15c to 40c, or the Business Men's Lunch at 25c? If not, why not? adv. British labor commission will! visit Taeoma March 22. Three i < il shipments of issue regulation leggings at Hof ■tetter's, 1303 Pacific. adv. Constantino Lax-art and Sign..- Bombaccl, tallnn socialists, sen tenced to two years' imprison ment for circulating anti-war pro paganda in Italy. Cut down the high cost of llv ing. Try a Lotus Annex Business Men's Lunch, 25c. adv. Great Hill Ooss drive to raise $100,000,000 begins May 6. Framed Pictures—half price forced to move. New location, 904 Commerce, Pr.ntuges Bldg. Holt Art Store, 773 Broadway. adv. Kenneth lire. er. David Harr iett and Joe Kenny, escaped con victs of state prison of Missouri, captured. The convicts escaped after killing die guard. Might < amp Lewis men prefer scavenger work to army drill. Most of them are Germans. Dr. <v>/ /_., dentist, has moved to 308-12 Pantages Bldg. adv. Mayor Fawcett will appoint a "physical upbuilding" committee for Tacoma's young men. Dill, sweet and sour pickles. Duenwald's, 1112 Broadway, adv. Camp IMAM officers register finger prints. 1..>• __-■- number of flower bulbs wanted at Camp Lewis to beautify the grounds. Dr. -Slurry, Dentist, Warburton Bldg. adv. Henry Xenn, Itussiaii, arretted in Sacramento for wiping his hands on the flag is ordered by court to kiss flag. Philip s<hi .ii compose, new march, "The Volunteers." Washing Machines. Wringers, Mops, ew*. Palace Hardware Co., 1511 Pacific ay. adv. Severn] ore ships arrive at smelter, COMMERCIAL BI_.Df.RY * PRINTING CO. Main 417. adv. The following birth certificate was reported Thursday at the de partment of public health: Born, tot Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Hef fron, 3905 No. Cheyenne, Feb. 19, son. SALARY BILL An ordinance granting a flat Increaae ln salary of |10 a month to all employes in the Tacoma police and fire departments, was Introduced before the council Thursday morning by Commission er Pettit. It will .come up for passage next week. The Increased salaries are to become effective March l. Pettit was preparing Thursday to reduce the two departments by 28 men, starting Friday. BEGIN FORMING CHORUS OF BOYS Tacoma boys interested in the proposed ho> •' chorus of 1,01)0 voices have been asked to attend a meeting in the Y. M. C. A. Fri day night, when the first steps will be taken in the organization to be formed by Rev. H. E. K. Whitney. LEAVING I'KI U<h;|{ Vti <t nll.-.i I-.... !._..,_ Wire » TOKIO, March I.—The Japa nese ambassador at Petrograd to day officially notified his govern ment that the allied envoys were leaving the city. BEST LIVER AND BOWEL LAXATIVE FOR FAMILY USE 'Casr-arets' regulate wom en, men and children without injury. Take when bilious, head achy, for colds, bad breath, sour stomach. ___^C__V ___. m fX_F_. I A_K 1 !_____ _R___ *-___■* J^_ -___> J. SZmmW JWORK WHILE YOU SLEEPf Instead of nasty, harsh pills, salts, c list or oil or dangerous cal omel, why don't you keep Cas carets handy In your home? Cas carets act on the liver nnd thirty feet of bowels so gently you don't realize you have taken a cathartic, but they act thoroly and cau be depended upon when a good liver and bowel cleanser Is necessary— they move the bile and poison from the bowels without griping and sweeten the stomach. You eat ono or two at night like candy and you wake up feeling fine, the headache, biliousness, bad breath, coated tongue, sour stomach, eon stipation, Off bad cold dlsappeara Mothers should give cross, sick feverish or bilious children I ■whole Cascaret any time —thej Are harmless and safe for the lit (tie folks. ■■■■■i^BEW ESTABLISHED 1088 ___________________0 SOMETHING KKW EVERT DAT _ JsjMsJM ___f mmJm *m Aw _____L_l__P^ Mm* m A _L______r THK BUSY HTOHK ON PACIFIC AVENUE STYLEPLUS CLOTHIHS New Styleplus Suits have arrived, in Blue Serge, j — ~JZ\ ~~r Fancy Worsted and Cas- ___w_hhU Sf simeres; models for both O^^p young and conservative \_t/ men; very smart patterns. luV New prices are /jfw / /\ $21 and $25 J§pn MEN'S TROUSERS wSi rk</\ Select from kliakl, jeans, < ordu- \ff ;f jKf| l\ nij, mim.l wool, worsted, all llljiidFffSffiC I \ _ wool and rasMtniere I nion . Ih.lo TO^ißßn tl __ Trousers for work or dr«'ss. Priced flrf l_-___^__' $_"E25 $3 $3.50 $4 JKlirP--** $4.50, $5 S ll MEN'S NEW CLOTH / V HATS f i New similes for si.riug. Union i •_) fift Hal*, pil..- «P_.iUV MEN'S FELT HATS _ I Stiff and soft blocks. Union Jr~"CZ Jric!T . $2.50 a...! $3.00 «* HEADLIGHT OVERALLS (Union Made) "A Smile of Satisfaction With Every Pair." ■ SEE 11TH ST. WINDOW SATURDAY. By doing so you will get on the right track to Overall Satisfaction. This will be more than a display, it will be a demonstration. We are going to impress you with the good points of a good article. If you wear Overalls, SEE THE 11TH ST. WINDOW. "UNFAIR" TO DIE IN BUTTE TODAY (lulled I'rr_» 1.. n_. .I Wire.) BUTTE, Mont., March 1. —La- bor troubles today reached the point where anyone dying in Butte Is considered "unfair." The taxlcab drivers, including chauffeurs of hearses and dead wagon-, ..ent on strike this mora. :ng for shorter hours and mora pay, while metal working trades are near the point of railing a state-wide strike. Plumber.s today voted to strike May 1 unless their demands _x« i met. »