- - Dinners Thursday, Friday For Engaged Couple Miss Macdonald's Spinster Dinner to Be Given by Miss Haines at Kopachuck; Rehearsal Party Planned Perhaps the gayest, busiest prelude to a wedding which any bride-elect has. known in Tacoma has been the round of entertaining for Miss Muriel Macdonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Macdonald, whose marriage to Mr. James Weller Will wil] take place on Saturday evening at Annie Wright seminary. Last of the parties will be the 7 o'clock spinster dinner which Miss Virginia Haines, maid of honor, will give for the voung bride-to-be at Kopachuck lodge Thursday evening. Friday evening after the wedding rehearsal a dinner for the voung couple and several of the wedding guests who are coming from out of town is planned at the University- Union club. At Miss Haines' party will be# Miss Ann Murray, Miss Frances| Young, Miss Phyllis Dickman, Mrs. | Douglas Gonyea, Miss Mary Lou| Bunting of Yakima, all wedding attendants and the guest of honor. Flowers on the table will be in pastel shades and at each place will be floral “top-nots” for their hair. ‘ Guests at the dinner Friday in‘ addition to Miss Macdonald's at-| tendants will be her parents, her fiance and his attendants, Mr. James Cutler, best man, and ush ers, Mr. Donald and Mr. Dean Mac donald, brothers of the bride, Mr Richard Hoerner, Mr. Will's cou ain, Mr. Newton Russell of Butte, | Mont, and Mr. William Sheehy of Portland, Mr. Will's aunt, Mrs, | Weller Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, Leon Titus, Mr. Douglas Gonyea, | Misg Mariorr Brush, and Dr. and | Mrs. Arthur Bell, ; Coming from out of town for! the wedding and the dinner Friday will be Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Weller and their son and daughter, | Theodore, jr., and Marion, of Ber- | keley, who are pguests at the Titus home, and Mr. and Mra. Stanley Weller of Los Angeles, | Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Hoerner of Corvallis, Ore,, their son, Richlrd‘[ who is to be one of the ushers, | and their daughters, Joy and| Agnes, all guests at Mrs. Thomp- | son’'s home. ! -*- . ! County P.-T. A. | Has Picnic | Pierce County Council P.-T. A. executive board met on Monday afternoon for a picnie in Lincoln park, After luncheon plans were made for autumn work with Mrs, J. E. Barry, county president, in charge. r Tt was decided by the member ship to sponsor an institute for | recreational leaders for whoml there is great need at this time. ‘ New county chairmen recently | elected include Mr. Gallert of Fife, eafety; Mrs. Allen Goelzer of Puy allup, juvenile protection; Mrs. Clarence Holmquist, Edgemont, library; Mrs. Clarence Hare, Du pont, Founders’ Day; Mrs. Byron Moye, Harvard-Midland, radio; Mrs. George B, Allen, Clover Creek, publicity. l Mrs. Barry announced that| about 100 films are available for| P.-T. A. educational programs, | -- . i Reunion Held | At Pflueger Home To compliment her sister, Mmsf Eleanor Mauderer, who arrived in| Parkland for a two-months' visit from New Orleans, Mrs. J P! Pflueger of Parkland entertained recently | Over the week end of Aug. 15, a | family reunion of all the relatives! in the northwest was heid at their home. Among the honored guests were Mrs, Albert Soine and son Mazalcolm of Bellingham, Mrs. Hor- | ace Manning and son Horace of Oswegn, Oregon, and Tech, Sgt.| Martin Pflueger of Fort Worden, | and Miss Christine Soine of Mount | Vernon. | Accompanying Tech. Sgt.| Pflueger was Corp. Melvin R.| Jones, also of Fort Worden. | .PUT YOUR MONEY INTO SOMETHING SUBSTANTIAL 1 you are losking for @ way ‘o inverr money, let us suggest the Steinway piane. Depreciae tion is very, very slight. So superbly is the Steinway built that it will last for generations! Should circumstances ever compel you to sell the Steinway, you will find the “trade-in™ value high. A “used” Steinway always come maends a generous price. Idle money could scarcely be put fo better wie. Our prices begin as low as $49.50 down for the superb $495 Sieinway Yertical (price f.o.b. New York City). Taroma's Musie Center 1121.23 Broedwoy BRoadway 3211 D e ————————————n eea— ! ! Large Tea At Post Mrs. Jesse A. Ladd Feted Tuesday Afternoon ! Honoring Mrs. Jesse A. ' Ladd and women of the 15th Infantry, the officers’ wives of the 7th Infantry gave a tea vesterday at the Ofticers’ club., | Mrs. Ladd’s husband. Brig. Gen. Ladd, was recently pro 'moted to the general officers’ list and ordered to 'eave his ‘command of the 15th Infantry ‘ to go to the Alaskan troops. . In the receiving line at the affair were Mrs. Ladd, Mrs. Har rison McAlpine, wife of Col. Me- Alpine, who commands the Tth Infantry: Mrs. John E. Copeland, ‘wife of Lt, Col. Copeland, who is the new commanding officer of 'the 15th Infantry; Mrs. G. P ' Lynch, wife of Major Lynch, who is the 15th Infantry adjutant, and ern. W. W. Quinn, wife of Capt. 'Quinn, who is the 7th Infantry 'adjutant. ; Presiding in turn at the long ‘teu tables which graced either jend of the lounge were Mrs. | Kenyon A. Joyce, wife of Maj. |Gen. Joyce, who commands the ;l.‘( army corps; Mrs. John P. Lucas, wife of Maj. Gen. Lucas, who commands the 3rd Division; Mrs. Charles P. Hall, wife of Brig Gen. Hall, who is the assistant 3rd Division commander; Mrs. ' Jonathan W. Anderson, wife of | Brig. Gen. Anderson, who com tmnnds the 3rd Division artillery: Mrs. Marshall Randol, wife of 'Brig. Gen. Randol, who commands Ithe 41st Division artillery; Mrs. lßalph R. Glass, wife of Col. Glass, the post commander; Mrs. Albert |D. Clark, wife of Col. Clark, the post surgeon, and Mrs. Donald W. ’Forbfl. wife of Col. Forbes, the post dental surgeon. Identical centerpieces of gladioli, larkspur and pink and yellow roses were on the two tea tables, with tall white tapers in silver candle sticks at the corners of the flower 'bowla. Tea was served from huge | silver pots, along with hot cheese |mu and dainty cakes. * * - l Lt. John Lennahan, stationed | with the Engineers at Fort Lewis, 'and Miss Betty Peterson of the ' post Red Cross office were married E in a quiet ceremony Saturday eve ' ning. | - * - . The Fort Lewis Inn celebrated the opening of its new refresh ' ment room with an open house ‘Snturdn_v evening. A hiil billy fhand provided the music for the affair, . - . { The regular Officers’ club hop 'was held Saturday evening, with ' music being provided by the 15th | Infantry orchestra under the direc tion of Sgt. James Martell. | - | Miss Helen L:ugh.hn. daughter |of Lt. Col. and Mrs. R. V. Laugh | lin, entertained at dinner before | the informal dance Sunday evening ’lt the Officers’ club in honor of damee <. ity MRS. MAX R. MROHS A recent bride is Mrs. Mrohs whose wedding was an event of Sunday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Theresa Daly. The bride is the former Margaret Daly and her husband the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max F. Mrohs. Puyallup Couple Married In Chapel at C. P. S. ~ Miss Dorothy Jean Hoss Becomes Bride of Mr. Allan ~ Pedee in Evening Ceremony Tuesday | | Tall baskets of white gladioli decorated the chapel of College of Puget Sound chosen by Miss Dorothy Jean Hoss, daughter of Mrs. Helen Hoss of Puyallup, for her marriage to Mr. Allan Rance Pedee, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Pedee, also of Puyallup, Tuesday evening. Vows were read by Rev. Erwin H. Jahr, pastor of Peace Lutheran church, Puyallup, at 7:30 o'clock, followed by a reception at the chapel. Candles in tall candelabra, flanked by the flowers, were lighted by Mr. Milton Hoss, brother of the bride, and the wedding music was plaved by Miss Kathieen Sherril of Tacoma, a sorority sister. Preceding the ceremony Miss Ruth Johnson sang “The Lord's Prayer” and "0, Perfect Love."” The bride was given in marriage by her bhrother, Aiden Hoss, nnd’ wore a gown of cream lace made | with full skirt and fitted bodice. | She wore a finger tip veil of | cream illusion fastened with a coronet of pearls and carried l! white testament decorated with | her house guest, Mr. Leßoy Klu.! jr., of Washington, D. C. Guests at the affair were the Misses llnry‘ Brook Lucas, Mary Lee Grt(p.! Barbara Lyman, Manie Keller, and | Tita Lanser, and Jone Lanser, Lt. | Clemens, Dick and Don Williver, and C. J. Williams. 5 * & 9 Mrs. J. C. Burgeson, wife of Lt Burgeson, is visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, L. J. Hackett, at North Hollywood, | Cal. Mrs. Burgeson will motor to | Des Moines, lowa, with her sister, | Miss Lucille Hacketl, who ig also visiting the Hacketts, next week Lt. Burgeson will leave shortly for station in Alaska, and during his absence Mrs, Burgeson will live in Des Moines. ! 2 | In a quiet ceremony at the ! bride’s home in Tacoma, Sgt | Frank Cooley, jr, of the medical corps at McChord Field and Miss Betty Fuller were married Batur day. The bride's father gave her away, and her sister, Mins Meri- ! etta Fuiler, was the maid of honor Eldred Cooley of McChord Field, the groom's brother, was best man. Officiating at the ceremony was Chaplain Tunis Cordill of McChord | Field. A recertion was held at the bride’s home immediately after the wedding. : -.- { Lt. Col and Mrs. James li Mockbee and Major Rowland L./ Atcheson took a week-end motor trip to Pacific Beach. ‘ S& 9 i An informal party was recently heid at the Officers’ club to cele brate the birthday of Lt Col J. A. Suilivan . - - Brig. Gen. M. G. McConnel of | Boisé, ldaho, is visiting at the Fort Lewis inn. -- » r Mrs. O. W. Humphreys of Ban Francisco has been staying at un‘ Fort Lewis inn while Cnl. Hum phreys has been on the Fourth Army maneuvers, ‘ Che Cacoma Cimes gardenias and stephanotis. For ,mmrthmg borrowed, she wore her | sister's necklace of pearis, | Miss Helen Frances Hoss was | maid of honor for her sister, wear ling “an afternoon dress of leaf | green silk jersey and carrying | salmon gladioli in a Picardy bou ‘quel. The best man was James |H. Walters of Tacoma, and Emil !Pedee. brother of the groom, and | Clifford Merriott, a cousin, were the ushers. ‘ In the receiving line at the |chapel, Mrs. Hoss wore a dress ’ol brown silk crepe with corsage of gardenias and talisman rose buds and Mrs. Pedee wore a black sheer dress with pink rosebuds and gardenias. Later in the eve ning a wedding collation was | served at the bride's apartment lin the Citizens State Bank build ling, Puyallup, for the wedding [party and the immediate families, The bride's table, covered with a lace cloth, was centered with a large four-tier wedding cake and lighted with white tapers, and white gladioli were used for deco |rating the dining room. Presiding [ were Miss Marie Barovie and Misa | Jennie Johnson of Puyaliup. Mrs, | Harvey BSteel was in charge of the gifta and Emil Pedee the guest book For going away on & week's {trip to the Olympic peninsuia and Lake Creacent, the bride wore & navy wool jJacket dress with red AcCessories Mrs Pedee was graduated from Puyaliup high school in 1940 and attended College of Puget Bound, where she was a member of Alpha Beta Upsilon sorority. Mr. Pedee |was & member of the class of 38 2t Puyaliup high school. The new {home will be on 4th st N, E, | Puyallup, which they will cecupy about the middie of Beptember. i - - - iflnh Rho to Have 'Second Meeting Tacoma Theta Rho No. 5 will hold its second reguiar meeting of the month Wednesday evening 'in the 1. O O. F. temple, A skating 'party and potiuck dinner which " will be held in September will be discussed with Miss Ella Bart {lett presiding. f e . Your Postmaster ean tell you 'how to invest in U. 5. Defense ; Bonda, On Sunday i | Mr. and Mrs. Mrohs on Trip to California Cities . Wedding vows were ex changed by Miss Margaret ‘Daly, daughter of Mrs. Theresa Daly, and Mr. Max R. Mrohs, son of Mr, and Mrs. Max F. Mrohs, in a ceremony Sunday afternoon at 2 a'clock at the family home, A recep tion followed from 3 until 6 o'clock in the garden, At the improvised altar ferns and vine maple were ‘used with pink gladion and elsewhere in the home were Oregon grape and other pastel flowers, The Rev. Arthur Schaffer per formed the double ring ceremony. The bride, entering alons, wore a blue wedding gown with sllver beaded pattern. It had & low neckline and short puffed sleeves and wAs decorated with pink velvet hows. Her amall biue vell luu held in place by a band of pink flowers in her hair, matehing her bridal bouquet which had pink eamations and white gladioll tied with white satin ribbon. Her only jewelry was & pear! neckisce belonging to her mother, Miss Helen Daly was her sister'y mald of honor, She wore irnrul pink and carried a bouguet of yellow gladioll, . l The bridegroont’'s little cousin, Ilmnm\ Lillis, was the flower girl | and wore a long blue dress with }pmu trim. She carried a basket of rose petals covered with pink satin, Mr. Joseph Clark was hi» cousin’'s best man, Before the ceremony Mrs. Gus Ackein sang “O Promise Me" and “1 Love You Truly,” accompanied by Mrs. George Goymer For the occasion the bride groom's mother wore a brown | dress with matching Accessories and corsage of yellow flowers. | Mrs. Mrohs chose pink with a | corsage of gardeniag and gladioll, | About 75 guests were present ifur the reception which followed | the ceremony. Mrs. O. J. Dulae | presided, assisted by Mrs E. J. {Holl, Mrs. Anna Ackein, Mra, J. [ Mund, Mrs. C, Hughes, Mra. J. I Arbuthnot, Mr. and Mrs. D, C | Lillis, Mr. and Mra. T. J. Lillis, | Mr. Les Whitacre, Mrs. J. F. [ Clark. | Both Mr. and Mrs. Mrohs Are Lincoln High school and Knapps Business college alumna and the bridegroom was an aclive mem ber of the DeMolay. After a ifday trip to Cali fornia, the young couple will make [ their home here in Tacoma, i [ 3 Lid ‘rg—.: bd ‘? R “'f N a{ } Ay i I | !g 1 § Neu Priced from 2.98 1o 6.95 Complete withhy AJr .00 Mosthy Hu idor * Giont Size 66" 'x27 V 2" "'x20%4" ' Dec Otive w Roomy shelf for hats w Holds up to 25 gaor A “.'a‘ 4.95 MISS RUBY LEE WINTHER An autumn wedding and one in the coming spring, ore planned by these of tractive young women. Miss Winther, daughter of Me, and Mrs. Nisls Winther of Waller road. will be o bride of October 10, She is engoged to Mr. Robert B Roley, son of Mr. Richard W. Roley. Miss Asplund's marrioge to Mr. Robert F. Johnston wiil toke ploce next spring. She s the daughter of Mr and Mrs, Nels Asplund of Eatonville and her fiance's parents are Mr. ond M. G. R. Johnston of Tocome, Winther Photmgraph by Fiaher Sogmte. Aspiund by Hamilion Ruby Winther Engagement Rovealed Sunday at Beach The engagement of Miss Ruby lLee Winther, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Niels Win ther of Waller Road, to Mr. Robert B, Roley, son of Mr. Richard W. Roley, was reveal ed on Sunday afternoon at a party at Sunnyside Beach. The news was made known when Chiness rice walers were snapped open revealing slips of paper bearing the names “Ruby and Bob, October 10" s Paul's Danish Lutheran chureh ia 1o he the scene of Lhe wedding Misa Winther an nounced too that her attendants would ba Mra Wilbert N, Nelaon, her sistar, matron of honor, Miss Kleanor Mulline, Mrs. James Mar tin, Jr, and Miss Narriet Mac- Mahon, bridesmaids, Both Miss Winther and her fi- endoy FAN-FORCED warn am wire ~ ms Estate e H eatrola | g = ;/5 18 THIS 14,50 aulos matic heat contrel gilven without charge! Hetter hurs B " . thiz affer 18 aver tn # very [ew days! ! Burn Low Cost No. 3 Fuel Oil SAY "Goodbys" to heating work and worry right now! Enjoy oil heat this winter . . . choose this gvmhd bw-'yp‘ cabinet Heatrola thet's w with & built-in fan that forces warm air into every corner of your home. And Heatrola's intensi-fire air duct that's built right into the path of the flames cuts down fuel waste by trapping the heat thet usually goes up the chimney, See it at Kegel's! FRIENDLY CREDIT TERMS ' ) | gL 282 l Port Townsend Girl Te Wum Mrs MeCurdy of Port Townsend and Seattle has an nounced the sngagementia of her two daughters. Miss Lorraine and Miss Hetty, the former ta Mr Robert Wilis Ford son of Mr. and Mra George L. Ford of Tacoma, and the iatter ta Mr. Robert Morss. ley, son of Mra. Mildred Morseley of Neattle, . » Tahoma Camp, W’ ow, wil give & Benefit card party st Baglon hall Thursday sight st 830 Pine ochle and five hundred will e played Hostesses are Mrs, J ¥ Hayt and Mra A O Read, ance are Ntadium high seheol Kraduaten Gueata at the party wers Mrs James R Martin, jr. Miss Eleanor Mulline, Misy Marriet MaeMahon, Miss Mary Eastern, Miss Joyseils, Wilkinson, Miss Viola Hanson, Mins June Potter, Miss Helen Ost: ness, Mise Irens Ostness, Mr, James K. Martin, jr, Mr. David Metoalf, Mr. Jerry Dondvan, My Harry Minker, Mr. Ernest Moyer, Mr Bugens *Page, Mr. Richard Basnau, Mr. Marold Hanson snd Mr. Robert Martin. MISS MARIT ASPLUND COMPLETHR A DEMANDS: AQ Qo b 4 1. 1 o 'wn Mcb»e:mtm shout (emining ol mygiene in the REAL S .....""3 the word underarm cleanlines sweetness. You cannnt be siirsctive widly underarms moist, waned and wmelly, Use Arrid, the new crenm dendorans, L Al dess alt demes, e om irviate dhin. 3. :,:.m- dey. Can o wd vighn . vm‘?:unu-l-lg 4. g:wxm* O e eoet ts o W omen u-grn-nl Arrid ht: e 9