, VOL. 4. NO. .39. HIE CATTLE EMBARGO President Cleveland Has Au. ( iority to Retaliate. THE LAW IS LAID BEFORE HIM js a Question Whether This Will be »oc^iry, for the Government of Gerina»>y !;■!- Modified Its Order and A^nineu' i Liberal Attitude. «.Vhisgtos, November 9.—The an nouncement that he German authori ng may conclude to determine the pos 6 i^liti.3 of the introduction of Texas {ever into the Empire from expert opin ions of American veterinarians was re ceived with great interest by Secretary Motion whose advocacy of retaliation by requiring a strict inspection of Ger man wines and liquors has been told in these dispatches? The Secretary has in vestigated the question, and finds that authority to entirely exclude German Hroducts in retaliation for discrimina tion' of oar goods is vested in the Presi ,i't (li by existing laws, all of which has been heretofore overlooked in the dis testion. Secretary Mor ton had a conference with the President, Sam! laii r : •That whenever the President is sat isfied there is good reason to believe any importation is being.made, or is about to he made, into the United States from any foreign country of any article used for" human food or drink that is adulter ated, he (the President) may issue his proclamation suspending the importa tion of such articles from such country for such period of time as he may think necessary." -. ~~ The Secretary believes this law is the key to the situation furnishing this gov ernment with full power to retaliate upon Germany for the exclusion of our cattle either by the policy which he sug jzestedj of requiring a strict inspection of their wines, or by stronger measures. At the State Department the attitude of the German government respecting our cat tle is regarded as the natural and proper outcome of the strong representations made by Minister Runyon. The negoti ations had reached a point where each government was content to rest its case upon the questions of fact; first, wheth er or not there were genuine cases of Texas fever among the cattle imported into Germany from the United States, and second, whether or not the disease can he communicated to German cattle. If, an stated in the dispatch, the Ger mans have so far receded from their first position, justifying the absolute exclu sion of American cattle without reason able proof upon these important points, then the State Department officials feel that our cattle shippers have little to fear, and that the German government has assumed a very liberal attitude, and one which is likely to speedily result in the removal of the embargo. FROM THE FAR EAST. News of the Two War Powers Brought by Steamer. Sax Fraxcisco, November 9. — The steamer Belgic brought news from the Orient under date of Tokio, October 20, .'-- .--_■ a* fohows: _ :■,,' Hie Corean peninsula has now been cleared of Chinese troops from end to end. "•Tea was one of the last vestiges o; the middle kingdom's medieval maj esty; one of the last of the little border States that acted as buffers between the big Empire and the " outer barbarians;" independent toward all the alien world, dependent toward the Celestial Empire a!'»ne. That was the anomalous status ot these buffers. One after another they have been shaken free by the impact of western agression. Burmah, Siam, Tonquin, Annam, the Pamir region—all nave fallen away, leaving the flanks of the middle kingdom exposed to the kicks ot the profane Occident. Corea alone re gained. To her relations with Corea tlnna could not choose but import some element of realism, for beyond the bor ders of the insula Russia stood always ready to advance. Therefore the Peking statesman openly called Corea a de pendency, and Europe believed that they had both the will and the ability to Protect it. But two battles have sufficed to drive the last of the bannermen across the \ alu river and to place a Japanese army on the borders of Manchuria.-Ja pan by a very striking object lesson has uemonstrated the justice of her con ten- j t'on'that, so far as concerned Chinese tutelage, Corea's security against for eign invasion was a myth. '"'". : y Jina. is a port distant five miles from "uoshinia, a town on the inland sea, | tore the Emperor of Japan as com-'j man.l.r-in-chief of the military and na- ] yai forces has established his headquar- , jers. Hiroshima was chosen for the! ptrpose because it is the most southerly P«mt to which the main trunk railway 01 Japan has been pushed. Troops 'and stores from every part of the Empire reach ,t by rail. The harbor of Ujina is of accommodating fifty or sixty 'ar_ e steamers, and between Ujina and ■rosiuma a military railway has ; been omit. October 18 the last steamer of a dotilla of Japanese transports out of Ujina. They carried . a v' r Ps d'armee aggregating 22,000 ' com -tants with all their equipment, ambu fi 1-n' military train, artillery, etc. The i^iua. heading to the northwest, steered 0r die entrance of the Pc Chi Li Gulf 1' ,a,' '- simultaneously Port Arthur {J''! *« Hai Wei. Port Arthur and Wei hrrl A are China's only fortified har *s m the northern part of her Empire. GS^S works of defense were planned by T ' ' 7 a5 engineers, and they joy the ffi t!on of being impregnable. V Port \y^; has docks capable of receiving denat° n< ' and is an important naval VvJi? • i The Japanese troops will attack £ ''aces from the land side, and it S!L '« predicted that " they will take L; ™', In that case the Gulf of Pc Chi _w_,J? therefore the maritime ap ~*£lkp__ iU •» — +m (SUff f If THE ASTORIA RAILROAD. Stanton and His Associates Will Ask fo» ::";. More Time. :^x.ST:; Astoria, November 9.— C. Stanton and his associates will to-morrow sub mit a proposition to the railway subsidy committee asking for a thirty-day option on the subsidy in order to place them in a position to close a deal with Eastern capitalists for the construction of the proposed railroad between this city and transcontinental connection. Among the property owners who form the com mittee of twenty-one there is a diversity of opinion as to* the advisability of giv | ing any one an option on the "subsidy, ; for the reason that the property will under the terms of the deeds return to subscribers January 1, 1895, if in the meantime the trustees fail to execute a contract with reliable persons for the construction of the road. It was de cided some months ago that no option should be given, but that the first per son who showed the ability to build the road should have the contract. Some of the friends of Campbell, the Chicago contractor, profess the utmost faith in his ultimate success, and assert that his arrangements to sign a contract are practically settled. - There are others still who favor waiting until the arrival of Judge Brown of New York, who is understood to be on his way here. All things considered, it is difficult to de termine what action will be taken, but, if Mr. Stanton can thoroughly convince the committee of his ability to close a deal, he may succeed in his endeavors to secure the desired option. :■_, THE LOST WAIRARAPA. An Inquiry Into the Causes That Led to Her Wreck. Auckland, N. Z., November 9.—ln the inquiry into the loss of the steamer Wairarapa, in which Chief Officer Moies testified that in spite of the captain, who was never drunk, insisting on going at full speed, he was confident that the ship's course was correct. The captain, he said, refused to allow the foghorn to to be sounded lest the passengers should become alarmed, and the lead was not used. The witness admitted that he had left the ship before the passengers, and that he had allowed the steward to haul him into the rigging while a woman and her child, partially submerged, struggled for life near by. Third Officer Johnson corroborated the chief officer's testimony regarding the speed of the ship and the captain's refusal to sound the foghorn. THE POST-MORTEM. Stomach of the Czar Was Intact, Thus Disproving the Poison Story. Berlin, November 9.1n an interview with a Lokal Anzeiger reporter aboard the Lember-Berlin express Prof. Leyden said regarding the late Czar's illness: % " The post-mortem examination estab lished the accuracy of our diagnosis, chronic nephritis, with commencing atrophy of the left lung. The stomach was intact. The stories ascribing the Czar's illness to poisoning are absolute fiction. I do not consider that Prof. Sarcharjin is in any way to blame for the result. The Czar was perfectly cognizant of his true state, but he was a fatalist and gave up too early. He performed his duties as ruler to the last moment. He died like a hero. The Czarina is prostrated, but she is in no danger and will soon recover." lord Salisbury's Tribute. London, November 9.—Lord Salisbury paid a tribute to the late Czar in a speech on municipal politics in London this evening. He embraced the first oppor tunity, he said, to express the grief of himself and of his political associates at the loss of Alexander 111. His experi ence in the British foreign office had convinced him that all nations were deeply indebted to the late Czar for the peace which his self-restraint and high Christain character had secured. * Men with lower motives might have frequent ly yielded to the irritation and terrible trials which Alexander had always re sisted. S*[-i: __________ --.-" Captain Dreyfus' Confession. .London, November 9. — The Post's Paris correspondent says that Captain Albert Dreyfus, who was charged with high treason in having sold French mili tary plans to Italian agents, had con fessed his guilt. He betrayed for money the names of the French spies: abroad, and also sold plans describing the posi tions of the artillery of the Fourteenth Army Corps in the event of war with j Italy. His treachery was prompted by a desire to recoup gambling losses. They tost Their Nerve./.;. Hvannis, . Neb., November 9. — The Burlington passenger train No. 41 was held up about one mile east of here at 5 o'clock this morning by two men who boarded the train at Whitman, covered the engineer with Winchesters and,told him to stop the train . when ordered. When the train was stopped the men got off and ran, taking ,nothing with them. ;It is supposed the bandits lost their nerve at the last moment. Symptoms of Cholera. r ~ /•■>£ ■ Berlin, November One hundred and seventy soldiers of the Fifty-eighth Infantry stationed; at Glogau, Prussian Silesia, are ill "with symptoms of cholera. The Michaelis barracks have been closed on account of the outbreak. Professor Finesse, the bacteriologist, has been sent to determine the exact nature -of the disease. Several cases of illness of a choleretic nature have been reported. at Jaetshau. "'-'■'■- >- •-'■-■";:., ':-: The German Cabinets-. Berlin, November 9.-Prince Hohen lohe presided at the Prussian Cabinet meeting to-day, Freiherr yon Wilamos itz Governor of Posen, having declined to'sucked Herr yon Heiden Cadow as Minister of Agriculture. A hitch also has occurred m; regard to , Dr. -h-ocn s succession to Dr. yon Schilling ;as Min ister of Justice. - y ,? : v -•" Germany Acknowledged Hawaii. Berlin, November 9. - Germany Emperor William replying to Prudent Dole's official notifications, has atoo^e^e^pub-ie of Hawaii. An Italian: Deputy,• Banisnea. - - Rom*, November 9.-Deputy Pram r_Mini who was connected with the dis solved SoSalist League, has been ban ned from Italy for three months. FRIDAY HARBOR, san JUAN CO.. WASH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER is, 1894. VERY PECULIAR CASE. With All Her Faults He Loves Her Still. SHE POISONED HER HUSBAND. Her Infatuated Spouse Refuses to Be "' lieve the Evidences of His Own Senses, Although She Has Made a Full Con fession of Her Hellish Crime. San Bernardino, Cal., November B.— Mrs. S. W. Barnes, who with her par amour, Tom Slater, was arrested for at tempting to rid herself of her husband by slow poisoning with arsenic and strychnine, passed the night in the county jail. Her injured husband, who is almost helpless from the effects of the poison and has become a mental as well as a physical wreck in consequence, was at the jail early this morning, and was allowed to take his murderous wife home for a short time. Letters found show that Slater and Mrs. Barnes had planned to elope to Honolulu, and had their ar rest been delayed twenty-four hours one at least would have been out of reach. In a trunk in Slater's room was found a large amount of the woman's clothing, taken there in preparation for elope ment. The reason for the poisoning was that Barnes had considerable property and had made a will in his wife's favor. Slater roomed at the residence of Mrs. F. Gill of the Woman's Christian Temper ance Union, where the assignations of the parties were made, and it was in his room the principal evidence of guilt was obtained. The husband is infatuated with his wife and refuses to believe the evidences of his own senses, although she made a full confession this afternoon, stating that she was under the influence of Tom Slater, who not only held her in his power, but placed a revolver to her head, compelling her to give the poison to her husband. She admits everything as charged, making it impossible for Slater to make any defense. It is thought he will plead guilty on the preliminary ex amination and not stand trial. '"^v- Her husband wants to go on the wom an's bond, which has been fixed at $5,000, and to shield her from the con sequences of her crime. Barnes is an Odd Fellow and a member of the Junior Order of American Mechanics.. It is the membeis of these orders who are caring for him and had taken steps to detect and stop the terrible crime. The woman was about to desert two interesting chil dren as well as an injured husband. In their possession was found the following letter written by her 12-year-old daugh ter, Violet: ■>?_:v; .'. / ■'..,. - Please, Tom, I wish that you would mind your own business and leave my mamma alone." FEASTING THE- INDIANS. Traders Figuring Upon Securing Most of the Money to be Paid Them. Sioux City, la., November 8. —With- in the next two weeks the 1,500 Indians of the Yankton tribe in South Dakota will receive nearly $200,000 in part pay ment for lands they have sold the gov ernment. They will in the next three years be paid over $500,000, The busi ness men of Armour appreciating the fact that the Indian trade is very valua ble are entertaining them in elaborate style. They invited them to the town, which is the only one at which they trade, gave them a reception at the fair grounds and then a series of barbecues. They are, in short, holding a grand cele bration of a week's duration. The In dians have been presented with an ample supply of provisions and are camped all around the town. They are more numer ous than the inhabitants. All the scouts of the tribe have already received $200 each, and are spending it freely. The Indians are making extensive purchases, and, it is said, have already become in debted for the greater part of the money they will receive at the first payment. They are drinking a good deal of fire water, but thus far no serious affrays have occurred. Owners Could Not Agree. Chicago, November The Southern Hotel at Wabash avenue and Twenty second streets is divided against itself. A plain board partition through the cen ter of the rotunda separates the two parts, and all the boarders are on one side of the partition. The division is a disagreement between the owners of the property and Dr. W. Clark, . the man ager. The southern half of the building is owned by A. & A. E. Wells, and the other half by the Jennings estate. ~ Dr. Clark had a dispute with the Wells peo- Ele regarding the payment iof rent : and c was ordered to vacate. He switched the guests into the other half and built the partition. Under the -• present ar rangement all the stores in the southern end of the building are shut off from the hotel. The Wells Bros, say they will build a new entrance from Twenty-sec ond street and run their half of the house in competition with Dr. Clark's half. - - .-. * He Finished the lecture. Cleveland, November 8.---There ; ; has been trouble for weeks in the Cleveland University , of 3 Medicine - and Surgery over the appointment of Prof. Henry L. Payne, city food inspector, as lecturer in chemistry. The students have demand ed of the faculty that *he be dismissed and another § appointed. ; When ';. Prof. Payne began his ilecture Saturday the students set up _ the . college } yell. The professor waited till they were * through, and startedi again. Again the yell drowned his voice. V* For a half hour this was continued. Every one of the f sev enty-five students threw text \ books iat the ; profesßor.*~> The - latter^ finished his lecture amid the most 1 riotous ; demon stration.' >;-'_-•; -'.':''>:. Extensive Flour Mills Destroyed.^ '-/ Kansas City, November B.—The Rex flour mills"were^^ totally destroyed by fire to-night ■;The mills were erected at I a cost /of: $300,000, ', and were; among the ' largest *] flour exporters /in n the - West. Their 1 home "i market was extensive, and the product of the mills was well known in Europe. . FIRE CHIEF'S DEED. A Woman Bravely Saved From Being Burned to Heath. Windsor, Ont., November B.When fire broke out in Mrs. Jane Green's house yesterday she ran into the street, but a little later remembered that she had left some money and papers on the second floor and rushed back for them. The building, which was of wood, was then all ablaze, and she was in immi nent danger of death. George Chene, a chief of the Windsor fire department, snatched a shawl from a woman stand ing near, and bolted in at the front door and upstairs. A few seconds later the roof fell, and the cry went up that the chief was inside. A score of firemen with axes, picks and hooks started for the door, but just as they did so the sec ond floor came down with a crash, and the chief with the woman in his arms rolled over and out of the door. He was blinded and blackened by smoke and the woman was insensible. She was revived, however, and is recovering. The chief's hair was singed off, his face blistered and the coat burned from his back. The money and papers were found unharmed in what was left of the building. LUCKY HEIRS. Two Near Neighbors in New York Come in for Large Sums. Newberg, N. V., November 8. —A few months ago Mrs. Henry C. Adams of 34 Bay View Terrace, Washington Heights, inherited from the late Mr. Cornell of Poughkeepsie, her uncle, $250,000 or more. Now Mrs. Frances Roselle re ceives about the same amount from an uncle of the same name, the late Thomas W. Cornell of Cleveland, 0., who was in the oil business there with ex-Senator Henry B. Payne. Mrs. Roselle is a near neighbor of Mrs. Adams. The eccentric Poughkeepsie Cornell left about one and a half millions, and Thomas W. Cornell of Cleveland, who was a bachelor, leaves about two millions. They are in no way related to each other. Mrs. Roselle is the wife of Charles Roselle, who not long ago was a street-car driver. She is a daughter of the late Egbert W. Cornell, who died here a few months ago and was a brother of the Cleveland Cornell. A sister of Mrs. Roselle, Phoebe Cornell of Albany, receives a like amount. Another heir living in New York and one in Duchess county come in for a large amount of the estate. DEAD CZAR'S BODY. He Will Lie in State at Moscow and St. Petersburg. Livadia, November B.—lt is officially stated that the body of the late Czar, after lying in state in the church palace here, will be taken to Yalta and from there conveyed to Sebastopol on the Rus sian cruiser Pamy to Merkoovia. On the funeral train to Moscow the escort will include Czar Nicholas, the Czarina, Czarowitz Grand Duke George, Princess Alix and other members of the imperial family, Prince and Princess of Wales, and members of foreign royal families related to the imperial family of Russia. At Moscow the body of Alexander 111. will lie in state several days at Arch angel Cathedral and in St. Petersburg in the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. At towns where the funeral train stops on its way to Moscow and St. Petersburg dinners for the poor will be provided at the expense of the Czar, and at eacl stopping place a requiem mass will -b celebrated. Shaken by a Judge. Spokane, Wash., November B.Judge J. Z. Moore gave Attorney J. J. Fitzger ald a vigorous shaking this afternoon, and the latter is laid up for repairs. The affair occurred in front of the Hyde block. Fitzgerald was under the influ ence of liquor, and persisted in following the Judge, making insinuating remarks to him. The Judge warned him to stop, but he turned forward in a threatening manner. Moore then grasped him by the coat lapel and shook him vigorously. Fitzgerald fell to the sidewalk, and in the fall his cheek was cut and his eye blackened. •'_,'■ -' Great Britain and France. Paris, November B.Le Matin to-day publishes an article by Sir Charles Dilke on the relations between Great Britain and France, in which the writer asserts that the difficulty existing between the two nations with regard to Newfound land faces England rather than France. Sir Charles expresses regret over the warlike attitude assumed by the French government/ toward Madagascar. He believes France could obtain all she was entitled to under pacific means. Ratifications Exchanged. Washington, November B.—Secretary Gresham and Senor Romero, the latter representing the government of Ecuador, to-day exchanged ; ratifications of the Mahoney-Vasquez'; treaty submitting to the arbitration of British Minister resi dent at Quito the claim of Julio R. San tos, an American citizen; for - damages sustained by his alleged illegal imprison ment and confiscation of his property by the government of Ecuador about fifteen To Prevent Unlawful Entry. Washington, November B.—Secretary Carlisle has instructed the Collector of Customs at Port Townsend that the cer tificates of registration issued to Chinese should be taken ?up 'by/ the 5 Collector when such Chinese-leave this country. This is necessary to prevent the certifi cates from being turned over the Chi nese unlawfully entering the United States. / " - '■ ;■':' .*■ In the Society Islands. Sydney, N. S. W., November The natives of Raaitean, one ; of the Society Islands, I'have persistently opposed the French since the occupation of the group. The f situation! has 3 become /serious/ and the Governor has applied 4 to France t for five war ships and 3,000 men to subdue the rebels. The Raaiteans are ~well armed and determined. Riot In Austria. .. Vienna, November B.—The inhabit ants of Houzt resisted yesterday the en forcement of the order that cholera vic tims be buried in 1 a! separate } cemetery. In the subsequent riot "< the gendarmes fired I into _ the mob, : killing g four and weeing "t twenty, more. Many rioters were arrested. _ ... IS ANXIOUS TO El China Again Willing to Sue for Peace. ROSEBERY'S POLICY CONDEMNED The Chinese Government; Would Like the Powers to Intervene on the Basis „ of the Independence of Corea as a . War Indemnity. .-. London, November 7.The Central News says: There is reason to believe that China has resolved to formally ask the powers which have immediate com mercial interests at stake to stop the war. The Chinese Minister is said to have transmitted the request to the for eign office in London this afternoon. This evening he started for Paris to seek interviews with M. Hanotaux, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, and President Casimir-Perier. The Daily News has information that China is su ing for peace in fact, has instructed her envoys in Europe to submit to the powers the terms which she is willing to offer. It is a formal renewal or repeti tion on a larger scale of overtures made to the British government a month ago. The News expresses again its approval of Lord Rosebery's effort for joint inter ference, and speaks regretfully of the reluctance of the powers to see the mat ter in the same light, and adds: "No European government can desire to see the disastrous conflict prolonged. Even the United States despite the Mon roe doctrine must be anxious for the regularity and security of their trade with Japan. Sooner or latter, and bet ter sooner than latter, there must be an international settlement. It will be dif ficult to contend that interference will be premature now." The Graphic has this despatch from Rome: According to a telegram . from Peking China is disposed to conclude peace upon the basis of acknowledgment of the independence of Corea and the payment of an indemnity to be fixed by the powers, and those powers willing to support this arrangement are requested to intervene. rosebery's policy condemned. Berlin, November 7. —The KruezZeit ung's correspondent in London has had an interview with Sir Halliday Macart ney, counselor of the Chinese legation. Sir Halliday vigorously attacked Lord Rosebery's policy toward the combatants as weak and vacillating, and added: " When Japan demanded reforms in Corea Lord Rosebery should have pre vented further complication by demon strating to her that it would be impos sible to comply with such a preposterous proposal. He ought to have intimated that, if there should be war ■ between China and Japan, Great Britain would not remain neutral. When the Kow Shing was sunk by Japanese men-of war he let another opportunity slip, al lowing the British flag ship to be in sulted with impunity. The Eastern peo ple are not likely to forget how the flag may be treated. But Lord Rosebery's sudden attempt to interfere was mon remarkable than his previous let-alom policy. It was not solicited nor ever countenanced by the combatants, and was utterly unwarranted. It was un precedented in the annals of British di plomacy. England will have to pay th< Eiper eventually. China will reimburse erself for the cost of the war by impos ing duties on foreign goods when they reach the barrier stations of the interior. Obviously these duties will fall most heavily on British trade." - THE SALE WAS VALID. The Last Maybe of the Haytian Repub- lie Case. Portland, November 7.—Judge Bel linger rendered a decision yesterday in the United States District Court in the case of Price & Wheeler, who sought to obtain possession of the steamer Hay tian Republic on the grounds that they were the best and highest bidders at the sale, and charging that there had been collusion and conspiracy between the United States Marshal and Sutton & Beebe, through which the vessel was awarded to the latter. It will be remem bered that Price & Wheeler bid $16,050, which was $50 more than the bid of Sut ton & Beebe, but they only had $10,000 ready to pay on the purchase. The court held that the sale was ad vertised for cash at an upset price of $15,000, and, therefore, any intending bidder . should have prepared himself with at least that amount of money or its. ■ equivalent. Under the circum stances, therefore, plaintiffs were not de ceived and could not claim that the Mar shal had misled them in any respect. It did not appear that the Marshal | had subjected the petitioners to inconven ience in the payment required not neces sarily incident \to any sale, and which they could not provide against and to which all other bidders were not equally subject. It - did: not appear that the Marshal had acted unfairly to .them in any way. The fact that he was at first willing to waive cash payment as to $6,050 of the purchase, but subsequently, and while the situation of the petition ers remained . the \ same, receded from that position, as he might probably do, was evidence of this. "c The exceptions to the petitions were allowed. § Mr. Mallory, counsel for the petition ers, gave notice of his intention to ap peal. ■".'u/' » The decision of the court was very gratifying to Messrs. Sutton & Beebe, as it exonerates them and Marshal » Grady from what they regard as the unjustifia ble charge of collusion. Rubber Boots Are Contraband. San Feancisco, • November 7.—After inspecting the various brands _in the market Nuchia Fuago, purchasing agent of' marine supplies "for: Japan's navy, purchased and paid i for/ to * the Woon socket- Rubber Company at San Fran cisco eighty-four cases of ; Kant snag hip boots i and * 126 ! cases of Rhode Island short boots. Desiring to clear the ship ment at the custom-house,'-the> Collector decided the shipment contraband. Mr. Fuago's/only remedy was adopted ; the boots were shipped by some one ( else to a private concern at Yokohama, and thus the fighting Japs will eventually wear boots manufactured. by the Woonsocket Rubber Company. THE INDIAN ~ TERRITORY. Absolute Terror Reigns Among the Law- Abiding Classes. Guthrie, O. T., November Not » tenth of the outrages committed recent ly in the Indian Territory has been the work of the Cooks, but the Cooks are primarily responsible for I most of the lawlessness that now prevails. Their success in eluding capture inspired others to emulate them, and under the reign of terror which they instituted crime was more easy of commission and more diffi cult of detection than under ordinary conditions. There are to-day possibly a dozen gangs modeled after that of the Cook boys; but when the Cooks are cap tured the others will possibly disband and return to their homes, if they have any. E. A. Peck, General Superintend ent of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern railway, recently spent ten days in the Territory, and will make an other trip there to-morrow.. Iron Mount ain trains have been held up with rather unpleasant frequency of late, and - the company is making an energetic and de termined effort to put a stop to such pro- I ceedings. It was in reference to the i company's methods that Mr. Peck was j questioned yesterday. He said: "It I would hardly be wise to make our plans I public, for their success depends largely ! upon secrecy. lam confident, however, i that we will get our men within a short i time. I may say in a general way that , our campaign is in the nature of a ' still i hunt.' We find certain places to which , for one reason or another the men must , go, and then we ' lay for 'em.' We work (independently of the authorities, al l though we are glad to assist them in any I way possible, and rely upon our own I men and our own plans. There are rea- I sons for this which it would not do to i mention just now." Among the law- I abiding classes absolute terror reigns. I Persons are afraid to travel and afraid ,to stay at home. They do not know at i what hour they may be attacked and I robbed—murdered if they try to defend I themselves. Living in a sparsely settled J country, no neighbors within call, no , single household can make any show of resistance against a band of well-armed and reckless men, and experience has shown that an appeal to the authorities not only fails to accomplish any good, but almost invariably angers the gang to such an extent that a second and more murderous attack is made." -v"»y* LEGAL BUT BRUTAL. The Shot Failed to Kill, and the Mur derer Was Smothered. South McAlester, I. T M November 7. —Solon Lewis, the condemned Choctaw murderer, was shot at Wilburton at 10 o'clock this morning by Sheriff Pursley. The bullet from the Sheriff's Winchester missed the condemned man's heart, passing through his body an inch above the nipple, and he had to be strangled to end his sufferings. Sheriff Pursley anticipated trouble, having just before the execution received a letter from Lewis' friends threatening vengeance. He had over 100 armed deputies on the scene. Arrived at the place of execution, the condemned man offered prayer, and followed the prayer by a short talk. He then pulled off his coat, vest and boots, and the Sheriff painted a cross just above his left nipple. Lewis then sat down and was blindfolded. While two men held his hands the Sheriff retraced his steps five feet and fired. The bullet went clear through the murderer's body, but missed its mark, and Lewis, throw ing back his head, sank groaning to the ground, the blood spurting from the wound. To end the horrible work the Sheriff was finally compelled to take hold of the man's nose and smother him to death. He lived thirty minutes after being shot. Twenty-six other Indians are under indictment for the same mur der for which Lewis was executed. When they come to trial trouble is an ticipated, as their sympathizers are aroused. Lewis was 54 years old. , THE CATTLE EMBARGO. An Effort Made to Have It Repealed Has Failed. London, November 7.— dispatch \to the Times from Berlin says: The Agra rian League has presented a memorial ! to Chancellor yon Hohenlohe requesting 1 him to exclude all American cattle ' shipped to Germany after October 28. i The memorial demands that the cattle J be returned to the United States and ' after unloading the ships that brought ! them to Germany be quarantined. The 1 object of the memorial is to brand ex -1 Chancellor yon Caprivi's decree as de- I fective and so avoid being compelled to ' acknowledge that Yon Caprivi had the welfare of the agrarians at heart. 1 Though the efforts of American Ambas -1 sador Runyon to obtain a repeal of the ! measure forbidding importation of I American cattle have failed, further at tempts will be made to arrive at an un derstanding with the government on the matter. ___________ SELLING LIQUOR TO INDIANS. The Government Now Finding This a Difficult Matter to Stop. Washington, November 7.The In dian office is finding it a difficult matter to prevent the sale of liquor to Indians. The most difficult problem.that has been presented is a recent court decision, in which it 4 is declared that Indians who have taken their lands in severalty are citizens of the United States, and that it is no longer contrary to law to sell them liquor."-"-Two or three decisions have al ready been made to that effect, and the notice of Judge Edgerton of South Da kota to the United States grand jury to present no more indictments against persons selling liquor to Indians on al lotted lands looks as if the courts were going to take the view of \ the case that no restrictions should be placed on In dian citizens. ______ Opposition to Pullman. „■■,/.; Hiawatha, Kan., November 7.—The first installment of workmen of the Pull man Company' Operative Club reached here from Chicago; to-day. Thirty-five families and 115 people were m toe parly. Fifteen thousand dollars has been sub scribed by the citizens iof i Hiawatha to start -the/ enterprise, and' ground for ■hops will be broken at once. The club _KSanied by Mr. Van Assache, a retired manufacturer of Chicago and a man of large fortune, who will take charge of the works. £ He is not a mem ber of i the club, but believes * the co operative plan is feasible, and will work free of charge until the works are on a paying basis / PRICE, 5 CENTS. THE INCOME TAX LAW Preliminary Work to Carry ing It Into Effect. I CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS. Mr. Pugh Occupied Since His Appoint ment in Examining and < Preparing m Digest of Court «Decision and De partment Rulings. Washington, November 6.—The work preliminary to carrying into effect the new income-tax law is going forward as rapidly as its nature will permit under the direction of W. A. Pugh, who in Oc tober last was appointed Superintendent of the Income Tax. A number of com plicated and interesting questions have arisen under former laws* and anticipat ing that questions will arise in the fut ure of equal importance, it is essential for their solution to understand what has been the former legislation of Con gress, the decisions of courts and rulings of the department on the subject of the income tax. With this end in view Mr. Pugh has been occupied since his ap pointment in examining and. preparing a digest of the court decisions and the department rulings under their respect ive headings. He has also compared all the former laws upon the income tax, arranged so that all the provisions here tofore made upon the same subject shall appear properly grouped, and any one at a glance can see the various changes and modifications that have taken place. There have been several acts upon the subject of the income tax. The first was passed August 5, 1861. Under this act, however, nothing was done. The act failed to provide many provisions con tained in the subsequent legislation both as to the subjects of taxation and the methods of collection. The second act was passed July 14,1862; the third act June 30, 1864; the fourth March 3, 1865, and the fifth act March 2, 1867. Under the first act $800 was the amount reserved from taxation, and the rate of taxation was 5 per cent on all sums over that amount. Under the act of July 14, 1862, the amount reserved from taxation was as follows : If the income exceeded $600 and did not exceed $10,000, a duty of 3 per cent on the amount over $600; if said income exceeded the sum of $10,000, a duty of 5 per cent upon the amount exceeding Under the third act $600 was exempted and the duty was 5 per cent on the ex cess. Under the fourth and . fifth acts $1,000 was free from taxation, and the amount of tax was 5 per cent on the amount in excess of that sum. - ' WHEELS IN THE ARMY. Experiments Made Abroad With the Bicycle Unsatisfactory. WASHiNGTON,November 6.The bright hopes that have been entertained by the military men that the bicycle might be an effective adjunct in war time have been dashed by the exhaustive trials made in Germany, France and Austria of the bicycle corps. United States Con sul Stephens at Annaberg has transmit ted to the State Department an article from the military correspondent upon the result of the trials made in Germany, which, he says, correspond to those ob tained in France and Austria. He writes: '■:■" We have it on trustworthy authority that the results of the trials which the various army corps have made with the cyclists by no means came up to the ex pectations which were formed. The cy clists have been tested in every possible way, and although it is not forgotten that the cycle is capable of further de velopment and the cyclist of still better training, still this will have little influence on the general result. For military purposes, too, a distinction must always be made between the achievement of professional and ama teur cracks and the work that can be done by the average soldier." The correspondent details one or two cases wherein the cyclists were of serv ice as mounted postmen, but says that where the roads were bad they were of no use at all and certainly can never re place the mounted orderly. NUT GRASS OR COCOA. It Is Proving the Russian Thistle of the South.' Washington, November 6.—-The nut grass or cocoa is proving to be almost as much of an infliction in the South as is the Russian thistle to the Northwest. For that reason the Agricultural Depart ment will soon issue a special bulletin urging a general campaign * against this \ grass before it gets too firm a hold. This plant is not a grass, as its common name and its appearance indicate, but a sedge. It has many local names in the different regions in which it has been introduced. The species is of subtropical origin, and is said to have reached the United States at New Orleans among \ garden ' plants \ brought from Cuba. It now extends •' from Texas to Southern Illinois and the coast to Florida and New Jersey, being; ' more abundant in the sandy hills. The. plan of campaign to extirpate nut grass is: simply to prevent it maturing \ seed above ground. | Nearly everybody thinks the ' nuisance reproduces itself ;from the nut alone, whereas it propagates a thou sand times more from the! seed. Hence to effectually and quickly destroy nut . grass on any land 5 infested with it the : soil should be frequently stirred during the growing period of summer, so as to stimulate each nut tuber and seed to . sprout. The best time for fighting it is between '■ midsummer and frost \ time. The i secret of success %is /merely, in the cut of; every tall stem while in the flow ing state at 1 the : latest," and. the I sooner i the better. _______ .-: Spain's New Cabinet. _.. Madbid, November 6.—Premier Sa-; gasta, who resigned in company with all his colleagues several days i ago, has re-; constructed the Cabinet ■'■"- The Ministers are: Premier, Sagasta; Justice. Maura; Public Works, R. ; Cahdepon; j Colonies, Lopes Puigcerver; Foreign Affairs, Gro :izard; War, General Dominguez;^Fk| * nance, Gainaso; Marine/Admiral; Pas-. : uin. All took the oath of office before Queen Regent Christina to-day.