Newspaper Page Text
The Islandp;r Entered at the postofllce in Friday Harbor m second class mail matter. SI BSCKIPTION TKICK, |1.50 per year strictly in advance AI>VKKTISIN<; KATKS : Display 1 standing ads, 36 cents per inch, per week, single c< lumn measurement. Reading business locals, 20 cents per ! me per week. Notices, such as Wanted, For Sale, etc, 10 cents per line for first insertion and 10 cents p.T Line each week thereafter. Legal notices, at customary legal rat< a. All communications to Thk Im-andkr must lie signed with the name of the writer, not necessarily for publication, but asa guarantee of good faith. The Official Paper of San Juan County. A. J. PAXSON, Editor and Prop. THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1896. Thk populists now have almost nil of the city offices in Tacoma. In the recent municipal elections in Colorado, the republicans gained visibly. We are informed that the San Juan Republican has discontinued. The sheet was not a business ven ture, and there was no necessity for its being started. San Juan county will support but one paper and the paper which has the respect and patronage of the public is bound to be that paper. There was a tremendous meeting at Armory Hall, Seattle, on the night of Marah 28th. The object of the meeting was to help raise the subsidy for the South canal. Over 8180.000 of the proposed 8500,000 raised. The St. Louis company proposes to erect the canal, with the proper locks, bulkheads, and brid ges, at a cost of from six to eight million dollars—the canal to be completed within six years. It looks as though the canal is to be built at last. The expendi ture of a million dollars per year in Seattle, during the next six years would benefit every person in Washington. STEAMER BUCKEYE CAPSIZED. Her Cargo Shifted Dirin? the Storm Tuesday Afternoon. All the Passcngfrs K«s< u<<! Hut One, H. Iv.i ill/in vi of Ana<ort»\s. Fairbavea, April 2. —Special.— The mail steamer Buckeye, on the route between Whatcom and Friday Harbor, by way of Anacortes, was swamped in a heavy sea shortly before 4 o'clock this afternoon, two miles off Chnckannt. She had six passengers aboard, beside her crew of live, all of whom but one, Mr. H. Kautzman, of Anacortes, have been ■saved. The steamer carried one skiff, one lifeboat and a raft. When the steamer listed and filled an attempt was made to launch the skiff, but she swamped. Then the lifeboat was lowered and the captain, Oscar Hahn, and Engi neer Snyder, the cook, Mrs. Kautz man, a passenger, Will D. Jenkins, editor of the Champion, and Tony Vogt, pulled ashore, landing at Chuckanut. The remaining four, the mate, Capt Bowden, Mr. Asher, Mr. Benuet, and Mr. Kautzman, tried to reach the shore on the life raft. Kautzman was soon washed off and drowned and the other three -were brought to this city by the tug Boydeu about 11 o'clock to night, having been picked up at 7 o'clock about two miles off shore. The}- had been about three hours in the water. The house of the steamer had been washed off and a portion of the upper works were seen by those aboard the tug tonight. They pulled the stem out of her trying to pull her ashore. She was heavily loaded forward with cattle, beef and hay, and the loss of the steamer was said to be due to the shifting of the cargo. She was owned by A. Newhall, of Xewhall. Later —The steamer was towed to the Fairhaven dock late Tuesday night. Her hull is apparently un injured, and Mr. Newhall expects to have her on the route again in a few days. Mr. Kautzman cut himself on the glass while crawling through the cabin window and was so weak from loss of blood that he could not hold onto the raft. P. E. Peterson and tony Vogt, of: this island, shipped some livestock and grain on fee Buckeye Tuesday morning, all of which is a total Joss. The Brick will bring the Anacor tes mail sometime tomorrow. I Proceedings of the County Commissioner's. The Board of County Commissioners mot in regular April session, Monday, April Ist. Present; C. L. Carter, Win. Graham, and J. H. Nichols. C. L. Carter was elected chairman for the ensuing year. The following bills were audited and allowed in full and auditor ordered to draw warrants, on incidental fund, for the same: <). H. Smaby Miroceries for J. If. Red ding.) ?10.<X .1. A. Gould, . ..Li hook and map.. 0.90 St. John's Hospital (care of poor)-.. 85.88 J) P. Sullivan (care of poor) .'JG.OO S. J. T. Co (Blank Hooks) 4.50 A. 11. Sliter (freight and stamps).- 7.10 C. If. Tucker (stamps ink etc.) 17.00 Jaa. King (moving safe) 4.50 K. T. Vernon (election supplies)... 90 L. B. Carter (for sundries) 2<J.95 AFTERNOON SESSION. County Treasurer made his report for the quarter ending March Slat, IS!>5. Bill of C. H. Sutton, for one day's work in Road Dist. No. 0, San Juan, allowed forfSLSQ. W. W. Crosby two days work in Road Dist. No. <>, allowed*for $4. The following bills were audited and certificates of indebtedness ordered to be issued for the same. K. M. Wansbrough (examination of teachers) 512.00 C. If. Williams (ex. teachers) 17.00 Pioneer Bindery 1.50 Pioneer Bindery 19.85 Pioneer Bindery 17.18 Western Blank Book Co 21.00 Following bill of the Western Blank Book Co. was audited for $34.00 and al lowed in the sum of of $28.00 and a certili cate <>f indebtedness ordered to be issued for the same. Bill of C. M. Tucker, for copy of senate bills, allowed and a warrant ordered drawn, on Incidental Fund, for 84.50. Bill, of Newton Jones, sheriff, for ex penses for §>14.20, allowed and a warrant ordered drawn on Incidental Fund for same. The bill of Theo. L. Dyat, school Supt. for visiting schools was audited and al lowed for $50.51 and a warrant for §1.01 was ordered drawn on Incidental Fund, and a certificate of Indebtedness ordered drawn for :*4!>.50. Board adjourned to meet at 10, a. in., April 2d, 1895. FORENOON* SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Ordered, that by reason of an error hav ing been made in the levy of taxes, for State Military and State Interest Funds, for the years 189:5 and 1894; it is hereby ordered by the board of county commis sioners, that, the sum of §257.84 be trans ferred from the General County Fund to the State Funds and segregated as follows: To the State General Fund §252.47 To the State Military Fund 84.28 State Interest Fund $1.09 Ordered: In the matter of the petition to add Road Dist. No. 7, Orcas, to Road Dist. No. 4, Orcas, it is hereby ordered that the petition be granted and Road Dist. No. 7 be abandoned. Ordered, that, the contract with St. John's Hospital be renewed at sixty cents per day for board and lodging, for all per sons who may be dependant on the county Ordered, that, the resignation of M. F. Harrison, as constable, of Orcas Paecinct No. 3, be accepted. Ordered, that the bill of the Islander for printing be audited and allowed for $17.50 and a certificate of indebtedness be issued for the same. The bill of the trustees of the Presby terian Cemetery was laid over to the July term. AFTEKNOON SESSION Ordered, that the report of Isaac Sand with, as road overseer in Road Dist. No. 3, San Juan, be approved, and a warrant ordered drawn on funds of said district for §3.50 in payment for work performed. Report of A. Dudley, as road supervisor in Dist. No. 2, Orcas, approved and a war rant drawn on the funds of said district for §13.75. Report of Hiram Blowers, road super visor in Dist. No. 1, Lopez, approved and a warrant drawn on funds of said district for $27.50. Ordered, that Geo. Sutherland, of East Sound be oppoiuted constable of East Sound presinct. Ordered that S. D. Robertson, of Olga precinct be appointed constable of Olga precinct. Ordered that Chas. Sweeney, of Rich ardson, be and he is hereby appointed a constable in and for Richardson precinct. Ordered that Wallace Bolton, of Lopez, be and he is hereby appointed a constable in and for Lopez precinct. Ordered that Geo. Dightman, of Friday Harbor, be and he is hereby appointed a constable for Friday Harbor precinct. James L. Farnsworth was granted the privilege of erecting a wharf at the foot of Sring street, to be used as a public wharf, subject to the conditions that said wharf be erected within six months, and run out as far as the present corner of Joe Sweeney's wharf, and that the face or front of the said wharf shall be at right angeles with Sring street, and to be mantained and repaired by the said J. L. Farusworth for the term of ten years. Ordered that John and Wm. Douglas be granted a license to retail liquor in the St. Charles hotel upon their paying into the county treasury the sum of $300, and filing a good and sufficient bond, conditioned that they will keep an orderly house, and not sell liquor to minors. Board adjourned until 8 p. m. Apr. 3. KVEXING SESSION Board met pursuant to adjournment. Ordered that $405 of the Road and Bridge Fund be apportioned to Commissioners' Districts as follows: No. 1, $135; No 2 $135; No. 3, $135. Ordered that L. B. Carter furnish goods to Mrs. Balch to the amount often dollars and present bill at July term. Ordered that report of William Boyce, | road overseer in District No. 2, San Juan, j be approved, and a warrant drawn on the I funds of said district for $5.00. 1 Ordered that on account of an error in the last report of Jas. B. Fry, road over seer in District No. 5 Orcas, a warrant for $8.50 be drawn in his favor on the funds of the said district. Expense account of Commissioners for • present term was audited and allowed, a* follows: J. H. Nicho's, 2£ d;iys and milage, Wm. (Jraham " " " 14.80 C. L. Carter " " " 12.50 In the matter of the petition for the va cation of certain portions of the plat of certain portions of Luelarali, an addition to Port Stanley, the Board hereby ordi rs the vacation of the following described lots, blocks, streets and avenues, as asked for in said petition: Lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in block V; Lots Nos. 1, 2, '-i and 4, block V; Lots Nos. 1 and 2, in block X: Lots 1 and 2in block W; Lots 1 and 2, in block Z. Also the following streets and avenues of said plat: Landin avenue and Biggs avenue tosth street; sth street from Briggs avenue to Landin avenue; all of (Austin avenue and all of 4th street, except that part of it crossed by Briggs avenue. In the matter of the petition of William Fox, Ole Wald and others, coming on to be heard at this time, praying for the es tablishment of a road in township it was ordered that A. P. Vaughn make a survey of the proposed road and L. C. Larson and J. L. Murray were appointed viewers. April 24th was set as the date for making the survey. On motion Board adjourned to meet in regular session July 2, 1895. Attest A. 11. Sliter, County Auditor Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the best satisfaction of any cough medi cine I handle, and as a seller leads all other preparations in this market. I recommend it because it is the best medi cine I ever handled for coughs, colds and croup. A. W. Bai.driikjk, Millersville, 111. For sale by all Druggists. SINGING SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. The following program will be rend ered at Odd Fellow's hall, Wednesday evening, April l Oth, by the Friday Harbor Singing class. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged and the proceeds will go to the singing school. All are invited to attend. Welcome Song, The School Instrumental Trio, —Violin, Flute, Organ Solo—Maid of Argyle Nellie Sweeney Recitation —Selected Anna O'Neil Tableau —Home Solo, Addie Dightman Pantomie Duett...Libbie Bradshaw and Bertha Dyer Tableau Trio—Vocal Libbie Bradshaw, Alice and Abbie Nichols Recitation Anna Mullis Duett—Vocal Alice and Emma Guard Tableau Song—Flower Girl Emma Nichols and Addie Dightman Solo Libbie Bradshaw Recitation Anna O'Neil Song—Katie Darling, Nellie Sweeney Character Song Walter Lampard Medley Tableau—Good Night, VALLEY GLEANINGS. A few early potatoes have been planted. Schooner Echo took a load of produce to Fairhaven last week. As we write the March winds are blowing a gentle accompaniment to the merry plowboy's whistle. Eggs have fallen to 8 cents per dozen, the lowest in the memory of our oldest inhabitants. Theegg-spectationsofour poultry raisers have fallen witli a crash. Victor Erickson and S. O. Leen are erecting a new house for H. C. Smith, at Kanaka Bay. Mr. Leen will also superintend the erection of Andy John son's new residence. Howard Conrad cut his foot badly, while slashing, last week. The Valley Baseball Club played a practice game, Sunday, at Maddens Corners. Charley Crawford, engineer at Roche Harbor, met with a severe accident. While riding a young horse, Sunday, it became frightened, reared and threw itself backward—falling heavily on Mr. Crawford, who was picked up uncon cious a few minutes later. Dr. John Kelley has rented a field of Mr. Thornton and will farm this year. A blacksmith arrived, and com menced work, in Joe Wood's shop at Four Corners. There will be a special meeting of the Valley Literary Society, at the hall, on Saturday, April 6th. A full attendance is requested as business will be tran sacted, which will be of interest to every resident of the Valley. De Habo. NEW BARBER SHOP. To the people in this vicinity I would announce that I have opened in Friday Harbor a barber shop with two chairs. Everything is clean and neat, and all my work is guaranteed first-cuss. My prices are as follows: hair cut 25 cents; Shave 15 cents. Call and see me and I will treat you as gentlemen: Have had twenty-five years experience. If you w:\nt your hair cut and haven't got the cash bring me butter, eggs, fruit, meat, potatoes or anything good to eat. Look for the new sign in front of the Ross building. Open Sunday from nine to four; week days 8 a. m. till 7 p. m. E. Sturgeon. - lit whale is the largest spe ci- ■ • ■ iiile. v. coal has possession of the Havana iu..rket. Early furnaces were sometimes blown with bellows. TiiKcii iacs of a first-class man-of war east aboat 6700,000. Tin? worLVs production of gold in 1893 was 7^23.30:: ounces. Af -PARAGus is the oldest known plant that has been used for food. Tin: earliest attempt to use iron ore la this country was in 1622, Awarded Highest Honors—World's Fair. DR, * CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre< from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 4O YEARS THE STANDARD, Stamping Pattkrns Free—All of our readers should send to the Publish ers of The Home, 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass., and get a set of their heautiful Stamping Patterns. They can be used for embroidery outlining or painting, or painting. All desirable and good size; some Bxlo, others sxß inches. There are ninety one (91) different patterns and two alphabets, one a large forget me-not pattern. With this outfit the publishers send The Home, a 16-page paper containing Stories, Fashions, etc., for 3 months, and only ask for 10 cents to cover cost of postage on patterns and paper. Our illustrated Premium List sent free to any address. NOTICE TO SETTLERS. Settlers desiring to make final proof on their claims can make their application by writing to the Isi.amikk for information. bus saving a trip to the county seat, the nly trip needed being on the day of final oof. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. f Land office at Seattle, Wash., 1 Friday, March 29, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Superior Court, at Friday Harbor, Wash., Monday, May 13, 1805, viz.: CARLOS BESTMAN Hd. application No. 119(>0, for the Nw. i Ne. i, Sw. i Ne. i, Se. i Ne. i and Lot one Sec. 12, Tp. m, N. R. 2 W., and Lot 1, Sec. 7, Tp. 3<>, N. R. 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Win. I). Schniuck, Nevvhall, Wash., Jno. G. Killebrew, Herman Mathesius and James (iuthrie of Orcas Island, \Vash. Wm. D. O'Toole, Register. First publication Apr 4, 1895. SUMMONS. TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAN -'-Juan County, State of Washington. The Northern Counties Investment Trust Limited, a corporation, plaintiff, • ;vs. John M. Howard, trustee, and Martha E. Howard, his wife, Enoch May, H. E. Waity and Mary It. Waity his wife, • Pheneas T. Raker and Andinira Baker, his wife, and Eliza Hoyt, defendants. The State of Washington to the said John M. Howard, trustee, and Martha E. How ard, his wife, Enoch May, H. E. Waity ; and Mary It. Waity, his wife, Pheneas T. Baker and Anenira Baker his wife, and Eliza Hoyt, defendants: You and each of you are hereby sum moned to appear within twenty days from and after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the Court aforesaid; and in ease of your failure so to do, judgement will be rendered against you, according to the demand of the com plaint, a copy of which is herewith served upon you. And you are further summon ed and required to answer the complaint of plaintiff aforesaid and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attor neys for the plaintiff at their ollice, rooms 1 and 2 Mount Baker Block, in Port Town send, Jefferson Co., Washington, within twenty days from and after the service of this summons as aforesaid. Smith <fc Fet.ger, Plaintiff's Atty. P. (). address, Port Townsend, Jefferson county, Washington. First publication February 7th, 1895. PROBATE NOTICE. TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE x STATE OF WASHINGTON, FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN JUAN. In the matter of the Estate of Whitmul P. Ray, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is here bygiven ,hat Robert K. McLachlan, Administrator of the Estate of Whitmul P. Ray, deceased, has render ed and presented for settlement to and filed in the Superior Court of San Juan County, State of Washington his final account as such administrator; and that Saturday, the 13th day of April, 1895, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the Court room of our said Superior Oourt, in the Town of Fri day Harbor, in said San Juan County, has been duly appointed by our said Court Commissioner for the settlement of the said Final Account, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions in writing to the said final account, and con tent the same. Witness, J. E. TUCKER, Court Com missioner for San Juan county, State of Washington. wmStm v^MLIr. A*| SAN JUAN TRADING (0., SOLE AGENTS FOR SAN JUAN COUNTY. CANS SOLD OR LEASED. NOTICE lOJI PUBLICATION. United States Land Office Skattle, Wash., MAKCu4th, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler baa tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his 4-laim, and that said proof will be made l>ef«>re the Clerk of the Superior Court, at Friday Harbor, Wash, Monday, .May 6th, 1895, viz: JOHN W. PKXSON Hd. Ap. No. 12014, for the Sw. I of Se. i Lot ;>, Sec. 1, Tp. 36, N. R. 2 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Sell muck, Neal McLeod, \> il !iam McKissock and Freeman lotteall of Newhall, San Juan county, Wash. Wm. D. O'TooiiE, Register. First publication March 14, 1895. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uxitkd States Land Office Seattle, Wash., March, 161895. VOTICE is hereby given that the follow- x * ing named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the Clerk of the Superior Court, at Friday Harbor, Wash, Friday, April 28tb 1895 viz; R. C. WILLIS. Hd. App., No. 10013 for the Lots 2, 3and 5 and S\v. i of N\v. i, of Sec. 15, Tp. 26, N. R. 1, West, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Cbas. Carlson, John Grey, Thomas Robinson and Thomas Winfield, all of (>lga, San Juan county, Wash. N. 15 Wm. D. O'Toole, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. j Land Office at Seattle, Wash., { Monday, March 4th, 1895. TffOTICE is hereby given that the 161 --•^ lowing-nanied settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of Superior Court, at Friday Harbor, Wash., Monday, May 6th, 1895, viz. WILLIAM D. SCHMUCK. Homestead application No. 12307 for the Lots 3 and 4 and Se. i Nw. J, Nw. J Se. I, Sec. 1, Twp. 3d, N. R. 2 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: John Penson, Niel McLeod, Firman lott and James lotte, All of Newhall, San Juan county, Wash. Wm. D. O'Toole, Register. First publication March 14th, 1896. SHERIFF'S SALT-. State of Washington ) County of San Juan. Under and by virtue of a certain execu tion, or order of sale, issued out of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for San Juan county, on the Bth day of February, 1895, by the Clerk thereof, in the cause wherein the Northern Counties Investment Trust, limited, a corporation, is plaintiff, and John M. Howard, trustee, and Martha E. Howard, his wife, J. E. Baker and Olive Baker, his wife, and H. E. Watty and Mary It. Waity, his wife, are defendants, No 108 and to me as Sheriff directed and delivered. Notice is hereby given, that I will pro ceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, within the hours prescribed by law for Sheriff's Sales, to-wit: at one o'clock, p. m., on the22d day of March, 1805, before the Court House of said San Juan county, in Friday Harbor, San Juan county, State of Washington, all the right, title and in terest of the said named defendants, John M. Howard and Martha E. Howard, in and to the following described real estate, situate in San Juan county, state of Wash ington, to-wit: All of that portion of the north-west quarter of section thirteen (13) in township thirty-seven (37), north of range two west of Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred and thirty-seven and one-half acres (137*), more or less, and more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: the north-west quarter (save and except the west one-fourth of the north one-fourth of the said north west quarter, containing two and a half acres), the south west quar ter, the north east quarter, and the west half of the south east quarter of said north west quarter of section thirteen aforesaid. Levied upon as the property of John M. Howard, trustee, and Martha E. Howard, his wife, the said defendants, to satisfy a judgment amounting to four thousand eight hundred and forty-five and 77-100, (31845.77) dollars, in favor of thf» said plaitiff, Hie Northern Counties Investment Trust, limited, and costs and increased costs of this suit and sale. Given under my hand at Friday Harbor Washington, this 12th day of February 189.5. Newton Joxes, Sheriff of San Juan county, Washington Date of first publication Feb. 14. TheNEWMAILStr., LYDIA THOMPSON Regular, Reliable and Safe Elegant Passenger Accommodations Runs Between Seattle and Whatcom Via. PORT TOWNSEND, And the San Juan Islands. NORTH BOUND. SOUTH BOUND. LEAVES LEAVES Seattle 2a m Whatcom 6a m Townsend 7 a m Ruche Harbor Ham Friday Har. 11:30 a m Friday Harborl2 a m Roche Har...12; p m Townsend c a m Arrive SEATTLE Arrive WHATCOM At 6 p.m. At 6 pm. THOMPSON BROS., Proprietors. The U. S. Mail Str. BUCKEYE Running Between Friday Harbor Anacortes and Whatcom. LEAVES FRIDAY HARBOR 6. A. M. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Runs via ,Orca*V East Sound Nesvhail Port Stanley, Thatcher, cStur, OJga' wffiS^lfSS cv Ae nn1 Cn° rteS; arrivin *at i On Monday, Wednesday and Friday leaves Whatcom, on the return trip, at s7x o'clock in the morning, stopping at th* points above named, and arfivinf It the Harbor at six in the evening *at the on Fb°o rarr engerandFreight rates aPP^ 1 A, NEWHAU, Proprietor. N. E. CHURCHILL. M. R. NOPTg^*. San Juan Trading Company General Merchants, Friday Harbor, Washington, CAREY A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Yarns, Notions, --GROCERIES-:- BOOTS d, SHOES WE KEEP THE BEST Grades of Flour THAT ARE OBTAINABLE We liny Direct from the Largest Jobbing Houses and Manufacturers in the Country, for Cash, and are enabled to get the Lowest Prices, besides always being sure of obtaining First-Class Goods. Again we are not Paying Enormous Expenses and can Sell You Goods at Reasonable Rates. San Juan Trading Company. W. CHATTERTON, Prop. Wm. FOWLE, Manager. Port Stanley Trading Company NEW STOCK OF Mill Feed and Wheat, Groceries and Meats, Hardware and Tinware, Glassware and Druggs, Highest Market price paid for Farm Produce and Poultry in good, fresh and cut-priced Merchandise. Port Stanley Trading Company PORT STANLEY, LOPEZ ISLAND, WASH. o o o o~b~o~5~o"o o o o~c~c"o~o osco'ooooooooq o~o~o~q'c coop The Fairhaven Lumber Co Successors to W. A. WOODIN : PROPRIETORS OF THE- FAIRHAVEN LUMBER-PLAINING Mill IS PREPARED TO FURNISH Ait KINDS OF LUMBER «wj JJWUL JCmm> JCLj JCTv -^^Large Stock Constantly on hand^^ Bills of Lumber Cut to Order, and Prices Furnished on Application Lumber at Lowest Market Prices. \Alinchcster R«pcatin g^ -r '} £■**&$? Shot^Guns r\lri!vCO| v^/fe^Wv and AmKlunition ' '^iJt'^^^'ft- Best in the World. £- V/iriCHcsT^.Avr.KcwHuvtKCoH^ Printing^ -4- -A.T THE 4- ISLANDER OFFICE