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Strong and Steady By HORATIO U.GER. JR. CHAPTER XVll.— (Continued.) He began, to replace the book .in its brown paper covering. "I s don't know One I might give you twenty-live cents more. Come, now, Ili give you two dollars and a quarter." "I can't take it," said Walter, shortly "Three dollars and a half is the price, and I will not take a cent less." f . "You won't get it out of me, then," retorted the lady, slamming the door in displeasure. Walter had already made up his ramd to this effect, and had started on his way ♦o the gate. "I wonder if I shall meet many people like her?" he thought, and he felt some what despondent. Walter began to think that selling books would prove a harder and more dis agreeable business than he had antici pated, lie had been brought face to fa«,e with meanness and selfishness, and they inspired him with disgust and indigna tion. ITot that he expected everybody to buy his books, even if they could af ford it. Still, it was not necessary to in sult him by offering half price. He walked slowly up the street, won dering if he should meet any more such customers. On the opposite side of the street he noticed a small shoemaker's shop. "I suppose it is of no use to ao in there," thought Walter. "If they won't buy at a big house, there isn't much chance here." Still he thought he would go in. He had plenty of time on his hands, and might as well let slip no chance, however small. He pushed open the door, and found himself in a shop about twenty-hve feet square, littered up with leather shav ings and finished and unfinished shoes. A bo.v of fourteen was pegging, and his father, a man of middle age, was finish ing a shoe. "Good-mornine." said Walter. "Good-morning." said the shoemaker, turning round. "Do you want a pair of shoes this morning?" "No," said Walter, "I didn't come to buy, but to sell." "Well, what have you got to sell?" "A subscription book, finely illustrat ed." "Let me look at it." He wiped his hands on his apron, and. taking the book, began to turn <jver the leaves. "It seems like a good book," he said. "Does it sell well?" "Yes, it sells largely. I have only just commenced, but other agents are doing well on it." "That's the way to talk. How much do you expect to get for this book?" "The price is three dollars and a half.'' "It's rather high." "But there are a good many pictures. Those are what cost money." "Yes, I suppose they do. Well, I've a great mind to take one." "I don't think you'll regret it., A good book will give you pleasure for a long time." "That's so. Well, here's the money." Walter was all the more pleased at ef fecting this sale, because it was unex pected. He had expected to sell a book at the great house he had just called at, but thought that the price of the book might deter the shoemaker, whose income probably was not large. During the next hour Walter failed to cell another copy. At length he managtd to sell a second. As these were all he had brought with him, and he was feel ing somewhat tired, he went back to the tavern, and did not come out again till after dinner. CHAPTER XVIII. Walter found a good dinner ready lor him at 12 o'clock, which he enjoyed the more because he felt that he had earned it in advance. He waited till about 2 o'clock, and again set out, this time in a different direction. In some places he was received politely; in others he was treated as a humbug. But Walter was by this time getting accustomed to his posi tion, and found that he must meet dis agreeable people with as good humor as he could command. One farmer was will ing to take the book if he would accept pay in apples, of which he offered him two barrels; but this offer he did noir for a moment entertain, judging thai he would find it difficult to carry about the apples, and probably difficult te dispose of then*. However, he managed to sell two copies, though he had to call at twen ty places to do it. Nevertheless, he felt well repaid by the degree of success he naet with. "Five books sold to-day!" thought Wal ter, complacently, a3 he started on his walk home. 4*That gives me six dollars and a quarter profit. I wish I could keep that up." But our young merchant found that he was not likely to keep up such sales. Tho next day he sold but two copies, and the day succeeding three. Still, for thrw days and a half the aggregate sale was eleven copies, making a clear profit oH thirteen dollars and seventy-five cents. At the end of the week he had sold twenty (opies; but to make up this number he had been obliged to visit one or two neigh boring villages. He now prepared to move en. The next place at which he proposed to stop for a few days we will call Bolton. He had already written to Cleveland for a fresh supply of books to be forwarded to him there. He had but two books left end his baggage being contained in a small valise, he decided to walk the dis tance, partly out of economy, but princi pally because it would enable him to see the country at his leisure. During the first five miles he succeeded in seilin~ both books, which relieved him of the burden of carrying them, leaving him only his valise. Walter was strong and stoat, end en- Joyed his walk. Thsre was a frsstmess and novelty about his present made of I \ Wh!^ hhelike<L He did not imagine he should like to be a book agent all his He stopped under the shade of a large plm and ate the lunch which he had brought with him from the inn. The sandwiches and apples were good, and, with the addition of some water from a stream near by, made a very acceptable lunch. When he resumed his walk after resting a couple'of hours, the weather had changed. In the morning it was bright sunshine. Now the clouds had gathered, and a storm seemed imminent. To make matters worse, Walter had managed to stray from the road. He found himself walking in a narrow lane, lined on eitlier side by thick woods. Soon the rain came pattering down, at first in small drops, but quickly poured down in a drenching shower. Walter took refuge in the woods, congratulating himself that he had sold the books, which otherwise would jave run the risk of being spoiled. "I wish there were some house nearby in which I could rest," thought Walter. The prospect of being benighted in the woods in such weather was far fiom pleasant. Looking around anxiously, he espied a small footpath, which he followed, hoping, but hardly expecting, that it might lead to some place of refuge. To his agree able surprise he emerged after a few min utes into a small clearing, perhaps half an acre in extent, in the middle of which was a rough cabin. It was a strange place for a house, but, rude as it was, Walter hailed its appearance with ioy. At all events it promised protection from the weather, and the people who occu pied it would doubtless be willing to give him, for pay, of course, supper and lodg ing. Probably the accommodations would not be first class, but our hero was pre pared to take what he could get, and be thankful for it. Accordingly he advanced fearlessly and pounded on the door with his fist, as there was neither bell nor knocker. The door not being opened immediately, he pounded again. This time a not par ticularly musical voice was heard i'rom within: "Is that you. Jack?" "No," answered Walter, "it isn't Jack." His voice was probably recognized as that of a boy, and any apprehension that might have been felt by the person with in was dissipated. Walter heard a bolt withdrawn, and the door opening, reveal ed a tall, gaunt, bony woman, who ••ved him in a manner which could not be con sidered very friendly or cordial. "Who are you?" she demanded abrupt ly, keeping the door partly closed. "I am a book agent," said Walter. "Do you expect to sell any books here?" asked the woman, with grim humor. "No," said Walter, "but I have been caught in the storm, and lost my way. Can I stop here over night if the storm should hold on?" "This isn't a tavern," said the woman, ungraciously. "No, I suppose not," said Walter; "but it will be a favor to me if you will tak? me in, and I will pay you whatever you think right. I suppose there is no tavern nearby." He half hoped there might be, for he had already made up his mind that this would not be a very agreeable place to stop at. "There's one five miles off," said the woman. "That's too far to go in such weather. If you'll let me stay here, I will pay you whatever you ask in advance." "Humph!" said the woman, doubtfvl ly, "I don't know how Jack will like it." As Walter could know nothing of the sentiments of the Jack referred to, he re mained silent, and waited for the woman to make up her mind, believing that she would decide in his favor. He proved to be right. "Well," she said, half unwillingly, "I don't know but I'll take you in, though it isn't my custom to accommodate tiav elers." "I will try not to give you much trou ble," said Walter, relieved to find that he was sure of food and shelter. "Humph !" responded the woman. She led he way into the building, which appeared to contain two rooms on the first floor, and probably the &ame number of chambers above. There was no entry, but the door opened at once into the kitchen. "Come up to the fire if you're wet," said the woman. The invitation was hospitable, but the manner was not. However, Walter v/as glad to accept the invitation, without thinking too much of the manner in which it was expressed, for his clothes were pretty well saturated by the rain. There was no stove, but an old brick fireplace, on which two stout logs were burning. There was one convenience, at least, atx>ut living in the woods—fuel was abundant, and required nothing but the labor of cut ting it. "I think I'll take off my shoes," said Walter. "You can if you want to,' said his grim hostess. He extended his wet feet toward the fire, and felt a sense of comfort stealing over him. He could hear the rain fall ing fiercely against the sides of the cabin and felt glad that he was not compelled to stand the brunt of the storm. He looked around him guardedly, not wishing to let his hostess see that he was doing so, for she looked like one who might easily be offended. The room seem ed remarkably bare of furniture. There was an unpainted table, and there were also three chairs, one of which had tost its back. These were plain wooden chairs, and though they appeared once to have been painted, few vestiges of the original paint now remained. On a shelf were n few articles of tin, but no articles of crockery were visible, except two cracked caps. Walter had before this visited thr dwellings of the poor, bat he had never seen a home so poorly provided with what are generally regarded as the neces saries of life. "I wonder what Lem would say if he should see me now," thought Walter, his thoughts going back to the Essex Clansi cai Institute, and the friend whose studies he shared. Tney seemed far away, -jk»» days of careless happiness, when as yet the burdens of life wer unfelt and soaree ly even dreamed of. Did Walter sigh for their return? I think not, except on one account. His father was then alive, and he would have given years of his own life to recall that loved parent from the grave. But Ido not think he would hsve cared, for the present at least, to give up his business career, humble though it was, and go back to his studies. He on joyed the novelty of his position. He enjoyed even his present adventure, in spite of the discomforts that attended it, and there was something exciting in look ing about him, and realizing that he v/as a guest in a rough cabin in the midst of the woods, a thousand miles away from home. , Guarded as he had been in looking around him, it did not escape without observation. "Well, young man, this is a poor piace, isn't it?" asked the woman, suddenly. "I don't know," said Walter, wishing to be polite. "That's what you're thinking, I'll war rant," said the woman. "Well, yoa'.e not obliged to stay, if you don't want to." "But I do want to, and I am very much obliged to you for consenting to take me," said Walter, hastily. "You said you would pay in advance," said the woman. "So I will," said Walter, taking out his pocketbook, "if you will tell me how much I am to pay. "You may give me a dollar," said the woman. Walter drew out a roll of bills, and, finding a one-dollar note, handed it *o the woman. She took it, glancing covetously at the remaining money which he replaced in his pocketbook. Walter noticed the glance, and, though he was not inclined to be sus picious, it gave him a vague feeling of anxiety. (To be continued.) KING HARNESSED A HORSE. Meanwhile, ltm Owner Sat By, Watching the Monarch's Work. Much-traveled people will testify that the most stupid people in the whole world are found in Mecklenburg, Germany, says the Kansas City Star. Natives of that district are said to be even more dense than the inhabitants of the county of Wiltshire, England, and that is saying a good deal. The in/habitants of both of these places will admit the Impeachment, but they do not call It stupidity; they have anoth er name for it. They have exalted it into a virtue and call it "imperturba bility." In the United States, if a country yokel didn't know the way to a town fifteen miles away, he would be accounted a fool. But in Mecklenburg the peasant one meets on the highways doesn't know, has never been there and never wants to go. That is imperturb ability. It is a mistake, however, to think that the country dullard never "scores," as the king of Wurteinburg has discov ered. Recently that royal individual went to shoot with the Grand Duke Adolphus of Mecklenburg. Accompan ied by the grand duke's eldest son they drove in a luxurious motor car to the famous deer park at Neustrelitz. On the way they came upon a country tilt-cart drawn at a snail's pace along the nairow road by a white horse. Perched on the seat were a peasant and his good wife. The chauffeur blew his horn and much to the royal party's surprise the horse began to prance briskly. As the peasant made no attempt to pull the horse and cart out of the road the chauffeur repeated the "honk, honk." The horse reared and jumped about, but strange to say, the peasant and his wife sat stolidly on the seat without any signs of excitement. Final ly the horse flopped over on its side and lay quite still. Immediately out jumped the king, the grand duke and the son of the grand duke and came running up to the fallen horse. The grand duke made a dive at the horse's head, his son grabbed the bridle and the king nar rowly escaped serious injury in unfas tening the traces while the horses's hind legs were working like flails. All this while the peasant and his good wife sat calmly on their seat and watched the royal trio perspire at their self-imposed task. Finaly after a great deal of pulling and coaxing the white horse scrambled to its feet and patient ly submitted to being reharnessed by the three pairs of hands which prob ably never before had done such hum ble work. When everything was in order again, the grand duke handed the peasant a piece of money. "There, there, my good man," be said. "It's all right this time, anyhow. Now you can tell your cronies that the grand duke and his son picked up your horse, and the king of Wurtemburg helped them." The Retort Courteous. An official of the Department of the Interior tells of an incident at one of the government schools for the In dians. A patronizing young'woman of Cin cinnati was being shown thr«ugh toe institution, when she came upon a fine looking Indian girl of perhaps 16 years of age. The Indian girl was hemming napkins, which the girl from Cincin nati watched for some moments in si lence. Then she said to the Indian, "Are you civilized?" The Sioux raised her head slowly from her work and glanced coldly at her interrogator. MNo," she replied, as her eyes agaifl sank to her napkins; "are you?" The man* who tells tiresome stories usually has a big strong • voice, - lots of (determination, and gets to the' en<? iSfwtte of interruptions. . SCENES AT THE GOTNESS "DEATH FARM" HEAB IA POBTE, DTO. THE LA FORTE MURDER FARM. There Read Like a Story- of the Mid-Centuries. Like a chapter from the bloody rec ords of the mid-centuries is the ter- rible story unfolded by the authorities of La Porte, Ind., where wholesale mur der was done for years without anyone knowing or suspecting It. Criminal rec ords contain nc parallel of the grew some story revealed in the finding of the clearing house for murders kept by Mrs. Belle Gunness near the Indiana town. Just how many persons met their fate in connection with the bloody business carried on there will perhaps never be known. The skeletons dis covered on her premises and the fact that expressmen had many times de livered to her boxes and trunks now believed to contain human bodies form the chief materials for the construction of the strange story of her career. She is supposed to have lured rich men to Jier den by matrimonial advertisements and then made away with them for their money, and also to have run a murder "fence" for the benefit of her partners in the awful trade of human slaughter, the latter operating in Chi cago and sending the bodies of their victims to her for burial. It is the theory of the prosecution that Mrs. Gunness deliberately lured men to her farm by means of an advertisement in a Chicago newspaper, in which she represented herself as an attractive and amiable widow looking for a mate. She alleged that she was the owner of a valuable farm and sought a well-to-do farmer as a husband. After a visit from such a candidate she generally in duced him, it appears, to sell his farm and come to her with the proceeds of the sale, at which time she would de liberately murder him and bury his V>dy en the premises. For years this strange woman Is »«al(1 to have conducted her murder mill. while her neighbors remarked upon her good humor and her children mingled with others of their age in the neigh borhood. And the end of this record of. crime and mystery is shrouded In 2*2 JI2I. WIL LIJS/I /TETTER^. uncertainty. A fire which destroyed the Gunness borne also disclosed the fact that her three children had either been murdered before the fire or that they had perished in the flames. In some respects the methods of Mrs. Belle Gunness seem similar to those of the infamous Bender family in Kan sas. Yet it is doubtful if the blood thirsty Kate Bender in her palmiest dnjTß was over equal to the awful crimes that are laid at the door of the Gunness woman. The story of the La Porte murder farm recalls the noto- rioos doings of the Bender family in Montgomery County, Kan., about forty years ago, and the famous case of Henry H. Holmes, who swindled insnr ino» companies and was held respon- CHECK. .FHOWIHtf TH»T HLL^rta P "WITHIXfcEIi/ 2LL OP HIS" S!AVIXt&. | jible for the murder of quite a long list 3f persons. He was hanged in Phila delphia. The Benders, husband and wife and son and daughter, were sap. posed to have murdered nine or tea persons and buried the bodies In the vicinity of their home, robbery being their motive. The Benders mysteri ously disappeared and their fate is un known, although rumora were abroad at the time that Indignant citizens put an end to their infamous careers. COFFEE A3 WEDDING GUT. Peculiar Custom Which la General . In Coffee-Raising Countries. **We have a custom in the coffei raising countries," said Senor Joaquim Nabucco, the Brazilian ambassador to the United States, "which Is unknown in other parts of the world. When a child is born in the coffee country, a sack of the best grain is get aside as part of the inheritance, to be re ceived on attaining its majority. Usu ally the sack is the gift from some close friend or relative, and it Is guarded as sacredly as If it were i gift of gold or bonds. No stress would induce a Brazilian parent to use cof fee which was made the birth gift of a child. As a rule It is sealed with the private seal of the owner and bean a card giving all particulars about the variety of grain, its age on being sack ed and the birth of the child to whom It is given, and other details wbicb are very interesting when the gift ii due. "Generally the coffee is opened for the first time when the child marries. The coffee for :.the reception or mar riage feast ;is made 'from the legacy,* and, according to precedent, this must be the first time;i the sack Is' opened/; After the coffee Is made for the wed ding feast the sack is carefully closed and sent to the > new home of the young couple, and should keep them In this staple for : a year at least. When both bride and bridegroom have the birth] gift Si of coffee they have started lift under very hopeful f conditions, so far: as one necessary is concerned. Few IKiople 1 know : that ■-t he older the un parched grain of coffee Is the better the ! flavor. Like v wine it grows witii age,;? and that which r ls over twenty years '■ mellowing under ■ \ proper condi tions will bring :'i from $1.50 to $3 a pound from connoisseurs. The giving of pounds of green coffee Is a com mon practice in the coffee belt Friends exchange; these gifts i and compare re-,, suits.; When one cannot afford to giro 'a j sack of coffee It k frequently is the case that ten pounds of the best green is packed |injj a fancy case and bestow ed on a newly born child, wtih direc tions that it must not ■ be opened until ' the wedding day."—New York Pre» - Practice Makes Perfect. ; • At \ the appointed time Edwin Jon" had called at his] best girl's home, but ; somehow Miss Wrinkle was not there , to greet him. - '',; ' He seated himself in the .drawing room and anxiously awaited her >M rival. I Presently the door opened; but, ala»! It was i only her eight-year-old broth* "Hello!" exclaimed Edwin. "Is 7°* sister busy?" . £ "She seems so," replied the you* ster, "but I don't know just what thinks she's doing. She's standlnfji front of the mirror, blushing Just a*** and whispering to It. "Oh, 5 Mr. Jon* this is so suddenr\ ——————— — — ■•;■••• -:?•■■-;Tke Situation. "Are jot able to keep a girl?... I : "Financially, ;• yes. . Diplomatic^ Pittsbiirg Post* When a woman buys sometninf ■* cannot , really - afford, she condone* » fault by doing without something *j did not Intend to buy, anyway. a'l\ '*' " * :I: ', ~."\ l ,* ;