Norj h west J^nterpr^ise ANACOKTBS AUGUST 10 1884 Tl.lo Tr«t>le. iFun l tiMierf tie Vpitid Corel Pnrv** tor Milp Ilurbor, ci tnvlrte, Corfectud wuckly.) aidll VATKR. j Low WATER. it*. | Tim* j ; | Time ( 5 ( Tim- j % | Tim- ! I Aug. It; I ,o, lU . O. 17 I 3.53 I H 1145 IK| 6 te. 1-1 I 744 | 8 M IS I . . ( . | 111 9 7.39 -1 j 9.01 I 7 •• )!> j 0.47* 1 7 6 ‘fi * I 1/2 | 7 | A.:i6 |si 9.10 I-1 I 10.40 ( 6 •• I 5.f.3 (7 | 5R2 i»; 946 -I 11.14 4 '• 1 4.13 J7 I C.12 lit'lOoS I 111.42 1 « To get tho tide at WdrUoiu <*ur« thirty inlnntta Kfiniukmoo, listy uinntcu lutor. «nd Lscon i.vurnor ly twu kJ by • (a.M.), tliuau !*!••*» noon and midnight by 1. (P.*,) «h. 00m. *■ '.loti' tew midnight, 0(*0m. J. denote* noon. IIKir.F IfKKTIOK. Tho fine new Clsiyfou building in Seattle has been destroyed by fire. The price offered fir bops m tbe San Francisco market recently is only 25cts per poind, but growers ouk 30cls. '1 here arc no tales report. Brother Ewing of the Skagit News paid a flying visit to the En terprise Office on Thursday, and has gone on a trip to Orcas Island. .Mr.J. B Jenkins is patting up « handsome resilience on Guemcs Island, across the channel from Ana. cortes. i'o not talk of yourself either well nr evil; because in the former ease no one would believe you, and in the latter everybody would.—Confu cius. Tbo crops on Giicmos. and all the San Juan Inlands, will be good this season. Fruit of every variety is vtry abundant, and of excellent quality. Bishop Paddock of W. T.. and the Jiev. Mr. Norvins of Olympia, will hold divine service at Anacor- T es on Tuesday, Aug. 19th at 3 P. il. AH are respectfully ivitod to attend. Judge Greene’s-court mot at La* Conner on Tuesday, Aug. 12, but the county of Skagit ia so notorionly free from all cases needing adjudication that the court was immediately dis missed wiicr the grand and petit juries had been called. Let any county that has a better record to show than this, speak out. M*«* Meeting at JtCnnt Sound. The members of the Orcas Islau d Anti-Chinese League will hold a grand Mass Meeting at East Sound, on Thursday, Sep. 4th. commencing at 7 o’clock P. M, AT ter the meeting a Sapper and Ball will l»e given, free to all. The in habitants of the neighboring islands and mainland are cordially Invited to attend. ScoecMon to F. W WUSTITOFF, Fstute, .rnuBKRS t>T HAFDWAKE, CUTLERY GUNS, Sporting Goods, Ship Chandlery,, Logger's Supplies, IKON, STEEL COAL & BLACKSMITH’S JOOLS CAKmOES, WAGONS AND FUMING TOOLS OK KVNkY IIBSOKII’TION —Sole Agents lor— Tli« CSriant O-rsxnite Powclor A'B ClNffSHaril PI RE & BCP.OLAB PB-OP RIVE*. yjcA/r'n.ii:, w. r, P. O. Box 711. w. K co * Have the Oulj Real mmm bt In nnKhlnelß* Territory, JP'ifxn.oH and Or^aiiK, And all Kinds of M'.tried) Instruments. SOT.E AOKNCT POU THE CELRURATED FIALLETT, DAVIS A GO’S SQUARE GRAND and CABINET UPRIGHT PIANOS —TAYLOR & FARLEY and STANDARD ORGANS. {l4 {fs*** 91 f l«W Jafcea la JhAws*. A Large Ahiortment of Music Books ard Sheet Music. Tuning and Repairing a spe cialty. • oliaan's Row. Front st. Ncatttc. HTSend for catalogues. ISMf »iraLVOUB DEBILITY! I*6. fc. C. WUT'a KKIiVK AKD r.r AIK . f»>T mrnt, a ffuarantra4 •p*»c%fio for itrM> Nervous Nmrilfih, OwOkekM Nervous Pvostmtion caused tytl.ccte of alcohol or Waktfaliieee, Mealal premioD, Boftwist of the Prawn vc.\M'-» win swiity a*»d leading to winery, d cey ai d dcoth, i'n u4Ri tro Old Am*, Pawt nesa, Loss of poner in eiltior »•*. Involuntary i* **>-«. »r« t i ormat errheoa xuaod by overexert k«i of nbn«e or r*fh lx* tot-taine ! one mo th's tn*ata»wit. h«is. crMiboxee ITM> 1 to core aey case. With oorb k* T 1 for six bo-.a*. nccotnjienysd With tWX *• tend the nm-liaser our written siuiruuteu fund the- mor.ey if fix* treatment uoee not aneot a cum. O.wuwntc**** isnted oT.lvby wooi>Ai:i>,< f»nrii AJ V t*t>. r igatilft rtuiacL Xoct.-xi* ronn ami. okkccx. Ordure by aailw.U rov-.vo in. mi* ulUmticn. OThe rrvr.n> Gnnr Is Is sued March aud Sept,, each year: 2lf> fcjxllj mdu-s, unit over J5,JtK> ii lustful ion* — a whole pic ture gallery. Gh it. whwio saJe prices rff/rct to on til for personal or family use. Telia h*w to order, ami give* exact tost of every thing you use, chi, drink, v«ir, or have fun «i:h. These iiivaliuiile books con tain information gleaned from flic av»t» kefs of the world. Wo will mail a cope Free to any addrnwnpon receipt of the postage —7 cents. la* cs hear from you. Kempectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO acr Jt sat wuuk i(u«, (Uni*. in. JK. p . jBoWMAH. H°TW P^UC For "W:ts;lt., r JTev,. All Icral paper# carefully prepared • AuacorlcsW. T. NEW IIB1! Bowman «fe CMMte, (SUCCESSORS TO BOWMAN & OAKLEY.) RETAIL DEALERS IN toil* 1 ! M'ereliuiicll^e COME AND SEE ÜB. - ft t-*?“nipliest prices pud for all kinds of Produce. Oil. Fnre, Ifidcc. efo. BOWMAN & CHILDS, Anucortcs W. T. SAN JUAN ARCHIPELi\QO LIfJE CO. Of PORT LANGDON, OECAS ISLAND V/. T- Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GBOGBBIIB, DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES HARDWARE, m pmwwmwmF- Commission Dealers 1 ? NEW MODEL. SIX-SHOT^, 44-cai. WITH SHELL EJECTOH. >^\^^ MADE IN BEST 81 Vt MANNER iATtSFACTIOM. *" d ° f ; !. E FHUHIM,- SOLB ACENTB for remington & SONS. SPORTING ARMS & AMMUNITION, western opfice, 281 & 283 BROADWAY, Xvvx D* H. LAMB EPSON A CO. f W r W YQB -73 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. IU. * ‘ Abmobt— ILION, N. Y* , JOHNSON & FIELD, f MAStTACITREM OF The Racine Farm and Warehouse Fanning Mills. Theae Dale heated UUl* bam lane bam Ufwd by the fVmei« Mid most prom (bent Miller* ana Grain deakn in tie Cnitad |X Stat*-a, who moumcnii them as being the MMaSMlmivnWßr ‘-.'iW. S . 1 m.rr Marbinee ever produced for cloiolM Urf' am! grading Wheat, bailey. Data. Corn and Seed* cs' every description. They do ths )IRMWL' ; 1 wcrk more perfectly and hare greater . tf/jfrwffgHß ffj ijiiJu.., capacity than any ocher machine*. They are atroogle lull*, of the very he*, malartalr, highly in (shed. and provided »ltb Mipealar Attachment*. HU- • a and IftaPl are made in three diOere-nt jlxea. one fee \ Farm m, and wo ter wareboesa %r Miller ■( a*e. They are wAtaimt** to glra jUTtrPcC |( "A|S^r TiMI. QVH CofreapoaSbnea aoHctted and daarrlrtlwi drauiar and ptica Hat rent tree oa apylca-