OCR Interpretation

Northwest enterprise. [volume] (Anacortes, Wash. Ter.) 1882-1887, January 30, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085204/1886-01-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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AN T VPO RTF* .. J\NFARY 50. 1 «S6
.las. Sweeney, nctlug *s agent for
JVM Osborn A to. brought suit
At Friday Harbor hat week on a
promissory not© at -Si 14, against
George and Eliza Jeckel, of San
Juan Island. Judgement, includ
ing cost*, lawyers tees and interests
was given for 8234, a little over
twice the amount of the note, which
sum was finally paid. It does not
pay to get in debt and then refuse
to pay the nebt.
While the recent blir.zard seemed
like a new climatic departure from
the even tenor ol its way, we can
congratulate ourselves that we
fared well by comparison with oth
•r localities far south of us, While
our coldest Jay ranged from about
9up to 20 degrees, in Kan, and
Mo. from 10 to 12 degrees farther
south, it ranged from 24 deg. up to
zero, with a 36 hours gale in places
blockading every avenue ot travel.
And in southern Pa. east ef the
Allegbauies on the oth, lust, they
bad the worst snow blockade since
1857 with a temperature 10 to 15
deg. below zero.
Mr*. Lizzie D. Fyl*r, who is said
to be tbe only woman ever admitted
te the bar in Arkansas died a tew
day* ago at ber home id Eureka
Springs.—Greenfield (Mo.) Vedette.
Mrs, Fyler was ones sol-
icited to com* to Seattle to find
• field for her talents untramoled
by h«r uxi 6ke was a prominent
woman suffragist, and a brilliant
speaker and writer on temperance-
At the National Woman's Eights
convention at Washington some two
years ago, she was personally com
plimented by Fred. Douglass and
ether dignitaries for her advocacy
of her csss*. At tbe time of ber
death she was engaged in tbe de
fence of an unfortunate woman fo r
(he murder of her child, in which
her sympathies were fully enlisted.
The tug Holyoke w! ich was run
aground on Haverkast’s lagoon last
week had a narrow escape from
sinking In deep water on Burrows
Bay. She struck Bird rock, which
Is located in tbe Rosario Straits
south of Allen and west of Bresce
Point, Pidaigo island, staving a
large hole in her bottom. Bird
rook is a dangerous isolated rock
located in the track of vessels pas
sing through the Rosario straits
and should have a light bouse and
fog horn placed upon it, to prevent
such disaster as the one that has
happend to the Helyoke, which
caused her to fill so rapidly that she
had barely time 10 reach tbs beach,
on the lagoon till the fires were
pot out by the water rising in her
held. The tug Blakeley and the
steamer Virginia went to the as-
sistanee of the disabled tug and
took her to ISeattle for repairs.
Judge Lewis’Apportioam ont Bill
which places tho six important
coon tits of Skagit. Whatcom, Is*
land, San Juan, Jefferson and Clal*
Imbs. in one Council District with
only oro Cooncilmen to represent,
them in the Legislature, meets with
universal condemnation from tie
. Lower Sound press. This sweep
ing and unjust disregard and be
littlemeat of a large and Import an*,
section of the territory. Centro*
inf as It does around the Straits of
Fuea, which is the gateway and
outlet of all the commerce of I'uget
Bound, as well as that of the Georg.
ian Gul* indicates a narrow and one
aided view of the great interns of
this important section. A. much
more reasonable and just apportion
ment of this region would bo to
write Skagit, Whatcom and San
Juaa counties in one District, and
Jefferson, Ciellon and Island in
( MASK Tl.MliiOli LAND.
Umitkk Status Dutkict Land Okkick,
Olympia, Washingtt.i Ttnibuy. Notice
is hereby given tlir t, in compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress .«]>-
proved June I{, ■ 878, entitled "An Act for
the s;i!e of 'limber Linds in the Slates
of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash
ington Territory,” Frank A Graham, of
Skagit County, Washington Territory,
has this day filed in this office Ins nppli*
cation to purchase the SKJ of SKI of
Section No. 27 in Township No. 55
Noith, Harge No. 1 East of the WiW
lan.ette Meridian.
Any and all parsons claiming adversely
the said described 1 md, or any portion
thereof, tire hereby required to file their
claims in this office within sixty (50) days
from date lit roof.
Given under my hand, at my office in
Olympia, W. T.. this 2nd day of Dec*
ember, A. D., 1885.
John F. Gowf.y,
58 iOw Register of the Land Oflicc.
j *333 Btttery street, Sm Fraucisco.
Agency for Comer's U. S. Type Foundry,
New York, and the great Wus tern Type
lounrliy, Chicago. All type cart on the
Aliquot system of bodies. Presses from
all reliable makers. Every icquisite ol
a printing nliiee fuiuished at closest
prices lor cash. New Specimen Book,
now in preparation, will be sent when
completed. Write for estimates.
N. C. Hawks, 323 Battery St., S. F
y, y• y MITH J3 O N
an* {asliri
Wacbcs Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and
D iamoiids.
fyWn do all kinds of Ylstrb Biirt Jewplry repai
in#. Make Notarial ami other seals. Do all kiutls
of engraving and Stunoil cutting, and parantee sat
isfaction in all cases: 708 Front, Street.
61 6 m Seattle, W, T.
U. S. LAND OFF VK at Olympia, W. T.
August 38, 1885.—Notice is hereby civen that
Joseph (J. Warner has Hied notice of intention
to make dual proof before the Probate Judge,
or in hisabsenee theClcrk ofthe Probate Court,
at his office, in Friday Harbor, W.T., on Friday
the 80th day of Oetobei, A. D. 1885, on lio Be
stead Application, No 5170 for the ST)* of
KWV; of of See II and NE> of ME
of Sec. 14 Tp 85 X, H 3 west.
He names as witnesses; W. C Mnilc,
A. Clark, K. J. Hummell and John Spur
of Lopez island, P. 0., W. T.
35-0 w J i.lic Go we ; } ■j, »•
• U, 1885.—Notice Is hereby Riven that Edau
klathwsou hag filed notice of Intention to make final
pntof before the Clerk of the Probate Court, at bin
office in Friday Harbor \V. T. on Monday th- Blh
day of February A. D, 1886. on Pre-emption D. £■
No. 96X8, for tho Lot 4of Has. 23 Tp 36 N, 11 4
He uamea as witnesses: John M. Izett, Edwin
TJrook, Adam Davidson sod Colin Uuas all of
Ito iche U irbor VI. T.
40 JOHN F GOWEY Register.
• Jan. 11 1880.—Notice la hi reby Riven that
Wlktor Eriksson baa filed notice of Intention to
make final proof before tba Clerk of tbe Probate
Court, at htH office. In Friday Harbor. W. T., on
I'bursday, the 4th day of March. A. D. 1888, on Pre
emption D. 8. No, 8264 for tho NE* of SW* of Sec,
14 Tp. 35 N. R 3 West,
He names as witnesses; James Kbiß. Ambrose
r.artz, Peter Drown and E. Erickson all of Friday
Harbor W T.
45 ttw John F. Oowey, Register.
Ton an> allowed a free trial of thirty dayn of the
£•*’ of Dr. Dye’e Celebrated Voltaic Belt wits
Xlactrtc Buipennor . a >pllanoes for the speedy
- ISF.and permanent cure of Servenu TtobUity. lose
of I itality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles.
Also for many other diseases. Complete restora.
Mon to Health. Vigor and Manhood guaranteed.
Mo risk la Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet in Mealed
envelope mailed free, bv addressing
VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich.
Wa*;lllnf on CoH■ ’tr e
YOUNG HjEft iiftd EUIS.i
Jjoniding aud Ihiy l’ ll !’' l *’
By fi munificent gift of <50,000 from
Mr. C. ii. Wright, of Philadelphia, for the
endowment of the institution, witli the
generous contribution of SIO,OOO by the
citizens of Tncomi, and tile liberal it of
Christian men and women of the* Last,
h commodious and well appointed building
has Item erected and ti College founded
(or the education ol the young met) unci
boys of this Coast.
The building stands on n high and
Healthy site, surrounded by spacious
grounds, is heated with furnaces, is sup
plied with hot and cold water and bath
rooms, and is thoroughly ventihmd.
Tlie dormitories have been arranged so
that each boarder may h ve a room by
himself. Teachers occupy rooms adja
cent to the pupil-; anti, at »fll times, « xcr
rise a fatherly rare and watehlullncbSov
er those committed to their tinst. At
meats. teachers and pupils sit at the same
table, forming one lairtily.
Professor John Tail takes charge of the
Institution. He brings an eminent reput
ation and large experience and will be
assisted by thoroughly competent iu
stiurdors m every depart nent.
Mrs. Tnit will, herself supervise the
household, mid parents may will) con
fidence, entrust their younger sons to her
motherly cure.
The remainder of this school year will
be dcvided into two twelve
weeks each.
The tiiat term will begin on JabU iiy 7lh
and end on M;m h Jl-t J,'■•£(».
The second tun will begin on April
Ist, and cud on June liord.
Bonrd, furni*'Vf'T room, tuition, nn- hinn
dry service lur twelve vveiks
Vocnl or Tnstnunpntnl Mmjho; privnteMes-
Hnna if. 18
Harmony or Vocal Music, iu class . 0
Use nf piano, one h 'ur per day 4
Water Colors 9
Drawing and Crayon 6
Oil Painting 12
Incidentals and use of Models 1
Appl cation lur admission or for fur'.licr
information, may ho addressed' to ;
Tac'*ma, Wasp. Tub.
The Best Newspaper in America,
and by far the Most Readable.
Agents wanted everywhere to earn
money in distributing the Sun's Pre
The most interesting and advanta
geous offers ever made by any News
No Subscriber ignored or neglected
something for all.
Beautiful and Bubat#atial Premiums in
Standard Gold and otherWatcbea,Valuable
Books, the Best Family Sowing Machine
known to the trade, and an uncqualed list
of objects of real utility and instruction.
It a tea, by Mail, Postpaid:
DAILY, per Year (without Sunday) $6 00
DAILY, per Month (without Sunday) 50
SUNDAY, pffr Year ... 100
WEEKLY, per Year ... 100
k ddrau, THE 8l’!C, New Tork City,
U. 8. Land Ofpick at Olympia, W. T.
Sep. 71885. —Notice is hereby given that John
W. Modie has filed notice of intention to make
final proof before the Judtre, or in his absence,
the Clerk of the Probate Court,at his office in
Friday Harbor, W. T. on Saturday the 7th day
of November, A. D. 1885, on Homestead Ap
plication No. 3140, for the WW of SE}{; BEV
of SEI/ of Sec. 81, To 37 aud Lot il of Sec. <i
Tp3ti N, R H West.
Henam sas witnesses; Jolm T. Oldham,
Edward Hitcliins- William Harlton and O. N-
Aldon all of Great Island W. T.
27-0w John F. Gowey, Register.
esy-than «'anvthlna «U*
I p j au nteocy for M!.e i, M n.
YV XJUi! lM « o.K. Hi-itlnuera aaoevd
Craudly. N ..is mil. Terms lies
llan.nr Hook Co I'iotlui.ii, Mxlus*
An pj nr * ! * <«■«!« r,,,
t I • I / r" «"> l nveir,
I I \ • I—a e freo, u conlv box of
• i * . which will
h.'p yaa tamer, m m.;/ ri,hl away than unyllili.il
el.- ein liila w. rid. All. • f ►Him- sen. an.-, ~ i
first hour. lb. hroa.. road to Minus i m; ,
worknid. 6:>» h)tElr aur«, At oik* addm**
kM\J K \ Co, Asiatic 16, ditUUE. *
. «* ** V) «, -
a dvi:rti jv i:\ g.
O-icc. ’jl ISS5 —N ti I ii-e Ulnit by pvrii tl a
]):i!lb IH. nWl‘Ul|i|{>T Il!l1 fill'll |l Ijrt. Nt llllcl.lll'll
tiimike liiiiil pr int bi-inr ■ ihf CU-rk nil) si net Court
at hisufUi'c, iii Pm t Tdwiibi nil W. T on Wnliu—day
flm lO'h (lay of Feburary, A. \) IbSti, on Tr<‘-
vmtion l>. S No. tiling, for tile Lots it ami I unit W >4
ol SE' 4 .«f Stv.aa Ip. J7N, U 1 Wist.
Ho names as witm-sses: James Tulloeh, Jamb-
U. Carpenter, Oharlus U S. tz r »;.<i John Carl all
of Fust Sound W. 1.
[ 42 tiw JOHN F. GOWEY Keguttr.
14, 1886.—Notice is hereby sslvcn that Louts Oiiyoit
' has Hied nolle* of intention to make Huai oof be
fore the Clerk of the Probate Co>’rt, at hia office, in
Friday liarhor, W, T., on f-atur’.ay, tin 1 tth day of
February, A. D. 1 SK»>, on Pre-emptl m I), s. No.
tmilf. fur the Lot 7 of 8«e, (i and Lots 1, (3, (i, 7 and b
of Scc.J" Tp. i 6 N. It. 2 West-
He names as wiinesaes! Datii 1 Snlivan William
Miller and Peter Laplnnt of On aa Island W. T. and
Martin Miller of Friday Harbor W. T.
41 Cw JOHK F. GOW EV,Register
Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Bprnco
Street), where ftdver- IfARI/
wsrw."S Wen lORK.
Stop Rrugging
We will send you the Formula for making
the famous Compound OXYGEN HOME
TREATMENT, a positive cure for Con
sumption, Bronchltas, Asthma, Catarrh,
Hay Fever and all Blood Diseases of either
•ex, from whatever cause, or we will send
you the Formula and a two months treat
ment with Inhaler for 13,00. Send In letter
fit our risk. Address,
'*. .. }so Dearborn Hit* CHICAGO.
NTBON Bwutfca Ibis F*p*r,
nf« you buy a IlnoU ofi Bfftreuee,
H H you don't want to pay or a lot ol .»•-
If Hilt i«f« wold* that si-r.s purr
4. e tha v'' 1 ' me bp -t. and to give Ja * 1
H s . i* »■! nto .tli* oeol 1
i u OulU - t i.-llluu to be l
__ Vjiu lea wuiJoMpubi
The Little Encyclopedia
Ot Evtrj-Dty Facts
Pablt»h«d by Tito Co-operative M»''k Con c c ""' '
and 38ft Broadway, Nr,w o ’ ( ,, ril
ret all r racil«al.pariM»Bea, a* tnu. bm« ■ *J
h out ol the l»te" qaarlo vein es of M
pag'e which ere -old all ovcithc country, I
if, if) amt upwards. ~ ,
II re are B lew of the things it telle™.
POLITICAL S'ACTS: —Declaration “f l u“' «
ConstitUticß of tlm lit t ed Hut**; O
tb- United states Gavcriini.nl; tie®
*ach fcU't.e, with number of voters. tt
nnmlttr of senators and repr. snitstivlme g tn
legislature!.; United 8 t*tvs and i tatc (-flic *
ar.es, etc, i
GEOGUAPHICAI. FACTS;—Arcta of v r-n „ T *
trie*, stafss and Territories; C nil arativo Is - »). t
rivers and height of mountains; Seaport, “ a
and Chief Towns; Vocabulary ol «*
Terms, etc. ...
UIBTOUJCAL FACT*.—Synopsis ef America ms
lory front 1492 to K'Bs; Brief Hl-ton** of other
BIOGBaPHIOALI ACTS:— Biographical Dictionary
of Distinguished Persons, with Notes of their
Principal Works, Inventions, aud Achievements.
Lt.GAL FACTS:—Principles of Common Law,
l.aws relating to Business. Marriage, Contracts, etc;
Special Stale Laws; liilenst Laws; Statutes of
l.liulta’ioii; Dhvotlons for Obtaining patents;
Forms for Wills, Bonds. Deeds, Assignments, olid
Legal Papers of all kinds.
OUMMSBCUL FACTS:—Commercial Terms and
Agents; Statistics of Fo cign Comiuiircs; Vocabtt*
la:y of Business Tortus; Stocks aud Stock Brokers,
MATHEMATICAL FACTS:-Tables of Weights ami
Measures; luieivat Tables; Geometrical D« flultions;
Mesanmucutsof Land; Practical Rule* for Calcu
lations Measurements and estimates of all kinds.
STATISTICAL FACTS:—Pojiuialion. Heath Rate,
Comparative Size, Rainfall. * to., of varioua parts of
tlm United States, and of tho World. Average value
of land In various States and Terri tori' a; Numbor
of Farm, in each Stale; Statistics of Occupations
uud Production; Population slid Debt of Cities;
Newspaper, Railroad, and Telegraph Statistic*;
TabU v of Morta Itv ; Statistics of Wages, etc.
SCIENTIFIC FACTS: —About Heat, Light, Sound,
Air, Water, Steam. Ice, llniu. Snow, the Tides, etc.
MISCELLANEOUS FACTS:—Nutritive values of
different foods ; Working powers of Man and Ani
mals, in various occupations; Comparative Weights
of various snlist nces; Melting and freezing Tem
)-e atnres; Values of different kinds of Fuel; Useful
houaa'ioia receipts; Rules for combining Colors;
What to do iu Emergencies; Information for the
tarmand for various Trades; How to Enter the Civil-
Service; Rules of Etiquette; .-elections for Auto
graph Albums, etc.
And a thou and other Facts of every sort and
IS SLL ftjtS
We think it la. If you think so too, stud Fifteen
Cents to The Co-operative Book Concera, 3H4 ami
UHC Broadway, New York, and you will receive a
copy by return mall.
Or If you want a copy for nothing get fiva of jour
frieriln to buy the book, and uud, on seventy-five
«lit*, ami you will recievo six copies, one for each
of your friends aud one tor a 1 f
a MM?
*wnod March and Sept..
eaeK year. 49* Ml 6 nave*.
*>£ * UJj lnehci,wlth over
3JBOO illustrations - m
whole Picture Gallery.
GIVES Wholesale Prices
direct to consumers on all goods for
personal or IkuHy use. Tells how to
order, and gives exact cost of every
thing yon use, eat, drink, wear, or
have fon with. These HTVAX.UABLR
HOOKS contain Information gleaned
team the markets of the world. We
Will mall a copy FREE to any ad
dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defrae
expense of mailing. L*( as hear from
lon. -V Respectfully,
991 Oc itttf} V. abash Avenue, Chicago, Hi.
cmr-• irni
Le Rlch^u’rfloldtipßtliitaj,,,,
I Cures Chancrae, first and steond mZLI
t Bores cn the Legs and Body: fan t!?
Eyes, Nose, etc., Copper-colorsd Blotch,*
Syphilitic Catarrh, dtfoastd S»lp ,Vd Ul
'E rfl Vn ry ,0 « m ! of l h ® dIM *M kn.wa as
Syphilis. Prlra, is 00 par Battle
h* Blthen i Golden Dalian ffa ■
, Cures—Tertiary, MercurlalSyphlllUo Ifa'J
] mat Ism. Tains in the Rones, Talus ia ifa
J Head, back of the Neck. Uieeratsd gam
Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps and m 2
tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs and
eradicates ail disease from ths systiaT
whether caused by indiscretion . or abaH
of Mercury, leaving ths blood purs m 2
healthy. Price |S OO per BottleTT
L« Hlchau’s Golden Spanish Anil*
dote for the cure of Oonorrhaa, OUet
Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Osn?
tal disarrangements. Prise Mif nee
Le Rlchan’s Golden flpanish la.
lection, for severe eases of Ooaorrhaa,
Inflammatory Gleet, Pries
•1 RO per Bottle.
Le Hlchan’e Golden Olntaeai
for the effective healing of Syphilitie fans
and eruptions. Price $i 00 per Bex!
Le Hlchan’e Golden Pilie— Herrs
and Brain treatment; lom of physioal m*>
or, exccM or over-work, Troelrattoa. sla
Price «8 00 per Box., ’
Tonic and Nerwlne, .W
Sent everywhere, 0. 0. T .'isoont/ Miidi
per express. —• - ' ’
C. F. RICHARD* ft CO.. Aseela
127 h 420 Sansome street, Corner clay,
Xl Han Francisco, Oal.
Boys and Girls!
Xallonnl Tonlh -A handsoaia l|| as .
frated 8 |»k« paper, brim lull of (ntaraatUir atari#
for boys and Kirin, will ba «ant fr-a for ana aalira
year to every one who aanda at at onca tha aaataa
<•« 12 boys and «irla of diffarant families, aad l|
two cent stamps for noateya, Ire. Thta aaaalai
publication i>l»nses both old and yonng, a»4 la aa<
know lodged by all aa tha bast yonth'a paper la
America, b'-Kular price, tt nar annnra, Bead saw
ho ast secure next number. Addraaa,
Tua National Yoma.
Unfala.V. V
BOY 01
the Fucu Straits and
Add i’f»#
Anac«rt* , Y
j {
W .T.

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